Proceedings of the ASME 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference DSCC2009 October 12-14, 2009, Hollywood, California, USA DSCC2009-2751 PASSIVE BILATERAL TELE-OPERATION AND HUMAN POWER AMPLIFICATION WITH PNEUMATIC ACTUATORS Perry Y. Li∗ Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota, 55455 Venkat Durbha Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 Email: ABSTRACT In this paper a passive bilateral tele-operation between two pneumatic actuators is presented. The co-ordinated system is controlled to behave as a rigid mechanical tool that interacts with the human and other environment inputs. The input human forces when applied via a force sensor, can be amplified through the tele-operator to provide assistance for the human operator to perform the task either remotely or on-site. By ensuring that the system is energetically passive, robust stability is gauranteed during interaction with humans and various environments. Heat transfer during actuation affects the force output of a pneumatic actuator. The significance of this effect is studied by modeling the actuator dynamics for isothermal and adiabatic process. Control schemes for these two extreme cases of heat transfer are developed separately. Experimental evaluation of the controllers is done on two single d.o.f. pneumatic actuators. Results show good co-ordination between master and slave actuators, both in free motion and during hard contact. The root mean square position co-ordination error for isothermal model is 1mm in free motion and 3.5mm during hard contact. The corresponding errors for adiabatic model are 0.8mm and 2.5mm respectively. Human force amplification, and force reflection during hard contact are also experimentally demonstrated for both isothermal and adiabatic model. From these results it is apparent that the difference between isothermal and adiabatic assumptions is not very significant. ∗ Address Figure 1. SCHEMATIC OF TELEOPERATION. 1 INTRODUCTION Bilateral teleoperation enables humans to interact with remote environments. A schematic of tele-operation with causal flow is shown in Fig.(1). The interaction dynamics between the human, teleoperator and the environment poses interesting control problems. The closed loop interaction between a stable teleoperator and humans or environment is not always gauranteed to be stable. This is very undesirable when interacting with fragile environments and potentially dangerous with a tele-operator that has the property of amplifying the human power input. From systems theory [1], it is known that closed loop interaction between a passive system and a strictly passive system is always stable. It has been shown in [2] that the human muscle dynamics are close to passive, and most of the environments are passive. Thus, an energetically passive teleoperator can gaurantee stable and safe operation when interacting with broad range of environments. The paper by Hokayem and Spong [3] provides a comprehensive survey of different control schemes in bilateral tele-operation. In much of the literature, a common objective for teleoperation is to achieve complete transparency while maintaining stability. However transparency eliminates the intervening dynamics between human and the environment making the operation nonintuitive. A more intuitive approach is to enforce all correspondence to this author. 1 Copyright © 2009 by ASME a virtual rigid connection between the master and slave. This will make the combination of master and slave robots behave as a passive mechanical tool. In [4], this method is proposed to achieve scaled telemanipulation with electromechanical actuators. A passive controller for following the desired dynamics of a virtual rigid mechanical tool is implemented. This is achieved by cancelling out the nonlinear dynamics. Robustness may become an issue in the absence of complete information about the system dynamics. In [5], a passive controller for nonlinear bilateral tele-operation with electromechanical actuators is presented. The co-ordinated system is controlled to follow the dynamics of a desired rigid mechanical tool. However, unlike in [4], the nonlinear dynamics are not cancelled out. A major advantage of this approach is that passivity can be enforced robustly, even