= nsat 41-41 a 31"9 Wlit ft-M.41U 74IfiRTff 114 [31f4/ 9 /902/41-9410-900(00 9E', ft9t- Rii ePTEZ, to g& MtwIlold Rrn 3pa-A-Fi-r Trd-w Trtfnff gA,K1 •3iftrEimr, writz. 01T tvb TM-3 TAR util.ici051 vai 3101 311/ 4 tifb-TV TfT 1 T T J I1aicr4lor farag rf-F4 -11-Euct 9pAuzilcr 7:Yu 3fl1I. 71-WroTita. Mtn www.sgbau.ac.in -Err .3vc1 a arrg- . Errculas 1,-cmilin( X94 414j1c1 31-e6t 311-4491:1 tgiff Trk-Acf. Arff 411.5 1 414f 3P ft d oitlicvfkr 4"). .31.51.tfrpf V,N11.4 krta IT.0 1 €11. 31-4E-T4-41. f=1-ofi1a KiTritua 31-6.t1 d 31\--3-1 Tiliff) n1?4,71 tit TifemT-4--dri artirr 4)-1.1 let) I1.11ict< *-1.1.11 i ci se 31TRA-TuT 1th Mclii LT4rir1 vi I Pon cf 9-Osic-7 fi-YPTft,TY,41ci TF ---• 14114161d RWi 3iicTT -1175---(-11 111-71 RoME, R -11 cr) : Ti.,41.11161131-1:419/90:„}it- M4C0-9001,91R 09E, TiFf .d. lim---Fci . 111 445 . 'TM/ 3:iicbl4-r ch TA ,3117APT allie)P,rt) 40111-13,1 1 9 I, 4 09 -- -- --- 9 -- -- -- R EJR09E, 4-M4-di c'[Ii aT.A•tild * (9/RociE, Thforta cloct-, g 90 99 --- --- 09 6 (9 Et TrE--45- ilk O1 7-7g 1 6/Ro9S. g/Ro cfti ,-... .4-4.qU 3ifter--- Mo/Ro rici -; 1-1(0.-.-1 . q,-1 99/09E, q1ti ,34PITTA, 9) o9 -- -- 09 o --- 3-T.‘3-1 4-ild 09 --- --- q{ 09 -- --- slc1o M --- — r4i.TY1.(4) W-1\1'111(361 1),,a 71.4-1ki1iiicoT 19-c ---- --- Om --- oM --- 09 L-1, -61 TI-1 4 11.4-1(-4 -qfP-11-al 1 f41 5 (->) TA-Din-fru cd--4trAt q(I)I -1- c1iefF 1iiiiicP 3.1-m-prij-d1m A cirtdt(i 3A-414;1- 1144t veptio 1441 .6i1cmill A 'Au .thi-itict) 91-1%1 4.11(`‘ 31- Wiciracilef --id 31-wiTur fk-)91-r 3 tRif-41 ;47c1-977-Fil 5b41-Ilicta oM -- -- Q-11 4.411:111Z-MTk kTuit-d- 1 d 341-4{.-TU c R) # - vrinflei 09# (9--3i-7-r-d7 URlicl?Lid. cii fircriPi zittim . :W4 -111c1 `ç.4 1 1-kr.1-11 q 9 R TTE--4.37 [-p-j alf#4-di4-ii•-e.ki 1,411.d c-j..A1::-FL4.) d.-H-r I Pi cid .31ftiqi1STF-frit Tiliki Li q r() Cf? 1 - 3417-Trl EgRo 9 Ef ". 00-A..:600/. VOC)/-) (9/RO CIE, .q1 : -41V5 c--1 qc .0 cl.) 19-rt-n-1:44)- IffiT.,-ijd -ortNA-KR-9- T. V;Pr3---3(-- °°/- eA.-1 6.0 .1Gc-. Af);--1)--1 r T. V•3°(3/"--) V0 lisc4' !,1161k-iid 4 1 4-17-TWA .) -\_,-41 -- -pi, c1-1 M ,-(i -r i k-h-v-i 1 -LI TM-81- T-lr"tThcA' ._ I LI ,Fiff '73c1 1l, 41 4-P-1).41 F-T ITTF-St ci (4) c_c4,-1 to !-I .,ii'l c;,c0Q:.- k.s1-1 loz-t' "CrtWT \34) Uri Tre--Z ( --/R c)9 Aq 'I'cill l 'It.7 1r)15:11-1 T - 4 R 0 0 --.? c' R ° (:)/- Li .10-(T-4.7z:1- .1;m ITRT-ftict) --,73-401 affirit 31T41TLI ci-) . !t.J.11cyliU .1,-111111 F4 L uiil q1-i): --91-4 -4?19- d 1 till:). ifiTEFIT 'El . 9 1t-49f9 31- ar ra-9. R 4.-'i 1-H RIR 0 ci Et 4 ail0(--',‘?. 00- R O'00/- 9 0/ R 0 9 Et .', itr.?lic:i m 4,i Li IL4 --)1 Li,NTT viLii 0 cf,), U.11ITV 3-114471 as fl u I l'Eft;1-1.Riv---1 1 -LI i(?, (,) A 1 .4 c.-1 . 1 d7:-g *PITIdAfRi 711riN WITTIII-ANH.7:1-.\it .)44.18,:fT `5. iiR - °°-R°RcK)/- ciftuir 4,-i 4 til /4/1/ TfiRIcIN1(-c1 . 9600/- -,3A ul --1q,i1-c,11 c-11q.c-141 SI ...IFTI i) :31-1.zgf %.3 -41-01 4)0^q1c411,71-4 311 11u141. 