U SO05272429A United States Patent [19] [54] AIR GAP FLUX MEASUREMENT USING STATOR THIRD HARMONIC VOLTAGE Dec. 21, 1993 and Thomas A. Lipo in IEEE Power Electronics Spe cialists Conference, 573-580 (Oct. 1, 1989). AND USES “Low Cost Efficiency Maximizer for an Induction [75] Inventors: Thomas A. Lipo; Julio C. Moreira, both of Madison, Wis. [73] Assignee: Wisconsin Alumni Research Motor Drive”, by Julio C. Moreira, Thomas A. Lipo and Vladimir Blasko in IEEE Industry Appl. Soc. Ann. Meeting, 426-431 (Oct. 1, 1989). ‘ “Direct Field Orientation Control Using the Third Foundation, Madison, Wis. [21] Appl. No.: 591,517 [22] Filed: 5,272,429 Patent Number: Date of Patent: [11] [45] Lipo et a1. Harmonic Component of the Stator Voltage”, Julio C. _ Moreira and Thomas A. Lipo in Intl. Conf. on Elec. Oct. 1, 1990 Mach. Proc., 1237-1242 (Aug. 13, 1990). “Modeling 01' Saturated AC Machines Including Air A [51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................. .. H02P 5/40 [52] US. Cl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [58] Field of Search .............................. .. 318/798-811, [56] 318/227, 228, 722-723 References Cited Gap Flux Harmonic Components”, Julio C. Moreira and Thomas A. Lipo in IEEE Industry Applns. Soc. Ann. Meeting, 37-44 (Oct. 7, 1990). . . . .. 318/808; 318/802 IEEE Standard 112 (The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers), "Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators”, pp. 1-32 (1984). U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 4,023,083 4,112,339 4,245,181 5/1977 Plunkett ............................ .. 318/227 9/1978 Lipo .............................. .. 318/227 1/ 1981 Plunkett ........................ .. 318/805 4,280,085 7/1981 Cutler et a1 . . . . .. . . . . .. 4,431,957 2/ 1984 Chausse et a1. 4,441,064 4/ 1984 Cutler et a1. 4,445,080 4/1984 Curtiss 4,450,398 5/1984 Bose Primary Examiner-William M. Shoop, Jr. Assistant Examiner-John W. Cabeca Attorney, Agent, or Firm-—Olson & Hierl, Ltd. 318/803 318/805 ... .. .. [57] . . . .. 318/798 . ... . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 318/798 ABSTRACT 2/ 1986 Lipo .......... .. 318/722 Methods and apparatus are provided wherein air gap ?ux magnitude and relative position are determined from stator voltage harmonic components and stator current in operating alternating current machines hav 4,585,982 4/1986 Cooper et al 318/722 ing a stator, a rotor and an air gap therebetween. Such 4,724,373 2/ 1988 Lipo .............. .. 318/805 4,912,378 3/1990 Vukosavic ........................ .. 318/254 determinations have various uses, such as for ef?ciency control. Various new and improved efficiency control lers are provided which utilize these measurements. 4,451,770 5/1984 Boettner et a]. 4,503,377 3/ 1985 Kitabayashi et al. 4,573,003 318/803 318/757 318/ 807 OTHER PUBLICATIONS “A New Method for Rotor Time Constant Tuning in Indirect Field Oriented Control,” by Julio C. Moreira 18 Claims, 8 Drawing Sheets l- 3-PHASE vc n Ac SUPPLY_ “ml-T ' -—RECT1FIER CA _ l Voc VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER IDC F Av, Vb ‘V ' EFFlCIENCY _ . VOLTAGE m0 MAXIMIZATION A609 FREQUENCY ALGORITHM CONTROLLER 1 . Pm 11 V 53 A G) e INPUT POWER 4, CALCULATION TORQUE ins‘ CONTROLLER Tm Te? ' To + SAMPLE AND HOLD NEUTRAL 5 Tm Tm _ OUTPUT FTQRQUE AIR GAP ‘T FLUX CALCULATION I PROCESSING' V53 Ya, )NDUOTION MACHINE US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993: Sheet '1 of 8 5,272,429 0 FIG. 4 0.0 | 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 40 ~50 6.0 US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993 Sheet 2 of 8 5,272,429 L FIG» 5 . 3_PHASE' ‘ I‘ AC SUPPLY- RECTIFIER VOLTAGE c _ VDC t INVERTER “ 1‘: Ve VOLTAGE AND 8 I ‘NEUTRAL vol FREQUENCY EFFICIENCY INPUT ‘ MAXIMIZATIONQ- POWER ALGOR'THM l _ . °°NTR°LLER INDUC'HON __ MACHINE f CALCULATDN Q > i 59 ‘ CALCULATE ~ Pin isT‘q?disb‘ SPEED ’ Vb lD6 1‘ENE ‘5T C souRcE _ A V “"1535 (Dr ‘REGULATION _ SPEED PROCESSING +l (Dr 3 PHASE L AC SUPPLY " "c Jrmr'?'x' VQLTAGE - RECTIFIER _ CA ‘ ' 1 INVERTER VDC, im \*e ‘ vs Avs MAXIMIZATION Awe EFFICIENCY _ VOLTAGE AND FREQUENCY ALGORITHM ‘ CONTROLLER \ Pin "53 4°36 TORQUE POWER _ , Tm Tm HOLD . Tm = OUTPUT‘ Vb ‘ NEUTRAL . Yq, moucnow MACHINE gas Ter AND INPUT CALCULATION ‘ CQNTROLLER To + SAMPLE SOURCE - AIR GAP F'ToRQuE “ FLUX CALCULATION PROCESSING V53 US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993 Sheet 3 of 8 5,272,429 FIG. 7 I" FIG. 80 EXTERNAL COMMAND CHANGES D‘SABLE OPTIMAL I TIMER INTERRUPT ~ EFFICIENCY ' REACHED v 1 VARIATION OF -- COMPUTE VIA PIN=5PIN LOOK-UP TABLE Vim , sin (7m) + COMPU'TE TORQUE REFERENCE "'5 . INPUT CHANGE‘VOLTAGE '05 V53 ’¢ COMMAND ' vc = vc --AV5 ‘ INTEGRATE r OUTPUT V53 V(; V PEAK VALUES ENABLE TiMER li?sl, llsl SQUARING ias, l3 INTERRUPT ' l ' CONTINUED US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993 Sheet 5 of 8 5,272,429 F E Q, {Notn8o5t> a8.08._032:8M no?Von.2 5 whoo20.0 | | I __,___ endJ l _' -3“ 30Rd 8.. I i 1' 0 00 2.00 4.00 6.00800 100120 14.0 16.0180 20.0 T FIG-.10 250 V53 (V rms) US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993 5,272,429 Sheet 6 of 8 :::, -a D i0d5* glee I CRPW M I fee ‘ \ ‘ STATOR I4 ‘\54 CURRENT REFS. r MODEL * SLIP FREQSCOQ OUTPUT CALC' A e, ‘V , ldm v 75s MODEL REF, (0r + Tr * '6 + _ ‘ ‘as ‘Q5 '35 .e Al‘dm , I ADAPTIVE CONTROLLER k + 3 ‘ Lm ‘ ' (96 v v 71m e y r F.__ 4 ‘ ‘ ‘g 53 1d,“ sis. mm] W I13! 5\ (sln' 2 ‘ mi '1 51 ‘ k / 50 k FEEDBACK TO REGULATORS US. Patent i3; Dec. 21, 1993‘ 5,272,429 FIGJS v . l Sheet 7 of 8 ‘ 2-.3 * gs ‘ ‘ R CRPWM Glee; \ lee \STATOR 14x54 REFS. , ‘ ,I CURRENT SPEED ‘ SENSOR 2‘. a; : SLIP FREQ. 50° CALC' T Q’ ‘ + + 2 ‘T’ ‘a; 1%; ‘"5 V53 ADAPTIVE V . 71m 7 I i 615 I CONTROLLER V 7 4 am ‘Al-3| (‘sun pom} 52 I go _51 ‘_____. FEEDBACK ‘r0 REGULATORS .e * ‘0'5 * .9 ‘ M ' 55 2 33 ’ Ids 9.6a =(LRPWM +98 \STATOR [1.‘ CURRENT 54 REFS. ‘V Ks K,‘ sup GAIN GALC. “(of e SLIP FREQ‘? e CALC- + s+ + ‘ ‘ . ERROR ~ * CALC. e 16 8 Aldr Aqr 1 — i . I85 I85 Lm d, s3 t sup GAIN Xe v ‘"5 _ AKS A Qr y _ dr ROTOR _‘ 5,2 7m H1 Sis. / 0m‘ -—-1|1] | 3 4 ' ADAPTIVE L‘ CONTROLLER US. Patent Dec. 21, 1993 ,_ _ F'G.5 ‘a i l '5____,_ i3; [as ‘t ‘ 5,272,429 3'7 PIHAiSEI AC -* i’ 2'3 [Sheet 8 ‘of 8 ' ‘b5 PWM _CURRENT elm i'cs'. _REGULATOR ‘9H W COMPUTE haoLoRFLux i 05 A , a411m ldm' l y QUADRATURE. v~———'1"---—-4_ v OSCILLATOR ‘ [1,3] ‘ Al’- \50 g-PHASE Ac 5? ,es*_b lq _ \ 2 3 1’ ' l9 |d$—-> 928 i3, J | l I ;, PWM i... CURRENT " REGULATOR‘ Ics :“ n I he 3 we , I i-» 59 COMPUTE $216‘? _ ‘'01s ,7Im # |13| 4 ‘ A ’ AIL 50 NEUTRAL 2 1 Vss' (Del ' FILTER 3 [4 AND spew 58/' COMPUTATION TO SPEED‘______J CONTROLLER (Q, _ 1 5,272,429 2 pumps, and the like. In these applications, improvement in operating efficiency is possible more economically AIR GAP FLUX MEASUREMENT USING STATOR THIRD HARMONIC VOLTAGE-AND USES because a controller for ‘developing the optimum ?ux FIELD OF THE INVENTION This invention relates to methods and. apparatus for condition is derivable from the same converter that is used to vary the speed of the drive. The art needs new and improved methods and appa determining air gap ?ux. in an operating alternating ‘ ratus for regulating the energy consumption of alternat current machine by using the third harmonic compo ing current machines. The discovery of a reliable mea nent of the stator phase voltage. The invention further ‘ relates to methods and apparatus for using the air gap ' ?ux in controller applications where machine opera- I of new and very useful devices and methods for regulat tion, performance and efficiency are regulated. suring technique for air gap ?ux makes possible a family ing alternating current machine operation, performance and efficiency. BACKGROUND OF [THE INVENTION SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention provides a method and appara~ tus for measuring the amplitude of the air gap flux in gap. However, so far as now known, it has not previ cluding its fundamental and its third harmonic compo ously been known that air gap flux (and, in particular, nents and their relative rotational positions using the the peak amplitude of the fundamental component of‘ third harmonic voltage component. This is done in an this ?ux and its angular position in the air gap as the flux 20 alternating current machine operating under conditions rotates) could be accurately measured on an instanta of magnetic saturation of adjacent portions of stator and neous basis by using some other machine characteristic, rotor components and also of approximate rated volt such as the third harmonic component of the stator In an operating alternating current machine, it is known that a magnetic flux exists in the region of the air phase voltage. No simple and reliable technique or apparatus was previously known which, when used in combination with an operating alternating current machine, would reliably and automatically determine the peak ampli tude and relative position of the air gap flux using only a sensed third harmonic component of the stator phase age. In another aspect, the present invention provides methods and apparatus for using such measurements to accomplish various control functions associated with alternating current machine operation. Thus, the present invention provides methods and ‘ apparatus for determining various alternating machine voltage. variables, such as output power, torque, slip gain, rotor time constant, rotor magnetic‘ flux, and the like. Such determinations make possible various new alternating peak amplitude and location of the air gap .?ux, or an electric signal representative thereof, would be veryv current machine controller devices and methods. useful in any one of a variety of applications, particu 35 For example, one new method and associated appara larly in control devices and methods for regulating‘ tus maximizes the efficiency of an alternating current machine. Thus, the third harmonic component of phase alternating current motor variables. Moreover, such voltage is measured from which the air gap flux is deter control devices would themselves also be new and very mined to provide the machine output power. The ma useful, as would be the methods associated with their operation and use. 40 chine input power is measured and efficiency com Electric motors consume much of the electric power puted. This computation is then used to regulate the produced in the United States. For example, motors input power voltage and frequency so as to maintain a consume about two-thirds of the total U.S. electrical set power output from a minimum amount of input power consumption of about 1.7 trillion kilowatt-hours. power. Over 50 million motors are estimated to be in use in U.S. 45 Also, the present invention provides a method and industry and commerce with over one million being apparatus for controlling the efficiency of an alternating greater than 5 horsepower (hp). Over 7500 classi?ca current multiphase induction machine by computing tions for induction motors exist in the size range of the machine rotor torque. This can bedone without about 5 to 500-hp. directly measuring the rotor phase current by using the Although the efficiency of electrical machinery is 50 measured angular displacement between the third har improving, the efficiency of the typical squirrel cage monic component of the stator phase voltage and the Such instantaneously existing information about the induction motor ranges from about 78- to 95 percent for sizes of l to 100-bp. Thus, substantial energy savings can still be achieved. Energy can be saved ‘in conven amplitude of one phase of the stator current. This can be accomplished, if desired, from the direct current link bus of an associated inverter that is used to regulate tional constant speed applications when loadconditions 55 input voltage and frequency, and then using this compu change considerably. Induction motor operation at nor tation to regulate the input voltage and frequency ap mal operating conditions can result in high efficiencies plied to the machine. by use of a favorable balance between copper and iron The present invention permits the output power of a losses. Iron losses dominate at light loads. Thus, energy motor to be adjusted so that the efficiency of the motor is saved by reducing motor magnetic flux at the expense can be maximized. The torque of the motor can be of increasing copper losses so that an overall loss mini mum can be maintained. However, the cost of the con determined from measurements of the stator current and the air gap ?ux together with the lag between the troller needed to adjust the motor flux is substantial. stator current flux and the air gap ?ux (also sometimes In contrast to constant speed motor systems, variable referred to as fundamental ?ux). This is given by the speed induction motor systems characteristically in 65 formula: volve variable torque loads over a range of speeds. Typical applications include compressors, pumps, fans and blowers such as occur in air conditioners, heat 3 5,272,429 where T is the torque, K is a constant which is a func tion of the motor used, |Ia| is the absolute value of the phase current to the stator, |'yg| is the absolute value of the air gap ?ux and 'y is the phase displacement (lag) between the stator current and the air gap flux. phase voltages of a stator of a three phase induction motor are summed together. The fundamental voltage components cancel each other out and the resultant FIG. 7 is a block design of hardware circuitry which can be used to determine the phase displacement; FIGS. 8(a)-8(c) are ?ow charts for the efficiency maximum control algorithm including: (a) the initial computations for input power and torque reference, interaction between stator and rotor slots in the operat ing motor. The phase position and amplitude of the third harmonic component of stator voltage is represen tative of the phase position and amplitude of the air gap flux. If desired, the high frequency components can be used to determine the rotation rate (i.e., the speed) of (b) the main program and input power minimization, and (c) the interrupt service subroutine; FIG. 9 shows simulation results for the indirect type of efficiency maximizer with Motor #1 driving a fan type of load. The traces shown from bottom to top are: (i) input power, (ii) input power samples at a rate of the motor rotor. The third harmonic of the air gap flux maintains a constant position with respect to the third harmonic component of the stator voltage and also to the funda mental of air gap flux. The third harmonic component 500ms, (iii) mechanical output power, and (iv) ampli tude of the stator phase voltage; FIG. 10 shows experimental results for Motor #2 can thus be used to determine the wave form and ampli tude of the fundamental flux component or air gap ?ux. showing the dependence of the third harmonic voltage By comparing the air gap flux with the current phase component on the fundamental value of the applied line of the stator, the lag or phase displacement can be deter mined. The torque is then calculated as described above. The efficiency of the motor can be determined by voltage at rated frequency and no-load condition; FIG. 11 shows experimental results for the efficiency controller using Motor #2. From bottom to top: (i) amplitude of the stator current (10 A/div), (ii) third comparing the electrical input and mechanical output harmonic voltage signal (ZV/div), (iii) torque measured powers. The output power is the product of the torque and shaft speed, which is also determined as described by the torquemeter (l5 N.m/div), and (iv) torque com puted by the controller (15 N.m/div); above. FIG. 12 is a block diagrammatic view of another embodiment of a controller for a three phase induction The resulting determination of efficiency can then be used to adjust the ?eld of the motor as needed to in crease efficiency. The desire is to adjust the flux pro machine utilizing a slip frequency calculator assuming invariant magnetizing inductance; ducing component to produce the minimum input FIG. 13 shows in block diagrammatic view of an power for a ?xed amount of output power. The output power maybe either a ?xed speed or torque as desired. This system can be used with most a.c. machines includ embodiment of model reference adaptive controller for implementation of a rotor time constant correction scheme with magnetizing inductance based on the am ing induction, synchronous, single phase induction mo BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS In the accompanying drawings, which comprise a portion of this disclosure: speed; instead using constant torque or power; wave contains mainly the third harmonic stator voltage components and high frequency components due to synchronous motors. ment of an efficiency controller for a three phase induc tion motor using the indirect method and constant FIG. 6 is a block diagrammatic view of another em bodiment of an efficiency controller for a three phase induction machine also using the indirect method but In accordance with the present invention, the three tors as well as brushless d.c. and permanent magnet 4 FIG. 5 is a block diagrammatic view of one embodi- I plitude of the third harmonic voltage signal; FIG. 14 shows a block diagrammatic view of a feedforward/ predictive feedback controller using the rotor time con 45 stant with the magnetizing inductance estimate based on FIG. 1 is a graph showing waveforms of both the the amplitude of the third harmonic voltage signal; FIG. 15 shows a block diagrammatic view of a direct rotor ?eld orientation controller using a scheme of lo cating the absolute position of the rotor flux from the fundamental air gap ?ux voltage Vgl and the third har monic component Vg3 as modulated by the rotor slot third harmonic voltage signal; and harmonics obtained after the summation of the stator rotor ?eld orientation control implementation system driving the rotor ?ux angle 8 to zero. phase voltages; FIG. 2 is a graph showing fundamental components for the stator phase current i“, air and the gap flux of one phase ham and also showing the third harmonic component V33 and of the air gap voltage the angle of displacement ‘yin, between the current and the third harmonic component A3 of the air gap flux; FIG. 3 is a plot showing the interrelationship be 60 tween stator current air gap flux and third harmonic stator voltage vector (v3) for one ?eld orientation con FIG. 16 shows a block diagrammatic view of a direct DETAILED DESCRIPTION The present invention is applicable to all alternative current machines. However, for present disclosure pur poses, three-phase induction motors are described. For a general discussion of the operation of motors and terms used in the art, see Electric Machinery by Fitzger ald et al. (5th ed.) McGraw-Hill, New York, which is incorporated herein by reference. _ dition in the synchronous reference frame relative to the In an induction machine, for example, saturation of d-axis as ordinates and the q-axis as abscissae; the magnetic ?eld paths introduces spaced saturation FIG. 4 is a graph showing the relationship between 65 harmonic components in the air gap flux due to the the air gap ?ux component (plotted as ordinates) and nonlinear nature of the flux saturation phenomenon. the amplitude of the stator third harmonic voltage (plot These saturation harmonic components travel in the air ted as abscissae in volts) for a 3-hp induction machine; gap with the same synchronous speed and direction as 5 ‘5,272,429 the fundamental flux component. Among all these har~ monic components, the third is the dominant one. When the three stator phase voltages are summed, the funda mental and characteristic harmonic voltage compo 6 The d-axis component of the air gap ?ux, which cor responds to the rotor flux when the machine is ?eld oriented, is then computed as: nents are cancelled. The resultant waveform contains mainly the third harmonic component modulated by a 1 high frequency component resulting from the air gap ?ux variations introduced by the rotor slots. The bar-'7 monic components of this signal can then beseparated and used as a means to located the machine air gap ?ux,‘ , with 0;, being computed from the prechosen reference values for the stator currents, i4!