MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION 5.10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE E6030350 April 2003 E6020357 April 2002 N/A April 2002 Added a new Starts Per Hour feature with a Time between Starts option. Added support for MOD622 (Overpower) Bug Fixes: Eliminated incorrect Underpower Alarm and Trip setpoint storage when loading pre v5.00 setpoint files into units with firmware revisions 5.00 and greater. Eliminated display scrolling when holding value-up or value-down button for extended lengths of time 5.01 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS No new features added. Bug Fixes: Correction made to Switch Input Monitor feature. 5.00 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS VFD to LCD. From this point on, all production units will have an LCD display instead of a VFD display. New Boot Code 4.00 The boot had to be changed in order to have the LCD display Upload Mode when uploading new FW otherwise the display would have been blank during the upload procedure. MOD 615 As well, the recent MOD 615 changes, which existed in a separate FW before, have now been incorporated into the Main FW. These Changes Include: MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 1 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE Motor Rating Range Changed to: 0.3 – 3300.0 kW. Under Power Alarm Level Range Changed to: 0.2 – 3300.0 kW. Under Power Trip Level Range Changed to: 0.2 – 3300.0 kW. Under Voltage Auto Restart: We have improved the reliability of the UnderVoltage Auto Restart Feature by adding an additional programmable input function: Switch Input Monitor (Please see Manual for further details.) 4.03 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS E6091007 Jan./2000 Not Known February/99 D6080375 June 4 , 1997 No new features added. Bug Fixes: Corrected problem when pressing the reset key, with no Trips present. If the reset key was pressed with No Trip condition present, the next “Open Control cct. Trip” would be reset automatically. CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS No new features added. Bug Fixes: Corrected communication bug which after a factory dump occurred and the baud rate was changed, the relay would use the previous baud rate for a brief moment. This caused some initial errors when trying to establish communications with the unit, until the relay could correct itself. 4.02 4.01 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS th MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 2 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE No new features added. Bug Fixes: The MM2 firmware has been updated to correct problems found in the field relating to the communication cctry. , start inhibit, and G/F Trip/Alarm Elements. COMMUNICATIONS: 1.) When the parity setting in communications was set to even parity, the MM2 would not respond to odd bit count slave addresses (i.e. 1,2,4,7). As well, when the parity setting was odd the MM2 would not respond to even bit count slave addresses (i.e. 3,5,6,9). Since fixed in ver. 4.01. 4.01 START IHIBIT: 2.) When a start inhibit was issued (i.e. Starts per Hour or Backspin Timer) the inhibit lockout could not be reset by setting the active inhibit to Off. Since fixed in ver 4.01. G/F DETECTION: 3.) When large CT primary values were used with high Ground Trip/Alarm levels (i.e. 60% of CT), the MM2 would trip on G/F much sooner than expected. Since fixed in ver. 4.01 4.00 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS D6072646 Sept 1997 GROUND TRIP DELAY ON RUN GROUND TRIP DELAY ON START GROUND ALARM DELAY ON RUN GROUND ALARM DELAY ON START OVERLOAD: This Aux. Relay function MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 3 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6072139 April/97 ANALOG ALARM LOW DELAY: The analog input scaled value must be below the Analog Alarm Low Level for the time specified by this Setpoint before an alarm will occur. ANALOG ALARM HIGH DELAY: The analog input scaled value must be above the Analog Alarm High Level for the time specified by this Setpoint before an alarm will occur. 