! Signature & Seal of Bidder 1 " Signature & Seal of Bidder 2 ! "#$! % # $ + $ #"&#" # % ! ' ( &"#&# ! # ! & !) * ," & " - ! !" ! .#" &&$/ #. -! &"#&# ! $#0 # $ ! ) - -! 0#&! !0- 0 $ &!0 .0 %! #" #" # # ! - ! !" #0 % ! , " -! * ! # 1! &&$! - $$1! #. -! .#$$#) + 0 & 0 ! 22 34 * ! .#" $ &!" # 34 * ! .#" +- &!" # & " -! * ! # 1! 22 34 * ! .#" $ 34 * ! .#" +- &&$! - $$1! #. -! .#$$#) + 0 & 0 ! &!" # &!" # HPCL, LPG BOTTLING PLANT BEHIND HPCL POL DEPOT ONGC HAZIRA ROAD, PO ICHCHAPORE, HAZIRA DIST SURAT GUJARAT HPCL LPG BOTTLING PLANT VILL : VADIAMPET MANDAL BUKKARAYA SAMUDRAM DIST ANANTPUR-515731 (A.P.) # 0 &!" # 5 -" : 828 % $ & % "-/; -&0$0# "-/ ' " $< 3 +- ' =! "#6!0 & $; -&0$0# < @ +-; -&0$0# Signature & Seal of Bidder +"( 7 2 +!" * "#6!0 (7 2 : 82>2< 82 : 828? 289 % $ 3 E-TENDER TERMS & CONDITIONS 1) This is only a Tender Enquiry and not an order. 2) The tender should be submitted online at website http://eproc.hpcl.co.in only, by the due date and time, as specified in the tender. Late / delayed tenders submitted on line after the due date and time, for whatsoever reasons will not be considered. The Server Date & Time as appearing on the HPCL website (http://eproc.hpcl.co.in) shall only be considered for the cut-off date and time for receipt of tenders. Offers sent through post, telegram, fax, telex, e-mail, courier will not be considered. 3) For submitting the bid on-line it would be mandatory for bidders to obtain digital certificate (which will enable data encryption as well as digital signing). For information regarding digital certificate, bidders may visit http://www.cca.gov.in. For submitting the bid online, bidders are advised to follow the step by step procedure given under the link “Vendor Instruction Manual” at website http://eproc.hpcl.co.in. 4)The on-line bidding would comprise broadly the following steps: i) Enrollment by vendor at http://eproc.hpcl.co.in (can be done without digital certificate) by clicking the link “Supplier Registration”. ii) The system generated challenge phrase will be sent to vendor at e-mail address provided by him during enrollment. iii) The vendor would be required to login at http://eproc.hpcl.co.in with this challenge phrase along with Signature & Seal of Bidder 4 his user id & password. The vendor has to complete 2 page registration form. iv) As soon as vendor fills two page registration form, he should put a request letter on letterhead (giving tender number) to HPCL for approving his enrollment. The request may be sent through fax or e-mail No request for enrollment approval shall be considered within 72 hours of tender due date / time. v) After enrollment, vendor would be required to login and register his digital certificate (to be obtained by vendor) at website. vi) After registering digital certificate vendor can participate in the e tender. The vendors who are already enrolled at website: http://eproc.hpcl.co.in need not to enroll again and vendors who have already got valid digital certificate (enabling data encryption as well as digital signing) are not required to procure another digital certificate. 5) Partially completed / incomplete tenders shall not be considered. 6) All communication ,regarding the tender including queries, if any, and submission of offers shall be done online within the e-Procurement system at website http://eproc.hpcl.co.in. 7) Two Bid System : Bidders are required to submit offer in Two Parts, namely “Unpriced” & “Priced”. 8) Validity: Quoted prices shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the due date / extended due date for the placement of order. Signature & Seal of Bidder 5 9) Bidders shall be required to arrange all resources, including Digital IDs and Internet Connections at their own cost, for participating in online tenders at HPCL e-Procurement site. 10) HPCL shall not be responsible for any delays occurred due to reasons whatsoever in receiving as well as on line submitting offers, including internet connectivity, documents uploading/downloading issues etc. HPCL shall not be responsible for any postal or other delays in submitting EMD / tender cost wherever applicable. 11) Request for extension of tender submission due date, if any, received from bidders within 48 hours of tender submission due date / time, shall not be considered. 12) Clarifications sought/ queries received from bidders /vendors/parties on tender, within last seven days of bid due date, will not be entertained by HPCL. Please note that queries related to scope of job, tender specifications, terms & conditions etc should be submitted on –line only (by logging in at http://eproc.hpcl.co.in) by the query end date / time specified in the tender consolidated view / NIT view/ tender calendar. HPCL, at its sole discretion, may not entertain the queries sent by post / fax/ e-mail or through any other mode of communication. 