VIII. References

This section lists the reference materials used to prepare the Draft EIR and includes: 1. City documents
available at the City (indicated with the letter “A”); 2. technical reports prepared for the project and found
in the Appendices (indicated with the letter “B”); and 3. other sources from websites and proprietary
documentation maintained by the environmental consultants and subconsultants (indicated with the letter
“C”); copies of the front covers of these documents and any pages cited are included in the project file at
the City.
City of Berkeley General Plan, 2002.(A)
City of Berkeley Municipal Code.(A)
Off-Site Consequence Analysis/Air Quality Assessment, Levine-Fricke, March 18, 2004.(B)
Supplemental Off-Site Consequence Analysis/Air Quality Assessment, Levine-Fricke, March 2, 2006.(B)
Risk Reduction Plan to Reduce Particulate Matter Emissions from Diesel-Fueled Engines and Vehicles,
California Air Resources Board, September 28, 2000.(C)
California Air Resources Board, “Top 4 Measurements and Days Above the Standard,”, July 12, 2005.(C)
CEQA Guidelines, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, December 1999.(C)
Bay Area 2000 Clean Air Plan, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 2000.(C)
City of Berkeley General Plan, 2002.(A)
West Berkeley Plan, December 1993.(A)
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Draft Environmental Impact Report
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City of Berkeley
May 2006
Historic Architecture Report 2040 4th Street and 720 University Avenue, Ward Hill, M.A., March
Review of Historic Architecture Report Prepared by Ward Hill, Carey & Co. Inc., September 21,
Secretary Standards Compliance Review, Page & Turnbull, October 14, 2005.(B)
Review of Historic Architecture Report Letter, Ward Hill, October 19, 2005.(B)
Results of Two Focused Archeological Coring Programs, Basin Research Associates, January 2005.(B)
Results of Focused Archaeological Coring Program, Basin Research Associates, October 2005.(B)
Archaeological Assessment, Basin Research Associates, March 8, 2004.(B)
Peer Review of the Basin Research Associates Archaeological Resources Assessment Report and
Subsequent Focused Archaeological Coring Programs on the 700 University Ave Mixed-Use Project,
William Self Associates, Inc., August 2005.(B)
Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Treadwell & Rollo, December 3, 2003.(B)
Supplementary Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Treadwell & Rollo, March 22, 2004.(B)
Peer Review of the Geotechnical Feasibility Study Reports for the 700 University Avenue Mixed-Use
Project in Berkeley, CA, Kleinfelder, October 14, 2005.(B)
Letter of Transmittal and Response to Peer Review, Treadwell & Rollo, November 10, 2005.(B)
Revised Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Treadwell & Rollo, November 10, 2005.(B)
Expansive Soils, Treadwell & Rollo, November 23, 2005.(B)
State of California, Seismic Hazard Zones, Oakland West Quadrangle, California State Geological
Survey February 14, 2003.(C)
Proceedings of the NCEER Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, National Center
for Earthquake Engineering Research, December 31, 1997.(C)
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Draft Environmental Impact Report
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City of Berkeley
May 2006
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Levine Fricke, November 18, 2003.1(B)
Results of Limited Soil and Groundwater Investigation, Levine Fricke, January 21, 2004.(B)
Railroad Safety Study and Pipeline Risk Analysis, Kleinfelder, November 8, 2005.(B)
California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Hazardous Waste and Substances Sites,, August 19, 2005.(C)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,, August 19, 2005.(C)
City of Berkeley General Plan, 2002.(A)
“Disaster Mitigation Plan for the City of Berkeley,”, City of Berkeley, Draft
Revised Geotechnical Feasibility Study (Letter), Treadwell & Rollo, November 10, 2005.(B)
Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Treadwell & Rollo, December 3, 2003.(B)
Supplementary Geotechnical Feasibility Study, Treadwell & Rollo, March 22, 2004.(B)
Flood Insurance Rate Map, City of Berkeley, FEMA, 1981.(C)
Stormwater Drainage Plan, City of Berkeley, City of Berkeley Public Works Dept., 1989.(A)
Hydrology and Hydraulics Criteria Summary for Western Alameda County, D.J. Labelle and O.H. Kawar,
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Levine-Fricke, November 18, 2003.(B)
Appendix C of this document is available for review at the City and on the City’s website:
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Draft Environmental Impact Report
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City of Berkeley
May 2006
Results of Limited Soil and Groundwater Investigation, Levine-Fricke, January 21, 2004.(B)
Soil Survey of Alameda County, Western Part, L.E. Welch, 1981.(C)
Water Quality Control Plan, Regional Water Quality Control Board, 1995.(C)
City of Berkeley Stormwater Drainage Plan, City of Berkeley, 1974, revised 1989.(A)
California Stormwater BMP Handbook for New and Redevelopment.(C)
City of Berkeley General Plan, 2002.(A)
West Berkeley Plan, December 1993.(A)
Berkeley Bicycle Plan, April 2000.(A)
University Avenue Strategic Plan, City of Berkeley, November 12, 1996.(A)
City of Berkeley Municipal Code.(A)
Clean Air Plan, Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 2000.(C)
Water Quality Control Plan, Regional Water Quality Control Board, 1995.(C)
Congestion Management Program, Alameda County Congestion Management Agency, 2005.(C)
Preliminary Noise and Vibration Assessment, Charles M. Salter Associates, Inc., November 2003.(B)
Traffic Impact Analysis, Korve Engineering, January 20, 2006.(B)
700 University Avenue – Weekend Analysis, Korve Engineering, April 13, 2006;(B)
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City of Berkeley
May 2006
Peer Review of the 700 University Avenue Mixed-Use Traffic Impact Analysis, Ferh & Peers, April 13,
Berkeley Bicycle Plan, April 2000.(A)
Highway Capacity Manual, Transportation Research Board, 2000.(C)
Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, Institute of Transportation Engineers, 2005.(C)
City of Berkeley Municipal Code.(A)
Parking Generation, 3rd Edition, Institute of Transportation.(C)
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City of Berkeley
May 2006
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Draft Environmental Impact Report
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