METAL 2008 13. – 15. 5. 2008, Hradec nad Moravicí GROWTH OF PURE TUNGSTEN SINGLE CRYSTALS USING TUNGSTEN POWDERS PREPARED FROM WASTE PRODUCTS G.S.Burkhanov, V.M.Kirillova, V.V.Sdobyrev, and V.A.Dementiev. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 49, Moscow,119991 Russia, Е-mail: Abstract Experimental data on the growth of pure tungsten single crystals (the content of each impurity, except molybdenum, is no more than 5x10-3 – 5x10-4 wt %) from tungsten powders are reported. The powders prepared from tungsten waste products are characterized by marked contents of metallic impurities, such as chromium, nickel, copper, iron, etc. (1-5 wt % each). The experiment consists in three-stage processing, namely, (i) the preparation of tungsten rods by compacting and sintering powders; (ii) preparation of tungsten ingots by plasma arc melting of the rods at a rate of 1.5 mm/min; and (iii) electron-beam melting at a rate of 1 mm/min. After the plasma arc melting, the surface of ingots was ground mechanically to take of a layer of deposits formed from the vapour. In this paper it is shown that duplex-process (the consistently integrating the plasma arc melting with the electron - beam melting) allows us to produce the pure tungsten single crystal using a tungsten powder prepared from waste products. Introduction The electron-beam melting and the plasma arc melting are the most commonly used for the commercial production of tungsten single crystals. The first method [1] allows one to grow large single crystals. However, to reach the high purity and obtain the perfect structure, it is necessary to use a pure tungsten powder (the content of each impurity is no more than 5x10-3 – 5x10-4 wt %). Powders with high contents of impurities such as chromium, nickel, copper, iron, etc. (1-5 wt % each) cannot be used for the preparation of single crystals by electronbeam melting owing to the high gas evolution. The second method [2] allows large single crystals to be grown from tungsten waste products. However, the ingots have imperfect structure. The aim of this work is to describe the duplex-process which incorporates advantages of the two above methods and is proceeding in two stages: 1 - primary purification of tungsten powder by plasma arc melting, 2 – the final improvement of the structure perfection by the electron-beam melting. Experimental Two types of tungsten powders were used in the present investigation: powder I prepared from tungsten waste products by a chloride technology [3, 4] and powder II prepared from tungsten concentrates using the hydrometallurgical technology [5] which is commonly used in the tungsten industry (was used for comparison). Powder I is characterized by marked contents of metallic impurities, such as chromium, nickel, copper, iron, etc. (1-5 wt % each); the impurity content in powder II is lower by three orders of magnitude than that in powder I. Tungsten rods I and II 4x4x100 mm in size were prepared by room- temperature compacting and sintering (1500°C) from powders I and II. An installation shown in fig.1was used for the plasma-arc melting of tungsten rods at a rate of 1,5mm/min. Ingots produced by plasma arc melting are 16mm in diameter and 350mm in length The installation used for electron-beam melting at a rate of 1,0 mm/min in a vacuum of 1 METAL 2008 13. – 15. 5. 2008, Hradec nad Moravicí 10-5 Pa is shown in fig.2. Single crystals produced by electron-beam melting are 15mm in diameter and 300mm in length. Fig.2. Schema diagram of electron – beam zone method: 1 – cylindrical specimen; 2 – electrons are accelerated by electric field between cathode and anode; 3 – melt zone; 4 – cathode Fig.1. Schematic diagram of plasma arc method: 1 –cathode (interior electrode of plasmotron); 2 – water- cooling plasmotron (the inert gas ensures a protective atmosphere): 3 – the melting initial material (rod or bar); 4 – liquid bath; 5 – anode (single crystal seed) moving upwards and downwards along the vertical axis; 6 – liquid metal drop; 7 – electrical arc is excited between anode and cathode Carbon and oxygen contents were determined by neutron-activation analysis [6], the contents of metallic and non-metallic impurities were determined by chemical and massspectral analyses. The orientations of single crystals were determined by x-ray Laue method using a URS-55 installation (x-ray tube with molybdenum anode). The macrostructure and microstructure were revealed by electrolytic etching (10% solution of NaOH) and by chemical etching of polished specimens (10g NaOH+10g [Fe (CN)6]+80g H20), respectively. A Neophot-2 light optical microscope was used to study substructure of tungsten single crystal. The density of etch pits was determined by metallography. The misorientation and the size of subgrains were determined by X-ray topography. The residual resistance ratio RRR=R273К/R4,2К was determined using contact and contactless .methods. The microhardness was determined using a NEOPHOT-3 microscope equipped with a microhardness tester. Results and discussion Table 1 shows the impurity composition of tungsten powders I and II. 2 METAL 2008 13. – 15. 5. 