PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 64, NO.5, MAY 1 976 581 Surface Acoustic Waves and SAW Materials ANDREW J. SLOBODNIK, JR., MEMBER, IEEE Abstract-Material parameters necessary for optimum design of sur­ face-acoustic-wave (SAW) devices are reviewed_ Velocity, coupling coefficient, power flow angle, temperature coefficients, propagation loss (including air loading, diffraction, and beam steering), and equiva­ lent circuit parameters are considered. A brief introduction to the na­ ture of surface waves is followed by sufficient theoretical information to allow full understanding and derivation of the properties and pa­ rameters cited above. A convenient tabular summary of important CELAYEC ELECTROMAGNETIC ELECTROMAGNETIC INPUT OUTPUT f SAW material properties is included. PIEZOELECTRIC MATERIAL INTRODUCTION A � TRANSCUCE � � tions of surface-acoustic wa e (SA W) su strate aterials � . , is essentlal for the realizatlOn of effiCient deVlce per­ formance. SAW device design up to microwave frequencies. Included will be SAW velocity, coupling constant, power flow angle (the slope of which determines the extent of beam steering and diffraction), temperature coefficients of velocity and de­ lay, capacitance per unit length of interdigital transducers, equivalent dielectric constant, propagation loss (including air loading, diffraction, and beam steering losses), and a brief mention of mass loading. A convenient tabular summary of many of these and other parameters for popular SAW sub­ strates will be presented in the conclusion to this paper. After a brief introduction to the nature of surface waves in­ cluded at the end of this section, the remainder of the paper will be devoted to the detailed descriptions and derivations necessary to fully understand and utilize the information cited above. In this way a complete description of surface acoustic waves, SAW materials, and their properties will result. Suffi­ cient detail will be included to allow understanding by the novice in the field, while sufficient depth will be provided for the experienced SAW engineer to deepen his understanding of SAW materials. � ",,' " It is the purpose of this paper to provide useful guidelines to all major material factors and tradeoffs affecting ACOUSTIC SURFACE WAVE INTEROIGITAL TYPE P ROPER understanding of the properties and limita­ "� " '" �� ", " Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the launching and propagation of . a surface acoustic wave. 7 r \I 1f r-- t- � ....t. rrtt- +-.tTl1:1 ,....., -� ....t. I-rI-r- r-..... ?!mrs tr-- ,...� .. rl-,...�-.. ...-t1-1- r..... r- \ r- ..... -rr-� r- r Fig. 2. Illustration of the displacements of a rectangular grid of material points characteristic of a surface acoustic wave on an isotropic material. Many may find that most of the immediate information they seek will be contained in the summary Table; however, with the constant discovery of new materials it will eventually be necessary to resort to the theory in order to compute design parameters for orientations not tabulated. A schematic illustration of the generation and propagation of a surface acoustic or Rayleigh [ 1 ] wave is shown in Fig. 1 . The elastic wave is launched by the fields generated at the interdigital [2] transducer (IDT) acting through the piezoelec­ tric effect. The energy of the wave is exponentially decaying into the material and is generally confined to within a few wavelengths of the surface. The actual displacements of a rectangular grid of material points illustrative of a surface wave on an isotropic material are shown in Fig. 2. The mathe­ matical formalism necessary to generate a diagram such as this in the general anisotropic case will be presented in the next section. Manuscript received October 24, 1975. The author is with the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories (AFSC). Hanscom AFB. MA 01731. SAW PROPAGATION ON ANISOTROPIC CRYSTALS Introduction The purpose of this section is to review the complete theo� retical solution anisotropic Jones of acoustic-wave propagation on arbitrary piezoelectric media as originally developed by et al. (3], [4]. This is accomplished by solving the continuum equations of motion together with Maxwell's equa­ tions under the quasi-static assumption, the strain-mechanical displacement relations, the piezoelectric constitutive relations, and the appropriate boundary conditions . These are ,all, of [ S] but, since one-dimensional prol'aga­ course, in tensor form tion is assumed, several simplifications will be possible. General Equations The set of linear equations describing acoustic-wave propaga­ tion in an arbitrary anisotropic piezoelectric medium is, irr standard tensor notation, as follows aTi; OXj =p 02Uj ot2 (S I: equation of motion (1) PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE. MAY 197� 582 linear strain-mechanical dis­ placement relations INFINITESIMALlY THIPI PERFECT ELECTRIC I derived from Maxwell's equations under the quasi-static assumption linear piezoelectric con­ stitutive relations where T is the stress,p the mass density,u the mechanical dis­ placement, S the strain, D the electric displacement, E the electric field, and I{J the electric potential. The primed quanti­ ties, that is the elastic constants (C;jkl), the piezoelectric con­ refer to a ro­ stants (e;jk), and the dielectric constants tated coordinate system through the Euler transformation matrix [6] in which wave propagation will always be along the I direction. Note that the summation convention (over I, 2,3) for repeated indices is employed. By substitution, (1) through (4) can be reduced to , e; kl = pu/,· j=I,2,3 i - e;kl{J,k; = O. uk. 1 I I PIEZOELECTRIC CRYSTALLIPIE 'i::;W;;/d Fig. 3. Illustration of the coordinate system used to define SAW propa· gation. The shorting plane will be necessary when computing the quantity t1v{v. (5) selected. However, if for a given velocity four such roots can­ not be found the possibility of degenerate surface waves must be pursued. Upon obtaining the admissible values of Q from (10), corresponding values of f3; (to within a constant factor) can be found for each C( from the linear homogeneous system cited above. The total fields (mechanical displacement and potential) may now be expressed as a linear combination of the fields associated with the admissible values of Q. For X3 > 0 (6) U; = (e;j), . . ,f) k·I ··kIUk II· + e'k1/"', C'1/ / (3) (4) COPIDUCTOR ( ---- ------ ------ ---- - ------- - --- -- (2) The dot notation refers to differentiation with respect to time, while an index preceded by a comma denotes differ­ entiation with respect to a space coordinate. Equations (1) through (6) are, of course, valid only within the crystalline substrate, i.e., for X3 > 0 as defined in Fig. 3. This figure also defines the geometry under consideration and illustrates the meaning of wh 0, and wh = 00 corresponding to a shorted surface and a free surface, respectively. For -,; �x3 �0 Laplace's equation describes the electric potential = 4 L 1=1 B(l)f3}l) exp [-Q(l)WX3/Vs) exp [jw (t - X l/Us)], i=I,2,3 (I I) I{J = ±. B(I)f3�1) exp [-a(l)WX3/Vs] exp [jw(t - XI jus)]' 1=1 (12) In the region -h �X3 �0, the potential is a solution of Laplace's equation (7). A solution satisfying the continuity condition at X3 =0 and vanishing at X3 = -11 is (7) -h�X3�0. Surface-Wave Solutions Solutions of (5) and (6) are assumed to be of the standard complex traveling-wave form in which Us is the wave velocity, Q the exponential decay into the crystal, and w the steady­ state angular frequency. Uj = f3 ; exp [-QWX3/Vs) exp [jw (t - xi/us»), i= 1,2,3 1{J = f3 4 exp [-QWX3/Vs) exp [ j w (t - Xl/Us»). (8) (9) The displacements and potentials are considered to be inde­ pendent of the Xl coordinate. Substituting (8) and (9) into (5) and (6) yields a linear homogeneous system of four equations in the unknowns {31 , f3l, f33, and f34. The determinant of the coefficients of the un­ knowns in these equations must be zero in order that a non­ trivial solution exist,i.e., AsQs +jA7Q7 +A6Q6 +jAsQS +A4Q4 +jA3� +AlQl +jAIQ+Ao =0 I, (10) where the coefficients An' n =0, ... , 8, are purely real and a particular value of Vs has been assumed. Since the fields must be bounded,or go to zero as X3 � ""',only the roots with nonnegative real parts are allowed. In addition,these roots are either pure imaginary or occur in pairs with positive and nega­ tive real parts. In general, roots occur such that four (three for nonpiezoelectric crystals) with positive real parts can be (13) Mechanical and electrical boundary conditions [3], [4] must also be satisfied by substituting the waveforms (11 H 13) into the appropriate expressions for these conditions. This yields a set of homogenous equations for the so-called partial field amplitudes B(l). The transcendental equation obtained by setting the determinant of the matrix of coefficients of this system equal to zero determines the surface-wave ve­ locities for a given set of Q(i). Once (10) and the set of B(l) equations have been simul­ taneously solved by computer iterative techniques [4] for the actual set of Q(l) (with associated (3}1) and the actual surface wave velocity, the partial field am litudes B(j) ' I ' 2 " 3 4 may be calculated to within a constant factor. These amplitudes are used directly to evaluate the com­ ponents of the mechanical displacement of (11) and the elec­ tric potential of (12). The components of the electric field, strain, electric displacement, and stress as functions of WX3 follow from (3), (2), and (4), respectively. Finally, the com­ ponents of total time average electromechanical power flow are given by � Time Average Power = IS""o -- 2 = Re [T.·1/·u"'] / dx3 +..!.. 2 . Re (I{JDil {"" 0 dX3 (14) 583 S LOBODNIK: SAW MATERIALS where the two terms are, respectively, the total complex mechanical and electrical power components. Considerable simplificatio�s of the basic surface-wave equa­ " � (11) and (12), result in the case of isotropic or other tions, degenerate materials. for these expressions ... Q .... ... >- > ... Applications of the Theory � Using the expressions derived above, it is possible to generate various. crystalline 0:: :> '" orientations as [8) continuous -5 plate normal (boules), or for simultaneous rotation of both - 2.81105 the plate normal and direction of propagation (cylinders). An example of this type of curve is given in Fig. is defined 4. [ 3 ] for piezoelectric materials , � as the percentage difference in velocity between free surfaces (wh = 00 ) and surfaces coated with an infinitesimally· thin per­ digital transducers. � r- 2.0110 = 1.2 It is interesting to note that, as expected, excellent agreement is obtained when I1v/v [ 111. The power flow angle I{) is defined in Fig. II05 � � .. -51 0.4010 for quartz is com­ pared with the coupling coefficient derived by Coquin and Tiersten �� ,, -31 (wh 0). This quantity has been shown (9), [ 10 ) to be a direct estimate of surface-wave coupling to inter­ fect conductor UTaOs 3.6110 plane of a plate (plates), as functions of the direction of the I1v/v V-CUT PlATE pre­ graphical functions of either direction of propagation in the The quantity � Since we are dealing with anisotropic cyrstals, these quantities are generally for r i 3190r- � 3170 Three types of data are particularly important : surface-wave · I1v/v as defined below, and electro­ sented I I ... u [ 81 . velocities, the quantity mechanical power flow angles. r- ! 3210r The re.ader is referred to the literature (7) . a large body of necessary and useful SAW information 3230ri I I 5 as the angle be­ '212_-: ? +4.2� tween the time average electromechanical power flow vector .. and the direction of propagation (phase velocity vector). Un­ less I{) identically equals zero (defined as a pure-mode axis). the condition of beam steering is said to occur. the power flow angle, that is quantity. al{)/ao, The slope of is a highly important Its magnitude determines the amount of beam steering resulting from a given unintentional misalignment from a pure-mode axis, and its magnitude and sign determines the extent of surface-wave diffraction. Later sections will deal with these subjects in detail. TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS OF VELOCITY AND DELAY Introduction ! 18 Another important parameter in many applications is tem­ perature sensitivity. For example, Carr et al. [ 121 have shown that the principal limitation on the application of surface wave encoders and decoders to multiple-access secure communica­ tions systems is the degradation of the peak-to-sidelobe ratio of the ences. autocorrelation function due to temperature differ­ This is illustrated in Fig. 6. Additionally, the tempera­ ture stability of the center frequency of surface-wave bandpass filters is a direct function of the temperature coefficients of the material and orientation being used. Temperature Coefficient Computations The temperature coefficients of surface-wave velocity and delay [ 1 3] have previously been tabulated [ 141 for piezoelec­ tric materials of interest. summarized in Fig. The main results of this study are 7 along with I1v/v information. The tem­ perature coefficient of velocity is readily calculated using available data on the temperature coefficients of the elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric constants plus the density to com­ pute velocities at various temperatures, obtain the slope at a I 90 ) 54 126 PROPAGATION DIRECTION,8 (DEGREES) Fig. 4. Velo city. 411/11, and power flow 162 angle curves for V-cut LiTa03• given temperature, and divide by the velocity at that tem­ perature ( 141. For many applications, the parameter of interest is not the temperature coefficient of velocity but the change in delay time with temperature. The first-order temperature coefficient (!..)-l � (.!...) of delay is given by ..!.. aT T aT where = Us I/Vsavs/aT aT Vs = ..!.. � ..!.. aus 1 _ aT Vs aT = 0: _ ..!.. aus Us aT (15) is the velocity temperature coefficient. T = l/vs is the delay time, 1 is the distance between two material points, and 0: is the coefficient of thermal expansion. Temperature Coefficient, Coupling Tradeoffs Ideally, one desires zero temperature coefficient of delay and high coupling. At present this is not possible (as illus- 584 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, MAY 1976 PLAT[ / CRYSTALLINE UIS NORIIAL / / \ SURFACE WAVE PROFILES OIITPJT TlWCSIlUCER INPUT TRANSCUCER -- .--- --.