THE INTERACTION OF CALCIUM AND HYDROGEN IONS IN THE NODULATION O F SUBTERRANEAN CLOVER By J. F. LONERAGAN* and E. J. DOWLING* manuscript received Jalzuclry 9, 19581 Summary A study was made of the effects of calcium and hydrogen ions on the nodulation of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in water culture. A compound interaction was found. At pH 4.0 or less no nodules were formed a t any calcium concentration. At a 0.01mx calcium concentration no nodules were formed a t any pH used. Above these critical values, almost maximum nodulation could be obtained by an increase in either calcium concentration or pH, so that each factor was to a large degree replaceable by the other. Calcium and hydrogen ions in the range of concentrations which produced these marked interactions on nodulation had no measurable effect on plant growth (nitrate was supplied in solution). The effects of calcium and hydrogen ions on the growth of the Rhizobium strain used werealso markedly different from their effects on nodulation. Hydrogen ions had a dominating effect on Rhizobium growth, while calcium ions had no effect a t any pH and were required a t most in trace amounts. Hydrogen ions depressed calcium uptake by the plants. I t is suggested that, in the range of concentrations where they were replaceable, the effects of calcium and hydrogen ions on nodulation were through their influence on the level of caloium in the plants. I t is concluded that the calcium requirement for nodulation of subterranean clover is higher than for growth of the host plant or for growth of Rhizobium. Soil acidity and soil calcium have been recognized for many years as factors influencing the nodulation and growth of legumes. Albrecht (1933) studied the effect of different amounts of soil calcium on the nodulation of soybean over a pH range of 4.0-6.5. The calcium supply was adjusted by mixing different amounts of calcium-hydrogen clays of the required pH with quartz sand. At and below pH 5.0 nodules did not form a t any level of calciun~. At a p H of 5.5 there was a marked effect of calcium supply on nodulation and this effect increased as the soils became less acid. On the other hand the effect of calcium supply on the growth of lettuce and tomato plants in nutrient solutions was shown by Arnon and Johnson (1942) to be much less a t pH 6 than a t more acid reactions (pH 4 and 5 ) . This effect was attributed to a depression of calcium uptake by hydrogen ions (Arnon, Fratzke, and Johnson 1942). Schmehl, Peech, and Bradfield (1952) also observed a depressing action of hydrogen ions on calcium uptake by lucerne. Thus the interaction of calcium and hydrogen ions on plant growth and calcium uptake by plants is in direct contrast to that for nodulation. *Division of Plant Industry, C.S.I.R.O., Canberra. CALCIUM AND HYDROGEN IONS IN CLOVER NODULATION 465 With the recent use of trace amounts of lime (as a coating on the seed) to establish subterranean clover on acid soils on the Southern Tableland of New South Wales (Loneragan et cd. 1955) it seemed desirable to obtain a better understanding of the interaction of calcium and hydrogen ions on the nodulation and growth of this plant. This paper describes the results of investigations on the interaction of these factors on the nodulation and growth of subterranean clover grown in water culture. Subterranean clover (Trifoliurn subterraneum L. var. Bacchus Marsh) seeds were germinated on cheesecloth over water. After 9 days, six plants were transferred to each of a number of 3-litre beakers containing nutrient solution. The basal nutrient concentrations were: potassium phosphate l m ~ potassium , nitrate 5 m ~ ,magnesium sulphate lmiv, boric acid 1 5 p ~ ,copper sulphate 0 . 1 p ~ ,molybdic acid 0 . 0 3 p ~manganese , chloride 3 p ~zinc , sulphate 0 . 3 p ~iron , 1 8 p as ~ the chelate of the dipotassium salt of ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. Treatments were imposed by varying the level of calcium sulphate and by titrating the solutions to the required pH daily with 0 . 