APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Maglev Train Project Name: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Grade: ____ Section: ___ Maglev Train Project DESIGN CHALLENGE >> Design and build a magne/cally levitated train that can hold twenty (20) pennies and glide down a track, without ge?ng stuck. Criteria Constraints Your prototype must have... Your prototype must stay within these boundaries: • A chassis with 4 magnets underneath • Room for 20 passengers (pennies) in such a way that they can be seen individually or easily removed for coun>ng. They cannot be tossed inside the car • A shape that fits on the maglev track Maximum length: 20 cm (front to back) Maximum width: 6.5 cm (side to side) Maximum height: No restric>ons Train suspension must be 100% magne>cally levitated. The train must operate without being pushed, touched, or otherwise interfered with once in place at the star>ng Approved Materials Key Points One (1) foam block Four (4) magnets Cardboard Glue Balsa wood Plas>c *NOTE: Materials will NOT be given out un>l a drawing is submiPed with different views and an explana>on of the design choice. Points will be lost if replacement parts are needed. • • • • • • • • • The higher the the vehicle levitates off the track, the better it performs. The load (weight) should be distributed evenly. Vehicles that ride level do very well. Magnets need to be positioned directly over the rails to make the chassis balanced. Key Terms • • • • • A=rac?on-­‐ pulling together of the magnet forces-­‐ unlike poles of the magnet aPract Magne?c field -­‐ the space around a magnet where the magne>c force is significant Magne?c force -­‐ the force with which a magnet aPracts or repels a metal Magne?c poles -­‐ the ends of a magnet where the magne>c force is greatest (north and south Repulsion-­‐ pushing away of the magnet forces-­‐ like forces repel Class Compe>>on On compe>>on day: • • The track will be elevated to a height of 1-2 m. Each competitor will be given three attempts at racing. Vehicles stalled on the track will be disqualified for that run. 2 E A PROCESS is a series of steps, done in order, that brings you from one place to another or from beginning to end. Engineers use and follow this process to design and build solu>ons that improve our way of life. G NG I NEERI N de s i g n !"#$"!!%$"#&'!($#"&)%*+!(( P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ (,!)&Group Members: ______________________________________ End date: ______________________ $./01234&15/&"//.&67&)7689/: ! "#$%8'0%/#2)#0)L/%><'-6*C%#=%-6=)%1)%62,+#().3 ! "#$%8'0%$)%2'E)%'%8)+*'60%*'/E%)'/6)+3 Tasks Sub-Goal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ub-Goal Goal Who’s Responsible? ! "#$%&'()%#*&)+%,)#,-)%'..+)//).%*&)%0)).%#+% ,+#1-)23 ! 4&'*%)56/*607%*)8&0#-#76)/%92'*)+6'-/:%2)*&#./:% Tasks Who’s Responsible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ub-Goal (,!)&H ,/<1&=0.&!@=9B=1/&15/&(69B1260C<D !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# A#)/%*&)%/#-<*6#0%$#+E3 +7+".<' ;%7%;+;'! 0";' 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# 3 ) +' 1 ( +' ; % =+!*+ "1' A#)/%*&)%/#-<*6#0%2))*%*&)%#+6760'-%.)/670% ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5# .5+# ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' +)><6+)2)0*/%'0.%8#0/*+'60*/3 &+1' 2"/*%8+3: 1(+4';#"+5 ! D/%6*%/'=):%+)-6'1-):%'0.%.<+'1-)3 A#)/%*&)%/#-<*6#0%',,)'-%*#%*&)%8#0/<2)+/3 6 7 + * < # " +' ) (!# 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 D/," #,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (,!)&? (+*&0/#$3&+,G '/@/96A&)6<<289/&(69B1260C<D ! ?+'60/*#+2%,#//61-)%/#-<*6#0/%*#%*&)%0)).%#+% D/," #,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# ,+#1-)2@ E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G ! A+'$%#0%2'*&)2'*68/%'0.%/86)08)@ ! B/)%C#<+%62'760'*6#0@ ! A)/8+61)%'0.%+)=60)%*&)%,#//61-)%/#-<*6#0/@% Tasks Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template (,!)&E (/9/>1&15/&F/<1&)6<<289/&(69B1260C<D ! 4&68&%/#-<*6#09/;%1)/*%2))*/%*&)%+)><6+)2)0*/%'0.% Assemble and glue box edges 8#0/*+'60*/3 together ! D/%*&)%/#-<*6#0%+)'-6/*68'--C%=)'/61-)3 ! 4&68&%/#-<*6#0%6/%*&)%2#/*%2'+E)*'1-)%/#-<*6#03 H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 ! 4&68&%/#-<*6#09/;%.)/)+()%=<+*&)+%)5,-#+'*6#03 (,!)&G +60<17B>1&=&)761614A/ 10 ! F#.)-%*&)%/)-)8*).%/#-<*6#09/;%60%*$#%'0.%*&+))%.62)0/6#0/@ ! F#.)-%2'C%1)%'%,&C/68'-%2#.)-%#+%'%8#2,<*)+%2#.)-:%'0.% 2'C%0#*%1)%*&)%/'2)%/6G)%'/%'8*<'-%,+#.<8*@ ! H+#*#*C,)%8'0%'..