--- -- - \ 8 AllIS. ) CllYSTAU.INE Fig. S. Schematic representation of the profiles of a propagating acoustic surface wave on a crystalline substrate. Angle e defines direction of prop· agation with respect to reference crystalline axis, and angle </> defines deviation of power flow from phase velocity direction. � I I 0.07000 13 Blr BARKER SEQUENCE 14 12 -I 0.04000 0.02000 �,..... CORRELATION ___ __ 16.!.x.c2 LoNbO� 41!x 2 Yl I 0.00700 79!.- o 2 0.01000 PEAK lYo 10 0.00200 ;=8 ::; > "- � Go �6 0.00010 . 6. .14 PHASE DIFFERENCE. 6. (RADIANS! Correlation peak and maximum sidelobe amplitudes (left ordinate) and correlation peak-to-maximum-sidelobe ratio (right ordinate) as a function of Fig. YX" 0.000701- 0.00020 Ll</> = 271'W (- ) 1 aT TaT LlT for a 13·bit Barker code sequence. W is the number of wavelengths between decoder transducers while LlT is the temperature difference between encoder and decoder (after Carr et al. (12 J). trated in Fig. 7), thus requmng design tradeoffs. ST-cut quartz [13] has the advantage of zero temperature coeffi­ cient, low-cost, and the ready availability of large substrates. 0 Its coupling is, however, quite low. The 41.5 orientation [IS] of LiNb03 appears to have excellent properties for that ma­ terial. In fact, additional investigations near this cut have re­ sulted in further improvements [16]. Tellurium dioxide (Te02) has two orientations with zero temperature coefficients of delay. Unfortunately, both have low coupling together with extremely poor beam steering and diffraction properties. LiTa03 seems to offer the best current compromise between. 112· Yi 0.001001- 2 - o� 0 QUARTZ 0.000401- 4 o 3�·1I9�· ,_ 78'2 0.00400 &oJ o LITo03 )( LoNb0 3 o LiTa03 39 " QUARTZ ST . TeOz 0.00007 lX 0.000041- 5sf 0.000021- 80 60 40 Te02 20ppm TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT OF DELAY I 1.!!.1 T .T Fig. 7. Temperature coefficient of delay versus Llv/v for popular SAW orientations. coupling and temperature sensitivity, although recent work on the fundamental properties of temperature compensation seems to offer significant hope for the future [17]. MATERIAL PARAMETERS FOR EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT USE Interdigital Transducer Equivalent Circuit Since the interdigital transducer is fundamental to any SAW device, considerable effort has been devoted over the past several years towards obtaining an accurate IDT model [18]­ [20]. Several approaches have been developed which can suc­ cessfully predict the performance of apodized (varying finger 585 SLOBODNIK: SAW MATERIALS , r----------- Z. ,--------1 , , I ZTOT . L R : � __ _ _ _ _ _ J . -: Z T SUBSTRATE Fig. G,If) C, , , - ,. , INTEROIGITAL FINGER � , ;..-- L1 '--"':"'i Illustration of the definition of DxlLx used in the calculation of rmger capacitance. Delay line insertion loss (IL) then becomes , ... _----------- Fig. 8. Generalized equivalent circuit of periodic unapodized inter­ digital transducer operating in matched transmission line syste m . ZT represents the acoustic and fmger-capacitance elements. RC represents the ohmic loss in the interdigital fingers, Ce represents parasitic shunt capacitance, and ZL is the impedance of the lossy tuning inductor. VG and RG are the equivalent circuit elements of . the generator. 9. o. IL (dB) = -10 10giO (TEd(TE ) 2 assuming different input and output transducers. Capacitance per Unit Length and Equivalent Dielectric Constant The total static capacitance CT is given by '" '" C FFLNus 2rrCFFu sLN = CT= overlap) nonperiodic transducers. Since, however, the material parameters necessary as input to these more powerful models are generally the same as those used in simpler approaches, we shall confine our attention to the equivalent crossed-field circuit model of a periodic uniform-overlap interdigital trans­ ducer operated in a matched transmission line system as illus­ trated in Fig. 8. Here VG and RG represent the equivalent circuit of the gen­ erator; RL represents the loss associated with the inductor, L; Rc represents the conduction loss in the transducer fingers; Ce the parasitic shunt capacitance; and CT is the usual static capacitance of the transducer fingers. Note that both the acoustic radiation susceptance Ra(!) and the acoustic radiation conductance G a(!) are functions of frequency as given [18 1 , [21) by the following expressions: '" ( ) ( ) Sin X 2 Ga(f) = Ga -x '" Ra(f) = Ga Sin 2x - 2X . 2x 2 (16) (18) and (f- fo) fo (19) where k2 is the electromechanical coupling coefficient to be described below, f o = w o / 2rr is the acoustic synchronous fre­ quency, and N is the number of periods in the interdigital transd�cer. Transducer loss is defined as the ratio between the power which could be delivered to a load (transducer) from a matched signal generator and the actual power leaving the acoustic port in the desired direction [21). Thus assuming a complex current IT flowing through ZT in Fig. 8, transducer efficiency (TE) can be written as TE = t (t Re ZT / IT /2) [8:;] (20) where bidirectionality has been accounted for with an addi­ IT can be determined in terms of circuit tional factor of parameters and VG using standard network analysis. t. fo (22) Wo where t is the acoustic aperture in wavelengths, and CFF is the capacitance per unit length of a single period (this is twice the value of a finger pair). CFF is fundamental to lOT analysis and is given by [221 J CFF= 2(E R + 1)(6.5 (Dx/Lx)2 + 1.08(Dx/Lx) + 2.37) X 10-12. (23) J The parameter E R is the relative equivalent dielectric con­ stant given by [23) (24 ) where Ell, E33, and El3 are actual dielectric constants at c on ­ stant stress with the I direction being the direction of propaga­ tion of the surface wave. Finally, the ratio Dx/Lx is the finger width to center-to-center spacing ratio as illustrated in Fig. 9. Coupling Constant k2 (17) Here x = rrN (21) is The basic measure [24) of the efficiency of a SAW material the coupling constant k2 given by [231 ( ) Au AU T k2 = 2 (I + (EPR)-1) - 1 - u_ Uoo - I ( 25) Note that for many materials a good approximation to k2 is just twice Au/v, again underscoring the importance of this parameter. PROPAGATION Loss One of the major sources of overall device insertion loss at microwave frequencies is propagation loss or attenuation. Not only is the magnitude of this phenomena important for pre­ dicting absolute insertion loss and dynamic range, but its fre­ quency dependence is equally important [25] . Total propagation loss is a superposition of three different mechanisms [2 6 ) . 1) Interaction with thermally excited elas­ tic waves. 2) Scattering by crystalline defects and surface scratches. 3) Energy lost to air adjacent to the surface. The first mechanism is an inherent crystalline property, the magni­ tude of which can be predicted using viscosity theories 127] . The second is, of course, highly undesirable and, fortunately, can be made negligible by proper crystal growth and polishing techniques [26). The final mechanism is caused by the sur­ face wave being phase matched to a longitudinal bulk wave in the air which results in a leaky-wave phenomena [28). This PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, MAY 1976 586 [301 are illustrated in Figs. 10 and 11. Note the approximate f 2 dependence of the former and the linear dependence of the latter. This allows an empirical expression for propagation loss to be derived from the data. u . � III � ::Ii :::> :::> u � ! z 0 � .. :::> z ... � � 70 Propagation Loss (dB/JIs) = (VAC) F2 + (AIR) F 4.0 where F is in GHz. The coefficients VAC and AIR are tabu­ lated for popular substrates at the end of this paper. Equa­ tion (26) would be used, for example, when designing fLiters having particular bandpass characteristics . 