Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Renewable Energy journal homepage: Modeling for control of a kinematic wobble-yoke Stirling engine* Eloísa García-Canseco a, *, Alejandro Alvarez-Aguirre b, Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen c noma de Baja California, Km. 103 Carretera Tijuana-Ensenada, 22860 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico Faculty of Sciences, Universidad Auto Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Mekelweg 2, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands c Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, ITM, University of Groningen, Nijenborgh 4, 9747 AG Groningen, The Netherlands a b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 15 January 2013 Accepted 16 October 2014 Available online In this paper we derive the dynamical model of a four-cylinder double-acting wobble-yoke Stirling engine. In addition to the classical thermodynamics methods that dominate the literature of Stirling mechanisms, we present a control systems viewpoint to analyze the dynamic properties of the engine. We show that the Stirling engine can be viewed as a closed-loop system, in which the pressure variations in the cylinders behave as the feedback control law. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Cogeneration Control systems Energy conversion Modeling Stirling engine Energy savings and concern for the environment and climate are major issues nowadays within our society. Due to the high costs of extraction and processing of fossil fuelsdwhich have made their utilization increasingly expensive [1e3], not to mention the adverse effects to the environmentd, sustainable energies such as wind and solar energy are becoming popular around the world [4e8]. Moreover, in recent decades there has been an enormous interest in the application of heat engines for converting different types of heat sources into electrical energy [9,10]. One of the most promising applications is micro-combined heat and power (CHP) generation, or in other words, the simultaneous production of heat and power at a small-scale [11]. A micro-CHP consists of a gas engine which drives an electrical generator. Among the advantages of using micro-CHP systems we can mention: cutting the power transmission losses, because the waste heat can be captured and used locally; and generating electricity that can be either used in the house or exported to the grid in order to be consumed by the neighbors [11]. Supplying electricity back to the grid raises important economical and research/scientific challenges [10] which are not within the scope of this paper (see for instance [12] and references therein). Micro-CHP systems can attain a similar conversion efficiency from gas to useful heat as a conventional boiler, typically around * Work partially supported by the Mexican Council for Science and Technology (CONACyT) and by the Mexican Ministry of Education (SEP). * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ52 646 1744560. E-mail addresses: (E. García-Canseco), a.alvarez.aguirre@ieee. org (A. Alvarez-Aguirre), (J.M.A. Scherpen). 0960-1481/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 80%. However, in addition, around 1015% can be converted to electricity. Among the technologies that have been proposed for micro-CHP applications we can mention fuel cells, internal combustion engines and Stirling engines [11,13]. The Stirling engine is an external combustion reciprocating engine invented by Robert Stirling in 1816. Theoretically, Stirling engines seem to be the most efficient device for converting heat into mechanical work, with high efficiencies, requiring high-temperatures [14]. Stirling engines are generally externally heated engines. Therefore, most sources of heat can be used to drive them. Because of the Stirling engine inherent complexity, providing modeling and simulation tools for improving its design has raised important research challenges for the scientific community during the last decades. Studies that rely on thermodynamics methods and intuitive design techniques can be found in Refs. [15e19]. In Refs. [20e23], the application of computational fluid dynamics modeling