+)//%/#2)%#+%'--%#=%*&)%=)'*<+)/%60%*&)% /#-<*6#09/;@% Copyright 2008 Tufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach and HANDOUT 0-2 3 ENG I NEER I NG de s i g n P ro c e s s DIRECTIONS: Imagine that your’e part of a engineering team that developed one of these devices: a locker organizer, cup holder, toothbrush, iPad case, three-­‐ring binder, water boPle, clothes hanger, band-­‐aid or other device that you’re familiar with. In the diagram below, describe what you may have done during each step of the Engineering Design Process (follow the example) to make this device. STEP 1: Iden?fy the Need Project Title: __________________________________________ 2: Research Start date: STEP ______________________ Group Members: ______________________________________ End date: ______________________ We were asked to come up with a new design for the dashboard in next year’s model of Ford’s top-­‐selling sport u<lity vehicle. We looked at dashboard designs of other sport u<lity vehicles from the past and present and from all different manufacturers. Tasks Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: STEP 8: Redesign We used the feedback from Ford motor company to make changes in the dashboard and drawings and were proud to see our dashboard design in thousands of sport u<lity vehicles the following year. @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 STEP 3: Describe some possible solu?ons We brainstormed all the different ways that we could design a dashboard and thought about the materials we could use. We made a @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# bunch of mini, 3D drawings showing different ways it could be aCached a nd f astened t o the inside of the vehicle. "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Tasks Sub-Goal Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# STEP 7: Communicate the Solu?on !"#$%&'(#)#*+',&/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# We sent the dashboard to Ford motor company and asked them if it fit *.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# for their requirements, liked the way it looked and had any sugges<ons 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# improving it. 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 8)39+.: 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 STEP 6: Test & Evaluate the prototype We examined the prototype for any defects and tested it to make sure it 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' was the right size and would fit inside a sport u<lity vehicle. 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' Sub-Goal 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 67 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+#6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? Who’s Responsible? D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G STEP 4: Describe the best possible solu?on We looked at our drawings and the project criteria and chose the best D/,"#,"3#+,-./ idea. Next, 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# we made a detailed, measured drawing showing different (+*&0/#$3&+,G views of the dashboard from the front, back, boCom, sides and top. D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Who’s Responsible? STEP 5: Construct a prototype We used our measured drawing to make an exact prototype of the dashboard. Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 4 ENG I NEER Step 2 I NG de s i g n DIRECTIONS: Write an open response to this engineering situa>on. It will help you think about and analyze essen>al engineering principles contained in this project. P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ The diagram below shows a Formula 1 racing car. Many forces act together on the rEnd acing date: car so ______________________ it can move safely at high Group Members: ______________________________________ speeds on a racetrack. Tasks Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Who’s Responsible? @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Using the copy of the diagram below, draw arrows to show how the forces of thrust, drag, and gravity act on the racing car as it moves forward on a racetrack. (It should look like the plane example at the bottom) Tasks Who’s Responsible? a) Label each arrow as thrust, drag, or gravity. D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# Sub-Goal b) Describe how each force that you labeled in part (a) acts on the racing(+*&0/#$3&+,G car as it moves on a racetrack. Goal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asks Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 10 5 ISOMETRIC drawings are 3D drawings (show three sides). In the boxes below, draw SIX DIFFERENT ISOMETRIC drawings (see example) of possible prototypes for this project. Try it on-­‐line: hPp:// I NG ENG I NEER Step de s i g n P ro c e s s 3 Teaching Aid Master 18 Project Title: __________________________________________ Isometric Dot Paper Prototype #1 Group Members:Possible ______________________________________ Start date: ______________________ Possible Prototype #1 End date: ______________________ Briefly explain this idea: Example ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Tasks Who’s Responsible? ______________________________________________________ @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# ______________________________________________________ &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Teaching Aid Master 18 Isometric Dot Paper Possible Prototype #2 Possible Prototype #2 Briefly explain this idea: Tasks !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# 8)39+.: ______________________________________________________ (+*&0/#$3&+,G !