31k\H-1 LiItT7 -- , 9 9/R ° 9 Et q.1 ,-N-1 949 3-11(-11-(Iuql-G11 4 .t:'sro!-c-1 -1:11T-1 4711121- •al-[441- 4-11 t.-3 TIM 4T.I s Fil 411 fii-, ii Y 1 1 .t-1 cr) kl .; -cri u . ciRoo-RoRoo/-- T,Li41-,1-ff -43-Fir-En- 74-,-4,71---wilzpsitETT 3-114-14 al 1 cP.L1 ct) . w). s600/\31-1Y. 1 ctc-1(-1(4-)1 Trtil d (4-1 .1q.-1,5-zum ç!j1 cd N r ,r.-i1 1flUlct 0.1) 1jc t 1IcILINH 0.17r (1) 4ld rtuf ct) , Trft-ii 4 c-1 -)1 11 , 4-16 k I r,ro q ur \31-11,4 . N!.1v0-1 z-11.11 1)-ilftff (41 HiUt4) in1-11 (-11 ffr. fii .-c fl 1 ER_11- -044 1 .34-M. cp 4-to NA! ‘, 11 R) bats7; cl 1 rrt . cfr 5F{Fri-cF5r 1c41 tjftjj TAM 4TTft ' 1 u 1 cb RIERi ci") IT1 iTH 'd U cr)i. ZIT:ff 1-)MT 'T4tDJ i) -fth-Tif 'A' 313MZIRi \i'M A 41161 c'Er Degree and diploma in Computer Technology/ Computer Engineering/Information Technology and; P.G. /Advance Diploma in Computer Application, ADCSSAA awarded by the Board of Technincal Education, Maharashtra State. ii) Degree and Diploma awarded by all the Govt. recognised Universities in Computer Technology/ Computer Engineering / Information Technology and P.G./Advanced Diploma in Computer Application, Computer Application System and Analysis. cm) 4-1,1414 r 9) ..,-Hrflaci cde-QH /11A 4-1161 R) <11.W-11c, 1 f4-1- 114-17-14U vi 1-R71- 4, -ct.) lir:4 4-ttc., (w-w-18.1T Titraijct %31 1 c-11( 3-T) , 4.11 4 .:4414-1,11 ci 1 96 04i44 cl34-11Q1 ciL1).1-1q1q1 g1T1 1 1 ki LI r.?1 q741-41 4--11 1k1 .1c1'1 4 1-ick 1-11 4 11fl Mc14 1k1 d 79-Tr(7?- 3.Trfilcoi -44 cicfT Ii cI (o) (05) 1-1 CI'Ll I ‘319141 \31)(1c1f1-,1 c174 R9-P01M4 114T .))( (:)) 31-6-1-1tTa T11 f04 \321c-1 0 14 1c1 41t1c1 (Non Creamylayer Certificate) (3figict) ci • c)') c-L1 1 -1 ck. -c1 fei16 d 4)411m GI sa) ii-Eirr0T ylti011 0-14-Fr TIF4 311i I 'di) CV-I i C41411 '61 cI Lfl 9 "ñOT H v) ' Jctc cL1VcI TtTp 3-Ttc9- . , d ct) -114-iro1?Ici LIlcLl 30.R1I 4 7171 31 k IIH1r;lq91.1" cv.1)41.1.11q , fTfTINTrerc,-. -117,7 qr\rcrzi-r-uz 3T1-)'T -(11747i 11ikkl-13-Z-Tra 3 3TRAPT Zittri 3.1) T TErthi7iTth3c4(JLUcI 1 3T1i m -71, c --fl' 31-cilTiTat 3-TmiTur 9 ) flN-I'-I f-'1 4-1 I -0 I cc wilur 141I'1 c-c (9-141- fl'idauqiff1-81 3TT-11-1---fr- 31-rtTT c 3-TM,LiuirciT 4 cv-119Fi1c41c1 O 3TTd31F1-4F01-45- 311. T15- .3-11441 q00VR.A,.9R(/RooV-3T, fe.1-.E., 14, Rood -114-1).-‘14 k,11,94 fl 1 9 I 7-LI I ,14 cb f4.9v.9.Roci 9 -41-01-F aTTet -M14.11 < q7c1 ) Ltich ch I ITRIF1-45. 45- . 4\-1 cfN H IZTI C1?-1 C40 .41-R-41 3Tf, ?-Ti ciflIUTTErT Trg14.-1-441,11,.-031 T-Tun--.H.q-r-a-6{ z).strzt4 7t 1•1 `, l -4-1 1 II PrATI ,1-1 1611 c/1410,-118) 17:4 apinci ahtio.ic-Ln .-ttOt-11.4.1c1 51t-i 4 1r-c-1111) 311R-8,-To-0 zr 31÷1e)cyzil 7311qcikilf 34-ctIT diTtkilc4 31-1AT.4 TeigII 11717-117k Titi511 (YT.)S1 P-rfkl 24)rir PA -114 ‘4-14-11,7N 3TR-87Tur ell -1101i 9) retTi. R 1 c-N ,39R-1 4 mild c1 q>5.5 GI I cirkci D') V1,F41 Acolk110-1 .'71 Id [as) u I I-4-11 3.-44f0-d- 7:11 -{1 .1/-43 4) ii'iI1 cll. \-3) 4113TF4T -1711 IIc Id CLlTt)/lIcIcI1cl 1.iQLII1 3 k. %.3 cl 311-PT 41 c'. I d 11Icl Ct) 1 R.,01c) ci1\TR-T-ff IIlLcP 3IT F *I41 I vl I T-LI I \$21c1 ff741-6-1- !al '1 I u t-1,1 (Non -R c o- 31-1-4774745 Q)c-.)) Creamylayer Certificate)(31-01(t) -FA R094-9 Et 7Trx.1 d I 1)41-4-ff afrudulicrild ttER- 4,011 ,-3-11ulk 3I1*. i5) millilict, arffffuriTriti 311<ffa1 K 7Td1-31-, e..• TTThT c10.71\-IN RPIT -11 9) \r{9. Rood T1 3-\)d. 5.1(14 114,-118) Rnd 31k8Tu-1qiczittzit *c-k 914 1INHc141zr 3IFI1fZFT, 11si( -3T-174RT9tp TriT rwuqici LT mci41 \-34)qcik ,dit-m(sET R) -Timm (z) -4 )-t4 I J.1 :rk-1 (1 eq I YTI i 4i Y.44 I -I I lift c-1 N-1181/3) ? 3-7) D4A-ct? 4-16NN -11 4 1Hic14 (WithOJ. WIT°11-1- w-11-41 f cz-117:41 1-1,8dIa5u1)-() f1Pi,1491) ',VI ROOO itfti ckqarki .1J11ul11-7)1 iiciliI cl.) 1-u-I Id 31l—tET c . HI cl LIN-II3TIfT t[4 f*T1 T1/14 TRI-9- 1 244Z1 T.t01-41. -111--L11 R099/R..90E,V/R099/9E, 4, f.9R .99 .R099 1.61,,i 1/4)-11(.T1 31•91u1411-41 1-tict,19N-1 3-11c11, 1-1c.' 441 1/4Y11-11r1) ,-3Tta d Jflr1 1-16c-11o:5 q-1M c01-1 Ii-I-I 1)+-11.V-11Y, c014ca .ji ccx'j (1 I ict CI 071 .311(411-czlf 31T47445. it RMSTP:Fg .t13-11cg"1 R000/Rs,$).(90/R000)ciR f. Rel Roo4 covil ailcumcf) (161-1 4 -RTINTrarrverr cM qrs.!, I(- 1c1 11) uI 4 14 1c1 CR1 , rri1M): tfliP1-45 .(4), PI" .Td-1(31) 31-04 , 4.14(4-1 - Afg. LI) u .31-RULIT, cP-1)1141.11, 31k)-1)1 1-1c116'211 \-_11) cl i 3111-1E1 ' -.11,5c110A-1 .9T.0. .111..)1 I JlIUIk-1161. -1- 4 11,4.1 .4F41 q 1-4 7-10 00 /-(T akicd Tr ¶tT Te1411-4, 7-11tP)dT .741TA) (914 1k1C44 41dt-4IId cfr1c11 4 et .9 0 0 [4--.711-17))(114A1 (71 TT1I ITE1T al10 .7-01 lit1A-8- cl),!c11 14,j fre7t 416-1-1 3PITNI1 ft-Fit 7--if-ffT 1lc -F1-41 aliciNcb \-jd 9IUlilch!)-4 .pc.?V-Acf, 1.1d 41164 41-0-1 aPI-R-Pt f4igid ,!1-,,,i-mar-qT-Tiwicbtp-i aii-iq [)id 3iiltII q1 Iqc ildro ITIA- loimzrru 31-f .Rooi-- \ IcIt1 117) '11(114 fkffIr10) 41 4cp 7,0-R))(1;71 (.,:i1-10) (41141K1c1414 I Trrfl lIct1-1141T, 31u1 311 4E, '11cl '11.64 ,111641 .311TRJ1-41 18 qutf ) Till .4T 31--4 ntT(I-Pt 'JIIZ 1 q Ppt fl -RiZ1-1-14 *4-1-Fr. --q-TicOlcv Ro9(1--Ro9E, ZIT ,3-11f4EFciq1c1i f) (31-117-LIel) TI7.11.431FR717 -&F1 cj) jcl1iciklI 3:N11-.-r-n- RdibILNIckcfT IIc TTW !.14-1 I u I 411-all '71c-i") 1) 4zieN wrfr-e,T4 y.it-tc7f. fZ1T 1icOdr 3-Nsi 31-1-28 err ci 0-1- 6 cx5 ct) 31-°,-1 01 -I i-riq -47R-Rt . el-44 %.3-J-4 I 4-41141-4719 3ij C fc1LIliff , \Lid k t'11151 ) 13117-1R1 cl 41,1-1 ki R11 74-g4TT 4) Y. I cl I . I c0 (11 akr) elYfl cl LI I T11 &R --11 [Ti141 q I (-0 elT &icI 3Iff.)--4-5. 1 I u -:{ 1:117431-R- 1 , 411 .1 14--Erfurcr-5{(3-1 ci V?-1 Tin 11-1-1-FM: (311-E17445. j -j 7,T4T, M-9TuPA- '1/43-k) &Pict) 3Igeil, f(licl ijiicflei 31Ick-14-)114slc1 ;:3-1-145 -1,-I cfrozfr_41. RTirej-4R-m'iIlcl,i tt,„1 fffrIT illckI cfrOil cM-1 1-)Liicivqran 0) It -A‘)(71 3ft1ull-LH ‘silt-----41N!i^-il -4Trk-d -9-F6Y.to ,A4-11u14:1H16 S) ctT241 *10611 (-I'd d 6 ) 31+-4 cN I ^4 3-krilck (::;1 'MTN 3-111)IN! IT] On CI 01•241 T.11 - lb\ cf) 31Y9 e%-1 I q.