Emergency E m p l o y m e n t A p p r o p r i a t i o n s Listed The State of New York, St. Lawrence County, h a s announced t h e a p portionment of funds in the amount of $330,300 to various county agencies under the Emergency Employment Actof 1971. The Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority, a state agency, will receive $18,910 for three jobs in the City of ' Ogdensburg and St. Lawrence County. The City of Ogdensburg has been allocated $27,350 for the city and Town of Oswegatchie for four new jobs. Funds for the Enlarged Ogdensburg City School District in the amount of $33,260 for three new jobs in the city and Town of Oswegatchie are still pending. The Village of Massena will receive $27,440 for four jobs in the village and town. Also in Massena, the town and Massena Memorial have been appropriated $32,800 for five positions. The Thousand Island State P a r k Commission will provide two jobs with $12,900. One new position will be created in the Town of Potsdam with $9,200 allocated. The State University College at Potsdam is slated for $22,630 for four jobs a n d t h e State University Agricultural and Technical College at Canton will receive $24,830 for three jobs. Another appropriation still pending is for the Village of Gouvernetir in the amount of $22,980 for three positions. St. Lawrence County will employ 14 new persons with $97,910 allocated. Application Filed Application for full funding of the program, which runs from Sept. 1, 1971 LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE, NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL N E W S REPORTED IN DEPTH SECTION TWO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1971 J. Harland Gaines, 72, Died Friday to Aug. 31, 1972, was filed by the St. Lawrence County Board of Supervisors with t h e Regional Manpower Administrator of Region II in New York City on Sept. 10. This application may be examined at the St. Lawrence County Clerk's Office in Canton. A copy has also been sent to Nelson A. Rockefeller, governor of the State of New York. Federal allocation for the project is $330,300 and local share is $36,700. Brasher Falls - J . Harland Gaines, 72, of Church Street, this village, died at 6:30 a.m. Friday (Sept. 10, 1971) a t Mercy Hpsital in Watertown where he had been a patient for 10 days. He had previously been a patient at Massena Memorial Hospital- The following labor organizations will be contacted immediately to submit comments on the application: Civil Service Employes Association, Ogdensburg Port and Bridgs Authority, Ogdensburg Port and Bridge Authority Employment Association, International Longshoreman Association, Local No. 217A, Senate Professional Association, Funeral services will be Monday at 9 a.m. at St. John the Baptist Church in Madrid. Burial will be in St. John the Baptist Cemetery. Friends may cali at the F a y G. Mann Funeral Home in Madrid Sunday and Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Vigil will be held at the funeral home at 8 p.m. Sunday. Security Council, No. 82 AF of L-CIO, Police Benevolent Associations, Thousand Island State Park Commission, CSEA, Ogdensburg Enlarged City School District, CSEA, New York State Teachers Association. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Marian School B o a r d C o m m e n d s Dwyer, Hires Teachers The Ogdensburg Board of Education unanimously commended Superintendent of Schools William L: Dwyer "for faithfully fulfilling his responsibility in assuring that all teachers in the Ogdensburg Public School System are properly certified according to state education policies" at their meeting Tuesday night. The resolution, introduced by the Rev. Thomas Patterson and second by Dr. Warren Heller, followed by review by Dwyer of the qualifications of 14 local tenured teachers in response to a letter The teachers discussed, and found to be legally certified, were: Mrs. Rebecca B a t e m a n , Donaid Besaw, Joseph Denny, Lorre Florin, Judy Green, Anne Groome, Vernon Hansen, E d w a r d Kennedy, Carol McDonald, Boyd McKendrick, Myrna O'Neill, Wayne Raab, Carl Tucci and Michael Valley. Teachers' Salaries Frozen The Board also voted Tuesday "to hold all monies in escrow that have been frozen by President Nixon's wage and price freeze order." This resolution instructed the school administration to pay all teachers and PAGE 17 TWO-YEAR WINNER at the Hammond 4-H and FFA Fair was Ginger, owned by 11-year-old Janet Hargrave. The calf was reserve grand champion. (Como Photo) Seven Supervisor P r i m a r y Races Set Haggett Gaines; a daughter, Mrs. Douglas (Kathryn) Kennedy of Brasher Falls; two sons, John Gaines of Madrid and Leslie Gaines of Youngstown, N.Y.; 14 grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Two sisters, Mrs. Edgar Elliott and Mrs. Martin Horan predeceased him. Mr. Gaines was born at Waddington March 20, 1899, a