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# ______________________________________________________ (+*&0/#$3&+,G ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# ______________________________________________________ E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# Teaching Aid Master 18 ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' Multiple-Use Classroom Resources % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' Possible Prototype #3 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 Isometric Dot Paper18 Possible Prototype #3 Tasks Briefly explain this idea: Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template ______________________________________________________ Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Assemble and glue box edges ______________________________________________________ together ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 67 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 Multiple-Use Classroom Resources © Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. ______________________________________________________ 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 © Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# Sub-Goal Goal Who’s Responsible? ______________________________________________________ 6 18 Teaching Aid Master 18 Isometric Dot Paper Possible Prototype #4 Possible Prototype #4 Briefly explain this idea: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Teaching Aid Master 18 Isometric Dot Paper Possible Prototype #5 Possible Prototype #5 © Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Briefly explain this idea: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Multiple-Use Classroom Resources 18 Teaching Aid Master 18 Isometric Dot Paper Possible Prototype #6 Possible Prototype #6 © Prentice-Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. Briefly explain this idea: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Multiple-Use Classroom Resources 18 7 ENG I NEER I NG Step 4 de s i g n List your top three choices from pages 7 & 8 and iden>fy their advantages and dis-­‐advantages. Engineers call these TRADE-­‐OFFS. P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Example Start date: ______________________ Advantages of this prototype Prototype # ______ wheels on the back of the car will provide Group Members: ______________________________________ + big End date: ______________________ more power + bePer trac>on with the floor Advantages (+) + will look cool Tasks Sub-Goal Disadvantages (-­‐) !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Who’s Responsible? Disadvantages of this prototype @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# -­‐more weight which might slow it down -­‐it takes more energy to move bigger wheels so there will be less power to push the car @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 Prototype # ______ @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*#A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Advantages (+) Prototype # ______ Advantages (+) Goal !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# 8)39+.: Disadvantages (-­‐) Tasks Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# Disadvantages (-­‐) (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' Iden/fy Tasks &#0.5 which prototype you’ve chosen to build and describe why you think its the best solu;on. Prototype # _____ 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 67 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 8 ORTHOGRAPHIC drawings show six different views of an object. Follow the examples below and draw your prototype from the front, back, lec, right, top and boPom. I NG ENG I NEER Step 5 de s i g n Checklist: !"#$%&"'()*+,"'-).&/+%0+1%234+5 THESE DRAWINGS SHOULD NOT BE DONE FREE-­‐HAND! ! P ro c e s s (Drawings can b! e computer generated [Google sketch-­‐up] and aEached to this page) YES I uTitle: sed rulers and drawing templates Project __________________________________________ !"#$% ",-.% Start date: ______________________ *+!% YES Each view is centered in the work space EXAMPLE* YES IMembers: made lines that are sharp, dark and crisp Group ______________________________________ YES I erased completely any smudge marks or stray lines YES I labeled the major parts (magnets) with neat prin;ng YES I showed where the pennies are located FRONT VIEW Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: End date: ______________________ &#%%#/ &'() Tasks %#0 Who’s Responsible? ! #$%&'(!)*+,-'(.!*/!01123!4+/-(!5678',(7-. @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# BACK VIEW Copyright 2008 Tufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach and ! HANDOUT 2-5 ""! @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Tasks Goal !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# 8)39+.: !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 LEFT SIDE VIEW Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# RIGHT SIDE VIEW (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks BOTTOM VIEW Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 * Used with permission from TuOs University CEEO Who’s Responsible? TOP VIEW Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 9 !"