Cadmium in plants – highly toxic but also b beneficial fi i l Elisa Andresen, Advanced Course on Bioinorganic Chemistry & Biophysics of Plants, summer semester 2012 Cadmium Cadmium in the environment • Rather rare element in Earth‘s crust (0.1 (0 1 ‐ 0.5 05 ppm) • Some natural sites, associated with ZnS • Anthropogenic contamination, e.g. ore mining some fertilizers, mining, fertilizers car traffic, traffic cigarette smoke, industrial waste, NiCd‐batteries Cd toxicity – prominent diseases • Itai Itai‐itai itai disease (japanese ouch‐ouch ouch ouch sickness) • 1 of the 4 big Pollution Diseases in Japan • Mass Cadmium poisoning in Japan, Cadmium release into rivers by mining • Severe pains in joints and spine, spine softening of the bones, kidney failure • The mining companies were successfully sued for the damage. damage Cadmium toxicity in plants • Specific toxic effect often hard to measure • E.g. growth a very unspecific effect. – Less growth because Cd inhibits photosynthesis, or respiration, i ti or uptake t k off other th nutrients, t i t or … Growth 1 week of 500 nM Cd leads to complete disruption of the plant Growth Before treatment start After f 3 weeks k After 1 week After 2 weeks After f 4 weeks k C. demersum treated with 200 nM Cd for 4 weeks – Andresen et al. 2012, unpublished Cadmium toxicity in plants – 1: Roots First organ which gets affected Reduced growth after Cd treatment 9 µM 45 µM More layers y of hypodermal yp periderm p More layers & suberized cell walls ll (*) like lik after injury of root surface Lux et al., Annaly of Botany 107:285‐292, 2011 ‐ Maize seedlings with proper roots placed between 2 agar blocks ‐ one of which contained Cd (50 or 100 µM), grown in phytochamber under nature‐like conditions Roots bending towards the Cd‐containing agar due to growth stop on the Cd‐side & continued growth on control‐side Lignification on Cd‐exposed side (*) and initiation of lateral root primordium (lrp) Lux et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 62(1): 21‐37, 2011 Maize seedlings with proper roots placed between 2 agar blocks, one of which contained Cd ((50 or 100 µ µM)) Lignification at Cd‐exposed side Gradual development of endodermal suberin lamellae in untreated roots In Cd‐exposed roots, suberin already 5mm from apex (F), but not further away from apex (E,D) (E D) Suberin formation + lignification to reduce unspecific permeability of root membranes Lux et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 62(1): 21‐37, 2011 Changes in the Root proteome after exposure to Cd Roth et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 57(15):4003–4013, 2006 Cadmium toxicity in plants – 2: Photosynthesis h h • Indirect measurement: measurement Growth, Growth O2 production / CO2 consumption – Diminishing the Chl/pigment/protein content • Di Direct: Photosynthetic Ph h i paramters via i p y fluorescence measurement Chlorophyll How does Cd inhibit PS? • Substitution of Mg2+ in Chl makes it unsuitable for photosynthesis • • unstable singlet excited state black holes for excitons shift of absorbance / fluorescence bands energy transfer disturbed • different structure proteins denature • when in reaction centre charge separation prevented Review: Küpper H, Küpper FC, Spiller M in Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht; pp. 67‐77, 2006 Measuring Chl fluorescence Kautsky induction Photochemistry Heat dissipation Phosphorescence Fluorescence uo esce ce Andresen et al. 2012, unpublished Pn (µm mol CO2 m‐2 s‐1) Measurement of net photosynthetic rate T Tomato t plants l t treated t t d with ith 5 ‐ 100 µM M Cd for f 7 days d showed h d reduced d d Pn. P Haouari et al., African Journal of Plant Science 6(1):1‐7, 2012 Interference of Cd with PS II PSII membrane fragments from spinach incubated with Cd (mM!! – Faller et al. 2004: µM do not show inhibition in this system) Not really physiological, only isolated PSII mM