4.00 ANALOG TRIP LOW DELAY: The analog input scaled value must be below the Analog Trip Low Level for the time specified by this Setpoint before a trip will occur. ANALOG TRIP HIGH DELAY: The analog input scaled value must be above the Analog Trip High Level for the time specified by this Setpoint before a trip will occur. STARTS PER HOUR: This message will appear for all starter types. This setpoint limits the number of starts per hour to prevent over heating of windings. IMMEDIATE RESTART POWER LOSS TIME: This is the time measured by the backup processor in the MMII; it is not the actual time the AC power has been off. See UNDERVOLTAGE RESTART for details. Now includes an off setting. RESTART TIME DELAY: See UNDERVOLTAGE RESTART for details. Expanded range to 1200 seconds WYE-DELTA OPEN TRANSITION SOFT STARTER 3.9x CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS CAUSE OF STOP: This message indicates what caused the current stop operation. Location A2:Status:Motor Status. CAUSE OF LAST STOP: This message indicates what caused the last stop operation. Location A2:Status:Motor Status. DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS CONTROL: The MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 4 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE brightness of the MMII display can now be adjusted when it is not in use. Location S1:Configuration:Preferences DEFAULT MESSAGE DELAY: The Default Message delay can now be adjusted with this setpoint. Location S1:Configuration:Preferences 3.9x SERIAL PERMISSIVE: This setpoint allows serial commands to block all start commands (serial or manual) until the unblock command is received. This setpoint must be enabled before serial start block commands are executed. When set to disable any start blocks in effect are automatically unblocked. The START BLOCK ALARM setpoint can be used to indicate when a start was attempted while a block was in effect. Location S3:Process:Programmable Inputs. ENABLE/DISABLE COMMAND MODE CHANGE WHEN RUNNING: This setpoint allows the active command mode to be changed while the motor is running. When set to DISABLE the motor must first be stopped before the command mode can be changed (Auto or MANUAL). Location S3:Process:Programmable Inputs. GROUND FAULT TRIP SIGNAL: This Aux Relay function will activate the Aux Relay when a Ground Fault is detected and the Ground Fault Delay has expired. The Contactor A OR B relays will not deenergizes until the Delay Contactor Ground Fault Trip By setting has expired to ensure proper coordination with upstream devices. This setpoint is only visible when an AUX relay has been set to Ground Fault Trip. Location S4:Control:Aux Relay Config. UNDERVOLTAGE TRIP AND ALARM: When the measured voltage is below the level set for the alarm or trip an UNDERVOLTAGE alarm or trip is generated. Location S2:Protection:Under/Overvoltage Protection. OVERVOLTAGE TRIP AND ALARM: When the measured voltage is above the level set for the alarm or trip an OVERVOLTAGE alarm or trip is generated. Location S2:Protection:Under/Overvoltage Protection. SERIAL COMMS FAILURE ALARM: This setpoint MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 5 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6061856 NOV/96 is used to set an alarm when the serial communication link is interrupted. Location S1:Configuration:Fault Mode. CHANGE COMMAND MODE ON ALARM : This setpoint allows the command mode to automatically switch from AUTO to MANUAL when the serial comms failure alarm is active. If the motor was running when the alarm occurred it will be stopped and will restart based on manual start inputs only. When serial communication is restored the MMII will remain in MANUAL command mode. Location S1:Configuration:Fault Mode. 3.8x CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS Resetting of Alarms: The MMII will now allow the Acceleration Alarm, Open Control Circuit Alarm, Motor Greasing, Contactor Inspection and Motor Stopped Time Alarms to be reset using the Faceplate Reset Key. All other alarms will reset when the Alarm condition clears. OPEN CONTROL CIRCUIT TRIP: In Two Wire control applications, where a constant start signal is provided the MMII should be configured to trip on an open control circuit. An Open Control Circuit occurs when feedback on Contactor Status (terminal 55) stays open when a start operation is executed. This condition may occur if a control wiring problem develops or because of an AUX contact failure. GROUND FAULT TRIP DELAY: This setpoint has been expanded