PMO NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine No.24 /February 2015 Iranian President Announced in Chabahar Port: Chabahar-Iranshahr Railway Project Phase I to Complete within Current Presidential Term D uring his second visit to Chabahar Port this year, the Iranian President promised to follow the development and progress of the port personally. 'U5RKDQLGHFODUHG([SDQGLQJWKHUDLOZD\ÀHHWLVRQHRIWKHPDMRUSURJUDPVRI his Administration that would minimize numerous problems caused by road transport, such as environment destruction, security issues and high human death toll on the roads. For this UHDVRQWKH¿UVWSKDVHRIUDLOZD\SURMHFWIURP&KDEDKDUWR,UDQVKDKUQHHGVWREHFRPHIXOO\ operational and completed by the end of the current presidential term, in order to guarantee the satisfaction of the local populations." NEWS 2 No.24 / February 2015 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine PMO Large Private Sector Investment in Ports T he Deputy Managing Director for Port Affairs and Special Zones of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) announced the conclusion of 45 contracts with a value of some 18 trillion Rials in the past eight months, attraction of some 46,490 billion Rials in toto, and the investment of around 21 trillion Rials by the Private Sector in the ports of the country. $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH UHSRUW E\ 302 V 2I¿FH IRU 3XEOLF Relations and International Affairs, such a huge LQYHVWPHQWZLOOFUHDWHRYHUMRERSSRUWXQLWLHVLQ the related ports and hinterlands. The PMO's Deputy Managing Director also pointed to the investment of some 10 trillion Rials by the Private Sector in Chabahar Port, and the construction of warehouses and storage areas for petrochemical products in that port. According to the same report, the construction of storage tanks for heavy oil products, desalination plants, DQGDFRQWDLQHUWHUPLQDOZHUHVRPHRIWKHSURMHFWVWKDW received private investments in Hormozgan Province. The report also mentioned that Khuzestan Province ZRXOG KRVW SURMHFWV IRU FDSDFLW\ H[SDQVLRQ RI RLO uring the President's visit to the Development products storage tanks, construction and operation Plan of Shahid Beheshti Port in Chabahar, the of facilities and equipment for waste reception and Minister of Road and Urban Development recycling, construction and operation of an inland told the reporters: "This Ministry has included three FRQWDLQHU GHSRW ,&' DQG D FRRNLQJ RLO SXUL¿FDWLRQ VLJQL¿FDQWPHDVXUHVLQLWVDJHQGDLQRUGHUWRGHYHORS and packing factory. Makran Coasts and the Eastern Corridor, namely Moreover, Firuzkuh Cement Company has also strengthening and promoting the port capacity, concluded a contract to construct a cement warehouse connecting Chabahar Port to Jask and providing the for export purposes with the Iranian Maritime port with rail connection." Administration and Amirabad Special Economic Zone Dr. Akhoondi elaborated: "We have already taken the (SEZ). initial executive steps to connect the port to the national As for Bushehr Province, the Deputy Managing Director railway grid, by constructing the Chabahar-Zahedan SRLQWHGWRWKUHHLQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWVIRUFRQVWUXFWLQJD railway for 1,300 kilometers." power plant, establishing a container terminal including The Iranian Minister further stated: "The connection construction of infrastructures, public facilities, and between Chabahar and Jask through a road of about 350 providing equipment for yards and berths, as well kilometers has progressed to around 50 percent, which as constructing an oil terminal with a capacity of 50 will favorably expand and expedite the eastern corridor thousand cubic meters in order to accommodate ships of the country." of up to 35 thousand GT. Three Measures to Develop Makran Coasts & Eastern Corridor D NEWS 3 No.24 / February 2015 Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine NEWS PMO Shahid Rajaee Port Development Plan Enters Phase III D uring a visit of Mr. Eshagh Jahangiri, the Iranian Vice-President to Hormozgan Province, the executive operations for the third phase of 6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUW'HYHORSPHQW3ODQVWDUWHG $FFRUGLQJ WR WKLV UHSRUW WKH ¿UVW SDUW RI 3KDVH ,,, includes building 442 meters of berth with a depth of 16 meters, and dredging some 1.650 million cubic meters of the seabed in the west side of the third basin of the port. 7KHSODQLVSURMHFWHGIRUFRPSOHWLRQZLWKLQPRQWKV under the investment of some 70 million US Dollars from the internal sources of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO). It is worth mentioning that the third phase of this port development plan requires 500 million US Dollars to be invested in building berths for 1,500 meters, dredging some 5 million cubic meters and establishing container yards for 55 hectares. With the completion of Phase III, the loading and GLVFKDUJHFDSDFLW\RI6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUWZLOOLQFUHDVH from the present 6 million TEUs to 8 million. Moreover, the establishment of container and refrigerated container yards, presence of new private entities within the port area, new employment opportunities in the port and maritime sections, and moving towards becoming a hub port in the Persian Gulf Region are some of the advantages of developing this largest commercial port of the country. 7KH 6SHFLDO (FRQRPLF =RQH 6(= RI 6KDKLG 5DMDHH Port, with a capacity to load and discharge 100 million tons of cargos per year, is located 23 kilometers west of Bandar Abbas, and supports over 55 percent of import and export cargos, as well as 70 percent of cargo transited by the Iranian ports as a whole. NEWS 4 No.24 / February 2015 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine PMO Providing Facilities for Port Equipment and Ship Construction U Shahid Dehgan Radar Site in BIK Reopened A fter a period of technical problems and HTXLSPHQW GH¿FLHQFLHV WKH UDGDU VLWH V\VWHP of Shahid Dehgan in Khoor Moosa waterway was reopened by the experts of the Technical and Maintenance Department of the Ports and Maritime Directorate General of Khuzestan Province. Mr. Behrooz Aghayi, the Technical and Maintenance Deputy of this directorate general pointed to the crucial UROHRIWKH9HVVHO7UDI¿F6\VWHP976SODWIRUPVLQWKDW waterway for guiding and directing vessels to navigate in a safe route, and added: "Following the observation of some technical issues in Shahid Dehgan Radar Site, one of the three VTS sites on this waterway, a series of efforts were commenced to resolve the shortcomings." Mr. Aghayi mentioned localizing the know-how to repair sensitive electronic modules of radar sites, and transferring the learnings on operation and maintenance of such systems to other ports of the country as some of the highlights of the complex technical operations on this radar site, and added: "After the completion of this repair operation, the Iranian expert capacity in this section has been promoted into a higher level." nder the new economic agreement between the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) and Bank Mellat, and the bank receiving high deposits from PMO, Bank Mellat has decided to SURYLGH¿QDQFLDOIDFLOLWLHVWRSDUWLHVLQWHUHVWHGLQSRUW equipment purchases and ship construction. In the ceremony held for conclusion of this agreement, the Managing Director of Bank Mellat and PMO's Deputy Managing Director for Port Affairs and Special Zones stressed the need to develop port services and provide for port strategic equipment. In regard to providing facilities from the managed sums of the Iranian Maritime Administration, the highest executive of Bank Mellat elaborated: "Using the sums deposited by PMO in the bank, we also undertake to assist interested parties for ship purchase and construction, referred to the bank by the PMO, and the facilities will be given after certain assessment and consideration procedures." The PMO's Deputy Managing Director also stated: "With the conclusion of this agreement, this Organization will increase its transactions with Bank Mellat by some 600 billion Rials, so that the bank could in turn assist investment on construction and purchase of vessels and port equipment." According to PMO's Member of Managing Board, the conclusion of the new agreement meant Bank Mellat would provide facilities to parties that intended to invest in supplying strategic equipment