Comparative Study of Various Computer Tools in Electrical Engineering Courses1 Claudio A. Ca~nizares and Zeno T. Faur University of Waterloo Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1 Technical Report # 95-06, June 7, 1995 The work presented here was supported by the Oce of Teaching Resources and Continuing Education (TRACE) at the University of Waterloo, through the TRACE Learning Technologies Research Grants. Parts of this report were submitted on May 1995 for review and publication in the IEEE Transactions on Education and the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 1 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Description of the Study 3 1.1 Brief Literature Review : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1.2 Report Content : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2.1 Courses : : : : : : 2.2 Hardware : : : : : 2.3 Software : : : : : : 2.3.1 MATLAB : 2.3.2 MAPLE-V 2.3.3 EES : : : : 2.4 Tutorials : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3 Surveys : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 9 4 Examples and Comparisons 13 5 Conclusions 24 A Final Survey 26 4.1 Transformer Dynamics : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 4.2 EES Modeling of AC/DC Rectier Bridge : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 1 List of Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Saturation curve for a two-winding lab transformer : : : : : Transformer energization in EES format : : : : : : : : : : : Transformer energization in MATLAB format, main le : : Transformer energization in MATLAB format, equation le Transformer energization in MAPLE-V format : : : : : : : In-rush current in an unloaded single-phase transformer : : Full-wave ac/dc rectier bridge : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : AC/DC rectier bridge in EES format : : : : : : : : : : : : AC/DC rectier bridge output : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 16 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 List of Tables 1 2 Results of initial survey : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 Results of nal survey : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 11 3 Abstract This report discusses dierent computer tools used to help deliver, administer and teach the material covered in a second year machines course and a rst year circuits course. The computer facilities, programs and tutorials developed are discussed, concentrating in the analysis of the results of using these tools in the student learning process. The students' marks and the results of several student surveys, as well as the teaching sta's observations, are used to evaluate the usefulness of the dierent tools and determine their advantages and disadvantages. Some unexpected results regarding the actual students' use of these tools are presented and thoroughly analyzed. A comparison of three dierent simulation packages is also presented in this report, based on their use as teaching tools for electromagnetic transients. The application of these programs to the solution of a particular nonlinear problem in transformer dynamics is discussed in detail to highlight the main dierences between them, particularly from the student's point of view. Finally, based on the advantages and disadvantages of using these packages in the classroom, a simulation software is recommended and used to simulate an ac/dc rectier bridge. Chapter 1 Introduction Computer tools to help professors and students alike in the teaching-learning process have become very popular in the past decade or so. Scores of articles can be found in the technical and popular literature referring to dierent software and hardware tools and the techniques to use them in learning environments [1, 2, 3], probably due to the great leap forward in the last few years in software and hardware development and their signicant reduced costs. Most of these papers mention many advantages of using computer tools to improve the delivery of course material, and to presumably help students with their retention and understanding of this information. A brief discussion of some relevant papers follows. 1.1 Brief Literature Review Simulation programs have been used with reasonable success in a variety of Electrical Engineering courses throughout the world, from basic circuit analysis in freshmen courses to complex system design and analysis at the senior and graduate levels [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. In all of these papers, the authors discuss several software and hardware tools and how they are used to teach dierent aspects of Electrical Engineering. The author in [4] reports the results of a survey conducted at 82 universities and colleges, showing a broad use of computers in the classroom and widespread use of simulation software as an instructional tool for circuit analysis. In [5] and [6], the authors discuss in detail the favorable use of several simulation packages as teaching aids in a variety of Electrical Engineering courses. An in-house simulation program is presented in [7], reporting positive eects on the students' understanding of a particular subject and improved problem solving abilities. Most of these papers concentrate on discussing the positive aspects of simulation tools. In [8], however, the author discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of using these tools in the classroom, concluding that the negative aspects of using simulation packages are signicantly outweighed by the probable benets. 1 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 2 In the area of electromagnetic transients, particularly machine transients, there are several simulation packages that have been proposed and used as teaching tools [9, 10, 11]. In [9], the authors report on the instructional use in senior and graduate level machine courses of three dierent packages, comparing them on terms of their robustness and ease of use for the simulation of an induction motor start-up; of these three packages, MATLAB [12] is used and discussed again in the present report. The authors in [10] demonstrate the advantages and feasibility of using symbolic-computation packages for electromagnetic transient analysis. Although these types of programs have demonstrated to be very useful in the presentation and understanding of complex mathematical concepts [1], they have not been widely used in electromagnetic transient studies. Nonetheless, in [11], the author uses the symbolically based program MATHEMATICA [13] to study a series of transient and steady state phenomena in electric machines. 