‘ and id," indicated by: and, if desired, to measure the rotor mechanical speed. FIG. 1 illustrates the characteristic relationship be tween the fundamental air gap voltage V81 and the third 0 = _m--! i harmonic‘ component of the air gap [voltage V,3 in a [as three phase alternating current machine obtained after‘ 15 The amplitude of the fundamental of the air gap mag summation of the stator phase voltages. Because no netic flux component, [Am is obtained from the third third harmonic currents can circulate in the stator (since harmonic air gap component amplitude, via a non-linear the machine is assumed to be wye connected), the air function, f;,: gap third harmonic voltage V83 is identical to the third harmonic component of the air gap ‘voltage V_,-3. The iMmi=fA(|)~3i) (3) third harmonic component is modulated by the rotor slot harmonics. Values for this function are unique to a given machine After eliminating the high frequency component,‘ and these values can be experimentally determined for which can be optionally utilized to measure the rotor 25 an unloaded machine, or the like. mechanical speed, and after integration of the third harmonic voltage signal, the third harmonic air gap ?ux component is obtained as shown in FIG. 2., The relative position of the fundamental component FIG. 4 shows the experimentally determined rela tionship for an exemplary three phase inductive motor between the amplitude of the fundamental component of the air gap ?ux and the amplitude of the third har of the air gap flux in relation to the stator current is 30 monic component of the stator phase voltage (or the obtained by measuring the phase displacement angle amplitude of the third harmonic component of the air gap ?ux). The third harmonic voltage is plotted as ab and line current. For example, FIG. 2 shows the interre scissae and the fundamental component of the air gap lation between the fundamental component of the rep ?ux is plotted as ordinates for a 3-hp machine. The resentative stator current for one stator phase shown as 35 values represent the amplitude of the third harmonic i“ and the-fundamental component of the air gap flux voltage after the summation of the three stator phase (pm) for the third harmonic component of the air gap voltages. voltage (V,3). The third harmonic of the air gap flux A3 As can be appreciated from the foregoing descrip is obtained by integrating V53. The phase displacement tion, the present invention provides a method for mea for the stator current and the air gap flux is represented suring the air gap ?ux existing in an operating altemat by the angle 'y,-,,,. The reference points, respectively, ing current machine. This measurement provides the along the line current (i,,) and along the third harmonic absolute ?ux magnitude in the air gap at any given time voltage signal (V~,3) are appropriately taken so that yim and the relative position of such flux. between two ?xed points in the third harmonic voltage corresponds to the phase displacement angle between the maximum values of the stator current iasand the air 45 gap flux fundamental component Am. The position of point P in the third harmonic wave form is known in relation to the terminal current ias; and the relative position of this fundamental component of the air gap ?ux is known with respect to this terminal 50 variable (stator current). Thus, the position of the air In particular, the method for indirectly determining air gap flux in an alternating current machine having a stator, a rotor, and an air gap therebetween comprises the following steps: a) measuring the third harmonic component of the stator voltage; and b) calculating the third harmonic component of the air gap flux by integrating the measured third har monic stator voltage component. Moreover, the maximum magnitude of the third har gap flux in relation to the terminal current (or voltage) is known at all times if a given point on the third har-‘ monic ?ux or voltage is located and tracked. The angle 55 monic component of the air gap magnetic ?ux can be of displacement yin. between the air gap flux and the calculated from the third harmonic component of the phase current of the stator is measured and can be used air gap flux. From the maximum amplitude of the third to compute, for example, the torque in a three, phase induction machine, or for other purposes, as desired. The air gap ?ux km, the stator current is‘, and the air gap third harmonic ?ux A3 are vectorially interrelated as shown in FIG. 3 in the synchronously rotating refer ence frame representation for a condition of ?eld orien tation. It is clear from this vector arrangement that the fundamental of the air gap ?ux can be resolved into its 65 d axis and q axis components Lime and )tqm3 from a measurement of its magnitude and also the angles yin, and 6,3. harmonic component of the air gap magnetic ?ux, the maximum magnitude of the fundamental component of the air gap flux is calculated by interpolating the maxi mum magnitude of the third harmonic component of air gap ?ux relative to previously measured empirical data characteristic of the machine. From this calculation, values for the function )tam = f(vs3) are obtained where (4) 7 5,272,429 Am is the fundamental component of the air gap ?ux 8 ponent, so that the model is able to predict the satura tion effects with good accuracy. The presence of all odd harmonic components was found in the air gap ?ux, for a distance of 211' radians which corresponds to 360' of rotation of said rotor, and V,; is the third harmonic component of the stator including the triplens. The ratio between the third and ?fth harmonic amplitudes was about 3.75, and between voltage for the distance of 211 radians which corre sponds to 360° of rotation of the rotor. the third and the seventh harmonics the ratio was about 7.5. These ratios are much larger than they would be for The previously measured empirical data is obtained by preliminarily establishing for the machine the quanti the case of a square wave, showing that the resultant air tative relationship between the maximum amplitude of the third harmonic component of the stator voltage at l0 gap ?ux is far from a square waveform. These higher harmonics could be incorporated if a better correlation rated line voltage for the machine and with the machine is desirable, but given the accuracy of the results, the operating under no mechanical load. The rotation speed higher harmonics are not really needed. of the rotor can be computed from higher harmonic Testing also has shown that the loading of the ma components associated with the third harmonic compo chine does not introduce any noticeable phase shift in nent of the stator voltage. 15 the third harmonic ?ux. The resultant air gap ?ux kept In a preferred embodiment, the machine is a multi its basic flattened top characteristic for all load condi phase induction machine and the third harmonic com tions. ponent of the stator voltage is measured by summing the voltages of each respective phase. More preferably, the machine is a three phase induction motor. The variation of the third harmonic voltage signal current can be measured concurrently with the measur with the motor speed for a constant air gap ?ux level was evaluated. The variation of the third harmonic voltage signal was a linear function of the speed as ing of the third harmonic component of the stator volt expected from the model, since the motor operated According to the method, a representative stator 20 age; and the stator current can then be compared with under a no-load condition. Even for an air gap ?ux the calculated third harmonic component of the air gap reduced to half of its rated value, the third harmonic magnetic ?ux to determine the phase angle therebe voltage signal had considerable amplitude. This indi tween. cates that this signal can be utilized to estimate the air gap flux of the machine even at reduced ?ux levels. The air gap magnetic ?ux information can be used to calculate the output power of the motor. The output power calculation can be based on rotor speed and torque. Only a single sensor wire attached to the neutral point of the machine need be employed to cause the In addition, the torque of the machine can be com puted from the equation: T = 3+ lias| liamls'mwm (5) where: |iaS| is the amplitude of the representative stator current, |7tam| is the amplitude of the fundamental component of the air gap magnetic ?ux, 71m is the phase angle between the stator current and the third harmonic component of the air gap mag netic ?ux, P is the number of poles, and T is the torque. 