#$%&& &!"#$%&& !"#$%&& && ENG I NEER & & '"($%&& '"($%&& && && '"($%&& FASTENERS are parts that hold two or more objects together and there are many ways to )*((+,-&./+,-0&.1-$(/$2& do it. Complete the table below by describing how each type of fastener could be used on )*((+,-&./+,-0&.1-$(/$2& your & prototype OR on a device or structure around your home. I NG ig n s e && d 3*0(&4+5$&(/$2$&"2$&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&;<=>&:+$?$0&(1-$(/$2@&(/$2$&"2$&#",9&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&",&1AB$?(& Step P ro c e s s 5 3*0(&4+5$&(/$2$&"2$&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&;<=>&:+$?$0&(1-$(/$2@&(/$2$&"2$&#",9&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&",&1AB$?(& (1-$(/$2C&;115&"21*,6&91*2&0?/114&",6&91*2&/1*0$&",6&7+,6&$D"#:4$0&17&6+77$2$,(&(9:$0&17&7"0($,$20C&& 3*0(&4+5$&(/$2$&"2$&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&;<=>&:+$?$0&(1-$(/$2@&(/$2$&"2$&#",9&6+77$2$,(&8"90&(1&:*(&",&1AB$?(& (1-$(/$2C&;115&"21*,6&91*2&0?/114&",6&91*2&/1*0$&",6&7+,6&$D"#:4$0&17&6+77$2$,(&(9:$0&17&7"0($,$20C&& Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ (1-$(/$2C&;115&"21*,6&91*2&0?/114&",6&91*2&/1*0$&",6&7+,6&$D"#:4$0&17&6+77$2$,(&(9:$0&17&7"0($,$20C&& E1#:4$($&(/$&("A4$&A$418&712&0?2$80@&,"+40@&,*(0&",6&A14(0@&",6&-4*$C&F+,6&",1(/$2&#$(/16&17&7"0($,+,-&",6& E1#:4$($&(/$&("A4$&A$418&712&0?2$80@&,"+40@&,*(0&",6&A14(0@&",6&-4*$C&F+,6&",1(/$2&#$(/16&17&7"0($,+,-&",6& ?1#:4$($&(/$&A4",5&218&1,&(/$&A1((1#C&& E1#:4$($&(/$&("A4$&A$418&712&0?2$80@&,"+40@&,*(0&",6&A14(0@&",6&-4*$C&F+,6&",1(/$2&#$(/16&17&7"0($,+,-&",6& Group Members: ______________________________________ End date: ______________________ ?1#:4$($&(/$&A4",5&218&1,&(/$&A1((1#C&& ?1#:4$($&(/$&A4",5&218&1,&(/$&A1((1#C&& Fastening List three places on your prototype OR around What makes these fasteners ;+0(&"(&4$"0(&(/2$$&1AB$?(0&12&:4"?$0& G/"(&#"($2+"40&12&B1+,(0&+0&(/+0&#$(/16& F"0($,+,-&#$(/16& Method your home where you could use these fasteners good choices for holding these ;+0(&"(&4$"0(&(/2$$&1AB$?(0&12&:4"?$0& G/"(&#"($2+"40&12&B1+,(0&+0&(/+0&#$(/16& 8/$2$&91*&71*,6&(/+0&#$(/16&*0$6& -116&712H& ;+0(&"(&4$"0(&(/2$$&1AB$?(0&12&:4"?$0& G/"(&#"($2+"40&12&B1+,(0&+0&(/+0&#$(/16& F"0($,+,-&#$(/16& F"0($,+,-&#$(/16& 8/$2$&91*&71*,6&(/+0&#$(/16&*0$6& -116&712H& to hold two objects together. & Tasks objects together? Who’s Responsible? -116&712H& & 8/$2$&91*&71*,6&(/+0&#$(/16&*0$6& &&1. Screws !"#$%&' !"#$%&' !"#$%&' ' Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# 2. *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: '' ' '' @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# 2. &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 3. & &&1. ()*+&' Nails ()*+&' ()*+&' ' && @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# 1. '' 2. ' !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# '' 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# (,-&')./'01+-&' 8)39+.: Nuts and Bolts (,-&')./'01+-&' (,-&')./'01+-&' ' Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 3. & 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# && 65"# 1.8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," '' ' '' 2+,$3'4$5$.-3'1#' 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 2+,$3'4$5$.-3'1#' 2+,$3'4$5$.-3'1#' 1-6$#'7/6$&*8$&' Eyes 43)1' (07+'Screw 0' ),+2%82' 1-6$#'7/6$&*8$&' 10)95' 1-6$#'7/6$&*8$&' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3 ) +' 1 ( +' ; % =+ *+ "1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 1. Tasks Goal !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 3. & && ' '' 67+ * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 7.1-6$#'9$-61/' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' 7.1-6$#'9$-61/' 7.1-6$#'9$-61/' Zipper )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 ' ''' ''' ''' ''& && & D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# 2. (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# 3. & (+*&0/#$3&+,G && 1. D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G 2. 2. &3. && 1. & && Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 2. 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: &3. &&1. Who’s Responsible? Tasks 3. Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template 1. 2. box edges Assemble and glue together 3. H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 & && 2. 1. 2. 10 3. && Copyright 2008 Tufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach and Copyright 2008 2008 Tufts Tufts University University Center Center for for Engineering Engineering Educational Educational Outreach Outreach and and Copyright 3. HOMEWORK 1-1 HOMEWORK 1-1 1-1 HOMEWORK 10 EN G I NEERI NG Step 5 de s i g n P ro c e s s PROPERTIES are characteris>cs that different materials possess. Engineers choose materials based on their proper>es. Think about your prototype OR some device at home and list a material for each property. Explain why the property is a good choice. Check out this web site for specific examples: hPp:// Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ Group Members: ______________________________________ Identify a specific material on your End date: ______________________ Why is this material a prototype OR on something at home that has this property Properties good choice? (What will it do?) Tasks ex: wood for a chair Sub-Goal Strength •Tension: can be stretched •Compression: can be squeezed •Shear: ability to resist sliding •Torsion: can be twisted !