to improve the design of Stirling engines is discussed. There exist, however, few literature on the application of systems and control methods to investigate their stability and dynamic properties, see for instance [24e28] and the recent works [29,30]. In this work we present a dynamic systems and control perspective to analyze the complex behavior of the Stirling engine. To this end, we take as a case study a kinematic wobble-yoke Stirling engine [31e33], consisting of a four-cylinder double-acting Stirling mechanism whose design is based on the classical spherical four-bar linkage. Our contributions are threefold. First, we present the complete nonlinear dynamical model of the kinematic wobbleyoke Stirling engine (originally developed by the authors in Ref. [34]). Second, we show that the Stirling engine can be viewed as a E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 809 closed-loop feedback system, in which the pressure variation inside the cylinders behaves as the state feedback control law. Third, following a similar approach from Refs. [29,35], we investigate the dynamic and stability properties of the Stirling engine. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 describes the working principle of the kinematic wobble-yoke Stirling engine. Section 2 introduces the dynamic modeling of the engine. In Section 3 the linear dynamics of the engine is analyzed. Section 4 presents the application of linear control tools to study the behavior of the Stirling engine. Simulations results are given in Section 5 and finally Section 6 outlines some concluding remarks. 1. Description of the system Fig. 1 shows the schematic representation of the four-cylinder double-acting Stirling engine. The four cylinders are phased at 90o from each other with respect to f. The links connecting the cylinders form the wobble-yoke mechanism whose function is to translate the reciprocating motion in vertical direction of the cylinders into the rotational motion through the shaft angle f. The design of the wobble yoke mechanism is based on the classical spherical four-bar linkage [31]. These kind of linkages, which are well known in robotics, have the property that every link in the system rotates about the same fixed point [36,37]. Hence, as indicated by its name, the trajectories of the points at the end of each link lie on concentric spheres. In robotics, only the revolute joint is compatible with this rotational movement and its axis must pass through the fixed point. The wobble yoke is indeed a particular class of the spherical linkage known as spherical crank rocker [31]. In this case, the revolute joints are replaced by the spherical bearings located at points b1, b3, c1 and d (cf. Fig. 2). The axis of the aforementioned bearings must intersect the sphere center O. The working principle of this mechanism can be explained by referring to Fig. 2. The mechanism is based on a beam which pivots about its center O in one plane (e2e3 for beam 1, and e1e3 for beam 2). Each beam is attached to pistons via bearings a1 and a3. An eccentric bearing c1 is attached to the drive shaft and it is connected to the beam via two bearings b1 and b3. The eccentric bearing c1 is the rotating part of the mechanism. When the engine is working, the reciprocating motion in vertical direction of the pistons inside the cylinders (not shown in Fig. 2), induces a rotational movement on bearing c1. Due to the geometrical and physical configuration of the mechanism, bearing c1 describes a circle of radius lc1 d . The axis Fig. 2. Schematic picture of beam 1. q1 is the angle between the beam and the axis e2. The angle f is measured in the counterclockwise direction from the positive axis e1. of bearings b1, b3, c1 and d must intersect the center O, so that the kinematic constraints of the spherical crank rocker [36,37] are satisfied. We also notice that the axis lOc1 of bearing c1 is perpendicular to the beam, i.e., lOc1 ⊥lb1 b3 . An analogous discussion applies to the second beam. We refer the reader to [31,32] for more details about the wobble-yoke Stirling engine. 