Comparison of PM Machines with Concentrated Windings for Automotive Application Sachar Spas, Gurakuq Dajaku, Dieter Gerling Φ Abstract – This paper presents a comparison of two inlet permanent magnet synchronous machines with concentrated windings. A novel 24-teeth/28-poles machine design with flux barriers in the stator teeth is compared to a common 30teeth/20-poles design, which is widely used for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications. Detailed comparison of important machine characteristics such as torque ripple, iron losses, eddy current losses in the magnets, axial length and machine weight is presented. According to the study, the novel 24-teeth/28-poles machine design offers a high saving potential concerning the space requirement and production costs. At the same time this machine topology generates a smoother torque compared to the 30-teeth/20-poles topology. poles topology using flux barriers in the stator teeth to reduce undesired sub-harmonics (Fig. 1(b)). Both machines are designed under the same geometrical and electrical conditions and are analyzed with finite element method (FEM). According to the study, the novel 24-teeth/28-poles machine design offers a high saving potential regarding machine length, weight and consequently space requirement and costs. Index Terms— efficiency, finite element method, hybrid electric vehicle, magnetic flux barrier, MMF harmonics, permanent magnet synchronous machines, tooth concentrated winding I. INTRODUCTION In the last years, the requirements for better performances, safety, reliability and lower costs in automobiles have driven the development of electrical machines using new design techniques. Depending on the application in automotive different requirements, such as cost, limited space, efficiency, torque density, wide operating speed range, have to be considered. Regarding these requirements permanent magnet (PM) synchronous machines turned out to be the best solution to satisfy the demands. Moreover, using PM machines with tooth concentrated windings instead of conventional distributed windings implies advantages, such as short and less complex end-winding, high filling factor, low cogging torque, greater fault tolerance and low manufacturing costs. However, the magnetic field produced by concentrated windings has more space harmonics, including subharmonics. These unwanted harmonics cause negative effects, such as localized core saturation, eddy current losses in the magnets [1],[2], noise and vibration [3]-[5], which are the main drawbacks of these windings. To overcome these disadvantages several methods have been developed and investigated in the last period of time [6][8]. This paper compares a widely used 30-teeth/20-poles PM machine topology (Fig. 1(a)) with a novel 24-teeth/28- Fig. 1 a): Conventional 30-teeth/20-poles PM machine topology (A+, B+, C+) Sachar Spas is with FEAAM GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, D85579 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: Gurakuq Dajaku is with FEAAM GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: 978-1-4799-4775-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 1990 Dieter Gerling is Head of the Institute of Electrical Drives at the University of Federal Defense Munich, Germany (e-mail: Fig 1 b): Novel 24-teeth/28-poles PM machine topology (A+, C-, B+, A-, C+, B-) II. ANALYSIS OF MAGNETOMOTIVE FORCE DISTRIBUTIONS As well-known, the main information about an electrical machine can be deduced by analyzing the stator winding magneto-motive force (MMF) and its space harmonics. Important machine characteristics, such as air-gap flux density, electromagnetic torque and torque ripple, magnetic radial forces and so on are directly related to the stator MMF characteristics. For the 30-teeth/20-poles (10 times 3-teeth/2-poles) winding topology the MMF distribution and the corresponding MMF spectrum are shown in Fig. 2. 1.5 depending on the harmonic order ν, I is the phase current amplitude, δ is the load angle, ω is the angular frequency and w is the number of turns per phase. Analyzing the MMF of the 24-teeth/28-poles (2 times 12-teeth/14-poles) winding topology without flux barriers in the same manner, leads to following MMF distribution (2): m 2wξ π I cos ωt − ν x + δ 2 2 πν τ Θ x, t = with ξ = sin "ν MMF [p.u.] 1 π $ . 12 Corresponding MMF distribution and MMF spectrum are shown in Fig. 3. 