concentrations anyhow not whole plant, sufficient Cd to ensure reaction 0 M 0mM 50 M 50mM 100mM Decrease in O2‐evolution Cd repleaces Ca in Mn‐cluster of water‐ splitting complex Sigfridsson et al., Biochim & Biophys Acta 1659:19‐31, 2004 Shift of oxidation state of Cyt b559 in presence of Cd disturbance of protein structure (loss of subunit) + replacement of Ca in OEC Cadmium toxicity in Plants – 3. ROS stress Photosynthesis‐related Photosynthesis related ROS Pospisil, Biochim & Biophys Acta 1817:218‐231, 2012 Pathogen‐related Pathogen related ROS – the oxidative burst Wojtszek, Biochem J 322:681‐692, 1997 ROS and Cadmium • Cadmium Cadmi m redox redo inert No Fenton reaction! Pinto, Journal of Phycology 39:1008‐1018, 2003 ROS and d Cadmium C d i ROS production Removal of ROS • Cd interferes with photosynthesis / respiration electrons transferred to O2 • Cd replaces Zn in SOD (e.g.) less functional SOD • In response antioxidant y enzymes Ways to show Cd Cd‐induced induced ROS production • Specific staining H2O2 detection with DAB staining pea plants grown with 50 µM Cd Tabacco leaf discs exposed to 100 or 500µM Cd for 3 hours, O2‐ staining with nitroblue tetrazolium, DPI inhibits NADPH‐oxidase dependant O2‐ formation Romero‐Puertas et al., Plant, Cell, Envir. 27:1122‐1134, 2004 Iannone et al., Protoplasma 245:15‐27, 2010 Cadmium and ROS – Calcium limitation Pea plants treated with 50 µM Cd O2‐ (red) and NO (green) NO‐synthase dependent NO‐production depressed by Cd, but effect prevented by Ca. Rodriguez‐Serrano et al., Plant Phys 150:229‐243, 2009 Ways to show Cd Cd‐induced induced ROS ROS‐production production • D Detection i off Superoxide S id formation with MCLA (2‐metil‐6‐(4metoxipentil)‐3,7‐ dihydroimidazol 1,2‐apirazin‐3‐1 ) • Reaction of 1 molecule O2‐ with 1 dye molecule generates 1 photon • Detect photon with luminometre hydrochlorhydrate MCLA Influence on antioxidant enzymes Pea plants 0, 4, 40 µM Cd Dixit et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 52(358):1101‐1109, 2001 Catalase: 2 H2O2 → 2 H2O + O2 Sandalio et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 52(364):2115‐2126, 2001 Influence on antioxidant enzymes • Lower Cd concentrations and shorter treatment duration tend to increase the antioxidant system • Longer L exposure and d higher hi h Cd concentrations lead to decreased activityy or content of the antioxidants Cadmium toxicity in plants – 4. Genotoxicity • Induction of DNA damage by – direct interaction with the nucleotides • modifications like base and sugar lesions, DNA strand breaks, destruction of DNA‐protein DNA protein crosslinks etc. – inhibiting DNA repairing enzymes – Induction of ROS, ROS lead to lipid peroxidation, which causes membrane damage and production of mutagenic aldehydes Methods to detect Genotoxicity • DNA Analyses – Gelelectrophoresis and Comet Assay – Random amplification of polymorphism DNA (RAPD) • DNA / Chromosome Analyses – Micronuclei formation – Sister chromatid exchange – Chromosomal aberrations • Upregulation of DNA‐related / repairing enzymes DNA disruption – Gelelectrophoresis and Comet Assay Lemna minor treated with µM concentrations of Cd and Cu. Tail DNA (Comet ‐ length) increase due to metal treatment. Cvjetko et al., Arh Hig Rada Toksikol 61:287‐296, 2010 1: DNA from control plant, 2:‐6: DNA from plants treated with Cd 10, 50, 75, 100, 1000 µM Fojtova & Kovarik, Plant, Cell & Envir. 