Urban Networks: Connecting Markets, People, and Ideas Edward L. Glaeser1 Giacomo A. M. Ponzetto2 1 Harvard 2 CREI, Yimei Zou3 University UPF, IPEG and Barcelona GSE 3 UPF and Barcelona GSE World Bank Conference The Rise of the South at a Crossroads A View from East Asia and Latin America Monday 16 May 2016 Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 1 / 18 Urban Networks Introduction Network Formation and Urban Growth Do megacities outperform smaller but tightly connected cities? What are they key determinants of their di¤erential performance? A pressing question for Europe I I We love our historical cities and are invested in their preservation Are we paying for our love of history? A pressing question for Asia and Latin America I I How big a megacity is too big, especially in a developing country? Renewed interest in dispersion and high-speed transit Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 3 / 18 Urban Networks Introduction Conceptual Distinction City: Absence of space between people 1 2 3 Perfect mobility of workers across …rms Integrated single pool of entrepreneurial ideas Commuting to work and to man-made amenities Network: Distinct but connected cities 1 2 3 Mobility of skilled but not unskilled workers More diverse but less free-‡owing ideas Separate markets for housing and amenities Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 4 / 18 Urban Networks Introduction City Growth Network Expansion: Add cities to the urban network Greater …rm creation, higher income, higher welfare But we don’t model the cost of network infrastructure Consolidation: Tighten network links to create a megacity Loss of diversity: innovation may decline But consumption opportunities improve Densi…cation: Concentrate people but lose land Consolidation with scarcity The elasticity of housing supply is key Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 5 / 18 Urban Networks Three Building Blocks Entrepreneurship Firm creation through recombinant growth I Jacobs (1969) and Weitzman (1998) Skilled workers (Hc ,t , Hr ) and old …rms Nc ,t µ Nc ,t = αc ,t Nc ,t I I 1 create new …rms Nc ,t η ν 1 Hc ,t Hr City-speci…c productivity αc ,t Elasticities µ, η and ν with µ + η + ν > 1 Localized entrepreneurial knowledge spillovers 1 2 η Within city c only: Hc ,t Within the whole urban netork r : Hrν Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 6 / 18 Urban Networks Three Building Blocks Endogenous Consumption Amenities A resident i of city c has utility 1 γ ui ,c ,t = hiτ,c ,t qi ,c ,t i I I τ (gi ,c ,t Gc ,t )γi Consumption of housing hci ,t , numeraire qci ,t , amenities gci ,t Positive spillovers in consumption: Gc ,t Amenities are localized in space and persistent over time 1 φ Gc ,t = Γc ,t Gc ,t 1 (γ̄Yc ,t )φ Endogenous amenities are skill-biased I High-skill share γH > low-skill share γL Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 7 / 18 Urban Networks Three Building Blocks Land Scarcity The source of congestion in our model Fixed endowment of land Tc in each city Endogenous investment in building up Equilibrium housing supply hc ,t = Ψc ,t Tcζ (τYc ,t )1 I I ζ Productivity Ψc ,t , income Yc ,t Congestion ζ 2 (0, 1) ) housing supply elasticity 1/ζ Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 1 16 May 2016 8 / 18 Urban Networks Spatial Equilibrium Spatial Structure A continuum of cities partitioned into regions r = 1, 2, ..., R I Region r includes measure Cr of cities Unskilled workers Lc are immobile Skilled agents Hr are mobile within each region, not across regions Skilled agents create …rms, employ unskilled workers, produce output h Yc ,t = Yt (Ac ,t Lc )σ I I 1 Nc ,t i σ1 Gains from specialization σ > 1 (Ethier 1982) Productivity Ac ,t , endogenous aggregate output Yt Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 9 / 18 Urban Networks Spatial Equilibrium Sorting Skilled agents sort given fLc , Tc ; Nc ,t Stability condition 1 , Gc ,t 1 ; αc ,t , Ac ,t , Γc ,t , Ψc ,t g σ > η (1 + φγH I I ζτ ) High housing share τ and low supply elasticity 1/ζ 1 Limited spillovers in amenities φγH and …rm creation η/σ Distribution within region r such that 1 η Hc ,t 1 ζτ +φγH σ h ∝ µ αc ,t Nc ,t 1 Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) (Ac ,t Lc ) σ 1 i1 ζτ +φγH σ Rising South Conference Ψc ,t Tcζ τ γH 1 φ Γc ,t Gc ,t 1 16 May 2016 10 / 18 Urban Networks Full Symmetry Cost and Bene…ts of Fragmentation R identical regions, each comprising Cr identical cities Fragmentation into separate idea networks (R ") is harmful I I I Reduced entrepreneurship spillovers ) slower …rm creation Lower incomes across the board, less (and cheaper) housing Everyone’s utility falls Fragmentation of idea networks into