13) Tender opening (un priced bid as well as priced bid) will be done online at the time and dates specified in the tender. Vendors who have responded to the tender are requested to login at the specified date and time at HPCL e-procurement website (http://eproc.hpcl.co.in) for witnessing the tender opening (un priced bid as well as priced bid in case of technically accepted vendors). Signature & Seal of Bidder 6 14) HPCL reserves the right to accept any tender in whole or in part or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason. HPCL reserves right to accept any or more tenders in part. Decision of HPCL in this regard shall be final and binding on the bidder. 15) HPCL shall follow Purchase Preference / Price Preference as per prevailing guidelines of Government of India. 16) Grievance Redressal Mechanism: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has developed a “Grievance Redressal Mechanism” to deal with references / grievances if any that are received from parties who participated / intend to participate in the Corporation Tenders. The details of the same are available on our website www.hindustanpetroleum.com. Signature & Seal of Bidder 7 # 5 '( A - $$1! !. ! 1!$#) 5 5 - $$1! !$B!"! &$ < $$ -! ."#% -! ! #."!0! & #. ! !" #. ! < "#6!0 !& )- 0-!B!" ! "$!" '1( !) $ %&'()* +,('#" B0! ."#% 9 * -! "!0 # C #% % # + - $$1! -! 0#&! #. 4! #" # &&$/ -! &#)!" "!D "! .#" !0- 0 $ "!0 # C #% % # + #. -! * ! #)!B!" -! 0! .#" # Terms of Payment (For Supply) a) Payment against invoices shall be made on receipt of equipment / material at site against submission of following documents along with your Bill / Invoice : I) Delivery Challan / Lorry Receipt duly acknowledged by our site. II) Manufacturer Test Certificate III) Third Party Inspection / Clearance Certificate IV) Manufacturer Guarantee Certificate V) Composite Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of Basic Order value as detailed in the special terms and conditions NOTE : All The Invoices and the above mentioned documents shall be submitted to the Site In Charge of the respective Site b) 75% of Payment will be released in 7 days of submission of documents along with certified bills from user dept at our Disbursement Section in Mumbai, Balance 25% to be released in 15 days. .) Please note that HPCL cannot make any advance with order OR against despatch documents through Bank. +/011 234/5%-%+, +6 /4.(%+, 7 22E + 1% +* * %--%+,%,& (4* - # #. B#0! .!"0#% &$! # #. #% % # + #. * ! # 464.(- 1%08%1%(9 4/%+:; Signature & Seal of Bidder 8 % # - ."#% -! ! #. 0#% % ."#% -! ! #. &&$/ #.% !" $ # + #. !D &% ! #" > % # ! )- 0-!B!" ! "$!" <# ; ! $/ -! " ! #. 2 E &!" )!!@ .#" !$ / 1!/# -! 0-! $! !$B!"/ &!"# 16!0 # % = % % #. E #. # $#" !"B $ ! ) $$1! $!B! .#" -! !$ / 1!/# -! 0-! $! 0#% &$! # &!"# : 7. '%/: 0/(9 ,-34.(%+, ; 4! #" # "" +! .#" - " "/ -! &&$/ !% 0$ ! $$0- "+! ) - -! D # ! &!0 # #. $$ ! CLAUSE: 1) All disputes and differences of whatsoever nature, whether existing or which shall at any time arise between the parties hereto touching or concerning the agreement, meaning, operation or effect thereof or to the rights and liabilities of the parties or arising out of or in relation thereto whether during or after completion of the contract or whether before after determination, foreclosure, termination or breach of the agreement (other than those in respect of which the decision of any person is, by the contract, expressed to be final and binding) shall, after written notice by either party to the agreement to the other of them and to the Appointing Authority hereinafter mentioned, be referred for adjudication to the Sole Arbitrator to be appointed as hereinafter provided. 2) The appointing authority shall either himself act as the Sole Arbitrator or nominate some officer/retired officer of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (referred to as owner or HPCL) or a retired officer of any other Government Company in the Oil Sector of the rank of Ch. Manager & above or any retired officer of the Central Government not below the rank of a Director, to act as the Sole Arbitrator to adjudicate the disputes and differences between the parties. The contractor/vendor shall not be entitled to raise any objection to the appointment of such person as the Sole Arbitrator on the ground that the said person is/was an officer and/or shareholder of the owner, another Govt. Company or the Central Government or that he/she has to deal or had dealt with the matter to which the contract relates or that in the course of his/her duties, he/she has/had expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. 