son of John and Adeline Reffue Gaines. He attended Madrid schools and farmed with his father in the Madrid area until his marriage. ,On April 14,1925 he married Marian Haggett, a teacher in the Norwood School System, a t St. John the Baptist Church in Madrid. At that time he bought a farm adjoining his father's Where the couple lived for 25 years. In 1950 they moved to Star Lake where Mr. Gaines was employed by Jones and Laughlin until his retirement in 1964 when they moved to Brasher Falls. Mr. Gaines Was communicant of St. Patrick's Church in Brasher Falls. clerk between Carol Badger and Sharon Stephen Wilkie and Walter Reim'er for the two-year assessor post. Murdock. In the Town of Oswegatchie C. In the Town of Fine, John Eawley, Douglas Smith the incumbent Cbun : Charles Lawrence and Alex Willette are from Heller requesting the status of cilman is opposed by Paul Wood and in running- for justice of peace. their certification. 71 salary schedule until a final ruling is Ogdensburg since no races are listed in Fowler will also have two other the Town of Parishville there is a contest delivered by s t a t e a n d federal either the Republican or Democratic contests with Beverly Phelps, the in- for Highway Superindendent between authorities, and hold the money due parties. cumbent, and Hazel Clancy seeking the Guy Coolidge and Floyd Remington. them in a non-interest bearing account. There are two candidates for Town Republican supervisor contests are nomination for Town Clerk and Glen All employes of the system, except scheduled in the towns of Gouverneur, Bigarel and Stephen Spillna, Sr. for Clerk in the Town of Pierrepont, those newly hired for 1971-72 a r e - Fowler, Macomb, Parishville, Pitcairn Councilman. Catherine Paul and Joyce Plumb, and scheduled to receive raises on the first and Stockholm. There are also two contests in Hermon three for Councilman for two-years, pay date, Sept. 15. The only Democratic race is in the between Alton Charter and Lowell William Campney, Roger Huntely and Hire Teachers, Clerk town of Norfolk, with Antonio Germano Aldrichfor Highway Superintendent and Rex Brown. Also at Tuesday's meeting, four new and George W. Molnar vying for the James Patton and Carlton Yerdon for Pitcairn has a contest for Assessor, Justice of Peace. four-years, between Roy Geer and teachers and a clerical worker were supervisor nomination. The Ogdensburg Teen Club will hired. The only contest in the Town of Harvey Moore. In the Town of Gouverneur, Donald D. sponsor a discussion program on a Mrs. Mary Joanette of 822 Greene St., Peck and Charles S, Gass are the GOP Hopkinton sees Hubert Moulds and In another contest in the Town of regular basis, the Board of Directors city, was hired as a junior high school candidates for supervisor to succeed Harry Miller seeking the nomination for Rossie, Maurice Evans, present Highsocial studies teacher to replace Allen Charles E . Cooke, R, who is retiring. Highway Superintendent. way Superintendent, is opposed by announced Saturday. At Lisbon there is a race between Milton Marcellus. Discussions will focus on alcohol, Rishe who was promoted on Aug. 17 to Peck is a former supervisor and is Stockholm is having a race for drugs, parents, teenagers and any other the position of social studies supervisor. presently on the Town Board. Gass is David Sandburg and William Binion, the Councilman two-years between William relevant subjects, according to a Teen Also hired were Robert Gainer, junior also a Town Councilman. incumbent, for Justice of Peace. Ramsdell, Parker Rose and Joseph Club spokesman. high general science; James Adams to There is also a contest for Justice of At Fowler, the incumbent supervisor, The first session is scheduled for this replace Karl White as industrial arts Clifton Gates, R, is opposed by Michael Peace in Morristown between Raymond Robinson, and at Waddington Myles Miller and Alton Gregory a r e vying for Wednesday a t 7:30 p.m. a t the Ogden- teacher in the senior high; and John Jurkovich, R. Langtry and George Reid. Superintendent of Highways. sburg Teen Center, 225 State St., behind Morrow as an elementary art teacher. Norfolk also a contest between In the Town of Macomb, Mrs. Ruby the Boys' Club, and adults as well as Mrs. Mary Fredericks of 616 Morris Downing, R, one of the two women St. was hired as a clerk-typist at the New members on the County Board of youths are invited. "1 Sessions will be in small groups, the Madill School. Supervisors, is opposed by Calvin Brown, R, a farmer in that area. spokesman said, and no public speaking will take place. "All that is necessary is Donald Young, R, incumbent j . i a desire to express oneself and to try and supervisor from the Town of Parishville listen to the thoughts and ideas of Basil A.