Framework for Learning: Decimal Addition – Right to Left

Framework for Learning:
Decimal Addition –
Right to Left - 2
Leader’s Name: ………………………………….
Co-Leader’s Name: ……………………………...
Instructor’s Initials: …….
Getting Started:
follow the path:
Fractions > Addition and Subtraction of Decimals > Adding Decimals
Complete the sections, Tenths – The Line and The Town – Examples 1, 2, 3, 4
Then do the following 2 examples on this page.
1. On the number line below, show:
0.6 + 0.7, using a red dot to show 0.6 and then green dot to show the sum.
1.3 + 0.9, using a yellow dot to show 1.3 and then a black dot to show the sum.
2. A game board is divided into 100 equal sized squares.
Each square is _________ (as a decimal) of the game board.
(a) ______ (as a decimal) of the game board is solid.
(b) ______ (as a decimal) of the game board has circles.
(c) ______ (as a decimal) of the game board has crosses.
(d) The amount dedicated to circles and solids is _______ (as a decimal)
Below, write (d) as an addition sentence.
Working In It:
follow the path:
Fractions > Addition and Subtraction of Decimals > Adding Decimals > Method 3 > Right to Left
Complete the notes below as you work through Example 1 – With Grids
Work through the example on the computer. As you come to each of the screen shots shown below, stop
your work at the computer and fill in the missing information on the drawings on this sheet.
Check your drawing to see if you agree with what is on the computer.
follow the path:
Fractions > Addition and Subtraction of Decimals > Adding Decimals > Method 3 > Right to Left
Complete the notes below as you work through Example 2 – With Grids
Record the information in the drawings on the computer screen in your notes.
Reflect and Connect:
In your notebook, develop an addition of decimal word problem.
Exchange sheets with your partner, and solve each other’s questions. Talk about both of your results.
Build It. Draw It. Talk It. Write It. Now you OWN It!