2. Modeling for control In this section we derive the equations of motion for the wobble-yoke Stirling engine [34]. The definition of the parameters as well as their nominal values are summarized in Table 1. We make the following fundamental assumption: A1. Small motion: Let 15 < qj < 15 , then cosqj z1, sinqj zqj , 2 q_ j z0. Fig. 1. Schematic representation and cylinders configuration of the wobble-yoke Stirling engine. 810 E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Table 1 System parameters (nominal values shown). Symb. ai Ap Ar bi bpi cj d en F(,) g hdc hde hs I kpi l(,) lOa 1 m Value Description 0.0014 2.4053 104 10 9.81 0.0006 0.00263 0.025 0.0135 450 0.0705 0.4384 mci mei mh mk mT Mi 0.0015 O pci pcc pei pm R Th Tk Tr Vci Vcmax Vei Vdc Vde Vemax Vh Vk Vswc Vswe zi zieq zmax z_i z€i 2.5 106 8.3144 1015 975 360 617.2632 6.7512 107 3.5918 106 9.1800 8.2687 2.8130 3.4143 0.0125 an bn gi qj q_ j € qj qjmax f t 0.1782 106 106 105 105 Connecting rod bearing center, Piston area [m2] Piston rod area [m2] Wobble yoke-beam bearing center, Damping coefficient [Ns/m], Nutating bearing center, Crankshaft bearing center, Axes of the fixed reference frame, Force [N], Acceleration due to gravity [m/s2], Height of dead volume in compression space [m] Height of dead volume in expansion space [m] Stroke of the piston [m] Mass moment of inertia about the pivot O [kgm2], Piston spring constant [N/m], Distance, [m] Distance [m], Piston assembly mass incl. the connecting rod [kg], Mass of the working gas in the compression space [kg] Mass of the working gas in the expansion space [kg] Mass of the working gas in the heater [kg] Mass of the working gas in the cooler [kg] Total mass of the working gas [kg], Angular momentum with respect to the axis ei [Nm], Center of the fixed reference frame, main pivot center, Pressure in compression space [N/m2], Crankcase pressure [N/m2], Pressure in expansion space [N/m2], Mean pressure in the working space [N/m2], Gas constant [J/(K,mol)], Hot end temperature [K], Cold end temperature [K], Regenerator effective temperature [K], Compression space volume of the i-th cylinder, [m3] Maximum compression space volume, [m3] Expansion space volume of the i-th cylinder, [m3] Dead volume in compression space [m3], Dead volume in expansion space [m3], Maximum expansion space volume, [m3], Heater volume [m3], Cooler volume [m3], Swept volume in compression space [m3], Swept volume in expansion space [m3], Vertical displacement [m], Equilibrium length of the i-th piston spring [m], Maximum piston displacement ¼ hs/2 [m], Velocity [m/s], Acceleration [m/s2], Constant Constant Constant Beam angle [rad], Beam angular velocity [rad/s], Beam angular acceleration [rad/s2], Maximum beam angle [rad], Crankshaft angle [rad], Shaft torque [Nm]. During operation of the engine, the beam angle q1 (respectively q2)dsee Fig. 2dbetween the beam and the horizontal axis e2 (respectively e1) varies between its maximum q1max and its minimum q1max (respectively q2max and q2max ). Due to physical constraints of the engine, the maximum beam angle is approximately 10.21, thus, assumption A1 is physically correct. 2.1. Kinematics Consider the schematic representation of beam 1 shown in Fig. 2. We define the reference frame en, n ¼ 1,…,3, which is fixed at the pivot center of the beam O. As was explained in Section 1, the vertical motion of the pistons (not shown in Fig. 2) inside the cylinders, leads to a rotation of the beam around O. This rotation is represented by the instantaneous value of q1. The variation on q1 causes as well a rotational movement around the axis e3, which is represented by the crank angle f. Then, the kinematic problem for the beam 1 consists in finding the equations of the angular displacements qj, j ¼ 1,2, and the vertical displacements zi, i ¼ 1,…,4, in terms of the crank angle f. To solve the problem we proceed as follows (see also [31]). Referring to Fig. 2, let the vectors b1 ¼ ½b11 ; b12 ; b13 u and c1 ¼ ½c11 ; c12 ; c13 u denote the coordinates in the reference frame en, n ¼ 1,…,3, of the wobble yoke-beam bearing center b1 and the nutating bearing center c1 of the beam 1, respectively. Then the bearing center distance lb1 c1 is given by. 2 2 2 l2b1 c1 ¼ c11 b11 þ c12 b12 þ c13 b13 ; (1) where b11 ¼ 0; b12 ¼ lOb1 cosq1 ; b13 ¼ lOb1 sinq1 , c11 ¼ lc1 d cosf, c12 ¼ lc1 d sinf, and c13 ¼ lOd . Taking into account that l2Oc1 ¼ l2c1 d þ l2Od ¼ l2Ob1 , and l2b1 c1 ¼ l2Ob1 þ l2Oc1 ¼ 2l2Ob1 (Fig. 2), we have that equation (1), after expanding and further simplifying, becomes lOd sinq1 lc1 d cosq1 sinf ¼ 0: (2) Solving (2) for q1 we obtain. q1 ¼ tan1 ðksinfÞ; (3) where we have used lc1 d ¼ lOd tanq1max and k ¼ tanq1max . Equation (3) gives the angular displacement q1 of beam 1 for a particular crank angle f. By taking the first and second time derivative of (3), we get, after some straightforward but cumbersome computations, the angular velocity and angular acceleration as _ q_ 1 ¼ kfcosf; (4) 2 € € k sinf þ 2q1 cos2 f f_ ; q1 ¼ kfcosf (5) where we have used Assumption A1 to further simplify the above equations. Let a1 ¼ ½a11 ; a12 ; a13 u be the coordinates of the connecting rod bearing center a1, where a11 ¼ 0, a12 ¼ lOa1 cosq1 , a13 ¼ lOa1 sinq1 (see Fig. 2). By Assumption A1, a1 ¼ ½0; lOa1 ; lOa1 q1 u . Therefore, for small motions there is only a vertical displacement of bearing a1 in the direction of the e3 axis. Hence, the angular beam displacement is translated to the vertical displacement of bearing a1 as a function of the crank angle by. z1 ¼ a13 ¼ lOa1 q1 ¼ lOa1 tan1 ðksinfÞ: (6) Taking the first and second derivatives with respect to time of (6), and substituting (4) and (5), the vertical velocity and acceleration of bearing a1 can be recast into. _ z_1 ¼ lOa1 q_ 1 ¼ lOa1 kfcosf; (7) h i 2 € : q1 ¼ lOa1 k fcosf z€1 ¼ lOa1 € sinf þ 2q1 cos2 f f_ (8) Following similar geometric arguments for the connecting road bearing center a3, we obtain. E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 z3 ¼ a3 ¼ z1 ; z_2 ¼ z_1 ; z€2 ¼ z€1 : (9) Due to the symmetry of the beams and to their phase difference of p/2 with respect to f (see Fig. 1), the previous calculations remain valid for beam 2 by taking into account q1max ¼ q2max , and by replacing sin(f) by sinðf þ p=2Þ, cosf by cosðf þ p=2Þ, q1 by q2, z1 by z2, and z3 by z4 in equations (3)e(9), respectively. Summarizing, the kinematic model of the wobble-yoke Stirling engine is given by. q¼ _ q1 tan1 ðksinfÞ _ kfcosf q_ ;q ¼ _ 1 ¼ ¼ ; 1 _ q2 kfsinf q2 tan ðkcosfÞ " €¼ q # sinf þ 2tan1 ðksinfÞcos2 f ; 2 € kfsinf kf_ cosf þ 2tan1 ðkcosfÞsin2 f 2 € kfcosf kf_ (10) (11) 811 Assume the initial condition zi0 to be the point of vertical static equilibrium, i.e., when the engine is not yet running, in other words, z_i ¼ 0, z€i ¼ 0. Then the equation for the equilibrium length of the piston spring zieq can be obtained from (12) as follows: kpi zieq ¼ Ap Ar pci0 þ Ap pei0 Ar pcc þ kpi zi0 þ mg; (13) where pci0 and pei0 are the initial pressures in the compression and expansion space of the i-th cylinder, respectively. Thus, the length of zieq depends on the force due to the gravity and on the initial pressure difference in the cylinder. This pressure difference exists if the engine is pressurized prior to operation [29]. Substituting (13) in (12), we finally obtain the equation for the vertical motion of the i-th piston as mz€i ¼ Ap Ar pci pci0 Ap pei pei0 kpi ðzi zi0 Þ bpi z_i : (14) where we have used sinðf þ p=2Þ ¼ cosf and cosðf þ p=2Þ ¼ sinf. For the vertical displacements zi, i ¼ 1,…,4, we only have two independent equations, namely, z1 and z2, therefore, we define the vector of vertical displacements z as _ € z ¼ ½z1 ; z2 u , with z ¼ lOa1 q; z_ ¼ lOa1 q; z€ ¼ lOa1 q. 2.2. Dynamics of the pistons motion In this section we borrow some inspiration from Ref. [29] to derive the motion equation of the piston depicted in Fig. 3. The dynamical equation of this system is given by. mz€i ¼ Ap Ar pci Ap pei þ Ar pcc kpi zi zieq bpi z_i mg; (12) where the terms ðAp Ar Þpci , Ap pei , and Arpcc are the force in the compression space, the force in the expansion space and the force in the crank space of the i-th cylinder, respectively. 