with inadequate information from the sensors. However, human power amplification was not considered in that paper. Passive control of fluid-powered actuators presents unique challenge as the acutator dynamics are inherently non-passive [6]. In [7], a novel method for energetically passive human power amplification with hydraulic actuators was presented. In this approach the compressible actuator is modeled as a combination of an actuator with no compressibility and a nonlinear spring for modeling the compressibility (Fig. (2)). By controlling the ideal velocity as velocity of a virtual inertia, an energetically passive structure is obtained. In [8], a general framework of this approach for both hydraulic and pneumatic actuators was developed using a storage function method. In the current paper, the ideas proposed in [8] are extended to passive teleoperation with human power amplification, of pneumatic actuators. In our approach to bilateral tele-operation with fluid powered actuators, a common virtual inertia is used as a velocity source for both master and slave actuators as shown in Fig. (3). The advantage of this approach is that it can be easily extended to co-ordination of multiple (more than 2) actuators by connecting all of them to the same virtual inertia. In this paper for simplicity, we consider only two actuators. Human power amplification is achieved by sensing the applied human force and then applying the required additional forces on the virtual inertia. The control problem is then to achieve position and velocity co-ordination between master, virtual mass and slave system, while amplifying the human force input. Once the control objective is achieved, the tele-operator will behave as a rigid mechanical tool interacting with amplified human force and environmental forces such as friction, as shown in Fig. (4). It will interact with the environment with an amplified human force. A passive decomposition scheme as proposed in [5] is then used to transform the system dynamics into individually passive shape system (relative dynamics) and locked system (center of mass dynamics) dynamics. A backstepping controller and a method to ensure robust closed loop passivity is proposed to regulate the shape system dynamics. The scaling factor η can be appropriately selected to ensure that the human operator has an intuitive feel of the task. In order to understand the effect of heat transfer on actuator performance, controller design for isothermal and adiabatic pro- Figure 2. Master and slave system interacting with human force Fh and environment forces Fem , Fes . Figure 3. Problem reperensation with the two pneumatic actuators connected to a common virtual inertia with Fdes = ηFh . Figure 4. RIGID MECHANICAL TOOL. cess are developed separately and compared experimentally. As communication delay is not pertinent to the existing experimental setup, that issue is not addressed in this paper. Although we focus on single d.o.f. teleoperation, the proposed method is generalizable to multi d.o.f. systems and to co-ordination of mutiple agents. In the next section, dynamics of the pneumatic actuator are presented. In section 3, the desired open loop passivity problem is presented. Passive decomposition and the desired closed loop passivity are presented in sections 4 and 5. Backstepping controller design along with a method for obtaining robust passivity is presented in section 6. Experimental results are presented in section 7, followed by concluding remarks in section 8. 2 Actuator Dynamics The dynamics of pneumatic actuators has been well studied and reported in literature. A common approach to controller design is to assume that the thermodynamic process is isothermal. In this paper we model the process as both isothermal and adiabatic, and present independant controller for both the models. For an adiabatic process, the pressure dynamics are obtained as, [9], γṁ1 RT1 γP1V˙1 − V1 V1 γṁ2 RT2 γP2V˙2 Ṗ2 = − V2 V2 Ṗ1 = 2 (1) Copyright © 2009 by ASME ṁ = ΨC f Av Pu if PPdu ≤ Pcr C1 √T r Ψ= γ−1 C2 √Pu ( Pd ) 1γ 1 − ( Pd ) γ Pd > Pcr Pu Pu T Pu where C1 = Figure 5. γ 2 γ+1/γ−1 , R ( γ+1 ) C2 = q 2γ R(γ−1) , and Pcr = 2 γ/γ−1 ) . ( γ+1 Pu , Pd correspond to pressures upstream and downstream of the valve. Note that these