35 respective phase voltages to be accessible. Input power is separately calculated from the electri cal energy being fed, for example, from a rectifier to a voltage source inverter being used to supply power to the induction motor. The calculated output power and input power are both fed into a microprocessor, or the like, which is programmed with an efficiency maximization algorithm that utilizes both such power inputs and produces an output signal that is fed to a voltage and frequency The output power of the machine can also be com controller. Cutputs from the controller are fed to a puted from the equation 45 voltage source inverter and thereby used to regulate the input power. The air gap flux is thus readily adjusted to Po= T to (6) produce a minimum input power for a fixed amount of where: output power (fixed speed motor operation). P0 is the output power Although a three-phase induction motor is described T is the torque, 50 herein for illustrative purposes, the ef?ciency maximi zation technique of this invention can be extended to w is the rotation speed of the rotor, and wherein a) is computed from harmonic components higher than other types of alternating current machines, as those skilled in the art will readily appreciate. the third harmonic component which are associ ated with the stator voltage. In the case of electrical machine static drive systems Tests were conducted using a 3-hp, 230 V, 4 pole which inherently involve varying load demands, im induction motor, and a 7.5-hp, 220 V, 4 pole induction provement in operating efficiency is possible at an in motor (referred to, respectively, as Motor #1 and herently relatively low price since the controller used Motor #2) in evaluation work relating to the present to develop the optimum ?ux condition is derived from invention. With the exception of the tests done to evalu the same converter used to vary the speed of the drive. ate the operation of a machine at different frequencies, 60 In these applications, the cost of an inverter is already all the evaluation tests were performed with the indi justified on the basis of its energy saving impact on the cated test machine powered by a sinusoidal voltage load; for example, eliminating vanes to control the flow supply. A spectrum analysis of the frequency contents for the of air in a compressor, or the like. Given an induction motor drive delivering a particu air gap flux was performed to see whether or not the 65 lar mechanical output power, many different combina third harmonic component of the air gap magnetic flux was the dominating saturation harmonic. The third harmonic was found to be the dominant harmonic com tion pairs of stator voltage and synchronous frequency are possible once the mechanical output power is satis ?ed. The efficiency for each one of the various motor 9 5,272,429 operating conditions is different. For instance, when the ~ applied voltage is high and the frequency is low, the l machine saturates and excessive iron losses occur. 10 speed decreases, the copper losses become dominant, implying that a better ef?ciency is achieved with in creased ?ux level and lower slip. The frequency of the rotor slot pulsations, is conve When the voltage is low and the frequency is high, the , iron losses are reduced because the machine is not satu rated as much, but the slip is high, whichcontributes to niently detected by an analog circuitry employing a an increase in the rotor and stator copper losses. A loss model for an induction motor such as de chanical speed is then readily computed from that signal using, for example, a technique similar to that described scribed above can be used in order to evaluate the in- duction motor ef?ciency at different values of voltage and frequency while maintaining a constantlevel of output power. For example, when efficiency contours for Motor #1 for an output power level of 0.25pu were : plotted, it was found that maximum efficiency (about 81 conventional variable band-pass-?lter. The rotor me by Zinger in "Induction Motor Speed Control Using ‘Tapped Stator windings” Ph.D. Dissertation, Univer sity of Wisconsin, Madison, 1988. Two embodiments of efficiency controllers are shown in FIGS. 5 and 6. In. FIG. 5, the amplitude of the third harmonic stator voltage component is not used. percent) was reached for a stator phase voltage value of 15 However, the phase of the stator voltage signal is em 110 Vrm and a vfrequency value of about 38 Hz, corre ployed to resolve the stator current into its respective sponding to a ratio of volts/frequency (V/f) of 2.89. For flux producing and the torque producing components. a voltage value of 127 Vrms and a frequency of 60 Hz, The voltage and frequency of the inverter are then which corresponds to the rated value of V/f=2. 12, the adjusted to reach a minimum input power by adjusting e?iciency of the motor was lower than 72 percent. 20 the flux producing component of motor current while Thus, an improvement of about 10 percent in the motor keeping the speed constant. ef?ciency is achieved when the machine is operated Implementation of this constant speed ef?ciency con with V/f=2.89 instead of with the rated V/f for this troller is shown in FIG. 5. In general, the ef?ciency load condition. controller operates in the background with a minimiza As another example, efficiency contours for Motor 25 tion algorithm updating the voltage and frequency com! #2 were plotted for a load condition of 0.25pu. It was mands perhaps only several times per second to drive found that a maximum efficiency value of about 91.3 the operating point to adrninimum input power while percent was achieved for a V/f of 2.22 while a value of keeping the output power constant. Hence, the overall about 81 percent is encountered for the rated V/f of dynamic response of the drive remains essentially unaf 2.12. An improvement in ef?ciency of about 10 percent 30 fected. The optimum controller should be disabled is thus achieved in this condition. when a new speed command is issued or when the load Maximum voltage and maximum torque limits are demand changes. However, such problems are resolv thus indicated. The maximum voltage limit for the able by prior art teachings; see, for example, D. S. motor operation is ?xed at 20 percent above the rated Kirschen, "Optimal Efficiency Control of Induction voltage value, and it is reached for high values of V/f; On the other hand, when this ratio is small, the pull out torque can be reached, and further reduction in this ratio would not be possible if the speci?ed output power were to be maintained. At any rate, the maximum ef? Machines”, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wiscon sin, Madison, 1985. If the torque is reasonably constant with speed, or varies only slightly, a maximum ef? ciency condition can still be maintained even while the torque is changing. ciency is always achieved for the V/f ratio between these two limit values. These limits, however, have to be monitored in order to avoid operational problems. The second ef?ciency controller embodiment shown in FIG. 6 is applicable in cases where the torque speed The ef?ciency contours for Motor #1 for the same output power level of 0.25 pu (as above described with three different values for the load torque, T1=O.25 pu, T1=O.36 pu and T1=0.43 pu) were studied. It was pensed with since regulation at constant torque implies found that the solution pair voltage/frequency has to satisfy the torque constraint, causing the efficiency to become a function of the torque that the motor has to supply at the output power level. Thus, a maximum ef?ciency of 81.2 percent for a Pm of 0.25 pu is possible only if the torque supplied by the motor is in the neigh borhood of 0.36 pu. As the load torque is reduced to curve is essentially ?xed, such as fans, pumps, and the like. In such cases, the speed measurement can be dis that-output power is also maintained constant. An im plementation for this constant torque and/or constant power ef?ciency controller is shown in FIG. 6. While these illustrative embodiments each employ a series connected recti?er and inverter between the power supply and the induction motor, it will be appre ciated by those skilled in the art that the inventive con troller does not require the use of such particular com ponents, and that other components performing equiva 0.25 pu, for instance, the maximum ef?ciency attainable lent functions can be used. drops to approximately 77 percent. 