Polycrystalline, single crystal and Non crystalline Materials Polycrystalline Polycrystalline material – Aggregate of several crystals or grains The boundary between the grain is the grain boundary across which the orientation of the crystal changes. The point at which three boundaries meet is called the triple junction. Triple junction Grain size determination Line intercept method This is one of the most commonly used methods. Number of grains intersecting a given length of a random line is counted. Grain size D = Length of the line/no of grains intersected Grain size measurement ASTM grain size number, G – Number of grains per unit area at a particular magnification ASTM Grains/mm2 No. Grains/mm3 Avg. grain size, mm -1 3.9 6.1 0.51 0 7.8 17.3 0.36 1 15.5 49.0 0.25 2 31.0 138 0.18 3 62.0 391 0.125 4 124 1105 0.09 5 248 3126 0.065 6 496 8842 0.045 7 992 25010 0.032 8 1980 70700 0.022 9 3970 200000 0.016 10 7940 566000 0.011 G = -2.9542 + 1.4427 ln N where, N is number of grains/mm2 G is compared in ASTM grain size chart to obtain the grain size. Grain size measurement Calculate the grain size from the micrographs using the line intercept method Grain size – Property relationship Hall-Petch Relation / i o d k A general relationship between mechanical properties and grain size is given by the Hall-Petch equation 1 2 o is the yield strength, d is the grain size and i and k are material dependent constants. Finer grain size means more grain boundaries or higher grain boundary area per unit volume. Deformation in metals takes place by dislocation motion and grain boundaries act as obstacles to dislocation motion. Hence, presence of more grain boundaries (finer grain size) will increase the resistance to deformation and enhance the strength. Single Crystals Single crystal – only one grain or crystal and hence, no grain boundaries. Useful for applications where grain boundaries are harmful. For example, high temperature deformation or creep resistance (as creep takes place by grain boundary sliding) single crystal turbine blades (http://blog.makezine.com/2012/01/16/single-crystalsuperalloys/)(www.cmse.ed.ac.uk/AdvMat45/SuperEng.pdf) Silicon single crystals for semi conductors Non crystalline or Amorphous materials Amorphous – random arrangement of atoms: Silicate glass, Polymers Metallic amorphous materials Bulk Metallic Glass (BMG) A metallic system can be made amorphous by decreasing the chance of crystallization :– Allow less time for crystallization during solidification – Rapid solidification processing (RSP) Increase confusion for a particular crystal form by increasing the number of components (alloying elements). Bulk Metallic Glass Multi component – elements with different chemical nature and atomic size and number together reduce the chance of crystallization Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 [=(Zr3Ti)55(Be9Cu5Ni4)45], commonly referred to as Vitreloy 1 (Vit1) Processing routes: RSP - Melt spinning Ball milling Solid-state amorphisation reaction Nuclear irradiation Properties of BMGs Mechanical properties – High strength, low ductility Formation of small crystallites in glassy matrix by annealing can improve ductility. Some Properties of Vit1 (R D Conner et al. Scripta mater. 1997;37:1373–8) Elastic strain Tensile strength Young’s Modulus Shear Modulus Hardness Fracture toughness 2% 1.9 GPa 96 GPa 34.3 GPa 534 VHN 55 MPa m1/2 Magnetic properties – excellent soft magnetic properties due to absence of crystalline magnetic anisotropy FINEMET – Fe-Si-B-Cu-Nb Excellent corrosion resistance Good acoustic properties Applications of BMGs Golf heads – BMG golf heads can transfer 99% energy compared to 60% for steel heads and 70% for Ti heads Thin yet strong electronic casing – MP3 player, mobile phones, digital cameras, PDA Surgical instruments, Prosthetic implants (Biomaterials) Sensors for electronic article surveillance, cores for high frequency transformers Self-sharpening tank armor penetrator Nano Materials Nanometer = 10-9 m micrometer = 10-6 m mm = 10-3 m Nano Materials Nano Structured Material (NSM) – At least one component of the microstructure e.g. grains, particles or dispersoids, is nano meter in size. Nano particles possess very high surface area /unit volume which gives rise to unique physical and chemical properties. In a