CITY OF WARRENVILLE PLAN COMMISSION/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Draft Minutes of Regular Meeting Held on Thursday, April 23, 2015 At the Warrenville City Hall 28W701 Stafford Place I. OPENING CEREMONIES A. Call to Order Plan Commission Chairman John Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. B. II. Roll Call PC Present: John Davis, Tim Cosgrove, Brad Hays, Joe Rossi, Robert Pepple, PC Excused: Michael Harrington, Suzanne Battista, Roland Laurin PC Absent: Al Thompson ZBA Present: John Davis, Tim Cosgrove, Brad Hays, Joe Rossi ZBA Excused: Suzanne Battista, Roland Laurin ZBA Absent: Al Thompson Also Present: Community Development Dir. Ron Mentzer, Planner Ginny McIntosh, Recording Secretary Marie Lupo APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Minutes of the April 9, 2015, PC/ZBA regular meeting. COM. COSGROVE MOVED, SECONDED BY COM. PEPPLE, TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 9, 2015, REGULAR MEETING. MOTION ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY VIA VOICE VOTE. IV. PUBLIC HEARING A. Northwestern Memorial Healthcare 4455 Weaver Parkway Project #2015-0100 Located south of I-88, west of Mill Street, north of Diehl Road, on the east side of Weaver Parkway Request for approval of Site Specific Amendment/Exception to the Cantera Development Control Regulations and Warrenville Sign Ordinance to increase the height and size of wall signs allowed in Office Park Use Area, and to allow wall signs to be installed on a building frontage where public access is not provided. The approval of this request would allow Northwestern Memorial Healthcare to replace the existing two non-illuminated wall signs on the west and south elevations of the Proton Center (south building) with two new illuminated wall signs reflecting the new ownership of the facility. For the benefit of the audience, Ch. Davis provided a brief introduction to the request and explained the public hearing process that would ensue. The Applicant submitted proof of lawful notice in the form of certified mail return receipts to Recording Secretary Lupo. COM. COSGROVE MOVED, SECONDED BY COM. PEPPLE, TO OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION ADOPTED VIA VOICE VOTE. Minutes of April 23, 2015, Regular PC/ZBA Meeting Page 2 of 5 Melody Burke of County Court Reporters, Inc. duly administered an oath to Northwestern’s Brand Manager Nichole Volk, who addressed the Commission and set forth the reasons for the Proton Center’s signage alteration request, primarily of which is daytime and nighttime identification for its many out-of-town patients who travel to Cantera for treatment. Northwestern seeks to create a campus atmosphere uniting the Proton Center, Cancer Center and Keystone Building with consistent signage on timers that illuminate from dusk through midnight. Com. Cosgrove commented on the south side signage’s lack of visibility from Weaver Parkway due to trees. Ms. Volk replied since it is already existing in such location they are simply changing the name. Scott Ladendorf of Accurate Repro stated the existing signage measured 127 square feet. Northwestern Medicine’s Construction Team member Tom Jacobs confirmed such size. Com. Cosgrove inquired whether the Northwestern’s parent company is a not-for-profit organization, i.e., not requiring payment of real estate taxes; Ms. Volk replied in the affirmative. There were no questions or comments posed from the audience. For specific details of this public hearing presentation and discussion, please refer to the court recorder’s transcript, which is available for viewing in the City of Warrenville’s Community Development Department, 3S258 Manning Avenue, Warrenville, Illinois 60555. COM. COSGROVE MOVED, SECONDED BY COM. HAYS, TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY VIA VOICE VOTE. COM. COSGROVE MOVED, SECONDED BY COM. HAYS, THAT THE PLAN COMMISSION RECOMMENDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE REQUESTED SITE SPECIFIC AMENDMENT/EXCEPTION/DETERMINATION FROM THE CANTERA DCRS AND WARRENVILLE SIGN ORDINANCE, WHICH WOULD ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO REPLACE TWO EXISTING WALL SIGNS ON THE CHICAGO PROTON CENTER, LOCATED AT 4455 WEAVER PARKWAY, WITH THE NEW SIGNS ILLUSTRATED ON THE SIGN DRAWINGS PREPARED BY ACCURATE REPRO, INC., DATED APRIL 3, 2015, AND ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A