2.0 0.7 ... > .. 0.4 � DIFFRACTION AND BEAM STEERING o L, NbO, x ... U .. 0.2 "- 8,GeO 'il to " QUARTe II: :::> en u � en :::> 0 u 200 400 700 2000 FREQUENCY 4000 (MH.) .. Fig. 10. SAW attenuation in vacuum as a function of frequency for YZ LiNbO), 001. 110 and 111. 110, Bi12GeO.o, and YX quartz. Experimental slopes are all approximately ['. Data for quartz courtesy of Budreau and Carr [30 I. .. • .. ".... III " O.!I " z is .. 9 a: 4 .... ::;) o .3 0.3 1.9. 10 ';c ::;) z .... � Vo . o �o MH.-f'-StC o 0.2 LiN bO .. � 1 +1 (8 - 80 )2 2 "I , (27) where l' = o¢loe and eo is the angular orientation of the pure­ mode axis. By comparing these approximations to an exact solution for electromagnetic diffraction in uniaxially aniso­ tropic media, Cohen showed that the diffraction integral re­ duces to Fresnel's integral with the following change " Z =ZII + 1'1. � .... > Diffraction of surface waves is a physical consequence of their propagation and 'can vary considerably depending upon the anisotropy of the substrate chosen. In fact, it is the slope of the power flow angle which determines the extent of both diffraction and beam steering [311. There is an inherent tradeoff between these two important sources of loss. A useful theory for calculating diffraction fields when the velocity anisotropy near pure-mode axes can be approximated by a parabola has been developed by Cohen (32). By using a small angle approximation , he showed that for certain cases, the higher orders of the expression for the velocity could be neglected past the second order. That is, V(O) � o dB Parabolic Diffraction Theory QUARTZ SLOPE' z � " 0.4 Ci � (26) (28) Szabo and Slobodnik (31) introduced the absolute magnitude signs to account for those materials having 'Y < - 1 and the hatted terms to stand for wavelength scaled parameters (2 ZIA). In other words, diffraction is either accelerated or re­ tarded depending on the value and sign of 1'. Excellent agree­ ment (31) between this parabolic theory and experiment has been obtained whenever a good parabolic fit to the velocity In some cases, however, a more general theory is possible. · is required. = 0.1 XX x !lOO 1!l00 1000 FREQUENCY(MH.) 2000 Fig. 11. SAW attenuation due to air loading as a function of frequency for materials listed in Fig. 10. It is interesting to note nearly identical results for LiNbO) and Bill GeO.o • so-called air loading can be eliminated by vacuum encapsula­ tion or minimized by the use of a light gas. Propagation losses can be determined by directly probing the acoustic energy with a laser (26). In this method, the surface wave deflects a small fraction of the incident light, which is detected with a photomultiplier tube and measured with a lock-in amplifier . The deflected light is directly propor­ tional to the acoustic power of the surface wave . Air loading can be determined by placing delay lines in a vacuum system and reducing the pressure below 1 torr while monitoring the change in insertion loss . Vacuum attenuation is, of course, the difference between the total propagation loss in air and the air loading component. Frequency dependence of vacuum attenuation and air load­ ing for three of the most popular SAW substrates (26), (29), Angular Spectrum of Waves Diffraction Theory In order to solve the most general homogeneous anisotropic .problem, Kharusi and Farnell [33] applied the angular spectrum-of-waves technique to surface-wave diffraction. Their theory is valid for both the near and far fields, and for any di­ rection including off-axis orientations. Its only limitation is the requirement of accurate knowledge of velocity values for the surface of interest. In implementing' their theory the fol­ lowing integration is performed numerically for each field point: . 1 A(X,Z) = 1T foo - . 00 sin K ILI2 KI Here K3 and Klare the projections of the wave-vector K along the Z and X axes, respectively, or in general, along directions 587 SLOBODN IK: SAW M ATERIALS THEORY s·o, p·o S'06°, Z'£,6 p·o S'06°, p·53 EXPERIMENT Zo66 Z'£,6 Zo 267 20267 i"494 Z.494 i. 814 i.el4 2:1242 2"242 a: w � 0 Q. W > � W U <I ... a: :::l '" U ;: '" :::l 0 U ... w > ;: ... ...J W a: 201242 o TRANSVERSE DIMENSION I Zo66 h !� A A 0 WAVELENGTHS) o Zo267 i"494 z: 814 i"242 .40 Fig. 12. Theoretical and experimental surface-wave profiles illustrating diffraction near Ill-axis of 21 1-cut gallium arsenide. Z indicates distance for propagation in wavelengths from input transducer, IJ gives the misorientation from Ill-axis, and P is laser probe diameter in acoustic wavelengths. perpendicular to and parallel to the transducer. The effect of introducing a laser probe in the profile measurements can be accommodated [31] by inserting sin K IPi2 K IP/-2 (30) (in which P is the probe diameter) into the preceding inte­ gral (29). The real power of the exact anisotropic theory can be illus­ trated by its ability to predict even the fine structure of a diffraction pattern on a highly nonparabolic velocity surface, including profile asymmetry due to beam steering_ An ex­ ample is shown in Fig. 12. The case studied [31 ] concerns surface waves launched close to the Il l -axis of 2 1l -cut gallium arsenide at a frequency of 280 MHz. Transducer widths were f = 5 1. This orientation was chosen [31] be­ cause the velocity is nonparab'olic and changes very rapidly with direction . The first column of Fig. 12 shows profiles for waves propagating exactly along the pure-mode Il l-axis, a di­ rection corresponding to I/> = O. Also note that the smoothing effect of the laser probe has not yet been included (P = 0). For the second column a misalignment of 0_60 from the 111axis has been introduced, and the waves begin to take on the asy mmetric behavior and beam steering of the experimental measurements (shown in the right-hand column) obtained using the laser probe [26] technique. The third column intro­ duces the same amount of angular misalignment as column two but, unlike the previous columns, includes the effect of a laser probe diameter of P = 5.3 wavelengths. The agreement between this column and the experimental curves is excellent. Quantitative Choice of Theory The versatility of the exact angular spectrum of waves theory has been demonstrated; however, this approach is far more computationally complicated and costly than the parabolic theory_ It also requires precise velocity surfaces as input data. Given a certain material, then, the designer must have guide­ lines from which he can choose the simplest appropriate theory. The closeness of a given velocity surface to a parabolic curve can be determined by fitting the surface to a parabola and noting any deviation. In particular, second-order fits were ob­ tained [31 J for various materials by using a least squares fit with relative velocity values computed to seven significant places within a range of ±5° of (8 - 80) = O. The maximum deviation of the fit from the velocity surface can be defined in terms of the quantity 10M I. For comparative purposes, this deviation is expressed as a percentage of the actual velocity and, for convenience, is multiplied by a factor of 105, i.e_, (31) A complete study of diffraction loss using the exact theory on many velocity surfaces not perfectly parabolic resulted in the following conclusion. Anisotropy may be conveniently 588 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, �.o PARJ.IOI.IC THEORY [ t SOTROPtC ....T[RIAlSI PARABOLIC THEORY EXPERIMENTAL �.