JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 104,NO. B1, PAGES 1077-1093,JANUARY 10, 1999 Kinematics from GPS of the India-Eurasia collision zone measurements KristineM. Larson, •'2 RolandBfirgmann, • RogerBilham,4 and JeffreyT. Freymueller • Abstract. We use geodetic techniquesto study the India-Eurasia collision zone. Six years of GPS data constrain maximum surface contraction rates across the Nepal Himalaya to 18 4-2 mm/yr at 12øN 4-13ø (1or). Thesesurfacerates across the 150-km-wide deforming zone are well fitted with a dislocationmodel of a buried north dipping detachment fault striking 105ø, which aseismicallyslips at a rate of 20 :k i mm/yr, our preferredestimatefor the India-to-southern-Tibetconvergence rate. This is in good agreementwith variousgeologicpredictionsof 18 4- 7 mm/yr for the Himalaya. A better fit can be achievedwith a two-fault model, where the western and eastern faults strike 112ø and 101ø, respectively,in approximate parallelism with the Himalayan arc and a seismicity lineament. We find eastward directedextensionof 11 4-3 mm/yr betweennorthwesternNepal Lhasa, alsoin good agreement with geologicand seismicstudies acrossthe southern Tibetan plateau. ContinuousGPS sites are used to further constrainthe style and rates of deformation throughout the collisionzone. Sites in India, Uzbekistan, and Russia agree within error with plate model prediction. 1. Introduction collisionis accommodatedby strike-slipfaulting in Asia [Molnarand Tapponnier, 1975],with corresponding east- While the far-field plate motions across the Indiaward displacement or extrusion of Tibet and southern Eurasia collisionzone are relatively well understood,the China. Convergencealso clearly leads to crustal thickplate boundary encompassesa large area, the details ening evidencedin the •5 km average elevation of the of the deformation field are complicated, and geologic Tibetan plateau and a crustal thicknessof •70 km. The rates are poorly known (see Figure 1). Global plate relative importance of these two mechanisms, crustal motionmodels[DeMetset al., 1990;1994]predictthat thickening and lateral extrusion, is still a question of approximately50 mm/yr of northwarddirectedconveropen debate. Estimates of convergenceaccommodated genceis taken up betweenIndia and Eurasia. Geologic by extrusionaltectonicsrangefrom 15% [Englandand Molnar,1997a],to 10-25% [Molnaret al., 1987],andup convergenceis expressedas shortening across the Hito 50% [Avouacand Tapponnier,1993].Unfortunately, malaya [Molnar and Deng, 1984; Armijo et al., 1986; geologicmeasurementsacrossthe major strike-slip and Molnar and Lyon-Caen,1989]. This meansthat nearly and seismicevidencesuggests that 18+7 mm/yr of the two thirds of the convergenceis accommodatedelsewhere. Two competingmechanismscan describethis accommodation. It is clear that some of the India-Eurasia normal faults in the region, which would bound lateral extrusion,are fairly uncertain[e.g.,Molnar et al., 1987; A vouac and Tapponnier, 1993; England and Molnar, 1997a]. Resolvingthe crustalthickeningversuslateral extrusiondebate has important consequences for geody- namic modelsof the region[e.g., Englandand House•Departmentof Aerospace EngineeringSciences, Univer- man, 1986; Avouac and Tapponnier, 1993; Houseman sity of Colorado, Boulder. and England, 1993; England and Molnar, 1997b; Roy2Nowat Departmentof Geophysics, StanfordUniversity, den et al., 1997]. Stanford, California. Many of these debates would be resolved if precise aDepartmentof Geologyand Geophysics, Universityof measurements of surface deformation throughout the California, Berkeley. plate boundary region were available. Currently avail4Departmentof GeologicalSciences and CooperativeInstitute for Researchin EnvironmentalSciences,University able kinematic descriptions of the deformation field of Colorado, Boulder. have been based on either seismic or geologic data 5Geophysical Institute, Universityof Alaska,Fairbanks. [Peltzer and Saucier, 1996; Avouac and Tapponnier, 1993; England and Molnar, 1997a; Holt et al., 1995]. Copyright 1999 by the American GeophysicalUnion. While seismicand geologicdata directly relate to deformation at the Earth's surface,both are hampered by large uncertainties. Furthermore, seismicobservations Paper number 1998JB900043. 0148-0227 / 99/ 1998JB 900043509.00 1077 1078 LARSON 70ø / ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA 80ø 1 ' 90ø Talas-Ferghana -- ..• • 13+_7 KINEMATICS 100ø .•,• --,.,.. •fau_lt-• __,--,.---,--,.....•••_'"' •..•..-19.'---5 .,.__,.. • •3 -.,. ---,--- TienShah_Q___ . • FROM GPS 110ø -'"- --,---....• .-,-40 ø ," Pamir 32 +8,,• .• 5+_3 x, , % %?:%7' TM 30 ø INDIA 80 ø 90 ø 100 ø Figure 1. Tectonic setting and fault map of the India-Eurasiacollisionzone. Also shownare major collisional beltsand fault zoneswith estimates of strike-slipor convergence rates(all in mm/yr). Theseratesandtheirstandard deviations aredetermined froma varietyofgeologic data suchasoffsetlithologic,structural,or morphologic unitsandcross-section restorations that span variabletime periods.Geologic evidence suggests that 18-+-7 mm/yr of arc-perpendicular shorteningis accommodated acrossthe Himalayaand 10-+-5mm/yr of east-westextensionis accommodatedacrosssouthernTibet. Sourcereferences are as follows:Tien Shan,Molnar andDeng [1984];Talas-Ferghana, Burrmanet al. [1996];Himalaya,Molnar[1987]andLav• andAvouac (submitted manuscript, 1998);NorthernTibetgrabens, England andMolnar[1997b]; Southern Tibet grabens,Armijo et al. [1986];Karakorum, Avouacand Tapponnier [1993];KarakorumJiali,Arrnijoet al. [1989];AltynTagh,AvouacandTapponnier [1993]andPeltzeret al. [1989]; North Pamir, Haiyuan,Nan Shan,and Kunlun,EnglandandMolnar[1997b];LongmenShan, Burchfielet al. [1996]. span a time too short to be representative of the regional kinematics, whereasgeologicdata may include featuresthat are not representative of the currentlyactive system. Geodynamicmodelsthat rely on these less preciseconstraintsare limited in their ability to correctly interpret the kinematics of crustal deformation in the region. Geodesy provides the most accu- rate meansof measuringsurfacedeformation,but the observedrates are valid only duringthe shortmeasurement period. That is, nearplate boundaryfaults(such as the southernHimalayathrust system)we commonly capture the interseismicdeformationstagein the local earthquakecycle,whereasaway from plate boundaries, geodeticdata often agreewell with long-termgeologic displacement rates. modation of interseismicstrain where the Indian plate underthrusts the southern Tibetan plateau. Data from the Nepal Himalaya network together with seven regional continuousGPS stationsquantify the magnitude of shorteningthat occursnorth of the Himalaya and reveal eastward extrusion of southernTibet. Finally, consideration of all currently available geodeticconstraints on the regional kinematics allows us to compare and contrastactivesurfacedeformationwith previouslyproposedmodels of the geodynamicsof the collisionzone. The Nepal Himalaya embracethe central third of the Himalayan arc, including the rupture zonesof the 1934 Bihar earthquake(Mw =8.1) andthe 1833Nepalearthquake(M--7.7) [Khattri, 1987; Bilham, 1995]. The current slip potential of western Nepal and the Kumaon We use Global PositioningSystem(GPS) measure- Himalaya(to the westof