International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016), pp.77-90 A Novel Soft Set Approach for Feature Selection Daoli Yanga, Zhi Xiaoa,b,1,2, Wei Xua, Xianning Wanga and Yuchen Pana a School of Economics and Business Administration, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, PR China b Chongqing Key Laboratory of Logistics, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, PR China Abstract Feature selection is an important preprocess for data mining. The soft set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with uncertainties. Merging the soft set theory into the feature selection process based on rough sets facilitates the computation with equivalence classes and improves the efficiency. We propose a paired relation soft set model based on equivalence classes of the information system. Then we use it to present the lower approximate set in the form of soft sets and calculate the degree of dependency between relations. Furthermore, we give a new mapping to obtain equivalence classes of indiscernibility relations and propose a feature selection algorithm based on the paired relation soft set model. Compared to the algorithm based NSS, this algorithm shows 18.17% improvement on an average. Meantime, both of the algorithms show a good scalability. Keywords: soft set, feature selection, rough set, information system 1. Introduction Feature selection is an important issue in data mining. In the big data era, the scale of databases grows rapidly with an increasing number of features due to availability of more detailed information. The existence of irrelative features is inevitable. Feature selection can eliminate those features so that it reduces the dimensionality, improves the predictive accuracy and enhances comprehensibility of the induced concepts [1]. Besides, features may have approximate relationships with each other. Using a subset of features to represent other features and deduce the classification results is an imprecise process. The rough set theory is a powerful tool to process such kind of imprecision [2-4]. Thus, it is incorporated into feature selection algorithms. However, the computation with equivalence classes in these algorithms is inconvenient and hard to understand. The soft set theory can facilitate the computation and improve the efficiency. Recent literatures of rough set based feature selection algorithms mainly focus on three aspects: feature evaluation, search strategies and practical application. Feature evaluation provides the significance of the candidate features which is represented by dependency degree in the rough set theory. For different nature of data, calculation methods of the dependency degree are different. Several types of data have been studied, such as fuzzy data [5], data with noise [6], dynamic incomplete data [7], hybrid data [8], etc. As for search strategies, there are commonly used methods like sequential forward selection and sequential backward elimination [6], as well as many heuristic methods which are hybrid genetic algorithm [9], granular neural network [5], water drops algorithm [10], etc. Some literatures explore feature selection based on rough set for practical application in 1 2 Corresponding Author, email: Supported by the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71171209) ISSN: 2005-4270 IJDTA Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) domains like computer security [11] and assessment of power systems [12]. But researches focusing on the improvement in efficiency when calculating the dependency degree of features are few. This kind of improvement is also crucial in improving performance of rough set based feature selection. The soft set theory was proposed by D. MOLODTSOV in 1999 [13]. It offers a rigid mathematical theory to deal with uncertainties. Unlike the probability theory and the fuzzy set theory suffering from the inadequacy of the parameterization tools, the soft set theory is free of those problems. This makes the theory easily applicable in practice [13] and very convenient to combine with other theories. In recent years, studies about the soft set theory are growing rapidly in many fields such as modern algebra [14], forecasting [15], decision making [16], data analysis [17], etc. It has been proved that every rough set is a soft set, which shows the necessity to combine two theories together [18]. As for the dependency degree in the rough set theory, Qin et al. [19] had found an efficient way to calculate it by constructing a soft set model (NSS) for an information system. Later, Mamat et al. [20] gave a new clustering method of attributes based on the same soft set model. Both of them suggest that the method based on the soft set theory is efficient and easy to apply. However, there are two remaining issues they don’t