July 14, 1959 R. J. DODGE 2,894,269 OFF-SHORE GAS FLARE LINE, AND ANCHOR AND FLOAT THEREFOR Filed May 4, 1956 2 Sheets-Sheet l Roéef/ L1 ?oc/ye INVENTOR. ATTOR/Vf)’ July 14, 1959 R. J. DODGE 2,894,269 OFF-SHORE GAS FLARE LINE, AND ANCHOR AND FLOAT THEREFOR Filed May 4, 1955 . 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 Faber z‘ 4/. Doe/ye . INVENTOR. United States Patent QF 1C5 2,894,269 Patented July 14, 1959 1 in its horizontal position as it appears while being towed on the surface of the water. ‘ 2,894,269 OFF-SHORE GAS FLARE LINE, AND ANCHOR Referring to Fig.1 of the drawing, the numeral 1 designates generally an off-shore gas ?are line, which advantageously may be arranged to conduct waste gas as produced from wells some distance away from the well or wells producing it, preparatory to burning the gas. . In Robert .1. Dodge, B‘ellaire, Tex‘., assignor to Buoys, Incor its erected position, a portion of the gas ?are line 1, porated, Houston, Tex.,_a corporation of Texas as hereinafter described, extends vertically from a point Application May 4, 1956, Serial No. ‘582,791 10 below the surface of the water, which is indicated by .. AND FLOAT THEREFOR 1 Claim. (Cl. 9-8.3) the numeral 2, to a point above it. ‘ The vertically extending portion of the gas ?are line 1 consists of a mast-like structure comprising a plurality of sections 3 of pipe or tubing, which are connected end The invention relates to an elf-shore gas ?are line, 15 to end. The several sections 3 are of progressively in and an anchor and a ?oat therefor, and it concerns more creasing diameter, the intermediate sections being of larger diameter than the end sections whereby the struc ture is reenforced against bending in the middle. The surface of the water to a point above it, means for an mast-like structure comprising the pipe sections 3 may choring the pipe and forlsupporting it in substantially 20 be additionally reenforced, as by an ‘open frame-work vertical position‘ comprising an anchor ?exibly con surrounding it, if desired. ‘ nected to the lower end of the pipe and a ?oat surround A burner tip 4 is connected to the uppermost section 3. ing the pipe and connected thereto intermediate its ends, A ladder 5, which is attached to the upper sections 3, particularly, in combination with an off-shore gas ?are line comprising a pipe extending from a point below the below the water line. extends upwardly from the surface of the water 2 to the burner tip 4 whereby access may be had to the burner In 'o?-shore drilling operations it is necessary to burn waste gas from wells, and it is desirable to position the resulting‘?are at some distance away from the drilling platform._ This involves providing a pipe for conduct tip‘4. ing the gas from the well to a point above the surface the numeral 6, surrounds and is connected to an‘ inter ' 1 ‘ The lowermost section 3 is anchored as hereinafter described, and a ?oat, which is designated generally by of the water, which may be 100 feet deep, for example. 30 mediate section ‘3, below the water line,iwhereby the It is an object of the invention to provide, in combina portion of the gas ?are line 1 comprising the sections 3 tion with an off-shore gas ?are line comprising a pipe isi‘maintained in substantially vertical position at all extending from a point below the surface of the water to a point above it, means for anchoring the pipe and Referring to Figs. 2 and 3 of the drawing, the ?oat 6 for supporting it in substantially vertical position. comprises a vertically disposed cylinder 7, which is closed Another object of the invention is to provide, in com at its ends and is divided by a plurality of transverse bination with an o?-shore gas ?are line comprising a pipe extending from a point below the surface of the water to a point above it, means capable of yieldably supporting the pipe in substantially vertical position whereby the pipe may be de?ected away from its up right or vertical position, and may assume an inclined position, upon being struck by a passing boat or other object, and is capable of righting itself quickly after partitions 8 into a plurality of air and water tight com partments 9. The cylinder 7 is arranged concentrically with respect to one of the sections 3, to which it is con 40 nected, and the section 3 is ?anged at its ends whereby it may be connected to an adjacent section. The cylin der 7 is reinforced against bending in the middle by a plurality of circumferentially spaced longitudinal ribs 10, which are connected to the inner wall of the cylinder 7. being so de?ected. 45 The ?oat 6 may be of any desired construction, and Another object of the invention is to provide an off may be made of inherently buoyant material if desired. shore gas ?are line, and an anchor and a ?oat therefor, Referring to Fig. 4 of the drawing, a plurality of cir which are resistant to the action of wind and waves. cumferentially spaced ears 11 are connected to the lower Another object of the invention is to provide an off most section 3 for engagement, respectively, by a plu shore gas ?are line, and an anchor and a ?oat therefor, rality of chains 12. The chains 12 are each connected which are capable of being towed on the surface of to an anchor as hereinafter described, which is desig— the water. nated generally by the numeral 13. A still further object of the invention is to provide an The moorings above described permit the portion of off-shore gas ?are line, and an anchor and a ?oat there the gas ?are line 1 comprising the sections 