An Interactive Online Course: A Collaborative Design Model El Mahnaz Moallem The purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluationresults of using an interactive design modelfor the development of an online course. Specfically, it examines: (a)how an interactivedesign model was used to develop collaborativeand cooperativelearning activities; (b)how activities were structuredto promote the level and quality of communicationsamong students, as peers, and between students and the instructors;and (c)how students responded to such interactive design model. The paper also provides information about the delivery process and describes what happenedwhen this interactive model wasfully implemented and used. O As the number of Internet-based courses increases and distance learning programs grow in popularity, educators raise important questions about the quality of these courses and programs (Muirhead, 2000, 2001). One of the concerms is the level of interactivity (communication, participation, and feedback) between students and between teachers and their students (LaRose & Whitten, 1999; McNabb, 1994; Sherry, 1996). As Foshay and Bergeron (2000) observed, there is a big difference between being able to distribute information with the Internet and being able to teach with the Internet. While learning is ultimately an individual enterprise, the support of a group with a common learning objective can produce a synergistic facilitation of learning by each member of that group. Nonetheless, the social dimension of learning in online courses or Internet-based instruction has received little attention. Many educators advocating distance learning believe that interactivity is a vital element in the educational process (e.g., Moore, 1991, 1992, 1993; Moore & Kearsley, 1995; Muirhead, 1999; Parker, 1999; Saba & Shearer, 1994; Spitzer, 2001; Zirkin & Sumler, 1995). However, critics stress that interactivity is the missing element in distance education because online classes either do not emphasize online interaction or face reluctance from the students to participate in online discussion. A few researchers who studied online courses (e.g., Boshier et al., 1997; Hiltz, 1997; Kearsly, 1995; McNabb 1994; Sherry, 1996) observed that while communication options (e.g., e-mail, bulletin boards, conferencing systems, whiteboards, chat rooms, and videoconferencing) are plentiful and increasing, Internet-based -instruction (online courses) has been focused mainly on student-content and self-study les- ETR&D, Vol. 51, No. 4,2003, pp. 85-103 ISSN 1042-1629 85 86 ETR&D. Vol. 51, No. 4 sons and materials. They further argue that simply making communication tools available to online students does not mean that students can and will use them (Berge, 1999). If the interaction is not an integrated, essential, and graded part of an online learning environment, the majority of students will never use it at all, and those who start to use it will generally decide that nothing is going on there, and will stop using it. The purpose of this paper is to describe the evaluation results of applying an interactive design model for the development of an online course. The paper also discusses the delivery process and explains what happened when this interactive model was implemented and used. INTERACTIVITY AND INTERNET-BASED LEARNING Two types of interactivity are identified in computer-mediated learning, (a) cognitive or individual interaction (interaction with content) and (b) social or interpersonal interaction. While both types of interactivity are important to learning, the social constructivist view of knowing emphasizes the vital role of the human dimension of interactivity in learning (Gilbert & Moore, 1998; Knowles, 1990; Moore, 1992; Mortera-Gutierrez & Murphy, 2000; Muirhead, 1999, 2000). According to social constructivists, learning is a social construct that is mediated by language and social discourse (Vygotsky, 1978). The social view of knowing highlights the notion that it is through the construction of shared outcomes or artifacts that learners engage in developmental cycles that facilitate conceptual change (Shaw, 1996). The social view of interactivity places emphasis on a collaborative and cooperative learning environment and encourages active dialogue (Moore, 1991; Saba & Shearer, 1994). In such an environment learners are exposed to multiple perspectives that serve to form cognitive scaffolds as the students exchange information with each other, the people around them and experts in the field (Harasim, 1989). Furthermore, the social view of interactivity uses problem-based learning (Barrows & Tamblyn, 1980; Blacklow & Engel, 1991; Boud, 1985; Boud & Feletti, 1991; Engel, 1997) as an instructional procedure in order to transfer control over the learning process from the teacher to the students (Knowles, 1975; Peterson, 1996) and to structure and support a carefully planned series of collaborative learning activities, which constitute the content and assignments of the online instruction. AN ONLINE DESIGN MODEL WITH FOCUS ON SOCIO-CULTURAL VIEW The social constructivist notion of interactivity described above was used as a theoretical framework for building a design and development model that focused on online collaborative learniing (see Figure 1). To build the model it was assumed that knowledge, understanding, and meaning gradually emerge through interaction (social discourse) and become distributed among those who are interacting (construction of shared knowledge). Moreover, knowledge is often distributed among participants and situated in a specific activity context (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989; Greeno, 1997; Lave & Wenger, 1991). In this situative approach, social knowledge construction develops distributed knowledge, skills, and understanding around the target activity. However, as Salomon and Perkins (1998) noted, even though knowledge and learning are socially situated, the learner still exists as an individual within the learning situation. Thus, even when learning is fostered through processes of social communication, individual activity and reflection still play a critical role (Perkins, 1993). As such, it was assumed that both forms of interaction (individual and social) are part of the same process of knowledge construction and are essential to the construction and assimilation of knowledge. Emotions, feelings, motivation, and attitudes are integral parts of an intellectual and social development. A community of learners cannot exist if its members do not care for each other and do not understand each other's feelings. Furthermore, in order to maintain positive relationships with one another, members of a AN INTERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE 87 Figure 1 3 Collaborative design model. community must have feelings or empathy (Martin & Reigeluth, 1999) for each other and provide emotional support (onassen, 1999; Reigeluth, 1999) when needed. This emotional support could be in the form of providing feedback, sharing frustration, providing encouragement or offering help and hints. Thus, it was assumed that in a collaborative and conversational learning environment, emotional support would be provided along with social and cognitive support. In addition, it was assumed that a problem-based learning environment provides structure for generating a transaction between social knowledge and personal knowledge. In such an environment personal relevance is stimulated by authentic problems without lowering the degree of cognitive complexity. Importance of the Nature or Type of Learning Task Research on small-group interaction indicates that group discussion or conversation is highly influenced by the nature of the problem-solving task (e.g., Daft & Lengel, 1986; Hackman &Morris, 1975; McGrath, 1984; Straus & McGrath, 1994). In addition, communication media research shows that different tasks vary in how much social context information (cues) their effective execution requires (McGrath,- 1990; Straus & McGrath, 1994). A task that has a high need for coordination may not be appropriate for a text-based computer-mediated communication where social context cues are primarily absent (Argyle, Lalljee, & Cook, 1968; Kendon, 1967; Rutter & Stephenson, 1975). Some problem-solving tasks may be more suitable for the online collaborative learning environment (Berge, 1995; Hiltz, 1994) than others. McGrath and Hollingshead (1993) proposed a model that predicts the effects of computermediated communication and task type on group task performance. In their task classification model, McGrath &Hollingshead suggested that most group tasks can be classified into categories that reflect four basic processes. The four categories require learners to (a) generate (e.g., generate ideas or plans), choose (e.g., (b) choose the correct answer or a preferred 88 ETR&D. Vol. 51. No. 4 answer), (c) negotiate (e.g., make a decision or resolve conflicts of interest), and (d) execute (e.g., perform intellectual and psychomotor tasks), as each of these processes are related to one another. On the basis of this theory, patterns of difference occur between the information richness requirements of the task and the information richness potential of the communication medium. The generating and choosing that are also called intellectual tasks are labeled as collaborative tasks because they are less dependent on social context cues, while negotiating and decision-making tasks are labeled coordination tasks because they are more dependent on social context cues. Therefore, given this framework, there is a good task-media fit between generating tasks and computer-mediated communication (online discussion) and a good task-media fit between negotiating tasks and face-to-face communication (see Table 1). In order to design and develop problem-solving tasks that have high potential for promoting collaboration and fostering conversation, McGrath and Hollingshead's task classification theory (1993) was used to identify the authentic problem-solving tasks that are more appropriate for an online collaborative learning environment. Given this theory, two types of problemsolving tasks were selected: generative tasks and intellective (choosing) tasks. It was assumed that as the model predicted, generative tasks are the best type of task for promoting online discussion and collaboration. It was also assumed that as the model predicted, tasks requiring groups to solve intellective problems (problems that have correct answers) are also appropriate for online discussion although they are not the best type of tasks for fostering online conversations among the group members. The Importance of the Collaborative Groups and Collaborative Context In addition to the type of collaborative problemsolving tasks, the following were applied to create a better social context for collaborative online learning: • Establish individual accountability (ohnson, Johnson, & Smnith, 1991; Slavin, 1995), where both the individual and other members are aware of the individual's performance toward the group task. c Encourage commitment to the group and its goals, where group members help one another, exchange needed resources, provide appropriate feedback on performance, and encourage efforts toward achieving the group goals Johnson, et al. ,1991; Slavin). c Facilitate smooth interaction among group members at both an interpersonal and a group level (Rubin, Rubin, & Jordan, 1997), where group members demonstrate the necessary social skills or communication competencies. o Provide stability of groups so that group members can work with each other for longer periods of time in order to reduce the time and effort for establishing group norms, group task performance, and interaction patterns (McGrath, 1992). Table 1 El Task-media Fit on Information Richness (McGrath & Hollingshead, 1993). Task Type ComputerSystems Generating ideas and plans (collaborative) Good fit Choosing correct answer: Intellective tasks Marginal fit Medium too constrained Choosing preferred answer: Judgment tasks Poor fit Medium too constrained Poor fit Medium too constrained Negotiating conflicts of interest Face-to-FaceCommunication Poor fit Medium too rich Poor fit Medium too rich Marginal fit Medium too rich Good Fit 89 AN INTERACTVE ONUNE COURSE DESIGNING AND DEVELOPING AN INTERACTIVE ONLINE COURSE Course Description The course that was designed to be delivered over the Internet is entitled "Instructional Systems Design: Theories and Research." It is a required, three-unit core course for a graduate degree in instructional technology. Participants enrolled in this course are primarily graduate students seeking a master's degree in instructional technology or education majors seeking an elective course in the area of design and development. The course expects students to develop knowledge of theoretical foundations of instructional design by exploring a full range of theories, approaches, and methods of instruction. It also expects students to learn skills of applying the instructional design theories in the design and development of an instructional material, which is the major requirement of the course. The course was first designed for Web delivery using a Web-based course management tool (Eduprise Database), adopted by the university, and in the following semester was converted to the WebCT course management system, with some revision of the process in the following semester. There were some differences in the ways the above-mentioned course management systems offered course content tools, flexibility in data collection and data mining, and ability to customize. However, the designer tried to use the established theoretical framework or model for the design of the course in order to keep the instructional design specifications of the course the same across the two different course management systems in two consecutive semesters. Except for the two different course management systems, this was done. A total of 24 students (12 each semester) enrolled in the course in two semesters. The designer of the course was also the instructor of record for the course delivery and its evaluation in both semesters. Course Design and Development Specifications As was indicated earlier, problem-based learning was used as the general instructional design model to develop both a culminating project (a real-world problem-solving task) and a series of authentic but generative and intellective problem-solving tasks or collaborative activities to organize the course content, as well as to structure students' social interactions. The general goals of the course were to develop knowledge of theoretical foundations of instructional design and to apply instructional design theories in the design and development of instructional material. The course-culminating problem-solving project required students to choose an instructional design theory or model to design and develop instructional material for a unit of instruction. The course general goals and its culminating projectwere used to identify the course content (knowledge and skills), its units, and weekly lessons. After identifying the content of the weekly lessons for each unit of instruction, a problem that simulated a situation that instructional technologists encountered in everyday professional practice was developed. Problems were to be used as starting points for learning the content of the lessons and for achieving their objectives. The problems were designed so that they were content specific, but ill defined. Also, the problem statement did not present