-13IcIflrI iIcl 4 cdilIc1icl ,ffc417,-1 1-17-q ciC) ) 3-1 u1)110 Rr:;1 tIcIIcl 61 (11(s11€1c1 :I N-1.1 NIA . 3-1 I ci 31-qtR-1)61c1 -1A1 Wt1171---01 31:FFrel *Z-1 Wf61 $11 cbcclIci cckici cricoftiuqici ,1$11-1 99) 1TI l cSIcPdI 7-417-4,T14(6) itflcl ai IA 741-.1- TN-ATE 10)1q.1 frirtITO grqTRT - u41T4r friik /1411U11-1-1 ft1-11,11q 3ftwilt Wr1- i rt7 -ETN'fl (M1- cl)P-1d.s.r< cl) 4-11.11 3TiiI MIT}-11 csi?1 I dII f 01 lcIle1 c-N (1714DN ck)T4 cl I 4:1-t-R-f--4 lI1'd WITFIT:T fIcM-711 31-PRI I zi 9R c't I I 81 ThT1 iTk-T-1. *1 I -1 1HUF 3T4415 3T1*. 3-qu I , ejc6.1 T-1) ;Fitt -icki, 31T4447 -11-k-LI I cl T NH c:1A, .14111-111-r:A, \AA -1J-110-r1T51 W-1)1-11 - -itrC-4 "qt .R 1'Z-1)6.1d 31t--c-ff,, 3-Fy11-4, cl LI -.5. -\91-aii4;)d qA I cLI-E ch 1, -I 3T21 cl I .4)) u I 11 (1) IV"-11--d 1ctici c1HV4cI)cl r ,1I1 1 .444-437. 4T fcI c4 RT4rf I -j) C?IuIIcic1 b ,iuicii1f cr51-afTrrrZ WT u k 11E11 iicIc, 5 ) , 1:1 1JskI, 4.1 Roo'- ft.9 iiuii 1-1-)101-1(-161N! 4)Q11 9Tet 7-1 --11,s116.1c-1 qJcfl4c1t ) \IOUIN MCOli:Yqkl rtlki 1- t1111i0 Tb- .3:11),141/ 9 004/9RE,Mcik-v, l 'ii'iiI el I 'fl . .3irfar TZf1 f4-9-1 -41 i I +11 -1 I-)ul c.'1 crLI Y-§trAl R-F4-Tri-v ,4-14-1,riuL1id arRicohl. 1 4 -41cicric4 7cT (IT< u , Psi c c'q it-4T tEFt -4541 1 7-171:4 '4-171.4 1 cl I 3-11??- . t-u-I I ck ?ZIT ‘3 11 clIN! 1 T-11 ct)) u I ctl I g) 1'1 ki 3-11 crti 3p„-{114 opiqt.i Tincii -ui-10-q af-ATi 0 3ivii, 11II osp RR) fk1 I u I c.-LI I 61 Yi 118. Y. I d 1cPd1. cI1t crl 6).6-) c.14(çj scd cfULfftI 3-T2T01" vl I ri3 . 1 TIMT T4'EF f--43711-6-0. c,-V-1-1- / 3174T ;:3:12-14T cr'-I e) '01 I 4. . LI -.)1 " 1717.1" I IRTT-)ct74 4-) k -01 I '7.1c-IT cle)) u Ictl I 1ftlli1cf c;r4 I cl 3ITJIULIIT.1T S1LIc1 Ceild 4 31Recl I1-6 Y, I d b (v'-1 I 11 c4 i -9Tet. 1E)1371-IU fraft 01 7 iTql3-4741 -1161. H-1 11 vIT 61.-1:074 Y. I °TR- .1161 -11c414)Q1 914 1N-Ic1411t1 .1c1•11H)Q1 u d2.ff .a1/4.1 (41)1 / olum 1- 711Y..1c1 96) 3-TiTpT,Trk-T-171ri i-NicoN-ffr THcourft .31H Nu ci tLlI ckcjc-i (girl c R001.9 dpq u-4TR1Tei ct) uldi u it)! Cl) VI ftl .31-zr-qm r•)(-Or 1 ch)ultilg.) 9 (9) 4 iIs1cI RKI1 t)1 6.) uLl itS 9S) 4-161.<1 iFfrairi i ii, I'S 1dii TNIER cr€,) iiifici, 41(11-1c1 R) ji Rooli 7-ok 7<11 I it) '11'1i' dok ThT .k( 116). 10 C4-11- ‘3-4721 CI N. I 11 TR 1Irt 1.1q 9- I cq-II 4)19- \-.3 c't 4NR-1 Ct>1 U I OA Igl tki-LI I r-TV, cf)-1 I 0.1 411-/j,Ct) qtfq cMuZ-11c1 ?)4-E-.4 7 #4RI0 ,34)etcm cbp1.U1 (1)Nc4fl 411 04M. c1icchlo5 R) 31-4tr- 5-1-TtIF 3-T14 coviqici 4) c,5114II Tri-W 1Hc1Id 3Trerv-r4TFo 4 I 044 N-1 q.4- [ti.- diT,ErT cl c14-11 (-1-;-1 I cr (*?t u .)--1 I ci 1I 1110 Y. !, t' .34 .q.ct4FP cl 41 c-LI d II \ -4 4141 ;311:17-14& WE Ideal 4 .ultu 45-RIztrelwrq TRIlret711-4 .313Tpr c) TcritiNci, 4-15.1,< N R)Rm-o, ufr- 4-1Z=11 r)tIld4. cI 11,8 4'1 611c41 31-49T144t 1-)V-140 4,31 4 Ik 0'.1.-441‘31'IN 9it-01 4 4-11 4 1C-;•4'1 cb -A .1,.)-1 411,-; 0qs-ciLiY.1,-1 4IN Pfa--91 -q-4 -v 4,41-an 11 I 1.urf-Tff , ctrO LI I d i I 3p10--R-11 d (ti, 74141 oi cwilcold -1101- 54 ,p)qcmiti) zird ilc41 )6H1 L11641c1). 