Please remember to write in pencil and present your work neatly.

Homework for Spring 2 The tasks are outlined below, with 5 activities that can be completed in any order, as long as they are completed by Monday 30th March. You may wish to complete 2 pieces one week and then have a week off from homework. This way of completing their homework allows the children to take ownership of their learning and also allows for more flexible learning. We would still like homework books in on a Monday ready to give out on a Wednesday so we can mark the homework regularly and see how the half termly homework is working for the children. In addition to this half termly homework we expect children to be reading 3­4 times a week and also continuing to learn their 2, 5 and 10 times tables along with their 3 times table. Geography /Topic Literacy/Topic Maths/Topic In Geography this half term we will be looking at map skills and the British Isles. Choose a city in the united kingdom you have visited or would like to visit and show where it is on a map. Find some key facts/images of the city and explain why you have chosen this city. Present your work in a creative way. We have looked at 2 different types of poetry. Poems that rhyme and poems that have similes ​
(e.g I am as quiet as a mouse or I am as tall as a skyscraper) Can you write your own poem linked to Superheroes, Spring or Caring for the environment. Please have a go at accessing the following websites as often as you can to help you further your skills in Maths. Have fun with all the different games! http://resources.woodlands­junior.k Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: RE Topic Science Topic The children have been busy making ‘Lent Promises’, thinking about how they can be a better person to make Jesus proud. Draw or cut out a large heart shape and write or draw pictures to show how you have been keeping your Lent promise ​
(e.g. I promise to love and forgive ­ when somebody hurt my feelings I said “I forgive you” after they said sorry to me). In Science this half term we will be looking at Humans and Animals. Choose a bird, fish or a reptile and research its life cycle, how it looks after its young, what it eats, what it does to survive, its habitat and any other interesting facts. Make your work into a presentation that you can show to your class. Can you take an object that would normally be thrown into the bin and make it into something useful ? or think about making an object from reclaimed materials for the wildlife in our school woodland. Examples good include a bird feeder, nest box, ladybird house or a wormery. Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Parent/Guardian signed: Please remember to write in pencil and present your work neatly. 