MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Jadranko Matuško Fetah Kolonić DESIGN OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Sveučilište u Zagrebu Vizualni identitet Priručnik grafičkih standarda Znak Sinteza 1.3. Osnovni element sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu je znak, odnosno karakteristični “pečat” s dugom povijesnom tradicijom i bogatim nasljeđem. U redizajniranom sustavu znak je osuvremenjen. Osnovni grafički elementi su pažljivo nanovo konstruirani te pojednostavljeni ne bi li se poboljšala čitljivost i jasnoća u reproduciranju, odnosno aplikacijama predviđenim osnovnim grafičkim standardima. U novom znaku pročelju zgrade Sveučilišta dodana je skulptura Ivana Meštrovića Povijest Hrvata. Znak (verzija 1) je element sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, koji pripada isključivo Rektoratu odnosno Senatu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Smješten je na okrugli oblik i apliciran u negativu. Novim izgledom znak se vizualno odmaknuo od pečata, dobio na snazi, ali je i dalje zadržao svoju povijesnu ulogu. Znak (verzija 2) je element je sustava vizualnog identiteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, predviđen za korištenje znaka Sveučilišta kao dijela vizualnog identiteta pojedine sastavnice Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Aplicira se isključivo u pozitivu u sivoj ili crnoj boji na bijeloj podlozi. October 16, 2014 Matuško&Kolonić 6 1 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS Mehatronički dizajn - osnovni pojmovi 2014/2015 MECHATRONIC DESIGN Definicija Design is considered to be the process of the developPod pojmom dizajna podrazumjeva se proces razvoja nekog proizvoda ili ment of a system or a product, starting from the basic sustava od načelne ideje do gotovog proizvoda, zadovoljavajući pritom idea to the final product, satisfying in the same time all definirana ograničenja. the design constraints. DIZAJN Matuško & F.Kolonić Matuško&Kolonić Mehatronički sustavi Ak. godina 2013/2014 2 of 19 2 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 ARTICLE IN PRESS Isermann / Control Engineering Practice 16 (2008) 14–29 HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT OF R.PRODUCT DESIGN integration of mechanics w processing. This integrati (hardware) and the inform resulting in integrated syst Their development involv between the basic mech actuator implementation, processing and overall con innovative solutions.’’ Hence, mechatronics i which the following discip (1) mechanical systems (m precision mechanics); (2) electronic systems (mic sensor and actuator te (3) information technology automation, software e Matuško&Kolonić Fig. 1. Historical development of mechanical, electronic and mechatronic The solution of tasks for performed as well on the electronic side. Thus, interr important role; because the electronic system and vice 3 of 19 o influence on the design MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 PRODUCT DESIGN The product design process is primarily influenced by the following factors: I rapid technology development/changes, I market competition. For that reason good engineers need: I permanent/lifelong learning, I experience in multidisciplinary projects, I excellent design and project management skills, used by leading companies on the market. Good designers should always use proven design processes: I with clear justification in terms of selection of the components. I with suitable recommendations with respect to the source material. Matuško&Kolonić 4 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 PROPERTIES OF A WELL-DESIGNED PRODUCT Five properties are used to evaluate the performances of the design process: I I I I I Matuško&Kolonić Quality of the product: How good is the product obtained as a result of the design effort? Production costs: What is the cost of the production of one unit of the designed product? Product development duration: How fast a development team can conduct the development tasks? Development costs: How much money a company need to invest into product development? Development possibilities: To what extent the acquired knowledge through the design process can be used for future product development projects 5 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNCTIONS OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Distribution of mechanical and electronic functions I Decentralized electrical drives microcomputer based control. I light constructions: electronic damping (multi-car systems, elastic robot systems, etc.). I Linearization of nonlinear mechanism characteristics using feedback loop (hydraulic and pneumatic actuators, valves, etc) I Operator adaptation using programable characteristics (acceleration pedal, manipulators, etc). Matuško&Kolonić 6 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNCTIONS OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Operating properties - Process of system behavior adaptation using feedback control systems. I Incresed accuracy due to feedback control systems, I Adaptive friction compensation. I Model based and adaptive control: allows for wide range of operations (force control, speed control, control of vehicles). I High control performances due to ability to drive the system very close to the constraints (system and operational ones). Matuško&Kolonić 7 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 FUNCTIONS OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS New functions - these functions would’t be possible without using embedded computers. I Control of non-measurable or hard-to-measure variables (wheel slip, internal stress or temperature, damping parameters, vehicle slip angle, etc ) I Advanced supervision and fault diagnosis. I Fault tolerant systems with hardware or analytical redundancy. I Remote services for supervision, service etc. I Flexible adaptation for changing the