0-z4 ul 311-405#1, 3111710741- Lij 41 124401 cr)vJ z)c) 0I , (7:441 ZP ‘31nYsICN-i0-ltd,c litl 1)1LIIM)-11(1 .-11. 41)(.71 ‘34:1<clIY.i41 Et ) 'WIIIi11bLI 3P, Fur4th. f--)-arrAta c-0111 0 -14 fo-4dtcfrUflcl '-=k1 ct;), T4h4r *-1q '1111c-1f1 ?-11 wi t-116cla. ,Z--id 4 11\5 .1 414-r .31-1-F-r4t (411416 qi-nVrti4t cMI4. atiA01 (WE.) \Lid 4 1h5 4 1 611GO 3141flCidi RFarifra ST/GAD/or-47/12-13/1th. fii 9oo— •<-11tiluf T. R oo — colcold cmdcicir orriTti 3TW7r4T tit TchtclIcli Tiff ittsi W4T 3717rejt 141141•6, 3TITiT46t 91$T' ffT114MIT *4T IT431pti181 3TT-4-<9141 AIR•flo W 9) Pth cfr<1c1411-De-l1 ITM4 R) 30q9iTq 1491u trqr4r qr1414t qrf -9 44 —R 44 —3 rf 4T Uclif rgRiTet 3TT491:fq flW crric1411- MT 1:M1- ) AIR•flcilwitu 3T.w. / 3T.T. / (5) (aT) / 1T.w. (q) / 1T.7. () (31-9-03rw A R34-4-0) (3T9T4V-1ch 9YZT4) / / 49t4 31-014 #Erf 9i4 (3Ucolevitil ITT :— (9) LiialciwicrQdr tiffr s-Rtc7-4t st)914, Ich tkrTi• sw-ticri 751 - A-d- 'u.4 ) WfOrtITUI 1Q 4TrIrrff : 9 c:.) qrf 99) 3ff4FIF 3TRaiuTT-#0. tfq. 31.W. \Aqc-I'll TNit f4.1Tur. 4.19T-1-9- -1=n-4) 92) MI'-1 4uft Mui-ilcs/Tias ztof -41l OM e (qc.vim R-ardiqffiff cmclilsr) %TRW grcTr Trit 3M rrr4 bck) u14 4 IcII I 1ET czircisr)91-) 4 4.-,s q .s 4 cniciloft WM. ITRiff 3id1l -R3-Trrrr4 / 4)1441-evii qtsf 44 cif 1rR4 urt4-1-T r-ff-4i- qzi W-11u10 v1).51cncl) TT-cfr c1.j 4r-5--41' ,o suzii RUT -11 4 qm (tr-<[- \'-cl'm AA -TarRfil *-Aretm-r-T-4,3i15rA ( AU wcif i=c1IE 37- 4. ctmcii) 3.lkiii tn. -, 9114 ct)OtlIcl 3TFAF:ET 'clIchlo5lc1 91 th cicITLI1c1 1c crPOL11c1 31TAA1 Mitt Tit 31719 VIT 30131T-T41— coomo 31-0-4t Afet Lolui<1.51 ra— 44Rid friftth !Tret cso-441.‹-f ctdHci coluic-zugl gfift frret ti-r( vrera-. (.3i)41,fl 9 aT) 4) g),okft wrgt qt--m-/tr-dt/4t/trwi0 44-tr \i4llIIrAIIcIAMIT11/1-0/0-11(lchIT-11 (44.411z1 UJ 4T1ifm. \10-171 Ti4 Trirrffr ?wrO 94) 'OA 11N-1181 31T4V4q -cI.)-c11 chic-WO -RTAA C11 e Ni TfczfT fitaff 31 3144H("1 3R9-71- 3T) 1411111d1Cne1 1c tT1 91-4 -H-Irziki t 41,05 vITT 311-4 51.? fiT9 *Off 1-1,05 (11 5'W I -11 -1t4itt) str)g 4) 314-4Th. f4-4t 31-r* cHIT-fr 1:41111fr thr c 9t9) tic-1'115') GM 3FRT4d1 nentilot.) zrrcia c•itucil-c41 3T.. c,iitqc-1141 urtu trqT4 9t4 fr4-4-z. Tr-AWqr ildl 9 R V 96) (-1.1 \31-10-1 9 ) mitt 3tItiT wad); viggrcil t 421 fr-61-41- o) ;311/501T1/Trrt 55f1 qFrrr/Twft/tr1, ,<161-11K zETqf gt-JwrrII13T4 WeR crNcil/cmc) cn, 9) 1,11 ) ZIT um-RI-F-81910 314 3Trq- RMI" (•11tc-e-11) c 3M-F:rr c it1 •-iccep ) zrfci 34-M--Knr 3Tr-g-ff. 3R-1(3TUFTM, ‘31.-4-1R-lict) •-ks4-41 3T4a. ft9i ift 3t9 c3,diR4N-11:Tff 61ir1 L114 344-q-ritd- ezild 3T.T. 4)c)cll 31*. Rc.cq.RooLi cirflqi.) . 