2.3. Thermodynamics To complete the piston motion equation (14), we incorporate now the pressure dynamics into equation (14). To this end, we apply the classical Schmidt analysis [38] with the following thermodynamic assumptions: A2. The working gases are ideal. A3. The working spaces and heat exchangers are isothermal at any instance and location. A4. The mass of the working gas is constant. Remark 1. Although the Schmidt analysis is one of the most widely used methods to analyze Stirling engines for educational purposes, it is conservative and subject to certain limitations. For instance, Assumption A3 implies that the heat exchangers, including the regenerator, are perfectly effective [38,39]. Moreover, the Schmidt analysis does not accurately predict the performance of the engine. Thus, when designing Stirling engines, more advanced modeling techniques such as computational fluid dynamic (CFD) [20e23] or combined dynamic and thermodynamic modeling [40], among others are needed. In the thermodynamic analysis of the Stirling engine, the engine consist of five serially-connected components, namely, a compression space, cooler, regenerator, heater and expansion space. These five components form an equivalent of a single internal gas circuit. In the case of the wobble-yoke Stirling engine, the engine is composed of four internal gas circuits (cf. Fig. 4). Each internal gas circuit consist of the compression space of cylinder i-th, the expansion space of cylinder (i þ 1)-th and the connecting cooler, regenerator and heater between cylinders i-th and (i þ 1)th. Since the isothermal analysis does not account for pressure gradients, following assumption A3 we assume no pressure drop across the cooler, regenerator and heater, and thus, the pressure in the compression space of the i-th cylinder equals the pressure in the expansion space of the adjacent cylinder (i þ 1)-th (cf. Fig. 4), i.e., pe1 ¼ pc4 ; Fig. 3. Free-body diagram for the pistons of the wobble-yoke Stirling engine. pe2 ¼ pc1 ; pe3 ¼ pc2 ; pe4 ¼ pc3 : (15) Recalling from Subsection 2.1 that the equations for z1 and z2 completely describe the piston displacements (z3 ¼ z1 and z4 ¼ z2), the dynamic equations of the piston motion (14), after substituting (15) becomes. 812 E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Fig. 4. Cylinder order viewed from the burner end and cylinder configuration. mz€1 ¼ Ap Ar pc1 pc10 Ap pc4 pc40 kp1 ðz1 z10 Þ bp1 z_1 ; (16) Vdc ¼ Ap Ar hdc ; mz€2 ¼ Ap Ar pc2 pc20 Ap pc1 pc10 kp2 ðz2 z20 Þ bp2 z_2 : (17) By using the ideal gas law (cf. Assumption A2) and Assumption A4, it can be shown that the pressure variation in the compression spaces of each thermodynamic cycle is given by Ref. [38] Vci Vk Vr Vh Veiþ1 1 pci ¼ mT R þ þ þ þ Tk Tk Tr Th Th From (18), we observe that for a given geometry, gas type and temperature distribution of the working gas, the pressure is only function of the volume variations of the compression and expansion spaces Vci and Veiþ1 . The following equations give the volume variation in the compression space (Fig. 5-left) (18) where mT ¼ mci þ mk þ mr þ mh þ meiþ1 and Tr ¼ (ThTk)/ln(Th/Tk) is the effective temperature of the ideal regenerator assuming a linear temperature distribution. Remark 2. As noticed by Refs. [38], it might be more accurate to assume that equation (18) describes some intermediate pressure between the compression and expansion space. However, assuming (18) to be the pressure variation in the compression space simplifies the analysis to a great extent. Vcmin ¼ Vdc ; hs ; Vswc ¼ Ap Ar 2 Vcmax ¼ Vdc þ Vswc : (19) (20) Similarly, for the expansion space we have. Vde ¼ Ap hde ; Vemin ¼ Vde ; Vswe ¼ Ap hs ; 2 Vemax ¼ Vde þ Vswe : (21) (22) Then, from Fig. 5-right, and equations (19)e(22), we obtain that the volume variation in the compression and expansion spaces as a function of the piston position are respectively given by. Vci ¼ Ap Ar Vswc zi þ þ Vdc ; 2 2 (23) Ap Vswe z þ þ Vde : 2 i 2 (24) Vei ¼ Fig. 5. Volume variations in the compression and expansion spaces. E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 813 that F1eq ¼ ½0; f12 ; 0u and F2eq ¼ ½f21 ; 0; 0u , with f12 ¼ M1 =lOd and f21 ¼ M2 =lOd . The output-shaft torque t is obtained as (cf. Fig. 7) t ¼ kðM1 þ M2 Þcosf ¼ ðM1 þ M2 Þtanq2 ; (27) where we have used lc1 d ¼ lOd k and (10). By Assumption A1, tanq2 zq2 zz2 =lOa1 . Thus, (27) finally becomes t¼ M1 þ M2 z2 : lOa1 (28) 3. Linear dynamics Fig. 6. Forces and