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Who’s Responsible? ex: r esists c ompression w hen someone sits on on it @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Elas?city The ability to stretch, flex and return to an original size and shape Tasks Goal Plas?city !"#$%&'(#)#*+',The ability to flow into a new *.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# shape u nder pressure and to 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# remain in that shape when )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# the f8)39+.: orce is removed Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., Hardness /.%0"1*,23#4# !"#$ % " &' $ % )' cuts, The ability to (r#'esist *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' scratches and dents % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' Toughness @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# :0 a ) bility 9 )' ) (t# ;' - +' The o 3r.esist breaking !# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3 ) +' 1 ( +' ; % =+ *+ "1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' Fa?gue )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Sub-Goal 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 The ability to resist constant flexing or bending 10 11 ENG I NEER Step 5 I NG de s i g n Follow the building guide and sugges>ons below, as well as your ORTHOGRAPHIC drawings on page 9 to build your prototype. P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ ! 1. Mark Your Magnets ! the______________________ "Car" Group Members: ______________________________________ 2 Make End date: Mark one pole on all of your magnets so you • Follow your production drawing and later can lay them down with the same pole shape the “car” the way you want it. facing upwards: Don’t forget to leave room for the Tasks Who’s Responsible? • Stick your magnets all together in one pennies. Sub-Goal @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# long stack. • DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT remove • Use a marker to!#make "X" on the flat any foam from the sides. If you do the ;3+).+#an 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# face of one end +<+-2).25&/0# of the stack. “car” will be too narrow and will not @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# stack; "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# • Pull the marked )/(# magnet off the levitate evenly. &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: make an "X" on the next one, etc., until • Determine which side of each of the four you're out of magnets. remaining magnets repels from the @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# • Be sure to mark every magnet on the magnets in the tracks, and mark it with "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 same side (pole). an "X" using the permanent marker. • Tape a magnet to each corner of the car, with the "X" facing away from the car. • Position the magnets on the bottom of Tasks Responsible? the car so they lineWho’s up exactly with the magnets on the track. D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# Sub-Goal Goal !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# 8)39+.: !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 TROUBLESHOOTING (+*&0/#$3&+,G !# B 3 " > & (You +# 2might need to " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5#at this project a liPle bit to get it to work. The trickiest part is work &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# aligning the magnets on the train and the magnets on the track; the alignment needs D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# to as a ccurate a s p ossible. T his m eans m agnets n eed to be aligned well enough to keep (+*&0/#$3&+,G 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# the 2"(+C# train stabilized. Otherwise, your train will wobble and probably be aPracted to one ,+).%3+*C# $)3# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 65"# 8)(+#side &.C# 65+3+# 2)8+# of the &.# track or ,3"8C# the other, s>cking to it rather than being repelled. 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 1210 ENG I NEER Step 5 I NG de s i g n Fill out an engineering log acer each building class. This is an official record of your progress and par>cipa>on as well as your understanding of engineering principles. P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ Group Members: ______________________________________ End date: ______________________ EXAMPLE Tasks Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Who’s Responsible? @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Tasks Goal Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# !"