all of the information that students needed in order to solve the problem (onassen, 1999). They were open ended in the sense that students had to fill the information gaps, to make judgments about the problem, and to defend their judgments by expressing personal opinions or beliefs. The hope was that the generative (multiple solutions) characteristic of the problems would motivate students to initiate and continue the discussion and that the domain specific characteristic of the problem would help students stay within the task knowledge domain. (the content of the lesson). In order to cognitively support students during their problem-solving process or social discussion (onassen, 1999; Salomon & Perkins, 1998), two strategies were used. (a) The first strategy was to provide a set of related cases or 90 worked-out examples that could help students explore how a similar problem has been solved (onassen). Upon developing or locating such examples, they were linked to the problem statement page. Related cases or worked-out examples were offered in an effort to provide learners with an example of the desired performance, and simultaneously to demonstrate actions and decisions involved in the performance (Jonassen). Furthermore, in order to facilitate student access to expert opinions during the problem-solving process, the problem statement page was linked to an active online forum (IT Forum I .html]) where experts in the field of instructional design responded to student questions and discussed emerging theories and issues in the field of instructional technology. (b) The second strategy was to assist students in their effort to construct individual understanding and to interact with their own prior experiences before presenting, defending, and discussing them with their peers (Perkins, 1993; Salomon & Perkins, 1998). To that end, an individual assignment was developed for each lesson, in which students were asked to read the suggested materials and resources, to synthesize their understandings of the readings in a summary format, and to post summaries in the individual assignment area. Students were required to complete this individual assignment before they could begin discussing and solving the weekly problem or collaborative activity. Again, to provide scaffolding strategies (scaffolding is a temporary support that is removed when no longer necessary) for individual assignments, a list of open-ended questions was developed for each individual assignment, and students were asked to use those probing questions to synthesize their own understanding of the reading as well as to reflect. At the beginning of the week, the instructor would read the individual assignments and give students feedback. The instructor's feedback often included summaries of student discussion or thoughts, guidance about alternative resources, and thoughtprovoking questions to stimulate more thinking and to promote reflection. In addition, to assist students in understanding the problem and in developing personal knowledge, two strategies ETR&D, Vol. 51, No. 4 were used. (a) First, several information pages (slides, lecture notes, links to informative Websites) were developed and then linked to each weekly lesson. Second, a list of reading materials (textbook and reading package) was suggested for each lesson, and students were advised to read those materials before beginning to work on the problem. Another design issue was to identify the activity structures or rules that regulate actions and interactions (Jonassen & Rohrer-Murphy, 1999) required to solve problems. This was the most difficult part of the task because it could either advance or discontinue student interactions or conversations. For me as a designer and the instructor of the course, it was important to decide how much scaffolding should be provided in order to help learners perform the task. To accomplish this goal, a list of focusing questions, product specifications, and procedures for completing the problem-solving task or collaborative activity were developed and added to the problem situation page. By providing guidance, the hope was that the directions in the task would allow spontaneity and experimentation during the problem-solving process, while lessening the confusion and regulating the actions and interactions. Facilitating Student Collaboration and Group Work Research suggests that small groups of three to four students are preferred (e.g., Imel &Tisdell, 1996; Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 1998; Rau & H-Ieyl, 1990; Slavin, 1995) because small group: o Reduces the likelihood that members take a free ride on the contributions of others (Shepperd, 1993) o Makes it easier for the instructor to monitor individual contributions and to scaffold each team's progress; * Provides more opportunities for quality interaction and improves commitment to the group; o Improves each student's social skills to interact smoothly with others at the group level; * Helps team members by developing needed 91 AN INTERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE behaviors and eliminating deferring behaviors to facilitate the productivity of the group; and finally, * Helps teams see the value of working together. Therefore, small groups (four members) were formed for weekly problem-solving tasks. In order to support and promote collaboration within the team members, several researchbased strategies were applied. Research on group theory in a computer-mediated environment (McGrath, 1991, 1992) suggests that change in the group's membership affects the group interaction process, member reactions, and group task performance. Computermediated communication research also points out that imposed change in a group's membership causes more perturbations in computermediated communication than it does in face-to-face instruction. Given these research results, the decision was to keep the groups the same and not to change the team members for the entire semester. The team members were also asked to (a) introduce themselves to one another in a "getting to know each other" assignment, (b) create an e-mail address list for group members, and (c) use each other's names all the time (the instructor also modeled these behaviors). The teams were also formed very carefully. The results of student learning styles inventories (completed as part of introducing themselves to one another) were used to form students into the small teams. I tried to group students with different learning styles (e.g., active and reflective; visual and verbal; sensing and intuitive) in each team to allow enough difference of viewpoints to trigger interactions. Research on group theory also shows that there is a positive relationship between successful taskperformance, team members' perception of effective group process, and the level of satisfaction with the task performance and communication (McGrath & Hollingshead, 1993). In order to help the teams with the process of completing the task and feeling more satisfied, several strategies were applied. First, the procedures for collaborative work were explicitly described. Second, the responsibilities of the team members (established social norms) were spelled out in a separate Web page that was linked to the lesson's collaborative activity. Third, each team was advised to use a team assessment tool to evaluate its collaborative work, and to use the results as a means to improve its collaborative work. Fourth, each team was asked to identify one member as a team leader and one member as a team recorder for each problem-solving task, and to rotate the responsibilities so that every member would have a chance to serve both as a leader and as a recorder. Finally, the instructor used a conversational style (spontaneous and informal, with comments directed to individual students or to individual comments) in team discussions. COURSE EVALUATION The formative evaluation of the course design model was focused on the following questions: 1. What happened when different components of the model were implemented and used in practice? 