-o.99 RESuL.TS lO� iD g � � u � ... i5 1. -l Z '1206 � or ;.. . 41-I i 5 I." DIFFRACTION LOSS ... SCALED TRANSDUCER SEPARATION. ( i IL.') II+rl MAY 1976 6 IH '0' r 6r 2f ��--����--���--��-4�--�--r---- 9 01 . .04 .1 (�/ e�1 +TI 4 .4 Fig. 13. Universal diffraction loss curve for all parabolic materials as a 11 + 1'1. To convert to.theactual distance in wave­ function of lengths on horizontal scale simply insert L . width of your transducer in wavelengths. and l' (from Table I) appropriate to your material. (Z/L') grouped into two categories-parabolic (0 < 10M I :s 2.0) and nonparabolic (2.0 :s 10M 1< 00) . Higher order terms discarded in the approximation of ( 27) become significant [31] for non­ parabolic surfaces. However for velocity surfaces having 10M I :s 2.0, the para­ bolic diffraction theory yields highly accurate results. Thus for all materials meeting this criterion, diffraction patterns are exactly equivalent in form, and merely scaled in distance by the factor I 1 + 'Y I allowing universal diffraction loss curves to be calculated [31 ] . One such curve shown � fig. 13 is a plot of diffraction loss versus the parameter (Z/L 2) I I + 'Y I­ This curve allows the determination of loss for any combina­ tion of transducer width and separation for all parabolic aniso­ tropic velocity surfaces. It was calculated by integrating the complex acoustic amplitude over the aperture of the receiving transducer for identical unapodized input and output trans­ ducers [3 1] . In the Fresnel region the loss never exceeds 1.6 dB, which is the loss at the far-field length, Z ZF (where the final peak in the beam profile has started its descent to a far-field pattern). The distance and transducer width at which a given loss will occur can always oe given in far-field lengths. For example, the 3-dB loss point is = (32) where now A ZF = £2 (33) -- II+'YI' In the far field, the loss mechanism is the spreading of the beam with a slope of 10 d B/decade. The far-field loss can be approximated by Z Loss (dB) = -10 log A ' ZF (34) Minimal Diffraction Cuts One extremely important implication of the parabolic diffrac­ tion theory is that since it reduces to the isotropic theory DISTANCE IN TRANSVERSE DIMENSION I WAVELENGTHS) Fig. 14. Illustration of the two orders of magnitude diffraction suppres· sion achieved using t!:le 40.04 Bi" GeO, minimal diffraction cut. An acoustic aperture of L = 40.56 wavelengths was used. o scaled by the factor 11 + 'Y I, no diffraction spreading occurs for ideal parabolic surfaces having 'Y = - 1. Material orienta­ tions approaching this ideal have, in fact,been discovered [34J. A set of experimental SAW profiles for the 40.04 minimal diffraction cut (MDC) on bismuth germanium oxide are pre­ sented in Fig. 14. Experimentally,diffraction is suppressed by a factor of 100. These MDC orientations are allowing a new class of highly apodized acoustic surface-wave filters and long­ time-delay devices to be realized. The Beam Steering Diffraction Tradeoff As mentioned at the outset of this section, there is an in­ herent tradeoff between beam steering and diffraction. In anisotropic materials, beam steering occurs whenever trans­ ducers are misaligned from a pure-mode axis 60, even though they may be perfectly aligned with each other. Beam steering is the pulling away of the acoustic beam from the transducer propagation axis by an additional angle, cP = "Y (8 - 80), as shown in Fig. 5. Let us discuss this tradeoff in more detail. Diffraction is a fixed phenomenon for a given material, while beam steering can be controlled by precise X-ray alignment at the expense of increased device cost. Both,however, influence the choice of SAW substrate [35]. An example of how the combined loss of beam steering and diffraction varies among materials is illustrated (35] in Fig. 15 where the loss is given as a function of 'Y. For Fig. IS the acoustic aperture is t = 80 wavelengths, the distance between input and output transducers is Z = 5000 wavelengths,and the misalignment from the desired pure-mode axis, or the beam steering (BS) angle, is B S � = 0.10. In order to use these data for practical situations, it is only necessary to insert the slope of the power flow angle appropriate to.the type and cut under consideration. It is also useful to note that Z = tf; where t is the time delay and f the frequency of the device of interest. Several important features can be noted with reference to Fig. .15. Diffraction loss goes to 0 for those materials having 'Y = - 1.0 and, as expected, the combined loss curve agrees 100 l0 r-----�--._--_r--_.--_, CD 7 '0 C1 z ex: UI UI L' 80 40 • Z • 5000 • B.S .• '0.1 4 !ii 70 • '" .., C> � <{ UI CD C Z <{ Z o � a: '" '" ... en 2 <{ ex: u.. u.. E 0.4 � w 25 0.2 1/1 1/1 o � 0.1 a S! 0.7 c .... 0.4 .., ::> c �____��____�____��__���__��____-J -1.5 -1.0 Fig. 1 S. Loss due to diffraction and beam steering 1s a function of slope of power flow angle for par,bolic materials. L represents width of transducer in wavelengths. Z the distance between transducers in wavelengths. and BS� the beam steering angle (defined as misalign· ment of center line between transducers from desired pure·mode axis). exactly with the beam steering loss curve. having 'Y = Those materials 0 correspond to locally isotropic cases and beam steering goes to O. Here, diffraction accounts for the total Diffraction loss alone is symmetric about 'Y = - 1.0 and loss. 4 .... u ... a: ... ... c beam steering loss about 'Y = clearly nonsymmetric. 0, while the combined curve is Universal beam steering plus diffraction '" '" 0 ..J z'1500 0.2 0.1 •• /U'T between the envelope of the finger overlap function and the device frequency response. most desirable. Fig. 16 illustrates [351 combined beam steering and diffrac­ tion loss versus the time-delay-frequency parameter 2. It is of interest to point out that the loss is very high for the 75 000 curve near 'Y = - 1 .0. 