0 . R 0 0 4 cK \A-91dt 3114F1T TMf1T4 TIT EIRTFdt Tuf1-4 3Tt. "f4t" 3131 v1^91(11 rr&i-ft mut.) S1Ic1 1I'-l1 WHAt iTrft-A- , g,,F1 3170 rffitt 4fet 413M1d. 4 T114 v1)5c,)c-z-11 91$-411 11-0--dt -1 4-1 ,g 549 tul cNc,qH1 3114Mc1l Tar cpizicitglfl i1 urr-iT-dfF. (qcm 9T-6'<cPC1 54 4-1lul (-ll / 611 3ft/Piftrrt/Trrit iTzfA TPAit/ 3ff.enzft/i-ncHçj.jisfrs PT-4 '413-0 coliq tee (-1-11c1 TtarfeT 313j- (1-1 4T 1-ncN ' FT ct*-ILIç1T-41-4t 311tITZ $11e"z4H1 31-W4 6cOci '16u1K -11g). flg1/4 (cillqicieN 140) sflce.is.la jj113TMLicp 30, rrz1-2.1 3TiMzict) deg iIcI 9 o, 9 9 LI 9 ) 31-- ft0 At4ff coluihrl1,05 Sl9IUlY R) 31— c ,14 IcI 1TTt4A 6)(1 3ffIT'ZITH kr1WIT u11411 3fft-dtd. 01.M-1 Aft 1=e8---dI 394 anacoc,wi Tzfr viluw 9Tel. 31-)riraTTIm ArTk. 31-71 3T--4 31cfri ii1tn-11c1 TiKER 9) ) (9) ) ) ) znur trdWi V-114) (q)mici)i1.911-11q) or) -1-eR-141TR 9 ) \34)cIN 2) TT-44 LITTN1 941. ukuf ctY<cI)/W#ff 9T. tkuf ) 31-4 zr)-Tif 914 31-rm T-T4 31-r4/rt. 3T4 4-6 q ft ) W-d- i114-1u141 31-Fg1-11g1 (9) und ThIT mmutql 30/9-re 6) frr 1ODIA-3N m9fluty,' 30/.-11 -, c,)(,) 34/9-re ,) to-1---ear 30/.41. 9 o) TiTgf *9 ffiFf ‘-14-P-111 c1416c3/Th-ft6a- •fl6ILLIct) 4ff 41154 WT4T 3T9iWer (Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University) i (Attestation Form) TiTaftWff 041i4p tfly3T- 9 oo6 qflp-F f41-TM, Rtt Mtt T-14-ul ft-41 mtt-EidtqqfTTruitt 9) ZF171 - Trr ft-erff) (.9 R oo / ft 3T,o.o -4111-tt3T-qt-d-r err 3irfar ,wct)141 -nco& 3Tti1q 1) Warning : The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the attestation form would be disqualification and is likely to tender the candidate unfit for employment under the Government. 2) rl1r 3171F 3Trfar zr~ uffe4aT 3131FcZTT witlqn-zilq),; clIWIWc1t l Mniztc diE4.54F4 1Treq-ai 1:1-e64. 3T4 RTRIfT9. are q)0?-11'i 461., 4414RMc \ii)qqK T-21-F4-4, RT- 3Trfai re R) RTRT MTP.P.rdtfkq-f-i mitt -z-119- A-4-4130 3R4 If detained, convicted, debarred etc. subsequent to the completion and submission of this form the details should be communicated, immediately, to the authority to whom the attestation form has been sent earlier, as the case may be failure to do so will be deemed to be suppression of factual information. ) \V ch ()Mild) mil, 11V-11 czict-4) ziT ZirkTf A 34 3R1 A-4-3) f czicrciltAir 4-4rwrffrrfulI 1 tai 3TA mitt 7r441.31Tg %--4r wgft-2TtftqqfT Lirf6t •<)(41 •<-191,-ci urrq If the fact that false information has been furnished or that there has been suppression of any factual information in the attestation form, comes to notice at any time, during the service of a person his service would be liable to be terminated. czmig 8) tf M-er (0.54, 3TaRra.) t 3119-.14 4 g-rdt grr- rr -wad fbgl3T139WidtF (q))oictlIgi4- 4urara ITETT 41105(11 3T 4) TTZi -R4qi ct).0) Name in full (in block capitals) with aliases, if any (Please indicate if you have added or dropped at any stage any part of your name or surname) di (c-6ui y) Ti-ZEMT Ritluf tr- Tri-4 - , owl a fir fir ER ,re-ell/rrrrfki-cir &if* q16,z) 5) Present address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town) 4q Trt-4, diu1 J fkr i1r Et ) (31) ER- r TAuf trwr (rturso-tico, itcren/Trrrf/-cn 3frfitr 3rg7) 6) (a) Home address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town) dt(4) urffrffiffar 1,05 Jgcm-11 3fir- 1R1 Tar -zrrtr--ffr 3Trik 1.Trizr icP-Tra (b) if originally a resident of Pakistan, the address in that country and the date of migration to the Indian Union. Surname Name — Et — (f-clI'-I itlI MT, 4T114T R 9 04 t.