1.2 Report Content Based on their own experience and motivated by all the positive reports in the literature, particularly on the usefulness of simulation packages for teaching electromagnetic transients, the authors of the present report decided to use some of these programs as an integral part of two undergraduate courses covering basic concepts in Electrical Engineering. Three packages easily accessible through the campus PC-network were employed, namely, MATLAB [12], MAPLE-V [14], and EES [15], and several self-explanatory tutorials were developed for these programs. To determine the eectiveness and shortcomings of the computer tools, all students, regardless of their use of these tools, were asked to ll several questionnaires throughout the term. Furthermore, the students' performance was monitored and teaching sta's observations with regard to the students' use of the tools during tutorials were recorded, in order to help draw some conclusions. This report presents the results of the study, with the intention of giving other colleagues a more realistic view of the benets and limitations of using computers in the classroom. Chapter 2 describes in detail the complete set-up of the test that was carried out, i.e., the courses, the software and hardware used, and the goals and means of using them. A brief description and comparison of the simulation packages used to develop several computer tutorials, and the reason for using them in the rst place, are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 3 presents and analyzes the surveys results, as well as the sta's observations and the students' performance in relation to their use of the available computer tools. In Chapter 4, the results of using these programs to simulate the energization of a single-phase transformer considering saturation are presented. In this chapter, the use of EES to solve a nonlinear circuit problem, namely, the simulation of a single-phase rectier bridge feeding an RL load, including capacitive ltering and detailed nonlinear models of the diodes, is also shown. Conclusions and recommendations are presented in Chapter 5. Chapter 2 Description of the Study From the current literature, three areas of application for computer tools in the classroom were primarily identied, namely, class administration, lecture delivery, and computer tutorials. In this context, the software, hardware, and mechanisms for their use are discussed in this chapter, considering the courses where these tools were used. 2.1 Courses Two undergraduate courses were used as the \testing ground." These were, in chronological order: 1. ME 269: Electromechanical Devices and Power Processing. This is a second year, rst term course for Mechanical Engineering students, to introduce them to basic ideas in magnetic circuits, electric machines and their controls. The material covered here is later used during co-op terms, when the students work mostly in industry, and in a third year course in control systems. The course has 3 lectures and a 2-hour tutorial class per week, with 3 lab sessions in the term. The class attending the last oering was made up of approximately 85 students. 2. GEN E 123: Electrical Engineering. This is a rst year, second term, course for non-Electrical Engineering students, to introduce them to basic issues in linear and non-linear circuits. It is a prerequisite for ME 269 in Mechanical Engineering. The course has 3 lectures and a 1-hour tutorial class per week, with 4 lab sessions in the term. This course was oered to approximately 85 Mechanical Engineering students. The University of Waterloo Engineering program is a co-op program, with students alternating between an academic term and a work term (4 months constitute a term), for a total of 6 working terms in industry and 8 academic terms on campus [16]; students are usually required to take 5 courses during their academic terms. The Mechanical Engineering undergraduate program has high 3 CHAPTER 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY 4 admission standards, with a 1994 cuto average of 86% in 6 high-school advanced science courses [17], which is considered high in Canada. Therefore, the students participating in the study can be considered highly motivated. The study was rst carried out with the second year class (ME 269), and then, with what was learnt, it was modied for the rst year students (GEN E 123). The ME 269 students were compelled to use the computer tutorials and learn a simulation package by requiring them to do a project, which related to a transformer test done in the lab. On the other hand, the GEN E 123 students were motivated to use the tutorials and learn the simulation package by asking them to do an optional nal project for extra marks, in a subject that was not covered in lectures. 2.2 Hardware All of the software used for this study is available in the campus PC-network, known as WATSTAR. This is a DOS-based token-ring network with 1600 public and limited access terminals mostly dedicated to serve undergraduate students; 745 of these terminals are in Engineering [16, 18, 19]. WATSTAR has several ethernet gateways, so that it can reach and be reached through the Internet, mostly for e-mail and ftp purposes, although remote access to UNIX or other servers is possible through tcp/ip. It is interesting to highlight the fact that this network in Engineering, excluding operating system calls, is mostly used for Word Processing (43%), followed by mail (16%), and programming (15%); only 8% of the software activity is related to math and scientic applications, i.e., simulation. A class disk, which typically is dedicated read-only disk space in a WATSTAR server, was created to give students easy access to computer tutorials. For presentations in class, a 486 PC-laptop and a LCD-screen were used mainly to discuss the simulation packages and computer tutorials, so that these could be directly linked to the subject presented in lectures. For the GEN E 123 class, tutorial sessions were run in a lab with computer screens in each workbench, which made the discussion of the computer tutorials and simulation packages easier to set up and follow than when using LCD-screens, as these have very specic demands on lighting. After the rst experience with the ME 269 students, who were encouraged to use the simulation packages and computer tutorials on their own time, the GEN E 123 students were invited to work in a dedicated WATSTAR room during the tutorial sessions with the help of a teaching assistant. Since