Clinical Chiropractic (2005) 8, 173—178 CASE REPORT A conservative approach to shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease: A case report Lisa Ann Will * 452a Chickerell Road, Weymouth, DT3 4DH Dorset, UK Received 24 June 2004; received in revised form 18 March 2005; accepted 26 April 2005 KEYWORDS Case report; Chiropractic; Glenohumeral articulation; Rotator cuff disease; Shoulder impingement syndrome; Supraspinatus tendon Abstract As primary health care clinicians, chiropractors are increasingly providing assessment and treatment of many musculoskeletal disorders. Shoulder impingement syndrome refers to a condition whereby encroachment occurs to any of the structures running through the coracoacromial arch with particular involvement of the supraspinatus tendon. Repetitive overhead activity appears to be a significant contributing factor to impingement syndrome as well as simultaneously existing predisposing elements, such as tendinitis or subacromial spurs, collectively contributing to the development of this condition. Early introduction of conservative management is recommended for a beneficial and optimal outcome in patients with impingement syndrome. This case demonstrates the clinical treatment and successful outcome of a patient diagnosed with supraspinatus tendinitis and impingement syndrome following a conservative management approach using chiropractic treatment. # 2005 The College of Chiropractors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Introduction Shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease are among the most common causes of shoulder pain and dysfunction in adults.1—5 Conditions affecting the shoulder are a common complaint presenting to the primary health care physician, particularly the chiropractor. Shoulder impingement syndrome and shoulder pain are third only to headache and back pain in frequency seen in the practitioner’s office,6,7 yet, despite this, there * Tel.: +44 1305 768393. E-mail address: is paucity of prior reporting of impingement syndrome in the chiropractic literature. Studies show that conservative management of shoulder impingement syndrome resolves the problem in 70—90% of patients,7,8 although, in certain cases, surgical intervention is required.5 Successful management of impingement syndrome is dependent on an accurate diagnosis, which is attained by knowledge of the regional anatomy, the biomechanics of shoulder motion and the correct interpretation of the pathology determined through a detailed history, physical examination and diagnostic studies.9 The glenohumeral articulation has overall more movement than any other joint in the body due to 1479-2354/$30.00 # 2005 The College of Chiropractors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.clch.2005.04.001 174 the minimal bony stability in the shoulder permitting a wide range of motion (ROM). In order to achieve peak performance, there must be optimal balance between mobility and stability.2,9 Due to the limited bony structures, the shoulder is inherently unstable, thus the soft tissue structures (static and dynamic stabilisers) are the major glenohumeral stabilisers.9 However, excessive or repetitive strain of the shoulder complex can impair the balance between mobility and stability, placing the shoulder at risk for a variety of disorders.3,9,10 The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how a patient presenting with bilateral shoulder pain responded to conservative chiropractic management. Specific emphasis will be placed on repetitive motion disorders, rotator cuff disease and impingement syndrome and their relation to shoulder anatomy and motion as well as differential diagnosis of impingement syndrome. Case presentation The patient was a 38-year-old manual worker, who presented with bilateral shoulder pain of 4 weeks’ duration associated with cervical spine pain and stiffness. He had a history of cervical spine pain and stiffness, which resolved after having chiropractic treatment. Other than the previous episodes of neck pain, he had enjoyed good health until the recent onset of bilateral shoulder pain. The patient attributed the shoulder pain to a change in the method of lifting in his work as an industrial roofer, which involved repetitive heavy overhead lifting and neck flexion and extension. The patient described his shoulder pain as aching most of the time, although he would experience a sharp pain and catching sensation at about 808 of arm abduction bilaterally. The pain was located bilaterally, primarily at the biceps tendon region near to the shoulder joint, although also directly distal to the tip of the acromion and at the deltoid muscle insertion. Abduction of the arm above 808 and internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint aggravated the pain. On examination, no atrophy of the shoulder muscles was observed; however, on closer observation, some apparent hypertrophy of the supraspinatus muscle was noted on the right. Multiple myofascial trigger points were present over the right bicipital groove, trapezius, infraspinatus and rhomboid muscles and along the supraspinatus muscle and its insertion. The left shoulder revealed tenderness over the bicipital groove and the supraspinatus muscle. Muscle strength testing disclosed pain of the right shoulder joint when testing supraspinatus, L.A. Will Table 1 Active range of motion of each shoulder in the patient. Flexion Extension Internal rotation External rotation Adduction Abduction Right shoulder (8) Left shoulder (8) 160 55 70 60 35 150 180 55 70 70 35 160 infraspinatus and subscapularis muscles and pain in the left shoulder when testing subscapularis and infraspinatus muscles. The active ROM of each shoulder is detailed in Table 1. A painful arc was noted on active abduction bilaterally between 808 and 1308. Orthopaedic examination of the shoulder revealed positive tests when carrying out right Yergason’s, Impingement sign, ‘‘empty can position’’ and bilateral Drop arm test and Kennedy-Hawkins test. Segmental posterior joint dysfunction was noted within the upper cervical spine as well as the upper thoracic spine. All other routine orthopaedic tests for the neck region were negative. The history and the clinical examination findings strongly suggested a diagnosis of moderate right supraspinatus tendinitis and left supraspinatus strain with bilateral impingement syndrome. The patient was treated four times during a 15-day period. The clinical plan consisted of cross friction massage and trigger point therapy of the bicipital and supraspinatus tendons, and supraspinatus, infraspinatus, rhomboid and trapezius muscles, followed by stretching of these muscles and cryotherapy. A course of shoulder mobilisation exercises aimed at increasing the restricted shoulder ROM was introduced in the second treatment. Spinal manipulative therapy was applied to the involved segmental spinal levels. Ergonomic advice regarding the use of his arms at work was provided. On the sixth visit, the patient viewed the improvement to be 40% with a great reduction in the frequency of catching sensation when taking the arm into abduction. At this time, the patient was given rehabilitative home exercises, which included ROM exercises, shoulder girdle stretching and strengthening. Nearly two months after the onset of the treatment, the patient reported that that he no longer had left shoulder problems and that there was resolution of the catching that was felt on shoulder abduction. However, the right shoulder still experienced an occasional ‘‘locking’’ sensation on abduction, although there was an improvement in ROM and reduction in pain with an overall 60% improvement as viewed by the patient. Shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease Examination of the shoulders revealed no tenderness to palpation over the bicipital groove bilaterally and left shoulder girdle muscles; right Yergason’s, Impingement sign and ‘‘empty can position’’ were negative as was left Painful arc test and bilateral Drop arm test and Kennedy-Hawkins test. Although active ROM was full and pain-free on the left, there was still a positive Painful arc test and a reduction in abduction on the right (1608). A further five treatments were carried out; however, there was no further improvement and the patient still experienced some pain and occasional catching on abduction. This was regarded as a maximal outcome and the patient was released from care. Discussion Impingement syndrome In 1972, Neer11 first introduced the concept of rotator cuff impingement to the literature, stating that it resulted from mechanical impingement of the rotator cuff tendon beneath the anteroinferior portion of the acromion, especially when the shoulder is placed in the forward-flexed and internally rotated position.12 He reported that about 90% of rotator cuff tears are a result of subacromial impingement from supraspinatus outlet narrowing. The supraspinatus outlet is a space formed on the upper rim, humeral head, and glenoid by the acromion, coracoacromial arch and acromioclavicular joint. This outlet accommodates the passage and excursion of the supraspinatus tendon. Abnormalities of the supraspinatus outlet have been attributed as a cause of impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease,13 as has rotator cuff weakness.14 Other causes are detailed in Table 2. According to the literature, anatomical variants of the acromion have been shown to correlate with impingement.5,15 The acromion has been classified into three types based on the shape of its inferior surface: flat (type I), curved (type II) and hooked (typed III).1 The latter two types have been implicated as a causative factor in the development of impingement syndrome leading to rotator cuff pathology.16 Research carried out by Neer on impingement was based on cadaveric dissections11 and clinical and surgical experience.3,9 He established a classification system11 that defines three stages in the spectrum of rotator cuff impingement that follow a pattern of severity. Stage 1 is depicted by acute inflammation, oedema and haemorrhage in the rotator cuff. In stage 2, the rotator cuff tendon progresses to fibrosis and tendinitis. As this condi- 175 Table 2 Causes of rotator cuff tendinopathy.2 Extrinsic causes Primary impingement Increased subacromial loading Acromial morphology (shape, slope, spur, os acromiale) Acromioclavicular arthrosis (inferior osteophytes) Coracoacromial ligament hypertrophy Coracoid impingement Subacromial bursal thickening and fibrosis Prominent humeral greater tuberosity Trauma (direct macrotrauma or repetitive microtrauma) Overhead activity (athletic and non-athletic) Secondary impingement Rotator cuff overload/soft tissue imbalance Eccentric activity Glenohumeral laxity/instability Biceps and biceps labral complex tears Long head of biceps tendon laxity/weakness Muscle imbalance Scapular dyskinesia Posterior capsular tightness Trapezius paralysis Intrinsic causes Impaired cuff vascularity Ageing (primary) Impingement (secondary) Primary tendinopathy Intratendinous injury Articular-side partial-thickness tears Calcific tendinopathy tion progresses, it may lead to mechanical disruption of the rotator cuff tendon and to changes in the coracoacromial arch with osteophytes along the anterior acromion. These changes are