to 10s from 2s. MOTOR AVAILABLE AUTO: This Aux Relay function will activate the Aux Relay when the motor is available to start in Auto Mode. MOTOR AVAILABLE : This Aux Relay function will activate the Aux Relay when the motor is available to start regardless of which mode the MMII is presently in (Auto or Manual). The AUX Relay will remain active when the motor is running to indicate normal operation. (i.e. no stop inputs or trips) PRETRIP VALUES FOR CURRENT RELATED TRIPS ARE STORED IN THE EEPROM WHEN THE TRIP OCCURS: This enables the MMII to “remember” the pretrip values even if power is MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 6 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6061671 JUL/96 “remember” the pretrip values even if power is removed from the MMII. This feature is enabled for the Overload, Single Phase, Under Current, Under Power, Acceleration Time, Stalled Rotor and Ground Fault trips. When a trip occurs that is not in the list above, and power is removed, the MMII will display zero for the pretrip values. 3.8x 3.70 USER DEFINABLE MEMORY MAP DEFAULT VALUES: For convenience default User map values have been added. The User Definable Memory Map is still fully customizable however. The defaults are separated into three sections. Regular Polling data items, data that is read when a Trip, Stop or Alarm occurs and data that can be monitored as time permits. CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS Duty/Standby: The Duty/Standby starter type allows a single MMII to control two identical motors. MOTOR SELECTOR A/B: This setting is used in conjunction with the Duty/Standby starter type. In the Manual mode the state of this interlock determines which of the two motors is used for starting. When A is selected only the contactor A output relay will respond to start commands. When B is selected only the contactor B output relay will respond to start commands. DUTY SELECT MAN/AUTO: This setting is used in conjunction with the Duty/Standby starter type. This input determines the mode of operation for the Duty/Standby starter type either Manual or Auto. In the Auto mode the MMII will alternatively start Motor A and Motor B. When the number of starts is an even number Motor A will be started the next time a start command is issued. When the number of starts is odd Motor B will be started the next time a start command is issued. In the event of a trip on either motor, the motor that tripped will be prevented from starting until reset is pressed. All starts will default to the untripped motor. When the trip occurs the MMII automatically resets the trip to allow the other motor to be started. The trip message becomes an alarm message, which must MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 7 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION 3.7x BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6061488 MAR/96 be reset to allow the tripped motor to start. If the second motor trips the MMII will remain tripped until reset is pressed. The details of the Manual mode are described above under MOTOR SELECTOR A/B. Note: Faceplate Stop, Process Stop and ESD Stop trips MUST be manually reset regardless of the Duty/Standby mode. Local Isolator and Plant Interlock trips reset only when the input is healthy. SEGREGATED G/F ALARM: This function will energize the AUX Relay when a ground fault alarm occurs when configured. If the other AUX Relay is configured for ALARMS it will not operate until another alarm occurs that is not a ground fault alarm. PRE CONTACTOR B: The AUX Relay will energize when the MMII receives a start B command. The Contactor B relay will start the motor after the delay specified in the Aux Relay Pre Start Delay setpoint. The Aux Relay will deenergize after the AUX Relay Post Start Delay times out or when Contactor B de-energizes. Pre Contactor B is active for TWO SPEED, FV REVERSING and DUTY/STANDBY starter types only. THERMAL CAPACITY ALARM: When the thermal capacity increases to the value set by this setpoint an alarm will occur. This alarm can be assigned to a specific aux relay. Bug Fixes: During testing it was noticed that the external start message was not being cleared for all starter types except autotransformer. The number of starts recorded would miss the occasional start when the switches changed state while in the control task. 3.6x CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS 1.) FACEPLATE STOP: When set to 'LATCHED', pressing of the faceplate stop button will cause a latched trip. MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 8 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE Pressing the reset key will clear the trip allowing the operator to restart the motor. 3.6x NOTE: If the MMII is receiving a constant start signal, the motor will start as soon as reset is pressed. 2.) PROCESS STOP: When set to 'LATCHED', a momentary opening of a contact connected to terminal 51 will cause a latched trip condition. Pressing the reset key will clear the trip allowing the operator to restart the motor. NOTE: If the MMII is receiving a constant start signal, the motor will start as soon as reset is pressed. 3.) PROCESS INTERLOCK E-J: Process interlocks E-J function exactly like Process interlocks A-D. 4.) REMOTE RESET: This function replaces the faceplate reset key. When configured the faceplate reset key will not reset any trips. When other switch inputs are used to reset specific trips, the remote reset switch input will not reset those trips. i.e. Undercurrent Trip, Emergency Stop Trip, Lockout Trips. 5.) STOP A: This function is used for end of travel applications. When a programmable input configured for STOP A opens, the Contactor A output relay will open. When the STOP A input is open, the motor cannot be started using start A commands or switch inputs. 6.) STOP B: This function is used for end of travel Applications. When a programmable input Configured for STOP B opens, the Contactor B output relay will open. When the STOP B MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 9 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE input is open, the motor cannot be started using start B commands or switch inputs. 3.6x 7.) PRODUCT INFO: The serial number and date of manufacture can now be viewed in the factory data area. Units upgraded in the field will display "unknown" for the serial number and date. 8.) AUX RELAY ASSIGNMENT: The AUX Relays may now be set to 'NOT USED'. The factory default remains Serial Control 9.) MONITORING: Contactor inspection range changed from 50000 – 10000000 OR OFF STEP: 10000 OPERATIONS to 1000 – 10000000 OPERATIONS OR OFF STEP: 1000 OPERATIONS Bug Fixes: 1.) The aux1 relay inhibit feature would inhibit the aux2 relay timers but the relay would not be affected when aux2 was configured for precontactor a delay. 2.) A setpoint was added to factory service which will allow changing the welded contactor and open control circuit alarm times. This really isn’t bug, but it can help in situations were the customer is using an interposing relay in the control circuit and feedback to the MMII takes longer than 1 second. Caution should be used when setting this timer to long times. It is meant for minor adjustments, but has the capability to go as high as 10 minutes. MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 10 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION 3.50 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6061259 JAN/96 NEW AUTOTRANSFOMER STARTER TYPES: There are now individual starter types for open and closed transition autotransformer starters. A setpoint to change the order that the main and wye contactors close during a start has been added to support different wiring practices. MEMORY MAP UPDATES: 1.) The parity setpoint has been added to the Memory Map. 2.) The MMII contains a User Definable area in The memory map. This area allows re-mapping of the addresses of any Actual Values or Setpoints registers. The User Definable area has two sections: A Register Index area (memory map addresses 1280H-12F7H) that contains 120 Actual Values or Setpoints register addresses. A Register area (memory map addresses 0100H-0177H) that contains the data at the addresses in the Register Index. Register data that is separated in the rest of The memory map may be re-mapped to adjacent register addresses in the User Definable Registers area. This is accomplished by writing to register addresses in the User Definable Register Index area. This allows for improved throughput of data and can eliminate the need for multiple read command sequences. 