#$%&'(#)#*+',&/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# *.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# Describe what you did today; tools that you used; materials that &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# you used, parts you worked on, design c*."3)0+C# hanges and problems. 73+7)3)?"/C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 8)39+.: 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# LOG #1 Date: _________________ 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," __________________________________________ !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# __________________________________________ ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' __________________________________________ *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2__________________________________________ * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 __________________________________________ Who’s Responsible? D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ Make a labeled d0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# rawing (or paste a picture taken w/your phone) of (+*&0/#$3&+,G your prototype or the parts you worked on. D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Who’s Responsible? __________________________________________ 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' __________________________________________ (07+' 0' ),+2%82' Sub-Goal 10)95' __________________________________________ Cut-out box template !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(#$"4#.5).#&*# __________________________________________ :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' __________________________________________ 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.#(%3&/0# *5&77&/0# 3)+' 1(+' ;%=+*+"1' ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# __________________________________________ )1*+" & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 2"/*%8+3: 1(+4';#"+5 YES I used complete sentences to describe my progress YES My descrip;on is neatly wriEen and legible 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' YES I( d0escribed how I used specific tools and materials 3 ) 5 3 + #' 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 Assemble and glue box edges together YES My drawing is large enough and centered in the space YES M y line quality is sharp and precise (no smudges) H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 YES Labels and measurements are OUTSIDE the drawing 1310 Describe what you did today; tools that you used; materials that you used, parts you worked on, design changes and problems. Make a labeled drawing (or paste a picture taken w/your phone) of your prototype or the parts you worked on. LOG #2 Date: _________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ YES I used complete sentences to describe my progress YES My drawing is large enough and centered in the space YES My descrip;on is neatly wriEen and legible YES My line quality is sharp and precise (no smudges) YES I described how I used specific tools and materials YES Labels and measurements are OUTSIDE the drawing Describe what you did today; tools that you used; materials that you used, parts you worked on, design changes and problems. Make a labeled drawing (or paste a picture taken w/your phone) of your prototype or the parts you worked on. LOG #3 Date: _________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ YES I used complete sentences to describe my progress YES My drawing is large enough and centered in the space YES My descrip;on is neatly wriEen and legible YES My line quality is sharp and precise (no smudges) YES I described how I used specific tools and materials YES Labels and measurements are OUTSIDE the drawing 14 Describe what you did today; tools that you used; materials that you Make a labeled drawing (or paste a picture taken w/your phone) of used, parts you worked on, design changes and problems. your prototype or the parts you worked on. LOG #4 Date: _________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ YES I used complete sentences to describe my progress YES My drawing is large enough and centered in the space YES My descrip;on is neatly wriEen and legible YES My line quality is sharp and precise (no smudges) YES I described how I used specific tools and materials YES Labels and measurements are OUTSIDE the drawing Describe what you did today; tools that you used; materials that you Make a labeled drawing (or paste a picture taken w/your phone) of used, parts you worked on, design changes and problems. your prototype or the parts you worked on. LOG #5 Date: _________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ YES I used complete sentences to describe my progress YES My drawing is large enough and centered in the space YES My descrip;on is neatly wriEen and legible YES My line quality is sharp and precise (no smudges) YES I described how I used specific tools and materials YES Labels and measurements are OUTSIDE the drawing 15 ENG I NEER Step I NG These are the official results of your prototype’s performance that will help you make decisions and design changes during the project. de s i g n ro c e s s P Project Title: __________________________________________ 6 Start date: ______________________ Maglev Distance/Time Trials End date: ______________________ Group Members: ______________________________________ Trial Distance (m) 1 2 3 Time (sec.) # of Pennies Sub-Goal !