momenta acting on the beams. Substituting (23) and (24) into the pressure equation (18) and after grouping the constant terms in b1, we have that the instantaneous pressure in the compression spaces is given by. pci ¼ pm Ap Ar Ap 1þ z z 2b1 Tk i 2b1 Th iþ1 pci ¼ pci0 1 (25) where pm ¼ MR/b1 is the mean pressure in the working spaces, and b1 is a constant defined in Appendix A (equation (A.1)). As mentioned in Section 1, the wobble-yoke mechanism translates the vertical motion of the piston into rotational motion through the shaft angle. To compute the shaft torque equation we apply a slightly modification of the approach followed by Refs. [31]dthe main differences being the computation of the forces and the output torquedThe net forces acting at the connecting rod bearing ai are defined as. Fi ¼ mz€i Ap Ar pci pci0 þ Ap pei pei0 þ kpi ðzi zi0 Þ þ bpi z_i ; (26) with the pressure variables pei , pei0 , pci , and pci0 , given by equations (15) and (25). The difference between the forces F1 and F3 acting at the beam ends a1 and a3 (cf. Fig. 6) produces an angular momentum1 in the pivot center O pointing in the e1 axis direction q1 : M1 ¼ lOa1 ðF1 F3 Þ I€ Similarly, for the second beam, we have an angular momentum in the pivot center O pointing in the e2 axis direction. M2 ¼ lOa1 ðF2 F4 Þ I€ q2 : In order to obtain the equation of the output-shaft torque t in the e3 direction, we observe that the angular momenta M1 and M2 can be translated into equivalent forces F1eq and F2eq acting at the points c1 and c2, for beams 1 and 2 respectively. If we constraint the forces F1eq and F2eq to lie in the plane e1e2 (cf. Fig. 7), it can be shown Throughout the document, we follow the right-hand rule for rotational movement, i.e., a counterclockwise rotation produces a positive momentum about the rotational axis. vpci vpci ziþ1 zðiþ1Þ0 : þ ðz z Þ þ i i0 vzi vziþ1 zi ¼ zi0 zi ¼ zi0 ziþ1 ¼ zðiþ1Þ0 ziþ1 ¼ zðiþ1Þ0 (29) After some simplifications, equation (29) becomes. pci ¼ 2.4. Rotational movement 1 Because of the pressure dynamics (25), the piston motion equations (16) and (17) are nonlinear. However, since the working gas behaves like a linear spring [41], the system can be studied via linear analysis methods. For convenience, we linearize equation (25) around the initial piston positions zi ¼ zi0 and ziþ1 ¼ zðiþ1Þ0 as follows2 Ap Ar Ap pm ziþ1 zðiþ1Þ0 1 ðzi zi0 Þ þ gi 2b1 gi Tk 2b1 gi Th (30) with the constant term gi given by gi ¼ 1 þ Ap Ar Ap z z : 2b1 Tk i0 2b1 Th ðiþ1Þ0 ~ci ¼ pci pci0 . Then equations (16), (17) Define ~zi ¼ zi zi0 and p and (30) can be represented in state-space as: x_ ¼ Ax þ Bu; (31) y ¼ Cx; (32) where x ¼ ½~z1 ; ~z2 ; ~z_1 ; ~z_2 T 2ℝ4 is the state-space vector. The output vector y2ℝp contains the variable we are interested in controlling, which are determined from the structure of the output matrix C2ℝp4 . The state matrix A2ℝ44 and the input matrix B2ℝ43 are respectively given by 2 0 6 6 0 6 6 k p A¼6 6 1 6 m 6 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 bp 1 m 1 0 kp2 m 0 0 bp 2 m 3 7 7 7 7 7; 7 7 7 5 2 Although the binomial expansion, or equivalently, the linearization around zero initial piston positions, has been widely used in free-piston Stirling engines to linearize the pressure equation (25), in the kinematic wobble-yoke Stirling engine, the choice zi ¼ ziþ1 ¼ 0 is not possible due to the physical constraints of the engine. 814 E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Fig. 7. Equivalent forces and output-shaft-torque computation. 2 0 6 6 0 6 6 A A p r B¼6 6 6 m 6 4 Ap m 0 0 0 Ap Ar m 0 3 7 0 7 7 Ap 7 7 7: m7 7 5 0 Using the linearized pressure equation (30), the input term u ¼ ~ ¼ ½p ~c2 ; p ~c4 T 2ℝ3 can be written as the state feedback ~c1 ; p p equation. u ¼ Kx; (33) with constant gain matrix K2ℝ34 2 b2 K ¼ 4 b4 b8 b3 b5 b9 0 0 0 3 0 0 5; 0 133.15±311.89j and 155.96±311.89j. Due to the positive real part of two poles, the system is unstable and the piston displacement zi will oscillate with increasing amplitude. Remark 5. Theoretically, the wobble-yoke Stirling engine works in a stable cyclic steady-state, when the characteristic polynomial has two imaginary roots and two roots with a negative real part [43]. This situation occurs if bpi z143 Ns/m. Unfortunately, at the moment of our study, not all the technical specifications of the wobble-yoke Stirling engine have been fully disclosed. 