2. What did students think about the course design specifications? 3. Which components of the course design model were found to be most useful from the student's perspective? 4. How did students use the cognitive support strategies integrated in the course design? 5. How did the nature and type of learning tasks influence group discussion or conversation? 6. Which problem-solving tasks (intellective.vs. generative) created the best environment for conversation and sharing of knowledge? 7. In what ways did the course design model influence student learning and satisfaction? The evaluation results presented here are based on the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data gathered from 24 (6 male and 18 female) graduate students (12 students in each semester) enrolled in the Web-based course in two semesters (Fall 2000 and Fall 2001). All students enrolled in the course lived in counties surrounding the university, although several had to commute for about an hour to come to the 92 EIR&D, Vol. 51, No. 4 campus if needed. The majority of students also worked full time during the day and were considered part-time graduate students. The course design, delivery specifications, and evaluation strategies were kept the same for both semesters. Data Gathering Strategies one group discussion was focused on how to conduct needs assessment and needs analysis for instructional design materials, and the last three large-group discussions emphasized guiding students in applying an instructional design model to develop instructional materials. • Chat logs for small-group discussion. O Student perfonnance results (responses to individual assignments, responses to problemsolving tasks, and the written documentation for the course design projects). @ Student evaluation of the course, measured by the instrument administered by the university at the end of each semester. The plan was to gather data from multiple sources to test the consistency of the findings. The following data-gathering strategies were used: * Student questionnaire. Twice during the semester (once in the middle of the semester and once at the end of the semester), students completed a questionnaire in which they responded to a list of questions (both openended and closed-ended items) about the course design specifications (e.g., Which components of the course helped you understand the content? List three most useful and three least useful features of the course, etc.), and a list of questions that measured student attitudes and satisfaction. o Student biographicalinfrmnation and results of learning styles surveys (Felder, 1993). At the beginning of each semester students were asked to complete the Felder-Silverman Index of Learning Style (ILS) inventories (a 44-question, self-scoring instrument, Felder & Silverman, 1988) and report its results in their biographical information posted in the first week's large-group discussion. * The questions students posted in the "help" thread. The first day of the course, a help thread was created in the common forum and students were instructed to post their general questions and concerns about the course in this thread. The purpose of creating a help thread instead of using e-mail was to prevent students' asking and answering similar questions. The content and nature of students' posting (or help e-mail messages) were analyzed. a Student postings in the team discussion (eight team activities) and weekly large-group discussion corresponding to each team activity. The first large-group discussion was devoted to getting to know each other. In addition, Analysis Tools and Strategies The qualitative analysis of student chat logs and postings in small- and large-group discussions was conducted using the NUD*IST qualitative analysis software (e 2002 QSR International Pty. Ltd.). Student discussions and chat logs were imported to the NUD*IST in plain text files and were used to create nodes (containers for coding) and codes. Open coding strategy was used for creating codes and nodes. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) data analysis software was also used to analysis the quantitative data. EVALUATION RESULTS What Happened When Different Components of the Model Were Implemented and Used? The course management and delivery system seemed to influence student interaction during the implementationprocess. The initial first tool (Eduprise Database) provided some support for communication (forums: chat rooms, e-mail, and electronic file sharing); the system was limited in several ways (see Table 2). First, the system was relatively slow for a course that had conversation and discourse as its core pedagogy. The students and the instructor had to spend many hours to manage a discussion that 93 AN INTERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE could have been completed within 30 min in a face-to-face situation. Second, students had to go from one database (course site-lesson page) to another database (forum) to communicate or converse with their peers. They did not have access to an internal e-mail system and were only able to participate in one chat room (this was not recorded for the instructor, and the instructor had to attend the chat session to copy and paste the log after the conversation). Furthermore, uploading and downloading files for the purpose of sharing ideas or adding to other members' ideas was not only slow, but also difficult to manage, especially when students began sharing images and graphics. With the adoption of WebCT in the following semester some of the above-mentioned problems were solved (see Table 2). It appeared that WebCT was more suitable for a conversational course in which students saved time by having access to (a) both asynchronous small- and large-group discussion and synchronous discussion on the same page/screen/site; (b) an internal e-mail system, which facilitated conversation; and, (c) a total of six chat rooms, four customizable rooms that were logged (recorded for the instructor), and two general purpose rooms that were not logged. Students were able to participate in several chat rooms at the same time. It was also possible to send URL links via the chat rooms, so that conversation members could share additional information. The availability of the whiteboard (shared words space for visual messages) during the conversation was also useful. Students were able to share images and shapes along with text during conversations. Furthermore, students seemed to have fewer complaints about the system being down or Table 2 0 Number of messages posted in the team area for total of eight team activities. Number of Entriesin the Team Area Fall2000 Fall2001 Team 1 (n = 4) Team 2 (n = 4) Team 3 (n = 4) 185 272 589 220 317 82 slow. The availability of an internal e-mail system and more chat rooms, and access to the whiteboard combined with the ease of file sharing among students within WebCT also seemed to better support student interactions. Another challenge during implementation was time, was not only for students, but for the instructor aswell. Compared to face-to-face classes, the instructor had to spend many more hours reading student postings, responding to their ideas, participating in each team's discussion for the collaborative activities, providing timely scaffolding in both the team area and common forum, and giving timely feedback to both individual assignments and group works. If one adds the slow speed of the system to the hours that the instructor had to spend online, one can easily say