2= For this large distance beam steering is very important, especially for narrow undiffracted beams, and some beam spreading is to be desired. (The same is true if inaccurate X-ray orientation must be tolerated.) Since Fig. 2 of the original apodization is reviewed transducers. at the higher frequencies and, of course, also for very long acoustic aperture of width beam of complex· amplitude [381 as S= Here T(L) x . . T(L) M VL A (x) i to an electrical load from L irradiated by an acoustic l i!' _ -L/l has been given by Waldron . A (x)dx. (35) is the direction perpendicular to the acoustic beam and is defined in the following manner [381. The amplitude "'- of the electrical signal delivered to the load is amplitude of·an acoustic beam i-wide T(L) times the of constant amplitude and phase and centered on the transducer at normal incidence. Under the conditions for which an interdigital transducer can be directly represented as a transversal filter, it has been shown [191 that other words, T(L) is directly proportional to C depends on other physical and geometrical param­ [191 but is independent of t. This is an important result as it means that the C associated with where filter, Fourier-transform-pair and given individual fmger pair in an apodized transducer. is "'- LN and, therefore, is the same for all gaps (for periodic transducers); Since an interdigital transducer can be made to be an excel­ transversal In . eters of the delay line independent of the fmger overlap SA W Filter Synthesis in the Presence of Diffraction vI. (36) a time delays. filter � The signal amplitude transferre an is proportional to frequency (for fixed time delay), considered UHF and microwave frequency design problems. [371 here for periodic 16 also illustrates why beam steering and diffraction are Significant losses and material tradeoff considerations exist lent A direct synthesis method for correcting for these diffraction effects by modification choosing a material for a particular application. For example, where diffraction is potentially a very serious problem, as in J Fig. 16. Loss due to diffraction and beam steering as a function of slope of po�er flow angle with distance in wavelengths between transducers, Z as parameter. 15 are of major importance in highly apodized filters, a material having 'Y - 1.0 would be -----+�.5 -1.5 '----.... =-.l. --�----_0�1.-=-5----:0O-I loss curves are not possible. The results illustrated in Fig. z 7 z NO BUM STEERING A 10 c z ... DIFFRACTION WllH PARAMETER ao :z ... '" '" t; 0.7 [ r Equation (35) can thus be rewritten digital [361 design procedures can be used to synthesize SAW filter frequency responses; at least this is true in theory. Unfortunately, finger overlap apodiiation results in diffrac­ tion variations which destroy the Fourier transform relation S= C J ill A -Lll as A (x)dx which fonns the basis of the following development. (37) 590 PROCEED INGS OF THE IEEE, MAY 1976 INPUT (41), which is obtained by squaring the magnitude of both (40), dividing both numerator and demoninator of the right hand side by L� IA (0) 12, rearranging terms and of OUTPUT sides of .:------y, _____ r----- Zo ------; ... r----- multiplYing numerator and denominator by c. Lo LN, and finally by taking logarithms and recognizing that one term represents L_ diffraction loss between two equal transducers of width and separated by a distance of Z o. Lo I z. � Fig_ 17. Illustration of apodized (right) and unapodized (left) inter­ digital transducers with. definition of terms used in diffraction correc. tion derivations_ Consider an acoustic surface .w.ave delay line having one apodized transducer and one uniform launching aperture as 17 . . illustrated in Fig. Under the condition of no diffraction, the voltage across the load due to the Nth finger pair having overlap LN, with respect to the voltage across the load due to the widest finger pair having overlap Lo is, from (37) { Diffraction loss in dB for two equal Lo } Once amplitude correction is achieved as described above. phase correction is obtained where necessary the new filter with phase, �(N). Liv placed at ZN [39] by �, = �(N) '" ZN + -27T (42) a good approximation to phase correction results (38) tion used to generate the total result_ In order to synthesize the desired frequency response in the presence of diffraction it is necessary to achieve this same ratio, i.e" [39] . Thus far we have considered contributions to SAW device insertion loss arising from both transducer and wave propaga­ tion effects. Another loss mechanism which must often be considered in the choice of substrate material is that of bulk or other spurious mode generation. Note that each finger pair is treated separately and superposi­ analyzing to determine the relative at each finger pair. Then by setting L. N ideal case for no diffraction. (41) transducers . detail This subject is treated in [ 40] elsewhere in this issue. ApPLICATIONS OF M ATERIAL DESIGN D ATA Optimum Transducer Design Assume that an optimum, i.e., mlDlmum insertion loss, periodic unapodized SAW delay line having only a single tuning inductor (see Fig. f� _ 0 /2 -Lo/2 must be set equal to (39) A(x,Zo)dx After this choice the number of interdigital periods Nand the optimum acoustic aperture must be determined. In practical design situations dealing with losses and real elements, and (38) particularly ' 17. Fig. ziv (40) A Lo is the unknown aperture in the pres­ It is located a from the launching aperture as implied in (Lo) the absolute optimum finally chosen. value for N is A reasonable starting [18] (43) For the present analysis, we have arbitrarily set the widest overlap bandwidth is also a consideration, the apertures should be determined for several values of Nand ence of diffraction of the Nth finger pair. distance of where choices of these parameters are interdependent. Thus optimum A -LN/ 2 Liv ture coefficient, and loss factors; ST quartz is chosen as the . substrate. fiN/2 A(x, Ziv) dx In these equations, 8) is to be designed and fabricated. After consideration of velocity, coupling constant, tempera­ in the presence of diffraction to Once N is fixed, the best value of acoustic aperture depends on transducer and tuning element losses, parasitic elements, and beam steering and diffraction losses. In order to minimize beam steering and diffraction losses it is necessary to use the widest possible acoustic aperture. be equal to the widest overlap if no diffraction were present Unfortunately, electrical matching considerations limit the and, in addition, have taken it to be located a distance of extent to which increased finger overlap can be used to reduce ' overall device insertion loss. To demonstrate this effect and to 20 from the launching transducer. Since (40) is complex it actually represents two equations in two unknowns tiv and ziv, the corrected aperture and develop optimum delay line design procedures, let us investi­ gate transducer insertion loss as a: function of the various distance, respectively, of the Nth fmger pair in the presence design parameters, particularly acoustic aperture. of diffraction. In theory then, the problem is solved. However, ' [391. Set be directly determined using (21). Curve in practice an approximation is more convenient ziv = ZN and solve for Liv using a computer iterative solution Neglecting propagation effects, insertion loss versus L can 3 in Fig. 1 8 illustrates this basic information for ST quartz and a specific set of 591 SLO BODNIK : SAW MATERIALS r • + 0 378 i • 6600 B S .. . 0 I " e , ' 0 I pF 40 CD I N C LU D I N G ATTE NUATION LOSS . B E A M S T E E R I NG . A N D II> ... on on 0 .... z � ... a:: ... on � ... z .... ,.. .. .... ... 0 D I FFRACTION ��I >orI . 10i L ( WAV E L E NG T HS ) Fig. 1 8 . Delay line insertion loss versus acoustic aperture curves used to choose o ptimum (minimum insertion loss) acoustic aperture. Curve 1 in­ cludes real transducer effects (Q = 30, pit = 0.345 0./0, and CE = 0. 1 pF). attenuation loss, beam steering, and diffraction. Curve 2 includes real transducer effe cts and attenuation loss. Curve 3 includes only transducer effects. Curve 4 is the ideal case corresponding to Q = "" , pit = 0, and CE = 0 with zero propagation, bea m steering, and diffractio n losses. ,.1t[;:J[��Y ""I �.� no.Ol' '111 .� I.. I TMJIJ It ,. / T T V V A " il""';rJO. CUT ",,,.. v VI \ ..... -- ., ... -.,.