Category: Ice Dance Subject: Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Source Definitions General Each Judge will mark the quality of execution of every element depending on the positive features of the execution and errors on the seven Grades of Execution scale: +3, +2, +1, Base Value, -1, -2, -3. As per Rule 353, paragraphs 1.i), Combination Lifts are evaluated as "one unit". The guidelines for marking GOEs are published and updated in ISU Communications. Rule 504, § 1.c) Marking The Grade of Execution of a Required Elements is determined by selecting the grade which applies for the average value of the Characteristics of Grade of Execution. This grade is further adjusted, if necessary, according to the Adjustments to Grades of Execution. Communication 1937 File name: Version: Date: ISU ID Handbook for Referees and Judges_2016_updated_200716 2016 18.06.16 Page 14 of 50 D – Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Category: Ice Dance Subject: Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Characteristics of Grade of Execution (source: Communications 1937) PATTERN DANCE ELEMENTS: CHARACTERISTICS -3 -2 Quality/correctnes 40% 50% s of Edges/Steps/ or less clean clean Turns for the Edges/Steps/ Edges/Steps/ whole of Pattern Turns with Turns with Dance Element many errors 2 major errors Depth of Edges very flat generally flat Correct Holds 40% 50% Correct Pattern 40% 50% DANCE SPINS: CHARACTERISTICS -3 -2 Entry/exit awkward/step uncoordinated/ out off balance Move onto one delayed slow foot Rotation very slow deteriorates -1 60% clean Edges/Steps/ Turns with 1 major error Base 75% clean Edges/Steps/ Turns with no major error +1 80% clean Edges/Steps/ Turns with no major error +2 90% clean Edges/Step/ Turns with no major error +3 100% clean Edges/Step/ Turns some flats 60% 60% shallow 75% 75% good curves 80% 80% deep 90% 90% very deep 100% 100% -1 hesitant/abrupt Base controlled +1 smooth +2 fluid/with ease +3 fluid/seamless not together simultaneous prompt quick/smooth immediate variable stability stable sustained fast with ease very fast flawless extra push by one partner uncoordinated/ slow transition hesitant controlled labored controlled controlled and quick brief by both, distinct quick, with ease brief and smooth very fast seamless seamless -2 Fumbling struggling -1 hesitant/abrupt much effort Base sure/solid some effort +1 smooth little effort +2 flowing with ease lose balance Unstable variable stable sure confident +3 seamless floating, effortless relaxed/bold awkward awkward/ very slow both curves very flat and too short Discontinuous unstable, scraped turns both curves flat and not equal labored discontinuous, weak turns one curve flat or one is too short controlled continuous smooth smooth similar shallow curves curves equal and fairly deep flowing flowing and fast curves equal and deep effortless flowing and very fast curves equal and very deep -1 abrupt Base sure/stable +2 with ease +3 seamless variable stability, 1-2 Tws scraped continues, stable +1 sure and smooth continues , smooth continues, flowing seamless, flawless labored/variable sure/clean smooth/neat very good and stylish clever and exquisite Spacing between completely variable little variation partners uncontrolled STEP SEQUENCES (ALSO APPLICABLE TO PARTIAL STEP SEQUENCE): CHARACTERISTICS -3 -2 -1 Base Edges/sureness very flat and generally flat some flats and shallow but shaky and hesitant variable stability stable Speed and flow struggling, deteriorates or inconsistent/ some speed labored, forced limited variable and some flow consistent consistent and close consistent and very close +1 good curves, secure good speed with variable flow +2 strong, confident considerable speed and constant flow Partner balance Footwork/Turns both very poor on two feet or toe-pushing or jumped, awkward +3 deep and quiet, bold considerable speed achieved effortlessly and fluidly both excellent clean and effortless Spacing between partners (Not Touching) Uncontrolled If any: Change of foot Change of pose extra push by both partners awkward, very poor DANCE LIFTS: CHARACTERISTICS -3 Entry/exit shaky/dropped Ascent/descent very brief Stability If any: Change of pose Rotation technique Change of curve SET OF TWIZZLES: CHARACTERISTICS -3 Entry/Exit awkward/ off balance Turns unstable, struggling Connecting steps/footwork File name: Version: Date: completely uncontrolled -2 hesitant/ lacks control unstable, 3-4 Tws scraped some lack of control and wide stepping Deteriorates both poor wide stepping or one on two feet or toepushing or skidded deteriorates ISU ID Handbook for Referees and Judges_2016_updated_200716 2016 18.06.16 unequal Variable or forced differ slightly generally correct both good clean both very good clean and neat variable little variation controlled consistent and close consistent and very close with ease Page 15 of 50 D – Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Category: Ice Dance Subject: Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Characteristics of Grade of