A Management System of Street Trees by using RFID ¹Kim Eui-myoung, ²Pyeon Mu-wook, ¹Kang Min-Soo, ²Park Jae-sun ¹Korea geoSpatial Information & Communication Co. Ltd , Seoul, Korea ²Department of Civil Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea Background - Cities in Korea are densely populated, which naturally allows the central government and local governments to operate GISbased UIS (Urban Information System) to manage cities efficiently. - The construction of a U-City that enhances the quality of life and ensures the effective management of cities through making the structures of a city intelligent is in its initial state. - We need more efficient management systems for urban facilities by integrating traditional GIS technology and ubiquitous technology. Research Goals - To develop a street tree management system by integrating RFID, wireless telecommunication technology, and GIS technology - To adapt UFID (Unique Feature Identify) to the system for efficient georeferencing - To verify the system that integrating with GPS, CDMA, and three-dimensional GIS system - To propose a actual example of the application combining GIS and Ubiquitous technology Present Street Tree Management System • Too many regulation and event related with street trees • Insufficient Human resources for monitoring and management trees • Inadequate pesticides and treatments due to the lack of financial support Flow of Research 1. Functional Requirements Analysis 2. System Design 3. UFID Design 4. System Development 5. Building of a street trees DB 6. Implementation Functional Requirements Analysis Issues Real-time update Locationing function Details • Necessity of the application of wireless telecommunication technology • Necessity of GPS device 3D modeling • Necessity of a three-dimensional model of trees lining street • Necessity of software for three-dimensional GIS function Hardware specification definition • Determines frequency by requesting RFID recognition distance • Determines hardware like (PDA: Personal Digital Assistant) How to mount RFID • Maintains a consistency in case of on-sites work System Concept GPS CDMA Reader Buletooth RFID Tag Read Write 2D & 3D Product PDA Server Internet MAP USER H/W System Data base RFID tag GPS receiver RFID reader Wireless Communication network Web server Internet Bluetooth Terminal On-site Management System of Street Trees User - 1 . . . . . User - N Management System of Street Trees RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Low Frequency High Frequency 125.134 KHz 13.56 MHz 433.93 MHz 860~960 MHz 2.45 GHz Distance < 60Cm ≤ 60Cm ~50~100m ~3.5~10m ~1m Type Passivity Passivity Activeness Activeness / Passivity Activeness / Passivity Frequency Ultrahigh Frequency Microwave S/W System 2D/3D GIS Client Internet/Moblie Client IntraMap / Object IntraMap / PDA PDA IntraMap / PDA Windows CE Spatial Data (XMAP) Attribute Data (MDB) 2D/3D GIS Web Server IIS Web Server Windows Server Spatial Data (XMAP) IntraMap Web GIS Sever Attribute Data (MDB) UFID (Unique Feature Identifier) - UFID (Unique Feature Identifier) is developed by KMOTC - UFID gives unique ID to the all topographic features with its location and contents - UFID is a useful system for 3D GIS and ubiquitous environment UFID Design for the system 1) Version Code 2) Topographical Feature Code Numerical map ver2.0 geographical things classification system High level Classification Name Road Building Facility Vegetation Water Topography High level Classification Code A B C D E F Sub level Classification number 22 2 55 4 8 5 UFID Design for the system 3) Agency Code 4) Serial Code Left(L) / Middle(M) / Right(R) side of the street 5) Locatiton Data Latitude : 37°34‘51“ Longitude : 126°59‘34 “ 37345165934 6) Elevation Data 7) Attribute Flag If there is no specific matter, expressed as 0 or 1 8) Error Check Linkage of UFID and Various GIS Information Systems • UIS : Urban Information System • KLIS : Korea Land Information System • LMIS : Land Management Information System Devices for on -site work on-site RFID tag PDA + Reader RF Reader GPS Wireless internet & bluetooth Cellular phone Study area - Location : Gea hwa-Dong, Gang seo-gu, Seoul-city, Korea Street tree DB building using field System Inserting RFID tag into the street trees Giving ID by RFID reader/writer Modify & Input the Attribute Data Sending street tree Information Checking the location by GPS PDA system Using PDA & RFID reader Recognition of street trees Light 2D GIS S/W Managing Information of street trees Bluetooth Module and CDMA Sending Field Information to Main System Main GIS System for STMS Web Information for management of trees lining a street to be made by 2D&3D ㅍ To check out the cultivated trees inside with model of species of street trees without checking the field User : Easy to check with the managing number of trees Manager : To respond and react the civil affairs quickly and correctly Demonstration 2D 2D street street trees trees management management system system Demonstration 3D 3D street street trees trees management management system system Summary - We developed a street management system by integrating RFID, CDMA, GPS, 3D GIS system. - UFID is useful system for managing complex urban facilities and functionally augmented future cities (eq. ucity) - This kind of system will be comprehensively applied to the management of city facilities like streetlights, manholes, transportation facilities, etc. - We need more advanced researches integrating GIS and SoC (System on Chips), USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Network) applications. Test of RFID tag Thank you Department of Civil Engineering, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea