Professional Development Exit Ticket Protocol For the 2012-13 school year, the Office of Teacher Support & Development will provide, process, and analyze initial and end of course feedback data from professional development (PD) opportunities. Feedback for each intermediary session will not be provided. Rather, the Office of Teacher Support & Development has developed a Professional Development Exit Ticket and protocol (outlined below) for PD coordinators to use and provide to facilitators as a formative assessment. The information gleaned from the Exit Ticket will allow PD coordinators and facilitators to immediately reflect on their practice and make changes for upcoming sessions. PD Exit Tickets are for PD coordinators and facilitators ONLY. They should not be returned to the Office of Teacher Support & Development. If you would like to use this tool please follow the below outlined steps for using the Exit Ticket as part of your professional development strategy for the 2012-13 school year. If you do not use the PD Exit Ticket we have created please consider developing your own formative assessment tool to provide intermediary feedback on your professional development sessions. PD Exit Ticket Protocol 1 • Review the PD Exit Ticket • Does it meet your needs for obtaining feedback from your PD sessions this year? • Communicate with PD facilators your expectations for use of the PD Exit Ticket 2 •Who will provide the Exit Tickets at each session? •When will Exit Tickets be completed during each session? •How will Exit Tickets be returned to coordinators? • Provide facilitators with the link to the PD Exit Ticket 3 • Use the PD Exit Tickets for each of your PD sessions 4 • Review feedback to reflect on the session and identify needs for the next session 5 Professional Development Exit Ticket Course: Facilitator: Date: Today’s PD facilitator(s): N/A Adequately addressed questions I had Were well organized Were knowledgeable Paced the PD to maximize time used Presented the content in a clear manner Encouraged me to share/participate during this PD Modeled best practices Minimized disruptions to the flow of the session ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ Strongly Disagree.....………………………….…Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ ⃝ How would you describe the benefits of attending today’s PD session to your colleagues? Please be specific. Describe any disappointments / unfulfilled expectations you had with today’s PD session? Please be specific. How will you use what you have learned in today’s PD session in your practice? Please be specific. What additional supports or clarification do you need to implement what you learned from this PD session? Please be specific. If you would like the facilitator to follow-up with you please include your City Schools Email Address (optional):