Canvas: Quizzes Practice Assignment 1. Create a graded quiz

Canvas: Quizzes Practice Assignment
1. Create a graded quiz called “Sandbox Practice Quiz”.
2. Shuffle the answers.
3. Choose a set time limit for the quiz.
4. Allow students two attempts to complete the quiz, keeping the highest
5. Let students see the correct answers (do not set a time period so you can
test this feature today).
6. Set the due date for the quiz (make sure the quiz is available today so you
can test it as a student).
7. Create two question groups:
a. Add two questions to each group.
b. Include at least 2 types of questions.
Include an image or media file in one question.
Include an essay question that would require manual grading.
8. Publish the quiz.
9. Navigate to Student View and take the quiz as a student.
10.Review the Test Student’s quiz submission and grade any items that require
manual grading in SpeedGrader.
11.Navigate to the Quiz from “Quizzes” and explore the “Moderate Quiz” and
“Quiz Statistics” features.