Nepal)is believedto be 6-15 m ments to addressthe geodynamicsof the India-Eurasia based on measuredconvergencerates and the absence of great earthquakesfor at least the past 300 years of along the Nepal Himalaya revealsdetailsof the accom- colonial history, which would be sufficient to drive a collision at two scales. A dense network across and LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1079 magnitude-/•w 8.1-8.7 earthquake[Bilhamet al., 1995; surements lasting from 3 to 5 days. Thirty sites in Khattri, 1987]. Geodynamically, theseobservations are the plate boundary region are included in our analyimportant becausethey offer a view of convergentplate sis. Nearly all the Nepalesesites were first observedin processesboth in the hanging wall and in the footwall of a megathrust, a view that is obscuredby oceansfor most convergentplate boundaries. Our current work buildson previousanalysesof geodetic data from the Nepal Himalaya. Studies of leveling data from eastern Nepal reveal a peak uplift rate 1991. Measurements were first made at Bangalore in 1991 (in a noncontinuous mode);all the other far-field stations began continuousobservationsabout 1995, as did Lhasa. Locations of the sites in the Nepal Himalaya and Tibet network are shown in Plate I on a shaded relief map of the topography. Our sites span a considof 5-8 mm/yr which can be interpretedas interseismic erable range in ellipsoidalheights,from lessthan 50 m strain accumulation associatedwith slip deceleration at a crustalramp [Jacksonand Bilham, 1994; Pandeyet al., 1995]. Freymuelleret al. [1996]took a largerperspective and analyzed GPS data from one site in India and one site in Nepal to confirmglobal predictionsof Indian plate motion independent of the Australian plate [DeMetset al., 1990]. Bilham et al. [1997]presented an analysis and interpretation of GPS data collectedin the Nepal Himalaya over a 4.5 year period. They found in the foothills of the Himalaya to more than 7800 m on the South Col of Mount Everest. To provide additional tectonic backgroundfor the network, Plate 1 also includesmaximumprincipalstressorientations[Zoback, 1992]andselected focalmechanisms [MolnarandLyonCaen, 1989]. The locations of all the sites used in this study are listed in Table 1, along with the number of observations at each site and their temporal span. The first a 17+2 mm/yr northerly directedsurfaceconvergence GPS observationsof the Nepal Himalaya network were rate between India and southernmost Tibet. Eighty made in April 1991. At this time the GPS constellapercent of this convergenceis concentrated in a zone tion consisted of only 15 satellites,ambiguity resolu: less than 120 km wide. tion was difficult, and the global GPS tracking network Bilham et al. [1997]alsouseda 20 year time series was significantly smaller than the oneavailablein 1997. of leveling data acrossthe peak uplift zone. The center and maximum gradient of the horizontal velocity field The impact on the quality of geodeticresultsin the Hiis associatedwith the region of rapid uplift. The nar- malaya is straightforward:the precisionof each day's row width of the horizontal and vertical velocity fields measurements in the east and vertical components is is consistent with a two- dimensional dislocation model markedly poorer than what we observefor data colin which the Indian plate is locked to the base of the Hilected in later years. For example, the standard deviamalaya down to depths of 15+5 km, north of which the tions for 5 daysof measurementsmade in 1991 were 2, 8, Indian plate slides freely beneath the Tibetan plateau and 20 mm in the north, east, and vertical components at a rate of 20+3 mm/yr. for the 70 km baseline between JIRI and NAGA. In 1995 In this paper we use more recently collectedGPS data the valueswere 2, 2, and 10 mm, respectively.The 1991 to improve relative velocity estimates in the Nepal Hiresultswere negativelyaffectedby the receiversavailmalaya and have extended this local network with sites able at the time, primarily C/A codeL1/squaring L2 that were not previously available. One new site in receivers(Trimble SST). The WM-102 receiversused particular, Lhasa, allows us to measure east-west ex- at TING and RONG observedfor shorter time periods tension rates across southern Tibet. We use the GPS with more frequentphasebreaksthan thoseof the Trimand leveling observationsin the Himalaya to invert for ble SSTs, resulting in east componentsfor TING and the geometry and slip rates of three-dimensionaldislo- RONG much weaker than those for the other sites. We cation models representinginterseismicstrain accumu- could not resolvecarrier phaseambiguitiesusing either lation. In particular, we focus on implications of sig- the Trimble SST or WM-102 data. In 1992 a subset of nificant along-arc variations in the present strain field. six sites was observedfor 2 days. A secondmajor exWe have simultaneouslyanalyzed data for the local netperiment wasconductedin November1995. Thesemeawork with data from continuouslyoperating GPS sites in Asia and have defined all velocities in a consistent reference frame. This approach allows us to describe surements were conducted in collaboration with Project Idylhim [Bilhamet al., 1997].Carrierphaseambiguities were easily resolvedfor the 1995 Nepalesedata. Severalof the original Nepal Himalaya siteswere not a much broader scale. Finally, we include published observed in 1995, including PHER, NAMC, KHAN, present-daygeodeticresultsfrom Asia in order to proLUKL, SIMA, and MAHE. We were able to reoccupy vide the reader with a more comprehensive description most of these sites over the next year. In fall 1996 of the plate boundary deformation. and spring 1997 we made additional measurementsat 2. GPS Network and Observation NAGA, SIMI, BIRA, and NEPA. We have also inthe kinematics of the India-Eurasia collision zone over History The GPS data used in this study were collectedbetween 1991 and 1997, mostly in campaign style mea- cluded measurements collected in 1995 and 1997 from the South Col (SCOL) of Mount Everest by another group of scientists. The analysis thus includes GPS data from January 1991 through September1997. 1080 LARSON ET AL.- INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM ..f o oß I"- 03 (3o ß LO o• (3o ß •' (.o o•. 03 o (3o ß Od (.o (3o ,. •-' •o 03,. 