for Phases II, III and ,9RI6KDKLG5DMDHH3KDVHV,DQG,,RI&KDEDKDU3RUW and other commercial ports of the country. PMO's Deputy Managing Director added: "There are no limits on the facilities for investment in maritime and port sections, and the Organization funds such endeavors by its managed sums through the banking system, with due consideration of national economic priorities." PMO's Managing Director and UAE 3RUW2I¿FLDOV Discussed: PMO Holds Training Seminar on Logistics & Dry Port Development I n a one-day training seminar on logistics and dry port GHYHORSPHQWKHOGMRLQWO\E\WKH3RUWVDQG0DULWLPH Organization (PMO) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Mr. Shinya Hanaoka, a transportation expert and associate professor of Tokyo Institute of Technology presented topics including performance and advantages of establishment and development of dry ports, port logistics, multimodal transport, and experiences of various countries in this respect. In this training seminar, representatives from Iranian ports, and the private companies active in the ports, as well as experts and executives from the PMO headquarters in Tehran participated. In the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Jalil Eslami, the PMO's Director General of Port Affairs, called for higher and better cooperation between his organization and JICA. Mr. Takeuchi, the Chief Representative of JICA in Iran also expressed his gratitude to the Iranian Maritime Administration for holding this training seminar, and announced the willingness of the Japanese side for promoting different technical transactions with Iran. Japan International Cooperation Agency is a prestigious international institute active in technical cooperation RQYDULRXV¿HOGVZKLFKKDVKDGFRQWLQXRXVLQWHUDFWLRQ with PMO, and has dispatched many instructors to Iran for training purposes to date. No.24 / February 2015 Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine Jebel Ali by the UAE; - Considering and commenting on the draft agreement on coastal shipping by the UAE; - Designating contact points to follow port and maritime issues on the two sides; - Holding bilateral port and maritime meetings regularly once or twice a year; and - Preparing to resolve issues related to traditional vessels in the waters of the two countries. 'XULQJ WKLV WULS 0U 6DHHGQHMDG DQG WKH ,UDQLDQ GHOHJDWLRQ YLVLWHG WKH SRUWV RI 6KDUMDK .KDOLG DQG Jebel Ali, and met with Mr. Mahmood Madani, the Representative of the Iranian Supreme Leader in UAE, and a number of Iranian merchants and owners of traditional dhows, where issues such as port tariffs, reducing costs of maritime voyages and providing facilities to traditional vessels were discussed. NEWS D uring a three-day visit to the ports of United Arab Emirates, the Managing Director of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) met ZLWK WKH 8$( WUDQVSRUW DXWKRULWLHV DQG SRUW RI¿FLDOV and called for promoting cooperation on maritime and port transport and investment. According to this report, promotion of commercial ties through port development and maritime transport was RQHRIWKHPDMRUVWUDWHJLFWRSLFVGLVFXVVHGLQWKHDERYH PHHWLQJDWWHQGHGE\WKHRI¿FLDOVDQGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHVRI the two sides. The other topics agreed to be considered and put into implementation were: - Considering and commenting on the draft bilateral agreement on maritime-commercial shipping by the UAE; - Considering and commenting on the draft sister-port DJUHHPHQW EHWZHHQ WKH SRUWV RI 6KDKLG 5DMDHH DQG 5 PMO Promoting Commercial Ties through Port Development NEWS NEWS 6 No.19 / February No.24 October 2013 2015 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine PMO Rails Connect Shahid Rajaee Port to 22 Countries T he Port Operations Deputy of Port and Maritime Directorate General for Hormozgan Province DQQRXQFHG WKDW WKH 6KDKLG 5DMDHH 3RUW 6SHFLDO Economic Zone (SEZ) was connected to 22 other countries by rails, and predicted the share of rail transport of different cargos in that port to double from the current 5 percent. 