Social and Behavioral Sciences, College Of (Office Of The Dean) Phone Social and Behavioral Sciences, College Of (Office Of The Dean) +1 928/523-2672 Bldg-Rm Box 65-200 15700 Website: Email: Fax +1 928/523-6777 Anderson, Mary (Accountant) +1 928 523-5886 065-200 15700 Busco, Janice (Horticulturist) +1 928 864-7037 065-201 15700 Buzzard, Anne (Development Officer) +1 928 523-2130 065-205 15700 Doerry, Ramona (Coordinator) +1 928 523-0723 70-114D 15700 Hardy-Short, Dayle (Professor) +1 928 523-2311 016-351 5619 Hoge, Diane (Assistant to the Dean) +1 928 523-9231 065-200 15700 Huffman, William (Associate Clinical Professor) +1 928 523-9508 60 15106 Klein, Carlene (Fiscal Operations Manager) +1 928/523-2231 65-243 15700 Nelson, Patricia (Administrative Director) +1 928 523-6266 065-244 15700 Pugliesi, Karen (Dean) +1 928 523-1593 065-200D 15700 Wayment, Heidi (Associate Dean) +1 928 523-0575 065-245 15700 +1 928/523-6540 70-114 15700 Abromowitz, Lucas (Academic Advisor) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Morrison, Ashley (Academic Advisor) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Pavich, Matthew (Academic Advisor, Senior) +1 928 523-6540 70-114C 15700 Reese, Kathy (Administrative Assistant) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Ridlen, Rachel (Academic Advisor, Senior) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Solomon, Mary (Academic Advisor, Senior) +1 928/523-6540 70-114 15700 Spence, Lynn (Advising Coordinator) +1 928/523-6540 70-114 15700 Wiseman, Emily (Academic Advisor) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Wurzell, Ryan (Academic Advisor, Senior) +1 928 523-6540 70-114 15700 Civic Service Institute +1 928/523-3560 70-6 5063 Mandino, Carole (Director) +1 928 523-6584 70-6 5063 Department Psychological Sciences +1 928/523-3063 60-333A 15106 Till, Robert (Chair) +1 928 523-0713 60-331 15106 Department of Anthropology +1 928/523-3180 65-228 15200 Hays-Gilpin, Kelley (Chair) +1 928 523-6564 65-230 15200 Department of Applied Indigenous Studies +1 928/523-6624 70-100 15020 Jarratt Snider, Karen (Chair) +1 928 523-6219 070-100B 15020 Academic Services and Advising, Office of (including the School of Communication) Website: Email: Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice +1 928/523-9519 65-313 15005 Morgan, Phoebe (Chair) +1 928 523-8245 065-320 15005 Department of Geography, Planning and Recreation +1 928/523-2650 70-201 15016 Maciha, Mark (Chair) +1 928 523-8242 070-256 15016 Department of Politics and International Affairs +1 928/523-3163 65-224 15036 Poloni-Staudinger, Lori (Chair) +1 928 523-6546 065-224 15036 Department of Sociology and Social Work +1 928/523-2979 65-330 15300 Luna, Yvonne (Interim Chair) +1 928 523-6135 065-328 15300 Ethnic Studies Program +1 928/523-8481 70-100 15320 Guthrie, Ricardo (Director) +1 928 523-5946 70-100D 15320 Family Violence Institute +1 928 523-3591 47A 15026 Hulen, Holly (Associate Director) +1 928 523-3591 47A 15026 Websdale, Neil (Professor) +1 928 523-9205 47A 15026 Institute for Human Development +1 928 523-8131 27A-101 5630 Uno, Thomas (Interim Executive Director) +1 928 523-7032 027A 5630 MA in Sustainable Communities +1 928/523-0499 70-280 6039 Friederici, Peter (Director) +1 928 523-6378 70-278 6039 School of Communication +1 928/523-2232 16-301 5619 Medoff, Norman (Director) +1 928 523-8257 016 5619 Women's and Gender Studies Program +1 928/523-3300 70-100 5695 Nair, Sheila (Director) +1 928 523-2011 70-100C 5695