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Moved forward and straight w/o Tasks rubbing side rails Moved forward & rubbed side rails Got stuck on track Who’s Responsible? @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 4 5 Avg. Goal !"#$%&'(#)#*+',*.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# 8)39+.: Tasks Sub-Goal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raph your data like the example on the lec (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 Things that I redesigned (changed) Who’s Responsible? Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 What the changes did 1. _____________________________________ 1. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ 3. ____________________________________ 3. _____________________________________ 10 16 I NG ENG I NEER Step 7 de s i g n Use the test data from the previous page to evaluate how well your prototype met the design criteria (page 2 )and performed during the test trials. Just ask yourself one ques>on; “Would YOU buy it?” P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Start date: ______________________ My prototype’s performance was: (Check one) Group Members: ______________________________________ End date: ______________________ ___ Exceptional: it worked every time it was tested and needed no repairs Some reasons for this are: 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tasks Who’s Responsible? 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ Sub-Goal @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 ___ Very good: it worked most of the time it was tested and didn’t need any (or many) repairs Some reasons for this are: @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ Tasks Who’s Responsible? ___ Good: it worked some of theSub-Goal time it was tested and needed repairs D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# Goal (+*&0/#$3&+,G Some reasons for this are: !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ !"#$%&'(#)#*+',- &/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# *.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# (+*&0/#$3&+,G 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 8)39+.: 65"# 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# &.# 2)8+# ,3"8C# 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G ___ Not good: it didn’t really work !"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., /.%0"1*,23#4# Some reasons for this are: ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' 1. _____________________________________________________________________________ *+),#")%-.+ ' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 2. _____________________________________________________________________________ 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' Tasks Who’s &#0.5 3. _____________________________________________________________________________ 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' Sub-Goal I NG ENG I NEER :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3 ) +' 1 ( +' ; % =+ *+ "1' ) 1 * + " & 1Step ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 8 1(+4';#"+5 Responsible? Cut-out box template !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# 6&''#improve the design and func>oning of your prototype. What would make it List how y)/(# ou can Assemble and glue box edges 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# bePer than it is? together ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: de s i g n P ro c e s s H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 Start date: ______________________ 6 7Project + * < # " +' )Title: ( # 3 . ;'__________________________________________ 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 Things I’d do______________________________________ differently next time Group Members: What these might do End date: ______________________ 1. _____________________________________ 1. _____________________________________ 2. _____________________________________ Sub-Goal 3. _____________________________________ Tasks Who’s Responsible? 2. _____________________________________ 10 !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# +<+-2).25&/0# ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# 3. _____________________________________ @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 17 I NG ENG I NEER Step 7 de s i g n Engineers use something called the Universal Systems Model to describe how a par>cular prototype func>ons and all the resources needed to make it work. Study the diagram and examples below and use them to describe the inner workings of your prototype. P ro c e s s Project Title: __________________________________________ Group Members: ______________________________________ The U niversal Systems M odel: niversal Systems Model 2.6 Engineering Design End date: ______________________ Describing a skateboard Goal: The goal is to ride the e Universal System Model below to answer the open response skateboard down the street Sub-Goal on. oal Start date: ______________________ Tasks Who’s Responsible? @)9+#2"87)/<#'"0"*# !