23:531‐537, 2000 From the CometAssay Manual, TrevigenR Micronuclei & Mitotic index • Vicia root meristem cells • Mi Micronuclei l i formation f ti due d to malfunctioning cell division • Dose and time dependent – Cd treatment increases MCN • Mitotic index: ratio of cells in metaphase stage to all cells – Cd treatment reduces MI Souguir et al., Ecotoxicology 20:329‐336, 2011 Chromosomal aberrations Vicia root meristem cells a, b, e, f = 50 µM Cd c d, c, d gg= 200 µM Cd a & b = micronuclei C = sticky chromosome d = chromosome bridge e = ““ + break f = ““ +isolated chromosome g = laggered chromosome in metaphase Souguir et al., Ecotoxicology 20:329‐336, 2011 Sister chromatid exchange ‐Exchange g of identical p parts of both sister chromatids in the same chromosome after / during DNA replication ‐As DNA sequence identical, exchange does not lead to genetic information change h (≠ crossing i over)) ‐Happens in normal cells, but enhanced after treatment with toxic / radioactive substances FFrom: htt // it kl b /G T / MammalianCellCytogenetics.html Ünyayar et al., Turk J Biol 34:413‐422, 2010 Enhanced enzyme activity Biphasic upregulation of dNTP‐providing enzymes in A. thaliana treated with 25 µM Cd. Mediouni et al., Biosaline Agriculture and High Salinity Tolerance, Birkhäuser Verlag, 2008 Telomerase activity in Tobacco BY‐2 cells E 1: Exp 1 4d off Cd treatment t t t (50 µM) M) led l d to t cell death Exp 2: 3 days of Cd treatment (50 µM), 4 days of recovery in Cd‐free medium led to increased Telomerase activity Fojtova et al., Journal of Experimental Botany 53(378): 2151‐2158, 2002 Random amplification of polymorphism DNA analyses l (RAPD) ( ) • Cd interacts with DNA / induces mutation • New N / disappearing di i primer i bi di sites binding it • New / disappearing bands on gel 0 Shahrtash et al., J of Cell & Molecular Research 2(1):42‐48, 2010 360 µM 720µM Cadmium toxicity in Plants – 5. Generall stress & stress prevention Ph Phytochelatins h l i • Cd binding to PC‐Synthase induces synthesis of Phytochelatins • PC have high affinity to Cd • Storage g of PC‐Cd complexes p in vacuole ‐No No PC PC‐Cd Cd complexes: extraction cannot ensure that complexes were physiological (Glu‐Cys)n‐Gly n=2‐11 http://www.chemie.uni‐ /docs/forschungsberichte/fobe9596/3forsch.html ‐Higher Higher Cd concentration more different PCs + much higher amount of PC 2‐4 ‐Threshold concentration 20 nM Andresen et al., 2012, unpublished No Cd Cd‐CA CA in Ceratophyllum? • Treatment of C. demersum with 10 µM Cd (remember my 500 nM plant?) – CA activity reduced with Cd, but enhanced with additional Zn – Additional Zn removed Cd from the protein Aravind & Prasad, J anal at spectrom 19:52‐57, 2004 Distribution of Cd in C. demersum • µXRF reveals Cd, Cd Zn & Mn distribution in Cd‐ Cd treated leaves From www.amptec‐ Andresen E, Küpper H (2013) Cadmium Toxicity in Plants. In: Cadmium: From Toxicity to Essentiality, "Metal Ions in Life Sciences Vol. 11; in press Beneficial effects of Cadmium in Plants Beneficial effects of Cadmium Ceratophyllum demersum forms longer lateral shoots with 0.01 µg/ml = ~ 90nM Cadmium Less Cd than we wanted.. Ornes & Sajwan, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 69: 291‐300, 1993. Andresen et al. 2012, unpublished Distribution of Cd in the oceans • Micronutrient‐like Micronutrient like Abe et al., Global Environmental Changes in the Ocean and on Lands, TERRAPUB 189‐203, 2004 Cd‐Carbonic Cd Carbonic Anhydrase ‐Zn‐limited Thalassiosira weissflogii grow better when Cd is added ‐A new CA protein for Cd is expressed ‐Cd‐CA larger than Zn‐CA ‐Cd‐CA Cd CA can also l bi bind d Zn Z ‐Cd‐CA activity with Zn slightly, with Cd much higher than Zn‐CA Lane & Morel, PNAS 97(9):4627‐4631, 2000 Cd‐Carbonic Cd Carbonic Anhydrase ‐7 7 α‐helices, h li 9 β‐sheets, β h bi di pocket binding k ‐ Active site: Cd bound to 2 Cys, 1 His, 1 H2O ‐Tetrahedral conformation ‐ (Acetate as substrate analogue) Xu et al., Nature 452:56‐61, 2008 Take home messages • Cadmium can affect a plant in various ways – Induction of ROS ROS react with everything in the cell – Interfering with PS / respiration / metabolism • Competing with other ions • Replacing other ions in active centres of enzymes • Cadmium can have a metabolic function under certain circumstances – Replacing other essential, essential but missing ions – Concentration dependant – Hyperaccumulators Thanks Slides on the Küpper group homepage