-Post of 91 Maple St., Massena, The Rev. Daniel Herzog, deacon at St. is challenged for the nomination by underwent abdominal surgery Friday at John's Church, Episcopal, h e r e , teenagers as well as adults," he added. Merle Wickwire, R. Hepburn Hospital. An official at the returned to his home at 422 Caroline St., The Teen Club directors adopted the At Pitcairn Supervisor Donald hospital said Saturday that he is in from Hepburn Hospital Friday evening. program following a recent meeting Phelps, R, has John Clark as his op- "serious condition", and is in the with Anthony Carre, chairman of the position. Coronary Care Unit. local counseling committee; Joseph Perhaps the hottest contest will be in Sears, director of the Neighborhood the Town of Stockholm where three PAUL L.WOOD Ralph Wilhelm of 213 Morris St., SYRACUSE - W o r d has been received Center; a n d Keith Kelley, county Republicans, Augustus Marcher, supervisor of the Mathematics coordinator of the Narcotics Guidance here of the death of Robert J. MacCaull, Edward Tanner and Lincoln Chapman D e p a r t m e n t a t Ogdensburg F r e e 44, of 158 Beattie St., here, who was Paul L. Wood, Heuvelton, is seeking Council. are all seeking the GOP nomination for Academy and George Hall Junior High found dead Tuesday (Sept. 7,1971) of an the Republican nomination for Town supervisor to succeed Clyde Flint, the School "is improving and out of the apparent heart attack. Councilman of the Town of Oswegatchie, incumbent supervisor, a n d former Coronary Care U n i t " a Hepburn Funeral services were held Friday at in the Sept. 14 Primary election. Hospital official said Saturday. 10 a.m. at Welter's Funeral Home in chairman of the Board, who is retiring. Wood, owner and operator of Wood's Other Primary Contests Gouverneur * A 10-year-old girl was IGA, Heuvelton, for the past 15 years, Syracuse, with the Rev. John E . Seltzer In other contests, at Brasher, Burton officiating. Burial was in Woodland The 'condition of Donald White, 21, struck by an unidentified vehicle Will be listed in the second position on Meacham and Vilas Green are opposing Ogdensburg-Canton Road, remains the Saturday night at 7:16 p.m. on Route 11, the ballot. Cemetery, here. Surviving are his wife, Ruth L.; two each other for assessor, four-year term. s a m e , "seriously ill, although the here, near the Lynd Dairy Bar', acA U.S. Marine Corps veteran of the sons, Robert J., serving with the U.S. Both a r e Republicans. condition of the burns is improving", a cording to t h e County Sheriff's Korean conflict, Wood has been fire In the Town of Clare there is a contest Hepburn Hospital official said Saturday. Department. chief of the Heuvelton Volunteer Fire The annual chicken barbecue being Navy in Seattle, Wash., and Marc R., at Denise Weatherup, daughter of Dale Department for three years and was for councilman between Evelyn Colton He was seriously burned in an explosion home; a daughter, Helen Marie, at held here today from 12 o'clock noon and Shirley Weatherup of Route 5, here, assistant fire chief for two years. and Leslie Colton. Aug. 4. until 7 p.m. will end Rotary Daze. home; a brother, Richard D., was taken to "the House of the Good In the Town of Clifton the contests are superintendent of schools at St. Marie, Rotarians, wearing their symbolic red S a m a r i t a n " in Watertown by the He is a past St. Lawrence County between Keith Bassette and Monica L.I.; his stepmother, Mrs. Grace E . Steven P . Sharlow, 24, Heuvelton, Gouverneur Rescue Squad immediately hats, are holding the barbecue at commander of the American Legion, a Doren for town clerk, and David "remains on the seriously ill list but his Morissette Park, or if it rains, at the Odd MacCaull of Syracuse; and a half following the accident. The report said past commander .of American Legion MacAleese and Calvin Smith for condition is improving" a Hepburn Fellows Community Hall on the Arterial brother, John R. MacCaull, a dentist that she received cuts, bruises and " Post 550 of Heuvelton, and past assessor, two-year term. Hospital official said Saturday. He was fracture of both legs. Highway. The price is $1.50 per person. serving with the U.S. Air Force in Depeyster also has a contest for town president of St. Lawrence County Fire injured Aug- 24 in a train-car accident, Richard W. Nystrom is chairman of Colorado. As of presstime Saturday night, Police Chiefs Association. Also surviving are two aunts, Mrs. in which his wife and two children were Rotary Daze. stated that the driver of the vehicle killed. Patrons who would like their chicken Ray E . Todd, and Mrs. Max J. Miller, Wood is also a member of the St: which struck the girl had not been dinners delivered are asked to phone both of Ogdensburg, and Mrs. Margaret Lawrence County National Bank identified. Mrs. Sadie LaFlair of 915 Spring St., 393-9760 during the 12 to 7 serving time. Geary of Fontana, Calif. Advisory Board* Heuvelton office, and a Mr. MacCaull was