International Journal of Library & Information Science (IJLIS) Volume 4, Issue 3, Sep- Dec 2015, pp. 85-97, Article ID: IJLIS_04_03_011 Available online at ISSN Print: 2277-3533 and ISSN Online: 2277-3584 © IAEME Publication ___________________________________________________________________________ COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK KAKINADA: A STUDY A.RAVIKUMAR Research Scholar, Department of LIS, JNTU Kakinada, A.P Dr. B. R. DORASWAMY NAICK Assistant Professor Library and information Science Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada Andra Pradesh, India -533003 ABSTRACT: Collection development has been described as one of the most discussed but least understood areas of librarianship. Libraries have always had collections that grew-and, in that sense might be said to have developed. There is, however, more to the growth of a collection than simply acquiring materials; someone must decide which materials will be acquired and through which methods. This implies that selection decisions must be made, perhaps in accordance with an overall plan for the development of the collection. Nowadays, the term "collection development" has come to include a broad range of activities related to the policies and procedures of acquisition, selection, and evaluation of library collections. Key words: Collection Development, Engineering College Libraries, Autonomous Colleges Cite this Article: A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick. Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study. International Journal of Library & Information Science, 4(3), 2015, pp. 85-97. 1. INTRODUCTION The libraries of technical insti tutes play a key role for promoting technical education in a very positive approach. The libraries of technical institutes have great influence to the students, teachers and research scholars besides class room activities. In regards to 85 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick collection development of different forms such as books and non book materials, a proper policy should be adopted in the libraries of technical institutes. It is necessary to keep the documents both for conventional and modern ICT based resources to cater the needs and challenges of present age of millennium which are immense value to the users. Collection development has great impact for quality education in this age of competition. The first three laws of library science propounded by Dr. S. R. Ranganathan, i. e. Books are for use; Every reader to his/ her book and Every book to its readers shows that the first and foremost role of a librarian is to provide every reader with the required documents at the right time. This leads to the statement that the librarian has to perform three important functions i.e. collection, storage and dissemination only if collected first. Among the three important functions of a librarian namely, collection, storage and dissemination of reading and kindred materials, the collection occupies the most vital position. 2. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT Collection development is the term useful to the set of practices employed by libraries to manage build and maintain collections resources. These comprise Selecting titles to acquire in all formats Establishing and managing approval plans Monitoring the curriculum and developing relationships with the faculty who shape it Developing the fiscal resources required to support these needs Determining conservation treatment or replacement Selecting resources to be reformatted to expand their utility and extend their usefulness Selecting titles to withdraw from the collection Negotiating license terms that are cost-effective and permit the broadest possible use Determining the titles that are moved to off-campus storage and develop recall mechanisms that meet research needs As collection development began to be seen as a library function distinct from acquisition procedures and broader than selection alone, the exact relations of the terms were not always clear (Chopra, 1994). Since the dawn of the civilization, man has been striving to know the unknown. On the long voyage of exploration of unknown, man has collected uncountable pearls & pebbles and tried to preserve them. Undoubtedly, this is a very fundamental attitude of humanity that initiated the concept of preservation of thought contents or knowledge, that concept of preservation gave rise to the concept of library latter on and that knowledge brought in various forms of library collection (Gelfand, 1974). In the context of library, collection of materials includes- Books, Periodicals and Serials publications, Government publications, Academic Thesis and Dissertations, Research Reports, Annual Reviews, Conferencing Proceedings, Pamphlets, Standards & Specification, Patents, Trade Literature, Maps, Atlases, and Globes, Photographs, Illustrations, Painting, Microfilms Microfiches, Rare Books, Manuscripts, Slides, Audio Cassettes etc. and also electronic media like computerized databases, Floppies, CD-ROM, DVD, e-journals, e-books, e- thesis, Internet etc with other special materials in addition to books as principal constituent. The Building meansM development of those documents and other special materials in addition to books as principal constituent (Katz, 1980). 3. AIMS OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT The context of the Collections Strategy, which will categories collections as one of the following: heritage, legacy, self-renewing or finite1, in developing its collections, the Library will aim to do the following (in no particular order): Support research, learning and teaching within the University, from within its own extensive local resources, and from external resources. Strengthen its position as a leading research 86 Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study library by developing its heritage collections. Prioritise access to digital resources where appropriate and practicable. Acquire, and give access to, resources in the most appropriate and cost-effective way, with due regard to issues of format, accessibility and durability. Develop partnerships with other institutions, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally, to enrich the information resources available. 