that, for the instructor, managing this online collaborative course was equal to teaching two similar standard face-toface graduate courses. The other challenge was, indeed, a pleasant surprise. This challenge proved to be the same across two semesters with two different groups of students and two different course management systems. Students' desire to do the best collaborative work, and their willingness to spend as many hours as required in order to produce their best solution were above and beyond expectations. In addition to exploring issues, sharing resources, and coaching one another in understanding underlying concepts and theories, students tended to spend tremendous amounts of time working on the product or the response as they tried to include everyone's ideas in the team product (an average of 130 messages per activity in Semester One and an average of 77 messages per activity in Semester Two with a minimum of one hour-long chat session in Semester Two). This result was very impressive. The team products or responses were high quality work. After the first two collaborative activities, the instructor's coaching and scaffolding strategies decreased, and she became a team member, for the most part, during team discussions. However, while it was desirable to see high student involvement in the development of the response or solution, it was suspected that the time and effort that students were putting into their work would eventually 94 frustrate them and might, in fact, have a negative effect on their overall performance and satisfaction. Therefore, it was a challenge to help teams understand that whereas the instructor was very impressed with their creative and collaborative products or responses, the process of social interactions and negotiations was more valued than what they had developed as end products. Student investment of time on their products also made it more difficult to critique their final responses and to provide constructive feedback without making them unhappy. Some student responses to the instructor's feedback (posted in teams' chat logs or informal conversation with the instructor) for the first three team activities indicated that students expected to hear praise for their best effort and work rather than constructive criticism (although they did not deny the value of the constructive feedback). The last challenge in managing the course was related to effective collaborative team skills. It was a challenge to develop a collaborative work environment in order to help teams leam how to work effectively and collaboratively. Independent and task-oriented students, as identified by the learning styles inventories, seemed to become distressed with one another easily, and appeared to be more concerned about completing the task than exploring alternative solutions and negotiating multiple perspectives. At the end of the semester, students learned to use verbal communication effectively and did not have to spend much time rephrasing what they wanted to say and how they wanted to say it, whereas, at the beginning of the semester, it was a challenge that most of them had to face and learn. The problem-solving tasks appearedto influence student discussionand conversation. The number of student postings in the team area (see Table 2) and in the weekly large-group discussion board (see Table 3), the content analysis of student discussion logs for both large-group and smallgroup discussions, and student responses to the questionnaire indicated that problem-solving tasks stimulated high quality discussion and conversation among students. Students actively participated in the weekly asynchronous discussion topic (weekly topics focused on the issues ETIR&D, Vol. 51, No. 4 Table 3 L1 Number of messages posted In large group discussion corresponding to eight team activities. Semester Fall 2000 n=12 Number of entries Fall2001 n=12 Number of entries 44 30 25 19 12 16 11 9 94 66 58 71 56 33 56 38 Weekly Discussion Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Table 4 C] Average number of messages posted in the team area for the first and last collaborative problem solving activities. Average Number of Entriesin the Team Area Fall 2000 Fall 2001 Activity I (n =12) Activity 8 (n = 12) 209 144 45 52 underlying the weekly collaborative problemsolving task) and chat session (30 min). The average number of postings for each week's large-group discussion topic was 20 for the first semester and 52 for the second semester. Students also actively participated in their team discussions for eight weekly problem-solving tasks (average of 130 messages per activity in Semester One and 77 messages per activity in Semester Two). Although the number of postings for the collaborative problem-solving activities decreased from the first team activity (see Table 4) to the last team activity, the qualitative analysis showed that this decrease was not due to the lack of participation. In the later collaborative problem-solving tasks, students tended to post more messages related to the 95 AN INTERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE problem-solving tasks and fewer messages about the collaborative group process and technical problems. In addition, one out of the three teams in the first semester and two out of the three teams in the second semester participated in a minimum of one 60-min chat session to solve each week's collaborative problem-solving task. The two remaining teams in the first semester and the one in the second decided to have face-to-face meetings instead of chat sessions for each collaborative team activity (students reported that they spent a minimum of 60 min discussing the task). Qualitative analysis of student postings in both large-group and small-group (team) discussion suggested that students engaged in a highly focused discussion. In their synchronous and asynchronous team conversations and in attempts to solve the problems, students shared understanding of the problem and its underlying concepts, helped each other understand the new concepts, referenced the appropriate reading materials, shared new resources, compared strategies, and developed a fully collaborative product. The following are excerpts of different students' postings during small-group discussion. "Okay folks, what is a mini lesson and how do we incorporate the theories without making it a JUMBO lesson?" "In the DESIGN and DEVELOPMNENT phases of this theory, the materials are formulated. We should look at what the materials need to say and how they should look (depends on audience) and then decide what is most cost-effective. (Reverse the order)." "Maybe we should split the history into four parts and each use or make a collage . . ." "Okay, here is a very simple sample, let me know what you think." "The software 'Inspiration' is very good for showing how things are interrelated." "C, are you using the basic information on Dr. M's site? I love to sneak a peak at it when you get it together." "The first component is simply answering any of the five questions that are pertinent to your theory. I think it would be easier if each of us is responsible for researching one of the theories and answering up to five questions for our theory. The second component is where we all need to bring our info together and summarize, compare and contrast." In the large-group discussion forum corresponding to the teams' domain knowledge, students explored the concepts, provided real life examples, discussed related issues and topics and debated different perspectives. Table 5 presents sample excerpts of different students' comments in a large-group discussion (the group discussion was randomly selected for this illustration). What Did Students Think About the Course Design Specifications? The results of the student questionnaire