tackle. One is how to get equivalence classes of the indiscernibility relation of features based on the soft set theory and the other is how to apply the soft set model to feature selection which is different from feature cluster. Our main contributions are summarized as follows: (a) We propose a paired relation soft set model (PRSS) based on the information system. We use it to construct the lower approximate set, present the approximate set in the form of soft set and furthermore calculate the dependency degree between features. (b) We propose a method to acquire equivalence classes of indiscernibility relations based on the PRSS. (c) We present a feature selection algorithm based on the PRSS and apply it to seventeen UCI benchmark data sets. The result shows improvement in efficiency compared to the method based on NSS. The rest of our paper contains four sections. Section 2 presents the fundamental theory. Section 3 proposes the paired relation soft set model, a method to acquire equivalence classes of indiscernibility relations and the relative feature selection algorithm. Section 4 compares experimental results with the NSS method. The final section concludes our work. 2. Essential Rudiments 2.1. Rough Set Theory Definition 1 (Information system [4]): Suppose there is a pair =( , ) of non-empty, finite sets and , where is the universe set of objects, and is a set consisting of attributes, i.e. functions , where is the set of values of attribute , called the domain of . The pair =( , ) is called an information system. Sometimes, we distinguish in an information system =( , ) a partition of A into two classes , of attributes, called condition and decision (action) attributes, respectively. The tuple called a decision system [4]. Definition 2 (Indiscernibility relation [3]): In an information system , if and , then (intersection of all equivalence relations belonging to ), denoted by , will be called an indiscernibility relation over . The equivalence class of involving element is denoted by . The denotes the family of all equivalence classes of 78 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) . Meantime we denote the family of all equivalence relations defined in as . Definition 3 (The lower and upper approximations [3]): With each subset and an equivalence relation , we associate two subsets: (1) Called the -lower and -upper approximations of respectively. Definition 4 (Degree of partial dependency [3]): Let =( , ) be an information system and , . We say that depends in a degree ( ) from , if and only if (2) Where is denotes the cardinality of the set and the -positive region of . Dependency degree shows the importance of for (3) . 2.2. Soft Set Theory Let be the initial universe set and be a set of parameters. Definition 5 (Soft set [13]): A pair of is called a soft set (over ) if and only if is a mapping of into the set of all subset of the set . In other words, the soft set is a parameterized family of subsets of the set . Every set , , from this family may be considered as the set of -elements of the soft set , or as the set of - approximate elements of the soft set [13]. Definition 6 (Soft subset [21]): For two soft sets and over a common universe set , the is a soft subset of if and , and are identical approximations. It is denoted as . Apparently, for a set of - approximate elements of , we can define a corresponding soft set which has only one parameter . . Let and be soft sets over , then operation * for soft sets [13] is , Where , , the sets and . Example 1: There are five houses evaluated by three criterions , and , and (4) is the Cartesian product of which are ready to be . Suppose . Then we get the soft set . If we want to know which houses are both expensive and beautiful, we get , and execute the intersection operation as follows (5) , (6) That is . 2.3. A Soft Set Model on Equivalence Class Computation in the rough set theory always involves intersection, union of the sets of equivalence classes and the dependency degree between attributes. It is inconvenient to execute these operations directly on the information system. Thus, Qin et al. [19] constructed a soft set model over equivalence classes to facilitate the computation. Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC 79 International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Given an information system =( , ), denotes the set of all equivalence classes in the partitions , where . Let = be the initial universe set of objects and = be the set of parameters. denotes the power set of . Meantime, define mapping . The pair is a soft set model over equivalence classes (NSS) [19]. Table 1 shows the tabular representation of , where and is either 1 or 0, , . Table 1. The Tabular Representation of the Soft Set over Equivalence Classes Then they defined two soft set and where , : and (7) The lower and upper approximations of parameter defined as with respect to attribute , where . The lower and upper approximations of attribute defined as with respect to attribute are (8) are (9) where . In the following, we just present an example for soft set . is similar. Example 2: we consider the information system of house evaluation as shown in Table 2. Then, Then they The lower and upper approximations of parameter with respect to attribute are defined h The lower and upper approximations of attribute with respect to attribute are he In the following, we just present an example for soft set . is similar. Example 2: we consider the information system of house evaluation as shown in Table 2. partitions of each attribution are , and . The soft set is shown in Table 3. For , , and , , = and = . Thus, 80 = . Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Table 2. An Information System of House Evaluation price appearance material expensive beautiful wood cheap beautiful metal cheap ugly brick Table 3. The Tabular Representation of Soft Set Based on NSS 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 3. Proposed Paired Relation Soft Set Technique 3.1. Paired Relation Soft Set Given an information system =( , ) and two relations , , . When examining the upper and lower approximation sets of with respect to , it is unnecessary to include all the equivalence classes of them into . As shown in Table 3, computation in cells with color is redundant. Thus, we change the initial universe set and parameter of NSS. Definition 7 (Paired relation soft set): Let and . Define the mapping . A pair of is called paired relation soft set for its universe set and parameters stemming from two relations and , respectively. Table 4. The Tabular Representation of PRSS \ Example 3: For , example 2, let and and . . , and . The tabular representation of PRSS for the appearance and price is shown in Table 4. Then we can construct the soft sets and , where mappings and are in the formula 7. The tabular representation of soft set and for appearance and price in Example 2 is shown in Table 5. Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC 81 International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Table 5. The Tabular Representation of Soft Sets on PRSS and appearance Based appearance \ \ pric e 1 0 0 0 pric e 1 0 1 1 3.2. Computation of Dependency Degree Based on PRSS According to formula 2, the computation of the dependency degree requires the lower approximate set and the positive region. We firstly give a soft set with two parameter sets. Then, based on that soft set and , we present the soft set representation of the lower approximate set and the computation of dependency degree. A soft set with two parameter sets is shown as follows. Given an information system =( , ) and two relations , , . Let , . Define mapping . We get soft set . Meantime, let , , , and . The lower approximation set of parameter with respect to is represented by soft set where , is as shown in Table 5. Apparently, The lower approximation of parameter with respect to where (10) . is represented by soft set . Then, Compare (11) . with , we have = = (12) where . The lower approximation of relation with respect to is represented by soft set . Then, Compare (13) . and , we get, (14) where . Apparently, soft set is the -positive region of (see formula 2 and 3). To get the dependency degree, we also need the cardinality of . . (15) However, if we only want to get the dependency degree, it is unnecessary to calculate first. In the following, we provide a direct way to get the dependency degree. Based on soft set (see table 5), the cardinality of is 82 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) . The cardinality of (16) is , The cardinality of (17) is . The degree of dependency of relation with respect to (18) is . Given a decision system represented by , (19) , the positive region of on is (20) The dependency degree of decision on is represented by . (21) Example 4: we present the low approximate set and the degree of dependency for (appearance) and (price) in Example 3 based on in Table 5. , , , . , , . The lower approximation of relation For the calculation of cardinality, with respect to , is . , , . , , . Then the dependency degree of relation with respect to is . 3.3. Computation of Equivalence Classes of Indiscernibility Relations We first introduce a new mapping as a supplement to mappings in formula 7. Then, represent equivalence classes of the indiscernibility relation formed by two relations using a soft set based on . Given a PRSS where the universal set , parameter set and , , , we propose Definition 8. Definition 8: Let be the power set of , and .We define mapping , for The soft set based on mapping . Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC is denoted by . . Let (22) and , 83 International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Suppose and , , and . Define mapping . The equivalence classes of the indiscernibility relation formed by are represented by where . (23) Then . Example 5: For (appearance) and (price) in example 3, the tabular representation of is shown in Table 6. Then, . Table 6. The Tabular Representation of appearance \ price 3.4. Feature Selection Algorithm Based on PRSS Given a decision system , the feature selection algorithm based on PRSS is shown in Table 7. The algorithm selects features according to the dependency degree of decision provided by Algorithm 2 and uses the sequential forward selection [6] as the search strategy provided by Algorithm 1. The output is a feature ranking . Table 7. The Feature Selection Algorithm Based on PRSS Algorithm 1 Input X, Outpu t Algorithm 2 X is a sample set and , and are in step 2 of algorithm 1 , , is the degree F is a feature ranking Begin Step 1: Initialize While Step 2: Find Step 3: Step 4: End Return End Given the set with Begin If , then Construct of and based on PRSS Calculate Else Construct soft set based on PRSS Calculate Construct of and based on PRSS Calculate End End features selected, the th feature is determined by . 84 dependency (24) Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Based on the ranking, we can get a feature ranking soft set and the is defined as , where . (25) Next, we use KNN classifier to cross-validate the classification accuracy of the data with these feature subsets. Those with the highest classification accuracy are the final feature subsets. Table 8. The Algorithm for the Degree of Dependency Based on NSS Algorithm 3 Input , , , Output and are in step 2 in table is the dependency degree Begin If , then Construct Calculate Else Construct soft set Calculate Construct Calculate End End of of and and based on NSS. according to formula 9. based on NSS. . based on NSS. . 3.5. Feature Selection Algorithm Based on NSS Feature selection algorithm based on NSS still uses Algorithm 1 as the search strategy. But the Algorithm 3 in Table 8 which provides the dependency degree of decision is different from Algorithm 2. Let and be the set of all equivalence classes in the partitions and . Example 6: Suppose and . , . Then is shown in Table 9. The construct of follows the same logic of Table 3. Table 9. The Tabular Representation of price appearance \ price appearance Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC 85 International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) 4. Experimental Results We compare the execute time of Algorithm 1 and 2 based on PRSS with that of Algorithm 1 and 3 basd on NSS using seventeen datasets abtained from the benchmark UCI Machine Learning Repository [22]. Those datasets are discribed in Table 10. The field named “Number of Classes” in this table shows the aggregation of the number of equvalence classes formed by each feature. We run the algorithms in MATLAB R2015a on a pc with a processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2410M, a 8.0GB memory and Widows 7 operating system. Figure 1 shows datasets on which ranges of the executive time are (0 , 0.1 ) and (0.1, 1) in seconds. Figure 2 shows datasets on which ranges of the executive time are (1, 20) and (20, 120) in seconds. Table 11 summrizes the comparison of feature selection algorithm based on PRSS and NSS. It shows that PRSS improves efficiency to a certain degree on each dataset and achieves 18.17% improvement on an average. Figure 1. Excutive Time (Second) of Feature Selection Based on PRSS and NSS Table 10. Description of Datasets No Data sets Number of instances Number of features Number of Classes 1 2 3 4 Abalone Adult AI(Acute Inflammations ) CE(Car Evaluation) Chess(King-Rook vs. KingPawn) CMC(Contraceptive Method Choice) DER(Dermatology) Ecoli LC(Lung Cancer ) Lenses Mushroom (MR) Musk Nursery SFL(Solar Flare large) SFS(Solar Flare small) Statlog (statlog_satimage) 4177 20 120 1728 9 4 8 7 6077 10 58 25 3196 37 75 1473 10 74 366 336 32 24 8124 476 12960 1066 323 4435 34 9 55 6 23 169 9 13 13 37 135 707 154 36 119 25760 32 48 40 2752 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 86 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) 17 Yeast 1484 10 1884 Figure 2. Excutive Time (Second) of Feature Selection Based on PRSS and NSS Figure 3. The Scalability of PRSS and NSS to the Number of Features Table 11. Comparison of Feature Selection Algorithm of PRSS and NSS No Data sets 1 2 3 4 Abalone Adult AI(Acute Inflammations ) CE(Car Evaluation) Chess(King-Rook vs. 5 King-Pawn) CMC(Contraceptive 6 Method Choice) 7 DER(Dermatology) 8 Ecoli 9 LC(Lung Cancer ) 10 Lenses 11 Mushroom 12 Musk 13 Nursery 14 SFL(Solar Flare large) 15 SFS(Solar Flare