Assessment of Achievable Performance K. J. Åström Department of Automatic Control, Lund University K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Congratulations Seminar at MIT Your monumental model reduction paper Your tour de force on H ∞ theory and design methods Great leadership in Cambridge Great research International network Superb students H ∞ loop shaping (elegant theory, lots of applications) K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Introduction Goal: Capture the essence of a control design in a simple way Useful for an teaching and an overall assessment Useful for choosing the weights in H ∞ loopshaping The idea Assume that a controller is designed with a method like H ∞ which guarantees robustness Find a way to characterize essential trade-offs qualitatively K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Important Issues Load disturbances Measurement noise Command signals Process variations Process dynamics, time delays, RHP poles and zeros Actuator resolution and saturation Sensor resolution and range Results can be summarized in an assessment plot that can be generated from the process transfer function K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Outline 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Performance Trade-offs 4 Robustness Constraints for NMP systems 5 Assessment Plots 6 Summary K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance A Basic Control System n d r Σ F e C u Σ v P x Σ y −1 Controller Process Ingredinets Controller: feedback C, feedforward F Load disturbance d : Drives the system from desired state Measurement noise n : Corrupts information about state x Command signal r : Process state x should follow r K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Criteria for Control Design n d r Σ F e C u Σ v P x Σ −1 Controller Process Ingredients Attenuate effects of load disturbance d Do not feed in too much measurement noise n Make the system insensitive to process variations Make state x follow command r K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance y A Separation Principle for 2DOF Design the feedback C to achieve Low sensitivity to load disturbances d Low injection of measurement noise n High robustness to process variations Then design the feedforward F to achieve the desired response to command signals r At least six transfer functions are required to characterize the system (the Gang of Six) Many books and papers show only the set point response Interactive learning modules K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Process Control The tuning debate: Should controllers be tuned for set-point response or for load disturbance response? Different tuning rules for PID controllers Shinskey: Set-point disturbances are less common than load changes. Resolved by set-point weighting (poor mans 2DOF) Z t ³ dr dy ´ ¢ ¡ ¢ ¡ f r(τ )− y(τ ) dτ + kd γ − u(t) = k β r(t)− y(t) + ki dt dt 0 Tune k, ki , and kd for load disturbances, filtering for measurement noise and β , and γ for set-points K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance PID Control with Set-Point Weighting 1.5 y 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 u 1.5 1 0.5 0 −0.5 K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Outline 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Performance Trade-offs 4 Robustness Constraints for NMP systems 5 Assessment Plots 6 Summary K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Disturbance Modeling gives Weights n d r F Σ e Controller C −1 Y = PSD − SN, u Σ v P x Σ y Process U = − PCSD − CSN Stochastic modeling of d (drifting) and n (white noise) and solution to the LQG problem Z ∞ ¡ 2 ¢ y (τ ) + ρ u2 (τ ) dτ J=E 0 gives a controller with integral action and high frequency roll-off and weights for an H ∞ problem (mixed H 2 - H ∞ ) K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Performance Assessment Disturbance reduction by feedback Ycl (s) 1 = Yol (s) 1 + PC Load disturbance attenuation (typically low frequencies) X Y P = = , D D 1 + PC U PC =− D 1 + PC Measurement noise injection (typically high frequencies) X PC = , N 1 + PC U C =− N 1 + PC Command signal following X Y PC F = = , R R 1 + PC K. J. Åström U CF = R 1 + PC Assessment of Achievable Performance Robustness Robustness to process variations (large, additive, stable ∆ P) ¯ ∆ P ¯ p1 + PCp 1 ¯ ¯ = ¯ ¯< P p PCp pT p Sensitivity of command signal response (small variations) dG xr dP 1 = G xr 1 + PC P Sensible design methods like H good sensitivities. K. J. Åström ∞ loop shaping guarantees Assessment of Achievable Performance Simple Performance Assessment Ycl (s) 1 = Yol (s) 1 + PC PC P D− N X = 1 + PC 1 + PC C PC D− N U =− 1 + PC 1 + PC Load disturbances typically have low frequencies, and measurement noise typically has high frequencies → integral action and high frequency roll-off K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Minimum Phase Systems Any transfer function can be realized. No limitations because of system dynamics. High bandwidth attenuates disturbances effectively but measurement noise is also amplified. Gain crossover frequency ω c captures Disturbance attenuation Ycl = SYol Noise injection to state X = −T N ω c How about noise injection to u? ω sc U = − CSN K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Effect of Noise on Control Signal Loop shaping design Determine desired crossover frequency ω c Required phase lead at crossover frequency ϕ l = − arg P(iω c ) − π + ϕ m Add phase lead to give desired phase margin Adjust gain to make loop gain 1 at ω c Phase lead is requires gain. K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Gain of a Simple Lead Networks G n (s) = Phase lead ϕ = n arctan √ n ³ s + a ´n √ . n s/ K + a K −1 √ . 2n 2 K q ³ ´n Gain K n = 1 + 2 tan2 ϕn + 2 tan ϕn 1 + tan2 ϕn Phase lead 90○ 180○ 225○ n=2 34 - n=4 25 1150 14000 n=6 24 730 4800 n=8 24 630 3300 n=∞ 23 540 2600 As n goes to infinity K n → K ∞ = e2ϕ , exponential increase K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Lead Networks of 2nd 3rd and 10th Order 3 p G (iω )p 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 −2 10 −1 0 10 10 1 10 2 10 140 arg G (iω ) 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 −2 10 −1 0 10 10 ω K. J. Åström 1 10 2 10 Assessment of Achievable Performance Bode’s Phase Area Formula Let G (s) be a transfer function with no poles and zeros in the right half plane. Assume that lims→∞ G (s) = G∞ . Then Z Z G (∞) dω 2 ∞ 2 ∞ log = = arg G (iω ) arg Ḡ (iu)du G (0) π 0 ω π −∞ The gain K required to obtain a given phase lead ϕ is an exponential function of the area under the phase curve ( ) K = e4cϕ 0 /π = e2γ ϕ 0 2c γ = ϕo π c K. J. Åström c c Assessment of Achievable Performance Estimate of Controller Gain log p Cp − log K c − log p P(iω c )p log p Kϕ log p Kϕ ω c K c = max p C(iω )p = ω ≥ω c p Kϕ p P(iω c )p = log ω eγ ϕ l eγ (−π +ϕ m −arg P(iω c )) = . p P(iω c )p p P(iω c )p Right hand side only depends on the process! K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Estimating Controller Gain This largest high frequency gain of the controller is approximately given by (γ ( 1) K c = max p C(iω )p = ω ≥ω c eγ ϕ l eγ (−π +ϕ m −arg P(iω c )) = p P(iω c )p p P(iω c )p Notice that K c only depends on the process Compensation for process gain 1/p P(iω c )p Gain required for phase lead: eγ (−π +ϕ m −arg P(iω c )) The largest allowable gain is determined by sensor noise and resolution and saturation levels of the actuator. Results also hold for NMP systems but there are other limitations for such systems. K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance A Classic Problem For linear systems it follows Bode’s phase area formula that phase advance requires gain An observation: higher order compensator gives lower gain A key question: Can we get a given phase advance with less gain by using a nonlinear systems? The Clegg integrator A problem worth revisiting? K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Outline 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Performance Trade-offs 4 Robustness Constraints for NMP systems 5 Assessment Plots 6 Summary K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Robustness and Gain Crossover Frequency