3) In the event of the Arbitrator to whom the matter is referred to, does not accept the appointment, or is unable or unwilling to act or resigns or vacates his office for any reasons whatsoever, the Appointing Authority aforesaid, shall nominate another person as aforesaid, to act as the Sole Arbitrator. 4) Such another person nominated as the Sole Arbitrator shall be entitled to proceed with the arbitration from the stage at which it was left by his predecessor. It is expressly agreed between the parties that no person other than the Appointing Authority or a person nominated by the Appointing Authority as aforesaid, shall act as an Arbitrator. The failure on the part of the Appointing Authority to make an appointment on time shall only give rise to a Signature & Seal of Bidder 9 right to a Contractor to get such an appointment made and not to have any other person appointed as the Sole Arbitrator. 5) The Award of the Sole Arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to the Agreement. 6) The work under the Contract shall, however, continue during the Arbitration proceedings and no payment due or payable to the concerned party shall be withheld (except to the extent disputed) on account of initiation, commencement or pendency of such proceedings. 7) The Arbitrator may give a composite or separate Award(s) in respect of each dispute or difference referred to him and may also make interim award(s) if necessary. 8) The fees of the Arbitrator and expenses of arbitration, if any, shall be borne equally by the parties unless the Sole Arbitrator otherwise directs in his award with reasons. The lumpsum fees of the Arbitrator shall be Rs. 40,000/- per case for transportation contracts and Rs. 60,000/- for engineering contracts and if the sole Arbitrator completes the arbitration including his award within 5 months of accepting his appointment, he shall be paid Rs. 10,000/- additionally as bonus. Reasonable actual expenses for stenographer, etc. will be reimbursed. Fees shall be paid stagewise i.e. 25% on acceptance, 25% on completion of pleadings/documentation, 25% on completion of arguments and balance on receipt of award by the parties. 9) Subject to the aforesaid, the provisions of the # Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof and the rules made thereunder, shall apply to the Arbitration proceedings under this Clause. 10) The Contract shall be governed by and constructed according to the laws in force in India. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts situated at Mumbai for all purposes. The Arbitration shall be held at Mumbai and conducted in English language. 11) The Appointing Authority is the Functional Director of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited. Signature & Seal of Bidder 10 4,4/01 4/* 1. Firm Prices : On placement of order, prices will remain firm till complete execution. 2. Delayed Delivery Delivery is the essence of purchase order. In case of delay in execution of the order beyond contractual delivery date as stipulated in the order HPCL at its option can : Either I) accept the delivery on price reduced by sum equivalent to half percent (1/2%) of the basic value of goods not delivered per week of delay or part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% basic value of order. Or II) Cancellation & Risk Purchase Clause :Cancel the order in part or full and purchase such cancelled quantities from elsewhere on account at the risk of the seller without prejudice to its right under (i) above in respect of goods delivered. All costs and expenses incurred by HPCL, if any, resulting from cancellation of order shall be recovered from the seller. 3. Terms of Payment Payment against invoices shall be made on receipt of equipment / material at site against submission of following documents along with your Bill / Invoice : I) Delivery Challan / Lorry Receipt duly acknowledged by our site. II) Manufacturer Test Certificate III) Third Party Inspection / Clearance Certificate IV) Manufacturer Guarantee Certificate V) Composite Performance Bank Guarantee for 10% of Basic Order value as detailed in the special terms and conditions 75% of Payment will be released in 7 days of submission of documents along with certified bills from user dept at our Disbursement Section in Mumbai, Balnce 25% to be released in 15 days. Please note that HPCL cannot make any advance with order OR against despatch documents through Bank. 4. Guarantee Supplies shall be fully guaranteed against any manufacturing defects / poor workmanship / inferior design or quality etc. for a period of 12 months