55 In such ef?ciency controllers, the torque is computed For such variation of ef?ciency with the torque level from the stator current and air gap ?ux as shown by: at a given constant output power, it is found that there . exists an optimal value for the load torque for which a maximum global efficiency is achieved; higher or lower . torque values result in lower values for the ef?ciency. Speci?cally, in the case of Motor #1, this torque value corresponds to 0.36 pu. At this value of torque, and at 0.25 pu of output power, the balance between the iron and copper losses favors a maximum ef?ciency. Lower values of torque imply higher speeds when the iron loss 65 becomes dominant. Consequently, a reduction of air - gap ?ux is necessary in order to improve the ef?ciency of the drive. On the other hand, as torque increases and ‘ r. = 3,5- li...| Mammy... (7) where the angle 7,7,, is de?ned as shown in FIG. 2. The amplitude of the air gap ?ux lhaml isobtained fromthe third harmonic ?ux component amplitude via a non-lin ear function de?ned as f),: llami =f>.(l>\3l) (8) This function relating the amplitudes of the funda mental and third harmonic components of the air gap 11 5,272,429 magnetic ?ux is associated with the saturation level of the machine. Values for this function are obtainable 12 amplitude. The fact that the amplitude of the square wave is known is important when normalizing the resul tant signal which is used to compute the angle yim. The experimentally using the conventional no-load test. The third harmonic component of air gap ?ux A3, in resultant squared current signal can be written as: turn, is obtained from an integration of the third har monic stator voltage signal, V53: (l3) A3 (+)= V8504; (9) Alternatively, torque T,, can be computed from: T e SP In the same way, the third harmonic voltage signal is also applied to a zero crossing detector, and the resul tant square wave is represented by: (10) we where |vg| is the amplitude for the fundamental com (14) ponent of the motor air gap voltage, which can be ob a = i 1?"; [Si-13w. - Vim) + -§- sinswe - 1...) + tained directly from the amplitude of the third har monic signal stator signal voltage V33 via another non linear function: 20 While this alternative way of computing the motor torque does not need any integration as in the method described above, it does require a knowledge of the synchronous frequency we. Most of the loads driven by adjustable frequency induction motor drives are of the type wherein the torque is a function of the speed to a positive power: T,_.= w,'< (12) with the exponent k being positive and normally higher than 1. Therefore, the implementation of the efficiency maximization controller presented in FIG. 6 is pre ferred, for its simplicity, rather than the scheme pro posed in FIG. 5. In FIG. 5, a simple analog adder circuit is used to obtain the third harmonic stator signal V,3, which, after being ?ltered by LPF (low pass ?lter), is free of high frequency contents due to the inverter switching fre quency and rotor slot ripple. The line current ia, is also ?ltered by a low pass ?lter (LPF) to compensate for the phase shift introduced into the signal V33 by the ?lter. Signal VS3 is then one of the input signals to a digital controller, which can be a Motorola DSP 56001, or the like, where it is sampled and integrated in order to gen erate the third harmonic component of the air gap flux signal A3. The amplitude for the air gap third harmonic flux {MI is then computed, and the amplitude of the fundamental air gap flux is next obtained by means of a reference table which includes function f)" as described in Eq. 8. Angle y,-,,, is thus determined. V53 is the only signal available for flux sensing. Normally, when air gap ?ux sensing is employed, two sensors are positioned in the air gap in a quadrature arrangement such that sine and cosine functions are generated. This arrangement al By multiplying these two square waves, a signal is produced containing direct current and oscillatory terms. Filtering this product signal with an LPF, a resultant signal is produced containing only a direct current component which is a function of the angle 'y,-,,,, as shown in Eq. 15: M, (1s) 16 Elig- [cosB'yim + % cos9'yi”, + 11.2 005157;", + .. .1 Angle 71", can be obtained from the signal My. A reference table can be implemented in the digital con troller. The input signal to this table is the normalized signal: 16 c e l My/7F3IS?, ( 16) which varies from —1 to +1. Here, the desirability of knowing the amplitudes I53 and I; is appreciated. The squaring of the current and third harmonic flux, and the multiplication of the two square waves, are each per formed with associated software. The option for the software solution is possible due to the high speed of the commercially available digital signal processors. In order to have a good resolution for the squaring of the third harmonic flux, a sampling period of 50 1.1.5 is used; however, longer and shorter time intervals can be used. Alternatively, if desired, a hardware solution can be employed, for example, if the controller is to be imple mented with a slower processor. In this case, it is advan tageous to perform the squaring and the multiplication of the two signals using a conventional hardware cir cuit, or the like. A simple hardware solution is pres lows the instantaneous estimation of the air gap ?ux position with respect to the stator mmf. Here, since one has a single signal (sine or cosine) for use, the position of 60 ented in FIG. 7. Since each of these two signals to be the air gap ?ux with respect to the stator current has to multiplied are square waves, a simple solution for the be determined indirectly. multiplier circuit is possible, making the need for a true multiplier unnecessary. ' Since no third harmonic component for the current signal exists, the current signal is applied to a non-linear After computing the angle between the fundamental network to generate a third harmonic output signal. A components of the air gap ?ux and stator current, the comparator, con?gured, for example, as a zero crossing output torque is computed as in Eq. 7. The torque thus detector, or the like, is chosen for use as such a network. The output signal is a square wave of ?xed and known computed is then used as a feedback variable for a torque regulator. The reference value for the torque, To 13 5,272,429 in FIG. 6, is theyalue that is obtained from a sample and hold block. The input to the sample and hold block is, the same value of the torque computed using Eq. 7. A brief description of the operation of the controller ' of FIG. 6 follows. The input power to the inverter is measured and its statistical variation (Spin) computed. When this variation is close to zero, or to a low de?ned value, it implies that the output power is constant and that the drive has reached a steady state condition. Only then does the efficiency algorithm such as the algorithm‘ of FIG. 8 act by enabling a timer interrupt that is pro-‘ grammed to be internally generated by the micro FIG. 9 shows some illustrative simulation results obtained from the efficiency controller used with Motor #1. The traces shown from bottom or top are: (l) alter nating current active input power to the converter, (ii) input power sampled at a rate of approximately 1 Hz, (iii) output mechanical power, and (iv) amplitude of the stator phase voltage. The output power corresponds to approximately 0.25‘ pu with the motor running at rated speed. As the applied voltage was reduced by the con troller, the torque regulator kept the torque at a con processor every 50 [LS or more or less as desired. Before stant level. As a result, since the load driven by the motor has a quadratic torque speed characteristic (fan type), the output power was kept constant. From this enabling the interrupt, the torque at the steady state simulation case, a gain of approximately 120 Watts was condition is estimated and de?ned as the referencevalue achieved which implies a gain of about 15 percent in (To) for the torque regulator. This torque reference value is kept constant throughout the optimization pro efficiency. A situation where the actual torque, and the torque computed via the third harmonic ?ux, and the funda mental current signals for a positive step change in the trol, is required. When such change in command oc 20 applied voltage of about 0.35 V, was studied. The out put signal of the torque regulator, was added to the curs, or when the optimization process is over, the timer cess, or until an external change in the operating condi tions, coming from an operator or any automatic con» interrupt is disabled. The program is directed to com frequency command sent to the inverter. In this case, the motor was started from rest with rated voltage, pute the input power variation only when an external frequency, and rated load. The voltage change oc command change occurs in the command. When the optimization process is over, the timer interrupt is dis 25 curred after the efficiency controller detected no change in the input power when the starting transient abled, and the controller then keeps waiting for any had ended. The increase _in voltage did not produce a change coming externally. change in the output torque because the torque regula After the system reaches a steady state condition, the tor decreased the synchronous frequency applied to the efficiency algorithm takes over by decrementing the voltage command to the inverter by AVS. The output 30 inverter. The necessary correction for the frequency was small because the torque did not vary much from its torque then decreases, and the torque error increases, value prior to the voltage disturbance. For this simula which makes the torque regulator generate a change in > tion case, the torque estimation was performed at a rate the synchronous frequency in order to adjust the torque of 10ms, and, because of that, it followed the actual back to its original value prior to the voltage change. 