1 sulphuric ~ acid solution. The solutions were aerated continuously and the beakers u-ere covered to protect the roots from light. Each beaker 11-as inoculated with Rhizobium after the plants had been growing in solution for 1 day. Rhixobium t7,ifolii strain NA30 was used in all experiments. The bacteria were grown on agar slopes consisting of 10 ml of the Rhizobium nutrient solution described below, with additions of calcium sulphate (to give a concentration of l m ~ and ) agar. After 4-7 days' growth a t 25°C the bacteria on the surface of the slope were suspended in 10 ml of sterile, calcium-free, inorganic nutrient solution. Plate counts of the number of bacteria in suspension gave consistent values of about lo9 per ml. One ml of this suspension was diluted to 100 ml with calcium-free, inorganic nutrient solution, and 1 ml of this dilution was further diluted to 1 litre. One ml of this final dilution, containing about lo4 bacteria, was added to each beaker. The plants were harvested soon after macroscopic nodules had formed, 12 days after transferring to treatments. Nodules were counted a t harvest. Six experiments are reported. Three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of varying calcium sulphate and pH on the number of nodules formed. In experiments 1 and 2 there were two replicates. Experiment 3 had five replicates. A fourth experiment was carried out in triplicate to compare the effects of magnesium sulphate and calcium chloride with those of calcium sulphate on nodulation at pH 4.5. Experiments 5 and 6 were designed to study the interaction of calcium and hydrogen ions on the growth of Rhizobium. Sterile nutrient solutions identical in inorganic composition to the above were used: to each litre of solution 1g of Difco yeast extract and 5 g of mannitol were added. The yeast extract contained 0.016 m-moles of calcium per gram. The experiments were conducted in 100-ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 10 ml of nutrient solution. The same procedure was used for inoculation of the flasks as was used for the inoculation of the beakers except that a sterile, calcium-free medium containing yeast extract and mannitol was used for all dilutions. Experiment 5 was conducted in duplicate and each flask received about lo6 bacteria of the bacteria on the slope). Experiment 6 466 J. E. LONERAGAN AND E. J. DOWLING of the bacteria was carried out in triplicate and each flask received lo4 bacteria on the slope). The maximum possible carry-over of calcium in the inoculum would contribute a concentration of calcium in the flasks no greater than 0 . l P ~in experiment 5 and 0 . 0 0 1 p ~in experiment 6. After inoculation the flasks were placed on an oscillating shaker in a constant temperature room a t 23°C for 4 days (experiment 5) or 3 days (experiment 6). Growth was measured by determining culture density in a nephelometer. Estimates of the number of bacteria both by plant infection dilution technique and by direct counts indicated that growth became just detectable in the nephelometer a t lo6 cells per ml, and that further increases in cell numbers were directly proportional to cell density. I pH: I 4.0 CALCIUM LEVEL: Fig. 1.-The I J I 6.0 5.0 10 0-0 EXPERIMENT 3 EXPERIMENT 2 EXPERIMENT 1 mM I I I I 5,O 4.0 I I I 6.0 4.0 5.0 .-----. . 7 mM #.. 1 mM 0- 0.1 mM -0 I 6.0 I -. 0.01 mM 0-. -. effect of p H on the nodulation of plants a t different levels of calcium. 111. RESULTS (a) Nodulation The effects of calcium and hydrogen ion concentrations on the percentage of plants nodulated and on the number of nodules per plant for experiments 1, 2, and 3 are shown in Figure 1. At a pH of 4.0 no plants were nodulated a t any concentration of calcium sulphate. At a pH of 4.5 no nodules were formed a t low calcium sulphate levels but there were marked effects of increasing calcium sulphate concentration resulting in the nodulation of all plants at a lOmM calcium sulphate concentration. Also a t a 0 . O l m ~concentration no plants were nodulated a t any pH, but a t a O . l m ~concentration there were marked effects of increasing pH, from 0-50 per cent. nodu- 467 CALCIUM AND HYDROGEN IONS IN CLOVER NODULATION lation at pH 4.5 to 93-100 per cent. nodulated plants a t pH 6.0. Again a t a l m ~ calcium sulphate concentration there was a consistent positive effect of increasing pH on the percentage of plants nodulated. The data for the number of nodules per plant follow the same pattern as those for the percentage of nodulated plants. Either increasing the calcium sulphate concentration from 0 - l m x or l m to~ l O m ~a t pH 4.5, or increasing the pH from 4.5 to 6.0 a t 0 . l m ~or l m calcium ~ sulphate, produced a significant increase in the number of nodules. All experiments showed evidence of a negative interaction between the calcium sulphate treatment and the pH. This interaction was not TABLE1 THE EFFECT OF CALCIUM SULPHATE, CALCIUM CHLORIDE, AND MAGNESIUM SULPHATE CONCENTRATIONS AT pH 4.5 ON NODULATION AND GROWTH OF SUBTERRANEAN CLOVER PLANTS 1 Treatment Kodules I Calcium Sulphate (mN) Calcium Chloride (mM) 1 10 1 1 0 0 9 0 I1 , Magnesium Sulphate (mM) *Increase significant at P Dry Weight (mglplant) 1 1 (No. per plant) 83 100 1 1 1 10 = I 1 33 13 9 0.05. statistically significant for any single experiment but was found to be significant when the data for all three experiments were combined. The effect of increasing the calcium sulphate concentration