Analysis of laterally loaded pile group in clay T.Ilyas Department of Civil Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia C.F Leung Center for soft ground Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Y.K.Chow Center for soft ground Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore Abstract: Study on laterally loaded pile group in clay has been carried out using centrifuge modeling. The observed result will then be back analyzed. Finite analysis program FLPIER and iterative method developed by NUS group are employed to predict the lateral response of the single pile, 2 x 1 , and 2x2 pile groups. The deflection and bending moment profile result will be discussed in this paper. A good agreement has been observed between the analysis and observed results 1 INTRODUCTION The response of single pile and pile group subject to lateral loads in sand has been reported by several researcher ( McVay et al, 1998; Zhang et al, 1999). As clay characteristics are very different from those of sand, the analysis is conducted to study the performance of single and group pile in clay under lateral loading. The result of Centrifuge model test for single pile and pile group have been carried out at National University of Singapore. Details of the NUS Centrifuge are given in Lee et al. (1991). Both normally consolidated (NC) and over consolidated (OC) clay have been used as a media. Those observed result will be back analyzed by three dimensional finite analysis program FLPIER developed by Mc, Hoit et all 1996 ( to date the professional version is known as FBPIER) and iterative method developed by Hong, 2000 (two dimensional analysis). In the FLPIER program, both axial and lateral soil interactions are modeled by non linear soil spring whose axial and lateral stiff nesses are obtained from the p-y and t-z curves. The pile-soil-pile interaction is characterized through p-y multipliers which are input by row for describing shadowing effects. The pile’s axial response is characterized by non linear vertical springs along its length (τ-Z curves) and its tip (Q-Z curves). The FLPIER have designed for free and fix pile cap condition. The fix pile cap condition is designed which can be used over the surface so that the pile cap can rotate when lateral load applied. Hong’s program includes shadowing effect which is developed through pile-soil-pile interaction using elastic theory in which Midlin solution is used to determine flexibility coefficients. The free and fix pile cap condition are offer to be used for lateral load apply at the head. Hong’s program is firstly introduced to be used for desk top personal computer. This paper will report the detailed load versus deformation responses and bending moment of single, 2x1, and 2x2 pile groups. 2. PILE - SOIL MODELS AND PARAMETERS 1 The soil parameter, undrained cohesion, is obtained from the Tbar test which is conducted in the National University of Singapore centrifuge. The T bar test conducted at the same G-level as observed tests for both NC and OC clay. The T-bar test is firstly introduced and developed by Stewart et al (1991) and followed by Randolph et al (1998) at the University of Western Australia. Cohesion undrained cu resulted from T-bar test is in the range of 0 -18 kN/m2 for NC clay and 10 - 25 kN/m2 for OC clay. For lateral pile representations, the following soil parameter are required for both NC and OC clay; angle of internal friction ǿ, coefficient of lateral sub grade reaction nh, shear modulus G, Poison’s ratio ν, Young’s modulus E. Typically, a Poison’s ratio ν of 0.4 is used for both NC and OC clay (also recommended by FLPIER software for soft clay). Angle of internal friction φ of 22-240 is used for both NC and OC clay. Young’s modulus E is obtained from the relationship of E= α cu Coefficient α is in the range of 150-300. For this analysis α is taken 150. The soil shear modulus G is obtained from the formula G= E/2(1+ν). Limiting soil pressure py of clay acting on the piles is determined using Brom’s theory py= 2(1+z/d)cu ≤ 9 cu To describe single pile behavior, FLPIER uses the p-y curve obtained from observed data done by Ilyas (2002). 3. PREDICTIONS The model pile is made of hollow alumunium square tube and instrumented with 10 pairs of strain gauges protected by a thin layer of epoxy. The pile external width is 12 mm which simulates a prototype width of 840 mm at centrifuge test of 70g. The flexural rigidity EmIm of the model pile is 384 kNcm2 and the prototype EpIp is 922 kNm2. The total model pile length is 260 mm with the lower 210 mm pile length to be inserted into the soil sample. The prototype pile length is 18.2 m with an embedded pile length of 14.7 m. The pile cap is designed in such a way that the piles are tightly secured into respective openings by screws. Although the piles are fixed to the pile cap, the pile cap itself is allowed to rotate. The model pile cap is made of 20 mm thick solid aluminum and place at 50 mm (3.5 m prototype scale) above the ground level. The center-to-center pile spacing is three pile width. The prototype lay out for single, 2x1 2x2 and 3x3 group pile is depicted in Fig.1 3.1 Single pile In Fig 2a and 2b are presented lateral displacement – lateral load relationship obtained from observed, predicted of FLPIER and predicted of Hong. The comparison in NC and OC clay shows a good consistency. Lateral load Lateral load 3.5m It can be seen from Figure 2a and 2b at a small lateral displacement (less than 0.1D displacement) the predicted and observed are shown almost coincide. Hong’s predicted is higher somewhat of 5% and 14% for NC and OC clay, respectively. At larger displacement (more than 0.1D) the predicted both FLPIER’s and Hong’s are larger than observed by 5% and 8% for NC clay and 22% and 25% for OC clay, respectively. Bending moment, at 0.1D (8.4cm) pile head displacement, at any depth of single pile in NC and OC clay is shown in Figure 3a and 3b, respectively. It was found the observed is slightly larger than those predicted. Even though for load-displacement relationship predicted is somewhat higher than that of the observed for both NC and OC clay, however for bending moment was obtained the observed is slightly higher than the predicted. 