FACULTY PROFILE 1. Name: MAHESH KUMAR 2. Designation: FACULTY MEMBER 3. Qualification: M.TECH. COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEEERING, IIT Bombay, 2010 4. Area of Specialization: COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE, INTERNET & WEB TECHNOLOGIES, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES 5. Awards/Recognitions: UGC – NET(JRF) 6. Number of projects: i) Completed Sl. No. Title of the Funding Agency Amount Year (From-To) project ii) On-going Sl. No. Title of the Funding project Agency Amount Date of Expected date Commencement of completion 7. Number of Ph.D candidates successfully completed: ____________________________ 8. Number of Ph.D candidates currently working: ________________________________ 9. Number of M.Phil candidates successfully completed: __________________________ 10. Number of M.Phil candidates currently working: _____________________________ 11. Publications: i) Books Sl. Author/s Title Publisher Year of publication Page No. No. ii) Articles in Journals Sl. No. 1 Title of Article Journal Pairwise Keys Generation ACEEE Int. J. on Network Using Prime Number Security , Vol. 02, No. 04, Function in Wireless Sensor Oct 2011 Year/Month 2011 Networks 2 Cloud Computing: HCTL Open Science and Implementation of Technology Letters Software as a Service (HCTL Open STL) 2013 (SaaS) Multitenancy 3 Cloud Computing: HCTL Open Science and Various Aspects of Cloud Technology Letters Security (HCTL Open STL) 2013 iii) Papers in Conference/Seminar/Proceedings Sl. No. Title of the paper Title of Year of conference/seminar publication Publisher volume 1 An Efficient Key Distribution International Conference Scheme for Wireless Sensor on Information and Networks Network Technology using polynomial based (ICINT 2012) 2012 IACSIT Press, Singapore schemes 2 Revisiting Graph Theory with International Conference the Help of Probability in on Information and Establishment of Pair Wise Network Technology Keys in Wireless Sensor (ICINT 2012) 2012 IACSIT Press, Singapore Networks New Trends in Data Analysis 3 4th INTERNATIONAL 2015 ICFAI journals CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS “The Inside Story” INTELLIGENCE, ANALYTICS AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (BIAKM-2015) iv) Paper as a part of book: Sl. No. Title of the Title of the book Publisher paper Year of publication v) Monographs/Reports (if any) _______________________________________________ 12. Conference/Seminar organized: Sl. No. Status as organizer Title of the conference/seminar Date Page No. 13. Conference/Seminar chaired: Sl. No. Title of the seminar Organized by Date 14. Conference/Seminar participated: Sl. No. Title Organized by Year/Month Only Participated and participated presented the paper Committee/Authority Year (From-To) 15. Chairman/Member of Authority/Committee etc: Sl. Chairman/Member/Secretary No. 16. Membership to professional Organization/Associations: Sl. Name of the Association/Organizations Life member/Ordinary member No. 1 Computer Society of India Life Member 17. Any other Information: ___________________________________________________ (SIGNATURE)