small) 16 Statlog(statlog_satimage) 17 Yeast Average improvement Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC Executing time (s) NSS PRSS 6.645 6.620825 0.0047 0.0032 0.0128 0.008 0.0282 0.0239 Improvement 10.3424 10.0919 2.42% 0.3662 0.3511 4.10% 0.5524 0.06 0.4183 0.0052 10.42 60.4035 1.5058 0.093 0.0283 106.3707 0.9246 0.4227 0.0506 0.1632 0.0027 10.2518 56.4015 1.4757 0.078 0.0173 105.8892 0.9113 23.49% 15.68% 60.99% 47.93% 1.61% 6.63% 2.00% 16.09% 38.95% 0.45% 1.44% 18.17% 0.37% 33.50% 37.80% 15.40% 87 International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) Figure 4. The Scalability of PRSS and NSS to the Number of Instances Figure 5. The Scalability of PRSS and NSS to the Number of Equvalence Classes We also analyze the scalability of both algorithms on three aspects, the number of features, the number of instances and the number of equvalence classes. Figure 3 shows the execute time of both algorithms with regard to the number of features in each dataset. Figure 4 shows the execute time of both algorithms with regard to the number of instances in each dataset. We also provide the change of the execute time with regard to the aggregation of the number of equvalence classes formed by each feature in Figure 5. In general, three figures show the execute time increase linearly as the number of features, instances and equvalence classes increase, respectively. Though the execute time varies at several points, it is at an acceptabe level. Thus, those three figures demonstrate a good scalibility of both feature selection algorithms. 5. Conclusion Merging the soft set theory into some core conceptions of the rough set theory facilitates the computation based on equvalence classes. We proposed a paired relation soft set model to construct the lower approximate set, presented the lower approximate set in the form of soft sets, and furthermore calculated the dependency degree of features. We also provided a new mapping to calculate equivalence classes of indiscernibility relations. Based on PRSS, the feature selection algorithm was given. Compared to the feature selection algorithm based on NSS, the PRSS algorithm shows 18.17% improvement on an average. Experimental results also show a good scalibility of both feature selection algorithms. Theoretically, the paper shows a way to combine the soft set theory and the rough set theory together to improve the feature selection algorithm. Practically, the novel method based on PRSS can accelerate data processing procedure and is helpful in dealing with big data. 88 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC International Journal of Database Theory and Application Vol.9, No.5 (2016) In this paper, we only combined the soft set theory with the classic rough set model which is based on equivalence classes. To deal with data with fuzzy attributes, a fuzzy rough set model based on fuzzy similarity relations is more suitable. How to apply PRSS into a fuzzy rough set model and facilitate the computation will be a topic of furture reasearches. Acknowledgment We are very grateful to referees and editors. Their comments are very helpful in improving the paper. We also appreciate the research team members. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] L. H. and M. H, “Feature Selection for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining”, Kluwer, Boston, (1998). Z. 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Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University. His research interests include supply chain management, information intelligent analysis and soft set theory. Zhi Xiao, He received the B.S. degree in Department of Mathematics from Southwest Normal University in 1982. And he received his Ph.D. degree in Technology Economy and Management from Chongqing University in 2003. He is currently a Professor in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University. His research interests include information intelligent analysis, data mining, and soft set theory. Wei Xu, He received the B.A. degree in Logistic Management from Jiangxi University of Finance and Economic in 2008. He received his Ph.D. degree in Quantitative Economics from Chongqing University in 2014. His research interests include intelligent decision-making, information intelligent analysis and business Intelligence. Xianning Wang, He is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University from 2012. His research interests mainly include dynamic economics modeling and regional economy development. Yuchen Pan, She is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Economics and Business Administration at Chongqing University. Her research interests include information intelligent analysis and prediction, and financial information application. 90 Copyright ⓒ 2016 SERSC