0 14.7m clay Bending moment (kNm) 200 400 600 800 -5 a) NC clay 0 a) Depth (m) 3d b) Figure 1 Lay out of single and pile group 5 10 15 Pred-FLPIER Pred-Hong 500 a) NC clay Observed 20 Lateral load (kN) 400 Bending moment (kNm) 300 0 -5 200 400 600 800 b) OC clay 0 Observed 100 200 Predicted (Hong) 0 20 40 60 80 Lateral Displacement (cm) Depth (m) Predicted_FLPIER 0 5 10 500 b) OC clay 15 Lateral Load (kN) 400 Observed Pred-Hong 20 300 200 Figure 3 Bending moment-depth relationship of single pile 100 Observed Predicted (HONG) Predicted_FLPIER 0 0 20 40 60 80 Lateral Displacement (cm) Figure 2 Lateral load-displacement relationship of single pile 2 Pred.FLPIER In Figure 4 is depicted relationship between applied lateral load and bending moment maximum for single pile in NC and OC clay. The maximum bending moment/lateral load response, observed and predicted, is found to be reasonably linear. Both FLPIER and HONG’s predicted shown response of larger bending moment compare to the observed at the the same applied lateral load. 400 350 a) NC - 2pile 800 300 Lateral load (kN) Lateral Load (kN) 1000 NC Clay 250 200 150 100 Observed 400 200 Pred-Hong 50 600 Observed Pred-Hong Pred-FLPIER 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Pred-FLPIER 0 2500 0 Maximum BM (kNm) 20 40 60 80 Lateral Displacement (cm) 1000 400 b) OC - 2pile OC Clay 350 Lateral load (kN) Lateral load (kN) 800 300 250 200 150 100 600 400 Observed 200 Observed Pred-Hong Pred-Hong 50 Pred-FLPIER 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Pred-FLPIER 0 0 Maximum BM(kNm) Figure 4 Maximum Bending Moment – Lateral load of single pile 3.2 Two pile group In order to better understand the analysis of behavior of pile group, two pile group in OC and NC clay will be analyzed. In Figure 5 is depicted lateral loads–displacement relation for 2 piles in NC and OC clay. As shown in Figure 5a and 5b for 2-pile group the observed slightly higher than that of FLPIER’s and Hong’s are predicted. Bending moment FLPIER’s predicted is around 30% and 14% less than observed for NC clay and OC clay, respectively. Hong’s, 2000 made a comparison between computed and measured load deflection response of full scale field test (3x3 pile group) in clay by Rollin et all 1998. He found the agreement of computed and measured response of the single pile and the group piles is reasonably good. As can be seen in the Figure 5 at small displacement Hong’s predicted (less than 0.1D) almost coincide with the observed. However at large displacement of pile head the large different occurs. It might be caused due pile cap condition which originally Hong only consider fix pile cap condition with no rotation. 3 20 40 60 80 Lateral Displacement (cm) Figure 5 Lateral load – lateral displacement relationship of 2 pile group In Figure 5a and 5b are also shown the observed is less than the predicted. In the case of pile group in OC clay as shown in Fig 5b the Hong’s predicted is higher than observed as well as FLPIER predicted especially at displacement larger than 0.2D (16.8 cm). The pile head condition significantly influenced result of lateral load- displacement especially at pile group in OC clay as can be seen in the Figure 5b. 3.3 Four pile group In Figure 6a and 6b are shown lateral loads-displacement relation for 2x2 pile groups. The FLPIER’s predicted for both in NC and OC clay show a good agreement to the observed. However, Hong’s predicted for both in NC and OC clay show over predicted by 30% and 50%, respectively at a displacement of pile head larger than 0.1D. This condition has very much influenced by pile cap condition deformed at a large pile head displacement. Both the Hong’s and FLPIER’s at a small displacement (less than 0.1D) compare to the observed are very close to each other. The FLPIER prediction show much better for a large displacement of pile head condition in both NC and OC clay compare to the Hong’s predicted. 2.The relationship between lateral load and maximum bending moment response is found to be reasonably linear. 2500 3.For the observed and predicted results of the maximum bending moment are obtained to be located at between 7 to 9.5 D below the ground surface a) NC clay Lateral load (kN) 2000 1500 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1000 500 Observed Predicted(Hong) Predicted(FLPIER) This study is a research collaboration between the National University of Singapore and University of Indonesia. The Authors would like to express their gratitude to the technical staffs at the Geotechnical Centrifuge Laboratory of the National University of Singapore 0 0 20 40 60 80 REFERENCES Lateral Displacement (cm) 2500 b) OC clay Lateral load (kN) 2000 1500 1000 500 Observed Predicted(HONG) Predicted(FLPIER) 0 0 20 40 60 80 Displacement (cm) Figure 6 Lateral load – lateral displacement relationship of 4 pile group 4. CONCLUSIONS The analysis of single pile, two and four pile group have been carried out. The following conclusions can be obtained bellow: 1.The observed versus the Hong’s and FLPIER’s predicted of lateral load-displacement relationship as well as bending moment-depth relationship show reasonably good agreement. 4 Brown, D.A., Morrison, C & Reese, L.C. 1988. Lateral load behavior of pile group in sand. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 114(11): 1261- 1276. Hong D.C. 2001. Behaviour of piles subject to external loads and ground movements. 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