MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Jadranko Matuško Fetah Kolonić INTRODUCTION TO MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Sveučilište u Zagrebu Vizualni identitet Priručnik grafičkih standarda Znak Sinteza 1.3. Osnovni element sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu je znak, odnosno karakteristični “pečat” s dugom povijesnom tradicijom i bogatim nasljeđem. U redizajniranom sustavu znak je osuvremenjen. Osnovni grafički elementi su pažljivo nanovo konstruirani te pojednostavljeni ne bi li se poboljšala čitljivost i jasnoća u reproduciranju, odnosno aplikacijama predviđenim osnovnim grafičkim standardima. U novom znaku pročelju zgrade Sveučilišta dodana je skulptura Ivana Meštrovića Povijest Hrvata. Znak (verzija 1) je element sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, koji pripada isključivo Rektoratu odnosno Senatu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Smješten je na okrugli oblik i apliciran u negativu. Novim izgledom znak se vizualno odmaknuo od pečata, dobio na snazi, ali je i dalje zadržao svoju povijesnu ulogu. Znak (verzija 2) je element je sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, predviđen za korištenje znaka Sveučilišta kao dijela vizualnog identiteta pojedine sastavnice Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Aplicira se isključivo u pozitivu u sivoj ili crnoj boji na bijeloj podlozi. Matuško&Kolonić 6 1 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 COURSE ORGANIZATION Lecturers: I I Fetah Kolonić Jadranko Matuško Teaching asisstant: I Šandor Ileš, B.Sc.E.E. Weekly load: I 2+0 Schedule: I Wednesday, 14-16 h Room: I C4-17 (building C, FER, 4th floor). Course website: I Matuško&Kolonić 2 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 COURSE ORGANIZATION I The lectures will be organized in the first part of the semester (7 lectures), followed by the midterm exam. I In the rest of the semester the students will work on their projects. I Project groups will consist of 2-3 students. Matuško&Kolonić 3 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 GRADING SYSTEM Matuško&Kolonić 4 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 DEFINITION OF MECHATRONICS I The term mechatronics was coined by Tetsuro Mori, an engineer from Japanese company Yaskawa, in late sixties of the 20th century, to describe the combination of mechanics and electronics. I In the following decades the definition was further extended to include computer engineering, so today mechatronics is commonly is defined as synergistic combination of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering. I Beside this definition of the mechatronics, other definition are also used. Matuško&Kolonić 5 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 DEFINITION OF MECHATRONICS I Mechatronics is the synergistic integration of precision mechanical engineering, electronics, computational hardware and software in the design of products and processes. I Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering(mecha for mechanisms), electronic engineering(tronics for electronics), and software engineering. I Mechatronics is Knowledge Driven Motion. I The synergistic integration of precision mechanical engineering, electronic control and systems thinking in the design of intelligent products and process. Matuško&Kolonić 6 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 PRINCIPLE SCHEME OF A MECHATRONIC SYSTEM Human-machine interface Information flow Actuator+ Amplifier Mechanical energy flow Sensor Power supply Matuško&Kolonić 7 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF A MECHATRONIC SYSTEM I Matuško&Kolonić Synergic effect; Coordinated and well-tuned work of all the system components in order to achieve predefined goal. An example from medicine: an augmented medicaments effect if if they used together. 8 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF A MECHATRONIC SYSTEM I Synergic effect; Coordinated and well-tuned work of all the system components in order to achieve predefined goal. An example from medicine: an augmented medicaments effect if if they used together. I Integration; Integration of various engineering branches: mechanics, electronics, computer engineering. An example: mechanics (mechanisms), electronics (power amplifiers, actuators, sensors), informatics (control systems, communication). Matuško&Kolonić 9 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF A MECHATRONIC SYSTEM I Synergic effect; Coordinated and well-tuned work of all the system components in order to achieve predefined goal. An example from medicine: an augmented medicaments effect if if they used together. I Integration; Integration of various engineering branches: mechanics, electronics, computer engineering. An example: mechanics (mechanisms), electronics (power amplifiers, actuators, sensors), informatics (control systems, communication). I Modularity; Makes possible an easy reconfiguration of the system, adding new functionalities to the system as well as changing its existing functionalities (flexibility). Matuško&Kolonić 10 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNDAMENTAL PROPERTIES OF A MECHATRONIC SYSTEM I Synergic effect; Coordinated and well-tuned work of all the system components in order to achieve predefined goal. An example from medicine: an augmented medicaments effect if if they used together. I Integration; Integration of various engineering branches: mechanics, electronics, computer engineering. An example: mechanics (mechanisms), electronics (power amplifiers, actuators, sensors), informatics (control systems, communication). I Modularity; Makes possible an easy reconfiguration of the system, adding new functionalities to the system as well as changing its existing functionalities (flexibility). I System openness; The system can be easily