0.5 0 1.5 1 -0.5 0 1 2 3 4 Angle [rad] 5 6 Fig. 2 a): MMF distribution of the 30-teeth/20-poles winding topology over the stator circumference MMF [p.u.] 0.5 -1 0 -0.5 -1 1 -1.5 0 1 2 MMF [ p.u. ] 0.8 3 4 Angle [rad] 5 6 Fig. 3 a): MMF distribution of the 24-teeth/28-poles winding topology over the stator circumference 0.6 0.4 1 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Harmonic order 14 16 18 20 Fig. 2 b): MMF spectrum of the 30-teeth/20-poles winding topology Figure 2(b) illustrates that the space harmonics decrease with increasing harmonic order. However, for a 20-poles machine only the 1st space harmonic of the stator field interacts with the rotor field, caused by permanent magnets, to produce a continuous torque. In other words, with a 20-poles rotor the 1st stator field harmonic is chosen as the working wave. The other space harmonics (2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, etc.), that have relatively large amplitudes, are undesirable and lead to above mentioned negative effects. Using Fourier series the MMF distribution of 30-teeth/20poles winding is given by following equation: MMF [ p.u. ] 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Harmonic order 14 16 18 20 Fig. 3 b): MMF spectrum of the 24-teeth/28-poles winding topology Using this winding with a 28-poles rotor means that the 7th stator field harmonic is chosen as the working wave. The other space harmonics affect the machine performance negatively. According to Fig. 3 the 24-teeth stator without flux barriers is not well suited for a 28-poles rotor, mainly because of the high magnitudes of the 1st and the 5th MMF harmonics. These sub-harmonics (compared to 7th) would m 2wξ π Θ x, t = I cos ωt − ν x + δ 1 produce high iron losses and eddy current losses in the 2 πν τ magnets, which would decrease the torque density and the with efficiency of the machine. But according to [9] the situation π ξ = sin "ν $ ,1991changes significantly applying flux barriers to the stator 3 teeth, as it is shown in Fig 1(b). Reference [9] describes and investigates the influence of flux barriers on the resulting where m is the number of phases, ξ is the winding factor air-gap flux density. It is shown that the 1st and the 5th sub- harmonics of the air-gap flux density are reduced by 73% and by 19%, respectively. Furthermore, the 7th harmonic of the air-gap flux density, which is the working harmonic, is increased by about 16%, compare Fig. 4. saves about 14,3% of active length compared with a common used 30-teeth/20-poles design. Table III 30/20-topology 300 A 270 Nm 1.69 kW 0.025 kW 0.33 kW 63 mm @2500rpm I&'( M* P,P'./ P01 Active length Fig. 4: Comparison of the air-gap flux density spectrum of a conventional stator (red) and a new stator with flux barriers (black) [9] III. COMPARISON OF SIMULATION RESULTS Furthermore, as Fig. 5 illustrates, the electromagnetic torque created by this innovative machine design is far smoother than the one produced by the conventional machine. The torque ripple of the novel design is about 2,33%, compared to 11,8% of the conventional one. On the other hand, the losses of the 24-teeth/28-poles machine tend to be higher than those of 30-teeth/20-poles machine. Especially this holds for the iron core losses Pfe in the stator and rotor. These increased losses arise from the increased number of poles and the associated higher frequency. However, if necessary, these losses can be reduced by a different optimization target. To compare the above mentioned machine designs both PM machines have been designed and analyzed using FEM. To ensure a fair comparison both machines are designed under the same geometrical und electromechanical boundary conditions, refer to Table I and Table II. Electromagnetic Torque @ 2500rpm Torque [Nm] 300 Table I: Geometrical Boundary Conditions Inner rotor diameter Outer rotor diameter Outer stator diameter Gap length Maximum active length 200 mm 240 mm 300 mm 1 mm 63 mm Irms = 300 A nn = 2500 rpm Mn = 270 Nm Pn ≈ 71 kW nmax = 6000 rpm M(nmax) = 112.5 Nm The comparison is done for the same output power (mechanical power) at different rotational speeds. In either case the effective value of the sinusoidal supply current is fixed to Irms = 300A. In order to reduce the eddy current losses in the magnets, like it is presented in [10], the permanent magnets of both machines are considered to be segmented eight times in axial direction. 250 200 M_24/28 @2500rpm M_30/20 @2500rpm 150 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Time [ms] Fig. 5: Electromagnetic torque of investigated machines at Irms =300 A and n = 2500 rpm Table II: Electromechanical Boundary Conditions Supply current Nominal rotational speed Nominal torque Nominal Power Maximum rotational speed Torque @ nmax 24/28-topology 300 A 270 Nm 1.72 kW 0.075 kW 0.75 kW 54 mm B. Simulation results for operation at maximum speed The same way the results for operation at maximum speed are presented in Table IV and Fig. 6. As estimated the iron core losses and the eddy current losses increase with the speed. As Fig. 6 illustrates, the torque ripples at this operating point are almost identical for both designs. Nevertheless, it is important to keep in mind that torque ripple is far less critical at high speed due to the damping effect of the rotor mass