pressures vary depending on whether the chamber is charging or discharging. In the above equation, C f Av is a measure of the flow area open in the valve and is designated as the control input u to the actuator. As stated earlier, the pneumatic actuator is modeled as combination of an ideal velocity source and a nonlinear spring. Equilibrium position of the spring is obtained by equating actuator force to zero and is given by, PNEUMATIC ACTUATOR. where Pi , Vi , Ti and ṁi (i = 1, 2) indicate the pressure, volume, temperature, and flow rate of the respective actuator chambers, R is the universal gas constant and γ is the ratio of specific heats. The temperature dynamics depend on whether the chamber is charging(ṁi > 0) or discharging(ṁi < 0) and is given by Eq(2). RTc Tc ṁin (γTin − Tc ) − (γ − 1)V̇c PcVc Vc RTd2 Td Ṫd = − (γ − 1)ṁout − (γ − 1)V̇d Pd Vd Vd q (6) Ṫc = x̄ = (2) Fa = −K(m, x, T )(x − x̄(m, T )) Ṫ1iso T1iso = T2iso (8) R(m1 T1 +m2 T2 ) g g where K(m, x, T ) = (L +x)(L is the nonlinear spring stiff1o 2o −x) ness. From this expression it is clear that the stiffness is high towards the beginning and end of the stroke length, and has a minimum value at the middle of the stroke length. Energy stored in the nonlinear spring can be written as, Ṗ1iso = Ṗ2iso (7) Using the above expression, the actuator force in Eq(5) can be rewritten as, where (.)c indicates charging chamber and (.)d indicates discharging chamber. The input temperature Tin is assumed to be 290K. The state dynamics for isothermal process can be obtained from ideal gas law as, ṁ1 RT P1V̇1 − V1 V1 ṁ2 RT P2V̇2 − = V2 V2 = Ṫ2iso = 0 m1g T1 Lo − L1o m1g T1 + m2g T2 (3) (4) =T Z x Wsp = Note that pressure dynamics in isothermal and adiabatic processess differ by the factor γ. Using the ideal gas law, the net force exerted by the actuator can be rewritten as, Fa (m, x, T ) = γR( m1g T1 m2g T2 − ) L1o + x L2o − x x̄ Fa (m, l, T )dl (9) For the adiabatic process, using the ideal gas relationship TV (γ−1) = constant, we get the following expression for energy stored in spring, (5) Wadb = m1Cv (T1 − T1re f ) + m2Cv (T2 − T2re f ) − Patm A p (x̄ − x) (10) where Cv is the specific heat of air at constant volume and Tire f is the temperature of the respective chamber at x = x̄. The above expression essentially says that the energy stored in the sping is equal to the change in internal energy and work done against atmospheric pressure. For an isothermal process where the temperature remains constant, the following expression is obtained for the energy stored, where mig , Pig Vi /RTi , Pig corresponds to the gauge pressure and A1 , A2 are the areas on either side of the piston, x is position of the piston, L1o , L2o correspond to the dead volume of respective chambers and are obtained as L1o = V1o /A1 and L2o = Lo +V2o /A2 and Lo is the stroke length. The force output can be controlled by modulating the mass flow into the respective chambers. The mass flow rate through the valve is obtained as, 3 Copyright © 2009 by ASME Thus, the teleoperator is said to be energetically passive with scaling of human power if the supply rate satisfies the following condition, L1o + x̄ p L2o − x̄ p )+m2g RT ln( )−Patm A p (x̄−x) L1o + x p L2o − x p (11) In passive controller design we are interested in modulating the power flow in the system. Power in the spring(actuator) is given by, Wiso = m1 RT ln( ∂Wsp 1 Ẇsp = Fa (−ẋ + ( )(− )Ψ u) F ∂m } | a {z Z T s p := ((η1 + 1)Fh + Fem )ẋm + ((η − η1 )Fh + Fes )ẋs > −d 2 (17) where d is a measure of the maximum energy that can be extracted from the system. The factor η provides the desired power amplification from the human operator to the co-ordinated system. The control objective is then to achieve co-ordination between master and slave robots while gauranteeing the passivity condition in Eq(17). (12) γ1 (x,m,T ) where, Wsp is Wadb or Wiso depending on the assumptions of the underlying process and Ψ = [Ψ1 ; Ψ2 ]. The affect of control input on force dynamics is given by the following equation. In a teleoperation scheme with two pneumatic actuators, we would have two such decoupled equations. Ḟa = −K(m, x, T )ẋ + K(m, x, T )γ3 (m, x, T )u 0 qE (xm , xs ) := xm − xs → 0 (18) To achieve the stated control objective in Eq(18) we would have to