35 torque with some delay. It was noticed that the torque After the torque is regulated, the efficiency algorithm response was much better for the experimental imple compares the new input power level with the value before the voltage and frequency changes, and decides if further changes in these variables are necessary in order to achieve a minimum input power. FIG. 8 presents a ?ow chart for a digital implementa tion of one suitable controller. The torque regulator is activated every time that an interrupt occurs (such as, for example, 50 us, or more or less), while the optimiza mentation where the torque is computed at a rate of 50 us. In another simulation, the actual torque, speed, input power and variation of the stator voltage were plotted. Relatively large power and torque oscillations were found to occur at every change in the stator voltage. However, the steady state torque was kept constant while the input power decreased to a value that was tion of the input power and the changes of voltage 45 approximately 75 Watts lower than the initial power occur at a much lower rate, such as, for example, 400rns, or more or less, which values were employed in the case of a test and evaluation implementation. The whole input power minimization process can take several seconds. Enough time is given to the torque regulator to adjust the torque of the machine according to the reference value. A digital simulation model for the proposed ef?- ‘ ciency controller was developed and utilized as a tool to aid in the design and evaluation of the software and 55 hardware implementation of the system. The simulation program assumes a third harmonic air gap ?ux compo nent which amplitude is governed by the saturation function f), as in Eq. 8. A complete model for the sys level. The conditions in which these traces were ob tained are the same as those used in acquiring the data in the referenced FIG. 9. . The third harmonic voltage waveform and one of the phase currents for Motor #2, were obtained for a rated load condition and sinusoidal voltage supply. A'Spec trum Analyzer was utilized to measure the harmonic contents of the third harmonic. The third harmonic was clearly the dominant component followed by the rotor slot harmonic. The amplitude of the third harmonic signal was a function of the saturation level of the ma chine, and, consequently, was a function of the excita tion voltage. These same quantities were obtained for Motor #2 at tem, such as the one developed for a controller as de 60 a no-load condition and fed by the PWM inverter de scribed hereinabove is not applicable in this case. The solution for the complete model requires a very small integration step size in order to accommodate the varia scribed below. The third harrnonic voltage contained the high frequency components due to the inverter switchingfrequency and the rotor slot harmonic. The rotor slot harmonic had a signi?cant amplitude when plete loss model for the induction machine (such as the 65 compared to the rest of the harmonics in the spectrum, tions of the saturation factor. On the other hand, a com one described hereinabove) is, however, suitable for use in this exemplary embodiment and in this simulation program. allowing the speed detection to be implemented, if de sired,.or needed. As the motor load increased and the terminal voltage was kept constant, the third harmonic 5,272,429 15 voltage amplitude dropped due to a reduction in air gap flux while the rotor slot harmonic amplitude increased, mainly because of the increase in the rotor mrnf har monic components. The high frequency noise still pres ent in the third harmonic signal was further reduced 16 machines so that the mechanical load was measurable. The voltage source PWM inverter described herein was modi?ed so that a direct and independent control of both voltage and frequency could be possible. The con trol software as described previously and illustrated in FIG. 8 was implemented in a development system using without any difficulty by ?ltering the signal. The spec trum for the third harmonic signal showed a low fre a CPU (central processing unit) board commercially quency content which was due to a slight imbalance in obtained from Motorola which utilizes the Digital Sig nal Processor 56001. Analog to digital (a/d) and digital the inverter output voltage. Such conditions, however, do not pose any problem in the processing of the third harmonic signal which is by far the dominant compo to analog (d/a) converters were built, as well as an interface circuitry between the controller and the in verter signals. Anti-aliasing low pass ?lters commer cially obtained with cut off frequencies around 10 KHz nent. Experimental results were obtained and plotted as shown in‘ FIG. 10 showing the variation of the sensed third harmonic rms voltage, V3, with the fundamental rms line voltage, V11, for Motor #2 operating without load with sinusoidal excitation at fundamental fre were installed in each one of the analog to digital con verters. Three channels of a/d were employed to input the line current, third harmonic voltage, and the input quency. It was found that a very useful signal for the power signals. An interface circuit was built to obtain third harmonic voltage existed even for terminal volt the third harmonic signal. It consisted of an isolation ages approaching 30 percent of the rated value. 20 differential ampli?er for each one of the stator phase As the machine mechanical load increased, the angle 'Yim between ?xed points in the third harmonic voltage voltages and an adder for the three signals. Independent control of the gain for each one of the isolation ampli? waveform and the line current increased as mentioned ers was chosen in order to guarantee that the three previously. Motor #2 was loaded from zero to rated phase voltages had the same amplitude before being load while keeping the stator voltage at rated value. 25 added. The input power to the machine was measured The motor output power was computed from the via a wattmeter (Yokogawa) which offers an analog third harmonic signal where the third harmonic stator voltage itself gives information about the air gap ?ux output signal proportional to the power measured. The motor stator current was measured by a circuit includ ing a Hall effect sensor. while the slot harmonic was used to estimate the me chanical speed. Table II (below) shows the experimen The traces shown in FIG. 11 were obtained from the ef?ciency controller thus constructed. From bottom to top, the Figure shows: (i) amplitude of the stator cur tal and estimated results obtained for Motor #2. The torque estimate, Tmest, was computed from Eqs. 7 and 8. Values for the function relating the third harmonic rent, (ii) third harmonic voltage signal, (iii) torque mea sured by the torquemeter, and (iv) torque computed by amplitude of the air gap flux and the air gap fundamen tal ?ux amplitude expressed by Eq. 8 were derived from 35 the ef?ciency controller. A torque step from rated to the preliminarily acquired machine characteristic data zero was applied to the motor at approximately 3 sec which, as measured, yielded results as presented in FIG. onds. It is clear that the computed torque follows very 8. The speed estimation, when, was obtained from the rotor slot ripple, as mentioned before. TABLE II well the actual torque variation as measured by the torquemeter. The correlation between the computed Experimental and Estimated Results Obtained From the Third Hannonic Voltage Signal for Motor #2 P in Tm w! P0 (W) 6613.00 5673.00 5049.00 4433.00 3816.00 3227.00 2693.00 2120.00 1559.00 994.00 479.00 (N - m) 29.82 25.56 22.72 19.88 17.04 14.20 11.36 8.52 5.68 2.84 0.00 (rpm) 1744.30 1753.00 1758.70 1764.10 1770.30 1775.20 1779.80 1784.50 1789.00 1793.30 1797.40 (W) 5447.01 4692.16 4184.37 3672.56 3158.97 2639.77 2117.28 1592.16 1064.11 533.34 0.00 17 0.82 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.83 0.82 0.79 0.75 0.68 0.54 0.00 Trmest. (?nest. Pa 2:1. (N - 111) 29.80 26.17 22.95 20.08 17.32 14.54 12.09 9.08 5.69 3.32 0.00 (rpm) 1740.28 1750.99 1756.34 1761.70 1767.05 1772.41 1777.76 1783.12 1788.47 1792.04 1797.39 (W) 5430.80 4799.43 4220.18 3704.56 3204.18 2699.47 2251.18 1696.00 1064.74 622.91 0.00 7hr! 0.82 0.85 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.80 0.68 0.63 0.00 The results in Table II demonstrate that the estimated 55 values are very close in the values actually measured demonstrating that the third harmonic signal is highly suitable for purposes of estimating the machine speed, value and the measured value for the torque was veri ?ed for several values of load and it was very good. As torque, and output power. The measured and estimated FIG. 11 shows, the change that occurs in the amplitude mechanical load torques applied to Motor #2 as a func 60 of the third harmonic voltage as the motor load was tion of the speed for a constant frequency of 60 Hz and reduced to zero. The increase in the third harmonic rated voltage of 220 volts were compared and a very voltage amplitude came from the fact~that the saturation good correlation was obtained. level of the machine increases as the motor load de The indirect type of ef?ciency controller as depicted in FIG. 6 was