these tutorial sessions are typically dedicated to solving previously assigned problems with the help of teaching sta, the computer room was usually populated by students who had solved their problems in advance, i.e., the \top" of the class. CHAPTER 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY 5 2.3 Software In order to help with the administration of the course, and in particular with the communication between teaching sta and students, a news-group was created for easy access through WATSTAR. The news-group was chosen due to its widespread use in Engineering, particularly Electrical Engineering, as this communication mechanism is less expensive than class e-mail lists, although is certainly less personal. This news-group was mostly used to let students know in advance of issues related to the course, such as course outlines, availability and mechanisms to access new computer tutorials, etc. In particular, the news-group was very useful in the assignment of problems with the corresponding answers, so that students could have extra time and a checking mechanism to work on these problems before tutorial sessions. Students did not use the news-group to communicate with the rest of the class or with the teaching sta, using instead e-mail for these purposes, apparently due to the need for a more private medium. Dierent simulation packages were chosen mostly due to easy accessibility through WATSTAR, and also due to their proven popularity and usefulness for introducing students to dierent subjects (e.g., [4, 5, 9]). A brief description of the three simulation packages and how and why they were used, as well as their shortcomings and advantages, follows. 2.3.1 MATLAB This is a powerful and versatile simulation software, very popular in industry and academia. It was originally designed for numerical analysis of linear control systems; hence, it is very well suited for numerical matrix manipulations. However, due to its exibility in allowing direct programming and linking to FORTRAN and C routines, the package has grown immensely, with many added routines to allow numerical simulations of nonlinear systems as well. The major drawbacks of this program is its size and relative complexity; it takes some time to get use to its language and become familiar with several of the main routines needed for basic simulations. Equations must be handled in certain form and sequence, requiring the user to be familiar with the phenomena being analyzed, making it somewhat complex for inexperienced users. Furthermore, good comprehension of numerical analysis, linear algebra and linear systems is required, which makes it somewhat inappropriate for rst year students, and sometimes dicult to understand for second year students. For these reasons, this package was only used for the second year class, i.e., ME 269. The University of Waterloo has a site-license for this program and related software, making it readily accessible through WATSTAR. The Department of Computer Services (DCS) gives regular introductory seminars to this package, so that students can easily learn the basics for its use in various courses. CHAPTER 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY 6 2.3.2 MAPLE-V This is also a popular package, particularly at the University of Waterloo, where it has been developed and improved. As with MATLAB, this package and related software is also easily accessible on campus, with DCS giving regular seminars on its basic use. The program is a very powerful package, mainly designed to do symbolic computations. It is programmable and, therefore, very exible. Its numerical capabilities are adequate; however, these cannot be considered its strong suit. One major problem is its complexity, particularly with regard to notation, which is somewhat inconsistent and counterintuitive; it certainly takes a lot longer to master than MATLAB. Furthermore, as in MATLAB, problems have to be solved in a given form, i.e., the manner and order in which the equations are solved makes a dierence, requiring the user to be familiar with the subject under study. Therefore, the package is not very adequate for freshmen students, at least not for certain simulation purposes. This program was only used in ME 269. 2.3.3 EES This is not a popular software, but it is certainly very adequate for simulation purposes. It was developed at the University of Wisconsin, as an \improvement" to an existent package called SOLVER-Q [20]. This short program allows the user to numerically solve sets of nonlinear and/or dierential equations simultaneously, with no regard to the order of the equations, which together with uncomplicated notation and simple to use pull-down menus makes it very easy to learn and use; the user simply inputs the equations practically as he/she would write them on paper, and proceeds to solve them through the use of menus. For all of these reasons, it was the preferred software by the ME 269 class, as reported below, and, consequently, it was chosen as the simulation package for the GEN E 123 group. Although some programming can be done within the package, it is of limited scope. Other major shortcomings are its limited graphics capabilities and its low reliability, i.e., it often crashes without apparent reason. Some basic knowledge of numerical methods is required, although not fundamental; for certain problems, it is important to understand how the program proceeds with its calculations in order to be able to obtain a reasonable solution. As with MATLAB and MAPLE, the University has a site-license, which makes the program easily accessible. 2.4 Tutorials Based on the simulation packages described above, several computer tutorials were designed for each course. The main goal was to create self-contained tutorials that would allow the student to review important equations and concepts discussed in lectures, through personal unsupervised use CHAPTER 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY 7 and presentations in class. The tutorials below were developed for the ME-269 class in MATLAB, MAPLE-V, and EES to give students a choice of simulation package and to allow the teaching sta to determine the advantages and disadvantages of the dierent programs. 1. Phasor analysis: A simple R-L circuit was used to illustrate the advantages of phasor analysis versus time domain simulation. 