Connecting Rod

Connecting Rod
Workshop 12A
Postprocess the connecting rod from workshop 11 using query
picking and path operations.
Check the error level, then refine the mesh and re-solve. Compare
the two sets of results.
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select the “conn-rod.db” database file, then [OK]
Or issue:
• [Fit]
Or issue:
Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate …
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
Enter the general postprocessor and plot the von Mises stress:
Utility Menu > File > Resume from …
Resume the “conn-rod.db” database file from workshop 11:
Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “conn-rod”
as the jobname.
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Pick various grid locations on the model
Main Menu > General Postproc > Query Results > Subgrid Solu ...
Map von Mises stress onto a path:
Query the von Mises stress results:
Enter “path1” for Name, then [OK]
Review the “PDEF” path window, then close it
Enter node numbers “1029,521” in the ANSYS Input window followed by [Enter]
Enter “path2” for Name, then [OK]
Review the “PDEF” path window, then close it
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > Define Path > By Nodes +
Enter node numbers “824,1029” in the ANSYS Input window followed by [Enter]
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > Define Path > By Nodes +
5a. Define two paths:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [Apply]
Set lab = “p2-sx”
Select “Stress” and “X-direction SX”, then [Apply]
Set lab = “p2-sy”
Select “Stress” and “Y-direction SY”, then [Apply]
Set lab = “p2-sz”
• Select “Stress” and “Z-direction SZ”, then [Apply]
Or issue:
Set lab = “p2-seqv”
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > Map onto Path ...
5b. Map von Mises, SX, SY, and SZ stresses onto path2:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Select “P2-SX” and unselect “P2-SEQV”, then [Apply]
Select “P2-SY” and unselect “P2-SX”, then [Apply]
Select “P2-SZ” and unselect “P2-SY”, then [Apply]
Select all four path2 items, then [OK]
Y-axis label = “Stress, psi”
Select “Specified range” for Y-Axis range
Set YMIN = -1000 and YMAX = 1900, then [OK]
/YRANGE,-1000,1900 $ /AXLAB,X,Path2 Distance $ /AXLAB,Y,Stress, psi
Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
Or issue:
X-axis label = “Path2 Distance”
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Graphs > Modify Axes …
Select “P2-SEQV”, then [Apply]
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > -Plot Path Item- On Graph …
5c. Plot path2 items on graph:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Close the “PDEF” window
Y-axis label = “ ”
• Select “Auto calculated” for Y-Axis range, then [OK]
Or issue:
X-axis label = “ ”
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Graphs > Modify Axes …
Select “PATH1”, then [OK]
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > Recall Path ...
Y-axis label = “Stress, psi”
Select “Specified range” for Y-Axis range
Set YMIN = -1100 and YMAX = 1800, then [OK]
Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
X-axis label = “Path1 Distance”
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Graphs > Modify Axes …
modify the axes as follows:
5e. Repeat steps 5b. and 5c. for path1 and replace “p2” with “p1” for the path labels:
5d. Set “path1” to be the current path and set graph axes to default values:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Colors > Entity Colors …
• Change “Outline color” to white, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Path Operations > Plot Paths
Change “Outline color” to black, then [OK]
Utility Menu > Plot > Elements
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Colors > Entity Colors …
Plot the paths on the model:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Plot error estimations:
Select “Off”, then [OK]
Set ERNORM = “On”
• [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Options for Outp.. >
Pick the “POWRGRPH” button in the Toolbar (or Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Hidden-Line Options )
7a. Switch the graphics display from PowerGraphics to Full Model:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “Error estimation” and “StruErrEnrg SERR”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Element Solu ...
7b. Plot the Structural Elemental Energy Error (SERR):
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “Error estimation” and “Strs deviat SDSG”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Element Solu ...