from the date of commissioning or 18 months from the date of delivery whichever is earlier. During this period, seller will arrange to repair/ replace any defective part free of cost of replace complete set if required. Signature & Seal of Bidder 11 DIESEL GENERATING SET & AUXILIARIES SCOPE : The scope covers the design, manufacture, inspection, supply to site, testing & commissioning of the Diesel Generating set & Auxiliaries as specified. STANDARDS : The following standards/codes shall be applicable. BS : 649 Diesel Engine IS : 4722 BS : 2623 Alternator IS : 1460 Diesel Fuels. IS 4691 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machinery. IS : 1600 Type testing of constant speed internal combustion engines for general purposes. Indian Electricity Act & Rules. Any other Standards/ Codes (BS & IS) applicable. Signature & Seal of Bidder 12 All standard/codes shall be the latest with revisions up to date. GENERAL The Diesel Generating set shall be indoor type (silent), automatically, designed for 24 hours operation engine coupled to suitable alternator having self, brushless/static excitation system and include all necessary accessories. The engine and alternator shall be mounts. Required set of foundations bolts, nuts, washers. etc. and set of spanner and tools shall be supplied. DIESEL ENGINES The Engine shall be multi-cylinder naturally aspirated air cooled suitable over an ambient of 50 deg. Centigrade. The engine shall be constructed out of cast iron with forced feed fuel injection & lubrication system. The suction and exhaust valves of the cylinder shall be well designed to offer minimum flow resistance to achieve high air charging and scavenging efficiencies. The valve drives shall be force lubricated. The piston shall be die cast aluminum. And the head surface shall be force cooled with lubricant. The crank shaft journal shall be induction hardened and a bored. The connecting rod, crank shaft, cam shaft shall be induction hardened and all the alignments shall improve the efficiency. The governor shall regulate the speed to achieve stable performance. The engine shall be flexibly coupled to the alternator and shall be provided with a coupling guard. DG Set will be located in DG Room Building. The diesel engine set should be continuously rated at the ambient temperature of 50 degree specified. FUEL OIL SYSTEM A fuel tank of not less than 8 hours rated capacity with mechanical oil level indicator to indicate low and high levels shall be supplied. Hand pump shall be supplied for pumping oil from barrels to the overhead fuel Tank. ENGINE STARTING SYSTEM Starting of diesel engine shall be through electrical starting system. The Electrical Starting System shall comprise of starter, motor, batteries and battery charger and all the necessary instruments and accessories. Air Intake and Exhaust system. Air intake filter and silencer ( if necessary) be provided. The exhaust system shall consist of an exhaust gas driven turbocharger, exhaust gas silencer, necessary piping, adaptors etc. Signature & Seal of Bidder 13 The exhaust piping shall be insulated using asbestos roping and the silencer shall be flange coupled. GOVERNING SYSTEM : Governor shall be provided for keeping constant speed within certain limits with variable load. The governor shall have following features : The governor speed drop shall be adjustable between 3.5% to 4% of the nominal speed at any load upto full load. The nominal speed shall be adjustable by +/5%. The rate of frequency variation shall not exceed 0.5 Hz. in every second. An over speed trip mechanism shall be provided to automatically shut-off fuel in case the set reaches the over speed between 11% and 130% of rated speed. An engine mounted emergency STOP push button shall be provided for tripping the engine manually. A flexible coupling with guard shall be provided. ENGINE INSTRUMENTS PANEL : The following instruments shall be provided. Starting switch with key. Dial type thermometers for water & lube oil with alarm and trip contacts. Pressure Gauge with alarm & trip contacts. RPM indicator, Tachometer, Hour meter and Tachogenerator Mechanical switch to trip DG Set during over speed conditions. ALTERNATOR The alternator shall be designed for rating, voltage etc. as indicated in the data sheet with class F insulation. The alternator shall be capable of carrying and unbalanced load of 25% without injurious heating of any part, provided rated current is not exceeded. The voltage unbalance consequent to 25% unbalanced load between phases shall not exceed +/-2% of average terminal voltage, provided the power factor in any phase does not fall below 0.8. The alternator shall withstand a short circuit