2. Transformer dynamics: The energization of a loaded single-phase transformer without considering saturation was discussed in this case. The parameters of the transformer were calculated from the open-circuit and short-circuit tests. In this case, the dierential equations had to be converted to matrix form for MATLAB and MAPLE-V. 3. Transformer saturation (project): This tutorial presented the energization of an unloaded single-phase transformer considering saturation (in-rush currents). The core saturation was modeled by both a piecewise-linear function and a continuous nonlinear function. Piecewiselinear saturation produced some numerical problems in EES, and was not possible to implement in MAPLE-V. The data in this case was obtained from direct lab measurements. 4. Transformer eciency: Eciency versus load graphs were obtained for a single-phase transformer at dierent power factors. This problem was extracted directly from the textbook to give the students a sense of a useful direct application of the simulation packages. 5. DC generator: V-I characteristics were obtained for a dc shunt generator using a piecewiselinear saturation curve. 6. Induction motor: In this tutorial, the steady state torque-speed characteristic of a three-phase induction motor were computed. Based on feedback from students and teaching sta of ME 269, only EES was used to develop the computer tutorials described below for the rst year GEN E 123 class. This was the preferred simulation package due to its simplicity and short learning curve, with enough computational power to handle the type of simulations required. 1. Nonlinear equations: The parametric solution of a set of nonlinear equations was used to introduce the main features of the simulation program, including tables and graphics, during a tutorial session. 2. KVL and KCL: Voltages and currents of a textbook resistive circuit were calculated for dc and ac voltage sources. 3. Dierential equations: A textbook R-L-C circuit was used to set up and solve the corresponding dierential equations, for dc and ac sources, assuming zero initial conditions. CHAPTER 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY 8 4. Circuit transients (optional project): An R-L-C dc circuit out of the textbook was used to obtain the voltages and currents for a series of switching events. 5. Superposition: A resistive circuit from the textbook was used to demonstrate the principle of superposition with ac and dc sources. 6. AC circuit: An R-L circuit was used to demonstrate the advantages of phasor analysis versus time domain analysis. 7. Active lter: The output signal of an OPAMP band-pass lter was calculated at dierent frequencies for a square-wave input voltage. The input signal was modeled using a nite number of terms of the corresponding Fourier series. 8. AC/DC rectier: An ac/dc rectier bridge was solved using the basic nonlinear equation of a Ge diode to obtain the voltage in an R-L load with capacitive ltering. Chapter 3 Surveys To determine how the computer tools were being used and whether these were actually helping in the understanding of the course material, students were asked to answer several questionnaires throughout the term. The ME 269 class was given three surveys, at the beginning, middle and end of the term, whereas the GEN E 123 group was asked to ll out only two, one at the beginning and one at the end of the course. The nal questionnaire for the ME 269 class is presented in Appendix A, to give the reader a clear picture of the types of questions that were asked. The surveys for both classes were rather similar. The rst one concentrated on determining the students previous knowledge of software and computers, with particular interest in their familiarity with and use of communication and simulation packages. The questionnaire included a question on the students expectations of the use of these packages in the course, to later compare with their actual observations and use of these tools. Table 1 shows the students' answers to the main questions in the survey; observe the higher rate of response from the second year students, although this have no bearing on the nal results. Several important conclusions can be drawn from these survey results. First, the majority of the students were familiar with the hardware, and a relative large number of them were used to computer communications. However, few students had used simulation packages before, with these few considering this type of software useful. Computers were mostly used for word processing, which agrees with the actual use of WATSTAR on campus, as indicated before. Finally, the great majority of the students felt that using the news-group and simulations packages in the course would be helpful. The results of the nal questionnaire are summarized in Table 2 for both courses. Notice again the higher response from the second year students. Interesting conclusions can be extracted from the students' answer, some of them somewhat unexpected, given the apparent positive disposition from the students towards the use of computer tools in the course, as demonstrated on the rst survey. First of all, familiarity with the hardware from their exposure to it through the course signicantly 9 CHAPTER 3. SURVEYS 10 Table 1: Results of initial survey in % ME 269 GEN E 123 Participation 90 46 Familiar with WATSTAR 90 76 Familiar with e-mail 68 75 Familiar with news-groups 23 33 Familiar with EES 0 0 Familiar with MATLAB 2 5 Familiar with MAPLE-V 6 15 Simulation packages were helpful 88 91 Computer used for word processing 61 67 Computer used for programming 13 20 Computer used for data analysis 19 6 Computer tools would be helpful 90 100 improved, particularly for the rst year students who were also exposed to the network in other courses. One can also observe that signicantly more second year students used the news-group than rst year students, although only slightly more than half of both classes thought that it was actually useful. However, these results could justify the use of news-groups in a regular basis in future courses, since it does not require much time from teaching sta. Furthermore, it is clear from the surveys' results that more ME 269 students used the simulation packages as opposed to the rst year class, which could be reasonably attributed to the simulation project which was compulsory for the ME 269 class and only optional in GEN E 123. Notice the clear preference of the second year students for EES, even though no one was familiar with this software; this could be credited to its relative simplicity, which was the main reason for choosing this package for GEN E 123. Half of the group that used the simulation packages the most, i.e., the ME 269 class, considered these programs helpful, as expected. The