246 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 49, NO. 2, APRIL 2000 Reactive Power Measurement Using the Wavelet Transform Weon-Ki Yoon and Michael J. Devaney, Member, IEEE Abstract—This paper provides the theoretical basis for the measurement of reactive and distortion powers from the wavelet transforms. The measurement of reactive power relies on the use of broad-band phase-shift networks to create concurrent in-phase currents and quadrature voltages. The wavelet real power computation resulting from these 90 phase-shift networks yields the reactive power associated with each wavelet frequency level or subband. The distortion power at each wavelet subband is then derived from the real, reactive and apparent powers of the subband, where the apparent power is the product of the v; i element pair's subband rms voltage and current. The advantage of viewing the real and reactive powers in the wavelet domain is that the domain preserves both the frequency and time relationship of these powers. In addition, the reactive power associated with each wavelet subband is a signed quantity and thus has a direction associated with it. This permits tracking the reactive power flow in each subband through the power system. Index Terms—Digital signal processing, phase shift networks, measurement, power, RMS, subband, wavelets. I. INTRODUCTION RADITIONAL power measurements have been performed in both the time domain and, to a lesser extent, in the frequency domain using the Fourier Transform approach. The time domain approach is the most efficient and most accurate when rms and real power as well as their dependent quantities such as reactive power and power factor are concerned. This is because the starting point for all digital methods are the voltage and current waveforms concurrently sampled at uniform intervals over one or more cycles. The frequency domain approach permits the determination of distortion and harmonic influences but suffers from the requirement of periodicity and the loss of temporal insight. Even with the substantial efficiencies provided by the class of Fast Fourier Transform algorithms, it is the most computationally intensive over any span of frequencies since its spectral results are equal intervaled in frequency. The advantage of power measurements using the wavelet transform data of each voltage and current element pair is that it preserves both the temporal and spectral relationship associated with the resulting powers. That is, it provides the distribution of the power and energy with respect to the individual frequency octaves associated with each level of the wavelet analysis. Instead of breaking the spectrum into a set of bands of uniform T frequency width as the FFT’s, it yields a smaller number of bins which relate the rms, power, and energy in octaves. The span of each bin has twice the bandwidth of the next lower bin. Each of subbands represents that part of the original instantaneous power occurring at that particular time and in that particular frequency band [7]. For reactive power measurement, analog 90 phase-shift networks were used in [2] and the outputs of the networks were quadrature voltages vquad and in-phase currents iin-phase . Compared to the analog networks, the digital phase-shift networks provide greater accuracy because their numeric coefficients are not changed by temperature or drift. There are three different methods to design the digital 90 phase-shift networks; 1) the equal-ripple; 2) the maximally-flat; and 3) the weighted least square methods. The former two methods are based on stable analog allpass filter designs [3], [4]. The analog allpass networks are then transformed to digital allpass networks by the bilinear transform. These digital allpass networks are stable and yield the order of filters from the specified conditions. On the contrary, the weighted least square method is used in the direct design of digital phase-shift networks without the bilinear transform [5]. Several specified frequency points are weighted and the phase results of the networks at those frequency points are very accurate. The disadvantage of the least square method is that the resulting design is sometimes unstable. Therefore, the former two methods are more useful and convenient in the design of the phase-shift networks. These two methods will be studied and their relative advantages and disadvantages identified. The wavelet transform and the digital phase-shift networks are applied to the proposed reactive power measurement. The vquad and iin -phase wavelet transforms are derived from a sequence of concurrent vquad –iin-phase samples using a common orthonormal wavelet basis applied over each power system cycle. Since the individual subbands for vquad and iin-phase are registered in both time and frequency, each associated vquad –iin -phase product subband represents the contribution of this band to the total vquad –iin -phase element reactive power or cycle reactive energy. The summation of these signed subband powers then results in the total reactive power for this vquad –iin -phase element pair. II. POWER DEFINITIONS Manuscript received May 26, 1999; revised November 18, 1999. The authors are with Digital Power Instrumentation Group, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211 USA (e-mail: weonyoon@hotmail.com; DevaneyM@missouri.edu). Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9456(00)02426-8. Definitions of various types of powers are found in the IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms [IEEE Std. 100-88] [1]. 0018–9456/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. YOON AND DEVANEY: REACTIVE POWER MEASUREMENT USING THE WAVELET TRANSFORM 247 Fig. 1. The characteristics of 90 phase-shift networks in a broad-band frequency range (solid line: Maximally-Flat, dotted line: Equal-Ripple). P If vt and it are periodic signals with period T , then real power is given as follows: P = Z 1 T 0 T (1) iv vt dt: Reactive energy is defined as a “quantity measured by a perfect watt-hour meter which carries the current of a single-phase circuit and a voltage equal in magnitude to the voltage across the single-phase but in quadrature therewith” [2]. The voltage vt leads the voltage in quadrate vt090 by 90 at each frequency over its range. If vt090 and it are periodic signals with period T , then reactive power Q is given as follows: Q = 1 T Z 0 T 0 it vt 90 S D = = and F = P2 U2 Q2 + 0 Q2 (3) S2 = = = (5) THE The equations of both the rms and the real power using the wavelet transform were proved in [6], [7]. The following are sZ vuu X0 t vuu X0 t T 1 0 T 1 2N 2j0 1 k 2 + 0 and Vrms = = = vu X0 t X0 X0 + j 1 N 2N 0 =0 i2 n n 1 N cj ;k 0 =0 Ij 2 2N 1 1 2 it dt = j (4) + D2 : III. CALCULATIONS OF POWERS USING WAVELET TRANSFORM Irms (2) dt: Apparent power U for single-phase circuits is simply the product of the rms voltage V and the rms current I . Phasor power S , Distortion power D and Fictitious power F are expressed in term of the apparent, real and reactive power and given as follows: p p p extended forms for the digital signal application and the reactive power calculation. Analog signals, it ; vt and vt090 , are periodic waves with a period T , and in ; vn and vt090 (n) are digitized signals of it ; vt and vt090 , respectively, with n = 0; 1; 1 1 1 ; 2N 0 1 for the period T . Voltage in-quadrature vt090 lags the voltage signal vt by 90 at each frequency over its range. The rms values of current and voltage with respect to their associated scaling and wavelet levels are given as follows: 0 j 1 2j 1 2N k =0 2 dj;k 2 (6) Ij j vuu X0 sZ t vuu X0 X0 X0 0 0 t vu X0 t T 1 0 T 1 2N 2 vt dt 2j0 1 k 2 + 0 j0 ;k =0 N Vj j 2N N 2 c 0 2 Vj ; 1 + j 1 2N 1 1 = j0 =0 2 vn n 1 2N 2j 1 k =0 2 dj;k (7) j where cj0 ;k and c0j0 ;k are scaling coefficients of in and vn , respectively, at scaling level j0 and time k . dj;k and d0j;k are Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 248 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 49, NO. 2, APRIL 2000 Fig. 2. Diagram of new power metering system using digital 90 phase-shift networks and the wavelet transforms. wavelet coefficients of in and vn , respectively, at wavelet level j and time k . The real and reactive powers with respect to their associated scaling and wavelet levels are given as follows: P Z 1 = T k P0+ j Q= = = Z 1 T T 2N + j 0 2N 0 j 2j 1 j;k k =0 d0 j;k (8) i v 090 dt = t j0 ;k j0 ;k =0 N 1 j X c c00 X0 Q k n j 2j0 01 Q0+ j =0 N 1 n 1 N t 0 1 j0 ;k j0 ;k =0 j and n N 2j0 01 2N = t X c c0 X0 P 0 1 = t Xiv X0 X0 d 2N 01 1 i v dt = 2 T 1 j X i nv0 n X0 X0 d d00 ( ) 2N N + 2N 01 1 =0 n 1 1 2j 02 j 1 j;k N j t k =0 j ;k j;k t (9) j j;k Table I shows wavelet and scaling levels with their associated numbers of coefficients, the frequency ranges and their harmonics when power system signals are sampled at 128 (27 ) points per the fundamental cycle (60 Hz). IV. DIGITAL 90 PHASE-SHIFT NETWORKS 90 ( ) 0 where c000 and d00 are scaling and wavelet coefficients v 090 (n) at level j0 and j , respectively, and time k . j TABLE I POINTS, FREQUENCY BANDS AND ODD HARMONICS OF THE WAVELET LEVELS AT 128 (27 ) POINTS PER CYCLE. (NOTE: 23 IS THE SCALING LEVEL) of In reactive power [(9)], there are 90 phase differences between voltage signals v(n) and vt090 (n) at each frequency over its range. For the realization of the relationship between v(n) and vt090 (n), 90 phase-shift networks are generally used and very effective. Input signal v(n) is fed to a digital 90 phase-shift networks and the outputs are the in-phase output vi (n) and the quadrature output vq (n). The vi(n) leads vq (n) by 90 at each frequency over its range. The following two procedures are based on the theory of constant phase-shift networks in [3] and [4]. Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. YOON AND DEVANEY: REACTIVE POWER MEASUREMENT USING THE WAVELET TRANSFORM 249 TABLE II HARMONICS AND THEIR PHASES OF THE SIMULATED i(t) and v (t) IN THE SCALING AND WAVELET LEVELS TABLE III TRUE VALUES AND POWER MEASUREMENTS OF THE SIMULATED POWER SIGNALS OF RMS Fig. 3. Energy flow between buses 1 and 2 of EMTP simulation. and p K 0 () = K ( 1 0 2 ): (13) 3) Compute poles of allpass filters as follows: !a sn[(4l + 1)K 0 ()=2N 0; 0 ] (14) 2 cn[(4l + 1)K 0 ()=2N 0; 0] for l = 0; 1; 1 1 1 ; N 0 0 1, and sn and cn are Jacobi elliptic pl = 0 tan TABLE IV RESULTS OF RMS & POWER MEASUREMENTS OF THE SIMULATED POWER SIGNALS USING IIR (L = 6) POLYPHASE WAVELET TRANSFORM AND 90 PHASE-SHIFT NETWORKS functions. 4) For the negative pl , compute the digital coefficients of in-phase allpass network, z1;l = 1 + pl 1 0 pl (15) and for the positive pl , compute the digital coefficients of quadrature allpass network, z2;l = A. Equal-Ripple Method The Jacobi elliptic functions together with the bilinear transform are very useful to design a pair of allpass networks whose phase difference is the closest possible approximation to 90 over an interval of frequencies. Assume the two phases are 1 = 90 0 " and 2 = 90 + ", and " is very small nonnegative number. The procedure for approximating 90 with an error of 6" in the frequency ranges !a ! !b . is given as follows: 1) Compute = tan(!a =2) tan(!b =2) tan(1 =2) tan(2 =2) = 1 0 tan("=2) 2 : 1 + tan("=2) (10) (11) 2) Compute the order N 0 = (K 0 ()K (1 )=K ()K 0 (1 )), and force N 0 to be the next higher integer. Where K (); K 0(); K (1 ), and K 0 (1 ) are the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind. For example, K () and K 0 () are defined by K () = Z 0 =2 d 2 2 (1 0 sin )1=2 0 pl : (16) 1 + pl B. Maximally-Flat Method The procedure for approximating 90 with an error of " in the frequency ranges !a ! !b is given as follows: 1) Compute = tan(!a =2) (17) tan(!b =2) and and 1 = 1 (12) W0 = p tan(!a =2) tan(!b =2): (18) 2) Computepthe order N 0 = (tanh01[tan(=4 0 "=2)])= 01 ) and force N 0 to be the next higher integer. tanh 3) Compute poles of allpass filters as follows: pl = (01)l+1 W0 tan for l (l + :5) 2N = 0; 1; 0 1 1 1 ; N 0 0 1: (19) 4) For the negative pl , compute the digital coefficients of in-phase allpass network, z1;l = 1 + pl 1 0 pl Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (20) 250 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 49, NO. 2, APRIL 2000 Fig. 4. Real energy of four cycles at each wavelet levels from 3 to 5. and for the positive pl , compute the digital coefficients of quadrature allpass network, equal-ripple method is more effective than the maximally-flat method. 0 V. POWER MEASUREMENT STRATEGY z2;l = 1 pl 1 + pl : (21) C. Comparison of Equal-Ripple and Maximally-Flat Quadrature Phase-Shift Methods If power system signals are sampled at 128 points per the fundamental cycle (60 Hz), the sampling frequency is equal to 7680 Hz and by the Nyquist rate, the band limit of the signals is 3840 Hz. In Fig. 1, the equal-ripple method of 90 phase-shift networks is compared with the maximally-flat method where each of the networks have the same maximum allowable phase error, 0.5 , and frequency range from 46.93 to 3626.7 Hz. In the case of the equal-ripple method, the total order N 0 of allpass filters is only ten compared with 67 of the maximally-flat method. When the frequency band is narrow, the result of the maximally-flat method is much more accurate than that of the equalripple. But, as its frequency range is broadened, the result of the maximally-flat method with the same phase error is worse at both start and stop frequencies. The equal-ripple method has equal ripple phase errors around 90 , but the ripple error is the same whether its frequency range is broad or narrow. So, if the power measurement is applied to the broad-band test, the Fig. 2 illustrates the proposed power metering system based on (6)–(9). The signals v (n) and i(n) are sampled at 2N points per the fundamental cycle. The ii (n) is the in-phase output of current i(n). The vq (n) is the quadrature output of voltage v(n). Outputs of the wavelet transform blocks are wavelet coefficients (dxN 01;k –dx2;k ) and scaling coefficients (cx23 ;k ) at time k where x represents one of the four signals (v(n); i(n); ii(n) and vq (n)). The wavelet levels are from 2 to N 0 1 and the scaling level is 23 as shown in Table I. VN 01 –V2 and IN 01 –I2 are the rms results of voltage and current with respect to their associated wavelet levels from N 0 1 to 2. V23 and I23 are the rms values of scaling level 23 . PN 01 –P2 and QN 01 –Q2 are the real and reactive