boundary conditions. I Programmable functions that allow changes during the design process as well as upon finishing the product. Matuško&Kolonić 8 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 INTEGRATION IN MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Hardware integration I Integration of the components (Hardware integration) results from designing the mechatronic system as an overall system and embedding the sensors, actuators and micro- computers into the mechanical process. I Spatial integration is determined by a process, sensors and actuators. I The integration of microcomputers and sensors leads to the concept of intelligent(smart) sensors. Similarly by integration of microcomputers and actuators we obtain a so-called intelligent(smart) actuators. Matuško&Kolonić 9 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 INTEGRATION IN MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS Software integration I I I I Matuško&Kolonić Beside standard feedforward and/or feedback control additional signal processing is perform in knowledge based systems. On-line signal processing is used in supervision, fault diagnosis and optimization tasks. Knowledge base level processes: advanced signal processing, controller design methods, process modeling, objective function definition. These processes allows for the incorporation of the knowledge into electronic and mechanical components. 10 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 INTEGRTION IN MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS KNOWLEDGE BASE Mathematical process models Performance criteria Information gaining - identification - state observer Design methods - control - supervision - optimization ONLINE INFORMATION PROCESSING Control Supervision Diagnosis Adaptation Optimization INTEGRATION OF COMPONENTS MICRO COMPUTER Matuško&Kolonić ACTUATORS PROCESS SENSORS 11 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 TRADITIONAL DESIGN APPROACH Specifications I I Design steps are performed sequentially; The optimality of individual design steps doesn’t imply the optimality of the final product or system. I If the final product is not satisfactory the whole design process is repeated. I Time and financially consuming process; Mechanical design Electronic design Control system design Specifications met? NO YES Matuško&Kolonić 12 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 MECHATRONIC APPROACH TO THE DESIGN I I I Matuško&Kolonić The main idea of the mechatronic design approach is to perform the validation of the product that is being designed in early phases of the development process. Usually in early stages a simplified object is designed, that take into account only its major properties and design the control system for such an object. Gradually we increase the complexity and accuracy of the model, resulting in more detailed description of individual system components. 13 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 BOTTOM-UP DESIGN APPROACH 10 2 PRINCIPLES OF MODELLING AND SIMULATION Abstraction Specification ? System Module 1 Submodule 1 Time Figure 2.2 Bottom-up design process to be connected together. Such a design can be performed using a circuit editor or14 of 19 Matuško&Kolonić MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 BOTTOM-TO-UP DESIGN APPROACH I I I I I Matuško&Kolonić Bottom-up design is the classic method of development of electronics and mechanics. The initial starting point is a specification, which is typically drawn up in natural language. Then the basic components, e.g. transistors, resistors, capacitors or springs, masses, shock absorbers, joints, etc. are added and combined successively to form ever more complex and abstract creations until a complete design emerges. The primary advantage of bottom-up design is that the influences of a nonideal implementation can be taken into account at an early stage. The biggest disadvantage is that errors and weaknesses in the system design are not noticed until a late stage, which can bring about considerable costs and delays 15 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 TOP-DOWN DESIGN APPROACH 2.3 11 FIELDS OF APPLICATION System Abstraction Specification Module 1 Submodule 1 Time Figure 2.3 • Top-down design sequence The implementable part of the specification can be validated by simulations. Matuško&Kolonić 16 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 TOP-DOWN DESIGN I Errors and weaknesses in the system design are noticed early, in contrast to the bottom- up approach. I The implementable part of the specification can be validated by simulations. I The implementable part of the specification is available as a precisely defined reference for the verification of the design. I The functional part of the specification is unambiguous and complete (in contrast to a specification in natural language). In the event of doubt, a simulation is run. I The implementable specification and the models of the individual design stages mean that full documentation is available, which however still remains to be supplemented by comprehensive commentary. Matuško&Kolonić 17 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 V SCHEME OF MECHATRONIC DESIGN ARTICLE IN PRESS 18 R. Isermann / Control Engineering Practice 16 (2008) 14–29 Fig. 6. ‘‘V’’ development scheme for mechatronic systems. Matuško&Kolonić 18 of 19 MECHATRONICS SYSTEMS 2014/2015 TESTING OF A MECHATRONIC DESIGN Verification gives the answer to the following question: "Is the product built properly?" We need to check if the product satisfies the specifications. Validation gives the answer to the following question: "Is a proper product built?" We need to check if the product works according the user’s needs/expectations. The main goals of validation and verification: I I Matuško&Kolonić Discovering the systems defects. Assessment the system usability within the range of operation. 19 of 19