also showed that students rated the team and largegroup discussion forum (board) as very helpful in understanding the course content and in contributing to the quality of the online learning environment (see Table 6). However, when asked to rank order the importance to their learning of each component of the weekly lessons (lesson overview, lesson goals, required readings, individual assignments, collaborative team activities, resource materials, instructor's notes, and lectures), students seemed to differ in their perspectives (i.e., student ratings for the weekly problem-solving tasks ranged from 2 to 8 (when 1 = most important and 10 = least important) with more students rating team activities either 4 (36.4%, n = 8) or 7 (27.3%o, n = 6). Further analysis of the results of student learning styles surveys and their narrative comments on their reasons for ranking items as most and least important indicated that there may be a relationship between student learning styles and their ratings of the components of each lesson. For example, students who reported being active leamers (12 out of 16) tended to rate the collaborative problemsolving tasks higher (from 2 to 5) than did students who reported being reflective leamers (e.g., "I need interaction/discussion to fully understand ideas" "My learning occurs here [discussion]" "It is very helpful to hear others' perspective."). Likewise, students who reported being reflective learners (4 out of 4) tended to rate individual assignments higher (1 or 2) than the collaborative problem-solving tasks (e.g., "I like to think on my own" "I am not quick to use it [discussion]" "They [individual assignments] require me to do research."). 96 ETR&D, Vol. 51, No. 4 Table 5 0 Examples of different students' comments in a large group discussion. Assigned Codes Student Comments Exploring concepts "Instructional Theories have been based on data obtained through several methods while Curriculum Theory has been based on philosophy or values. This seems to relate to deciding between your head and heart." "The more I read and the more we talk about the more unsure I am of the difference between instructional theories and instructional design theories. Can anyone clear that up for me?" "This a very difficult concept and a very minor difference that I am not surprised that you are confused . . ." "I may be completely wrong, but here is the difference I see between them: The Instructional Design Theory gives more guidance in how the lesson should proceed (step-by-step, with different ways to do each step).. 11 Providing real life examples "When we were discussing the specifics of the new paradigm, it reminded me of the 'Quality Workshops' that... County started several years. It started with a few people from each school who were required to attend. .." "When my daughter was in 1st grade she was exposed to the 'Writing to Read program' by IBM. I remember vividly attending the sessions for parents and asking questions .. . old vs. new instruction. I had my doubts about this program. . ." "I also remember going through training programs on Working on the Work and advisor/advisee. Not much is mentioned about those theories now. If you talk to a veteran teacher they will tell you that every couple of years . . ." Discussing related issues and topics "I have learned that I am a knowledge user vs. a knowledge producer. I do see the need to see the process that takes place in instruction.. ." "As a mathematician, I would like to be able to say that I believed in something 100%lo, but I can't. There is an 'inner voice' that always plays devil's advocate with my thoughts, ideas, and feelings. I can say I believe in something emotionally, but reason always questions whether or not I am thinkdng clearly. . ." Debating different perspectives "Instructional Theories have been based on data obtained through several methods while Curriculum Theory has been based on philosophy or values. This seems to relate to deciding between your head and heart. .. ." "What'swrong with that analogy? In the case of choosing between you heart and your head you are the one that has to live with the decision" "I agree with ... There is nothing wrong with that analogy. It sounds a lot better than my analogy: "What ever works." Table 6 El Student rating of the team and large group discussion forum. Question M Did participating in the weekly forum discussion contribute to your understanding of the course content? Did participating in the team discussion forum contribute to your understanding of the course content? Did participating in the weekly forum discussion contribute to the quality of course learning environment? Did participating in the team discussion forum contribute to the quality of the course learning environment? Did individual assignment contribute to your understanding of course content? 2.73 .46 2.91 .29 2.82 .40 2.91 .29 2.91 .29 N=22 3-point scale: 3 = Very helpful, 2 =Some help, I = No help SD I 97 AN INTERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE How Did Students Use the Cognitive Support Strategies Integrated inthe Course Design? The results of student questionnaires, together with the analysis of discussion logs from the large-group discussion board (forum) showed that weekly individual assignments played a major role in the quality of student interactions. In their responses, students indicated that individual assignments were very helpful (see Table 6) and assisted them in exploring the issues individually and in forming some opinions before working on the problem with their team members. Students who had completed their individual assignments before participating in the team and large-group discussion posted more messages, asked more questions, and raised more underlying issues related to each topic and problem in hand than those who did not complete their assignments on time. Students also thought the large-group discussion board or forum encouraged them to explore the ideas that they either did not think about or had a problem understanding. The e-mail logs documented in the second semester showed that several students also used the e-mail system to ask individual questions from the instructor. However, none of the students indicated that they used the IT Forum to explore expert opinions during their team activities or individual assignments. Overall, it appeared that individual assignments and the large-group discussion board provided cognitive support for the teams' problem-solving tasks and influenced the quality of student interaction and exchange of ideas. Analysis of each team's discussion logs and the large-group discussion forum revealed that after the first two problem-solving tasks, students tended to depend more on their peers for information and discussion than on the instructor's responses, notes, and comments. While in the first two teams' discussion logs and large-group discussion board, students either waited for the instructor to reply or addressed the instructor's comments, questions, or ideas; in the later team and large-group discussions, this was not the case. This result, combined with evidence of positive interpersonal relationships among team members, indicated that a community of leamers was formed in this online course. Toward the middle of the semester, students were well acquainted with each other and particularly with their team members. All of the messages that were exchanged in the team area were related to the problems at hand (except for some emotional support). In their comments, students also did admit that they spent less time completing the last two problem-solving tasks than the earlier ones. How Did the Learning Task Influence Group Discussion? Which problem-solving tasks (inteilective vs. generative) created a better environment for conversation and