from l m to~ 1 0 m was ~ significantly less a t pH 6.0 than a t pH 4.5 (P= 0.01). Effects of calcium sulphate, calcium chloride, and magnesium sulphate in varying concentrations are shown for experiment 4 in Table 1. Treatment details are given in the table, together with data for the percentage of plants nodulated, the mean number of nodules per plant, the dry weight of roots, and the dry weight of shoots. From Table 1 it is clear that calcium stimulates nodulation when present either as the chloride or as the sulphate, and that high levels of sulphate as the magnesium salt do not have any effect. The effects of calcium sulphate on nodulation reported in the first experiments must be attributed to a specific effect of the calcium ion. (6) Plant Growth Dry weight data for shoots and roots of experiment 3 are given in Table 2. Plants of all pH treatments a t 0 . 0 1 m ~calcium concentration were severely calciumdeficient and growth was markedly retarded. 468 J. F. LONERAGAN AND E. J. DOWLING A pH of 3.5 also significantly reduced root and shoot dry weight a t O.lmw calcium, and root dry weight a t l O m ~ calcium. A pH of 4.0 reduced root dry weight at O . l m ~calcium, but did not significantly affect root eight a t the higher calcium levels or shoot weight at any calcium level. From pH 4.5 to 6.0, and from a calcium concentration of O . l m ~to lomix, there were no significant effects of either calcium or hydrogen ions on the dry weight production of either roots or shoots. I t is remarkable that growth was so unresponsive to these concentrations of calcium and hydrogen ions which had such marked effects on nodulation. INTERACTION O F CALCIU4I AND H Y D R O G E N I O X S O N T H E GROWTH O F SUBTERRANE-LN CLOVER Data Shoot dry weightv (mglplant) Root dry weight$ (mglplant) ! I I 1 Calcium sulphate 0.01 0.1 1 0.01 ! I ' -7 7.60 I 10.05 2.13 1 - 248 2.55 2.78 I *hlinimum significant difference: a t P = 0.01, 2.42; ?Not determined. $Minimum significant difference: a t P = 0.01, 0.98; a t P (c) Rhizobium 8.33 12.1 i'd:: 1 2.50 3.60 2.83 3.23 p 2.10 I 1 1005 11.46 L 3 p 10 ~ ;i 1 ----- at P = = 1 - - p 1 8.28 11.1 11.1 12.2 2.55 3.20 3.20 3.23 - 3.55 3.15 - I 0.05, 1.81. 0.05, 0.73. Growth The results of experiment 5, conducted to examine the effects of calcium and hydrogen ions on the growth of Rhizobium, are presented in Figure 2. I t is clear from this figure that increasing the calcium level from O v l m ~to 1 0 m had ~ no effect on the growth of Rhizobium at any pH. On the other hand, pH had a large effect on growth a t all calcium levels. There was no evidence of growth 4 days after inoculation a t pH 4.0 and 4.5: at pH 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0, very dense suspensions of bacteria were produced. Observations showed that prior to harvest, growth a t pH 6.0 was greater than a t pH 5.5, which in turn was greater than a t pH 5.0, so that from pH 4.5 to pH 6.0 growth rate steadily increased with decreasing acidity. The reason for identical yields a t harvest was probably that some other factor had become limiting. By inoculating test plants with cultures grown a t pH 4.0 it was shown that the bacteria were still viable after 4 days. At no stage were any effects of calcium on growth observed. Experiment 6 showed that a t pH 6.0 solutions to which no calcium, other than that present in the CALCIUM AND HYDROGEN IONS IN CLOVER NODULATION 469 yeast extract (0.016m~),was added produced very vigorous growth: in 3 days cultures to which no calcium was added grew from lo4 cells per ml to 1.0 x 1010 cells per ml, while O.lm;\l-calcium cultures produced 1.1 x 1010 cells per ml. CALCIUM LEVEL . - - -.. .x. I d ............. 0- Fig. 2.-The - 0.1d effect of pH on the growth of Rhizobium a t different levels of calcium. IV. DISCUSSION The data presented in this paper demonstrate a compound interaction (both positive and negative) between increasing calcium and increasing pH for nodulation. The data show that there are critical levels of calcium and pH below which both factors are essential for the nodulation of subterranean clover plants. Above these critical levels, almost maximum nodulatjon may be obtained by an increase in either factor, so that each is to a large degree replaceable by the other. These data are in good agreement with the findings of Arnon and Johnson (1942) for the effects of these factors on the growth of tomato and lettuce plants. I t seems then that the interaction of calcium and hydrogen ions is similar for the nodulation of legumes and for the growth of plants. The observations of Albrecht (1933) on nodulation of soybean, showing an increasing effect of soil calcium with decreasing acidity, are in agreement with the results obtained in the present experiments over part of the range of calcium and hydrogen ion levels. I n the experiments presented in this paper the plants were supplied with sufficient nitrate to allow full growth of the host plant independent of symbiosis. 