4. REIVIEW OF LITERATURE There is vast difference in the academic library environment between western countries and India, though the basic functions are same. Owing to the differences in terms of nature of collection, financial support, infrastructure to organize and store collection, the literature on the concept in India is presented separately. In India the concept of collection management in academic university libraries is gaining momentum. As the traditional academic libraries gradually shift towards digitization of information sources and access to electronic resources in the library premises poses new challenges in the orbit of collection management activities of academic libraries. Literature published in this field by different authors from different regions is grouped under as follows The emphasis has been shifted from collection development to collection management. Collection development is now a part of collection management. Collection management comprises of selection, order and collection building. The problems of collection management require serious, continuous and systematic study and research by practitioners with a view to put forth better and alternative solutions. Some of the studies identified in this context are listed below. S. Seetharama(1997) remarked that collection management is a more demanding concept which goes beyond a policy of acquiring materials, to policies on housing, preservation, storage, weeding, and discard of stock. It emphasized on systematic management of library’s existing collection. Wajiti A Alvi(1997) also explained the changing phase of collection management. He emphasized the need for cooperative collection development program. He identified its advantages which are apt to the current library circumstances. However Naina Pandita(2007) views Collection development as a universal, dynamic and continuous activity. It involves the users, the library staff and subject experts. Collection management is implied as one of the managerial function in the administration of the library management. Keeping in view of the contemporary information environment that is characterized by print and electronic media R.S.R. Varalakshmi(2004) has suggested a functional model. According to this model the library operates in a hybrid information environment by taking part in consortia and inter/intra library relations. This created an impact on the need for new pricing policies and acquisition policies. The input for the library is in the form of user demands for more resources. The output achieved is enhanced information access, more coordination, increased performance and cost benefits. The procedures adopted to achieve this output were through technical organization, enhanced budget allocation for e-resources, proper selection process and establishment of networks for accessing information. So the models act as a guideline for individual libraries. Pragyan Das etal (2007) stated that “collection management can also be defined as the organization and maintenance of library resources, starting from collection development principle”. P.K.Mahapatra(1999) defined the concepts more precisely and stated that “the concept of collection management signifies the theoretical aspects of collection building as well as the managerial aspects of the use of collection, storage, organization, circulation, information service resource 87 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick allocation access to information and documents and other related matters. The review of collections for preservation, storage and deselecting is a critical component of a library’s collection management programe.” As Internet browsing and downloading consumes a large amount of time A. Amudha (2006) has described a model called Push Technology to access relevant collections from the web. It is also called as webcaster or net caster. It prevents aimless browsing. She reported some of the advantages of this technology like automatic delivery of important news to clientele through email/ voice mail and customize information to the user .Collection management is a tool that provides a means to cope up effectively with limited funds, staff and space. Collection development is considered as a part and parcel of collection management. It is well noted in the present era that collection development is now viewed as a part of the wider activity of collection management. It is a continuous process in the life cycle of the library management. It is an acceptable fact that it is responsible for the makeup of collections. Information communication technology made dramatic changes in the services offered by libraries. This growing impact of information communication technology compelled librarians to modify their services to serve effectively and efficiently. It has indirectly made a greater impact on collection management policy that formed the backbone for the existence of library collection. Studies have been carried out in this field to observe the changes that have occurred. Collection management policy has to incorporate some changes due to the changed environment in academic libraries. Kumbar and Gururaj(2007) raised some issues like formulating new selection procedures, budget allocation, license agreements problems and evaluation criteria for electronic information resources. They have also suggested the advantages of using electronic publishing as a complementary technology but not as a replacement technology. S.Seetharama (1997) pointed out that collection development and collection management was influenced by the impact of information technology. His paper explained in detail issues like collection development policy, resource sharing, networking, collection evaluation in the present technology driven environment. While Sarbinder Kaur & M.P. Satija (2007) have described in detail the changes that have occurred in an academic library collection management due to the impact of digital environment. 5. NEED FOR THE STUDY The success of an education system depends upon the skills and capabilities of its teachers. It is a known fact that teachers can update their knowledge through the habit of reading the material provided by the library. Libraries of colleges of education supplement their parent institutes in attaining educational goals to meet the information needs of present and future teachers. It becomes essential to ascertain the use of libraries to find the strengths and gaps of libraries to plan for improvements in the future. 88 Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study 6. ANALYSIS OF THE STUDY Table 1 shows the intake of Autonomous engineering colleges affiliated to jntuk INTAKE OF AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK COLLEGE NAME CODE B.TECH M.TECH TOTAL Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 840 156 996 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry G M R institute of technology, rajam Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering GDLV 1140 168 1308 GIER 780 162 942 GMRI 780 126 906 GVPE 1200 216 1416 LBCE 780 90 870 M V G R college of engineering, vizianagaram Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram MVRG 900 90 990 PPSV 660 90 750 QISE 1020 162 1182 SWRN 840 90 930 VISW 720 126 846 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 1140 198 1338 Table 2 shows the Year wise establishment of the autonomous engineering colleges affiliated to jntuk Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 2001 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 1998 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 1998 G M R institute of technology, rajam GMRI 1997 Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam GVPE 1996 Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering LBCE 