-if $iteq-11.-ick v IlTftmruit 9 iEfftff 1Td- (LII1b\i-c11-1H16) clk-clat cr)loilcItifff6), Lin it M-1 31T1TMUTIT ftlufT Ter WR- y4Effd- lu,l 4Thl 9 4-Eff(9. ) T, cnicolydo Rrftffr 3TRT E T-zrr ,(14 2cpluirr-41 c~lf3fci 4) Particulars of places (with periods of residences) where you have resided for more than one year at a time during the preceding five years. In case of stay abroad (including Pakistan) particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one year after attaining the age of 21 years should be given. T4Igrf f4-1{fr qffl (T-gur4 Tri-4, cs16) 4 ct)irtIcitft / Period ETR-0 / From TT& / To ,-611 -f1T- ---4-r ER 09 kr> , 4 I CA /TriTi/ Rir 3ufirr iv) Residential address in full (i.e. Village, Thana and District or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town) I5 (31) ) 4-ftal4 — (3T) #11uf 9t4, &Pi 9T4 317KIRT cz1H(a) 5) Father's - (a) Name in full with aliases if any (4) Titzrr--r sIct) titT (> Ilci 1<1c Ilc1 3T 1T (r) ufffT .1141) (b) Present Postal address (if dead give (b) last address) () ETRT cr)mil Efffl (b) Permanent home address (d) Profession TI4rfdf Er<r9-Fr 4 cPlqirid1-1 Liti I v-IIcII (e) If in service give designation and (e) official address ) (9 ) Nationality of -6) (I) Father ( 31) (a) (4) 31-r (b) Mother (4) (b) () tret/rrt Husband/Wife () (c) Candidate (d) (3T) qgl-F (a) (c) (~) (d) ( R )tr41 /1=14r4 (2) Place of birth of Husband/Wife (9) (3T) .W e4 vI-4-1R-11cr) 7) (a) Exact date of birth ( 31) (a) Trffitm i.i.{rd- .R, e-zii l chiulitzlI -DT'6-[ '..q-i I (ILI IT) •-Ii cl Name of the District Head Quarter of the place mentioned in the preceding Column (4) (b) (4) TitzTWq4 Present Age (b) () (9 Age at Marticulation (b) 6) ciq tr,84l— rr c.t• (T) (30 ,1-9ftErilur r, 4 ,flv-4 ‘121 3N ei c (3T) (d) Place of birth, district and State in (a) which situated (4) grgt 41JR-zir 1c.-6icilei 4 i.Nic-nei (b) District and State to which you belong ? 31161d? (r) (b) ) OgINITff 3TgffT, cIz11t11 9 11 MT qTTILTIRT %Writ itTillA 4 WO-dia. TrafeicHeizilaci qisf zrNi6 9) Educational Qualifications showing place of education with year in schools and college since the 15th years of age. Ozr RtT. Date of entering fff/ 4-16Incileizri 9f44gufurm Name of School / College with full address 3T. 4-i. No. fl se-eatir it-ffi Date of leaving 14tur uAuf Examination passed 1 2 3 4 5 9 0) (3T) ‘iN gra Zrilt 91c01 Wad WiTa..a7 MAIF filch 10) (a) If you have any time employed, given details ii5-FTO" 449- EIRO From -41 4r trffr f --4r T4T-0Full address of the Office / firm or institution Period Designation or post held or description of work 9°) (4) 411041 71 com cmitil/lErftq-rt Tim 041 91---41 46ueirtif cnicitcaft urRur ,,c)e) IN-114 ft4r #luf ---1-- ul Full reasons for leaving the previous service riztd To • -N(41K/'flv-z-1 .YIN-1.