sharing of knowledge? Out of 11 collaborative problem-solving tasks, 1 task (Collaborative Task Two) was identified as being an intellective task because it had a correct solution, while the rest of the tasks were designed to be generative problem-solving tasks (McGrath and Hollingshead, 1993). Student conversations for the intellective task (Collaborative Task Two) were compared with student discussions in a generative task (Collaborative Task One). Because both tasks were discussed at the beginning of the semester, there seemed to be more simnilarities between them in terms of student familiarity with the online discussion, course content, and materials than with later tasks. The qualitative analysis of student postings indicated that the contents of student conversations were somewhat different for different types of tasks. The analysis confirmed that, as McGrath and Hollingshead observed, the generative task created a better environment for discussion and construction of knowledge than did the intellective task. Furthermore, student conversations for, generative problem-solving tasks across both semesters and for all teams seemed to be friendlier than for the intellective task, in that students tended to praise and accept each other's ideas and to add to them as their conversations continued (i.e., "Yes, I like the idea of visual, I am thinking of a collage type." "After reading C's idea using visuals I now think this approach would make an impressive 98 display." "How does everyone think about including text?"). However, discussions for the intellective task pointed to student attempts to evaluate and validate each other's responses against readings before accepting or rejecting them (i.e., "I have looked them over and here is my thinking . . ." "Okay, this is the third bullet on the directions. I matched instructional theory with theory 4. I think this theory builds on . . . " "Which readings did you use M?"). Students seemed to share more ideas, discuss alternative ways of approaching the task and its solution, and spend time trying to integrate different ideas in one solution for generative tasks. On the other hand, for the intellective task, it seemed that each team member first tried to find an answer to the problem, and then the team discussed which answer was the best one. The level of student engagement in the discussion, however, did not seem to be different across different tasks. After eliminating postings that were related to technical issues, it appeared that students actively participated in both problem-solving tasks and posted a comparable number of responses (177 postings for Activity 1 vs. 155 postings for Activity 2 in Fall 2000, and 80 postings for Activity 1 vs. 77 postings for Activity 2 in Fall 2001). How Did Course Design Influence Learning and Satisfaction? Analysis of team performance products, the quality of student interactions (in the team area), and the nature of the questions and comments that students posted in the discussion board or forum demonstrated a deep understanding of the course content and a high level of commitment to collaborative and cooperative work (see Table 5 for examples of student thoughts and Figure 2 for an example of student products). In responses to the Incomplete Statements questionnaire, the majority of students (more than 80%, n = 22) in one way or another noted that they liked the course because they were able to work as teams and learn from each other. Student responses to the weekly individual assignments also demonstrated both student desire for learning the content and their grasp of underly- ETR&D, Vol. 51. No. 4 ing concepts and ideas. Student design projects also showed that 75% of students (19 out of 24) achieved the majority of the course objectives (one student in Fall 2000 and two students in Fall 2001 missed attending the course in the last three or four weeks of the course because of unexpected personal or job related problems and did not complete the course capstone project). Those students who did not achieve the course objectives tended to miss participating in the large-group and team discussions and completing individual assignments. The results of the second survey (conducted at the end of the course) showed that in spite of the heavy workload of the course, students developed a very positive attitude toward it. All students who responded to the second survey (21) indicated that they would suggest this course to other students even though some mentioned that they would remind future students of the heavy work load and the demand on collaborative work. The results of the Student Perception of Teaching (SPOT)-a five-point scale instrument (with 5 = strongly agree, and 1 = strongly disagree) administered and analyzed by the universityconfirmed the student course evaluation results (students rated the course highly and thought they had a good learning experiences). DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATIONS The purpose of this paper was to describe processes and results of using an interactive design model for development of an online course. The process of design and development began with reviewing literature and establishing an interactive design model, which was later used to develop the course. The design specifications were evaluated as the course was delivered. The design, development, and implementation process and the evaluation results of this interactive online course pointed to several important issues. Course design model seems to be an influentialfactor in creating an online interactive learning environment. During the design, development, and implementation process of this online interactive AN INIERACTIVE ONUNE COURSE 99 Figure 2 0 Example of student product. course, it became clear that developing an online course that encourages student exploration and reflection required much more thinking, time, and effort than had been predicted. Later, the course evaluation results further confirmed that designing an interactive and collaborative course for online delivery was more of a pedagogical issue than a technological issue. The design model used in this study confirmed a reciprocal interactive relationship among the design factors or specifications (Moore, 1991), suggesting that without such conceptualization during the design process, it might be difficult to create an interactive online course. Since many classroom instructors are being encouraged to design online courses with neither a strong background in the pedagogy nor a clear understanding of the strengths and limitations of the technology, it seems necessary to design and develop instructional design models that are appropriate for this learning environment. Moreover, although it is important to wori with the course management system and to develop some expertise in multimedia, graphic arts, and Web design, it is even more important that designers of online courses learn to adapt and design instructional activities and materials that are functional within the courseware, while being able to facilitate student learning, communication, and resource sharing. Task structureand organizationinfluence the nature and quality of student interaction. Evaluation results of this online course confirm that a successful, interactive and collaborative online course requires well-designed and welldeveloped' collaborative tasks or problems, or activities that stimulate peer interaction and encourage peer, collaboration (e.g., Hannafin, Land, & Oliver, 1999, Jonassen, 1999; Nelson, 1999). They also suggest that online collaborative tasks or activities that provide structure can diminish student confusion. Because of the flexibility of time and place and the immediacy of problems posed by the absence of rich nonverbal communication in online collaborative