P rejects such as Profiles ofService are more easily accomplished

rejects such as Profiles ofService are more easily accomplished when there
is a precedent, a prototype, to follow. There is greater difficulty when one
is sailing uncharted waters. But when a project involves a selection of 150
persons from a list of 300-plus eminently qualified Black Adventists, the principle
found in the words of Solomon becomes more than helpful:
purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counsellors they are established”
(Proverbs 15:22).
Never was the principle of this truth revealed more clearly than during the
production of Profiles ofService. Many thanks go to the countless people who gave
input, counsel, and valuable direction. These include the 50 people who, along with
the Regional presidents and the Black Caucus, recommended the 150 names through
an anonymous selection process.
Each person associated with the project recognized it as one of the most
demanding and taxing that they had done to date. The organization, coordination,
schedules, and deadlines were mind-boggling.
Profiles of Service is a result of the combined efforts of many people.
Valuable counsel and direction were provided by Calvin Rock, Meade Van Putten,
and Maurice Battle of the General Conference.
Bill Cleveland and Vikki Montgomery Fields worked untiringly, copy editing
and proofing all the materials in the book. The typesetting and layout were done
innovatively by Pat and Art Humphrey of Net Publications and by Milton Nebblett,
Jr., of Graphic Arts. The design and creative concepts were arranged by Lee Cherry.
The typing was done faithfully by Carol Barron Thomas, and Debra Carroll-Hill
performed other secretarial responsibilities.
Special credit goes to the talented group of writers who wrote and arranged
each profile. They were Delbert Baker, Bill Cleveland, Vikki Montgomery Fields, Pat
Barbara Jackson-Hall, Carlos Medley, and Dewitt Williams.
Also, appreciation is expressed to the many individuals who helped when the
pressure from deadlines grew intense. Thanks also to Tom Kapusta and Stephen Hall,
both executive directors in the Review and Herald Specialty Printing Department.
And as always, the Review and Herald Publishing Association is to be noted for its
to quality.
This entire project is a new venture by the MESSAGE magazine editorial
office in collaboration
with the Black Caucus. This is the first MESSAGE
coordinated and published by the MESSAGE staff. Though the task at times seemed
overwhelming, it was made bearable by long-suffering spouses, a wonderful (and fun)
team to work with, and the presence of God’s Spirit. May this book be an inspiration
to you.
The editors
July 1990