at its terminal for three seconds with excitation adjusted to develop rated voltage at no load without any damage. The sub transient fault current shall not exceed 15 times the full load current. Signature & Seal of Bidder 14 The field winding shall be fully insulated from the core. The field system shall have low inductance to allow good voltage regulation. The alternator shall be self-excited through a suitable transformer - rectifier combination with adjustable compounding to provide a flat or rising characteristic with load. The excitation unit shall have necessary protection for field discharge and an easy arrangement to re magnetize in case of loss of residual magnetism. The alternator shall be of drip proof construction and shall be self- ventilated. The temperature rise shall be within the prescribed limits of class ‘H’ insulation. When feeding a 10% overload for one hour during every 12 hour run of full rated load with the cooling air at ambient temp. The line of neutral ends of each phase winding of the Generator shall be brought out on six suitably located terminals. The size of the cables, to be provided by owner is indicated in the Data sheet. Vendor shall provide suitable clamping arrangement for connecting the cables to the terminals. The terminals shall be suitably enclosed to prevent short circuits by rodents etc. Shunt field regulator and automatic voltage regulator if specified in the data sheet. 240 V Single phase space heater shall be provided in the lower part of the station frame. The arrangement shall be made such that space heater shall be cut out automatically, when the alternator starts running. The alternator shall be provided with two nos. earthing terminals which shall be separated from the neutral terminals. The Alternator shall be externally regulated type with a voltage variation of +/-5% of the rated voltage with +/-3% frequency variation. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT The unit shall be capable of starting from cold condition. The unit shall be capable of a peak of 10% in excess of the rated out put for a period of one hour in a total of 12 consecutive hours of operation, without exceeding permissible temperature limits and with a fairly visible exhaust. The unit shall operate upto 120 % the rated speed over the entire range of out put without undue vibrations and noise. The DG Set shall be capable of taking on min 50% load equivalent to its rated capacity in one step with no voltage dip and without affecting the frequency. PACKIGNG AND DESPATCH Signature & Seal of Bidder 15 This unit shall be packed suitably to facilitate installation and transportation. During transport care shall be taken to avoid damage to paint or accessories of the equipment. If any damage is caused during transport, the vendor shall repair the same free of cost. TEST Following test shall be carried out on Diesel Engine & Alternative & certificate to be submitted to Third Party for review. Routine test for Engine as per BS - 5514 / IS- 1600 and 1601, like fuel consumption test etc. Maximum duration of test is 3-4 hours. Routine test for alternator as per IS : 4722 or other applicable I.S. Like insulation resistance test, high voltage test, etc. Vendor shall perform the following tests at site to the satisfaction of Owner/ Consultant : 1. 2. 3. 4. Starting Governor operation Voltage Regulator response Loan Run No load - 5 min. 25% load - 15 min. 50 % load - 30 min. 75 % load - 30 min 100% load - 60 min 110% load - 60 min. 5. CONTROLS OPERATION Vendor shall submit five copies of routine tests and type test certificate for approval before dispatch. Signature & Seal of Bidder 16 SPECIFICATIONS FOR AMF PANEL CONSTRUCTION : All electric panels shall be fabricated from 14 SWG CRCA sheets properly supported with angles and channels. The cubicle shall be single front floor mounted type unless specified otherwise. The door shall be provided with internal hinges and panel locks of superior quality. The hinges shall be union joint type to facilitate easy removal of the doors, when necessary. doors shall be provided in a similar fashion, as generally provided for the outdoor cabinet where water cannot enter into the cabinet from the door, The door shall be provided with strengthening arrangement to avoid wobbling and distortion. Whenever the door arm opens on the horizontal hinges, an arrangement shall be provided to latch the doors in the open condition for the inspection of the wiring. The cabinet shall be of welded construction and not of joining construction. The cabinet shall be compartmentalized, having the horizontal and vertical busbars at the back centrally located and circuit breakers shall be arranged at the bottom of the pillars and switch fuse units at the upper portion. The panel shall be provided with a canopy on the top in such a way, that free air circulation is available. At the same time, it shall be dust and vermin proof. A channel frame of 300 mm height fabricated from minimum section of channels 75mm x 40mm x 6mm shall be provided at the bottom of each cabinet. This is required to make the cabinet stable and space for bends. The foundation on holes with grouting, bolts, shall be provided in the channel frame. Cable entries shall be as shown on the panel schedules and minimum entry depth shall be 200mm unless specified otherwise. 