the son of Robert A. this city, who has been a patient at charter member arid past president of Rotary's annual chicken barbecue Roswell Park Memorial Institute in the Heuvelton Development Corporation which includes assorted salads, rolls, ice and Helen Doyle MacCaull. He served with the U.S. Navy during Buffalo since July 12, was returned to Board of Directors. cream and coffee, is one of the club's World War II and for the past 22 years her home Saturday by the Ogdensburg two major fund raising projects during has been employed as a fireman in Wood has been very active in scouting Rescue Squad. She is reported in good the year. Profits are used to support the Syracuse. over the years and currently serves as condition. club's various charity projects, the The funeral for Valentine William chairman of the cub pack committee for major one this year being the A. Barton Hanes, 65, Holland, N.Y., brother of the troop sponsored by the fire departMr. and Mrs. John B. Stevens of 608 Hepburn Hospital Building Fund Drive. Mrs. Howard Ebert of Rural Route No. ment. 1, Hammond will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday Pickering St., this city, returned home Friday. This past week they visited their COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP)— Quarat the Bucknam F u n e r a l ' Home at Wood urges all the eligible son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. terback Don L a m k a , a defensive Holland. Burial will be in the Holland Republicans to go'to the polls Tuesday. John W. Stevens and family at Glens reserve for the last two seasons, scored Cemetery. Falls. They also spent some time at four touchdowns and piled up 211 total LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — MIGHTY Mr. Hanes arrived for a visit a t the Nebraska completely dominated Oregon home of his brother-in-law and sister, Saratoga and in the State of Vermont. y a r d s Saturday, leading defending James Holland, U.S. Marine Corp, as the defending national champion Mr. and Mrs. Ebert, proprietors of the Mr. Stevens, a member of the news champion Ohio State to a 52-21 victory stationed at Quantico, Va. spent Sept. 6 Cornhuskers methodically rolled to a 34- Ebert Motel, July 6. On July 13 he was editorial staff of The Journal and Ad- over Iowa in a Big Ten opener. to 12 with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. The Zoning Board of Appeals will 7 victory Saturday in an intersectional admitted to Hepburn Hospital, where he vance-News was on vacation. Lamka, a Cleveland senior who filled James Holland of Old be Kalb.' meet Wednesday evening at City Hall to football opener for both teams. in for All-America cornerback Jack died at 9:30 p.m. Friday (Sept. 10,1971). act on three requests. It was the 20th consecutive game Kevin I. Coats, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Tatum in 1970, dashed 21, 19, 6 and 1 He had retired from the Erie County They a r e : John G. Fisher, 936 without a loss for Nebraska, ranked No. Highway Department where he had Coats, this city, recently left to begin his yards for his 24 points, making a flashy HEAVY RAIN CAUSES FLOODING Hamilton St., to build a residence at 427 2 in the preseason Associated Press poll. worked as an equipment operator for freshman year at Plattsburgh State debut in the rain. Linden St. Jay Murray, 301 St. Saturday night thundering lightning Gary Dixon, formerly a Junior college some time. John Bledsoe, another in a long line of University. After graduation this past Lawrence Ave., to construct a garage on halfback, scored three times on short storm caused minor flooding aroUnd the powerful Ohio State fullbacks, smashed He was born at Buffalo, Feb. 1, 1906, June from Morristown Central School, King Street; Donald P . Dodd, Route 1, runs while the veteran Cornhusker son of Wesley and Corolie Knab Hanes. Kevin worked for the New York State through the small Iowa defense for 151 city. Many of the city water mains could Dawson Trailer Park, to place a mobile defense completely throttled the potent Local arrangements were by the Parks Commission at Jacques Cartier yards and a pair of touchdowns. He ran 3 not handle the water from the heavy storm and intersections became flooded. home on block 264 of Pine St. Duck offense. and 11 yards for his scores. State Park. Nichols Funeral Home. Only seven contests for nominations to the Board of Supervisors a r e stated in St. Lawrence County this Tuesday, Primary Day. personnel in the local system on the 1970Polling places will not be open in Wood Primary Teen Club To Sponsor Discussions Candidate For Town Council Socially Held For Robert J. Services MacCaull, 4 4 Young Girl Struck Down Rotary Barbecue Today; Phone For Deliveries V.W. Hanes, Visiting Sister In Area, Dies Zoning Board Will Meet On Wednesday Speaking Nebraska Romps Past WeMoots Lamka Scores Four Times For Buckeyes