consistent with stage 3 of the Neer classification. In all Neer stages, aetiology is impingement of the rotator cuff tendons under the acromion and a rigid coracoacromial arch, eventually leading to degeneration and tearing of the rotator cuff tendon. The most commonly affected muscle in shoulder impingement syndrome is the supraspinatus muscle, as it inserts between the inferior portion of the acromion process and the superior aspect of the head of the humerus.9 As shoulder abduction occurs, the rotator cuff tendons are placed under compressive force, the deltoid exerts a force that causes the head of the humerus to move superolaterally, compressing the tendons between the humerus, subdeltiod bursa and the inferior surface of the acromion process.3,6 The rotator cuff tendons — particularly the supraspinatus tendon — are relatively avascular, and this region of the tendon is referred to as the ‘‘critical zone’’.7,17,18 The critical zone is further 176 reduced by abduction and also has a limited ability to repair from microtrauma and, thus, is subjected to inflammation and oedema, which further reduce the already narrow supraspinatus outlet.4,5 The long head of biceps and the subacromial bursa are commonly affected by the rotator cuff changes occurring in impingement syndrome due to their proximity in the shoulder region.3,4 Recent studies using three-dimensional motion analysis show that patients with shoulder disorders have alterations in the shoulder girdle motion patterns.19,20 A recent study19 shows that patients with impingement syndrome may demonstrate an increase in glenoid rotation angle and alterations in the scapulo-humeral rhythm and supraspinatus motion; thus, these patients may benefit from an alternative type of treatment management. Herbert et al.20 concluded that patients with shoulder impingement syndrome with less anterior scapular tilting in the symptomatic shoulder as compared with the asymptomatic shoulder may be at high risk of developing chronic impingement syndrome. Therefore, it would be beneficial for future research to focus on rehabilitative protocols that aim towards restoration of abnormal scapular behaviour in patients with impingement syndrome. Pathogenesis and repetitive motion in impingement syndrome The relationship between repetitive motion and impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease remains incompletely understood.3 However, the mechanism of rotator cuff disease following subacromial impingement is widely accepted.1,7 Impingement and rotator cuff disease are increasingly more common in sports or activity that involves repetitive overhead motion.3,6,9,10 There are multiple aetiologic factors that may contribute to the development of impingement during repetitive motion activities. These factors may be divided into patient-related factors (age, supraspinatus outlet anatomy and pre-existing rotator cuff pathology) and work-related factors (arm position, weight lifting requirements and number of repetitions).21 The humeral head has a tendency for superior translation between 608 and 908 of elevation due to the tangential vector of deltoid contraction. Therefore, repetitive activities in this range of abduction place a great demand on the rotator cuff muscles to counteract this tendency. Higher levels of repetitive elevation of the arm bring the greater tuberosity and supraspinatus tendon into close proximity. Thus, if there are confounding anatomical factors such as a greater tuberosity spur or inferior acromioclavi- L.A. Will cular osteophytes that contribute to supraspinatus outlet narrowing, repetitive overhead activities could lead to impingement symptoms.3,16 Endurance of the scapular rotators is required to maintain correct scapular rotation during sustained or repetitive overhead activities.22,23 Fatigue of the scapular rotators may result in relative impingement due to poor or asymmetric scapular rotation.1 The physical demand of repetitive work activities involved in manual labour may also contribute to the development of impingement syndrome. High demand of work may be manifested by the repetitions required, the force with which the activity is performed and the length of time required in the shift or activity. A financial incentive to work harder or longer may, therefore, have an effect on the development of symptomatic impingement syndrome.21 In relation to the case presented, the patient owned the industrial roofing business in which he worked and thus there is possibly a higher incentive to work in order to obtain financial security with a greater likelihood of the development of impingement syndrome and, due to the continuation of work during and after treatment, the prognosis is worsened as repetitive motion is being carried out daily, despite the need to rest the damaged structures. Also of importance in the aetiology of impingement syndrome in association with repetitive motion is the age of the patient.3 Research reveals that impingement syndrome has a higher prevalence in the third decade of life and that there are normal age-related increases in asymptomatic rotator cuff defects.13,24 Anatomy The shoulder joint is a multiaxial spheroid joint. The minimal bony stability in the shoulder permits a wide range of motion and the soft tissue structures are the major glenohumeral stabilisers. Several interconnecting ligaments and layers of muscles join these bones, providing the rather unstable joint with a great amount of strength.2,9 Due to the curvature of the articular surfaces of the shoulder, the joint is not congruent and is referred to as ‘‘loose packed’’. It is only when the humerus is abducted and externally rotated