0 o 0 GPS LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1081 Table 1. GPS Sites Used in This Study Observing Sessions No. Name Identifier Latitude deg Longitude deg 1 Airport AIRP 27.69715 85.35791 2 Bhairhawa BHAI 27.50734 83.41802 3 4 5 Bharatpur Biratnagar Bangalore BHAR BIRA IISC 27.67783 26.48396 13.02116 84.42958 87.26440 77.57036 6 Irktusk IRKT 52.21902 7 Janakpur JANK 26.71064 85.92452 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Jiri Jomoson Khadbari Kitab Lhasa Lukla Mahendre. JIRI JOMO KHAN KIT3 LHAS LUKL MAHE 27.63541 28.78069 27.37987 39.13476 29.65733 27.68333 28.96319 86.23035 83.71787 87.20560 66.88544 91.10398 86.72500 80.14795 15 Nagarkot NAGA 27.69271 16 Namche NAMC 27.80262 17 Nepalganj NEPA 28.13409 81.57467 18 19 20 Pheriche Pokhara Bishkek PHER POKH POL2 27.89373 28.19895 42.67976 86.82282 83.97768 74.69426 21 22 Ranj Rongbok RANJ RONG 28.06254 28.19370 23 South SCOL 27.97294 24 Shanghai SHAO 31.09964 25 26 27 Simara Simikot Surkhet SIMA SIMI SURK 27.16245 29.96698 28.58576 Col 104.31623 Height m First Last 1283.848 1991.23 1995.87 1991.25 1995.87 1991.25 1991.23 1991.08 41.430 149.762 13.624 842.198 502.449 Epochs 10 2 8 3 1995.87 1996.97 1997.73 11 15 95 2 5 37 33 12 1995.75 1997.73 1991.23 1995.89 1878.205 2806.276 1088.499 622.599 3624.677 2768.700 161.000 1991.23 1991.23 1991.25 1994.80 1995.38 1991.24 1991.27 85.52121 2105.150 86.71514 3522.882 8 2 1995.89 1995.90 1996.29 1997.73 1997.73 1996.95 1996.79 15 28 11 82 89 4 7 4 5 2 41 30 2 3 1991.10 1997.28 95 30 1991.25 1996.31 12 4 1991.23 1996.86 16 6 4361.658 767.763 1714.199 1991.27 1991.27 1995.40 1997.28 1995.87 1997.73 7 10 43 2 3 19 82.57303 86.82739 1654.130 4953.110 1991.27 1991.25 1995.88 1995.86 8 5 2 2 86.92943 7861.972 1995.36 1997.39 3 2 1995.06 1997.39 86 38 1991.25 1991.25 1991.27 1996.97 1996.86 1995.89 10 13 14 4 4 4 215 97 10 4 9 2 121.20044 84.98172 81.82646 81.63519 121.53654 7.249 Total 89.214 22.142 68.433 2908.145 626.803 28 Taipei TAIW 25.02133 1992.37 1997.73 29 Tansen TANS 27.87384 83.55380 1391.444 43.945 1991.25 1995.90 30 Tingri TING 28.62950 87.15521 4256.033 1991.25 1995.86 Latitudes, longitudes,and heights are referencedto the WGS84 ellipsoid. Each observingsessionconsistsof one 24-hour period. Epochs are defined as the number of distinct 2-week periods during which at least one observingsessionoccurred. 3. GPS Data Analysis The GPS data are analyzed with the use of the GIPSY software developedat the Jet Propulsion Labo- agreewell with the resultsof Larsonet al. [1997].The scale, translation, and rotation of the epoch positions and velocitiesare constrainedto agree with ITRF94 in a weightedleast squaressense[Boucheret al., 1996]. ratory [Lichtenand Border,1987]. We usean analysis The resultinghorizontaland vertical velocitiesof each strategy discussedfully by Larson et al. [1997]. In site in the region are listed in Table 2. short, regional observationsfrom each 24-hour period are analyzed simultaneouslywith data from the GPS of the Collision Zone global tracking network. In addition to site coordinates, 4. Kinematics we explicitly estimate initial conditionsfor each satel4.1. Regional Plate Motions and Plate lite, satellite and receiver clocks, solar radiation presBoundary Deformation Zone sure parameters, a tropospheric zenith delay parameter To address the far-field plate motions in the region, for each site, and carrier phaseambiguities. Station coordinates and covariances from each 24-hour solution we comparethe GPS-derived velocitieswith global plate are then used in a weightedleast squaresfit, where the model predictionsof the No-Net-Rotation NUVEL1-A motion of each site is allowed to vary linearly. We use model, hereafter NNR-A [DeMets et al., 1990; 1994; 51 sites in our global velocity determination but dis- Argusand Gordon,1991]. NNR-A is a compilationof cussonly those in the Eurasia-India collision zone. The angular velocity vectorsfor 14 tectonic plates, includvelocities of sites in western Europe, South America, ing Eurasia and India. As these plate motion rates are the Pacific, Antarctica, Australia, and North America constrained only by seafloor spreading data, there are 1082 Table Site LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 2. Station Velocities GPS India NNR-A Eurasia NNR-A Observed Prediction Prediction North East AIRP BHAI BHAR BIRA IISC IRKT JANK JIRI JOMO KHAN KIT3 LHAS LUKL MAHE NAMC NAGA NEPA PHER POKH POL2 RANJ RONG 34.5 + 1.5 37.6 4- 1.6 37.5 4- 1.6 38.8 4- 1.3 39.8 4- 1.2 -10.2 4- 3.1 38.2 4- 1.6 29.9 4. 1.5 27.0 4- 1.5 32.8 + 1.5 2.6 + 2.0 16.6 4. 2.5 28.3 4- 1.4 36.6 4- 1.4 28.6 4- 1.5 35.2 4- 1.2 36.8 4- 1.3 27.1 4- 1.3 36.4 4- 1.6 3.7 4- 2.6 35.5 4- 1.6 22.1 4- 2.6 38.1 + 2.2 38.8 4- 2.3 36.4 4- 2.3 40.1 4- 1.9 42.2 4- 1.8 26.3 4- 3.7 39.1 + 2.6 35.9 + 2.2 35.8 4- 1.9 40.6 + 2.2 28.5 4. 2.3 44.2 4- 2.8 37.8 + 2.3 33.2 4- 2.1 39.7 4- 2.1 37.7 4- 1.6 35.1 4- 2.0 37.3 4- 2.1 36.9 4- 2.3 28.9 4. 3.0 32.3 4- 2.3 36.4 4- 5.4 SCOL SHAO SIMA SIMI SURK TAIW TANS TING 28.84- 3.6 -15.0 4- 2.2 38.34. 1.4 24.2 4- 1.3 35.8 4. 1.6 -13.6 4- 1.3 36.0 4- 1.5 39.7 4- 3.8 31.8 q-2.5 35.74. 2.1 32.2 4- 2.0 34.1 4- 2.3 33.7 4- 1.4 35.4 4- 2.2 21.4 4- 2.2 36.5 + 4.2 Up -5.2 + 5.9 -3.3 4- 5.9 2.0 4- 5.9 -4.4 4- 4.6 7.2 4- 3.0 4.6 4- 5.7 2.2 4. 6.6 2.4 4. 6.3 5.3 4. 4.1 6.6 4- 5.8 0.7 4. 3.1 3.2 4- 3.9 1.9 4. 6.9 -2.3 4- 5.3 2.4 4- 5.5 1.1 4- 2.4 -2.6 4- 4.6 7.6 4- 5.1 -7.0 4- 5.7 9.3 4- 4.4 3.4 4- 6.1 -18.6 4- 13.7 2.5 4- 17.9 -2.5 4. 3.2 0.1 4- 5.7 9.0 4. 4.2 1.5 4- 5.7 -6.9 4. 1.7 11.2 4- 5.6 -16.9 4- 8.7 North East North 42.3 42.2 42.3 42.4 41.5 41.2 42.4 42.4 42.2 42.4 38.9 42.5 42.4 41.8 42.4 42.3 42.0 42.4 42.2 40.9 42.1 42.4 42.5 36.5 42.3 42.0 42.0 36.4 42.2 42.4 36.6 36.1 36.3 37.7 40.1 34.6 37.2 37.0 35.6 37.4 23.0 37.9 37.1 34.3 37.1 36.7 35.1 37.1 36.0 24.1 35.5 37.0 37.1 48.3 36.7 34.4 35.0 48.5 35.9 36.9 -5.0 -4.5 -4.8 -5.5 -2.9 -9.8 -5.2 -5.3 -4.6 -5.5 0.2 -6.6 -5.4 -3.6 -5.4 -5.1 -4.0 -5.4 -4.6 -2.0 -4.3 -5.4 -5.5 -13.3 -4.9 -4.0 -4.0 -13.3 -4.5 -5.5 East 25.1 25.1 25.1 24.9 23.2 22.7 25.0 25.0 25.2 25.0 26.0 24.9 25.0 25.3 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.0 25.2 25.8 25.2 25.1 25.0 22.2 25.0 25.4 25.3 22.3 25.2 25.1 All velocities arein mm/yr. Uncertainties are1 standard deviation. NNR-A,No-Net-Rotation NUVEL1-Amodel. no direct data measuringthe convergence rate between Eurasia and India. Shanghai'svelocity with respectto Eurasia is 104-3 mm/yr towardN104øE.Thisisin goodagreement with In Table 2 we list the predicted NNR-A Eurasian and two independentanalysesof VLBI data from Shanghai: Indian plate velocity for each site adjacent to the ob- Heki [1996]reportedll4-1 mm/yr towardNl12øE in servedvelocities. Note that NNR-A predictsno vertical a Eurasiafixed frame; Molnar and Gipson[1996]estidisplacements.Dependingon one's preferredvantage, mated 84-1 mm/yr towardN116øE,alsoin a Eurasia station velocities can be depicted in an "India fixed" fixed frame. Taipei's velocity is rotated slightly with frame or a "Eurasia fixed" frame by subtractingthe pre- respectto Shanghai,114-2mm/yr eastwith respectto diction for that plate. In Figure 2 we plot selectedresid- Eurasia. POL2, in the Tien Shan belt, has a velocity ual vectorsto the Eurasian and Indian frames. Banga- of 74-3mm/yr towardN28øEwith respectto Eurasia. lore (IISC) and four sitesin southernNepalagreewithin 3 mm/yr with Indian plate motion predictions.Velocities of these sites relative to Eurasia range from 404-2 mm/yr toward NlløE at MAHE to 464-2mm/yr to- If we take into accountthe large uncertaintiesin di- ward N20 øE at BIRA. between rection(4-30ø),this findingis in goodagreement with an analysisby Abdrakmatov et al. [1996](Figurelb), whichreported54-3mm/yr northwarddirectedmotion POL2 and Eurasia. We canalsocompareour analysisof data from LHAS The remaining sites shown,including those in Kitab (KIT3), Taipei (TAIW), Shanghai (SHAO), Lhasa with the recentwork of Karo et al. [1998]. They re(LHAS), and Bishkek(POL2), are shownwith respect port a Eurasiafixed velocityof 314-3mm/yr toward to Eurasia. KIT3, IRKT, and POL2 do not showsignif- N53øE4-4ø, which agreeswell with our rate of 304-3 icant deformationwith respectto Eurasia at the 95% mm/yr toward N40øE4-5ø. The estimateddirections confidencelevel, but their uncertainties are still quite disagreeby 13ø, but this variation is well within the large becausethe data span a short period of time. 95% confidenceregion for the two estimates. Figure LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1083 ./ 50 ø Eurasia-fi 40 ø kit3 •) 30 ø NEP Inda fixed 20 ø 10 ø 60 ø 70 ø 80 ø 90 ø 1 O0 ø 110 ø 120 ø Figure 2. Regionalvelocitieswith 95% confidence ellipsesshownin an India fixed frame (capitalized station names)or Eurasiafixed (lowercasestation names)frame. The thick black line is the NUVEL1-A plate boundary between India and Eurasia. 