Execution (source: Communications 1937) Choreographic Elements: Characteristics Phrasing Rhythm Character -3 Not on the phrase -2 Not on the phrase -1 Not on the phrase Base Fits the phrase +1 Fits the phrase +2 Fits the phrase +3 Fits the phrase Does not fit reflects beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music No relation to choreography Does not fit reflects beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music Partly reflects beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music Generally reflects beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music Reflects beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music Fully fits beat, tempo, structure and emphasis in the music Fully fits Reflects beat, tempo, structure and nuances in the music No relation to character of choreography Ordinary Appropriate to character of choreography Ordinary Appropriate to character of choreography Original Completely in character of choreography Original, innovative. creative Completely in character of choreography Original, innovative, creative, memorable Originality Ordinary No relation to character of choreography Ordinary Execution Awkward, uncontrolled, Shaky, unstable, Labored , hesitant Controlled, stable Smooth, Sure Fluid, confident Effortless Many 1 Major/several Minor 1 Minor None None None None Errors File name: Version: Date: ISU ID Handbook for Referees and Judges_2016_updated_200716 2016 18.06.16 Page 16 of 50 D – Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Category: Ice Dance Subject: Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements Adjustments to Grade of Execution (source: Communications 2003) PATTERN DANCE ELEMENTS: ADJUSTMENTS No higher than: Not started on the prescribed beat (for each Pattern Dance Element) Not holding Edges/Steps for required number of beats for one or both partners: from one Edge/Step up to 10% of Steps of the Pattern Dance Element for more than 10% and up to 25% of Steps of the Pattern Dance Element for more than 25% of Steps of the Pattern Dance Element Pattern Dance Element missed through interruption of up to ¼ element ADJUSTMENTS APPLICABLE TO ALL REQUIRED ELEMENTS (EXCEPT PATTERN DANCE ELEMENTS) Poses or moves awkward or not aesthetically pleasing Element does not reflect the character of the chosen dance Element does not fit or is not skated to the phrasing/Rhythm pattern of the music Body lines and pose of both partners beautiful and aesthetically pleasing Entry or exit is unexpected Element is creative and enhances the choreography/character of the chosen dance Element fits and is skated to the phrasing/Rhythm pattern of the music Speed of rotations and/or across the ice maintained or accelerated during the Element DANCE SPINS: ADJUSTMENTS Not on spot (travelling): in one part of Combination Spin or one direction of Spin Option 2 in Spin Option 1, both parts of Combination Spin or both directions of Spin Option 2 Re-centers completely except Dance Spin with different directions of rotation (Option 2) Change of feet not simultaneous (Combination Spin) Creative entry and/or exit DANCE LIFTS: ADJUSTMENTS Creative entry and /or exit SETS OF TWIZZLES: ADJUSTMENTS Execution not simultaneous: one Twizzle two Twizzles Execution of Turn incorrect: (linked Three Turns, Pirouettes): one Twizzle incorrect two or more Twizzles incorrect Generally more than two arm length apart or partners touch each other STEP SEQUENCES (ALSO APPLICABLE TO PARTIAL STEP SEQUENCE): ADJUSTMENTS File name: Version: Date: ISU ID Handbook for Referees and Judges_2016_updated_200716 2016 18.06.16 Increase by: 1 grade +1 0 -1 -1 No higher than: Reduce by: Increase by: 1 grade 1 grade -1 No higher than: Reduce by: 1 grade 1 grade 1 grade 1 grade 1 grade Increase by: 1 grade -1 -1 -1 No higher than: Reduce by: 1 grade Increase by: No higher than: Reduce by: 1 grade Increase by: 1 grade -1 1 grade -1 No higher than: Not started on the prescribed beat or not skated for an exact number of phrases (applicable to Partial Step Sequence only) Pattern/placement incorrect or incomplete Generally more than two arms length between partners or partners touch each other (NtSt) Inclusion of Not Permitted Element (per each) Separation to change a Hold exceeds one measure of music (not applicable to Partial Step Sequence) Sustained Hand-in-Hand Hold with fully extended arms (Step Sequence in Hold) Lack of flow (movement across the ice) Second Step Sequence (Free Dance) performed at an obviously different skating tempo than first Step Sequence Creative use of a variety of Steps/Movements and Holds (Step Sequence in Hold) LOSSES OF BALANCE, STUMBLES AND FALLS Loss of Balance by one partner Loss of Balance by both partners Stumble by one partner Stumble by both partners Fall by one partner Fall by both partners Reduce by: 1 grade Reduce by: Increase by: 1 grade 1 grade 1 grade 2 grades 1 grade 1 grade -1 1 grade 1 grade No higher than: Reduce by: 1 grade 0 0 -1 -2 -3 Page 17 of 50 D – Marking guide for Grade of Execution of Required Elements