HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare STEP1:DeterminethedimensionsofyourheadphoneEarpeice Most headphone and headset manufacturers do not provide detailed specifications for their products.Mostcompanysaredrivenbysalesofnewheadphonessoitismoreadvantageous forthemtofindwaystoencouragethesalesofnewproductsratherthanofferconsumersa pathwayforreplacingpartsfortheiroldheadphoneorheadset.Therefore,youjustwon’tfind anypublishedguidetoshowwhichreplacementearpadsandcushionsarerequiredforeach ofthemanydifferentheadphoneandheadsetmodels. If we do hear back from customers as to which model cushions or earpads actually fit their headphones or headsets, we will post the information online at the following URL: We recommend to our customers that they take a few minutes to examine their own headphone or headset earpiece and to measure the dimensions so that they ultimately will order the correct item and size. We have published thisguidetohelpcustomerstoordertheproperfoam earpadorleatherettecushionfortheirheadphone. Wedoknowfromexperiencethatmanypeoplehave longsoughtoutreplacementcushionsfortheLogitech Premium Notebook Headphones, including the Logitech Model A-0445A or Logitech H555 Headsets. Wecantellyouthatmostofourcustomersfoundthe 50mm foam and 55mm size leatherette cushions fit thoseheadsets(showninthepictureontheright). Some people will not take the time to measure their headphone, becausetheyfinditdifficulttousearuler.Mostrulershaveboth theinchandmetricsizes,asyoucanseefromtherulershownon yourleft. Many people are perplexed when they have to compare inches andmillimeters,butitisreallyquitesimple.Asyoucanseeinthis photo, the measurement shows that 40mm is approximately the sameas111/16inches. HINT: Page 1 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare When making your measurements, measure the headphone earpiece itself. Don’t base the measurementonyouroldfoamEarpadsorcushions.Theoldfoamorleatherettecushions may give you a false indication of the size. The new earpads and cushions have to stretch around the outside edges of the plastic earpiece. It is more accurate to base your measurementontheedge-to-edgediameteroftheexistingearpiece. KEEPINMIND:ROUNDCUSHIONSWILLFITONOVALHEADPHONES Someearpiecesareroundandothersareovalshaped.OurreplacementcushionsandEarpads allstartoutround.Theroundoneswilladjusttofitontoovalshapedheadphoneearpieces. Astheystretchinlength,theywillreduceequally in width. We just need to know the proper variationforyourheadphonesowecandetermine whatcircularsizewillfitonyourovalheadphones. Inordertodeterminethepropersizereplacement Earpadorcushionforanovalshapedheadphone, you will need to know the average size of the earpiece. So you measure across the earpiece horizontally, and then vertically. If you add those two values togethertogetthesum,thendivideby2,youwillknowtheaveragediameter. If you make your measurement in inches, it is easy to convert to millimeters by just multiplyingtheinchvaluetimes25.4. HereisoneExampleforanOvalShapedEarpiece: Let’s say that the measurement across was 2 ½ inches wide and 2 inches tall. Youadd2½plus2andthatequals4½inches.Wedivideby2equaling2¼inches.Sothe averagediameteris2¼inches.Todeterminethemetricsizeinmillimeters,wemultiply2.25 x25.4andthatequals57.15.Sothemetricsizewouldbe57.15millimeters.Ifyoulookatthe tables,youwillseethata57mmfallsintotherangeofthe60mmsizeearpadorcushion. Page 2 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare OvalShapedHeadphoneEarpieces Earpiece 2 1/4 in Wide 3 1/4 in Long 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MeasuretheLength MeasuretheWidth AddtheLengthandWidth Divideby2togettheAverage Multiplyby25.4toConvertInchesto Millimeters 6. MatchtheclosestEarpadSize Thisexampleshownisanearpiecethatis3¼” Longby2¼”Wide Thatissameas3.25-inchesx2.25-inches (Length+Width)÷ 2 = Average Size (3.25 + 2.25) ÷ 2 = 2.75 SotheAveragewouldbe2.75inches. 