3.) The response time of the MMII has been decreased for high speed communication applications. MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 11 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION 3.40 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: D6050945 0988, D6050996 and up. OCT/95 D6051057 MMII-131 MOD # SUPPORT: 1.) all provisions to support multiple MOD s on the MMII was removed as per Norris W. Any future Combination of MODs will require a new mod Number 2.) added MOD607 which combines MOD602 & MOD608. INTERLOCK INPUTS: 1.) Ten new setpoints were created, one for each programmable input, called “IL1 SWITCH TYPE:” through “IL10 SWITCH TYPE:”. These new setpoints allow each individual programmable switch input to be configured for normally open operation (N.O.) or normally closed operation (N.C.). This allows for proper operation of the Switch input function regardless of the type of External switch being used for the input. When set to N.O. (factory default), if the Switch input is closed, it is in the ‘healthy’ Position; if the switch is open, it is in the ‘unhealthy’ position. When set to N.C., if the switch input is open, it is in the ‘healthy’ position; if it is closed, it is in the ‘unhealthy’ position. These 10 setpoints are located in the MMII Memory map at locations 11C0 to 11C9. 3.30 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: G/F CALCULATION: Changed calculation of G/F alarm and trip levels from %FLC to %CT. Anyone upgrading software from prior to 3.30 to 3.30 or above, MUST be aware of this as it could change their alarm and trip MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 12 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6050853 0860, D6050996 and up. JUNE 15/95 levels. START IHIBIT: 1.) Created new programmable input function called U/V RESTART INHIBIT which turns off the undervoltage restart feature via a switch input while the setpoint remains enabled. 2.) Expanded STOPPED MOTOR COOL TIME to 1080 minutes to allow for the long cool times on totally enclosed fan cooled motors (TEFC). OVERLOAD: Changed SERVICE FACTOR message to read OVERLOAD PICKUP LEVEL to match other Multilin products. TWO SPEED MOTOR STARTER TYPE: Added a setpoint to be used in conjunction with the TWO SPEED STARTER called HIGH SPEED START BLOCK. When enabled, this will force MMII to start the motor in low speed before switching to high speed. Starting directly to high speed will be blocked. LOCKOUT RESET: Modified code such that when the 'LOCKOUT RESET' function is configured and active, it overrides the RESET button on the MMII faceplate, even if the "LOCKOUT RESET USING RESET KEY" setpoint is enabled. MEMORY MAP UPDATE: Added all AUX relay timers to the Modbus memory map. (locations 0071 to 0079) 3.2x CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: INTERLOCK INPUTS: Expanded range of STARTUP OVERRIDE and RUNNING OVERRIDE setpoints for process interlocks from 0 - 125 s or OFF to 0 - 3600 s or OFF. MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 13 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE LOAD INCREASE ALARM: Expanded range of LOAD INCREASE ALARM from 60% - 130% to 20% to 130%. NEW MOD 608: Created MOD608 and incorporated it into the main code to allow selecting it by storing the MOD# setpoint. SENSITIVE GF RANGE CHANGE: Expanded range of 50:0.025 G/F trip setpoint to include a new setting called “ 0.5 A MAX”. This will guarantee that the MMII will trip on G/F at a level less that 500 mA. AUX RELAY FAILSAFE/NON-FAILSAFE Conf: Added a new setpoint for AUX Relay 1 and 2 to configure them as FAIL-SAFE or NON-FAIL-SAFE. VT CONNECTION TYPE: Corrected wording of VT connection. LINE(A-N) now reads PHASE(A-N) and PHASE(A-B) now reads LINE(A-B). 3.10 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: NEW STARTER TYPE ADDED: D6050402 0420, D6050811 and up. APRIL 6/95 Added new starter type called WYE-DELTA CLOSED TRANSITION. WYE DELTA CLOSED TRANSITION STARTER TYPE: 1.) Added two new switch input functions for Contactor status feedback when using the wyeDelta closed transition starter function. WYEDELTA 1M CONTACT + WYE-DELTA 2S CONTACT. 2.) Added a new programmable relay function Called WYE-DELTA CLS TRANS for use in Controlling the four contactors used in a wyeMM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 14 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE Delta closed transition starter. 