Product certificates OUR PRODUCTS ARE INDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIED TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS TO GIVE YOU PEACE OF MIND Our solar modules are certified worldwide Yingli Solar PV modules have been awarded certification from leading global services providers in the testing of PV modules in key markets globally like TÜV Rheinland in Europe, UL in North America and Inmetro in Brazil. Independent testing and certification in various geographic markets confirms that our products meet advanced specifications in terms of durability, reliability and robustness that our customers require in their local markets. © TÜV Rheinland Providing a reliable product quality and safety performance for our customers globally EUROPE USA CANADA Asia Brazil Australia Why is certification essential? © TÜV Rheinland Certified Globally Yingli Solar has sought and attained the gold standards in PV certification in each major market. In Canada and the US, Yingli Solar modules have been certified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc (UL) which is North America’s leading independent product safety certification organisation. Similarly the Clean Energy Council (CEC), the key certification organisation for Australia’s clean energy sector, has certified Yingli Solar modules. In Brazil, Yingli Solar modules have scored top marks in testing conducted by National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro) certification for PV systems, a prerequisite for solar products to be sold in Brazil. Yingli Solar has also secured certification from Japan Electrical Safety & Environment Technology Laboratories (JET), the leading independent certification organisation for solar energy products in Japan. Product certifications, acquired through rigorous testing in different markets, helps reassure our partners and clients that our products are in line with the industry product and safety standards. Solar certifications show customers in various markets served by Yingli Solar that our solar modules are fit for purpose for their 25+ years of service. For instance, the IEC certification requires high standards of solar equip­ment for example in relation to extremes of cli­mate as well as mechanical load, all of which are core drivers for the ageing of PV modules. Internationally-recognised certification is also of course required by law in different geographic areas. While not compulsory, certifications from independent bodies like UL (in North America) are essential to get solar systems connected to the local electricity grid and are required in many markets to secure government subsidies. Certification by a recognised and respected third party is also essential for insurance purposes. Additionally, the credibility offered by independent certification of the r­ eliability and durability of PV modules promotes the wider global use of solar power, a vital source of clean energy. © TÜV Rheinland Promoting Confidence in Our CustomerS Certification validates the high standards which Yingli Solar sets in the production of its products. More broadly, well-respected global certification schemes ensure a code of best practice certifications that help solar equipment installers globally to recognise the quality and reliability of leading solar products brands like Yingli Solar. Yingli Solar has engaged the leading certification companies and regulatory regimes globally to ensure the peace of mind and confidence of our customers in each market. Likewise, in a fast-changing industry staff managing certification issues in our global network of offices keeps abreast of all related certification trends to ensure our customers are covered. Our customers can be c­ onfident that they get the reliability and durability from our products. To clarify the certifications that have been secured for each particular product please consult our website | NYSE:YGE © Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. / Product Certificates_EN_201204_v01. Subject to modifications.