3 to be for, which are characterized by their simple, rugged con 55 de?ected away from its upright or vertical position while struction, and which may be fabricated at comparatively preventing it from being rotated about its axis. low cost. The anchor 13 comprises a box-shaped casing 14 hav The invention will be readily understood by referring ing an upper buoyant section 15, an intermediate ballast to the following description and the accompanying draw section 16 and a lower skirt section 17.. The buoyant ing, in which: 60 section 15 of the casing 14 consists of an air and water Fig. 1 is an elevational view of an off-shore gas ?are tight compartment having a plurality of openings, each line, and an anchor and a ?oat therefor, embodying provided with a cap 18, in the top and sides thereof the invention, showing the apparatus in its vertical posi whereby the compartment may be ?ooded with water to tion as it appears when erected; submerge it. The ballast section 16 is ?lled with con Fig. 2 is a sectional plan view taken on the line 2-2 65 crete. The skirt section 17 extends downwardly below of Fig. 1; the ballast section 16 for use in supporting the anchor Fig. 3 is a sectional elevational view taken on the line 13 on the bottom of the body of water. 3--3 of Fig. 2; The lowermost section 3 is in ?uid communication Fig. 4 is a perspective view, partly broken away, of with a ?exible conduit 19. The ?exible conduit 19 is the anchor and moorings shown in Fig. 1; and 70 connected to one end of a pipe 20, which is built into Fig. 5 is an elevational view of the gas ?are line, and the anchor 13. The pipe 20 is bent intermediate its the anchor and the ?oat therefor, showing the apparatus ends, and the ends thereof extend outwardly from the r ' ' _ 2,894,269 3 4 top and‘ one side, respectively, of the anchor 13. One end‘ of the‘ pipe 20 is connected to a pipe 21, which rests I claim: In combination with an o?~shore gas ?are line ar ranged to conduct waste gas as produced from wells some distance from the well or wells producing it, pre paratory to burning the gas, a portion of the gas ?are upon the bottom of the body of water and which is supplied with gas from the well or wells producing it. Referring to Fig; 5* of the drawing, the sections 31 are shown in horizontal position, supported? in part by; the ?oat'6‘ and partly’ by the buoyant section 15 of the anchor 13, which’ during the towing’ operation- may be pivotally line consisting of a rigid mast-like structure comprising a pipe which, in its erected, position, extends vertically from a point below the surface of a body of water to a point above the surface of the water, an anchor adapted An important feature of the invention is the ability of 10 to rest upon the bottom of the body- of water, the anchor including a buoyant‘ section consisting of an air and the mast-like- structure comprising the‘ pipe sections 3 water tight compartment capable of being ?ooded with to maintain‘ itself in substantially vertical‘ position, and water to submerge it, mooring means ?exibly connecting to; right itself quicklytupon- being de?ected away from its one end of the mast-like structure to the anchor in closely vertical position. The ability‘ of the structure to right itself depends in part upon the buoyancy of‘ the ?oat 6, 15 spaced relation thereto, the, mooring means being rela— tively short as compared to the length of the mast-like which exerts an, upward pull on the upper portion of the structure whereby the mast-like structure is movable structure while the anchor 13‘ exerts a downward: pull pivotally, in the vertical plane, about its connected end, on the lower end thereof. The buoyancy of the ?oat a ?oat connected‘ tov an intermediateportion of the mast 6 is‘ partially offset by the Weight of the pipe sections 3, as well as by its own weight, and; best results are ob 20 like- structure, the position‘ of’ the ?oat with‘ respect to‘the mast-like structure being such‘ thatgwhen» the gas ?are tained in a structure which is characterized by its rela line is in use, the ?oat is fully'submergediand‘the'arrange tively light weight and its absence of mass. ment being such that the?oat, acting upon- the mast-like ‘ The ability‘ of the mast-like structure comprising‘ the structure in conjunction with‘ the mooring- means, is pipe sections 3 to right itself is also a function of the distance of the center of buoyancy from the center of 25 capable of- supporting the mast~like1 structure in substan tially vertical position. I gravity; the center of gravity’ being located at- a point and’ removably‘ connected to one of the sections 3a near'tlie lower end- of the structure, which is connected to the mooring means as above described. The distance of the center of buoyancy from the center of gravity is increased in proportion to the tension which is applied 30 to the moorings, as compared‘ to the weight of the mast References Cited in the ?le of- this: patent UNITED STATES PATENTS 424,544 Donnelly ____________ __ Apr. 1, 1890 like structure. When such distance is relatively great, as it' is- when the water is 100 feet deep, for example, 1,087,112 2,369,533 Fiedler ______________ .___ Feb. 17-, 1914 Cohen» ______________ .._ Feb. 13', 19.45 a considerable force is required in" order to de?ect the structure away from its vertical position. 2,399,656 Armstrong; __________ __ May: 7, 1946 2,819,476 - Dodge ______________ __ Ian. 14, 1,958 The invention may be modi?ed in various ways with out departing from the spirit and scope thereof. i