ensure velocity co-ordination between master, slave and virtual inertias (13) VE1 (ẋm , ẋv ) := ẋm − ẋv → 0 3 Problem Formulation The dynamics of inertia connected to the two single d.o.f actuators are given by the following equations, VE2 (ẋs , ẋv ) := ẋs − ẋv → 0 Thus the conditions in Eq(18) and Eq(19) subject to the passivity condition in Eq(17) constitute the desired control objective. Once co-ordination is achieved, i.e., ẋm = ẋs = ẋv = VL , the co-ordinated system dynamics from Eq(14, 15) are obtained as, Mm ẍm = Fh + Fem + Fam Ms ẍs = Fes + Fas (14) MLV̇L = ((η + 1)Fh + Fem ) + Fes where (.)m,s refer to master, and slave systems respectively. Fh is the human force acting on the master via a force sensor, Fa is the force exerted by the actuators and Fe is the external environmental forces like friction, gravity, etc. From Fig.(3), the virtual mass dynamics can then be written as, Mv ẍv = Fdes − Fam − Fas Z T 0 ((η1 + 1)Fh + Fem )ẋm + ((η − η1 )Fh + Fes )ẋs (20) where ML = Mm + Mv + Ms is the total inertia of the system and VL is the co-ordinated system velocity. Thus the co-ordinated system interacts with the external environment with an amplified human force. 4 Passive Decomposition A passive transformation is proposed to decouple the current state space [ẋm , ẋv , ẋs ] into shape system describing relative dynamics and locked system describing the overall dynamics of the two actuators [5]. The transformation matrix is designed such that the scaled kinetic energy in current co-ordinates is the same as sum of kinetic energies of shape system and locked system. Consequently, passivity results obtained in the transformed coordinates hold in the actual state space. (15) Let Fdes = F̄d + F̃d , where F̄d = η1 Fh and F̃d = (η − η1 )Fh . In the context of human force amplification, F̄d is defined to be the desired force from master actuator and F̃d is the desired force from slave actuator. Thus the desired supply rate for the master and slave systems is given by, s p := (19) 1 1 1 1 1 2 Mm ẋm + Ms ẋs2 + Mv ẋv2 = MLVL2 + ME VE2 2 2 2 2 2 (16) 4 (21) Copyright © 2009 by ASME where Mi , Vi with i = (L, E) correspond to inertia and velocities of locked and shape system respectively. The transformation matrix S is given by, um us 1 γ1m = 0 Mv Ms ML ML ML Mm (22) The inertia matrix is transformed as, (23) −Wt (0) ≤ + The locked system dynamics are obtained as shown in Eq(20). The shape system dynamics are given by, Mm (Ms +Mv ) s − MMm M ML L (Mm +Mv )Ms Mm Ms − ML ML | {z ME = Vv (27) u1 Γ−1 3 On integrating both sides of Eq(28) the following condition is obtained, Mm 0 0 ML 01X2 S−T 0 Mv 0 S−1 = 02X1 ME 0 0 Ms ! 1 0 ẋv u1m γ3m + ẋv u1s 0 γ13s {z } | } | {z } | {z } By factoring the Fdes as shown in section 3, we get γ1 Ẇt = (Fh + Fem + F̄d )ẋm + (F̃d + Fes )ẋs + ( m Fam u1m − F̄d VE1 ) γ3m γ1s + ( Fas u1s − F̃d VE2 ) (28) γ3s S Γ−1 1 ẋm VL VE1 = 1 0 −1 ẋv ẋs VE2 1 −1 0 {z } | 1 γ1s {z | ! 0 Z t (((η1 + 1)Fh + Fem )ẋm + ((η − η1 )Fh + Fes )ẋs 0 γ1m γ3m Fam u1m − F̄d VE1 − F̃d VE2 + γ1s Fa u1 )dτ (29) γ3s s s Thus to obtain the desired passivity condition in Eq(17), the following condition on inputs needs to be satisfied, ! V̇E1 V̇E2 } | {z } Z t γ1m ( V̇E Ms +Mv Mm ML ((Fh + Fem )) − ML (Fes + Fd ) M2 Mm +Mv ML Fes − ML ((Fh + Fem ) + Fd ) 0 ! γ3m Fam u1m − F̄d VE1 − F̃d VE2 + γ1s Fa u1 ) ≤ d02 γ3s s s (30) Fa1 + (24) Fa | {z2 } 6 Controller Design The shape system dynamics are given by Eq(24). With the above mentioned factoring of Fdes , the shape system dynamics can be expressed as, Fa 5 Closed Loop Passivity With a passive controller, there should be net dissipation of energy from the system. Total energy of the system is given by, Mm (Ms +Mv ) s − MMm M ML L (Mm +Mv )Ms Mm Ms − ML ML | 1 1 1 2 + Mv ẋv2 + Ms ẋs2 Wt = Wsm +Wss + Mm ẋm 2 2 2 {z ME (25) V̇E1 V̇E2 } | {z } V̇E Ms +Mv Mm ML ((Fh + Fem ) + F̄d ) − ML (Fes + F̄d ) M2 Mm +Mv ML (Fes + F̃d ) − ML ((Fh + Fem ) + F̄d ) = where, Wsm ,Wss are the energies stored in both the springs and other terms are the kinetic energies of master, slave and virtual system respectively. After some rearrangement, the rate of change in total energy can be written as, ! | {z ! Fa1 + Fa2 } | {z } Fa Fex1 − F̄d F̃d | {z } (31) Fd Thus the equations of interest for the co-ordination problem