3.0X CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS None shipped. APRIL 3/95 NOTE: This was a major release that affected all areas of the MMII. The ESD relay was converted to a second programmable relay and all software MODs and option groups were built into one release of software. Any MMIIs with software previous to 3.00 must be sent to the factory for upgrading. (new software, new faceplate and additional components stuffed) This release was not put into any production units due to a bug discovered in the 239, which was also present in the MMII. 3.01 was released shortly after 3.00 and was then put into production. STARTING SERIAL NUMBER: None shipped. CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: ESD RELAY: 3.0x All reference to ESD relay removed and will only reappear when MOD603 is configured. AUX 2 RELAY: Second programmable relay implemented with the same functionality of the first relay. New names are AUX RELAY 1 and AUX RELAY 2. MOD 602: Incorporate DC switch input software to run when MOD602 is selected as one of the MODs. ESD RELAY: Added new setpoint called ESD INDICATION that can be set to OFF WHEN HEALTHY or ON WHEN HEALTHY to choose the functionality of the ESD LED. MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 15 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE Changed the Motor Status message ESD TRIP to ESD OPERATION. PARITY SETPOINT ADDED: Added new setpoint called PARITY to allow choosing ODD, EVEN or NONE for different communications networks. MESSAGE CHANGE: Changed the message TIME TO TRIP to O/L TIME TO TRIP. Changed the flash message ENERGY USE DATA CLEARED to ENERGY USED DATA CLEARED. MOTORCOM REMOVED: MOTORCOM protocol was removed from the Multilin version of the MMII software as it is not used by anyone other than S&I. SERVICE FACTOR: Added SERVICE FACTOR setpoint in S2:\MOTOR PROTECTION THERMAL. Range of 1.00 – 1.25. 3.0x LOAD INCREASE ALARM: Expanded range of LOAD INCREASE ALARM to 130% to be compatible with SERVICE FACTOR setpoint. NEW OVERLOAD CURVES: Added 4 new overload curves. -- NEMA CLASS 10, CLASS 15, CLASS 20 and CLASS 30 G/F EHNANCEMENTS: 1.) Added a new programmable relay function called GROUND FAULT TRIP. 2.) Added a new G/F input setpoint called 5A SEC CBCT. This setpoint is for 5 A zero sequence G/F CTs and allows the customer to configure another setpoint called GROUND CT MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 16 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE PRIMARY AMPS. The old 5A setpoint was changed to read 5A RESIDUAL. 2.60 NOTE: None shipped APRIL 12/95 This software was released after version 3.10 for Industry Uniserve’s customer who had purchased many MMII’s with older software. This release did not go into any production units. The feature described below was copied over to release 3.20. CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: The range for the 50:0.025 G/F Trip Level was expanded such that there is one more setpoint lower than 0.5 A called 0.5 A MAX. When chosen, this setpoint guarantees that the MMII will trip at less than 500 mA of ground current. 2.50 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: D6040723 FEB 21/95 None Shipped FEB 16/95 D6040350 JAN 17/95 COMMUNICATIONS: Added Modbus Function Code 1 - Read Coil Status to the list of function codes supported by the MMII. 2.40 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: AUTO MODE: Added a new setpoint which appears only when AUTO PERMISSIVE is configured called AUTO MODE = . This setpoint can be set to SERIAL or HARD-WIRED. When set to SERIAL, the MMII will allow only serial starts when the AUTO button on the faceplate pressed. When set to HARDWIRED, the MMII will allow only AUTO starts via the AUTO START switch inputs when the AUTO button on the faceplate is pressed. 2.32 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: Changed the CLEAR INTLK COUNTER flash message to CLEAR INTERLOCK COUNTER. 