implemented for Motor #2. The motor 65 Study of a more detailed plot for the torque variation was coupled in line with a direct current dynamometer shown in FIG. 11 reveals a very small response delay creases. that served as a controllable mechanical load. A torque meter (Himmelstein) was installed between the two ' computed torque. It has been veri?ed that delays in the order of 5 to 10 ms occurred for the computed torque 17 5,272,429 with respect to the actual torque variation. This delay is characteristic for this kind of controller since the ampli 18 tively low torque and medium speed (0.6 pu speed and tude of the air gap ?ux was detected every half cycle of the third harmonic flux signal. Another factor that con tributes to this delay was the fact that the angle yim. between the current and'?ux was obtained via a low 0.2 pu load torque) was evaluated. The results were - obtained from an experimental procedure where the input power P,-,, was measured by a digital wattmeter 'while the machine mechanical output power was kept constant. pass ?lter which was, in the implementation above, The experimental results for the same motor relate the increase in the machine efficiency as a function of programmed to have a cut off frequency at 10 Hz. This delay was reducible by increasingfor instance, the cut off frequency of the ?lter used to extract the angle 7;," . information. Some care should be taken in doing so however, because of the low frequency contents pres ent in the input signal M-,, to the ?lter. Another solution to the problem of detecting the. angle 'yim was implemented and evaluated. It consisted in detecting the zero crossing of both the third har speed for both relatively heavy and light torque loads of 0.8 and 0.2 pu. The efficiency increase was computed with reference to the efficiency obtained when the ma chine was operating at the same load torque with rated volts per Hertz. It was observed that when the motor was heavily loaded, efficiency was improved primarily for low speed operation, while, when the motor was lightly loaded, efficiency improvement was obtained at high speeds, due to the change in the optimum balance in monic ?ux and stator current. This solution, unfortu nately, did not allow a better measurement for the angle since it was found to be somewhat dif?cult to obtain an iron and copper losses for the two load conditions. A accurate zero crossing detection for current and third 20 substantial increase in efficiency was achieved at high harmonic flux. These signals appear to always have ' speeds and lowtorque suggesting that good induction some oscillatory components superimposed on them. motor efficiencies are maintained over a wide speed However, when the switching frequency of the invertor range. was higher, as it was in the case for the current regula The present invention can also provide an adaptive tor described below, this solution of estimating th angle ‘ , controller for correction of the rotor time constant used ‘Yim was found to work well and is presently preferred to for the calculation of slip frequency in indirect ?eld the solution utilized in the efficiency controller embodi oriented control (IFOC) of induction machines. Two ment. ' different embodiments of the controller method and The operation of the efficiency controller was veri means are provided. This can provide IFOC-type ?ed by further tests and traces showing the evolution of 30 adaptive controllers which are simple, reliable, and the command voltage applied to the inverter, in com independent as much as possible of the induction ma parison to the load torque, the actual stator voltage chine parameters. The adaptive controllers can be re amplitude, and the input power to the motor. This data trofitable into. existing induction machine systems. was obtained for Motor #2 running at rated speed and The adaptive controllers depend on one variable, the 3 percent of the rated load. When the efficiency con air gap ?ux. Thus, in the present invention, a model troller started its operation, the motor was running with reference adaptive controller (MRAC) and also a feed rated voltage and frequency. The controller then de creased the applied voltage while keeping the torque constant by adjusting the frequency. A minimum input forward/predictive feedback controller (FPFC) are provided which are each useful with an induction ma chine for indirect field oriented control. power was reached after approximately 20 seconds, 40 The MRAC depends only on a single, easily measur when the reduction in power amounted to about 380 able machine parameter estimate, namely, the magnetiz Watts. This was a signi?cant power saving, showing ing inductance. Moreover, a correction strategy to that, for this load condition, the iron losses were very compensate for changes in the magnetizing inductance high if the machine was operated with rated ?ux. Part due to changes in the air gap ?ux level is also provided. of the noise noticed in the signals was the result of Such strategy is based on a function which relates the transient oscillation occurring due to the step changes in value of this inductance to the third harmonic voltage the applied stator voltage. amplitude. As a result, the controller is very reliable As mentioned earlier, in the sample embodiment, the with regard to dependence on machine parameters. sampling time used for torque computation was selected However, the MRAC tends to exhibit high sensitivity to be 50 us and the voltage command was updated to the machine operating condition. every 400rns. In operation, this meant that the torque The FPFC utilizes the rotor magnetic ?ux which is regulator used 8,000 samples to perform the proper computed from the air gap magnetic flux as estimated regulation, while the optimization algorithm, in this, particular sample embodiment, took about 50 samples of input power to converge to the minimum value. The same variables were employed for the condition where the motor was running at rated speed and at 20 percent of rated torque. The efficiency controller was able in this case to reduce the input power by about 127 Watts, while keeping the load torque constant. In this case, it took longer for the voltage command signal to settle down around a constant level. This was because the input power as a function of the voltage and fre from the third harmonic voltage signal. Consequently, this controller is dependent on the rotor leakage induc 55 tance which contributes to a certain loss of reliability. Its response, however, characteristically tends to be less sensitive to the machine operating condition than the MRAC. These controllers do not require any sensors in the air gap of the machine nor complex computations of ma chine parameters or variables. Only access to the stator neutral connection is necessary in order to estimate the air gap flux. quency did not have a well pronounced minimum Both the MRAC and the FPFC IFOC adaptive con value. 65 trollers of this invention utilize the method of estimating The saving of electrical input power, Pin, that was the air gap ?ux and/or rotor flux from the third har obtained as a function of the fundamental component of monic component of the stator phase voltages that is the applied line voltage for Motor #2 operating at rela provided by this invention. Similarly to what is done in 5,272,429 19 the hereinabove described ef?ciency controller of this invention, the amplitude of the fundamental air gap flux component, [Mm], is ?rst obtained from the amplitude of the third harmonic component of stator voltage, V3 as derived from the integration of the third harmonic stator voltage signal VS; resulting from the summation of the three phase voltages in a three phase induction motor. Then, the amplitude of the fundamental compo nent of the flux linkage is expressed in terms of the third harmonic ?ux component by the non-linear function of Eq. 8. Values for lkaml are measured for a given ma chine or machine type. An example of values obtained for this function for one motor is given herein involving simulation and experimental results. The relative position of the fundamental component of the air gap ?ux with respect to the stator current is obtained by measuring the phase displacement between 20 q components. Therefore, changes in the torque or flux commands produce variations in the air gap ?ux level, and, consequently, in the magnetizing inductance, espe cially if the machine operates in the non-linear segment of the magnetization characteristic curve, as is common. A function has been discovered which relates the actual value of the magnetizing inductance with the magnitude of the third harmonic ?ux component. This function can be considered to have been obtained from the function relating the fundamental air gap ?ux ampli tude and third harmonic air gap ?ux amplitude de scribed by f), in Eq. 8. This function, designated as f]_,,,, 15: Lm=fLm(lA3l) (17) This function relating L,” and [MI is optionally but two ?xed points, one in the third harmonic air gap preferably incorporated in the MRAC controller in magnetic ?ux T3 and the other in the stator line current FIG. 12, which is easily accomplished, and the resulting waveform in, (see FIG. 2) so that such waveform dis 20 adaptive control scheme becomes independent of varia placement corresponds to the phase displacement be tions in the magnetizing inductance. FIG. 13 shows an tween the maximum values for