2 showsthat Lhasa's velocity is slightly rotated with respect to velocities from sites in northern Nepal. In Figure 3 we display selectedvelocity vectors with re- over 200 km, indicating a wider contraction zone than in east Nepal. A change in convergencedirection between eastern spectto Simikot(SIMI). This perspectivedemonstrates and western Nepal cannot be preciselydetermined from east-westextensionof 11:k3mm/yr betweenSIMI and these data becauseof the large uncertaintiesin the esLHAS. timated east componentsfor many of the GPS stations. A rotation of the convergencedirection would be con4.2. Himalayan Collision Zone To look at the details of the Nepal Himalaya deformation,we plot velocitieswith respectto Nagarkot (NAGA) in Figure4. This projectionclearlyshowsthat sitesin southernTibet (RONG and TING) are moving south with respect to NAGA and that sites in southern Nepal (e.g., BIRA and JANK) are movingnorth toward NAGA. Horizontal contraction across eastern sistentwith earthquakefocal mechanisms [Molnar and Lyon-Caen,1989; Ni and Barazangi,1984]and maximum principalstressorientations[Zoback,1992],which alsorotate counterclockwisefrom west to east along the arc to remain in an arc-perpendicular orientation, as shownin Plate 1. Arc-normal shorteningis also consistent with east-west extension across southern Tibet [Armijo et al., 1986]. Nepal(betweenBIRA and TING) is 18:k2mm/yr ori- Vertical velocity estimates derived from GPS are 2 to 3 times lesscertain than correspondinghorizontal veloccomplicated in western Nepal. While SIMI is mov- ity estimates. Vertical velocitiesderivedfrom campaign ing southwest,as expected,sitesin southwesternNepal style GPS studies such as this one must be examined (MAHE and NEPA) aremovingnegligiblywith respect skeptically. Vertical accuracy is reduced by blunders to NAGA instead of northward as we see in eastern in the measurementof true antenna height. Data anaNepal. This finding suggeststhat the zoneof active con- lysts may misinterpret field notationsof antenna height. traction extends farther to the south in western Nepal. Even so, we have not found a large number of outliers The velocity pattern in western Nepal is smooth, so in the vertical estimates. Excluding TING and RONG, our interpretation of a changein deformation pattern only six of the 22 Nepal Himalaya sitesindicate signifidoesnot rely on a singlestation. The rate of shorten- cant velocitiesat the I standarddeviationlevel (Table ing within the networkin westernNepal (betweenSIMI, 2). The 1991 observationsat TING and RONG are ented N12øE:k12 ø over 240 km. The situation is more NEPA, andMAHE) is 13:k2mm/yr orientedN10øE:k9ø problematicbecausewe usedan antenna(WM-102) for 1084 LARSON ET AL.' INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 34 ø 32 ø 30 ø 'Mah .:. 28 ø Sim 26 ø•- INDIA 78 ø 80 ø 82 ø 84 ø ......INDi/• . ....:... .... 86 ø 88 ø 90 ø 92 ø Figure 3. Selectedregionalvelocities shownin relationto Simikot(diamond)with 95% confidenceellipses. Historic seismicityfrom 1950 to 1997 suggestsa changein strike along the Himalaya at 83ø longitude.India-Eurasiaplate boundaryand faults are shownin black. which we have no calibration; we have therefore ex- vations of surfacedeformation using three-dimensional, cluded these sites from further dislocation models. discussion. At one of The INDEPTH seismic reflection profile is located near 90ø longitude and showsthat a discretefault plane dipping "09ø extendsfrom 27.7ø mandu Valley (betweenNAGA and AIRP) measured to about 29ø latitude, where it reaches"040 km depth et al., 1996;Zhao et al., 1993]. Deformasubsidence of ? mm/yr. This agreeswith GPS vertical [Makovsky tion to the north of -029ø latitude below Tibet is likely velocityestimatesat AIRP of-6+6 mm/yr. to be accommodatedby more widely distributed shear 5. Discussion and asthenosphericflow in the lower crust and upper mantle. However, our data near the tip of the slip5.1. Interseismic Strain Accumulation Across ping Himalayan thrust systemare quite insensitiveto the Himalaya the rate, geometry,or mechanisms of deformationbelow To better understand the processof strain accumu- Tibet. Therefore we postulate that the observedinterlation in the Nepal Himalaya, we interpret GPS obser- seismicdeformation is primarily causedby the aseismithe sites, AIRP, we have an independent measurement of the vertical velocity. Leveling data from the Kath- 32 ø 0 mm/yr,•• Lhas 30 ø Ting 28 ø Nep km ß • 100 ß BhaiS I 200 26 ø 80 ø 82 ø 84 ø 86 ø 88 ø 90 ø 92 ø Figure 4. Regionalvelocitiesshownin relation to Nagarkot (diamond)with 95% confidence ellipses. LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA cally slipping portions of the thrust system below the Himalaya. The modelfaultsreachfar belowTibet to avoid edge effectsfrom the northern tip of the finite dislocations. Our first-order models assume that the deformation can be characterized by slip on rectangular dislocation planes buried in a homogenous,isotropic KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1085 tion with uniform slip located at the downdip tip of the lockedfault. We solvefor the best fitting singlerectangular dislocationplane to representaseismicfault slip north of the tip line of the locked system. The width and length of the fault plane are constrainedto be 1000 km and 1500 km, respectively. The nonlinear inver- and elastichalf-space[Okada, 1985].Thesedislocations sionfor ninefault parameters(geometry+ dip slip and strikeslip) of a singlefault, with relativelywide bounds on the geometry,computesa dislocationstriking 106ø, represent aseismicshear north of the locked portion of the Himalayan detachment system. Alternatively, interseismic deformation in underthrusting regimes can be modeled by the combination of steady block motion acrossthe complete thrust surface with a dislocation that is slipping opposite to the thrust motion representing the locked portion of the dipping 4ø to the north, following the southern edge of the Greater Himalaya at a depth of 18 km (Figure 5). We computea dip-sliprate of 19+1 mm/yr and a strike-slipcomponentof 4+1 mm/yr. The misfit of this model is 1.07; that is, the model provides an adequate fit to the data within the given uncertainties.Allowing plies that the actively slippingfault segmentsdowndip only for dip slip, the fault strike rotates to 105ø, and of the back-slippingdislocationare parallel to the locked all other parameters changeinsignificantly,including a segment. For multiple sourcesof deformation that are dip-sliprate of 20+1 mm/yr. If we invert only the GPS not aligned we prefer modelingthose active fault planes data, the model fault depth changesvery little, to 19 as finite width dislocationsin an elastic half-space. We km, and the fault dip increases to 8ø with 20+1 mm/yr do not attempt here to model viscous relaxation pro- and 4+1 mm/yr of