2.75inchesistheequivalentof70mm We offer various sizes and shapes of both the Foam Earpads and Leatherette Style cushions. The picture on the left shows a Teardrop shaped headphone cushion. These will typically fit onto the Infrared Wireless Headphones that often are used with the headphones that are most frequently used with vehicle DVD players in automobiles and the many different types of entertainment systems used with private jet airplanes, SUV’s, campers and vehicles of all different types. It won’t matter if your vehicle is a Cadillac or a Toyota, because the headphones are nearly the same for all the vehicles. The wireless headphones may have differentnamesandmodelnumbers,buttheyalluseasimilarteardropshapedearpiece. We have created tables that take into account the fact that most of the foam earpads have morestretchthantheirleatherettecounterparts.Asyouwillsee,a60mmfoamearpadmayfit Page 3 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare overa64mmearpiece,howevera60mmleatherettecushionmaynotfitanearpiecethatthat is more than 56mm in size. Although you could potentially get a 60mm leatherette cushion ontoa60mmdiameterearpiece,thefitwouldbereallytight. HowDoYouConvertInchestoMillimeters? Toconvertinchestomillimeters,justmultiplytheinchvaluetimes25.4. Example:Convert2¾inchestoMillimeters Thedecimalequivalentof2¾wouldbe2.75inches. Ifwemultiply2.75times25.4,itcomesto69.85 So2¾isthesameas69.85millimeters. MeasuringCircularShapedHeadphoneEarpieces Measuring the circular shaped headphone earpieces will befairlyeasy. Youjustremovetheexistingfoamorleatherettestylecushionfromthe headphone. Measure the diameter of the earpiece. The diameter is the distancefromtheleftedgetotherightedge. Don’t worry about the hole size in the center of the cushion because thatisgoingtostretchandconformtotheearpiece.Youonlywantto knowtheoutside“edge-to-edge”diameteroftheearpiece. That will enable you to select the proper Earpad or cushion for your headphoneorheadset. Normally the material is not glued in place. It is only stretched overtheouteredges.Insomecases,the cushion will actually go around the outer edges and fit into a thin groove type opening around the face of the headphoneearpiece. Let'ssaythatyouhaveacircularshaped earpiece. You will want to measure across the earpiece from edge to edge. Once you know the diameter, you can easily look to see which Earpads or cushionsareavailable. Page 4 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare HowdoIremovetheOldEarpad? MostEarpadsandCushionsareonlyheldinplacebypressure.Usually,you canremovethe foambyjustpullingitofffromtheoutsideedgesoftheEarpiece.Inmostinstances,youcan stretchitaroundtheouteredgestoputitrightbackonagain. If the material is crumbling and falling apart, you may not be able to get it back on the headphone.Thisisnotallthatuncommon. WhyisMyOldHeadphoneCushionFallingApart? Some people want to know why the foam crumbles and turns to dust. Your original foam Earpads and Leatherette Cushions were made of a low-grade type of plastic that contains petroleum distillates. As the material ages, the petroleum dries up and the plastic actually breaksintolittlebitsandpieces. Our replacement ear cushions and Earpads will hold up for a much longer period of time, because they are made from higher-grade materials. Unfortunately, the headphone manufacturersplannedtheobsolescenceoftheheadphones,andhopedthattheywouldonly last2-yearsatthemost.Thatwaytheycouldcountonyourgoingouttobuythenewestmodel whenyouroldonebegantowearout. UpgradeyourHeadphonesbyReplacingtheFoamwithLeatherette? Itdoesnotcostverymuchtoorderthe leatherettestyleheadphonecushionsaslongas youaregoingthroughtheprocessofgetting replacementsforyouroldheadphones. Manypeoplemayfindthattheirolder headphoneswerejustfinethewaytheywere. Somemayactuallychoosetoupgradethemby installingtheleatherettecushions. Keepinmindthattheleatherettecushionsare actuallyabitthicker,soifyourheadphonesmust fitintoachargingstand,thenthecushion thicknessmightbecomeaproblem. Afteryouhavedeterminedtheaveragediameter ofyourheadphoneorheadsetearpiece,useourtablestofindtheappropriatefoamor leatherettereplacementEarpadorcushion. Page 5 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare Example1: Youmeasurethediameteroftheearpieceandfoundthatitis2¼inches.Lookingatthefoam Earpadtableyouwouldseethatyoucouldopttoordereitherthe60mmsizeFoamEarpads orthe60mmLeatheretteCushions. Example2: Yourearpieceisovalshaped(2¼incheswideand2¾incheshigh).Youadd2.25to2.75and get5.0.Youdivideby2andgettheaverageof2.5.Ifyoumultiply2.5times25.4youwillget 63.5,so2½inchesisthesameas63.5mm.Whenlookingatthetables,the2-½inch(sameas 63.5mm)averageearpiecesize.Ifyoulookatthetable,itshowsthata63.5mmearpiece wouldaccepteitherthe60mmfoamor70mmleatherettecushions. WeCarrytheseFoamEarpads FoamEarpad PartNo. RangeofEarpieceDiameters 40mmFoamEarpad E-20andE-20-4 36.5mmto44.5mm 17/16in.to1¾inches 50mmFoamEarpad 60mmFoamEarpad 70mmFoamEarpad 78mmCircularFoam 80mmTeardropShape F-30andF-30-4 D-60andT-60 L-70andL-70-4 FEP78 80MM 40mmto50mm 55mmto63.5mm 64mmto73mm 75mmto82.5mm 80mmto87.3mm 19/16in.to115/16inches 23/16in.to21/2inches 21/2in.to27/8inches 215/16in.to3¼inches 31/8in.to37/16inches WeCarrytheseLeatheretteCushions LeatheretteCushions PartNo. RangeofEarpieceDiameters 50mmLeatherette HIL53 39mmto48mm 19/16in.to17/8inches. 55mmLeatherette 60mmLeatherette 70mmLeatherette 80mmLeatherette 80mmTeardropShape EMT56 LEC62 LEC70 LEC80 80LEA 90mmLeatherette 100mmLeatherette 115mmLeatherette LEC90 LEC100 LEC115 49mmto52mm 53mmto59mm 61mmto68mm 70mmto79mm 67mmwideby 80mmtall 76mmto88mm 84mmto98mm 105mmto113mm 1¾in.to21/16inches 2in.to25/16inches 21/2in.to211/16inches 23/4in.to31/8inches 25/8in.wideby3¼inches tall 3in.to37/16inches 31/4in.to37/8inches 41/4to47/16inches Page 6 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare TeardropShapedWirelessHeadphone–ReplacementEarpads&Cushions The 80mm Size Teardrop Shaped Earpads and Cushions most frequently fit onto the Wireless Infrared Headphones like the one shown in the picture on the right. These headphones are used with many Vehicle EntertainmentSystems,DVDPlayersandHomeTVStereo Systems. So if you are looking for an Egg-Shape or Teardrop Shaped Earpad or Cushion for an Infrared Wireless Headphone, you may find that the 80mm Earpads and Cushionsareideallysuitedforyourheadphone. The vehicle headphones are often branded under the followingnames: Clarion PowerAcoustik Audiovox AblePlanet Advent Alpine Recotron Audiovox Often used with headphones in these vehicle entertainment systems: Lexus Mercedes Gulfstream Air Dodge Ford Nissan Chevrolet Buick GMC Honda Cadillac Kia Toyota Chrysler Oldsmobile Lincoln Page 7 of 8 HowtoDetermineWhichHeadphoneCushionsandFoamEarpadsare LeatheretteStyleHeadphoneCushions WehaveLeatherettestyleheadphonecushionsthatrangeinsizetofitheadphoneswith earpiecediametersbetween19/16inchesand45/16inches(between39mmand110mm) insize.YoucanfindalltheLeatheretteCushionsonourwebsiteatthefollowingURL: FoamReplacementEarpadsforHeadsetsandHeadphones ThefoamreplacementheadphoneEarpadsareavailableonourwebsitehere: Helpful Links Logitech Premium Notebook Headset Replacement Earpad Covers and Cushions Replacement Pads and Cushions for the Logitech Premium Notebook Headset, Model A-0445A and Logitech H555 Headsets Replacement Headset Cushions for the Logitech H330 USB Headset The following page (page 9) may be printed out. If the printed ruler closely matches your own ruler, then you will be able to use Page 9 to make physical comparisons to your own Teardrop-Shaped earpiece and Foam Square Earpad. This could help you to determine if the associated foam earpad or leatherette cushion will fit your earpiece. There are active links on the next two pages to easily take you to the proper item in our online shopping cart when you are ready to order the associated earpad or cushion. Page 10 has a flowchart to assist you with determining which earpad or cushion is appropriate for your headphone or headset. If you are using Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Acrobat Reader or a compatible web browser, You will be able to enter in the dimensions of your earpiece to calculate the earpiece average diameter to perform the math calculations that are typically used for determining the proper headphone or headset earpad or cushion. Page 8 of 8