�� ... Fig. 1 9 . Insertion loss versus frequency characteristics of a cosine-squared-on·a pedestal SAW filter on various substrates. Note the tradeoff be­ tween insertion loss and distortion available by varying the coupling constant k2 • . S92 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, MAY 1 97 6 " " s=O�=== '2� D� D � S .� gs 5 . 00 � �� .0� 'O � o�� '3 � o--,� ' O= � ss-oeoo--�=r-F�9r���==� 'S= ==� '� .ao .07 .07 0 �� 0 --� . 0 0� ..O= .0= 0= O===F�-F�=r-F� .o . 0 ST QUR R T Z S I NGLE E LE C T RO D ES N O N 5 5 LORD I N G .. � .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. N " N .. .. " .. r!- S .OO 300.00 305.00 3\0.00 � 5.00 .ao.OO SlO.OO .. .. .. Ii S T QUR RTZ 3 1 5 .00 320.00 FRECUENCY MHZ 525.00 515 . 00 330.00 '.40.00 130.00 110.00 3156.00 360.00 LORD I N G W I T S I NGLE 3 6.00 .. .. � .. .. .. ., ., �� .. Z .. <> U S I N G DOU BLE ELECTRODES .. .. � .. e N .. N c " c! " 6.00 300.OQ 305.00 S10 .00 3 1 f .00 320.JO F R E Q U E N C Y r.Hl :;26.00 330.00 335.00 '.0.00 ,45.00 3 5 0 . 00 355.00 360.00 ciI 5 .00 Fi g. 2 0 . Insertion loss versus frequency characteristics of a SAW filter illust rating how mass loading can cause filter distortion and t h e ability of double electrodes to su ppress these e ffects. Vs = 3 1 5 8 m/s. The value of the tuning inductor realistic parameters wave velocity listed in Fig. was varied for each value of [ 3 5 1 . In addition to those parameters 1 8 the following values corresponding to ST 660 MHz were used : N = 20 ; inductor Q 30 ; quartz at fo time delay 1 0 liS ; sheet resistivity [ 4 '" 1 1 pIt = 0.345 DID, yielding [ 2 1 1 a value of Rc 4.6 D at L = 1 00 ; unity finger to gap ratio and relative dielectric constant 4 . 5 5 . yielding a value of eT 0.48 pF at L 1 00 ; k l = 0.0 0 1 6 ; and surface· = = = = = = epR = L to obtain the lowest value of insertion loss for that particular aperture. When propagation loss at 660 M Hz is included, the overall loss increases substantially , but the optimum value of acoustic aperture yielding minimu m insertion loss remains the same. The final result of our efforts is the top curve of Fig. 1 8 which TABLE I ' SAW AND I NTERDlGlTAL TRANSDUCER DESIGN DATA \I .. h-.·, .I' Orlt"nl:lthUl v .lv/v .. (... 1 ... ···) .. ( · "Ieu!.,"·" k� I ' HII''': Equal Inn (2 S ) 1 .,Sb03 1 /; ' 1/2 1111 � I ' l/ � , X 001, 1 1 0 1:11 12 ", ..°20 I . , Ta()� 0. 048 4 . 6438 X 1 0 ' ",000. O. U:!7i 0. 0578 0. 057 6, 1857 X 1 0 ' 1 68 1 . 0. 0068 0. 0 14 0 0. 0 1 5 4 . (4522 )( 10- 1 1 8 :! 7 � 11. 1I" 3 1 0. 0064 7., " 3321'. O. OOf. !' 0. 0 1 2 1 Z, X LIXb03 B i l�G ..O�O L , Ta03 Quartz NOI'''' ( · al.·ulu • • ·.1 0. 0068 0. 0074 0 . 00037 . 3205. o . 00 1 l � O. 0007� 0. 002 33 . 0. 0023 (w I l i a 'I'uIIU1a= I w l w •• ltu·) 'J ... pll • 0 'J 011 ' lUll 0. 34 5 0/1 � A ... I 10 ' 10 5. 03385 X 1 0 I 10 7 . 0003 10 11 ·1\ VAt· (tlll/,.·...c ) 10 X 1 0. 1 T PIC 9. 3246 )( 1 0 ' Ii. 0117 9 X 10' 6. 68S9 x 1 0 � 6. 6859 X 1 0 - 511. :! li7. � 10 6. 0979 X 1 0 - 1 6. 0979 X 1 0 ' 511 :.! 0 0 43. 6 n. 1i 10 10 4 3 . Ii n . !1 10 10 41 . 9 �l l . . . . . 6. 6159 )( 1 0 6. 6t1S9 X 1 0 10 ' 10 7. 54 1 2 2 )f 1 0 · 7. 58824 X 1 0 · AIR (dn/,. . ..c l 47 . 9 4 7 . !I 1 l 4. !", 2 1\ -I . 5 �. ! &II IT " I ay 'i a . 1 117 71; 479 ' 1 . 083 7 . 87 0. 88 0. 1 9 -87 4. fl 1 13 79 47r. ' 0117 3. on 0. 94 0. 2 1 -II 1. 88 63 3r.7 '0. 445 0. 57 0. 75 0. 30 88 1;9 664 0. 304 0. 1 4 I. U 0. 19 . 1.45 0. 1 9 .. . ' 94 . 96 -57 3. 5 7. 0 . . 72 . . . 7. 0 98 76 651 +0. 366 0. 01 1 1 . 00 :lr, 211 390 ' 1 . 000 1 . 44 . . . . .... !l. 0 :15 22 ' 1 . 24 1 5. 04 0, 7 7 0. 2 3 -52 1 0. r. 21 II · 0. 2 1 1 0. 1 4 0. 94 0. 20 -3 1 35 . . . . . . . -33 49 . .. . . . . . .. -5 0 66 . . . . . . .. - 50 64 2. 15 O. U 31 · 24 14 0 l2. 5 . " 18. 5 . , 7. U . , 238 211 . . . . . . . . .. III . 5 5!l 4 1. 22. U 41 31 to the original Stanford design procedure Here RL = .. ... + 0 . 1 5 11 ... +0. 4 S0 . . . . ' 1 . 000 2 . 60 1087 +0. 6 5 3 0. 910 +0. 378 0. 205 . . . CFF . 3 59 1. 61 .. 0.41 . . . . .. . . . 69 is capacitance per unit length for an IDT period and is twice Beam steering difference is easily seen. Under certain restrictive assumptions Overall minimum (including neglecting diffra.£tion and parasitic elements ) , optimum acoustic apertures L OPT can be determined analyti­ cally [42]. Examples will be given in the summary table. 100 A curve for the ideal case corresponding and 0 . 10 f 4.0 The optimum apertures were determined graph­ 18· for comparison. • �� 10 7 . 0003 X 10 - 10 5 . 00 GG4 x 10 O, OO lli 1\ ' -OPT (Nu Tt""It� Incluo •• lur) ically , as this has been found to be the most convenient method attenuation 4 . 4 35 2 x 1 0 ' 0. 0022 insertion loss is obtained using an acoustic aperture of f = an d . . . . 0. 001l!' r X 4 . 4 352 3 I SP. '" 10' .... . 0. 00 1 4 X 4. 7 1 114 )( 1 0 ' 0. 0 1 54 0. 0005" 4 . 4 35 2 3 . 0 . lh)'�, and diffraction . loss have been included . in Fig. . :1370. represents the optimum design inform ation. in actual practice. .. 0 1 10' 0 X �. 4 3 S 2 3 X 1 0 ' 0. 0093 0 . 0033 Note: All quantities are defined in the text. that fo r an IDT finger pair. - Indicates experimental · data. wavelengths. 4 . 04522 . . . lHR. 3 15 t1 . s r, x . . 10 4 . 0U22 X 1 0 - 0. 0 17 3 2 30. • V, X 10 0. 0562 0. 0 1 69 V.X 10 0. 02(;8 O. DOtl� (I. 7 �. Jo: lcc lrodc .. 3503. 1\ I .. \L,h.'I'\.ll 4 . 1;438 )( 1 0 ' • . ".uhlt · Elec lrod... 0. 045 l i O Il . "x/ I .)( II. �II • SII,"I.. 0. 0504 �� �" . ,I� PO Y, Z I>X/ I 'X 1972 1 1 1 . 1 10 0 le;I', (;,�) 90 �u.arl: 0. 1I�� I 3-111 1!. Y , /. M"iu.ur..d by S,-hub und M uht lnil�r, - C •. ,.' (F/", , [ 18] is also presented 0, Ce = 0, BS � = 0 , diffraction losses are neglected . The The Effect of Coupling Constant on 'Bandpass Filter Design Obviously the. periodic unapodized delay line described above is a simplified case . However, many of the same decisions must be made for all SAW devices regardless of their complexity PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, M AY 1 976 5 9.4 or the model used to predict performance.. . Material parameters must always be evaluated and tradeoffs considered. For example, insertion loss can be reduced up to a point by using However, a material with mcreased coupling coefficient. distortion can ·also result; as shown in Fig. 1 9 for a cosine­ squared-on-a-pedestal (in the time domain) apodized SAW fIlter. If a particular material must be used for external reasons, design techniques such as thinning ( 4 3 1 can be used to avoid distortion at the expense of spurious frequency responses. It should be noted that complicating second-order effects have been suppressed in the examples of Fig. 1 9 by the use Of .both double electrodes ( 44 ) , ( 45 1 and dummy electrodes ( 46 1 . The reader is referred to the cited literature for information on these techniques. In fact, a large number of design tech­ niques have evolved to cover a wide variety of problems. Many of these are discussed in other papers in this special issue. ACKNOWLEDGMENT In compiling this survey the author has drawn heavily from the work of his colleagues at the Air Force Cambridge Research Laboratories. Particular credit must go to T. L. Szabo, P. H. Carr, and A . 