2.3x CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: none DEC 16/94 MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 17 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE shipped ANALOG INPUT: Added a STARTUP OVERRIDE feature to the Analog input function. INTERLOCK INPUTS: 1.) Added a new switch input function called INTERLOCK COUNTER which allows the MMII to count pulses on the switch input. This counter can be read and cleared from the faceplate of via the comms link. 2.) Created a new switch input function called PROG RELAY INHIBIT to allow inhibiting of a programmable relay function after it has been configured 2.3x VOLTAGE SUPPLY RANGE UPDATE: Changed SYSTEM SUPPLY setpoint from 5V increments to 1V increments. FLASH MESSAGE UPDATES: 1.) Changed LAST START PEAK INRUSH message to read LAST STARTING CURRENT to accurately communicate what the MMII is measuring. 2.) Added CAUSE OF LAST TRIP message to A2:TRIP DATA. G/F ELEMENT: Changed resolution of 5A G/F alarm and trip setpoints to 1% FLC. FACTORY SERVICE: 1.) Added a setpoint in factory service to allow enabling or disabling of the STOP key on the faceplate of the MMII. The default setting is ENABLE. 2.) Added a setpoint in factory service to allow enabling and disabling of the OPEN MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 18 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE CONTROL CIRCUIT alarm for a specific application in Australia. PROGRAMMABLE RELAYS: Added a new timer for the PRE-CONTACTOR A prog relay function. There is now one timer for PRE-START DELAY and one timer for POSTSTART DELAY. AUTO MODE: Added a new setpoint which appears only when AUTO PERMISSIVE is configured called AUTO PERMISSIVE INDICATION. This setpoint allows choosing whether the MANUAL or AUTO LED is lit when the auto permissive switch input is closed (AUTO PERMISSIVE and AUTO START are hare wired inputs typically from a PLC; not serial control) 2.21 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: D6040235 SEPT 27/94 D6040145, D6040163 and D6040235 and up. SEPT 15/94 SYSTEM SUPPLY default value was changed from 415 V (S&I) to 480 V (North America) 2.20 NOTE: 2.20 software did note make it into any MMII’s as a bug was discovered just after its release. CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: STALLED ROTOR: STALLED ROTOR range was expanded from 1.5 – 4.5 to 1.15 - 4.50 x FLC in steps of .05. COMMUNICATIONS: Comms address 2 minute timer, which starts after power up, is now reset when new comms address is received. This allows moving on to next MMII immediately without having to power down first MMII. UPDATED FLASH MESSAGE: 1.) Replaced POWER MONITORING setpoint with VT PRIMARY setpoint which has a range of 110 – 600 V or OFF. The SYSTEM SUPPLY MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 19 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE D6040141 JUNE 17/94 D6040125 MAY 13/94 setpoint is no longer used for any calculations. 2.) Actual Values message SYSTEM SUPPLY was changed to read VT PRIMARY. NEW STARTER TYPE: Created new starter type called PART WINDING. This starter has the identical functionality of the SLIP RING starter. CT CONFIGURATION: Removed the 2 CT connection type from S1:CT/VT INPUTS setpoints section. This setpoint is for MOD MMIIs that are built for S&I. 2.10 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: DEFAULT MESSAGES ADDED: 1.) Created 5 scrolling default messages when MMII is inactive. 2.) Added PROGRAMMABLE MESSAGE to setpoints, actual values and memory map. 3.) Added PARAMETERS NOT SET trip to force setting of STARTER, CT PRIMARY and FULL LOAD CURRENT. 2.03 CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS: DRIVE STATUS: Changed DRIVE STATUS to be UNAVAILABLE when the starter type is set to OFF. MEMORY MAP UPDATES: 1.) Added Power Loss timers (Fine and Coarse) to the Modbus memory map. 2.) Added setpoints LOCAL ISOLATOR, VT SECONDARY VOLTAGE and NOMINAL FREQUENCY to the memory map. MESSAGE UPDATES: 1.) The default display after power up was MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 20 MM2 Firmware History GE Multilin FIRMWARE REVISION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES STARTING SERIAL# RELEASE DATE changed from the phase currents to DRIVE STATUS message. 2.) Text changes were made from S&I terminology to Multilin terminology: DOL → FV (Full Voltage) , DRIVE → MOTOR, 2000:1 → 50:0.025, STAR → WYE, CONFIGURABLE → PROGRAMMABLE, CONTROL CONFIG → CONTROL. 3.) 2.00 Relocated the setpoint LOCKOUT RESET USING RESET KEY from factory service to S2:PROTECTION\MOTOR PROTECTION OPTIONS. • First MMII release to production. C6040051 MAR 16/94 MM2FRHE.DOC 04/30/2003 Page 21