Factor process transfer function as P(s) = Pmp(s) Pnmp(s) such that p Pnmp(iω )p = 1 and Pnmp has negative phase. Requiring a phase margin ϕ m we get arg L(iω c ) = arg Pnmp(iω c ) + arg Pmp(iω c ) + arg C(iω c ) ≥ −π + ϕ m But arg Pmp C ( nπ /2, where n is the slope at the crossover frequency. (Exact for Bodes ideal loop transfer function Pmp(s) C(s) = (s/ω c )n ). Hence arg Pnmp(iω c ) ≥ −π + ϕ m − n π 2 The phase crossover inequality implies that robustness constraints for NMP systems can be expressed in terms of ω c . K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Bode’s Ideal Cut-off Characteristics The repeater problem. Large gain variations in vacuum tube amplifiers. What should a loop transfer function look like to make the properties independent of open-loop gain? ³ s ´n L(s) = ω c Phase margin invariant with loop gain. For this transfer function we have arg L(iω ) = nπ /2. The slope n = −1.5 gives the phase margin ϕ m = 45○ . Horowitz extended Bodes ideas to deal with arbitrary plant variations not just gain variations in the QFT method. K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance The Crossover Frequency Inequality The inequality arg Pnmp(iω c ) ≥ −π + ϕ m − nc π 2 implies that robustness requires that the phase lag of the non-minimum phase component Pnmp at the crossover frequency is not too large! Simple rule of thumb: ϕ m = 45○ , nc = −1/2 [ arg Pnmp(iω c ) ≥ − π 2 π ϕ m = 60○ , nc = −2/3 [ arg Pnmp(iω c ) ≥ − 3 π ϕ m = 45○ , nc = −1 [ arg Pnmp(iω c ) ≥ − 4 K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Useful to Plot the Phase of Pnmp Example from Doyle, Francis and Tannenbaum 1992 and the Bhattacharya fragility debate. P(s) = s2 s−1 , + 0.5s − 0.5 Pnmp = (1 − s)(s + 0.5) (1 + s)(s − 0.5) arg P(iω ) 0 −90 −180 −1 10 0 10 ω K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance 1 10 Bicycle with Rear Wheel Steering Transfer function RHP zero at V0 /a 0 arg Pnmp V0 am{ V0 −s + a P(s) = m{ bJ s2 − J p RHP pole at m{/ J V0 = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 m/s −90 −180 0 10 K. J. Åström ω c 1 10 Assessment of Achievable Performance 2 10 Outline 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Performance Trade-offs 4 Robustness Constraints for NMP systems 5 Assessment Plots 6 Summary K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance The Assessment Plot The assessment plot has a gain curve K c (ω c ) and two phase curves arg P(iω ) and arg Pnmp(iω ) Attenuation of disturbance captured by ω c Injection of measurement noise captured by the high frequency gain of the controller K c (ω c ) Robustness limitations due to time delays and RHP poles and zeros captured by arg Pnmp(ω c ) Controller complexity is captured by arg P(iω c ) K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Assessment Plot for P(s) = 1/(s + 1)4 4 10 3 Kc 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 −1 10 0 10 1 10 0 arg P −90 −180 P −270 −360 −1 10 0 ω10c K. J. Åström 1 10 Assessment of Achievable Performance Assessment Plot for P(s) = e− √ s 4 10 3 Kc 10 2 10 1 10 0 10 0 10 1 2 10 10 arg P 0 −90 −180 P −270 0 10 1 ω10c K. J. Åström 2 10 Assessment of Achievable Performance Assessment Plot for P(s) = e−0.01s /(s2 − 100) 4 10 3 Kc 10 2 10 1 10 0 arg P, arg Pnmp 10 0 10 1 2 10 10 3 10 0 −90 −180 −270 −360 0 10 D 1 10 K. J. Åström ω c 2 10 3 10 Assessment of Achievable Performance Outline 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 Performance Trade-offs 4 Robustness Constraints for NMP systems 5 Assessment Plots 6 Summary K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance Summary Issues in control system design Load disturbances, measurement noise, command signals Robustness to rocess variations Process dynamics, time delays, RHP poles and zeros Resolution and range of actuators and sensors The assessment plot captures many issues qualitatively. Trading off attenuation of load disturbance against injection of measurement noise Robustness for NMP systems Assessment of controller complexity Weights can be chosen based on gain crossover frequency K. J. Åström Assessment of Achievable Performance