powers with respect to their associated wavelet levels from N 0 1 to 2. P23 and Q23 are the real and reactive powers at scaling level 23 . VI. EVALUATION Based on the proposed power measurement method, two data sets are examined under steady- state conditions: The first is derived from analytic signals; the second is data derived from EMTP (Electro-Magnetic Transient Program) simulation of energy flow between two buses. The evaluation of analytic signals Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. YOON AND DEVANEY: REACTIVE POWER MEASUREMENT USING THE WAVELET TRANSFORM 251 Fig. 5. Reactive energy of four cycles at each wavelet level from 3 to 5. proves that proposed power measurements, based on the wavelet transform and 90 phase-shift networks, are highly accurate. A. Power Calculations of Simulated Power Signal Test input signals, current i(t) and voltage v(t) have several harmonics with their associated phases, respectively, as shown in Table II. The first harmonic is in scaling level 23 , the fifth in wavelet level 3, the eleventh and thirteenth in wavelet level 4, the twenty-third in wavelet level 5, and the forty-fifth in wavelet level 6. Every harmonic has the same rms value of 1. The fundamental frequency is 60 Hz. These signals are sampled at 128 (27 ) points per cycle. 1) True Values of RMS and Power Measurements: Table III shows the true values of the power measurements. I rms and V rms are rms values of current and voltage, respectively. U; P; and Q are apparent, real,and reactive powers with their associated wavelet levels, respectively. S; D; and F are phasor, distortion, and fictitious powers, respectively, with their associated levels. 2) RMS and Power Measurements Using the Wavelet Transform: Tables III and IV illustrate the results for the true values and compared them to the others using the IIR (L = 6) polyphase wavelet transform. This IIR wavelet transform is introduced in [6]–[8]. The results of total I rms; V rms, apparent, real, and fictitious powers are same in all cases. This proves that the proposed rms and power calculation methods using the wavelet coefficients are correct. For the computation of reactive power, equal-ripple method of 90 phase-shift networks is used with the phase error (" = 60:01 ) and the frequency range 46.933–3413.333 Hz. The errors of total reactive, phasor and distortion powers result from the approximation of the equal-ripple method, but the errors are generally quite small. In the IIR polyphase wavelet transform, a small amount of leakage occurs at each wavelet level due to the roll-off characteristics of the low-pass and high-pass filter pairs. Compared to the true values of power measurements at each level, the results of the application of the IIR (L = 6) polyphase wavelet transform are very accurate. B. Energy Flow Analysis of EMTP Data Fig. 3 is an example of energy flow between buses 1 and 2. The source is located in BUS 1 and the load in BUS 2 consists of R2 and L3 , as shown in the figure. The conductors between buses 1 and 2 are 1 mile long and equal to R1 and L2 in a series. For the analysis of energy flow at each wavelet level, the source is included with several frequency components as follows: p V (n) = 133K 2 Sin(260n) p + 13:3K 2 Sin(2 360n + 90 ) p + 6:65K 2 Sin(2 700n + 45 ) p + 6:65K 2 Sin(2 1400n + 180 ): Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 252 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, VOL. 49, NO. 2, APRIL 2000 With respect to V (n), the second term is the sixth harmonic, located in level 3 of Table I. The third and fourth terms are the twelfth and the twenty-fourth harmonics with the same rms value of 6.65K in levels 4 and 5, respectively. Fig. 4 is the real energy bar graph of four cycles at each wavelet level of buses 1 and 2, based on (8) and using the IIR (L = 6) polyphase wavelet transform. Fig. 5 is the reactive energy bar graph of four cycles at each level of buses 1 and 2, based on (9) and using the IIR (L = 6) polyphase wavelet transform and 90 phase-shift networks. In these figures, energy of each level at BUS 1 is larger than that with its associated level at BUS 2, which means energy of each level flows from BUS 1 to BUS 2. The energy at level 3 is larger than energies at level 4 and 5. As a result, the figures illustrate the direction and amount of the flow of the real and reactive energies between buses 1 and 2 with their associated wavelet levels. VII. CONCLUSION The simulated signal test on various types of powers demonstrated that the results from the IIR (L = 6) polyphase wavelet transform and the equal-ripple method of 90 phase-shift networks were in good agreement with the reference for the total power measurements. As shown in Table III, the individual subband rms and power contributions of the IIR filter banks were very