Checklist: Instructions for the Managing Director

Checklist: Instructions for the Managing Director
1. The Managing Director’s responsibility for the company’s business activities pursuant to
the Swedish Companies Act is in no way restricted by this set of instructions.
2. The Managing Director is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the company.
This includes
a. leading the company’s business activities
b. implementing the Board of Directors’ resolutions
c. entering into the agreements necessary for the day-to-day running of the
company in which the company’s undertakings do not exceed X SEK or
have major significance in other respects
d. taking decisions on day-to-day Human Resources issues
e. investing the company’s liquid resources and taking decisions about borrowing in accordance with the company’s Finance Policy
f. fulfilling the employer’s negotiation and information obligation pursuant to
the Swedish Co-Determination in the Workplace Act
g. fulfilling the employer’s obligations in respect of working environment responsibilities
h. writing off outstanding amounts not exceeding X SEK when so required
i. taking decisions about legal action in the event of disputes to which the
company is a party
3. The Managing Director shall take decisions on administrative issues which normally rest
with the Board of Directors if it is not possible to await the Board’s decision without significant detriment to the company. If it is possible, the decision shall be preceded by consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall be
informed of the measure without delay.
4. The Managing Director shall ensure that the company’s accounting conforms to legal
requirements and that assets are managed in a prudent manner.
5. The Managing Director shall immediately notify the Chairman of the Board of Directors
when it becomes necessary for the Board to take a decision on a particular issue.
6. The Managing Director shall keep the Board of Directors informed about matters of
importance to the company.
7. The Managing Director, in consultation with the Chairman of the Board of Directors,
shall prepare items for the Board’s agenda and present these at board meetings.
2 (2)
8. The Managing Director shall draw up proposals for the annual budget and submit these
to the Board of Directors well in advance of the start of each new financial year and no
later than the month of November.
9. The Managing Director is entitled, within the framework of his/her authority, to delegate the right of decision to some other company official and may also confer powers of
attorney. The Managing Director shall exercise the necessary control over the way these
powers are utilised. The Managing Director is responsible for decisions taken with the support of this delegation.
10. The Managing Director is not allowed to handle issues relating to agreements concluded between him/her and the company. The same applies to agreements and third parties if the Managing Director in question has a material interest that may conflict with the
company’s interests.