majority of GEN E 123 students felt that these programs were not helpful, but a the same time they were not very familiar with the packages and tutorials. The surveys' results also show that very few students plan on using the simulation packages in the future, which is rather inconsistent with both their initial and future expectations of these programs. With regard to the computer tutorials, more second year students were familiar with at least one computer tutorial than the rst year students, which is to be expected due to the dierent requirements in the project, and it is also consistent with their use of the simulation packages. Also, about half of the ME 269 class thought that the computer tutorials were interesting and helpful, whereas a lower number of GEN E 123 students felt that the tutorials were actually helpful. This dierence could again be attributed to the distinct use of the simulations packages by both classes. Finally, a relatively large number of students thought that the computer demonstrations and discussions in class of the tutorials were interesting, with a smaller number of students thinking that it was actually useful. These results were somewhat surprising, given the apparent attractiveness of CHAPTER 3. SURVEYS 11 Table 2: Results of nal survey in % ME 269 GEN E 123 Participation 73 60 More familiar with WATSTAR 71 92 Use WATSTAR in other courses 47 96 Use of news-group 70 44 News-group was helpful 56 51 Use of EES 82 60y Use of MATLAB 5 | Use of MAPLE-V 21 | Plan to use simulation package in the future 10 16 Simulation packages were helpful 50 21 Familiar with at least one computer tutorial 79z 60y Computer tutorials were interesting 46 50 Computer tutorials were helpful 55 37 Class demos were interesting 60 54 Class demos were helpful 44 50 Lack of time to use simulation tools 40 54 Not interested in using computer tools 8 9 Future use would be helpful 84 83 Tools should be used in other courses 66 74 y Estimate based on optional nal projects turned in. z Tutorial closely related to required project. computer presentations, assuming that the presentations were well structured and properly delivered; however, the results could be explained based on the students' preference for trying to solve the problems on their own, at their own pace. Notice that a relatively large number of students complained of lack of time to use the computer tools, whereas only a small group indicated no interest in them. This might justify the marked dierence between the actual students' use of the computer tools and their past and future expectations, and brings out the issue of a probable overloaded curriculum. It is important to mention that an intermediate questionnaire was given to the second year students before the project was due, and the results indicated signicant less familiarity with the simulation packages and tutorials than what it was observed in the nal survey. This might also help explain some of the dierences one sees between the results of the nal survey for the ME 269 and GEN E 123 classes, since this survey was carried out for the rst year class before the optional project was due. In addition to the surveys, the teaching sta tried to monitor the students' performance in relation to their use of the simulation packages, based mostly on observations and project marks. These results were inconclusive, i.e., it was not possible to directly tie nal marks to the use of the simulation packages. Nevertheless, the \top" students, which were people with marks above CHAPTER 3. SURVEYS 12 90% and represented about 10% of the class, demonstrated interest in the computer tutorials and consistently used the simulation packages throughout the term; however, one could not conclusively argue that their performance would have been somewhat less stellar having not used these programs. To nish this section it is appropriate to mention that a signicant number of person/hours were dedicated to prepare the tutorials and set up some of the hardware and software used in this study. To give the reader an idea, a computer tutorial took one person an average of 6 hours to set up and check. Thus, if one considers the time expended in marking the simulation projects, preparing the computer presentations in class, and supervising the use of the programs, the cost to benet ratio most certainly becomes an issue when considering the use of these tools. In the study presented here, research and funding were important motivational factors that are not always present. Moreover, one should not forget that these tools also require extra time from the students, particularly in learning the simulation packages and familiarizing themselves with each tutorial. Chapter 4 Examples and Comparisons Two examples of electromagnetic transient simulation are discussed in this chapter, to compare the dierent simulation tools and recommend one of them for future use. 4.1 Transformer Dynamics To illustrate the dierences and capabilities of the software packages described in this report, the simulation of the energization of an unloaded single-phase 208/120V lab transformer with saturable core is explained in detail in this section. This transient phenomenon is widely known in transformers as the in-rush current problem. The equations for a two-winding transformer when neglecting core losses are [21]: d v1 = R1i1 + 1 (1) dt d v2 = R2i2 + 2 dt 1 2 = Ll1 i1 + m = Ll2 i2 + a1 m = f (im ) 1 im = i1 + i2 a N1 a = N m 2 where v1, v2, i1 , and i2 are the respective voltages and currents in the primary and secondary windings; R1 and R2 are the windings' resistances; Ll1 and Ll2 are the windings' leakage inductances; 13 CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 14 1 and 2 are the windings' ux linkages; a is the turn ration. To consider saturation, the magnetizing ux linkage m can be represented as a nonlinear function f (im ) of the magnetizing current im as follows (this function was originally proposed by Prof. F. Alvarado at the University of WisconsinMadison, USA): ji j + b (2) m = f (im ) = k im m jim j + c where k, b and c are constants that can be calculated assuming that the function can be approximated by a piecewise-linear function with two slopes, Lm1 and Lm2 , with Lm1 > Lm2 , i.e., ! 1) Lm2 im ) f (im ! 