that it becomes close packed and a congruent joint.2 The rotator cuff consists of four muscles, which reinforce the fibrous capsule and control three basic motions: abduction, internal rotation and external rotation. The supraspinatus lies above the joint, while the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles cross the joint posteriorly; all three muscles insert Shoulder impingement syndrome and rotator cuff disease onto the greater tubercle of the humerus. Subscapularis is the fourth rotator cuff muscle, attaching from the anterior surface of the scapula, crossing the glenohumeral joint anteriorly and inserting onto the lesser tubercle of the humerus.2,7,9 The rotator cuff muscles provide dynamic stabilisation to the humeral head on the glenoid fossa, forming a force couple with the deltoid to allow elevation of the arm. This force couple is responsible for 45% of abduction strength and 90% of external rotation strength. Static stabilisers consist of the articular anatomy, glenoid labrum, joint capsule, glenohumeral ligaments, and inherent negative pressure in the joint. Dynamic stabilisers include the rotator cuff muscles, long head of the biceps tendon, scapulothoracic motion, and other shoulder girdle muscles (e.g., pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, and serratus anterior).2 Diagnosis of shoulder complaints Shoulder pain and impingement syndrome can be mistaken for other relatively common conditions involving the shoulder. Therefore, careful history taking and clinical and radiographic examination procedures are important to avoid misdiagnosis (Table 3) and mismanagement. Treatment The treatment choice for shoulder impingement syndrome is conservative and varies with the stage of the complaint, the level of progression and the level of shoulder motion involved in the patient’s daily activity.7,13 According to several authors, conservative management and rehabilitation is important for a successful outcome and should be continued for at least 3—6 months or longer,7,8,10,25 after which 60—90% of Table 3 drome. Differential diagnosis of impingement syn- Arthritis of the glenohumeral joint Adhesive capsulitis Bursitis Intra-muscular adhesions Acromioclavicular pathology Subscapular nerve injury Cervical disc lesion Cervical nerve root lesion Subscapular nerve injury Thoracic outlet syndrome Pancoast tumour 177 cases will have resolved.16 In a study carried out by Wang et al.,16 the success rate of conservative management in patients with impingement syndrome was 73.8% regardless of the acromial morphology present. If the patient remains significantly disabled and has no improvement after conservative treatment, surgical treatment may be considered. Early therapeutic goals include the reduction of inflammation, swelling and pain.15 Cryotherapy is particularly beneficial during the acute inflammatory stage or for the chronic recurrent exacerbation.1,2,7,8 Stretching and strengthening of the rotator cuff muscles should be performed while avoiding the impingement positions and, once pain and inflammation have reduced, active and passive ROM exercises should be incorporated with gentle oscillation and mobilisation.7 One recent in vivo study shows, for the first time, that adducting muscle forces lead to a significant increase of the subacromial space width compared with abducting muscle activity.26 Thus, future physical therapy protocols should focus on increasing the depressor effect of adducting muscles in the postoperative and conservative treatment of impingement syndrome of the shoulder. This early rehabilitative activity allows for neurological reintegration of neuromuscular structures. The pumping action of moving muscles expedites lymphatic flow, the input of nutritional blood-borne factors and the withdrawal of inflammatory cellular debris and chemotactic factors. In those whose work or lifestyle involves repetitive overhead activity, the rotator cuff muscles are being placed in the impingement position frequently and they must be in balance. This requires anterior and posterior strength and flexibility.10 This could also explain why the patient in the case still experienced pain in the right shoulder due to a lack of compliance with rehabilitative exercises or stretches and also the continuation of overhead activity. The chiropractic physician will also want to asses the five joint complexes (the glenohumeral joint, the acromioclavicular joint, the sternocostal joints, the costovertebral joints and the scapulothoracic articulation) that are part of the kinetic chain affecting the shoulder as well as assessing the spine for involvement. Impingement and injury to the rotator cuff muscles could result in damage to the neural mechanoreceptors that mediate normal proprioceptive sensation of the shoulder.27 This deficit could lead to slow protective reflexes, where contraction of the muscles occurs too late to protect the joint. Thus, the resultant proprioception deficit could contribute to chronic instability and further injury of the shoulder joint. Thus, kinaesthetic and 178 proprioceptive exercises should be incorporated into the shoulder rehabilitation programme. Conclusion Shoulder pain and shoulder impingement syndrome are common complaints presenting to the primary health care practitioner. The relationship between repetitive motion and impingement syndrome is possibly more complex than simple cause and effect. Thus, the goal of future research in this field should be to identify work-related and patientrelated factors that may contribute to the development of impingement and rotator cuff disease. 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