1998 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 1997 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 1998 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 1998 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 2001 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VISW VRSE 2001 1977 COLLEGE NAME CODE 89 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick Figure 1 shows in the circle Diagram Year wise Establishment of autonomous engineering colleges affiliated to jntuk Table 3 collection of books in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT TOTAL BOOKS 42495 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 50723 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 51969 G M R institute of technology, rajam GMRI 58327 Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam GVPE 43544 Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering LBCE 50653 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 48374 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 37950 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 41597 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 35007 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram VISW 51957 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 75785 Total Books 588381 COLLEGE NAME CODE 90 Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study Figure-2 shows in the circle Diagram Total Books in autonomous engineering college Libraries in the affiliated to jntuk Table 4 Collection of Titles in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk COLLECTION OF TITLES IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK COLLEGE NAME CODE TITLES Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 7405 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 12232 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 10478 G M R institute of technology, rajam GMRI 15865 Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam GVPE 9930 Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering LBCE 12899 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 15978 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 7672 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 9369 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 5252 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram VISW 7685 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 17385 91 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick Figure 3 shows collection of Titles in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk Table 5 collection of national journals in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk COLLECTION OF NATIONAL JOURNALS IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK NATIONAL CODE COLLEGE NAME JOURNALS Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 42 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 116 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 198 G M R institute of technology, rajam GMRI 81 Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam GVPE 141 Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering LBCE 152 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 125 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 105 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 181 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 106 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram VISW 142 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 160 92 Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study Figure 4 Shows collection of national journals in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk Table 6 collection of national journals in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk COLLECTION OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK INTER COLLEGE NAME CODE NATIONAL JOURNALS Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 16 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 12 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 15 G M R institute of technology, rajam GMRI 11 Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam GVPE 63 Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering LBCE 24 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 11 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 13 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 22 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 82 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram VISW 16 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 22 93 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick Figure 5 Shows collection of International journals in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk Table 7 collection of Non Book materials in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk COLLECTION OF IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK NON-BOOK CODE COLLEGE NAME MATERIALS Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 3149 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry G M R institute of technology, rajam Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering GDLV 6529 GIER 609 GMRI 6716 GVPE 3210 LBCE 10853 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram MVRG 2430 PPSV 3433 QISE 2931 SWRN 2580 VISW 4250 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 3500 94 Collection Development In Autonomous Engineering College Libraries Affiliated To Jntuk Kakinada: A Study Figure 6 Shows collection of Non Book materials in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk Table 8 collection of Back volumes in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk COLLECTION OF BACK VOLUMES IN AUTONOMOUS ENGINEERING COLLEGE LIBRARIES AFFILIATED TO JNTUK COLLEGE NAME CODE BACK VOLUMES Aditya institute of technology and mgmt, tekkali ADIT 1234 Gudlavalleru engineering college, gudlavalleru GDLV 1494 Godavari institute of engg. And technology, rajahmundry GIER 400 G M R institute of technology, rajam Gayathri vidya parishad coll. Of engineering, visakhapatnam Lakireddy balireddy college of engineering GMRI 980 GVPE 1987 LBCE 1002 M V G R college of engineerng, vizianagaram MVRG 740 Prasad v potluri siddhartha instt of technology, vijayawada PPSV 455 QIS college of engg. And technology, ongole QISE 1007 Swarnandhra coll. Of engg and technology, narsapuram SWRN 463 Shri vishnu engg. College for women, bhimavaram VISW 1167 V R siddhartha engineering college, vijayawada VRSE 3000 95 A.Ravikumar and Dr. B. R. Doraswamy Naick Figure 7 collection of Back volumes in autonomous engineering college libraries affiliated to jntuk 7. CONCLUSION Improve collection and development system will ultimately improve the reading Books, Titles, Journals, Non Book materials, Back Volumes which will increase the knowledge depth of the students and researchers. the recent technological advances have been helped to access published information. Apart from this there is valuable information unpublished, and it needs to be tapped. 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