0) Lm1 im ) f (im k Lm2 b k Lm1 c (3) Now, consider that at a threshold value io the two lines of the piecewise-linear approximation meet, i.e., Lm1 io = Lm2 io + d ) d = (Lm1 , Lm2 )io (4) Furthermore, the actual value of m at this point can be assumed to be a factor s < 1 of the approximated piecewise-linear function value, i.e., m = s Lm1 io . Then, from equations (3), one can estimate b to be L io s m1 , 1 (5) b 1 , s Lm2 Figure 1 illustrates the saturation curve for the transformer used in the simulations. Both representations of the saturation curve are depicted, i.e., the nonlinear function (2) and the twoslope piecewise-linear approximation dened in equations (3) and (4). The values of Lm1 , Lm2 , io , and s needed for calculating the constants k, b, c, and d were obtained from lab measurements. Equations (1) through (5) are all the equations needed to model the energization of the unloaded transformer (i2 = 0) in EES, whether the saturation is represented with nonlinear or piecewiselinear functions. Figure 2 shows the set of EES instructions used to simulate the desired transient, considering that the transformer parameters are given in terms of the short-circuit and open-circuit lab tests. Notice that the transformer equations and saturation functions are written practically in the same way as they are dened in equations (1) through (5). For MATLAB and MAPLE, equations (1) must be transformed to the standard ordinary dierential equation (ODE) form. In order to do that, the ux linkages derivatives must be represented in terms of the derivative of the windings' currents i1 and i2 , i.e., d1 = L di1 + @m dim l1 dt dt @im dt d2 = L di2 + 1 @m dim l2 dt a @i dt dt m CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 15 2 1.5 Mag. flux linkage [Wb−turns] 1 0.5 0 −0.5 −1 −1.5 −2 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 im [A] 1 2 3 4 Figure 1: Saturation curve for a two-winding lab transformer. The solid line depicts the nonlinear function used to represent m = f (im ), and the dashed line illustrates the approximation using a piecewise-linear function. CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS { Saturation is included by assuming that the magnetizing flux linkage is a nonlinear function of the current im, which can be approximated by two lines with different slopes, Lm1 and Lm2, for values of im below and above a given threshold io. Hence, the flux can represented in two ways: a) A nonlinear function: } FUNCTION fm_nl(im,Lm1,Lm2,io) k := Lm2; s := 0.63 b := 1/(1-s)*(s*Lm1/Lm2 - 1)*io; c := k*b/Lm1 fm_nl := k*im*(abs(im)+b)/(abs(im)+c) END { b) A function that approximates it using two lines: } FUNCTION fm_l(im,Lm1,Lm2,io) IF im>0 THEN b := (Lm1 - Lm2)*io ELSE b := (Lm2 - Lm1)*io IF abs(im)<io THEN fm_l:=Lm1*im ELSE fm_l:=Lm2*im+b END { { { { { { { { { { { { { The primary side (high voltage side) is assumed to be connected to a sinusoidal voltage source: } v1 = sqrt(2)*V1rms*sin(w*t) where V1 is the nominal voltage: } V1rms=208; w= 2*pi*60 To solve this problem we need to the differential equation: } v1 = Rhv*i1 + df1dt since i2=0, where: } f1 = Lhv*i1 + fm fm = fm_nl(i1,Lm1,Lm2,io) or} {fm = fm_l(i1,Lm1,Lm2,io)} Thus: 1. Calculate the parameters from the transformer oc and sc: a) Open circuit test: - Turns N1/N2 ratio -> } a = 208/120 - Low V side measurements (no saturation) -> } Voc = 120; Ioc = 0.797; Poc = 32.6 Then: } Qoc=sqrt((Voc*Ioc)^2 -Poc^2) Xoc=Voc^2/Qoc Xm1=a^2*Xoc; Lm1=Xm1/w And the values for Lm2 and io measured in the lab are: } Lm2 = Lm1/5 io = sqrt(2)*Ioc/a b) Short Circuit (assume Rhv = a^2 Rlv , Xhv = a^2 Xlv ): - High V side measurements -> } Vsc =5.79; Isc = 5.26; Psc=25.5 Then: } Rsc=Psc/(Isc^2); Rhv=Rsc/2 Xsc=sqrt((Vsc/Isc)^2-Rsc^2) Xhv=Xsc/2; Lhv=Xhv/w 2. Solve the differential equation for about 10 cycles, assuming that the transformer is in an initial "resting" state f1(0)=0} f1 = integral(df1dt,t) 3. Plot i1. Notice the large current values. } Figure 2: Simulation of transformer energization in EES format. 16 CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 17 Hence, by dening the nonlinear function m = @f (im ) (6) =4 @ @im @im equations (1) can be transformed into the following ODE form: " # " #,1 " # " # " #! Lm (im )=a v1 R1 0 i1 d i1 = Ll1 + Lm (im ) , (7) 2 dt i2 Lm (im )=a Ll2 + Lm (im )=a v2 0 R2 i2 Lm (im ) where im = i1 + i2=a. The function Lm (im ) can be calculated using equation (6) for the nonlinear or piecewise-linear saturation functions respectively, i.e., ji j + b + k jim j + kji j jim j + b Lm (im ) = k m (8) m (ji j + c)2 jim j + c jim j + c m Lm (im ) = ( Lm1 Lm2 for jim j < io for jim j io (9) Equations (7) plus functions (8) or (9) can be readily implemented in MATLAB and EES. However, the discontinuous function (9) causes numerical problems in EES; hence, as EES does not require the equations to be in standard ODE form, it is preferable to use the ux linkage equations to carry out the simulation as shown in Figure 2. Figures 3 and 4 show the set of instructions needed in MATLAB to simulate the transformer energization in ODE form with either denition of Lm (im ). In MAPLE-V, it is not possible to dene conditional functions within ODE sets; therefore, the discontinuous function (9) could not be implemented in this program. In this case, it is not necessary to use function (8) to dene Lm (im ) in equations (7), as this program is able to symbolically compute this function from the original denition (6). This is clearly shown in Figure 5, which illustrates the instruction set needed to carry out the transformer simulation in MAPLE-V. Figure 6 shows the expected results of the simulations, for both nonlinear and piecewise-linear saturation functions. All three programs generated exactly the same curves, with the exception of MAPLE-V which did not allow to model saturation with a piecewise-linear function. Comparing the dierent set of instructions shown in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5, one can clearly see that EES is the easiest to understand and use by students, as there is no need for special manipulation of the equations. Furthermore, all operations in EES are made through menu calls, rather than hard-to-remember function calls as in MATLAB and MAPLE-V. For these reasons, plus its easy availability and small size, about 80% of the second year students chose EES to do their projects. 