2008, Hradec nad Moravicí Table 1. Chemical composition of tungsten powders prepared by hydrometallurgical technology (powder I) [5] and chloride technology (powder II) [3, 4]. Powder I II Impurity content, 10-3wt% С 50 80 O2 3000 3500 Сr 30 4500 Ni 8 3000 Fe 200 5000 Cu 50 4500 Si 20 80 Mo 200 300 Ca 20 90 P 5 50 S 1 10 Data of Table 1 confirm the presence of marked contents of metallic impurities, such as chromium, nickel, copper, and iron, in tungsten powders prepared from tungsten waste products. Table 2 shows impurity composition of tungsten ingots produced by plasma arc melting of tungsten rods I and II. Table 2. Chemical composition of tungsten ingots I and II prepared by plasma arc melting of tungsten rods I and II. Content of impurities, ppm Rods I II С 0,65 0,7 O2 5,0 1,5 Сr 0,1 1,0 Ni 0,3 1,0 Fe 50 90 Cu 15 50 Si 0,4 5,0 Mo 1700 2800 Ca 20 90 P 15 50 S 1 10 Data of Table 2 demonstrate the marked purification of tungsten by the plasma arc melting. The carbon and oxygen contents in powder II reduce by a factor of 103 and 104, respectively. Contents of metallic impurities, such as chromium, nickel, copper, and iron, in powder II reduces by factor of 104 and in powder I – 102. The content of other impurities in powders I and II decreases by factor of 102. Metallography and x-ray topography analysis of ingots I and II revealed the substantial misorientation of 1st-order subgrains (3°and 5°, respectively); the estimated density of etch pits is 5x108 sm-2 and 9x109 sm-2, respectively (figs. 3 and 3 b). The ingot II (prepared from tungsten waste products) is characterized by 30% porosity. а) b) Fig.3. Microstructure of tungsten ingots produced by plasma arc method using the common powder (a) and waste product powder (b), x 100. 3 METAL 2008 13. – 15. 5. 2008, Hradec nad Moravicí Such a plasma arc melting allows us to purify tungsten ingots substantially, however does not allow the perfect substructure to be reached. Table 3 shows the impurity content in tungsten single crystals produced by the electron beam melting of tungsten ingots I and II. Table 3. Chemical composition of tungsten single crystals I and II prepared by electron-beam melting of tungsten ingot I and II). Single crystals I II Content of impurities, ppm С 0,55 0,65 O2 0,15 0,8 Сr 0,09 0,85 Ni 0,18 0,9 Fe 40 70 Cu 10 30 Si 0,2 1,0 Mo 1700 2700 Ca 10 50 P 10 30 S 1 0,8 Table 3 shows that the oxygen content in ingots decreases by a factor of 10 whereas the carbon and metallic/non-metallic contents change only slightly. Metallography and x-ray topography analysis show that the tungsten single crystals are characterised by the relatively high structure perfectness, i.e.,the misorientation of 1st-order subgrains does not exceed 30 (for powder I) and 55 (for the waste powder). The estimated density of etch pits is 5x106 sm-2 and (1-6) x 107 sm-2, respectively (figs. 4 a, 4 b). The porosity of single crystal prepared from waste powder is 30%. b) а) Fig.4. Microstructure of [100] tungsten single crystals produced by duplex-method using the common powder (a) and the waste product powder (b), x 500. Comparative analysis of Tables 2 and 3- and data on the substructure parameters of single crystals show that the plasma arc melting substantially purifies tungsten, and the electronbeam melting forms the relatively highly perfect substructure. For single crystals I and II RRR is 4500 and 3500, and the microhardness is 315 and 330, respectively. Thus the purity, substructure, and some properties of single crystals prepared from the waste product powder differ slightly from those produced from the common powder. This 4 METAL 2008 13. – 15. 5. 2008, Hradec nad Moravicí conclusion is of importance in particular, with allowance for the required decrease in tungsten single crystal price at the expense of the decrease in powder price. However, it is necessary to note of some feature of the single crystal preparation from waste powder: (1) – the pronounced (high) gas evolution and the severe impurity evaporation during the plasma arc melting and (2) – the surface deposition of evaporated impurities in the form of very small crystals during the cooling. For this reason, the surface of ingots must be ground mechanically after the plasma arc melting, Conclusion The consistent integrating the plasma arc melting with the electron - beam melting (duplex-process) allows us to produce the pure tungsten single crystals using the tungsten powder prepared from waste products. References. 1. E.M.Savitsky and G.S.Burkhanov. Single crystals of refractory and rare metals and alloys (Nauka, Moscow, 1972, p.259). 2. N.P.Luakishev and G.S.Burkhanov, Metallic Single Crystals (ELIZ, Moscow, 2002, p. 311) [in Russian]. 3. D.M.Chizhikov, V.G.Trusova, A.Z.Khazan. Regeneration of hard alloys waste product by chloride method. (Theses of reports of the II Conference “Chemistry and technology of molybdenum and tungsten”, Nalchik, 1974, P.195). 4. D.M.Chizhikov, V.G.Trusova, A.Z.Khazan. The reducing and chloriding of tungsten and molybdenum compounds. (Tsvetnaia metallurgia, Nauka, Moscow, 1976, p.180-187). 5. A.N.Zelikman and L.S.Nikitina. Tungsten. (Metallurgia, Moscow, 1978, p. 271). 6. R.A.Kuznetsov.. Activation Analysis. (Atomizdat, Moscow, 1974, p.343). 5