COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies Overview The unit deals with the following: 1 Maintain a state of readiness 2 Respond to emergency and prepare to enter the incident area During this work you must take account of the relevant operational requirements and safe working practices AS THEY APPLY TO YOU. Previous version: Unit ER10 – National Occupational Standards for Emergency Response – July 2001 COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies 1 COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies Performance criteria You must be able to: P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 identify hazards and hazardous areas and notify the appropriate people in accordance with procedures for hazard identification and location locate the fixed firewater deluge valves, inert gas systems, fire extinguishing systems and release valves, fire main hydrants and isolation valves and the portable hoses, reel, branches, foam, foam equipment in accordance with equipment and control procedures respond to alarms in an appropriate manner in accordance with alarm response procedures complete the muster in accordance with muster procedures select and wear personal protective clothing including chemical suit, fire clothing, goggles, gloves, boots, hard hat, in accordance with PPE procedures wear the correct breathing apparatus in accordance with breathing apparatus procedures complete all pre-entry and BA control checks in accordance with BA control and pre-entry check procedures COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies 2 COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies Knowledge and understanding You need to know and understand: K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7 K8 K9 K10 K11 the role of the emergency response team member offshore fire/emergency response arrangements and PPE incident planning and monitoring alarm response routines muster point assembly identification and location of equipment and controls uses and limitations of different types of PPE fitting, adjusting and controlling breathing apparatus pre-entry checks use of monitoring equipment procedures COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies 3 COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies Developed by Cogent Version number 1 Date approved July 2010 Indicative review date July 2012 Validity Current Status Original Originating organisation Cogent Original URN ER10 Relevant occupations Engineering and manufacturing technologies; Engineering; Process, Plant and Machine Operatives; Plant and Machine Operatives Suite Emergency Response Key words maintain, state, readiness, respond, emergencies, prepare, plan, incident area COGER10 Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergencies 4