0U 0RKDPPDGDOL $VO 6DHHGLSXU FODUL¿HG 6LQFH the beginning of the present Iranian Year, some 2.385 million tons of cargo have been loaded or discharged by rail in this SEZ, which registered a growth of 5 percent compared to the previous year." He pointed to the fact that a portion of handling cargos to be imported, exported or transited was conducted by 54 kilometers of rails (including gantry rails) within the port, and added that some 42 thousand train cars had transferred cargos to and from that port this year. According to Mr. Saeedipur, transit cargos produced revenue of 200 US Dollars per ton for the country, as well as direct or indirect employment opportunities for over 1,000 people. 5HFDOOLQJ WKH FRQQHFWLRQ RI 6KDKLG 5DMDHH 3RUW WR countries of the world, the Port Operations Deputy of Hormozgan Province stated: "At present, this Directorate General plans to provide rail connection to all the different sections of the port area, which is some 2,400 hectares." He counted minerals, bulk liquids, containers, cotton, PD]XWH IHUWLOL]HUV DQG DOXPLQXP LQJRWV DV WKH PDMRU cargos that were transported from the Iranian port by rail to Central Asia, China, Southeast Asia and Europe. 0U 6DHHGLSXU DOVR SRLQWHG WR 6KDKLG 5DMDHH 3RUW constructing the largest container rail terminal in Iran, and added: "The grains silo area with rail connection, and an oil rail terminal with 6 kilometers of rails will also be completed by 2016." The Port Operations Deputy of Hormozgan Province IXUWKHUDQQRXQFHGWKDWSURMHFWLRQVSRLQWHGWRZDUGVWKH share of rail transactions of that port growing to around 10 percent, and stated: "Some rival States in the Persian Gulf do not have rail facilities, and this has become a great merit for our port in the regional competition." He declared the increased access and connection of private entities of that port to the national railway grid WREHDPRQJWKHPRVWVLJQL¿FDQWUHDVRQVIRUGHYHORSLQJ PXOWLPRGDO WUDQVSRUW LQ 6KDKLG 5DMDHH DV WKH ODUJHVW Iranian commercial port. Mr. Saeedipur concluded: "Lower fuel costs (to around one sixth of road transport), minimized road accidents, and lower transport time are the market advantages transporting cargos on rails." To Be Implemented from January 2015: Stricter Maritime Fuel Requirements in Populated Port Areas 7 A long the 113th Council Meeting of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Ms. Mansoorian was appointed as the new representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the permanent representative of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) to IMO. In this ceremony, the IMO Secretary General pointed to the continuous and fruitful cooperation and support of this country in all the issues discussed in IMO meetings, highlighted the role of representatives in communication between IMO and member States, and commended the efforts of the previous Iranian representative, Mr. Marzban, including the establishment of Permanent Representatives' Club as facilitating the coordination of PHPEHUVLQUHDOL]LQJ,02REMHFWLYHV Ms. Mansoorian expressed her hopes that the endeavors, measures and cooperation of Iran and other members towards the interests of international maritime community would promote safety and security of navigation, and marine environment protection. No.24 / February 2015 Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine First Female PMO Representative to IMO Appointed NEWS (SOx) and other particulate matter from ships." He pointed to the unanimous approval of these regulations in 2008, and their entry into force in 2010, and added: "At the time being, sulfur emission FRQWURO DUHDV 6(&$ GH¿QHG XQGHU 0$532/$QQH[ VI include the Baltic Sea, North Sea, North American Maritime Region (some coasts of the United States and Canada) and the Caribbean American Maritime Region (near Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands)." He emphasized: "The current limitation of sulfur content in maritime fuels outside ECAs is 3.5 percent, which would be further reduced to 0.5 percent by 2020. This date depends on a survey to be conducted in 2018 on the availability and accessibility of suitable fuel around WKH ZRUOG WKH XQIDYRUDEOH ¿QGLQJV RI ZKLFK PLJKW postpone the above date up to 2025." PMO F rom 1 January 2015, ships navigating in emission control areas (ECA) shall use fuels with the sulfur content not exceeding 0.1 percent, while the limitation was 1 percent up to the end of 2014. The Deputy Managing Director for Maritime Affairs of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) announced the above news and explained: "ECAs are waters designated as so upon the request of their littoral States, due to environmental sensitivity, heavy maritime WUDI¿F SUR[LPLW\ WR PDMRU SRUWV DQG XUEDQ DUHDV RU other similar reasons, and ships need to follow stricter requirements within such areas." 