Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Birck and NCN Publications Birck Nanotechnology Center 9-28-2012 Achieving Fill Factor Above 80% in Organic Solar Cells by Charged Interface Biswajit Ray Purdue University - Main Campus, ray0@purdue.edu Muhammad A. Alam Purdue University, alam@purdue.edu Follow this and additional works at: http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/nanopub Part of the Electrical and Electronics Commons, Electronic Devices and Semiconductor Manufacturing Commons, and the Power and Energy Commons Ray, Biswajit and Alam, Muhammad A., "Achieving Fill Factor Above 80% in Organic Solar Cells by Charged Interface" (2012). Birck and NCN Publications. Paper 887. http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/nanopub/887 This document has been made available through Purdue e-Pubs, a service of the Purdue University Libraries. Please contact epubs@purdue.edu for additional information. This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS 1 Achieving Fill Factor Above 80% in Organic Solar Cells by Charged Interface Biswajit Ray, Student Member, IEEE, and Muhammad Ashraful Alam, Fellow, IEEE Abstract—Poor carrier mobility in organic semiconductors and high free carrier recombination at the polymer interfaces hinder efficient collection of photogenerated carriers in organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices. This inefficiency in charge collection is reflected in the low fill factor (FF) of the OPV cells (FFO P V ∼ 65%) compared with its inorganic counterparts (FF ∼ 85%). In this paper, we show that the FF of the OPV devices made of the conventional low-mobility materials can be radically improved (>80%) by introducing a “fixed charge layer” at the donor–acceptor interfaces. We find that the fixed charges prevent free-carrier accumulation at the interface and, hence, minimize charge loss due to interfacial recombination. We use detailed device simulation to estimate the fixed charge density required for significant performance gain in typical P3HT:PCBM cells. We conclude by suggesting several strategies for introducing such charged interfaces within the conventional OPV device structure. Index Terms—Bulk heterojunction (BHJ), fill factor (FF), interfacial charge recombination, organic photovoltaic (OPV) cell. I. INTRODUCTION HE efficiency of organic solar cells, which are made of conjugated polymer (donor, D) blended with fullerene derivatives (acceptor, A), has increased from 1% to more than 10% over the last decade (see Fig. 1) [1]–[8]. The tremendous efficiency enhancement mirrors the development of new semiconducting polymers with lower optical gap and use of new acceptor molecules that improve band alignment [9]. The lower optical gap enhances the photon absorption and, hence, the short-circuit (SC) current density JSC . Improved band alignment optimizes the HOMOD -LUMOA gap at the D–A interface, and thereby improves the open-circuit voltage VOC . Unfortunately, despite these material innovations, the fill factor (FF) has remained stagnated at 0.5–0.7 (see Fig. 1), much lower than the inorganic counterparts (∼0.85) [6]. This gap suggests an opportunity to further improve efficiency by engineering the FF in future organic photovoltaic (OPV) designs. The FF of a solar cell reflects the efficiency of charge collection before they recombine inside the cell. The efficacy of charge T Manuscript received May 22, 2012; revised July 20, 2012; accepted August 19, 2012. This work is based upon work supported as part of the Center for Redefining Photovoltaic Efficiency Through Molecule Scale Control: an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award DE-SC0001085, and by the Network of Computational Nanotechnology under National Science Foundation Award EEC-0228390. The authors are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906 (e-mail: biswajit.025@gmail.com; alam@purdue.edu). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2012.2216508 Fig. 1. Evolution of the performance of polymer: fullerene-based BHJ-OPV cells. All the PV performance metrics (efficiency η, SC current density JS C , open-circuit voltage V O C , and FF) are plotted along with the names of the absorbing polymers (in x-axis). Clearly, JS C and V O C have improved over the years, but FF has not, and it remains low (<0.7), even in the high-efficiency cells. collection depends on three factors: the mobility of the charge carriers, the internal electric field sweeping the carriers to their respective contacts, and the carrier recombination rate. Since the carrier mobility in the organic semiconductors is poor (∼10−5 – 10−3 cm2 /V·s), the charge carriers tend to pile up at the D–A interface, especially at the maximum power condition when the internal field in the device is low. The charge pileup leads to high recombination loss lowering the FF. A characteristic feature of the organic heterojunction-based devices (e.g., OPV, OLED) is that the most of the charge recombination takes place at the D–A interfaces because the energy barrier of the heterojunction [see Fig. 2(b)] confines the holes to the donor and electrons to the acceptor materials [see Fig. 2(c)]. Therefore, carriers can recombine only at the D–A interface [see Fig. 2(d)]. The fundamental requirement for achieving high FF in the OPV cells is to minimize the interfacial recombination. One approach for lowering the recombination loss is the enhancement of the carrier mobility in the organic semiconductors [see Fig. 2(d)]. In principle, the mobility of the organic semiconductors can be improved in several ways [10]–[13]. For example, Chu et al. [11] had demonstrated increased crystallinity and molecular packing (hence, higher mobility) of the 2156-3381/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. 