inertia. @6000rpm I&'( M A. Simulation results for nominal operating point P,Simulation results for the nominal operating speed (2500 P rpm) under the same load condition (270 Nm) are presented1992 './ in Table III. It can be clearly seen, that the 24-teeth/28P01 poles machine design satisfies the load requirement with a Active length significantly shorter active length. Using this topology Table IV 30/20-topology 300 A 112.5 Nm 1.69 kW 0.2 kW 0.55 kW 63 mm 24/28-topology 300 A 112.5 Nm 1.72 kW 0.25 kW 1.8 kW 54 mm V. Electromagnetic Torque @ 6000rpm Torque [Nm] 150 100 50 M_24/28 @6000rpm M_30/20 @6000rpm 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time [ms] 5 6 Fig. 6: Electromagnetic torque of investigated machines at Irms =300 A and n = 6000 rpm C. Comparison of material weights The novel machine design provides a great advantage concerning the material weights. This is caused by the reduced axial length on the one hand side and the usage of flux barriers in the stator on the other side. The research shows that the total machine weight is reduced from 18.67 kg to 15.95 kg, refer to Table V. This means, that the required amount of material for the motor production is reduced, e.g. 14% less magnet material, which leads to a significant decrease of production cost. Simultaneously, the space requirement is reduced enormously due to the shorter machine length and using flux barriers there are other novel cooling methods applicable [11]. Table V: Material Weights 30/20-topology Stator weight (stack of sheets) Rotor weight (stack of sheets) Copper weight Magnet weight Total weight REFERENCES [1] M. Nakano, H.Kometani, "A study on eddy-current losses in rotors of surface permanent magnet synchronous machines", IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, vol. 42, No. 2, March/April 2006. [2] N. Bianchi, E. 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Howe, “Rotor eddycurrent loss in permanent magnet brushless machines”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 40, no.4 , July 2004. pp. 2104-2106. [11] A. Nollau, D. Gerling, “Novel Cooling Methods Using Flux Barriers”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2014, Berlin, Germany, submitted paper. 24/28-topology VI. BIOGRAPHIES 8.43 kg 6.76 kg 5.33 kg 4.56 kg 3.63 kg 1.28 kg 18.67 kg 3.53 kg 1.1 kg 15.95 kg IV. CONCLUSIONS Sachar Spas; M.Sc. Sachar Spas is with FEAAM GmbH, WernerHeisenberg-Weg 39, D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: Sachar Spas was born in Lviv, Ukraine, in 1988. He got his M.Sc. degree from the University of Federal Defense Munich, Germany in 2012. Since 2012 he is a Research Scientist with FEAAM GmbH. Gurakuq Dajaku;Dr.-Ing. Gurakuq Dajaku is with FEAAM GmbH, Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: Born in 1974, Dr. Dajaku got his diploma degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Pristima, Kosova, in 1997 and his Ph.D. degree from the University of Federal Defense Munich, Germany, in 2006. Since 2007 he is Senior Scientist with FEAAM GmbH, an engineering company in the field of electric drives. His research interest is in the field of electrical machines and drives. Dr. Dajaku received the Rheinmetall Foundation Award 2006 and the ITIS (Institute for Technical Intelligent Systems) Research Award 2006. The present study compares two inlet permanent magnet synchronous machine designs for hybrid electric vehicle or battery electric vehicle application. Under the same geometrical and electrical boundary conditions the conventional design and the novel design with flux barriers Dieter Gerling; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Gerling is Head of the Institute of in the stator teeth are considered and the obtained results Electrical Drives at the University of Federal Defense Munich, Wernerare compared. In conclusion, the proposed machine design Heisenberg-Weg 39, D-85579 Neubiberg, Germany (e-mail: generates smoother torque and leads to a shorter and far Born in 1961, Prof. Gerling got his diploma and Ph.D. degrees in less heavy machine. This results in lower production costs, Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Aachen, Germany because one needs less material. The disadvantage of higher in 1986 and 1992, respectively. From 1986 to 1999 he was with Philips iron core losses compared to the 30-teeth/20-poles topology Research Laboratories in Aachen, Germany as Research Scientist and later as Senior Scientist. In 1999 Dr. Gerling joined Robert Bosch GmbH in must be kept in mind, but nevertheless these losses can be Bühl, Germany as Director, being responsible for New Electrical Drives reduced through a corresponding optimization target. 1993 and New Systems. Since 2001 he is Full Professor and Head of the Institute of Electrical Drives at the University of Federal Defense Munich, Germany. 1994 Powered by TCPDF (