dip-slipand strike-slip,respectively. cessesexpected to play a role in the crustal earthquake However, if we solve for dip slip only, the tip line deepcycle, and we do not accountfor buoyancy effects. Data ensto 22 km, with 23+1 mm/yr of slip. Finally, if we spanning many decadesmay eventually reveal unique fix the fault strike to 106ø and invert only the leveling evidence to differentiate such models from the elastic data, we compute a tip line depth of 14 km and a diprepresentations we utilize [Thatcher,1986]. slip rate of 15+2 mm/yr. The relative sensitivityto We use a constrained nonlinear optimization algo- small variations in our model parameters suggeststhat rithm, which allowsus to estimatethe geometry(pa- the uncertaintyin the detachmentdepth is ,-•3km. Figrameterized by length, depth, width, dip, strike, and ure 5a showsthe surfaceprojectionsof the fault planes location) and the rates of strike slip and dip slip of for the three caseswe considered:only GPS data, both one or more faults that best fit the GPS and/or lev- GPS and leveling data, and only leveling data, along eling data [Arnadottir and $egall,1994; Biirgmannet with model and observed velocity vectors. In Figures al., 1997]. Specifically,we seek modelsthat mini- 5b-5d we representthe velocity vectorsin their fault mizethe weig•hted residualsumof squares, WRSS parallel, fault perpendicular, and vertical components, (dabs -- dmad) JP-1 (dabs -- dmad),wheredabsand dmad along with the model predictionsin these directions. are the observedand modeled velocity components,reAll model parameters are listed in Table 3. spectively, and P is the data covariance matrix. In Overall, the levelingdata appearto prefera shallower some caseswe apply bounds (such as constraintson and slowersourceof deformation. This preferencecould the depth of faulting, the range of permissible fault be causedby systematic errors in the data, may indistrikes, or allowingfor dip-slip faulting only) to find cate differencesin the deformation during the somewhat best fitting sourcesthat are additionally constrained different time intervals coveredby the GPS and levelby geologicor other information. The model misfit is ing data, or may be related to insufficientconsideration fault [Savage,1983;1996]. Sucha back-slipmodelim- v/WRSS/(n-p), wheren isthenumber of dataandp of the correlationsin the levelingdata [Arnadottir et is the number of free model parameters. We compare our geodeticobservationswith relatively simple dislocation models to evaluate first-order characteristics of the collisionzone revealedin the geodeticdata. These models include a best fitting singlefault plane and alongstrike heterogeneityrepresentedby two adjacent fault planes. We evaluateda wide range of additional models of varying complexity that led to the choiceof models we show here. For example, we found that the data do not yet resolvesignificantdown-dip variation in dip or slipmagnitudeof the activefault surface[Biirgmannet al., 1997]. 5.2. Model 1: Single Fault Plane al., 1994]. The lack of slopedependentbiasesin the data [JacksonandBilham,1994],the consistency of the uplift pattern measured from 1977 to 1990 and from 1990 to 1995 along the northern 15 km of the level line, and inversion of the data with full consideration of the data covariancesappear to rule out these causes. Sav- age [1998]showsthat higher rigiditiesat depth lead to a systematic differencebetween inverted dislocation source depths of vertical and horizontal displacement data. For a horizontal detachment source placed in a half-space underlying a less rigid layer, leveling data would invert for a shallower and less rapidly slipping dislocation than would GPS data if we assume a ho- The simplest model of interseismic strain buildup mogeneous elastichalf-space[Savage,1998]. Thus the across a dipping thrust fault consistsof one disloca- apparent shallowingof the inferred detachment source 1085 LARSON ET AL.' INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS o . -5 32 ø observed M3. "- model• -20 -25 •> 10 mm/yr , I , , , I , , , I , , 30 ø , I , , , I ß i , .......... o E -10 , 28 ø ' i , i ß . 26 ø 82 ø 84 ø 86 ø 88 ø 90 ø , , i , , , i ß , , , i , , , ß, ,ß •, ,ß ß, ßßß ,,' L, ockede) •' 80 ø , -2o o •)-40 92 c• ,,, -100 0 100 200 300 Distance from fault tip (kin) Figure 5. (a) Observedhorizontalvelocitiesrelativeto Nagarkot(solidvectors)and predicted horizontalvelocities(open vectors)from best fit singlefault plane modelusingboth GPS and levelingdata. Nagarkotis shownas a soliddiamond.Uncertaintiesare 95% confidence ellipses. The surfaceprojectionsof the fault planeusingboth GPS and levelingdata (M1), only GPS data (M2), and only levelingdata (M3) are shownin black. Alsoshownare the velocitiesof the GPS sitesin (b) fault parallel(striking105.3ø),(c) fault perpendicular, and (d) verticalcomponents, with 1 standard deviation uncertainties. M1 model predictions are shown as a dotted line in Figure 5b-5d. (e) Locationof the lockedzonein profile.Profilesin Figures5b-5e are shownwith respectto the distancefrom the fault tip. For further descriptionof the fault model, seeTable 3. Table Fault 3. Model Parameters Data Dept h, Dip, St rike, Dip-slip, St rike-slip, Model km deg deg mm/yr mm/yr Misfit Best Fitting One Fault Models Single Single Single Single Single G+L G+L G G L 18.3 17.6 18.7 22.0 14.0 -4.4 -4.7 -7.7 -9.7 -14.8 106.4 105.3 106.1 104.4 106.1 -19.1 -19.6 4- 10.9 3.6 4- 1.1 4- 1.0 1.07 1.12 -20.1 4- 1.1 -22.7 4- 1.2 1.32 -15.4 4- 1.6 0.93 3.5 4- 1.2 1.23 Best Fitting Two Fault Model West East West East G+L G+L G G 25.0 14.6 25.0 16.2 -8.3 -3.4 -8.4 -2.3 112.3 100.9 112.3 99.4 -23.4 -20.8 -23.6 -21.8 4444- 1.5 1.1 1.6 1.3 1.00 1.06 Two-Fault Model, Western Fault Aligned to Seismicity West East West East G+L G+L G G 25.0 14.9 25.0 16.2 -4.5 -3.4 -4.5 -2.3 120.0 100.9 120.0 99.4 -21.3 -19.6 -21.5 -19.4 4- 1.6 -F 1.1 4- 1.6 4- 1.2 Data usedare GPS (G) and/or leveling(L). Model misfit is definedin the text. 4.34- 1.6 1.05 4.2 4- 1.6 1.24 LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA inverted from the levelingdata may suggestlayering of the Earth's crust with increasingrigiditiesat depth. Both horizontal and vertical deformation underestimate the sourcedepth; that is, our inversionmay be somewhat biased toward shallow depths. As the precision of geodeticdata improves,we are increasinglysensitive to second-orderdetails of our model parameterization including varying constitutive constants. Other geologicand geophysical evidencesupportsour model basedonly on the geodeticdata. The depth, dip, and location of the model fault plane agree quite well with the Main Himalayan Thrust reflector imaged by the INDEPTH seismicreflectionexperiment[Makovsky et al., 1996; Zhao et al., 1993]. The data confirmthe existenceof a relatively simpleaseismicallyslippingdetachment plane that accommodatesmost of the active India-Tibet convergencenorth of -•28 ø latitude. Instead of representing a simple dislocation slip plane, however, slip is probably accommodatedin a narrow, strain-weakenedshear zone, similar to mylonitic shears observedalong thrust faults exhumed from midcrustal depth [e.g.,Ramsay,1980;Kirby, 1985;Harrison et al., 1•]. Intermediate size earthquakesalong the Himalayan arc consistently have focal mechanisms with a shal- lowly northwarddippingnodal plane (Plate 1) and are KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1087 not predictthe shift in displacement patternsalongthe southwesternedge of the network. As we move from eastern to western Nepal, the southernmost site velocities changefrom a small northward motion relative to NAGA to a morewesterlytrend with an insignificant northcomponent.We thereforecontinueour investigation by allowingfor a variationin fault geometryalong the Himalaya. 