0U $OL (VWLUL FODUL¿HG 7KH QHZ UHJXODWLRQV DUH enforced under Annex VI (Preventing Air Pollution from Ships) to the MARPOL Convention, namely Regulation 14 that monitors emission of sulfur oxides NEWS Domestic Seafarer Training Simulator Unveiled NEWS 8 No.24 / February 2015 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine PMO A seafarer training simulation system, designed and built by Iranian experts, was unveiled in a ceremony attended by the Managing Director of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) and the Advisor to the Iranian Ministry of Sciences, Research and Technology, at PMO's Seafarer Training Center. According to this report, this simulator is composed of two hardware and software sections, with the hardware section completely localized, while the localization of the software will be completed by the next year. PMO's Seafarer Training Center possesses three training simulators at present, two of which are foreign systems previously purchased, while the third was produced by Iranian experts in cooperation with the Private Sector. Under the requirements approved by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), all seafarers need to undergo maritime simulator training programs, without which they will not be allowed to work on board vessels. According to PMO's Managing Director, such a technology is crucial for maritime training sections, and it has also been planned to employ this simulation system for military training purposes, through adding the required modules to the hardware in order to accommodate military vessels as well. Access Channel Safety Guaranteed for Charak Passenger Berth T he Port and Maritime Affairs Deputy of Lengeh Port announced the removal of two sunken ships from the waters near Charak Passenger Berth and the resulting safety of the access channel to that berth. $FFRUGLQJWRDUHSRUWE\WKH3XEOLF5HODWLRQV2I¿FHRI the above port, Mr. Ayub Khademi Bandari announced this news and elaborated: "The two sunken vessels were the barge Bardia and the tugboat Naser, which were removed from the channel to Charak Port, after the mud was washed by a barge and crane, and the cutting and balloon operations were completed." He added: "In order to promote safety in the channel for passenger transfer purposes, the removal of the mentioned wrecks had commenced last year under the efforts of safety experts from Lengeh Port and FRRSHUDWLRQRI6HWDUHJDQ.KDOLM)DUV'LYLQJ&RPSDQ\ DQG ZDV ¿QDOO\ FRPSOHWHG ZLWK WKH UHPRYDO RI WKH tugboat Naser." PMO Fully Supports Private Sector T he O h Operational tii l D Deputy t off Sh Shahid hid B Bahonar h P Portt announced the conduction of a multi-purpose H[HUFLVH RQ ¿UH ¿JKWLQJ VHDUFK DQG UHVFXH and pollution response, with the aim of assessing and promoting safety of maritime transport in that port. ,QWKLVH[WHQVLYHH[HUFLVHSHRSOHIURP¿UH¿JKWLQJ search and rescue and marine pollution response teams participated. )LJKWLQJ WKH ¿UH RI FRQWDLQHUL]HG FDUJRV RQ D ODQGLQJ craft, rescuing people from the water, containing pollution around the vessel and recovering the cargos dropped into the sea were some sections of the tii d exercise. i mentioned 0U $VJKDUL 1DVDE VWDWHG YHVVHOV ¿UH¿JKWLQJ teams and one ambulance completed this exercise successfully in less than one hour and 45 minutes." The Operational Deputy of Shahid Bahonar Port added that under the requirements of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO), such exercises needed to be conducted regularly in order to promote safety and assess the capability of operational forces. Shahid Bahonar is the oldest commercial port of Bandar Abbas, and more than 2.5 million tons of cargos are