4. Pre-compensator and observer design For the scope of this work, in this section we illustrate how linear control tools can be used to modify the behavior of the Stirling engine. and constant terms bi, i ¼ 2,…9 defined in Appendix A, equations (A.2)e(A.6). Remark 3. Fig. 8 depicts the block diagram of the linearized system (31)e(33). It is worth noticing that the system (31) is selfexcited via the input term u (33), which depends on the initial pressure and temperature conditions, so as to induce the engine operation. Therefore, as already pointed out by Refs. [29,35,42], the Stirling engine can be viewed as a dynamical system subject to a state-feedback law (the pressure), which can be altered either by adding or taking out the working space some of the working fluid, or by manipulating the parameters of the system. Remark 4. Fig. 9 shows the root locus of the closed-loop system (31)e(33) as the viscous friction parameter bpi varies. Taking bpi ¼ 10 Ns/m as in Refs. [17,29], the closed-loop poles are located at Fig. 8. Block diagram of the closed-loop system. Fig. 9. Root-locus trajectories for varying values of bpi . The closed-loop poles when bpi ¼ 10 N s/m are located at 133.15 ± 311.89j and 155.96 ± 311.89j. E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 2 4.1. Pre-compensator Suppose it is possible to incorporate in the Stirling engine a precompensator v(x) that modifies the system's input u (Fig. 8). Then our control objective is to design a state feedback v(x) so that the new input. uðxÞ ¼ Kx þ vðxÞ (34) ensures a stable piston oscillation at 30 Hz with a maximal amplitude of zmax ¼ hs/2. To this end, we assume that all components of the vector state x are measured, and set the control input as u ¼ ur Kðx xr Þ; (36) The new closed-loop system, after substituting (36) and (34) into (31) results in x_ ¼ ðA BKÞx þ BKxr þ Bur . Define the ~ ¼ x xr , then the error dynamics are obtained as. tracking error x ~_ ¼ A BK x ~; x (37) where we have used x_ r ¼ Axr þ Bur 2 bp1 6 0 ¼6 4 bp 1 0 Dx_r 2 kp1 6 0 ¼6 4 kp 1 0 Dxr (35) where xr is the desired trajectory, ur is a feedforward control input, and K is an appropriate gain matrix, which can be chosen by pole placement. Solving (34) and (35) for v yields v ¼ ur Kðx xr Þ þ Kx: Durf (38) for the dynamics of the reference trajectory and feedforward generator. Equation (37) clearly shows that the tracking error will converge to zero provided a proper choice of the gain matrix K, done by pole placement. The block diagram representation in Fig. 10 depicts the pre-compensator system as proposed so far. Ap Ar 6 Ap 6 ¼4 0 0 Durf urf ¼ Dx_r x_ r þ Dxr xr ; (39) Ap 7 0 7; 5 0 Ap Ar 0 0 Ap Ar Ap 0 bp2 0 bp2 m 0 m 0 0 kp2 0 kp2 0 0 0 0 3 0 m 7 7; 0 5 m 3 0 07 7: 05 0 r r r 4.3. Observer design The synthesis of the state-feedback pre-compensator presented in Subsection 4.1 considered that the state x was fully measured. However, from a practical viewpoint, the piston velocities cannot be directly measured, and thus, a reduced-order estimator is required. Assume the state can be partitioned as x ¼ ½xa ; xb T , where xa ¼ ½z1 ; z2 T can be directly measured and xb ¼ ½z_1 ; z_2 T has to be estimated. According to this partition, equations 31 and 32 can be written as. x_ a x_ b ¼ Aaa Aba Aab Abb xa xb þ Ba u; Bb (40) y ¼ xa ; (41) where Aaa ¼ 022, Aab ¼ I22, Ba ¼ 023 and Aba ~c3 does not appear explicitly in Since the pressure variation p the system equation (31), the feedforward term ur cannot be directly computed from (38) by using the pseudo-inverse of ~c3 , equation (14) is evalB. To take into account the effect of p uated for the four pistons at the reference trajectories xr , resulting in. 0 Ap Ar Ap 0 _ Solving (39) for urf yields urf ¼ D1 urf ðDx_r xr þ Dxr xr Þ, from which ~c1 ; p ~c2 ; p ~c4 T can be obtained. the feedforward term ur ¼ ½p 2 4.2. Trajectory and feedforward generator 815 3 Abb 6 6 ¼6 4 b8 Ap b2 Ap Ar kp1 m b2 Ap b4 Ap Ar m 2 b p1 6 m ¼6 4 0 3 3 b9 Ap b3 Ap Ar 7 m 7 7; b3 Ap b5 Ap Ar kp2 5 m 2 Ap Ar 6 m 7 7; B b ¼ 6 4 5 Ap bp2 m m 0 0 Ap Ar m 3 Ap 7 m7 5: 0 Consider the following estimator [44] ~c1 ; p ~c2 ; p ~c3 ; p ~c4 T , and where urf ¼ ½p r r r r Fig. 10. Pre-compensator block diagram representation for the wobble-yoke Stirling engine. Fig. 11. Pre-compensator-estimator block diagram representation for the wobble-yoke Stirling engine. 