2 IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS Fig. 2. OPV operation and device physics. (a) Schematic of planar hetero-junction (PHJ) cell. The various steps in the operation of the cell are denoted by arrows. (b) Energy band diagram with the different carrier fluxes (arrows) at the interface. (c) Carrier density [electrons (black) and holes (red)] across the device. Carriers pile up at the interface in low-μ materials. (d) Recombination density across the device. Clearly, most of the charge recombination takes place at the interface. Recombination is higher for low (dashed line) mobility materials. For clarity, we assume μ e = μ h = μ and L D = L A = 50 nm. All other simulation parameters are given in Table II. phase-segregated organic film with controlled thermal annealing. Several other techniques such as antisolvent crystallization with inkjet printing [10], percolation doping of the polymer film by carbon nanotubes [13]–[15], addition of small amount of additives in the active blend [12], etc., are utilized to improve the mobility in the organic semiconducting materials. In practice, however, the mobility-gain in the OPV materials has been limited. Moreover, the requirement of solution processing precludes many film growth techniques that may otherwise improve the material mobility. The objective of this paper is to suggest an alternative approach based on “charged interface (CI)” for improving the FF of OPV cells fabricated from the usual organic semiconductors characterized by poor mobility. We show that if a fixed charge layer is embedded at the D–A interface, the interfacial recombination can be suppressed dramatically, which would in turn significantly improve the FF. Using detailed numerical simulation, we find that the fixed charges create a local electric field at the interface, which prevents the carrier pileup and thereby reduces the interfacial recombination. Indeed, there have been several recent works on the tuning of the D–A interfaces by adding a thin interlayer (ferroelectric dipole [16], [17], cascade energy level alignment [18], [19]) in planar heterojunction OPV cells, which have shown improved device performance. It is shown that most of the performance gain is derived from higher Vo c due to the increase in the cross gap at the D-A interface in the presence of the dipole layer. The proposed concept of CI is considerably different than these interlayer techniques as we show that even if the D-A cross gap remains unchanged with the CI, the performance gain comes from higher FF due to better device electrostatics. In the following sections, we first illustrate the physics behind the concept of CI by numerical simulation and then quantify the charge density required for significant performance improvement. We also discuss strategies for introducing such fixed charges at the interface of bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OPV cells. II. DEVICE OPERATION AND MODEL SYSTEM Fig. 2(a) illustrates the four well-known stages of photovoltaic operation in a planar heterojunction (PHJ) OPV cell: 1) photon-induced exciton generation in organic semiconductor, 2) exciton diffusion to the D/A interface, 3) formation of a charge transfer (CT) state, and 4) dissociation of CT state into free electrons and holes that are subsequently swept toward the respective electrodes by the built-in field. The device operation is further explained in Fig. 2(b) with the energy-band diagram, where the arrows indicate the direction of various current fluxes within the cell. As evident from the band diagram, D–A heterojunction plays several critical roles in OPV operation. For example, the heterojunction helps to dissociate excitons into free charge carriers so that electrons are transferred to the acceptor and holes remain in the donor [see Fig. 2(c)]. The large energy barrier offered by the heterojunction ensures unipolar This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. RAY AND ALAM: ACHIEVING FILL FACTOR ABOVE 80% IN ORGANIC SOLAR CELLS BY CHARGED INTERFACE TABLE I EQUATIONS FOR CARRIER TRANSPORT carrier transport with hole and electron currents confined exclusively within donor and acceptor materials, respectively. In other words, the carrier density in the donor is predominantly holes and in the acceptor it is electrons. Due to the absence of the minority carriers, recombination density in the pure donor or acceptor phase is very low, and most of the recombination takes place only at the D–A interface [see Fig. 2(d)]. The transport of carriers (excitons, electrons, and holes) is modeled by the generalized drift-diffusion formalism, described in detail in our previous publications [20]–[23]. For completeness, we offer the following summary. Optical absorption in the different layers of the OPV cell is calculated by the transfer matrix method (TMM) [24] based solution of Maxwell’s equations with the input of AM1.5 illumination. The materials in the different layers of the cell are characterized by the complex refractive indices obtained from measurements [25]. It is assumed that all the absorbed photons create excitons, which diffuse to the D-A interface and dissociates into electron and holes at the heterojunction. Thus, charge generation is computed only at the D–A interfacial nodes, and its rate is determined from the excition diffusion length (Lex ) and the optical absorption profile. The electron and hole transport inside the cell morphology is simulated by self-consistent solution of Poisson and continuity equations. The charged carrier recombination term in the continuity equations is implemented by the bimolecular recombination [26]. In this analysis, we assume both the donor and the acceptor semiconductors are defect free. We claim no new contribution to model development; rather, we use the wellcalibrated and well-tested model equations (see Table I) and simulation parameters (see Table II) to explore the implications of CI on the performance of organic solar cells. TABLE II SIMULATION PARAMETERS 3 This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. 4 IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS charge recombination(Jrec ). Using the flux balance condition at the interface as shown in Fig. 2(b), one can write the following: Jq = qηex (V )Jex = Jph (V ) + Jrec (V ). Fig. 3. Theory of photocurrent. (a) Voltage dependence of various current fluxes [shown by arrows in Fig. 2(b)] which construct the current–voltage (J– V) characteristics. The current components are charge generation rate at the interface (Jq = qη e x Je x ), generation dependent recombination current Jre c , dark or injection current Jd a rk , and the photocurrent Jp h . In the above plot, Jp h = |Jq | − |Jre c |, with the assumption of ηe x = 1. (b) Total current defined as Jlig ht =Jd a rk +Jp h is plotted for low (dashed) and high (solid) mobility materials. Clearly, a very high mobility (>10−2 cm2 /V·s) is needed to achieve FF above 80%. The simulation parameters are given in Table II. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION To explain the role of CI on the solar cell performance, we first develop an analytical theory of photocurrent in the organic planar heterojunction (PHJ) cell. Then, we use the detailed numerical results to illustrate the effect of CI on the output characteristics of both PHJ and BHJ devices. As a specific illustrative example, we calculate the charged density required for significant performance gain in the conventional P3HT: PCBM based BHJ-OPV cells. A. Analytical Theory of Photocurrent in Organic Photovoltaic Photocurrent in a solar cell is defined as Jph = Jlight − Jdark , where Jlight is the total current under light illumination, and Jdark is the current under dark conditions. The voltage dependence of the photocurrent in organic solar cell is generally modeled by the field-enhanced separation of CT excitons into free carriers [27]. The free charges generated after the dissociation of CT excitons can again recombine, further reducing the photocurrent with the applied bias. Indeed, recent experimental findings show that charge generation is nearly field independent and the voltage-dependence of the photocurrent (and, hence, the FF) is essentially dictated by the recombination of the free charges at the D–A interfaces [28]–[33]. In the following paragraph, we model the voltage dependence of photocurrent arising from the recombination of the free charges. The various current fluxes operating in an organic solar cell are shown by arrows in the energy-band diagram of PHJ-OPV cell in Fig. 2(b). The voltage dependence for each of these current components is depicted in Fig. 3(a). The exciton diffusion flux Jex at the D–A interface is determined by the photon absorption and the exciton diffusion length Lex . Since excitons are charge neutral, Jex is independent of voltage. The charge generation rate Jq depends on the CT exciton dissociation probability ηex by the bulk electric field, i.e., Jq = qηex (V )Jex . The photocurrent Jph (V ) collected at the contact will be smaller in magnitude than this charge generation rate due to the interfacial (1) The photocurrent Jph is primarily drift current, and it is proportional to the mobility μ of the charge carriers, i.e., Jph ∼ qμEnI . Here, nI is the electron density (or hole density if calculated in donor side) at the interface; E is the electric field at the interface, which is approximately given by E = (Vbi − V )/Tfilm , where Vbi is the built-in potential, and Tfilm is the thickness of the active layer. Photocurrent calculated at the interface remains same throughout the device since the recombination in the bulk is negligible.Therecombination at the interface can be written as Jrec = q τne If f Wint , where τeff is the effective recombination time determined by the recombination mechanism (e.g., bimolecular or SRH). Equation (1) can now be rewritten as μτef f