loaded and discharged in this port every year. No.24 / February 2015 Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine Multi-Purpose Exercise Assessed Capability of Operational Forces 9 NEWS He added that using PMO's managed sums would be increased in order to motivate the potential investors in the coming years. PMO's Managing Director further pointed to a private investment of some 17 trillion Rials in the Iranian ports in the past year, and stated: "In the past eight months, 45 contracts to invest 18,799 billion Rials in the port section were concluded, while a total of 46,490 billion Rials of investments were also attracted in the past years." 0U6DHHGQHMDGHPSKDVL]HGWKDWWKHLQYHVWPHQWRI trillion Rials by private entities in the Iranian ports would also bring about employment opportunities for RYHUWKRXVDQGSHRSOHLQWKLV¿HOG PMO I n a ceremony held for concluding investment contracts of some 21 trillion Rials with the Private Sector, the Managing Director of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) considered the private entities as business partners of his organization, and stated: "Our biggest challenge is promoting our excellent status in the Persian Gulf and Gulf Oman, and we thus need to provide for the required investments in different maritime and port sections." 0U 0RKDPPDG 6DHHGQHMDG VWUHVVHG RQ WKH 3ULYDWH Sector's presence being crucial for developing Iranian ports, and mentioned: "For this purpose, we have VXSSOLHGWKHLQIUDVWUXFWXUHVDQGGH¿QLWHO\ZHOFRPHWKH participation of the private entities." NEWS NEWS 10 No.24 / February 2015 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine PMO Large Private Sector Investment in Ports The Deputy Managing Director for Port Affairs and Special Zones of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) announced the conclusion of 45 contracts with a value of some 18 trillion Rials in the past eight months, attraction of some 46,490 billion Rials in toto, and the investment of around 21 trillion Rials by the Private Sector in the ports of the country. $FFRUGLQJ WR WKH UHSRUW E\ 302 V 2I¿FH IRU 3XEOLF Relations and International Affairs, such a huge LQYHVWPHQWZLOOFUHDWHRYHUMRERSSRUWXQLWLHVLQ the related ports and hinterlands. The PMO's Deputy Managing Director also pointed to the investment of some 10 trillion Rials by the Private Sector in Chabahar Port, and the construction of warehouses and storage areas for petrochemical products in that port. According to the same report, the construction of storage tanks for heavy oil products, desalination plants, DQGDFRQWDLQHUWHUPLQDOZHUHVRPHRIWKHSURMHFWVWKDW received private investments in Hormozgan Province. The report also mentioned that Khuzestan Province ZRXOG KRVW SURMHFWV IRU FDSDFLW\ H[SDQVLRQ RI RLO products storage tanks, construction and operation of facilities and equipment for waste reception and recycling, construction and operation of an inland FRQWDLQHU GHSRW ,&' DQG D FRRNLQJ RLO SXUL¿FDWLRQ and packing factory. Moreover, Firuzkuh Cement Company has also concluded a contract to construct a cement warehouse for export purposes with the Iranian Maritime Administration and Amirabad Special Economic Zone (SEZ). As for Bushehr Province, the Deputy Managing Director SRLQWHGWRWKUHHLQYHVWPHQWSURMHFWVIRUFRQVWUXFWLQJD power plant, establishing a container terminal including construction of infrastructures, public facilities, and providing equipment for yards and berths, as well as constructing an oil terminal with a capacity of 50 thousand cubic meters in order to accommodate ships of up to 35 thousand GT. I NEWS 11 No.24 / February 2015 Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine NEWS I n order to promote the preparedness and capability of the personnel operating on tugboats in Noshahr 3RUW H[HUFLVHV RQ ¿UH ¿JKWLQJ DEDQGRQ VKLS DQG man overboard were carried out in the basin of the mentioned port. $FFRUGLQJ WR D UHSRUW E\ WKH 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV 2I¿FH of the Ports and Maritime Directorate General of Mazandaran Province, the exercise attended by relevant experts and personnel included a hypothetical ¿UH RFFXUULQJ RQ RQH RI WKH WXJERDWV SUHSDULQJ IRU FRQWDLQLQJ DQG