5.3. Model 2: Two Adjacent Fault Planes The western Nepal segment of the Himalayan thrust systemhas not experienceda significantearthquake for at least 300 years[Bilharnet al., 1997]. It is therefore important to evaluate whether this area behaves differ- ently from the easternregion near Kathmandu, which is located in the hanging wall of the 1934 Bihar earthquake rupture. Variations could be due to the two regionsbeing at different stagesof the regional earthquake cycle or may stem from structural segmentationof the fault system. The seismicityband along the Himalaya experiences a sharp bend of about 20ø to the northwest of 83ø longitude, indicating a possiblesegmentboundary near this longitude (Figure 3). We evaluate whether significant lateral variations are indicated by the data by modeling the deformation with two contiguousfault planes. In particular, we are interested in differencesin the width of the locked fault plane, the depth to the fault, and variations in slip rate along the Himalayan range front. For this purpose we restrict the searchto dip-slip on two faults that lie approximately adjacent southern tip of the Main Frontal Thrust in southern to each other. Their absolute position, strike, dip, and central Nepal. The agreementof these long-term con- depths are unconstrained. We find significantvariations in the depth of the two traction rates across the southern tip of the detachment system with the interseismic strain accumulation model faults. The tip of the eastern fault is at a depth rates we measure at the base of the Greater Himalaya of 15 km, but the western fault clearly prefers depths suggeststhat detachment slip efficiently accommodates of 25 km or more. There is an apparent correlation bemostof the India-southernTibet convergence.This lack tween estimated slip magnitude and depth of faulting of evidence for significant plastic strain north of the for the western fault. That is, within a certain range, Main Frontal Thrust, the locked detachment south of deeper models with higher slip rates fit the data as well thought to be eventson the detachment systemand as- sociatedsecondaryfaults [Baranowskiet al., 1984;Molnat, 1990; Ni and Barazangi,1984]. Lav• and Avouac (submitted manuscript, 1998) measured21.5 + 1.5 mm/yr of Holoceneshorteningacrossfoldsmarkingthe the Greater Himalaya constrainedby the geodeticdata, and the insignificant contribution of moderate earthquakes to detachment slip indicate that most of this slip occursin great Himalayan detachment earthquakes reachingfrom the southern Siwalik hills to the Greater Himalaya (Lav• and Avouac, submitted manuscript, 1998). The single-dislocationmodelfits most of the data well within the uncertainties,the exceptionsbeing sites in southwestern Nepal and LHAS. The model does not fit the data from LHAS within 95% confidencelimits, but this fit is not to be expected, given that LHAS is affected by both extensional and contractional deformation. LHAS movesabout 5 mm/yr fastersouthward than SIMI, showingthat a small amount of north-south contraction may occur acrossthe south Tibetan graben system. Removal of the LHAS data has little impact on model estimates. The singlefault plane model does as the model at 25 km. We would be able to more confidently constrain the other fault parameters if additional constraints could be put on either the slip rate or the depth based on complementary data. The outline of the eastern and western faults, along with observed and predicted horizontal velocities,are shownin Figure 6a. Dip slip on the western and eastern fault segments are 23+2 mm/yr and 214-1 mm/yr, respectively.The two model fault planes rotate into approximate paral- lelismwith the Himalayanarc (striking ll2 ø and 101ø, respectively). The western and eastern faults dip 8ø and 3ø to the north, respectively. The model misfit is reduced to 1.00. We evaluate the GPS data separately to examine the importance of the leveling data in this conclusion. We find that the resulting model is very comparable to the previous one, which used both GPS and levelingdata (Table 3). The GPS data fit a two fault plane model significant. ly better than a one fault 1088 LARSON ET AL.' INDIA-EURASIA 30 ø KINEMATICS FROM GPS /':.""""'"':'."._'••' •' .../. o.b•,•ved:. ,,..1.0. m.,m/.yr. '/ 28 ø 26 ø 80 ø 82 ø 84 ø 86 ø 88 ø ß 5 I , I , I 90 ø , I , I , I , 92 ø I , I , I EAST 0 b• 1"*"' .... ,>, ' E -10 E -15 -20 -25 '-- ' i ' ' ' i ' ' ' i ' ' i lO .... tE -10 / i I i i ' i , , . i . , , i , , , I I , I ' •.,10 l i'•'•ti....... •..• 'l•i' I ' ' ß....................... I , , , I , , , I , , , I , E -10 ....... i ' ' i ' ' ' Locked i .... e) e) Locked e -40 -1 O0 0 1O0 200 300 -1 O0 Distancefromfaulttip (km) 0 1O0 200 300 Distancefromfaulttip (km) Figure 6. (a) Observed horizontalvelocities relativeto Nagarkot(solidvectors)and predicted horizontalvelocities(open vectors)from best fit two fault plane model usingboth GPS and levelingdata. Nagarkotis shownas a soliddiamond.Uncertainties are 95% confidence ellipses. The surfaceprojectionsof the fault planesusingboth GPS and levelingdata are shownin black. Alsoshownarethe velocities ofthe GPSsitesin (b) faultparallel(striking112.3øand100.9ø),(c) fault perpendicular,and (d) verticalcomponents, with I standarddeviationuncertainties.Model predictionsfor the westernand easternfault planesare shownas a dotted line in Figures 6b-6d. (e) Locationof the lockedzonein profile. Profilesin Figures6b-6e are shownwith respectto the distancefrom the fault tip. For further descriptionof the fault model, seeTable 3. Historic seismicity from 1950 to 1997 is also shown. plane model, with a reduction in the model misfit from 1.32 to 1.06. How well does this dislocation model fit the verti- cal GPS observationsshownin Figure 6d? The WRSS for 22 site velocities improvesfrom 18.6 to 11.8 when the model predictions are used instead of a null pre- diction. The improved fit suggeststhat some of the measured vertical GPS rates are in fact causedby the India-Eurasia collision, although becauseof the large uncertaintiesthe vertical velocityestimatesdo not constrain the dislocation models. The preferred "segmentboundary" is near the rather LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA abrupt changein the strike of the seismicitynear 83ø KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1089 longer time periods will be neededto uniquely resolve longitude[Tan•ukar ½i aL, 1997]. It also coincides the contribution of viscousand gravitational processes with the southern extension of the north-south strik- ing Thakkholagrabensoutheastof Jomoson(JOMO), and a basementhigh (the BundelkhandMassifand FaizabadRidge)on the underthrusting Indianplate [/(hailri, 1987]. This findingsuggests that there may be a to the observed 5.4. surface deformation. Kinematics of the India-Eurasia Collision Zone Our analysis has focused on the Himalayan