tasks, developing a focus, timeline, clear expectations, and well-defined roles for each participant, and a clear evaluation format for the online tasks are very important in improving in- 100 teractivity and preventing confusion and frustration. Furthermore, it is important that domain knowledge be well integrated into the problem. Well-integrated domain knowledge is essential to online problem-solving tasks because it helps students understand the problem and remain within the knowledge domain as they are solving the problem. Collaborative learning tasks should be carefully designed and developed if they are to promote construction of knowledge through discussion and conversation. The results of formative evaluation in this course echo previous research in collaborative and interactive learning pedagogy. Collaborative interactive learning is not just having students talk to each other, either face-to-face or in a computer-mediated conference while they do their individual assignments. It is not having students do the task individually, and then have those who finish first help those who have not yet finished, or talk about it. It is not having students learn certain facts and concepts and then share them with other peers. It is not having one or few students do all the work while others append their names to the report. The idea of collaborative, interactive learning is the development of shared meaning among group members, a perspective that emphasizes the social creation of knowledge as the basis of learning. This shared meaning needs to occur within a learning activity that provides a means for both individual development and collaborative construction of knowledge. Such learning activities should be carefully designed to be suitable for group work, and should be designed in such a way as to encourage learners to explore and make use of new knowledge and skills in order to solve the problem at hand. The collaborative activities should also carefully structure positive interdependence to ensure that students are commnitted to each other as persons and to each other's success. The structure of the collaborative activity should promote individual accountability, while simultaneously requiring coordinated efforts to complete joint responses. The design model used in this course appeared to be effective in creating an environment in which students shared meaning and ownership of their knowledge and committed to each other's success. Ell&D, Vol. 51, No. 4 The nature and type of collaborative task influences the content of students' interaction and the concept of sharedknowledge construction. The formative evaluation data in this course indicated that generative problem-solving tasks seemed to create an environment in which students constructed shared knowledge and products, and formulated and negotiated understanding of the content. In other words, as a result of these activities, students actively participated in generating the course content. However, similar results were not observed for the intellective problemsolving task. Although, because of the limited number of intellective tasks used in this course, it is difficult to draw any of the conclusions, it seems that, as McGrath and Hollingshead (1993) had observed, the possible correct response for intellective tasks prevents students from generating their own ideas and encourages them to find the right answer from the available information. Future research should focus more on the nature of problem-solving tasks, and their effects on social construction of knowledge in an online learning environment Augmenting groupactivities with individual assignments seem to improve the qualihy of interactionsand to encouragestudent participation. As Salomon and Perkins (1998) and Jonassen (1999) noted, in contexts of active social mediation, the learner still remains an individual learner in significant ways. The experience in this course indicates that one could not expect learners to know enough about the knowledge domain to constructively participate in the problem-solving task. The learners must be prepared for an intellectual discussion. Supplementing group activities with individual activities was a good design feature in this course. Asking students to individually explore the underlying concepts and issues in advance, and connecting them with their own previous experiences helped students to better understand the collaborative task and to be prepared to formulate ideas and participate in both team and large-group discussions. Furthermore, by providing individual feedback to each student, the instructor was able not only to encourage students to think more, but also to examine alternative perspectives and resources. 101 AN INTERAClIVE ONUNE COURSE As a facilitator, the instructor of an interactive online course should prepare students for discussions. Part of the role of a facilitator during the team and large-group discussion is to remind students of some norms (netiquette) for an online discussion. This result, which evolved during the implementation of this online course, suggested that the facilitator may need to remind students of issues, such as * How to reply to each other's comments (e.g., not just saying "I agree" or "I disagree" but expanding on the topic of agreement or disagreement). * How to disagree, but be respectful. * How to reflect and reformulate ideas, and so on. As the facilitator tries to face the challenge of preparing students for a text-based online discussion, the best way of coaching students is to model the behaviors and become a member of the collaborative teams. Modeling what is expected of a student, as a team member, seems to be more effective than telling students how to manage online discussion. Students in an interactive online course need time to adjust to their new technology. The results of the formative evaluation along with the delivery process showed that the newness of the medium and the learning environment required that students learn about the software, adjust to a textbased communication environment, and become accustomed to less rich information (compared to rich face-to-face communication). Therefore, the instructors of online courses must be patient, encouraging, and considerate of the fact that the initial discussions are not indicative of student performance. The immediacy behavior (behaviors that enhance closeness to and nonverbal interaction with others) affects student motivation in carrying on the discussion and discourse. Both the instructor and students in this course agreed that online text-based discussion was not as stimulating and interesting as face-to-face discussion, in which they were able to see faces, gazes, facial impressions, and lip movements, and could hear vocal expressions. However, as the discussion progressed in the semester, both the instructor and the learners learned to include some of the interactive immediacy cues, such as praising each other, addressing one another by name, digressing to respond to the posted comments, and providing prompt feedback in their discussions. These practices seemed to influence student perception and attitude, and increased their willingness to participate in the discussion and interaction. Incorporating videotape recording and video conferencing can improve online discussion and produce nonverbal cues that were absent in this online course. In conclusion, Internet communication tools do not enhance learning by themselves. Rather, they provide avenues for learning when placed in the capable hands of skillful teachers and [1 designers of instruction. Mahnaz Moallem Imoalleemm@uncmwedui is Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the Watson School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. 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