accesed either by a user or an other system. Matuško&Kolonić 11 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 INTEGRATION IN MECHATRONIC SYSTEM KNOWLEDGE BASE Mathematical process models Performance criteria Information gaining - identification - state observer Design methods - control - supervision - optimization ONLINE INFORMATION PROCESSING Control Supervision Diagnosis Adaptation Optimization INTEGRATION OF COMPONENTS MICRO COMPUTER Matuško&Kolonić ACTUATORS PROCESS SENSORS 12 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - SMART MOTOR CANOpen Matuško&Kolonić Ethernet ProfiBus 13 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 PRINCIPLE SCHEME OF A SMART MOTOR Pametni motor Napajanje Mikrokontroler Nadreeni sustav PWM upravljanje Komunikacijsko suelje Analogni ulazi Digitalni ili analogni U/I Analogni ulazi Pojaalo snage Senzori (enkoder, Hallove sonde) MOTOR Senzori statusa i grešaka Vanjski senzori Matuško&Kolonić 14 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - SMART MOTOR Properties: I A complete servo drive consisting of electronically commutated motor with an embedded controller, power amplifier and encoders. I Small dimensions. I High resolution of the encoders (4000 impulses/revolution) allows for an accurate control of the drive’s position. I Easily programmable and reconfigurable. I Communication ability Applications: I Robotics I Coordinated motion problems. I Electronic gearbox. Matuško&Kolonić 15 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT I Matuško&Kolonić Applications: industry, service sector, home; 16 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT I Applications: industry, service sector, home; I Autonomy; Matuško&Kolonić 17 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT I Applications: industry, service sector, home; I Autonomy; I Crucial problems in mobile robotics:: localization, navigation and map building; Matuško&Kolonić 18 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT Ultrazvuni senzori Enkoder LASER MOTOR MOTOR ON-BOARD RAUNALO Serijska komunikacija Matuško&Kolonić Bežina komunikacija BATERIJA 19 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT What makes mobile robot a mechatronic system? I Matuško&Kolonić Mechanical part: Mobile robot has to constructed by taking into account its foreseen applications as well as economic aspects. 20 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT What makes mobile robot a mechatronic system? I Mechanical part: Mobile robot has to constructed by taking into account its foreseen applications as well as economic aspects. I Electrical/electronic part: Motors and power supply for on-board computer and motors. Matuško&Kolonić 21 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT What makes mobile robot a mechatronic system? I Mechanical part: Mobile robot has to constructed by taking into account its foreseen applications as well as economic aspects. I Electrical/electronic part: Motors and power supply for on-board computer and motors. I Computer part: On-board computer and sometimes controllers for motors, separate from on-board computer. Matuško&Kolonić 22 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT What makes mobile robot a mechatronic system? I Mechanical part: Mobile robot has to constructed by taking into account its foreseen applications as well as economic aspects. I Electrical/electronic part: Motors and power supply for on-board computer and motors. I Computer part: On-board computer and sometimes controllers for motors, separate from on-board computer. I Communication part: Available communication interfaces (e.g. RS-232), wireless communication. Matuško&Kolonić 23 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - MOBILE ROBOT I Antilock Brake System (ABS) is often considered as one of the oldest and the most widely used mechatronic system. I The primary goal of the ABS is to maintain controllability/drivability of the vehicle in critical situations by preventing the vehicle wheels to lock during braking operation. I ABS action doesn’t necessarily lead to the shortening of the stopping path length! Matuško&Kolonić 24 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF ABS Matuško&Kolonić 25 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - ABS Voza pritiše papuicu konice 1 6 7 8 Matuško&Kolonić 2 Gibanjem klipa raste tlak u koionom sustavu 3 Koione obloge pritišu disk proporcionalno tlaku u sustavu Tekuina utjee u spremnik. Smanjuje se tlak u konicama ECU Tekuina se pomou crpke ponovno utiskuje u koioni sustav. Raste tlak. Koraci 6 i 7 ponavljaju 10-15 puta u sekundi 5 Elektronika upravljaka jedinica upravlja spremnikom i crpkom. 4 Senzor detektira kada kota poinje proklizavati 26 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - SEGWAY I Segway is modern transportation system which is widely considered as the most typical mechatronic system. I Segway operation as an analogy with human behavior: if a man leans forward his sensors situated in its inner ear detects this change and he makes the move to prevent falling down, i.e. he makes a step forward. I In the case of segway the role of inner ear sensor is taken by the system of gyroscopes, while its "muscles" are the motors connected to the wheels. Matuško&Kolonić 27 of 28 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 AN EXAMPLE OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEM - SEGWAY I The system of 5 gyroscopes suitably mounted with the aim to detect the slope and slope change (i.e. speed) in each direction. I Electronically commutated motors, 1.5 kW. I Gearboxes; I Two control board, with 10 CPUs, that work in parallel where each control board is able take the total control over the system if other board fails - hardware redundancy. I 2 NiMH or Li-ion battery that allows for the autonomy of 40 km; Matuško&Kolonić 28 of 28