470 J. F. LONERAGAN AND E. J. D O T ~ I N O At the concentration used, this ion might have caused some depression of nodulation, which, however, would not affect the conclusions drawn. The effect of calcium ions in counteracting the depressing effect of hydrogen ions on the growth of plants mas found only a t extreme acidity in these experiments with clover. The dry weight of shoots a t p H 3.5 and 4.0 was less a t O.lmiu than a t 10mx calcium concentration, but the difference is only significant a t p H 3.5 (P= 0.05). Over the ranges of calcium concentrations from O . l m ~to lorn21 and of p H from 4.5 to 6.0, which produced such a marked negative interaction on nodulation, the gro~vthof plants was remarkably uniform. Clearly the striking effects of these treatments on nodulation cannot be attributed to secondary effects through plant growth. I n addition the Rhizobium strain used showed no detectable growth a t p H 4.5 but shoued large progressive responses to f~lrtlierdecreases in acidity. This striking effect of p H on the growth rate of Rhizobium could explain the stimulating effect of increasing p H on the nodulation of plants a t a O.lm3~or l m x calcium concentration. However, it does not directly explain the stimulating effect of 1 O m ~ calcium on nodulation a t p H 4.5 since there mas no detectable gromth of Rhizobium a t this p H and this calcium level. The increase in ionic strength of the nutrient solution might increase the p H a t the root surface of those plants a t a 1 0 m calcium ~ concentration compared with those a t lower concentrations. However, the p H would not rise above that of the ambient solution, so that any effect of calcium on nodulation a t p H 4.5 cannot be interpreted in terms of a shift in the p H of the rhizosphere and a consequent increase in growth rate of the bacteria there. Moreover, magnesium ions did not stimulate nodulation. The processes involved in the stimulation of nodulation by a lOmr\.r calcium concentration a t p H 4.5 must therefore be those of infection or early nodule development. An explanation for the interchangeability of calcium and hydrogen ions in this process may be found in the work of Albrecht and Davis (1929),who showed that calcium-starved soybean seedlings transplanted into a well-inoculated acid soil developed very few nodules compared with transplanted seedlings which had previously received calcium. This suggested that the level of calcium in the plant lvas important in the nodulation of legumes. Such an effect of plant calcium on nodulation is consistent both with the knomn effects of hydrogen ions in suppressing calcium uptake by plants and with the effects of calcium and hydrogen ions on nodulation reported here. Calcium uptake was depressed by hydrogen ions in these experiments; the shoots of those plants grolln a t a l m n ~calcium concentration contained significantly less calcium a t p H 4.5 (0.48 per cent. dry wt.) than a t p H 6.0 (0.69 per cent.) ( P = 0.05). It is suggested then that the negative interaction for nodulation between increasing calcium and decreasing hydrogen ions reported in this paper may be explained by the effect of these ions on the level of calcium in the plants. This conclusion implies that nodulation has a higher requirement for calcium than does gromth of either Rhizobium or host plant. This extra calcium could function a t any stage of infection or early nodule development. It is of interest in this connexion that Nutman (1956) has suggested an intimate association between the Rhizobium CALCIUM AND HYDROGEN IONS I N CLOVER NODULATION 47 1 and the primary cell wall during infection, and that calcium is known to modify the properties of the plant cell wall (Burstrom 1952; Tagawa and Bonner 1957). The failure of calcium-deficient plants to form nodules is consistent with this conclusion. However, the reduction in the dry weight of both roots and shoots a t very low calcium levels was marked, and the absence of nodules on these plants might therefore have resulted from a secondary effect on plant growth. Similarly, extreme acidity (pH 3.5) reduced plant growth and nodulation. Hoxvever, a t pH 4.0 no nodules formed at the highest level of calcium in spite of the fact that there was no significant reduction in the yield of these plants. At pH 4.0 there was no apparent growth of Rhizobium although cells remained viable for at least 4 days in pure culture. That acidity may prevent nodulation even in the presence of living bacteria was shown by Cabezas de Herrerra (1956)who maintained lucerne Rhizobium in culture solution at pH 4.0 and found that the bacteria were unable to infect the host unIess returned to culture solution a t pH 6-6. The finding that the Rhizobium strain used in these experiments grew vigorously in the complete absence of calcium other than that present as impurity in the medium is of considerable interest. Norris (1956) has postulated that Rhizobium associated with Trifolizm has a high requirement of calcium for growth. This conclusion was based on the results of experiments by JIcCalla (1937) and hiorris (1966), which showed that high levels of calcium were needed in colloidal clay cultures for the maximum growth of lucerne Rhizobium, in contrast with the soybean Rhizobiunx, which grew with no calcium other than that present as impurity. However, the amount of calcium needed by Iucerne Rhizobium in these colIoida1 clay cultures was more than a thousandfold greater than the concentration of calcium present as an impurity in the control cultures of the present experiments. Our result therefore throm doubt on whether the Rhizobium associated with Trifolium has in fact a high calcium requirement. I t suggests further that the difference between the calcium nutrition of the lucerne Rhizobium and that of the soybean Rhizobium may not be one of calcium requirement for metabolism but rather a difference in the reaction of these organisms to calcium in the presence of a clay colloid. I t seems reasonable to anticipate that the conditions of extreme acidity and of lorn7 calcium supply which severely retarded the grovth of subterranean clover plants in these experiments might be encountered in soils. I n such soils subterranean clover would not grow well even if the plants were nodulated (e.g. by use of a coat of lime on the seed). A further problem under conditions of extreme acidity would be the nodulation of the legume in years after the establishment of the pasture, for our results show that at extreme acidity nodulation is inhibited even a t very high levels of calcium. On the other hand the data presented in this paper show that there is a wide range of conditions in respect to calciun~and hydrogen ion concentrations within which nodulation of subterranean clover is inhibited to a varying degree but throughout which growth is not affected. Soils whose calcium and hydrogen ion concentrations fall within these limits can be expected to support maximum growth of subterranean clover without the addition of lime, although the use of lime may 472 J. F. LONERAGAN AND E. J. DOWLING be obligatory to achieve nodulation. The use of trace amounts of lime in the form of pellets around the seed (Loneragan et ul. 1955) should be sufficient to achieve nodulation and maximuni production on these soils. This conclusion is in keeping with the results of Anderson and Moge (1952) who pointed out that on the more acid soils of the Southern Tableland of New South Wales, where responses to lime occurred in the early years of sown pasture, there TTas a continuous and substantial improvement in nodulation and yield of subterranean clover over a period of five seasons where no lime was used. The lime was apparently needed on these soils only for nodulation in the year of establishment. Mr. G. A. BlcIntyre, Division of illathematical Statistics, C.S.I.R.O., has been most helpful with advice and statistical treatment of data. We also wish to thank Mr. J. Brockwell and Mr. F. J. Bergersen of the Division of Plant Industry, C.S.I.R.O., for help and advice v-ith bacteriological techniques, Mr. D. J. David for the calcium analyses, and Dr. A. J. Anderson for his advice and criticism a t all stages of the investigations. Mr. K. C. illarshall of the New South Wales Department of Agriculture kindly supplied the culture of Rhizobium trifolii strain NA30. VI. REVERENCES ALBRECHT, W. A. (1933).-Inoculation of legumes as related to soil acidity. J. Amer. SOC. Agron. 25: 512-22. W. A., and DAVIS,F. L. (1929).-Physiological importance of calcium in legume ALBRECHT, inoculation. Bot. Gaz. 88 : 310-21. A. J., and MOYE,D. V. (1952).-Lime and molybdenum in clover development on ANDERSON, acid soils. A u s t . J. Agric. Res. 3 : 95-110. ARNOX,D. I., FRATZKE, TV. E., and JOHNSON, C. IM. (1942).-Hydrogen ion concentration in relation to absorption of inorganic nutrients by higher plants. Plant Physiol. 17: 515-24. C. Al. (1942).-Influence of hydrogen ion concentration. on the growth ARNON,D. I., and JOHNSON, of higher plants under controlled conditions. Plant Physiol. 17: 525-39. H. (1952).-Studies on growth and metabolism of roots. VIII. Calcium as a growth BURSTROM, factor. Physiol. Plant. 5: 391-402. DE HERRERRA, E . 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