frontal significantdiscontinuitybetweenthe westernand eastern Nepal deformationzone,alongwhat is otherwisea thrust and southern Tibet but also includes more dissmoothsmall-circlearc of high elevations,topographic tributed, continuouslyoperating sites in the India-Eurroughness, and seismicity[Bilham et al., 1997; Seebet asia collision zone. Additional published results are and Gornitz,1983]. Interactionof the underthrusting available basementhigh with the overriding plate may be the causefor this observedlateral heterogeneity. Notwithstandingthis apparentrelation betweenwestern Nepal seismicity and inferred deformation kinematics, we note that the geometryof the western112ø striking model fault plane doesnot exactly follow the observedseismicityband striking 120ø. We have there- without fore tested another two-fault Roydenet al., 1997]and our own resultstogetherwith model in which we force for some areas in central a formal combination and east Asia. of the networks Even we can continue our discussionby evaluating existing geodetic constraints in the broader context of the kinematics of the India-Eurasia collision. In Figure 7 we show shortening, extension, and strike-slip rate estimates from publishedgeodeticstudies[Abdrakraatov et al., 1996; Karo et al., 1998; King et al., 1997; Michel et al., 1997; the westernmodelthrust to morecloselyfollowthe 120ø striking seismicityband (Table 3). Allowingonly dipslip deformation, we cannot fit the data for SIMI and JOMO, with a correspondinglylarge model misfit of 1.30. If we allow strike slip as well as dip slip, we have a good fit to the observations,with a misfit of 1.05, comparedto 1.00 for the best fitting two fault plane model with dip slip only. This model implies that about 4 mm/yr of right-lateralstrikeslipis accommodated acrosswestern Nepal. Mapped right-lateral strike-slipfaults striking ESE through westernNepal selected station velocities referenced to Eurasian plate motion. While many questionspertaining to the kinematics of the collision zone remain unanswered,we can As we noted above, the differencesbetween motions in western and eastern Nepal could also be due to these locities at the 95% confidence limit in relation to the ation model includes a viscous lower crust from 25 to ments from western Nepal fully account for the conver- addressthree regionalissuesincluding(1) the northern limit of the broader India-Eurasia collisionzone, (2) east-westextensionin southernTibet, and (3) the extent of eastward motion of south China. A number of geodeticexperimentsare in progressthat will eventually resolvemany of the remaining unansweredquestionsof how plate boundary strain is distributed in this region. Continuous sitesKIT3 (3+2 mm/yr) andIRKT (4+2 [Upreti,1996]presumably respondto this inferreddex- mm/yr) and the station AZOK (2+3 mm/yr) reported tral shear. by Abdrakhmatovet al. [1996]have insignificantveEurasian plate. This finding showsthat only a minimal regionsbeing in differentstagesof the earthquakecy- amount of plate boundary strain may exist northwest cle. Preliminary layered viscoelasticmodels that con- of the Pamirs and north of the Tien Shan and Mongosiderthe possibleeffectsof continuedpostseismicrelax- lia, consistentwith seismologicand geologicestimates ation from the 1934 Bihar earthquake(F. Pollitz and [Englandand Molnar, 1997b]. The broad distribuR. B/irgmann, unpublishedmodels, 1998) predict up tion of north-south shortening acrossthe India-Eurasia to 5 mm/yr of transientnorthwardmotion and local- collision zone is best resolved in the west. Results ized contraction and uplift in eastern Nepal, somewhat from the Pamirs [Michel et al., 1997; G. Michel, perconsistent with the observed difference between western sonalcommununication, 1998],the Tien Shan [Michel and easternNepal motions. This gravitational relax- et al., 1997;Abdrakmatov et al., 1996],andour measure- 40km depth(withviscosity y = 10TMPa s), hasincreas- gencebetween India and Eurasia, with observationsof ing shear and bulk moduli with depth, and accountsfor gravitationaleffects[Pollitz, 1997]. If we removethe modeled contribution of viscous relaxation 50+6 mm/yr comparedwith model predictionsof 44 mm/yr. This findingsuggests that Himalayanshorten- of the 1934 ing acrossnorthwest India and Kashmir, located south of the Pamirs, is comparable to that observed across invert once more for the best fitting two-fault disloca- the Nepal Himalaya to the east. Even so, the uncertion model, we find that the inverted depth of the east- tainties are quite high, and determination of how strain ern fault plane deepensto greater than 20 km. That is partitioned in detail and what role rotating blocks is, instead of being related to a structural heterogene- and strike-slip faults may play will require additional ity along the Himalayan arc, the lateral variations of measurements,denserstation spacing,and formal intethe displacementfield may reflect residual effectsof a gration of the individual networks. large earthquake60 yearsago that is superimposedon In addition to contraction across the Himalaya, we Bihar earthquake from the observedGPS velocities and the secularaseismicfault slip. However,data spanning measure east-west extension in southern Tibet of 11+3 1090 LARSON ET AL.- INDIA-EURASIA :i••, ,:.velocity rel. KINEMATICS FROM GPS Eurasia to Eurasia shortening/ <:•• extension "•=strii<e slip 4O N amir India 20 N ?.: :.0: 500: 60 E 80 E 100 E 120 E Figure 7. Summary of geodetically determined deformation rates acrossthe India-Eurasia collisionzoneintegratingour resultswith publishedstudies. Large solidarrowsindicate velocities relative to Eurasia from this study. Arrows with dashedoutline are sites from other publications suchas Taejeonon the Korean Peninsula[Karo et al., 1998] and Azok in the northernmost Tien Shan [Abdrakhmatov et al., 1996]or are inferredassuminga rigid south China block (east and west of Xianshuihefault) and Indian subcontinent(northwestIndia). Arrowsin circlesare used to show velocitiesthat show no significantmotion with respect to Eurasia at the 95% confidencelimit. Small gray arrowsshowactive deformationrates determinedfrom severalyears of GPS measurements acrossthe Tien Shan[Abdrakhmatov et al., 1996],the northernPamir and westernTien Shan [Michelet al., 1997;G. Michel,personalcommunication,1998];the Himalaya [Bilham ctal., 1997;this study], the Xianshuihefault [King et al., 1997; Roydenet al., 1997], and the LongmenShah [King et al., 1997]. Shorteningacrossthe Indian subcontinentsouthof the Himalaya (not shown)is constrainedto be lessthan 2 mm/yr [Paul et al., 1995; Bilham et al., 1995]. mm/yr betweenSIMI and LHAS, which is consistent SIMI and JOMO (3+2 mm/yr) is not significant,sugwith geologicand seismicreports for the region. The gestingeither that east-westextensionis not uniformly rate of extension across southern Tibet has been estidistributed along the range or that the extensionoccurs only north of JOMO and TING. mated as 5-10 mm/yr from seismicmomentreleasein earthquakes [Baranowski et al., 1984]and 10+5 mm/yr The motion of LHAS is eastward in a Eurasian or from extensivegeologicmappingand Landsatimagein- southwestTibetan referenceframe (Figures2 and 3), terpretation[Armijo et al., 1986]. On the basisof geo- suggestingthat east-westextensionof southern Tibet accommodateseastward