Ẇt = (Fh + Fem + Fdes )ẋm + Fes ẋs + Fa1 (γ1m um − ẋv ) are, + Fa2 (γ1s us − ẋv ) + Fdes (ẋv − ẋm ) (26) q̇E = VE ME V̇E = Fex1 + Fa − Fd Ḟa = −KmVE + Km ũ1 To maintain power continuity, the control input is defined as, 5 (32) Copyright © 2009 by ASME where ũ1 , u1 − (Γ3 Γ−1 1 − I)Vv , and u1 , Vv , Γ1 and Γ3 are as shown in Eq(27). Once co-ordination is achieved V̇E = 0, VE = 0, depending on the external forces, Fex1 , the actuator forces satisfy the following force amplification relationship, To achieve stability, define the input signal and force estimation error dynamics as, Ks ũ1 = Ḟd − F̂˙ex1 − Lz εqE − (Lz − K p − Ks )VE − Kd ME−1 Fζ − Kz Z − Kd ME−1 F̂ex1 Fam ≈ F̄d = η1 Fh F̃˙ex1 = Λ−1 (−ME−T KdT Lz−T Z − (VE + εqE )) Fas ≈ F̃d = (η − η1 )Fh ηFh ≈ Fam + Fas (41) The second stage Lyapunov function reduces to, Kd − εME 0 0 VE 0 εK p 0 qE (42) V̇2 = − VET qTE Z T Z 0 0 Lz−1 Kz (33) 6.1 Backstepping controller design Many different controllers can be designed to regulate shape system dynamics. In this paper controller obtained by backstepping is presented. The cascade structure of the dynamics in Eq(32) makes them amenable for backstepping controller design. Define the following Lyapunov function for the inertia dynamics, ME 1 εME VE T T VE qE V1 = εM K + εK qE 2 E p d (40) Since all the diagonal enteries are positive, V̇2 is negative semi-definite. As all the signals are bounded, it can be shown that V̈2 is bounded. Thus, using barbalat’s lemma it can be shown that V̇2 approaches zero asymptotically, which implies that the co-ordination errors qE and VE are regulated. (34) 6.2 Robust Passivity In order to limit the energy requirements of the controller, and to satisfy the passivity condition in (Eq(17)), a fictitious energy element called flywheel is defined [5]. The dynamics of the flywheel is given by, The desired pseudo control input at this step of backstepping is defined as, Fζd = −K p qE − Kd VE − F̂ex1 (35) where Fζ = Fa − Fd , and F̂ex1 is the estimate of Fex1 . The derivative of Lyapunov function is obtained as, VET V̇1 = − | qTE M f ẍ f = T f A vitual connection between the controller and flywheel is established such that the velocity of the flywheel depends on the energy demands of the controller. The objective is to ensure that energy in the flywheel is never depleted. Thus different modes of operation can be defined depending on the velocity of flywheel. Including the flywheel, total energy of the system is given by, Kd − εME 0 VE +(VET +εqTE )(Z + F̃ex1 ) 0 εK p qE {z } Vg (36) where Z = Fζ − Fζd is the difference between actual and desired 1 Wtot = Wt + M f ẋ2f 2 psuedo control and F̃ex1 = Fex1 − F̂ex1 is the error in estimating Fex1 . The dynamics of Z are given by, Z t γ1m Define the Lyapunov function for the second stage as, 1 1 T V2 = V1 + Z T Lz−1 Z + F̃ex1 ΛF̃ex1 (38) 2 2 ex1 E E ex1 ex1 Fam u1m + γ1m γ1s Fam û1m + Fas û1s − F̄ˆd VE1 − F̃ˆd VE2 )g(ẋ f ) γ3m γ3s (46) where û1m,s , g(ẋ f ), and F̂des depend on flywheel velocity as, g(ẋ f ) = ẋ1f ˆ Regular mode : F̄d = F̄d if ẋ f ≥ fo (47) F̃ˆ = F̃ V̇2 = Vg + Z T Lz−1 (Lz (VE + εqE ) − KsVE + Ks ũ1 + K pVE + K M −1 (F + F ) + F̂˙ ) + (V T + εqT )F̃ + F̃ T ΛF̃˙ ζ γ3m T f = −( On differentiating this Lyapunov function we get, ex1 γ1s Fa u1 − F̄d VE1 − F̃d VE2 + T f ẋ f )dτ < d02 γ3s s s (45) Define the input torque to the flywheel as, ( 0 Kd ME−1 (Fζ + Fex1 ) (37) E (44) The passivity condition is then obtained as, Ż = −K(m, x, T )VE + K(m, x, T )ũ1 − Ḟdes + K pVE + d (43) ex1 d (39) d û1m,s = u1m,s 6 Copyright © 2009 by ASME g(ẋ f ) = f1o F̄ˆd = 0 F̃ˆ = 0 Emergency mode : d û1m = −Fam û1s = −Fas if ẋ f < fo (48) In regular mode of operation the passivity condition in Eq(17) is trivially satisfied. In emergency mode, control adds energy back into the flywheel thus maintaing passivity. It is usually advisable to remain in emergency mode till ẋ f > f1 > fo , where f1 is selected by the user. 7 Results The controller was implemented on two vertically mounted, single d.o.f pneumatic actuators with position feedback. The experimental setup is as shown in Fig. (6). All the experiments are conducted at a supply pressure of 90psi. Both the actuators have similar specifications of 0.0508m (2”) bore and 0.3048m (12”) stroke length. A MLP-50 force sensor