# ;3+).+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# .5).# )3+# Input: Get on the board and k+<+-2).25&/0# ick off ."# .5+# .)30+.# 8)39+.# )/(# 6&''# *.)/(# "%.# "/# .5+# 3+.)&'+3=*# *5+'>+*#,3"8#".5+3#2"87+?."3*: Process: The wheels spin and the board travels down the road Input Process Output @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# "#$%#",#.5+#$"4 Output: The board moves forward and you ride it Feedback: Informa>on that causes you to make adjustments. (Ex: you see a Feedback puddle and shic your weight to steer around it) Goal Tasks Sub-Goal !# B 3 " > & ( +# 2 " / * % 8 + 3 *# 6 & . 5# !"#$%&'(#)#*+',&/,"38)?"/# )$"%.# .5+# 73"(%2.=*# *.)/(&/0#1#*&(+(# &/03+(&+/.*C# /%.3&?"/C# )8"%/.C# 2+3+)'#$"4#.5).#6&''# 73+7)3)?"/C# *."3)0+C# 73&2+C# *7+2&)'# USM )77+)'#."#)#.)30+.# ,+).%3+*C# $)3# 2"(+C# )# %*+-$<# ().+C# 8)39+.: he parts of the Universal System Model, describe operation of a &.# 2)8+# 65"# the 8)(+# &.C# 65+3+# Goal: ,3"8C# oard. Be sure to identify each of the parts of 2"87)/<#2"/.)2.#&/," the system. You may iagram to help!"#$%&#'(')'*+,-%., explain your answer. /.%0"1*,23#4# ! " # $ % " &' $ ( #' % )' *+),#")%-.+' /#*' $(01' % )' 2 * 3 2 % 0 ., 1 #' 022#4,.%)(%"&' 1(+'' &#0.5 602(' 1+04' 4+4-+*' 43)1' (07+' 0' ),+2%82' 10)95' :0 ) 9 )' ) ( # 3 . ;' - +' +7+".<' ;%7%;+;' 0";' 3 ) +' 1 ( +' ; % =+ *+ "1' ) 1 * + " & 1 ( )' + 0 2 (' ,+*)#"' (0)' 1#' &+1' 1(+4';#"+5 6 7 + * < # " +' ) ( # 3 . ;' 3 ) 5 3 + #' ( 0 7 +' )#4+1(%"&'1#';%6 @)9+# 03)75&2# &8)0+*# A# .+4.# ,"3#.5+# &'()*#",#.5+#$"4 Input: Sub-Goal !# @)/%,)2.%3+# )# 1#*&(+(# $"4#.5).#&*# *.%3(<# )/(# *+',-*.)/(&/0C# )/(# 6&''# Process: 73".+2.#.5+# 73"(%2.# (%3&/0# *5&77&/0# ."# .5+# 3+.)&'+3# )/(# 73".+2.# .5+# 2"/.+/.*#(%3&/0#&.* #'&,+?8+# 6&.5#.5+# 2"/*%8+3: Who’s Responsible? D/,"#,"3#4567./0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G D/,"#,"3#+,-./ 0123#7)/+'#E*++#7:F#&/# (+*&0/#$3&+,G Maglev Prototype D/,"#,"3# .89/#)2/:8..8;/ 7)/+'*# E7:F#&/#(+*&0/#$3&+,G Tasks Who’s Responsible? Cut-out box template Assemble and glue box edges together H7().+#.+)8#(3)6&/0 Output: 10 Feedback: 18 APPLIED TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING Maglev Train Scoring Sheet Learning Target #1: Use and follow the Engineering Design process to plan and build solu?ons to problems. This is how I’ll do it... •I’ll imagine that I’m part of an engineering team and describe how the engineering design process could be used to develop a specific device or solution. (P g.4) 0 1 2 3 4 •I’ll m ake and explain drawings that show different ways to solve a design problem. (P g.6-­‐7) 0 1 2 3 4 •I’ll make orthographic 3D drawings of the prototype I’m building from different views with labels and measurements that anyone could understand and follow. (P g.9) 0 1 2 3 4 • I’ll use the Universal Systems Model to describe the parts that operate my prototype (P g.18) 0 1 2 3 4 The assignments above can be edited and re-­‐scored while the project is on-­‐going. Final Score Learning Target #2: Explain and defend the reasons for using specific tools and materials when building a prototype. This is how I’ll do it... • I’ll list and explain how specific materials can be used on my prototype or in my home. (P g. 10-­‐11) 0 1 2 3 4 >> Engineering Log #1 (P g.13) 0 1 2 3 4 >>Engineering Log #2 (P g.14) 0 1 2 3 4 >>Engineering Log #3 (P g.14) 0 1 2 3 4 >>Engineering Log #4 (P g.15) 0 1 2 3 4 >>Engineering Log # 5 (P g.15) 0 1 2 3 4 • I’ll record my progress and d escribe how I used specific tools and materials to build my prototype. The assignments above can be edited and re-­‐scored while the project is on-­‐going. Final Score Learning Target #3: Choose the most effec?ve and safest way to use tools and materials when building a prototype. This is how I’ll do it... •I’ll describe and explain my reasons for the prototype I want to build. (P g.8) 0 1 2 3 4 •I’ll collect and display data about my prototype and use it to evaluate how well it worked. ( P g.16-­‐17) 0 1 2 3 4 • I’ll complete an open response ques;on about technology & engineering (P g.5) 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 The assignments above can be edited and re-­‐scored while the project is on-­‐going. •I’ll follow my production drawings and build a prototype that meets the criteria below, looks like a finished product without any loose parts, damaged or rough surfaces and globs of glue, and holds together without needing repairs between multiple uses. Train chassis w/4 magnets that travels the en;re track Room for 20 passengers (pennies) Maximum length: 20 cm (front to back) Maximum width: 6.5 cm (side to side) Final Score 19