1 . Budreau without whom this paper could never have been written. REFERENCES [1 ) (2 ) (3) (4) The Effect of Mass Loading on Bandpass Filter Design (5) As a final example of a material parameter which must be evaluated when arriving at a f"mal design let us consider mass loading. Mass loading refers to that portion of the acoustic mismatch between a free and electroded surface due to differ­ ences in elastic properties rather than the electrical or l1v/voo mismatch. The latter is, of course, always present when using an interdigital transducer and varies only according to the coupling coefficient . Mass loading, on the other' hand, varies widely among material substrates and the type of metal used for the transducer electrodes. Quantitatively , a revised l1v/voo can be computed which indudes mass loading. First define 16) Voo - v ' , 1.. 2 k2 (44) DELTA where v is the perturbed velocity including both electrical and mass loading effects. Following the notation of Penunuri and Lakin (471 (but using a strictly MKS system) v' can be approximated as v ' � C + B (w n + A (wn2 (45 ) where T is the thicklless of the perturbing film, C is the shorted-surface velocity, and A and B represent best fits to calculated mass loading data. As an example, consider a 1 500-A thick aluminum film on ST quartz at 330 MHz. Using the values (471 B = -0.029067 and A -0.0 1 3 3 3 X 1 0-3 yields DELTA 4.8 1 . Frequency response curves for another cosine-squared-on-a-pedestal filter using both single and double electrodes are illustrated in Fig. 20. Note how mass loading can result in distortion without an accompanying lowering of the insertion loss, and how effec­ tively double electrodes can suppress even the increased mis­ match caused by mass loading. = (7) (8) (9) ( 10 ) (11) (12) 113) ( 14 ) [IS) [ 16 ) 1 17) = SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this paper we have attempted to provide a brief introduc­ tion to the nature of surface acoustic waves, and have reviewed some of the various material design parameters which must be considered in order to obtain optimum SAW device performance. A convenient summary of some of the basic data for many of the popular surface wave orientations is given in Table I . , Def"mitions o f each quantity can be found in the text. It is hoped this summary of available information will provide a unified source of basic design data a5 well as a list of references to be consulted whenever additional information is needed. 1t 8 ) 119) (20) [21 ) (22) [23 1 [ 24 1 (251 Lord Rayleigh, "On waves propagated along the plane surface of an elastic solid," Proc. London Math. Soc. , vol 1 7 , pp. 4-1 1 , 1 88 5 . R . M . White and F. W. Voltmer, "Direct piezoelectric coupling to surface elastic waves," Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol. 7, pp. 3 1 4-3 1 6 , 1 96 5 . J . J . Campbell and W. R. Jones, "A method for estimating optimal crystal cuts and propagation directions for excitation of piezoelectric surface waves," IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason. , vol. SU· 1 5 , pp. 209-2 1 8 , Oct. 1 9 68. W. R. Jones, J. ,J. Campbell, and S. L. Veilleux, "Theoretical analysis of acoustic surface waves," H ughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, CA., Final Report FI 9628·69·0 1 3 2 , 1969, unpublished. H. F. Tiersten, "Thickness vibrations of piezoelectric plates, J. Acoust. Soc. A mer. , vol. 35 , pp. 5 3- 5 8 , 1 963. H . Goldstein, Classical Mechanics . Reading, MA: Addison· Wesley, 1 9 50. I. A. Viktorov, Rayleigh and Lamb Waves. New York: Plenum . Press, 1 967. A. J. Slobodnik, Jr., E. D. Conway, and R. T. Delmonico, Micro· WQve Acoustics Handbook, vol. l A, Surface Wave Velocities, AFCRL, Hanscom AFB, MA 0 1 7 3 1 , TR·73·05 97, unpublished. J. H. Collins, H. M. Gerard, and H. J. Shaw, "High·performance lithium niobate acoustic surface wave transducers and delay lines," Appl. Phys. Lett. , vol. 1 3, pp. 3 1 2-3 1 3, 1 9 6 8 . K. A . Ingebrigtsen, "Surface waves in piezoelectrics, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 40, pp. 2 68 1-2686. G. A. Coquin and H. F. Tiersten, "Analysis of the e xcitation and detection of piezoelectric surface waves in quartz by means of surface electrodes," J. Acoust. Soc. A mer. , vol. 4 1 , pp. 9 2 1 -939, 1 9 67. P . H. Carr, P. A. DeVito, and T. L. Szabo, "The effect of tempera· ture and doppler shift on the performance of elastic surface wave encoders and decoders," IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason. , vol. SU· 1 9 , p p . 3 5 7-367, July 1 972. M . B. Schulz, B. J. Matsinger, and M : G. Holland, "Temperature dependence of surface acoustic wave velocity on Q quartz," J. Appl. PhyiS., vol. 4 1 , pp. 1 -30, 1 9 70. A. J. Siobodnik, Jr., "The Temperature Coefficients of Acoustic Surface Wave Velocity and Delay on Lithium Niobate, Lithium Tantalate, Quartz and Tellurium Dioxide," AFC RL, Hanscom AFB, MA 0 1 7 3 1 , unpub lished. A. J. Slobodnik, Jr., and E. D. C onway, "New high·frequency high-coupling l ow-beam·steering cut for acoustic surface waves on LiNbO. ," Electron. 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Cut for Ro'tated V-Cut Li N b03 Crysta l Used as the S u bstrate of Acousti c-Su rface-Wave Fi lters KIMIO SHIBAYAMA, KAZUHIKO YAMANOUCHI , HIROAlP SATO, AND TOSHIYASU MEGURO Abstract-The existenc e of a new suppression cut to the most ob­ structive spuriou s component consisting of the -slower shear wave plOp­ agatating in a crystal has been experimentally found out for acoustic· surface-wave propagation on LiNb0 3 • The plate is a 127.860 rotated Y-cut X·propagating plate and has a large electromechanical coupling coe fficien t. This paper deals mainly with the experimental suppression of the spurious component through RF pulse responses and frequency-transmission characteristics of rotated Y-cut plates cut at several angles near EXPERIMENT INTRODUCTION IEZOELECTRIC substrates for 0 acoustic-surface-wave filters and delay lines with 1 3 1 rotated Y-qut X·prop· P agating crystalline lithium nio bate plates [ 1 ] , [ 2 1 are widely used. This is because of their superiority in electro· mechanical coupling to Rayleigh waves and low beam steering compared with other cuts. However, an unknown spurious signal generated on the substrate frequently prevents success­ ful experiments. 0 131 • For filters, this leads to phenomena in which the attenuation in the stopband cannot be guaranteed to be sufficiently large. Manuscript received November 4, 1975. The authors are with the Research Institute o f Electrical Communica· tion, Tohoku University , Send ai, Jap�n. The experiments were performed using a plate rotated from the Y axis about the X axis of a LiNb03 crystal. 0 0 The 10 0 , and their cut angles were 1 3 1 .88 specimens were obtained by cutting at intervals of about from 8 == 0 1 23 .6 0 to 8 = measured exactly by X-ray diffraction on the bases of the 0 (0, - 1 , 4 ) plane [ 3 ] , which is equal to the 1 27.86 cut plane. Each specimen is 24 mm long, 1 5 mm wide, and about 2 mm thick. The dimensions o f the interdigital aluminum electrodes 34 fingers are 5 .2 5 mm in overlap finger length, 25 Jl.ID in finger width, and 25 Iltn in fmger space, and the center-to­ with center distance between launching and receiving electrodes is 1 0 mm. On the reverse side of these specimens, many grooves were cut obliquely to the propagation axis in order to suppress the unknown bulk waves reflected from the bottom.