from Transducer Techniques is used to measure the input human force and is attached on the master actuator as shown in Fig. (6). The actuator force is calculated using SDET-22T-D16 pressure sensors from FESTO. A pair of FESTO MPYE-5-LF010 proportional servo valves are used for metering the flow to the two actuators. Performance of the controller in tracking an arbitrary position profile is shown in Fig’s. (7 and 8). The controller achieves good position and velocity coordination for arbtrary input profiles. The position tracking plots also show the response of the system when it encounters a hard contact. In this experiment the obstacle was placed in the path of slave actuator. From the plots it is evident that no contact instabilities are induced. The plots also reveal no clear differences in the performance of the controller for isothermal and adiabatic processes. The root mean square error in position tracking for the isothermal process is obtained as 1mm in free motion and 3.5mm during hard contact. For the adiabatic process the numbers are 0.8mm in free motion and 2.5mm during hard contact. These error values are too close to conclude accuracy of one model over the other. The desired force output from the actuators is as given in Eq(33). From Eq(33), for small accelerations, the following relationship should be satisfied, (η + 1)Fh ≈ η+1 (Fam + Fas ) η Figure 6. Figure 7. POSITION TRACKING WITH ISOTHERMAL ASSUMPTION As the constraint is placed in the path of slave actuator, during hard contact the contact force is same as the slave actuator force i.e. Fas = Fes . Force amplification and force reflection as given by Eq(49 and 50) respectively, are experiemntally verified for both isothermal and adiabatic models and are shown in Fig. (9 and 10). For these plots, the amplification factor η equals 10. The presented formulation of the controller is independant of the actuator orientation. It should be noted however that no gravity compensation is provided. Consequently, in the absence of human force input and sufficiently large weights to overcome the friction force, the actuators will move down for a vertical configuration shown in Fig. (6). Such would not be the case for horizontal arrangement of the actuators. (49) The reaction force at the hard contact must be the same as the input forces. Assuming that the friction forces are small, the following condition should be satisfied, Fes ≈ (η + 1)Fh EXPERIMENTAL SETUP 8 Conclusion A passive scheme for bilateral tele-operation with human power amplification of pneumatic actuators has been presented (50) 7 Copyright © 2009 by ASME Figure 8. in this paper. Novelty of the current approach is that the actuator is modeled as a combination of an ideal velocity source and a nonlinear spring modeling the compressibility. In this paper, the actuator dynamics were obtained based on the assumptions that the thermodynamic process in the actuator chamber is either isothermal or adiabatic. A passive decomposition is used to obtain coordination error dynamics(shape system). A backstepping controller is implemented to regulate the co-ordination error dynamics to zero. Human force amplification, and force reflection at hard contact were experimentally verified. Experimental results have shown that there is not much difference in the performance of either isothermal or adiabatic models. Further work is being done to understand the effect of heat transfer on the actuation dynamics. Current work includes incorporating guidance schemes discussed in [5], [10], for multi d.o.f pneumatic systems. This would be implemented on a six d.o.f robotic rescue crawler test bed. POSITION TRACKING WITH ADIABATIC ASSUMPTION ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research is supported by the NSF through their funding to Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power under the grant EEC-0540834. We would like to thank Enfield Technologies and FESTO for donating the hardware for the experiments. REFERENCES Figure 9. Figure 10. [1] H.Khalil, 1995. Nonlinear Systems. Prentice Hall. [2] Hogan, N., 1989. “Controlling impedance at the man/machine interface”. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Auto., 1989., pp. 1626–1631. 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