4.2 EES Modeling of AC/DC Rectier Bridge An ac/dc rectier bridge with capacitive ltering is solved here with the help of EES, using the basic nonlinear equation of a Ge diode to obtain the voltage and current in an R-L load to give the reader CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS % The primary side (high voltage side) is assumed to be connected % to a sinusoidal voltage source: % v1 = sqrt(2)*V1rms*sin(w*t) % where V1 is the nominal voltage: V1rms=208, w= 2*pi*60 % To solve this problem we need to solve the differential equation: % v1 = Rhv*i1 + (Lhv+Lm)*di1/dt % since i2=0. This equation in standard ODE form can be written as: % di1dt=(v1 - Rhv*i1(t))/(Lhv + Lm(i1(t))) % and is defined in the MATLAB file "di1dt.m." % % Thus: % 1. Calculate the parameters from the transformer oc and sc: % a) Open circuit test: % - Turns N1/N2 ratio -> a = 208/120 % - Low V side measurements (no saturation) -> Voc = 120, Ioc= 0.797, Poc = 32.6 % Then: Qoc=sqrt((Voc*Ioc)^2 -Poc^2) Xoc=Voc^2/Qoc Xm1=a^2*Xoc Lm1=Xm1/w % Saturation is included by assuming that the magnetizing % flux linkage is a nonlinear function of the current im=i1, % which can be approximated by two lines with different % slopes, Lm1 and Lm2, for values of im below or above a % given threshold io. The values for Lm2 and io measured % in the lab are: Lm2 = Lm1/5 io = sqrt(2)*Ioc/a % Hence, Lm = dflux/di1, can be represented as a function % of im in two different ways: % 1) A continuos function that comes from the derivative % of the flux. % 2) A function that approximates the derivative by the % two slopes Lm1 and Lm2. % b) Short Circuit (assume Rhv = a^2 Rlv , Xhv = a^2 Xlv ): % - High V side measurements -> Vsc=5.79, Isc = 5.26, Psc=25.5 % Then: Rsc=Psc/(Isc^2) Rhv=Rsc/2 Xsc=sqrt((Vsc/Isc)^2-Rsc^2) Xhv=Xsc/2 Lhv=Xhv/w % 2. Solve the differential equation for about 10 cycles, assuming % that the transformer is in an initial "resting" state i1(0)=0, i10=0; to = 0; tf = 0.1; global V1rms w Rhv Lhv Lm1 Lm2 io saturation saturation='nonlinear'; [t,i1] = ode23('di1dt',to,tf,i10); % 3. Plot i1. Notice the large current values. figure; plot(t,i1); xlabel('t [s]'); ylabel('i1 [A]'); Figure 3: Simulation of transformer energization in MATLAB format, main le. 18 CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 19 function didt = di1dt(t,i1) % File "di1dt.m" used to define the differential equation: global V1rms w Rhv Lhv Lm1 Lm2 io saturation v1 = sqrt(2)*V1rms*sin(w*t); if strcmp(saturation,'nonlinear') k = Lm2; s = 0.63; b = 1/(1-s)*(s*Lm1/Lm2 - 1)*io; c = k*b/Lm1; i=abs(i1); Lm=k*(i+b)/(i+c)+k*i/(i+c)-k*i*(i+b)/(i+c)^2; else if abs(im)<io, Lm = Lm1; else Lm = Lm2; end end didt = (v1 - Rhv*i1)/(Lhv + Lm); Figure 4: Simulation of transformer energization in MATLAB format, equation le needed for the numerical integration routines (ode23). an idea of the capabilities of the preferred simulation program. The full rectier circuit is shown in Figure 7, and the corresponding equations in EES format are shown in Figure 8. Figure 9 shows the expected results of the simulation. CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 20 # The primary side (high voltage side) is assumed to be connected # to a sinusoidal voltage source: v1 := sqrt(2)*V1*sin(w*t); # where V1 is the nominal voltage: V1:=208; w:= 2*Pi*60; # To solve this problem we need to solve the differential equation: # v1 = Rhv*i1 + (Lhv+Lm)*di1/dt # since i2=0. This equation in standard form can be written as: di1dt:=('v1' - Rhv*i1(t))/(Lhv + Lm(i1(t))); # Phasor analysis will not be able to detect the current transients # that we are looking for. Thus : # 1. Calculate the variables needed from the transformer oc and sc # tests: # a) Open circuit test: # - Turns N1/N2 ratio -> a := 208/120; # - Low V side measurements (no saturation) -> Voc := 120; Ioc := 0.797; Poc := 32.6; # Then: Qoc:=sqrt('(Voc*Ioc)^2 -Poc^2'); Xoc:='Voc^2/Qoc' ; Xm1:='a^2*Xoc' ; Lm1:='Xm1/w'; # Saturation is included by assuming that the magnetizing # flux linkage is a nonlinear function of the current im=i1 # flowing through Lm, i.e., flux := k*i1*(abs(i1)+b)/(abs(i1)+c); # which can be approximated by two lines with different # slopes, Lm1 and Lm2, for values of im below or above a # given threshold io (in MAX values). The values for # Lm2 and io measured in the lab are: Lm2 := 'Lm1/5'; io := sqrt(2)*'Ioc/a'; # The constants k, b, and c can then be approximated by k := 'Lm2'; s := 0.63; b := '1/(1-s)*(s*Lm1/Lm2 -1)*io'; c := 'k*b/Lm1'; # Thus, Lm can be represented as a function of im=i1, # since Lm = dflux/di1, i.e., dfluxdi1 := 'diff(flux,i1)'; Lm := unapply(dfluxdi1,i1); # b) Short Circuit (assume Rhv = a^2 Rlv , Xhv = a^2 Xlv ): # - High V side measurements -> Vsc :=5.79; Isc := 5.26; Psc:= 25.5; # Then: Rsc:='Psc/(Isc^2)'; Rhv:='Rsc/2' ; Xsc:=sqrt('(Vsc/Isc)^2-Rsc^2'); Xhv:='Xsc/2' ; Lhv:='Xhv/w' ; # 2. Solve the differential equation for about 10 cycles, assuming # that the transformer is in an initial "resting" state i1(0)=0, # i.e., solve: sys:={diff(i1(t),t)- 'di1dt' = 0, i1(0)=0}; sol:=dsolve(sys, i1(t) ,type=numeric): # 3. Plot i1. Notice the large current values. with(plots,odeplot): p1:=odeplot(sol,[t,i1(t)],0..0.1,numpoints=80,color=red): plots[display]({p1},labels=[`time [s]`, `i1`]); Figure 5: Simulation of transformer energization in MAPLE-V format. Saturation could only be modeled with a nonlinear function. CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 21 4 3.5 3 Current [A] 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 time [s] 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Figure 6: In-rush current in an unloaded single-phase transformer. The solid line corresponds to the primary current i1 when saturation is modeled as a nonlinear function, whereas the dashed line depicts the same current when saturation is represented by a piecewise-linear function. iL i d1 i d3 - 1 iC - 3 + vs + R + + - v - 4 i d4 + L - 2 i d2 C + - Figure 7: Full-wave ac/dc rectier bridge feeding an RL load with capacitive ltering. CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS { This tutorial shows how EES can be used to solve circuits with nonlinear elements, such as diodes. A single-phase full-wave rectifier bridge is used to demonstrate the solution procedure. 1.- Define the nonlinear equation id=f(vd) for a all Ge diode, i.e., vd/vdo id = Is ( e - 1) based on a point (id0,vd0) in the id-vd plot. Assume that all currents are given in mA; thus, the resistances must be defined in kOhms, inductances in kH and capacitances in mF. } FUNCTION id(vd) vd_Ge := 0.025 {V for Ge at 20 deg. C} vd0 := 0.6 {V} id0 := 2.8 {mA} Is := id0 /( EXP(vd0/vd_Ge) - 1) {mA} id := Is*( EXP(vd/vd_Ge) - 1) {mA} END { 2.- Define 2 V, 60 Hz source: } vs = 2*SIN(w*t) {V} w = 2*PI*60 { 3.- Circuit equations for an R-L load, with capacitive filtering: } { Capacitor => } v = 1/C*INTEGRAL(iC,t) C = 0.05 {mF} { R-L load => } v = iL*R + vL {KVL} iL= 1/L*INTEGRAL(vL,t) R = 0.5 {kOhms} L = 0.001 {kH} { Diodes => } vs = vd1 - vd3 {KVL} vs = vd2 - vd4 -v = vd1 + vd4 id(vd1) + id(vd3) = iC + iL {KCL} id(vd2) + id(vd4) = iC + iL is = id(vd1) - id(vd4) { 4.