accurate because of the IIR filter's sharper roll-off characteristics. Energy flows between buses 1 and 2 were analyzed by EMTP data under steady-state conditions. The real and reactive powers with their associated wavelet levels are signed quantities and thus had directions associated with them. In Figs. 4 and 5, the proposed method's energies, computed at each level, are close to the true powers of each level. This permits tracking the real and reactive energy flows at each wavelet level through the power system. The reactive phase shifting filter and the dyadic filters associated with the concurrent voltage and current wavelet transforms require synchronously sampled data. However, if the voltage and current samples are acquired asynchronously with a sufficiently small inter-sample interval, simultaneous interpolation, in synchronism with the power system, would permit the real and reactive wavelet transform algorithms to be compute as shown. This study demonstrated the extension of the wavelet transform to the measurement of reactive power through the use of a broad-band quadrature phase-shift networks. The proposed wavelet-based power metering system of Fig. 2 was introduced for computing the rms value of the voltage and current and the real and reactive power with their associated wavelet levels, respectively, from the v -i wavelet transform pair and the quadrature v -i wavelet transform pair. In the proposed metering system, powers at each wavelet level retained both the temporal and spectral relationship associated with the powers from the property of wavelets. REFERENCES [1] P. S. Filipski, Y. Baghzouz, and M. D. Cox, “Discussion of power definitions contained in the IEEE dictionary,” IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 9, pp. 1237–1244, July 1994. [2] B. Djokic, P. Bosnjakovic, and M. Begovic, “New method for reactive power and energy measurement,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 41, pp. 280–285, Apr. 1992. [3] J. E. Storer, Passive Network Synthesis. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1957, pp. 298–302. [4] B. Gold and C. M. Rader, Digital Processing of Signals. New York: McGraw-Hill , 1969, pp. 90–92. [5] S. S. Kidambi, “Weighted least-squares design of recursive allpass filters,” IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 44, pp. 1553–1557, June 1996. [6] W.-K. Yoon and M. J. Devaney, “Power measurement based on the wavelet transform,” IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., vol. 47, pp. 1205–1210, Oct. 1998. [7] W.-K. Yoon, “Power measurements via the wavelet transform,” Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Missouri, Columbia, Dec. 1998. [8] A. N. A. Mark and J. T. Smith, Subband and Wavelet Transforms Design and Application. Norwood, MA: Kluwer, 1996. [9] I. Daubechies, Ten Lectures on Wavelets. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM, 1992. Weon-Ki Yoon was born in Seoul, Korea. He received the B.S. degree in electronic engineering from Hanyang University at Seoul in 1986, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He had industrial experiences with Dae-Young Electronic Co., Korea, in designing analog and digital telecommunication systems from 1986 to 1989, and with LG Electronic Co., Korea, in satellite TV receiver design from 1989 to 1991. He was a Research Assistant on digital power metering at the University of Missouri from 1996 to 1998. He is currently with Tadiran Microwave Networks as a Signal Processing Engineer. Michael J. Devaney (S'60–M'64) was born in St. Louis, MO. He received the B.S.E.E. degree from the University of Missouri, Rolla, in 1964 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1967 and 1971, respectively. He worked for the Bendix Corporation (now Allied-Signal) from 1964 to 1967, in automated test equipment design and joined the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1969, where he is now an Associate Professor. From 1974 to 1979, he was an Investigator at the university's John M. Dalton Research Center, where he worked on bio-telemetry and instrumentation for the study of micro-circulation. From 1980 to 1988, he was the Undergraduate Program Director for Computer Engineering and in 1987 he became affiliated with the university's Power Electronics Research Center and served as its Associate Director in 1989 and 1990. He has published 12 journal articles, 29 conference papers, and for the past eleven years, has been engaged in research in power metering and power quality measurement supported by Square D. Dr. Devaney was the Associate Editor of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology News from 1978 to 1979. Authorized licensed use limited to: Princeton University. Downloaded on August 16, 2009 at 22:29 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.