Autumn 1 - St Bernards

Homework for Autumn Term 1 The tasks are outlined below, with 6 activities that can be completed in any order, as long as they are completed by the end of this half term (Friday 24th October). You may wish to complete 2 pieces one week and then have a week off from homework. This way of completing homework allows the children to take ownership of their learning and also allows for more flexible learning. We would like homework books in on a Thursday ready to give out on the following Monday so we can mark the homework regularly and see how the half termly homework is working for the children. Geography/Topic Find map of Africa in a book
or online and copy it. Then
research facts about it and
label it with African
countries, facts about the
Kenyan population and
climate information.
is a
really good website that you
may find helpful
If you have another idea
that you would like to do
linked to the topic of Africa
then we would love to see
Literacy/Topic You have learnt lots of
information about rhinos.
Imagine you are a Rhino
Ranger and work in a national
park in Kenya. Write a diary
for a working week (5 days).
Include information on how you
live, what you see/ smell, what
you do and how you feel?
Maths/Topic Collect temperatures in
Mombasa (Kenya) and
Ellesmere Port everyday for
one week and record in a
Then with that data plot a
block chart to compare the
Remember to present your
work neatly and only write in
pen if you have a pen license. Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Art/Topic Science Parent/Guardian signed: Design and Technology /Topic Draw or paint a picture of
the sun setting over the
African savannah.
Draw and highlight an animal
and its habitat that lives on
the African Savannah.
Present your diary from
your literacy homework in a
creative way. For example:
Think about your use of
colour. For example:
Include as much information as
possible. It can be any of the
African big 5 apart from a
On a large piece of paper
and add images, materials.
As a book or make an
envelope and pull out papers
for each day.
Can you think of any other
Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Please remember to write in pencil and present your work neatly. 