nano-grained material the grain boundary width is comparable with the grain size. Nano particles Nano Ni-ZrO2 composite Nano grains in Al Nano -Structured Materials (NSM) A two-dimensional representation of a nanostructured material. Red circles indicate atoms in the grain while open circles indicate atoms in the grain boundary region Classification of NSMs Classification of NSMs according to their chemical composition and shape Processing Routes Inert gas condensation Vapour phase condensation Wet chemical method High energy mechanical alloying Plasma processing Combustion synthesis Super critical liquid Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) Physical vapor deposition (PVD) Properties of NSMs Superior functional properties – Photoluminescence, Electroluminescence, Electronic and magnetic peoperties Enhanced catalytic activity – Very high surface area per unit volume Structural properties – Very high strength – Hall-petch equation 0 = i + kd-1/2 Ultrafine grain size - Superplasticity High Hardness – Nanocrystalline WC-Co composites High stiffness - CNTs Applications Sunscreens Lotions - Many sunscreens contain nano particles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide. Self-cleaning glass: Activ Glass - uses nanoparticles to make the glass photocatalytic and hydrophilic. •Clothing: coating fabrics with a thin layer of zinc oxide nanoparticles, better protection from UV radiation. •Stain resistant clothes - have nanoparticles in the form of little hairs or whiskers that help repel water and other materials Glossy colors – Nano particles of pigments (CoAl2O4). Shiny, better looking colors for cars Scratch resistant coatings – addition of aluminum silicate nanoparticles to scratch-resistant polymer coatings. Scratchresistant coatings for cars and eye lenses. NSMs in Electronics – Better and Smaller The advent of the nano technology has immensely helped in miniaturization which is an essential part in many electronic gadgets. The nano technology is already in use in many electronic gadgets like mobile phones, I-pads, cameras, palm tops and so on. Quantum dots - nano-scale semiconductor crystals. Dramatic improvement in digital storage (Flash memory) Less power consumption, better resolution (in visuals), smaller size. Applications of NSMs Flash memory: Conventional – tunneling film must be sufficiently insulating to store the charge. Limits thickness reduction and thus miniaturization. Cannot work with defects in the film. Nano dot or quantum dot flash memory allows for higher defect tolerance, lower thickness (and hence miniaturization). Less power consumption Quantum dots display - By altering the size of the nano particles, the color they emit can be changed. 6 nm – red, 2 nm - blue Quantum dot display in place of LCDs or OLEDs – less power consumption, better quality pictures. Applications of NSMs contd…. IBM has developed Microscopic LED: A thin indium-nitride nanowire that emits infrared light when a current is applied (http://www.technologyreview.in/communications/19129/) It is believed that the nanowire LEDs could eventually be used for telecommunications and for faster communications between devices on microchips. References http://www.iue.tuwien.ac.at/phd/holzer/node39.html http://science.howstuffworks.com/nanotechnology3.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_crystal http://www.appropedia.org/Single_Crystal_Turbine_Blades Processing Techniques http://www2.mmae.ucf.edu/~sury/Online_Pub/NanoHyperfine.pdf http://library.iyte.edu.tr/tezler/master/kimyamuh/T000294.pdf Key words: Polycrystalline; Grain boundary; Amorphous; Bulk Metallic Glass; Single crystal; Nano Materials Quiz 1. What aspect of the crystals changes across the grain boundaries? 2. How is the gain size measured in a polycrystalline material? 3. What is effect of grain boundaries on strength of metals? 4. Are grain boundaries desirable for high temperature structural application? Give reasons for your answer. 5. What is meant by amorphous material? 6. How can a metallic system be made into an amorphous material? 7. Why bulk metallic glasses (BMG) are generally multicomponent? 8. What is nanostructured material? What imparts unique properties to these materials? 9. Classify nanostructured materials. 10. What are the processing routes of nano materials?