separate commuting zones (Cr ") 1 Reduces pecuniary variables i¤ µ + η > 1 F 2 If ν > 1 µ η > 0 local diversity helps entrepreneurship Reduces individual i’s utility i¤ γi + (1 F ζτ + φγi ) µ+η 1 >0 σ 1 Unambiguous loss of access to amenities Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 11 / 18 Urban Networks Full Symmetry Cost and Bene…ts of Density Empirically, all fragmentation is probably harmful But technology can only go so far in eliminating distance Concentrating population so that ∂ ln T = ∂ ln Cr < 0 1 2 Increases …rm creation and incomes i¤ µ + η > 1 Increases individual i’s utility i¤ γi ζτ + (1 ζτ + φγi ) µ+η 1 >0 σ 1 Similar results for concentrating into networks Housing supply may increase if it is su¢ ciently elastic Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 12 / 18 Urban Networks Full Symmetry Long-Run Preference Reversals Log-linear …rst-order VAR: stationary if µ < 1 ) steady state If η > 1 µ > 0 fragmentation is more harmful in the long run Consolidation has larger long- than short-run income e¤ects If γi < ζτ and σ 2 σid + , σ̄id + there is a preference reversal ∂ ln uti ∂ ln uti ∂ ln ū i ∂ ln ū i + >0> + ∂ ln Cr ∂ ln T ∂ ln Cr ∂ ln T Drivers of preference reversal 1 Large local spillovers: ∂ σ̄id + F 2 σid + /∂µ > ∂ σ̄id + Accumulating income gains Highly persistent amenities: ∂ σ̄id F σid + /∂η > 0 σid /∂φ < 0 Amenities converge more slowly to their steady-state level Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 13 / 18 Urban Networks Full Symmetry Distributive Con‡ict and Preference Reversal Concentration is always relatively regressive (in welfare terms) I I The skilled care more about greater access to amenities The unskilled care more about cheap housing Preference reversal by the unskilled increases consensus I I I In the short run, they dislike concentration because prices rise But in the long run, income rises and so does housing supply They come to agree with the skilled that density is good Preference reversal by the skilled decreases consensus Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 14 / 18 Urban Networks Heterogeneity Regional Heterogeneity and Coordination Failure Heterogeneous regions, composed of identical cities I Region-speci…c productivities and initial endowments Interregional bene…ts of …rm creation ∂ ln Yr ,t 1 Ys ,t = > 0 for all s 6= r ∂ ln Ns ,t σ ( σ 1 ) Yt Coordination failure for µ + η > 1 and γi < ζτ: insu¢ cient density Free-riding is a temptation for small regions: Yr ,t /Yt < ŷdi + I I I Exacerbated by a large, inelastic housing sector: ∂ŷdi + /∂ (ζτ ) > 0 Alleviated by large, transient amenities: ∂ŷdi + /∂γi < 0, ∂ŷdi + /∂φ < 0 And by large local spillovers: ∂ŷdi + /∂η = ∂ŷdi + /∂µ < 0 < ∂ŷdi + /∂σ Opposite temptation if γi > ζτ (or µ + η < 1): excess density Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 15 / 18 Urban Networks Heterogeneity Urban Heterogeneity and Skill Poaching Let a …nite set of identical cities collapse into one with its original land Feedback from land and amenities to …rm creation The number of skilled entrepreneurs rises i¤ γH ζτ + η+µ σ 1 (1 ζτ + φγH ) > 0 Firm creation, output and wages rise i¤ µ + η (1 I ζτ + γH ) > 1 More stringent than before i¤ ζτ > γH Unskilled workers’welfare rises i¤ γL I ζτ + (1 ζτ + φγL ) µ + η (1 ζτ + γH ) 1 >0 σ η (1 ζτ + φγH ) Triple cost of rising house prices Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 16 / 18 Urban Networks Heterogeneity Gains from Reducing Heterogeneity Finite set of m cities with identical land endowments Heterogeneous endowment of factors (Lc , Nc ,t 1 Size heterogeneity: empirical distribution of shares sk = θ ŝk + I 2 1 , Gc ,t 1 ) 1 θ m Combination of a non-degenerate distribution and equal shares Heterogeneous factor proportions I I Fraction ω have i.i.d. shares of each factor Fraction 1 ω have perfectly correlated shares of all factors If consolidation is attractive for (θ, ω ), it is for all θ 0 Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference θ and ω 0 16 May 2016 ω 17 / 18 Urban Networks Conclusions Thinking about Urban Networks Key di¤erences from a megacity 1 2 3 More diverse but less connected entrepreneurs Less access to amenities Probably less congestion Focus on …rm creation I I Lower in the network if there are local increasing returns Most important in the long run, undervalued in the short run Key role for housing supply elasticity I I I If you cannot build up you’ll hate density Insu¢ cient density from coordination failure Insu¢ cient density to attract the skilled Density exacerbates distributive tensions Hopefully a useful framing for future empirical work Giacomo Ponzetto (CREI) Rising South Conference 16 May 2016 18 / 18