displacementsrather than westmetric considerationsof arc-normal thrusting of Tibet ward motion as suggestedby Molnar and Lyon-Caen overthe Indian plate, Molnar andLyon-Caen[1989]estimate extensionratesof 18+9 mm/yr and •10 mm/yr [1989].LHAS is locatedsouthof the BengCo and Jiali in southernand central/northernTibet, respectively. echelonsegmentsof the right-lateral Karakorum-Jiali As they included the full arc width from 75ø to 95ø fault zone,whichis thoughtto slip at about 15 mm/yr longitude, this higher value is consistentwith our esti- [Armijo et al., 1989]. If so, centraland northernTibet mate. Using similar geometricarguments,Bilham et al. would have to be moving eastward at an even higher [1998]estimatean along-arctensilestrainrate in south- rate between the left-lateral Altyn Tagh and Kunlun fault zone. ern Tibet of 0.012/•strain per year, corresponding to 12 faults and the Karakorum-Jiali mm/yr betweenSIMI and LHAS. Althoughthis close We can also examine the motion of SIMI, JOMO, agreement is an encouragingresult, the current rate of extensionbetweenSIMI and TING (2+4 mm/yr) and TING, and LHAS with respect to the local plate convergencedirection. The local direction of convergence LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA KINEMATICS FROM GPS 1091 can be determinedby subtractingthe Eurasianand In- shallower depth. A changein strike of a lineament of dian predictionsfor eachsite (Table 2). Residualvec- small to moderate earthquakesalong the Himalaya and tors can then be resolvedinto plate convergentand of[- the inferred western edge of the 1934 Bihar earthquake convergentdirections.The off-convergent componentof rupture coincide with this possiblesegmentboundary. However, models that attempt to accountfor the effects mm/yr),JOMO (4+2 mm/yr),TING (54-4mm/yr)to of viscousrelaxation followingthe 1934 earthquakesugLHAS (134-3mm/yr), with LHAS showing significant gest that the differencescould also be due to remnant eastward divergence. We will need sites to the west of postseismicdeformation from that event. motionslowlyincreases aswemoveeastfromSIMI (1+2 SIMI to test whether these sites show westward motion with respectto the localplate convergence direction. King et al. [1997]findinsignificant contractionacross the LongmenShanand 12-15+4 mm/yr strikeslipon the left-lateral Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault. This result suggeststhat eastward displacementof southern and central Tibet is partially accommodated by southeast directed corner flow or clockwise rotation around the easternsyntaxisof the collisionzone(Figure7), assug- gestedby Roydenet al. [1997]andKing et al. [1997]. Eurasia-fixed velocities of sites on either side of the Xi- anshuihefault shownin Figure 7 are dependenton the premisethat there is insignificantstrain betweeneither We find east-west extension across southern Tibet at a rate of 11+3 mm/yr betweennorthwesternNepal and Lhasa. The spatial distribution of extension acrossTibet is not well resolved by our data. However, extension is apparently occurring north of the strain accumulation zone of the Himalayan detachment system. The observed motion of Lhasa suggeststhat portions of southern Tibet displace eastward ahead of the Indian indenter and that somenorth-south shorteningoccurs across southern Tibet. If the east-west striking, right-lateral Karakorum-Jiali fault zone north of Lhasa slipsat rates suggestedby geologicestimates,then eastern central Tibet south of the Kunlun fault zone may SHAO or TAIW and King et al.'s [1997]GPS refer- move at 20 mm/yr to the east. Resultsfrom King et ence station at Chengdu, which is located east of the al. [1997]suggestthat about half the eastwardmotion Xianshuihefault and the LongmenShan. Neithergeologicnor seismicstudiesfind evidencefor significant strainacrossthe SouthChinablock[Englandand Molnat, 1997b;Holt et al., 1995] The lack of shorteningacrossthe Longmen Shan [Kinget al., 1997]andthe --•10mm/yr eastwardmotion of Tibet of SHAO, TAIW, and a site in Korea relative to Eurasia is transferred south of the south China block toward Indochina by the southeaststriking, left-lateral Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault zone. Eastward motions of about 10 mm/yr of sitesin Shanghaiand westernTaiwan and the lack of discernibleshorteningacrossthe LongmenShan [King et al., 1997]and the southChina [Kato et al., 1998]suggestthat coherenteastwarddis- block suggestregional eastward displacementof Tibet and south China away from the collisionzone. No sig- placement of Tibet and south China amounts to about nificant strain is observed north of the Tien Shan and 10mm/yr (Figure7). It hasto be pointedout, however, Mongolia. that the easternsitescouldpossiblybe affectedby subWe have successfullydetermined the pattern and duction and continentalcollisionprocessesto the east. mechanism of strain accumulation acrossthe Nepal HiContinuouslyoperatingGPS sitesat Wuhan and X'ian malaya and have provided some additional constraints locatedwell westof SHAO [Kato et al., 1998]will soon on motions provide the constraints that are needed to test these the patterns. versy still focuseson the contributions of crustal thickening and extension, strike-slip faulting and eastward extrusion, as well as crustal block rotations in the ac- 6. Conclusions total in southern width commodation of the Tibet collision of continental and South zone. China Much collision between and contro- India and North-south contractionacrossthe Nepal Himalaya Eurasia[Molnar and Deng,1984;Englandand Molnar, occursat a rate of 18+2 mm/yr, suggesting that about 1997a; 1997b; Avouac and Tapponnier, 1993; Peltzer 20 mm/yr of strain is accumulatingacrossthe locked and Saucier, 1996; Davy and Cobbold,1988; England portion of the Himalayan thrust system south of the and Houseman,1986; Peltzer et al., 1989]. GPS data Greater Himalaya. Our three-dimensionalmodel inare particularly suitable for resolvingthe active threeversions show that the detachment fault is locked over dimensionalkinematicsin a global referenceframe. On--•140km width alonga 500 km reachof the Nepal Hi- going and future GPS studies will provide answersto malaya. Future M8 earthquakeswill eventuallyrelieve many of the outstanding questionspertaining to the the accumulating slip deficit. Of particular concernis geodynamicsof this collision zone. the region between the 1905 Kangra and 1934 Bihar earthquakeruptures that may have built up as much Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the IGS as 6-15 m of slip potential. Our modelssuggestthat significantdifferencesin the active displacementpat- and their many support personnelfor providingoutstanding GPS data and data products. We also thank P. Athans, J. terns between west and east Nepal can be explained Avouac, R. Bendick,W. Berg, M. Bhatterrai, F. Blume, P. by a major structural segmentboundary near 83ø lon- Bodin, V. Gaur, M. Jackson,S. Jade, D. Mencin, P. Molnar, gitude, east of which the detachment is located at a P. Oli, B. O'Niell, M.R. Pandey, J. Paul, G. Rosborough,B. 1092 LARSON ET AL.: INDIA-EURASIA Shrestha,F. Sigmundsson,B. Stephens,W. Wang, B. Washburn, UNAVCO, and all the members of Project Idylhim for help in various parts of this project. Figures were pro- ducedusingGMT [Wesseland Smith, 1995]. 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