each of the fundamental embodiment of such an IFOC MRAC-type controller components of current in, and air gap flux Am. for correcting the rotor time constant which incorpo The fundamental and third harmonic components of rates this function. the air gap flux, and also the stator current, are depicted 25 The performance of the MRAC is demonstrated by in a vector representation in FIG. 4 from which it is plots which show the steady state value of the normal clear that the air gap flux is resolvable into its d and q ized d-axis component of the air gap ?ux as a function of components from a knowledge of its magnitude and the the normalized detuning of the rotor time constant for respective angles 71,-", and 0b. The dependence of the MRAC type of controller on machine parameters is minimizable when a convenient machine variable is chosen. In accord with the present Motor #3, which is characterized below. These quanti ties are normalized with respect to the values at ideal ?eld orientation condition. Plots for three different values of torque at rated flux are prepared. The results shown demonstrate that the correct value of rotor time constant is always obtained because the Ad"? is not a tance of the machine to establish an IFOC-type adapt 35 doubly valued function and because it presents a zero ive controller for the rotor time constant. flux error at the correct rotor time constant for all The MRAC controller utilizes the air gap ?ux mea torque conditions. These results also demonstrate that sured from the third harmonic content of the stator the controller is always stable regarding the direction of voltages for both rotor time constant estimation as well change in the rotor time constant. as magnetizing inductance estimation. The air gap mag A possible potential problem for this MRAC-type of netic flux so measured is resolved into its d and q com controller is its low sensitivity to detuning for low invention, which variable is the air gap magnetic flux, one needs only a knowledge of the magnetizing induc ponents. The d component is utilized in the adaptation scheme for the rotor time constant. The q component is utilized to show the magnitude of the flux or to estimate the magnetizing inductance. The d-axis component of the air gap ?ux, which has the same value as the rotor ?ux when the machine is ?eld oriented, is then computed as shown in Eqs. 1 and 2 above. The air gap flux d-axis component computed from Eq. 1 above is utilized by the MRAC. FIG. 12 illustrates an embodiment of the MRAC for rotor time constant correction. ‘ The simplicity of the MRAC is striking. It requires only an estimate for the magnetizing inductance, L,,,', in order to set the flux reference value, Mme‘, which, together with the flux computed as in Eq. 1 de?nes a ?ux error signal, Altdmll. This error is driven to zero by a regulator as the rotor time constant, T}, is adjusted to its correct value. The MRAC simplicity is possible only because of the choice for the model output chosen, Mm in this case. torque conditions. The results of the indicated perfor mance evolution suggest that a low sensitivity to detun ing exists when the exemplary machine is running at 10 45 percent of its rated torque. This could perhaps represent a problem if a correct tuning is desired when operating at light load conditions. A solution for this potential problem is to increase the controller gains which should be done with caution in order not to compromise the dynamic response capability of the entire system of which this controller is a part. The dynamic response capability of the MRAC is also sensitive to the operating condition of the system. The simulation and experimental results obtained in evaluation of an embodiment of the MRAC show that the MRAC response is a function, for instance, of the direction of change in the rotor time constant. This type of behavior can be explained by the fact that the MRAC, which is implemented with constant controller gains, is actuating in a non-linear system. Consequently, the eigenvalues of the system including the MRAC controller are space variant, changing as the operating In spite of the simpli?cation obtained, the MRAC still conditions of the drive are changed. depends on the magnetizing inductance, a parameter Despite these potential problems with sensitivity and that is likely to vary with changes in the machine oper 65 variant dynamics, the MRAC presents the very attrac ating conditions. Variations in the magnetizing induc tive characteristic of being practically independent of tance are characteristically associated with the air gap machine parameters. The only machine-derived data flux level which is a function of the stator current d and desirable for its implementation is the function fL", 21 5,272,429 relating the magnetizing inductance and the amplitude A 22 terms that correspond to the de?nition for w, can be of the third harmonic of the air gap ?ux. The result is 'a . written as: controller with high reliability. Evaluation results have shown that the MRAC. is capable of estimating the 0= Amid,"- liq; -r'r‘:A)td,3_ 1iq,3— 5A4, — 1M4,’ correct optimum air gap ?ux value for a wide range of 5 rotor speeds. (23) Assuming that the actual stator currents follow ex~ In most practical applications, the detuning of the slip actly the references, the division of Eq. 23 by Eq. 22 calculator is a result of changes in the rotor resistance yields an expression for the error in the slip gain as a function of the error in the rotor ?ux components, as which has a thermal time constant that is much larger ‘ than any relevant electrical or mechanical time con-' follows: . stants in the system. As a result, the variant dynamic response of the MRAC is not necessarily an issue with which to be concerned if stability is guaranteed. Fur thermore; in applications where the motor operates close to its rated torque during most of the operating 15 cycle, the potential problem of low sensitivity presented Alternatively, the expression for Am above is express by this controller is not important. ible in terms of the actual d-axis rotor ?ux instead of its To improve the MRAC sensitivity to detuning at reference value: light loads and also its dynamic response, another em bodiment of an IFOC adaptive controller is presented,. 20‘ identi?ed as FPFC. The FPFC generates a rotor ?ux error which is used as a feedback signal to the controller while the slip frequency calculator generates the feedforward input signal. A principal operational feature of the FPFC is As a result, the deviation in the parameter estimation 25 represented by Am is readily computed as a function of the way in which the error in the rotor ?ux is related to the error in the d and q components of the rotor ?ux. This error is used by a controller algorithm to compute the error in the slip gain when detuning-occurs. The two rotor ?ux components are affected by any amount the necessary change in the slip gain commanded to the slip frequency calculator. When Am is added to the estimate in, Eq. 22 yields: of detuning due to changes in the machine parameters, and this error is used to predict the change that occurs in the machine parameters. The derivation for the rela w.'=<a+Am)iq.">are’-1=(K;+AK.)iqs" tionship between the rotor ?ux error and the changes in the machine parameters follows. The q-axis rotor voltage can be written as: o=r,iq,i+paq,,3+w,xd,3 (26) where the symbol K,‘ is the rated slip gain computed 35 from Eq. 27, and K, is its variation obtained from Eq. 25: (18) Considering that the detuning is mainly caused by changes in the rotor resistance which occur at a slow I rate, the assumption can be made that the term p hqre is 40 close to zero. Hence, the foregoing equation above can ' be rewritten as: The rotor ?ux used in Eq. 25 to compute the error in the slip gain error is estimated from a processing of the third harmon'ic voltage signal. As explained previously 45 herein, the third harmonic stator voltage signal and one The q-axis rotor for ?ux a non-saturated machine is of the stator currents are used to estimate the air gap given by: ?ux d and q components. The rotor flux is then readily computed from these quantities according to: 50 The slip frequency ws from Eq. 19, after substituting ie therewith from Eq. 20, is given by: A L, l (28) X2, = T'hzm — 14,12, In ' <29) (21) 55 Although dependent on machine parameters, the rotor ?ux is obtainable with'reasonable accuracy since With the machine operating under ?eld orientation, the commanded slip frequency w;'=ms, and the esti the rotor leakage inductance, L1, andv the ratio Lr/Lm are only moderately dependent on the saturation level. mates of m and n coincide with the actual values for m 60 The rotor ?ux references needed in the computation of and n in the Eq. 21 above, as shown by: a,‘=ri1q,¢‘td,3‘—1 the ?ux error are simply de?ned as zero for the q-axis component, and as a constant value for the d-axis com (22) ‘ponent. This last value can be originated from a ?ux regulator, if desired. where the q-axis component of the rotor ?ux is zero. When a detuning occurs, an error in the parameter estimates appears as well as in the rotor ?ux compo nents, such that the slip frequency, after identifying the 65 - FIG. 14 illustrates an embodiment of an FPFC imple mented in an induction machine indirect ?eld orienta tion system. As for the case of a MRAC, the estimate for the magnetizing inductance is obtained from the