TO THE STAFF REPORTED DATED APRIL 21, 2015. ROLL CALL VOTE: Aye: Davis, Cosgrove, Hays, Rossi, Pepple Nay: None Absent: Battista, Laurin, Thompson, Harrington MOTION ADOPTED UNANIMOUSLY. V. OTHER BUSINESS A. DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Petition Z15-017 Minutes of April 23, 2015, Regular PC/ZBA Meeting Page 3 of 5 Owner: John & Randa Duncan Address: 28W411 Gary’s Mill Road, Winfield, IL 60190 Consideration of variation request from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-701.4 to (i) reduce west side yard setback from 20 feet to 10 feet, and (ii) reduce east corner yard setback from 40 feet to 10 feet for a new house. Ch. Davis summarized the petition as a request for corner side-yard relief on a parcel that will be combined with an adjacent parcel (see petition below) and developed with a new home. Ch. Davis provided his opinion that he is not in agreement with this variance request nor the following one, because the house has yet to be designed and can be done in a way that conforms to the lot’s restrictions. The Commission concurred. B. DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Petition Z15-018 Owner: John & Randa Duncan Address: 28W421 Gary’s Mill Road, Winfield, IL 60190 Consideration of variation request from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-701.4 to (i) reduce west side yard setback from 20 feet to 19 feet, and (ii) reduce east side yard setback from 20 feet to 15 feet for a new house. (See prior request’s comments.) C. DuPage County Zoning Board of Appeals Zoning Petition Z15-018 Lamar Owner: Diehl Road Properties, LLC, Dave Kaknes, Manager Address: 31W524 Diehl Road, Naperville, IL 60563 Consideration of the following requests: 1. Conditional use from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1102.2 and 37-1103 #9 to allow an LED sign face to replace existing static sign face on east face of existing sign structure; 2. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1103 #C.2a to reduce duration time from five minutes to ten seconds between images; 3. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1103 #C.1 to allow LED sign within 500 feet of toll way; 4. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1103 #A.13 to reduce distance from ROW from 67.2 feet to 24 feet from north ROW; 5. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1103 #A.13 to reduce distance from 67.2 feet to 32 feet, 3 inches from west ROW; 6. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1103 #A.14 to allow increase in height from 20 feet to 56 feet; and 7. Variation from DuPage County Zoning Ordinance Sec. 37-1105 #4B to increase square footage to 672 square feet on both panels. Ch. Davis was not in favor of this request based on the shortened interval and distraction caused by the LED lights. Com. Cosgrove and Com. Hays did not have an issue with the proposal because it reduced light pollution by removing up-lighting, and signage would utilize the same Minutes of April 23, 2015, Regular PC/ZBA Meeting Page 4 of 5 pole but be raised to compensate for the Eola Road Bridge blocking visibility from the toll way. Dir. Mentzer shared his research on large LED-type billboard signs. The Illinois Coalition for Responsible Outdoor Lighting (ICROL) has standards that address properly adjusting signage lighting from daylight to nighttime hours. He suggested approval of the request with the recommendation the petitioner comply with the guidelines set forth by ICROL. The ZBA concurred. Although not a ZBA member, Com. Pepple commented the Commission should be less lenient toward an outdoor advertising company having a sign in conformance with current ordinances with a request to make it larger, closer, higher, brighter and more distracting-especially because it is contrary to community aesthetics. In his opinion, the request is abusive of the grandfathering clause. Dir. Mentzer stated in order to receive federal highway funding, billboards companies are allowed to erect billboards within a certain distance of interstate highways, but they must comply with local regulations. The City generally prohibits off-site advertising. The State’s regulations do not preempt the City’s right to regulate height, size, and area of signs. If the subject sign were within City limits, it would not meet our Sign Ordinance requirements. Dir. Mentzer shared his opinion the Commission should keep such signage in context, i.e., a location in Cantera would not be acceptable, but the mixture of industrial uses and absence of a residential component along Eola Road does not concern him. Com. Cosgrove recommended the ZBA suggest the petitioner comply with ICROL guidelines and signage should be limited in size to that of the existing LED west panel. The ZBA concurred. VI. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS No comments. VII. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT No report. VIII. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR’S REPORT Dir. Mentzer reported the City Council approved the redevelopment agreement with David Weekley Homes (DWH) at its April 6, 2015, meeting, which provides authorization to proceed with its due diligence period to work on design plans, survey work and soil investigation (for structural purposes). DWH will submit a revised concept plan in a May 21, 2015, PC/ZBA Courtesy Review. Com. Pepple inquired whether the submission will include options for ranchstyle housing; Dir. Mentzer replied DWH would likely accommodate the request with first-floor master suites. Although the initial site plan proposed 37 detached homes, staff feels a more reasonable estimate would be 32 homes consisting of two types: (i) traditional style housing modeled after DWH’s Celebration subdivision in Florida, ranging from $400,000-450,000; and (ii) young professional-type housing, with first floor garages and great room space, second floor kitchen/living area, and third floor bedrooms, beginning at $350,000. DWH’s goal is to break ground this year. They have hired V3 Engineering, which is the company that oversaw Minutes of April 23, 2015, Regular PC/ZBA Meeting Page 5 of 5 remediation on said property for the City. Their chief request was to prorate payment for the property when individual permits are pulled. They are encouraged by the success of M/I Homes’ Herrick Woods subdivision and hope to build three to four units per month. Dir. Mentzer reported DuPage County is working through issues arising from the acquisition of the foreclosed Player’s Dairy building. The Warrenville Road Bridge is scheduled to be closed for construction at the end of May 2015. At its April 6, 2015, meeting, the City Council approved the Strategic and Economic Development Plans, which serve as valuable guidance documents for the Commission. Copies will be distributed with the next meeting packet. On April 23, 2015, City staff attended a City of Aurora Plan Commission public hearing regarding revised preliminary PUD plans for the last phase of Duke Realty’s (Duke) Butterfield East Development (west of Route 59, south and west of Briggs and Estes) with a large warehouse distribution facility (approved seven years ago). Duke is committed to satisfying transitional yard buffering requirements the City and Aurora worked out with a former developer in 2001. Duke is attempting to secure governmental approvals for this area so they can begin construction by June. Aurora has authorized Duke to begin initial grading work on this project the week of April 27th. Duke is no longer proposing to extend the new Duke Parkway industrial collector street out to Route 59 due to unreasonable requests from IDOT, such as dual left-hand turn lanes north and south of Ferry Road. Duke has obtained an emergency fire access drive easement from the four Warrenville private property owners that own the existing shared access driveway at the southwest corner of Briggs and Estes. Developer D.R. Horton is attempting to obtain a contract extension from the Anderson property owner. D.R. Horton appears receptive to addressing input received from City staff, the PC/ZBA and economic development representatives, and are encouraged to move forward with their townhome proposal. IX. PLANNER’S REPORT Pl. McIntosh reported she is working on completion of the Warrenville Road Bridge detour map. Rec. Secretary Lupo reported receipt of an application for vacation of right-of-way from Attorney Judd Lofchie on behalf of property owners Abul and Ayesha Molla, for the former fire station property on Butterfield Road, just east of Route 59. X. ADJOURNMENT COM. COSGROVE MOVED, SECONDED BY COM. HAYS, TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:00 P.M. MOTION ADOPTED VIA VOICE VOTE. Approved: _________ 2015 _________________________________ Marie Lupo, Recording Secretary