H[WLQJXLVKLQJ WKH ¿UH E\ ¿UH KRVHV and extinguishers, which was conducted successfully according to the scenario. It must be mentioned that this exercise was conducted on 9 and 10 December 2014, with the participation of maritime affairs experts, personnel from Hedayat .HVKWL.KDOLM)DUVDQGZLWKWKHFRRSHUDWLRQRI1RVKDKU Port Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC Noshahr). Purchasing 18 Container Cranes and 48 Transtainers Funded PMO n the ceremony to commence Phase III of Shahid 5DMDHH 3RUW 'HYHORSPHQW 3ODQ WKH 0DQDJLQJ Director of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) announced the resolution of credit problems for purchasing container handling equipment in that SRUW DQG FODUL¿HG 7KH 0LQLVWHU RI 5RDG DQG 8UEDQ Development has recently approved the funding required to purchase 18 container cranes and 48 transtainers necessary to complete the equipment needs for container stowage stipulated in Phase II of the Port Development Plan." 0U 0RKDPPDG 6DHHGQHMDG SRLQWHG WR WKH IDFW WKDW 6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUWFXUUHQWO\RFFXSLHVWKHWKUDQNLQJ among the best ports of the world, and added: "We are planning to further promote the status of this port in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz by assisting WUDQVVKLSPHQW RSHUDWLRQ ÀRXULVK DQG WXUQLQJ WKH SRUW into a regional hub port." PMO's Managing Director highlighted the challenges IDFLQJ6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUWLQLWVFRPSHWLWLRQZLWKRWKHU regional ports, and elaborated: "Being located on a Special Area, and the extensive interest of investors has resulted in the investment of 11.79 trillion Rials in this port, which calls for the hinterlands being doubled in terms of surface area, from its present condition to around 4,800 hectares." Abandon Ship and Man Overboard Exercise in Noshahr Port With Container Terminal III Opened: Shahid Rajaee Port Capacity Increased 80 Percent T KHFRPSOHWLRQRIQHZEHUWKVLQ3KDVH,,,RI6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUW'HYHORSPHQW3ODQWKHDQQXDOFDSDFLW\RIWKH port will grow some 80 percent (from the current 85 million) and reach 150 million tons. 7KH0LQLVWHURI5RDGDQG8UEDQ'HYHORSPHQWFODUL¿HG:LWKWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIFRQWDLQHUWHUPLQDOQXPEHU ,,,RI6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUWLQWKHQH[W\HDUVWKHFDSDFLW\RIWKHSRUWWRORDGDQGGLVFKDUJHFRQWDLQHUL]HGJRRGVZLOO reach some 8 million TEUs." Dr. Akhoondi pointed to the fact that the annual capacity of the port would be increased from 85 to 150 million WRQVDVDUHVXOWRIQHZEHUWKVEHLQJFRQVWUXFWHGXQGHUWKHWKLUGSKDVHRI6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUW'HYHORSPHQW3ODQDQG highlighted that this would mean a growth of 80 percent compared to status quo. 7KH,UDQLDQ0LQLVWHUIXUWKHUVWDWHG7KH¿UVWSDUWRI3KDVH,,,LQFOXGHVEXLOGLQJPHWHUVRIEHUWKZLWKDGHSWK of 16 meters, and dredging some 1.650 million cubic meters of the seabed in the west side of the third basin of the port." He pointed to the plan being stipulated for completion within 18 months under the investment of some 70 million US Dollars from the internal sources of the Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO). 'U$NKRRQGLFRXQWHGLQFUHDVHGWUDQVLWUHH[SRUWDQGÀRXULVKRILPSRUWDQGH[SRUWDVWKHDGYDQWDJHVRI3KDVH III of this development plan, and highlighted: "The 2,400 hectares of hinterlands in this port will be expanded for VWRUDJHDQGSDFNLQJRIFDUJRVDVZHOODVUH¿QLQJRLOSURGXFWVWRDURXQGKHFWDUHV 7KH0LQLVWHURI5RDGDQG8UEDQ'HYHORSPHQWFRQFOXGHG,QRUGHUWRWXUQ6KDKLG5DMDHH3RUWLQWRDUHJLRQDOKXE for maritime transport, the capacity of Bandar Abbas-Tehran railway is also being promoted, so that the increased inland cargo transport will in turn encourage cargo transit from the northern ports of the country as well." PMO Artwork Manager: Amer Aran Concessionaire: Port and Maritime Organization Published by: Public Relation, P.M.O Legal Manager: &KDQJL].KDQMDUL Address: P.M.O Building, South Didar st., Haghani Highway, Vnak Sq., Tehran, IRAN Tel: +98 21 84932602 Fax: +98 21 88651012 NEWS Supplement to Port & Maritime Magazine No.24 / February 2015 Translator: Ehsan Esmaieli Photographer: Davood Tahari, Yaser Ali Bakhshi