E Jph (V ) = Jq = ηrec (V )ηex (V )Jex . (2) μτef f E + Wint Equation (2) above clearly shows that even if the dissociation of CT excitons is perfectly efficient (i.e., ηex = 1, which is indeed the case as confirmed by many recent experiments [28]–[33]), the voltage dependence in the photocurrent will still arise due to the charge recombination factor given by ηrec . Equation (2) also illustrates the fact that if the μτ product is high, the recombination factor would approach unity, making the photocurrent (almost) independent of applied voltage, which will in turn result in higher FF. With typical mobility values, however, the freecarrier recombination loss lowers the photocurrent significantly, making the OPV FF poorer compared to other PV technologies. A very high charge mobility (> 10−2 cm2 /V·s) is required to achieve FF above 80%, as shown in Fig. 3(b). In the following sections, we demonstrate that even if the material mobility is low (∼10−4 cm2 /V·s), we can still achieve such high FF by the concept of the CI. We find that the presence of the fixed charges at the interface depletes the interface of free carriers and, hence, reduces the interfacial recombination. B. Illustration of the Concept of Charged Interface In this section, we describe the physics behind the concept of CI using the PHJ as the test structure. As shown in Fig. 4(a), let us assume a layer of fixed charges with uniform density are embedded across the D–A heterojunction. The positive part of the charged layer needs to be in the acceptor and the negative part in the donor side. The device I − V characteristics of such a structure, obtained by numerical simulation, are shown in Fig. 4(b) as a function of charge density of the dipole layer with the layer thickness WQ = 4 nm. For the device simulation, we assume perfect dissociation of CT excitons, i.e., ηex = 1 in consistent with many recent experiments [28]–[33]. However, even if ηex < 1, the CI will assist in exciton dissociation [by enhancing the interfacial electric field, see Fig. 5(a)], and hence, the exciton dissociation efficiency will be closer to unity in the presence of CI. The other simulation parameters are summarized in Table II. Fig. 4(b) clearly shows that the charge layer at the This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. RAY AND ALAM: ACHIEVING FILL FACTOR ABOVE 80% IN ORGANIC SOLAR CELLS BY CHARGED INTERFACE 5 Fig. 4. Effect of CI. (a) Schematic of PHJ cell with fixed charges at the interface. Uniform charge density (Q in number/cm3 ) is assumed with the thickness of charge layer, which is denoted as WQ . (b) Effect of CI on the current–voltage characteristic is shown. From the plot, it is clear that the main effect of the CI is the improvement in FF with slight improvement in JS C . Fig. 6. Analysis of the CI concept at the maximum power point condition. (a) Electric field profile, (b) energy band diagram, (c) carrier density, and (d) recombination density are plotted across the device [from top electrode (ITO) to bottom electrode (Al)] in the presence (dashed lines) and absence (solid line) of CI. Fig. 5. Analysis of the CI concept at the SC condition. (a) Electric field profile, (b) energy-band diagram, (c) carrier density, and (d) recombination density are plotted across the device [from top electrode (ITO) to bottom electrode (Al)] in the presence (dashed lines) and absence (solid line) of CI. interface improves the solar cell performance by significantly increasing the FF (along with small improvement in JSC ) of the device. The effect of CI on each of the solar cell performance metrics is explained in details in the following paragraph. Effect of CI on SC current: The fixed charges at the interface alter the device electrostatics as illustrated in Fig. 5(a)–(d). All the plots in Fig. 5 correspond to the SC condition. Fig. 5(a) demonstrates the enhancement of electric field around the interface due to the fixed charges. The charges do not change the optical gap or energy bandgap as shown in Fig. 5(b). However, energy bands bend slightly steeper near the interface in the presence of the fixed charges. In Fig. 5(c), we compare the free-carrier distribution in the presence and the absence of the fixed charges, respectively. The enhanced electric field at the interface pushes the free carriers away from the heterojunction and, thus, depletes the interfacial region of free carriers. Since free carriers mostly recombine only at the heterointerface, such re-distribution of free carriers significantly reduces recombination loss, as shown in Fig. 5(d). It is important to point out here that at the SC condition, the recombination loss is minimum, because the built-in field is high enough to sweep out the photogenerated carriers. Thus, it is expected that the improvement in JSC with CI is not very significant. Effect of CI on FF: At the maximum power point condition, the built-in field is much weaker than the SC condition. Thus, recombination loss is considerably higher at this bias condition as shown in Fig. 6(d). Any small enhancement in the interfacial electric field will significantly reduce the free-carrier recombination and, hence, improve the performance. This is illustrated in Fig. 6, where all the plots