- Use a ParameTric Table to vary the time t from 0 to 40 ms (200 points), and make different Plots after Solving the Table (Calculate). } Figure 8: AC/DC rectier bridge tutorial in EES format. 22 23 1.00 2.0 0.80 1.6 0.60 1.2 0.40 0.8 0.20 0.4 0.00 0.000 0.008 0.016 0.024 0.032 iL [mA] v [V] CHAPTER 4. EXAMPLES AND COMPARISONS 0.0 0.040 t Figure 9: AC/DC rectier bridge output. The line with circles depicts the load voltage v, and the solid line denotes the load current iL . Chapter 5 Conclusions A detailed description of a study to determine the advantages and disadvantages of using simulation software in Electrical Engineering courses has been presented. The tools used to administer and deliver lectures, and help students in their understanding of the course material have been discussed, and, most importantly, the students' observations on the eectiveness of these tools and their actual use of them are reported and analyzed in detail. The report also presents a detailed comparison of three dierent simulation packages as tools for teaching electromagnetic transients. The simulation of the energization of a saturable transformer is used to highlight the dierences between the various programs, establishing that EES is the most suitable of the three simulation programs for rst-year students, particularly due to its simplicity. The usefulness of EES as a teaching tool is demonstrated further by means of a nonlinear circuit simulation. Although EES was shown to be a better simulation package than MATLAB and MAPLE-V to introduce students to transient phenomena, the program presents two major drawbacks. First, EES is not very reliable, crashing regularly without any warnings. Second, this program has limited range of applications and graphic capabilities when compared to the other two packages. Based on these two reasons mainly, one would not expect EES to become a popular tool, as opposed to MATLAB and MAPLE-V which have become industry standards, limiting its value for students. Despite these problems, the authors' experience has proved that EES is a economical and powerful research and teaching tool on its own right. Although one could argue that the survey results presented here show a relatively good acceptance from students of computer tools in the classroom (40{50% range), it is clear that the majority of the students seem to shy away from using them for a variety of reasons, but particularly due to a probable overloaded curriculum; students seem to prefer standard ways of lecture delivery over new mechanisms that require some extra work. The surveys show that there is a signicant dierence between students' and teaching sta's expectations of the benets and use of computer resources 24 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSIONS 25 in the teaching-learning process, and what it actually goes on in the classroom. These results also demonstrate that the students' use of simulation tools do not just happen voluntarily as one would expect, on the contrary, students have to be compelled to use them. Based on the study results and the authors experience, one should consider carefully the use of simulation packages in Engineering courses. The costs, in terms of time and resources, have to be weighed against all probable benets, taking into consideration the large initial investment. Appendix A Final Survey Final survey for second year students (ME 269): 1. Do you feel more comfortable now with WATSTAR? YES SOME LITTLE (Circle one.) NO 2. Did you use WATSTAR in any of your other courses? YES NO If yes, which course(s) and what program(s):______________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. For ME-269, which one of the following packages you used? NO LITTLE SOME REGULARLY a) NEWS: 0 1 2 3 b) EES: 0 1 2 3 c) MATLAB: 0 1 2 3 d) MAPLE: 0 1 2 3 4. Do you think that the use of the news-group helped to improve the communication with the Prof. and/or the administration of the class? YES SOME LITTLE NO 5. Which one of the following simulation packages did you use for the project? EES MATLAB MAPLE 6. After using these programs, which simulation package you liked the most (circle ONE): 26 APPENDIX A. FINAL SURVEY EES 27 MATLAB MAPLE Because (circle your choices): a) User friendly b) Simple to understand c) Powerful (speed, graphic capabilities, etc.) d) Easily available e) Used in other course f) Plan to use it in the future g) Others:______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. Did the use of these programs help you in better understanding the material discussed in class? YES SOME LITTLE NO 8. Are you familiar with any of the following tutorials? NO LITTLE SOME YES a) Phasors (I) 0 1 2 3 b) Transf. dynamics (II) 0 1 2 3 c) Transf. efficiency (III) 0 1 2 3 d) DC generator (IV) 0 1 2 3 e) Induction Motor (V) 0 1 2 3 f) Transf. Saturation (Proj.) 0 1 2 3 9. In general, you think that the tutorials were (circle one for each category): NO LITTLE SOME YES a) Understandable 0 1 2 3 b) Useful 0 1 2 3 c) Interesting 0 1 2 3 d) Challenging 0 1 2 3 e) Related to course 0 1 2 3 10. Did these tutorials help you understand better the material discussed in class? YES SOME LITTLE NO 11. Were the class computer demos interesting? YES SOME LITTLE NO 12. Were these demos helpful in clarifying the material discussed in APPENDIX A. FINAL SURVEY 28 class? YES SOME LITTLE NO 13. What were the major difficulties you had regarding the programs and tutorials ? (Circle your choices.) a) None b) Lack of time c) Too many programs d) Too many tutorials e) Difficult access to a computer f) WATSTAR too slow g) Not interested h) Others:______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 14. Do you think that continuing the use of all these resources in future ME 269 classes would be: HELPFUL SOME LITTLE WASTE 15. Would you like for the Profs. to use these resources in other courses in a regular basis? YES SOME LITTLE NO 16. Any additional comments and suggestions would be appreciated. We are particularly interested in hearing any ideas that you may have about how to improve the use of all these resources for future classes. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Bibliography [1] L. P. Grayson, editor, Proc. 1993 Frontiers in Education Conference, IEEE-93CH3373-8, IEEE & ASEE, November 1993. [2] \Special issue on computation and computers in electrical engineering education," IEEE Trans. Education, vol. 36, no. 1, February 1993. [3] A. 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