-1/1TRff •1Nc1")H fjj tivzl zrmq 411V-11 91eicaril ftWqz-IlulMlencl li 3---P4A-qi- 1450 q11-Eth 3T4F tkg a5uz-114/5-41 -11-11t-c1 BITRTit TiTuf wrpl ur. f/Ncrtimtil qirt (4)1Lfcigl •<,-At) grOelld 31-01 -Mt 4T . WA, War .WN-I9 PAR' 9)-(151Ti •i)cir wzmitrol (1)V?-11c1 4uarEe civiulF)615,ei •-qt,cic.rpoi cl*.1 fifer celfritv cnluiczitgl 4[4-dt-ff 3T-0 0(.) com? -6 - - C 10) (b) If the previous employment was under the Government of India/ a State Government/ an undertaking owned or controlled by the Government of India or a State Government/ an autonomous body/ University/Local body, please State fully the reasons for leaving/ termination of that appointment. Whether any disciplinary proceedings framed against you or had you been called uopn to explain your conduct in any matter at the time you gave notice of termination of service or at a subsequent date before your services were actually terminated? 9 9) (3T) gi-61cii 3TwzrzkwEttet3itctrOxl1d/qH-ckii%,k5 dteii r cpluicqidl 4Ilmild/T21T9 crOR4Id 31-0 31-1g 'fl-4 W40-1<5 IR1, 31cffft1T4 rf -zIIzIIMz1lc01-1 6l (muzliciRs ct->witccl)c0Acil 3TvArrr cAuzild 31-0 34 c0P-1 1,(-1 1=f9T4 ct),0_11d 31-0130 cillzi/11.51d181 czii-0111414091 349t d4uL1Icl 31-0 31T WEI, ft-41- ReilclldllhV rt cJlulczllt;l $cHch)ulcqlgi tuferw qiRicokuilcov/ At3IT chlqTh-TO" cr-M-u wium-41 11-9-T4 c1 U44R-1 3131-0 30 -1T1? 11) (a) Have you ever been arrested/ prosecuted/ kept under detention, or bound down/ fined/ convicted by a court of law for any offence or debarred/ disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing at its examinations/ selections or debarred from taking any examination/ rusticated by any University or any other educational authority/ Institution? 9 9) (4) Wilt-ndld -WM -iTerf-t--9-1Fri-Ted4gicr)ulc1-11g) cr))ulcqlgl 1-1A-P4d 1.41tW A IRict).011(1MT-4d- q1-1-011 ,5 cil)ul() cr)lq? 11) b) Is any case pending against you in any court of law. University of any other educational authority/ Institution at the time of filling up this attestation form? -rr 9 9) ()31-rcwz uiczal -411zumzild 1-1-1,510) T-) t,t) 313R-7z1TUcLIITII Act)01 c1 11ch, cAu1M1 ^LIM leiqld I f1T -z:Trft Act-Nul CrAc4d. 31*. f coluicql 1 i 1k 11) c) Whether he/she is facing any criminal prosecution in any court and if yes to state details thereof such as case number, in which court the case is pending, under which section, etc. 3-ck er-ET,3T c crt [( 3.1), (4) 5-4-r () Pf d ik &Or aC1I Til d, ff mffi-t--R-uT -01-0&11f6-wruft 1,1R-141, 9T4i-kw 34--MT,za A 1TT \i-coy T-211944M, [If the answer to (a) or (b) or (c) is 'Yes' fill particulars of the case, arrest detention, fine, conviction, sentence, etc. and the nature of the case pending in the Govt./University/ Educational authority etc. at the time of filling up this form should be given] Place : q4m-41 .-cliffft/signature of the Candidate R92W Date :