816 E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Fig. 12. Piston displacements: reference trajectories (continuous line) and simulated piston displacements (dashed line). been carried out by using the linear controller/observer in the original nonlinear model. The desired pistons displacements are sinusoids with phase difference of p/2, frequency of 30 Hz and amplitude of hs/2 ¼ 0.0125. The initial crankshaft angle is f(0) ¼ p/3, resulting in the initial piston positions and velocities x(0) ¼ [0.0109,0.0063,0,0]T. On the other hand, the observer is initialized at b x b ¼ ½0; 0T . The desired closed-loop poles for the controller are located at [300,300,200,200], whereas those of the estimator are located at [600,400]. The controller and observer gain matrices were chosen considering the following two requirements. First, a fast response without overshoot from the controller, in order to constrain the piston motion to their encasement while converging to their reference trajectories. Second, an even faster response from the observer so that the estimated estates emulate the system states in a very short period. The plots in Fig. 12 show the desired trajectory for the piston displacements (continuous line) as well as the resulting piston displacements (dashed line) during time t2½4; 4:1 s, while the resulting shaft torque is shown in Fig. 13 for the same period. 6. Conclusions and future work Fig. 13. Output shaft torque. _ b xb _ ¼ ðAbb LAab Þ b x b þ Aba xa þ Bb u þ Ly; (42) where L2ℝ22 is the estimator gain matrix. Define the new estimator state b xc ¼ b x b Ly. Then, the dynamics of the reduced-order estimator (42) can be written as _ b x c ¼ ðAbb LAab Þ b x b þ Aba xa þ Bb u: ~ b ¼ xb b By defining the estimator error x x b, it can be shown ~_b ¼ ðAbb LAab Þx ~b . Therefore, given an adequate choice of that x the gains in matrix L, done by pole placement, the estimator error will converge to zero. A block-diagram representation of the reduced-order estimator is shown in Fig. 11. 5. Simulation results In order to illustrate the pre-compensator and observer designed for the Stirling engine, numerical simulations have We have presented a control systems approach for the analysis and control of a kinematic wobble-yoke Stirling engine mechanism. We have shown that the Stirling engine can be viewed as a closed-loop system, in which the pressure variations in the cylinders behave as the feedback control law. Moreover, we have illustrated how linear control tools can be used to modify the behavior of the Stirling engine such as making the piston's displacements follow a reference trajectory. Current research is underway to accurately identify the parameters of the system in order to experimentally validate the proposed controller in the future. Other issues that will be explored in the future include: e the robustness of the controllers in the presence of parametric uncertainties in the model, e the energy performance and efficiency of the engine in terms of the mean recoverable mechanical power, and e the modeling of the regenerator and heat exchangers so that pressure drops between the compression and expansion spaces are taken into account. E. García-Canseco et al. / Renewable Energy 75 (2015) 808e817 Appendix A. Parameters of the model b1 ¼ 1 Vswc 1 Vswe V Vr V þ þ kþ þ h: Vdc þ Vde þ Tk Th 2 2 Tk Tr Th (A.1) b2 ¼ 8pm Th2 b1 Ap Ar 2 ; Tk Ap hs 4Th b1 (A.2) 8pm Th Ap b1 b3 ¼ 2 ; Ap hs 4Th b1 8pm Tk2 Ap b1 b4 ¼ 2 ; 4Tk b1 þ Ap Ar hs Th 8pm Tk b1 Ap Ar b5 ¼ 2 ; 4Tk b1 þ Ap Ar hs (A.3) 8pm Th2 b1 Ap Ar b6 ¼ 2 ; Ap hs þ 4Th b1 Tk (A.4) 8pm Th Ap b1 b7 ¼ 2 ; Ap hs þ 4Th b1 b8 ¼ 8pm Tk2 Ap b1 2 ; 4Tk b1 þ Ap Ar hs Th (A.5) b9 ¼ 8pm Tk b1 Ap Ar 2 4Tk b1 þ Ap Ar hs (A.6) References [1] Lake LW. Enhanced oil recovery. 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