7c. Plot the Stress Deviation Error (SDSG):
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “DOF solution” and “Translation USUM”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
7d. Plot the Structural Percentage Error (SEPC):
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
7e. Plot the maximum and minimum stress bounds for SEQV:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
SIZE = 0.1, then [OK]
Select “Hex” and “Sweep”, then [Sweep]
[Pick All]
• [OK]
Or issue:
Select “UZ”
Main Menu > Solution > -Solve- Current LS
Enter node number 2932 in the ANSYS Input window followed by Enter, then [OK]
Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Displacement > On Nodes +
Pick [Set] under Size Controls: Global
Main Menu > Preprocessor > MeshTool …
Refine the mesh using an ESIZE=0.1 and resolve:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Plot error estimations and compare the results to the ones from step 6:
• Select “Error estimation” and “StruErrEnrg SERR”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Element Solu ...
9a. Enter the general postprocessor and plot the Structural Elemental Energy Error
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “Error estimation” and “Strs deviat SDSG”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Element Solu ...
9b. Plot the Stress Deviation Error (SDSG):
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “DOF solution” and “Translation USUM”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
9c. Plot the Structural Percentage Error (SEPC):
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
9d. Plot the maximum and minimum stress bounds for SEQV:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Enter “conn-rod2.db” as the database name, then [OK]
Select “Quit - No Save!”
• [OK]
Or issue:
Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar
Utility Menu > File > Save as …
10. Save the results with ESIZE=0.1 and exit ANSYS:
Connecting Rod
12A. Postprocessing
Spherical Shell
Workshop 12B
Review the results of a spherical shell analysis using both global
Cartesian and spherical coordinate systems. Check results at the
top and bottom as well as the middle of the shell.
The model consists of 1/8th of a sphere, and input for the analysis
is provided.
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select the “shell.inp” file, then [OK]
Or issue:
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape …
• Set /EFACET = “2 facets/edge”
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc
Enter the general postprocessor and set the number of facets per element edge to
two for PowerGraphics displays:
Utility Menu > File > Read Input from …
Read input from the “shell.inp” file:
Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “shell” as
the jobname.
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Select “Stress” and “X-direction SX”
• Select “Corner _midside”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
4a. Plot the nodal solution for the X component stress in rsys=0:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Y-direction SY”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
4b. Plot the nodal solution for the Y component stress in rsys=0:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Z-direction SZ”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
4c. Plot the nodal solution for the Z component stress in rsys=0:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
4d. Plot the nodal solution for the von Mises stress (SEQV) in rsys=0:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Set SHELL = “Middle layer”
Utility Menu > Plot > Replot
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Options for Output ...
4f. Plot the nodal solution for the von Mises stress (SEQV) at middle of shell in rsys=0:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Set SHELL = “Top layer” (or “Bottom layer”)
• Set /GLINE = “None”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Set /ESHAPE = On, then [OK]
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Edge Options ...
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape …
Set RSYS = “Global spherical”
Main Menu > General Postproc > Options for Outp …
Set the results coordinate system to be global spherical and set the shell layer
location to be top and bottom. In addition, and turn off element outlines:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “X-direction SX”
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
6a. Plot the nodal solution for the X component stress in rsys=2 (radial stress):
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Y-direction SY”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
6b. Plot the nodal solution for the Y component stress in rsys=2 (stress in theta dir.):
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Z-direction SZ”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
6c. Plot the nodal solution for the Z component stress in rsys=2 (stress in phi dir.):
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
6d. Plot the nodal solution for the von Mises stress (SEQV) in rsys=2:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Select “Save Everything”
• [OK]
Or issue:
Pick the “QUIT” button in the Toolbar
Save results and exit ANSYS:
Spherical Shell
12B. Postprocessing
Axisymmetric Fin
with Multiple Load Steps
Workshop 12C
Add the two load step results in the postprocessor using load
case combinations and then compare the results to the results
obtained in Workshop 4.
2) internal pressure
1) temperature loads from thermal analysis
Solve the axisymmetric fin problem from Workshops 3 and 4
using two load steps:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Loads and Material Properties
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select the “multi-ls.inp” file, then [OK]
Or issue:
• Set /PBF = “Structural temps”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Scroll down and select “multi-ls.rth”, then [OK]
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Symbols …
Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Temperature > From Therm Analy ...
