Chapter 5 The Drude Theory of Metals • Basic assumption of Drude model • DC electrical conductivity of a metal • Hall effect • Thermal conductivity in a metal 1 Basic assumptions of Drude model * A “ gas of conduction electrons of mass m, which move against a background of heavy immobile ions Electron density 0.6022 ×10 24 ρm n = 0.6022 × 10 24 Avogadro’s number Mass density in g/cm3 A Atomic mass in g/mole Z Number of electron each atom contribute rs Radius of a sphere whose volume is equal to the volume per conduction electron V 1 4 3 = = πrs N n 3 rs Zρ m A a0 ~ 2−3 1/ 3 3 rs = 4πn in typical metal Bohr radius The density is typically 103 times greater than those of a classical gas at normal T and P. 2 * Between collisions the interaction of a given electron, both with others and with the ions, is neglected. * Coliisons in the Drude model are instantaneous events that abruptly alter the velocity of an electron. Drude attributed them to the electrons bouncing off the impenetrable ion cores. 1 * We shall assume that an electron experiences a collision with a probability per unit time Probability dt τ τ τ during time interval dt : relaxation time * Electrons are assumed to achieve thermal equilibrium with their surroundings only through collisons 3 DC Electrical Conductivity of a Metal n electrons per unit volume all move with velocity the direction of flow. Charge crossing A in time dt: j= r v When r v . n(vdt )A electrons will cross an area A perpendicular to − nevAdt r r j = −nev − nevAdt = −nev Adt the average electronic velocity r E=0 , r v =0 r In a electric field E t: time elapse since last collision r v0 r randomly oriented, and does not contribute to average v r r eE r e E t v ~ 0.1cm / s Acquired velocity: − v =− t m m r r ne 2t r The average t is relaxation time E j = −nev = m 2 r r r ne 2τ r ne τ E j = j = σ E = σ m at 1A/mm2 τ m 4 τ= m ρne 2 Mean free path τ l = v0τ v0 ~ 107 cm/sec ~ 10-14 to 10-15 sec at RT 1 3 2 mv0 = k BT 2 2 l ~ 1 – 10 A at RT Estimate of v0 is an order of magnitude too small Actual l ~ 103 A at low temperature, a thousand times the spacing between ions • Use Drude model without any precise understanding of the cause of collisions. τ • • τ -independent quantities yield more reliable information calculated using τ= m is accurate ρne 2 • Be cautious about quantities such as average electron velocity v, and electron specific heat cv 5 At any time t, average electronic velocity Momentum r p (t ) r p (t + dt ) r r p (t ) v= m r r nep(t ) j =− m at time t at time t+dt Fraction of electrons without suffering a collision from t to (t+dt) 1− dt τ Each of these electrons acquire an additional momentum under the influence of an external force r f (t ) : r f (t )dt dt Fraction of electrons that undergo a collision: τ After a collision, the electronic velocity is randomly directed, and the average velocity is 0. 6 r ~ f (t )dt The acquired velocity for each of these electrons after dt: r f (t ) neglected The contribution to momentum per electron: ~ (dt )2 τ r r r r dt r dt r 2 p (t + dt ) = 1 − p (t ) + f (t )dt + O(dt ) 2 = p (t ) − p (t ) + f (t )dt + O(dt ) τ τ [ ] r r dp (t ) p(t ) r =− + f (t ) dt τ r r r dt r 2 p(t + dt ) − p (t ) = − p (t ) + f (t )dt + O(dt ) τ equivalent to a damping term Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance z y H Ex x + + + + + + + + + + + + + Ey jx - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vx -e r r − ev × H 7 er r − v×H c Lorentz force deflects electrons in –y direction Electric field build up in y direction that oppose electron motion in y direction. In equilibrium the traverse field (Hall field) Ey balance the Lorentz force Two important parameters: To calculate ρ ( H ) and arbitrary components RH Ex E y resistivity E ρ (H ) = x jx , consider the current density Hall coefficient RH = jx and jy In steady state the current is independent of time 0 = −eE y + ωc p x − In steady state and using jy = 0 Hz r r r dp r p r p = −e E + ×H − dt mc τ 0 = −eE x − ωc p y − Multiply by in the presence of an electric field with The momentum per electron neτ − m jx H negative value for electrons, and positive value for positive charge , and in the presence of magnetic field r r r r H f = −e E + v × c Ey So r r j = nev px τ px ωc = eH mc τ σ 0 E x = ωcτ j y + j x σ 0 E y = −ωcτ j x + j y ω τ H E y = − c j x = − jx nec σ0 where Where ne 2τ σ0 = m RH = − 1 nec 8 9 10 11 12