correspond to the maximum power point biasing condition. The electric field [see Fig. 6(a)] is lower, and the energy bands are flatter [see Fig. 6(b)] than the SC condition. The free-carrier density [see Fig. 6(c)] is significantly higher especially at the interface. Similar to the SC condition, in Fig. 6(c) and (d), we find that fixed charges deplete the interface of free carriers and, thus, reduce the recombination loss. However, the magnitude of reduction in recombination loss is much higher at the maximum power point, and, hence, FF is significantly improved. Effect of CI on open-circuit voltage: In our previous publication [22], we have shown that open-circuit voltage mainly depends on the fundamental material properties such as the crossgap at the heterojunction, density of states, and the recombination coefficient (γ). Since none of these material This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. 6 Fig. 7. Effect of CI on the BHJ cells. (a) Typical morphology of the BHJ cell. (b) Equivalent geometric transform for the analysis of BHJ cells (details given in [22]). We use the same volume fraction and same average cluster size (W D ) for the equivalent transform. (c) Simplified BHJ-OPV structure used for simulation. Uniform charge layers are assumed across the D–A interface with thickness of the charge layer W Q . (d) Effect of the CI on the I–V characteristics. The symbols in the plot are the measured J–V data for the high-efficiency P3HT: PCBM cell [7]. For fitting the measured data, we assume μ e = 6 × 10−2 cm2 /V s and μ h = 3 × 10−2 cm2 /V s. All other simulation parameters are in Table II. properties is affected by the fixed charge layer (as assumed in this analysis), we find that VOC is almost unaffected by this CI concept. Depending on the implementation strategies, as discussed in Section IV (e.g., heavy doping or additives), the effective bandgap of the semiconductor might change, which can affect the open-circuit voltage. In this analysis, however, we only focus on the electrostatic effect of the fixed charges. C. Charged Interface in Bulk Heterojunction -Organic Photovoltaic In this section, we explore the relevance of the concept of CI for the BHJ-OPV cell. Although BHJ morphology appears to be very complex [see Fig. 7(a)], it can be accurately analyzed with a suitable geometrical transform based on average domain width WD as shown in Fig. 7(b). The verification and details of this approach are described in our previous work [16]. In this paper, we explore the effect of CI on the performance of BHJ-based OPV devices by solving the transport problem self-consistently on the simplified BHJ structure, as shown in Fig. 7(c). Similar to the analysis done for PHJ structure, here, we also assume a fixed charge layer with uniform charge density Q, and layer width WQ at the D–A interface [see Fig. 7(c)]. The corresponding I–V characteristics are plotted in Fig. 7(d) as a function of charge density. The symbols in the figure represent the measured data for the current-voltage characteristics of the P3HT:PCBM based BHJ cell. We first choose the simulation parameters (see Table II) to fit the data and use the same set of parameters for evaluating the effect of CI. The figure clearly IEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS Fig. 8. Effect of CI on the performance metrics of classical P3HT: PCBMbased BHJ-OPV. (a) Efficiency, (b) SC current, (c) open-circuit voltage, and (d) FF. Dashed lines represent performance without charge. Symbols (circle [7], square [8], and triangle [3]) are the experimental record efficiencies for P3HT: PCBM-based BHJ cells. shows significant improvement in FF (from 55% to 82%) and slight improvement in JSC with the increasing density of the fixed charges. For precise quantitative estimates of the effect of the charged layer, we plot all the four performance metrics of BHJ cell as a function of charge density and the width of the charged layer in Fig. 8(a)–(d). The symbols in the figure are the corresponding performance metrics of the high-efficiency P3HT:PCBM-based BHJ cells reported by various groups [3], [7], [8]. Fig. 8. clearly shows that a very thin layer of charges (WQ ∼ 4 nm) with density, Qfix = 1019 /cm3 can enhance the FF of BHJ cells made of conventional materials more than 80%. The figure, however, shows no improvement in VOC with CI because we assume that the charged layer only alters the device electrostatics and not the optical gap at the interfaces. Here P3HT: PCBM system is used as an illustrative example. The CI concept is, however, generic and similar performance gain is expected for other OPV semiconductors if we appropriately design the fixed charge layer, e.g. charged layer width (WQ ) and the charge density (Qf ix ). IV. POSSIBLE STRATEGIES FOR EMBEDDING FIXED CHARGES The buildup of fixed space charges at the interface or junction of an electronic device is a common phenomenon, particularly in the inorganic semiconductors. e.g., in the PN junction diodes. Even in organic semiconductor-based devices (e.g., LED, photodiodes, etc.), the presence of the charged layer is observed at the heterointerfaces of the organic layers, especially if one of the semiconductors is molecularly doped [34]–[37]. From the context of organic solar cells, recently, it has been reported that doping of the organic layer (cyanine) improves the device performance [38]. Nalwa et al. [40] have recently demonstrated This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination. RAY AND ALAM: ACHIEVING FILL FACTOR ABOVE 80% IN ORGANIC SOLAR CELLS BY CHARGED INTERFACE improvement in FF by doping the P3HT layer with ferroelectric dipoles. They have shown localized enhancement in electric field after doping, which causes the FF improvement. Thus, molecular doping of the donor and acceptor layers is a promising method for the formation of CI. The other promising approach for embedding the CI in the BHJ cells involves mixing a small amount of appropriate additives in the absorbing materials. For example, Chen et al. [12] has recently shown that adding a small amount of a polymeric additive (PFLAM) in the typical P3HT:PCBM cells improves the FF of the device. Lobez et al. [39] has recently proposed many side chain functionalized polythiophene additives, which improve the OPV performance. Similarly, treating the polymers with either electrophiles or nucleophiles in the solution can introduce fixed charges in the interfaces as discussed by Liang et al. [40]. Recently, many groups have shown that the incorporation of a thin ferroelectric film [16] or a surface-segregated monolayer (SSM) of fluorinated compound between the D–A layers [17] can set up an interfacial dipole moment, which not only increases the interfacial field but alters the optical gap at the interface as well. The fabrication technique (contact film transfer) associated with the SSM formation is currently restricted to PHJ cells; however, given the potential improvement in FF, a generalization of the approach should be explored for BHJ-OPV. V. CONCLUSION In summary, we have demonstrated that it is possible to realize very high FF (>0.80) in low-mobility organic solar cells by incorporating a fixed charge layer at the D–A interface. The fixed charges at the interface create an interfacial field that depletes the interface of free carriers and, hence, reduces the carrier recombination. We have provided a quantitative estimate of the charge density required for high-FF cells and discussed the potential strategies for the implementation of the concept for conventional OPV devices. In general, this paper motivates the future OPV material design based on the formation of the dipole layer at the D–A molecular interfaces. REFERENCES [1] S. E. Shaheen, C. J. Brabec, N. S. Sariciftci, F. Padinger, T. Fromherz, and J. C. Hummelen, “2.5% efficient organic plastic solar cells,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 78, pp. 841–843, Feb. 2001. [2] F. Padinger, R. S. Rittberger, and N. S. Sariciftci, “Effects of postproduction treatment on plastic solar cells,” Adv. Functional Mater., vol. 13, pp. 85–88, 2003. [3] W. Ma, C. Yang, X. Gong, K. Lee, and A. J. Heeger, “Thermally stable, efficient polymer solar cells with nanoscale control of the interpenetrating network morphology,” Adv. Functional Mater., vol. 15, pp. 1617–1622, Oct. 2005. [4] J. Peet, J. Y. Kim, N. E. Coates, W. L. Ma, D. 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Since 2008, he has been working toward the Ph.D. degree with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. His research interest includes semiconductor device physics and electronic transport in organic and amorphous materials. Mr. Ray received the Technoinventor Award in 2009 from the Indian Semiconductor Association for his master’s thesis. He received the Best Poster Award in the area of Organic Photovoltaics at the 38th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, 2012. Muhammad Ashraful Alam (M’96–SM’01–F’06) received the Master’s and Doctoral degrees from Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, and Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, in 1991 and 1995, respectively. He is currently a Professor of electrical and computer engineering and a University Faculty Scholar at Purdue University, where his research and teaching focus on physics, simulation, characterization, and technology of classical and emerging electronic devices. From 1995 to 2001, he was with Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, as a Member of Technical Staff in the Silicon ULSI Research Department. From 2001 to 2003, he was a distinguished member of technical staff at Agere Systems, Murray Hill. During his time in industry, he made important contributions to reliability physics of electronic devices, MOCVD crystal growth for optoelectronic integrated circuits, and performance limits of directly modulated semiconductor lasers. After joining Purdue University in 2004, his research has broadened to include nanocomposite flexible electronics, organic solar cells, and performance limits of nanobiosensors. He has published over 150 papers in international journals and has presented many invited and contributed talks at international conferences. Dr. Alam is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He also received the 2006 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award for contributions to device technology for communication systems.