Close the yellow warning message window then enter the solution processor and
apply body force temperatures on the nodes for load step 1. Verify the temperature
load by plotting body force temperatures:
Utility Menu > File > Read Input from …
Read input from the “multi-ls.inp” file (multi-ls.inp runs the thermal analysis from
workshop 3 and creates the multi-ls.rth thermal results file):
Enter ANSYS in the working directory specified by your instructor using “multi-ls” as
the jobname.
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• [Close] - to close the yellow message window after the solution is completed
Or issue:
Review the “/STATUS Command” window and then close it
Main Menu > Solution > -Solve- Current LS
• Verify that the “BFLIS” window does not list any body force loads and then close it
Or issue:
[Pick All]
Utility Menu > List > Loads > Body Loads > On All Nodes
Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Delete > -Structural- Temperature > On Nodes +
Delete the thermal body force loads from load step 1 (NOTE, DO NOT EXIT THE
Solve the solution for load step 1:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• [Close] - to close the yellow message window after the solution is completed
Or issue:
Review the “/STATUS Command” window, Load Step Number should be 2, then close it
Main Menu > Solution > -Solve- Current LS
Solve the solution for load step 2:
Set VALUE = 1000
• [OK]
Or issue:
Pick the line representing the inside of the pipe (line number 4), then [OK]
Utility Menu > Plot > Areas
Main Menu > Solution > -Loads- Apply > -Structural- Pressure > On Lines +
Apply load step 2, a constant pressure of 1000 psi on the inside surface of the pipe:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
Enter the general postprocessor and plot von Mises stress (SEQV) from load step 2:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Select Set 1, then [Read]
• [Close] - to close the “Results File: multi-ls.rst” dialog box
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Results Summary
Read load step 1 results into the memory database:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
10. Plot the von Mises stress (SEQV) from load step 1:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Set LCNO = 2
Set LSTEP = 2
• [OK]
Or issue:
Select “Results file”, then [OK]
Main Menu > General Postproc > Load Case > Create Load Case ...
11a. Create a Load Case using a reference number of 2. Load Case 2 will point to Load
Step 2 results:
11. Add together load step 1 and load step 2 results using load case combinations:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Set LCASE1 = 2, then [OK]
• [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Load Case > Add ...
11b. Add Load Case 2 (i.e. Load Step 2 results) to what is currently stored in the memory
database (i.e. Load Step 1 results):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “von Mises SEQV”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
12. Plot the von Mises stress (SEQV) from the Load Case combination results (I.e. load
step 1 + load step 2):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Select “1/4 expansion” and set reflection to “yes”, then [OK]
Set /GLINE = “None”
/EXPAND, 9,AXIS,,,10,,2,RECT,HALF,,0.00001
• Set /REPLOT = ‘Replot”
Or issue:
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Edge Options
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Pan, Zoom, Rotate …
Utility Menu > PlotCtrls > Style > Symmetry Expansion > 2D Axi-Symmetric ...
13. Expand the axisymmetric von Mises stress 90 degrees about Y axis and reflect about
the x-z plane. Then turn off the element outline:
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “DOF solution” and “Translation USUM”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
14a. Plot displacement:s from the Load Case combination results (I.e. load step 1 + load
step 2):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “X-direction SX”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
14b. Plot radial stress from the Load Case combination results (I.e. load step 1 + load
step 2):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Y-direction SY”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
14c. Plot longitudinal stress from the Load Case combination results (I.e. load step 1 +
load step 2):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
• Select “Stress” and “Z-direction SZ”, then [OK]
Or issue:
Main Menu > General Postproc > Plot Results > -Contour Plot- Nodal Solu ...
14d. Plot tangential stress from the Load Case combination results (I.e. load step 1 + load
step 2):
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing
Set TIME = 3
• [OK]
Or issue:
Set LSTEP = 3
Select “Save Everything”
• [OK]
Or issue:
Pick the “QUIT” button from the Toolbar
(or select: Utility Menu > File > Exit...)
Main Menu > General Postproc > Write Results …
16. Exit ANSYS:
15. Save the Load Case combination results as Load Step 3 in the “multi-ls.rst” results
Axisymmetric Fin w/ Multiple L.S.
12C. Postprocessing