16SWG MS sectionalised entry plates shall be provided for multi core entries and 6mm hylam sheet for single core entry points. The circuit components shall be mounted on sectionalised 12SWG 2.5mm thk. MS sheets, with suitable threading in the sheets to facilitate easy maintenance, future addition, etc. push buttons, signal lamps, and other control components shall be provided on a hinged (at the top) door with suitable latching arrangement. These components shall be at about 1400 mm height. The height of the panels shall not be more than 2250 mm and the depth of the panel shall not be more than 400 mm for single front and 800 mm for double front, except for the air circuit breaker panels,. where the depth could be about 900mm. Signature & Seal of Bidder 17 Space - heaters ( min. 2 nos. x 75 watts each) shall be provided with MCBs in each panel.) The cubicle shall undergo the following process of metal treatment. Sanding Derusting and phosphatising with scale gun asfoclean or equivalent. Degresing with Asfocoat or equivalent Two coats of red oxide primer. Putty work. Two coats of synthetic enamel of desired shade. Engraved labels shall be provided indicating the feeder details, capacity and 415 volts danger signs. Fuses shall be HRC cartridge type conforming to IS : 3106 with a breaking capacity corresponding to system fault level. Fuses shall be link type with visible indication. Screw type diazed fuses are not acceptable for any rating. All disconnects shall consist of switch units quick-make, quick-break type with silver plated contacts. The switches shall preferably have double breaks. All switches shall be mounted in sheet steel enclosure, which in turn is mounted on suitable angle iron framework. In wet locations switches shall is mounted on suitable angle iron frame work. In wet locations switches shall have cost iron enclosures. Disconnects shall have a minimum breaking capacity of 9KA at 415 volts. INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS & METER & RELAYS. Meters and voltmeters shall have moving iron spring controlled dead-beat elements in square bezel flush type cases 144mm in size unless specified otherwise and suitable for switch board mounting meters shall conform to BS:89 and have grade "A" accuracy. Scale ranges shall meet with the requirement or as indicated on the drawing or in the schedule of Quantities. Energy meters shall be two element switch board mounting type suitable for unbalanced loads. All tripping may be through combination thermal and magnetic releases or IDMT releases as specified. Three pole, thermal overload relay for overload protection of Alternator through current transformer, Overload relay, Earth fault relay, Reverse power relay etc, is to be provided for safety of the equipment. Battery charger consisting of transformer / rectifier, D.C. Ammeter, charging rate selector Off/trickle/boost is to be provided. Signature & Seal of Bidder 18 BUSBAR The busbar shall be tinned electrolytic copper/alum. As shown on drawings. The busbars shall be covered with PVC sleeves and properly supported. The busbars shall be adequately insulated and protected to prevent accidental contact during the operation and maintenance the busbars shall have supports. Designed to withstand short circuit current equivalent to 35MVA at 415 volts. The insulation between the phases and between the phases and ground of the power conductors shall be made of synthetic resin bonded moulding, resistant to dust and dampness. All insulating material shall be non-hydroscopic. Fungus proof and treated with suitable synthetic varnishes. INTER CONNECTION & INTER WIRING Fiber glass moulded or PVC extruded wire ways shall be provided in the control panel. All the cables for internal wiring shall be PVC insulated of BSS or ISI approved and reputed make. The cables shall have copper conductors only and shall be stranded and the minimum number of stands shall be three. The rating shall conform to IEE wiring regulations. PVC flexible conductors if required shall have minimum size of 24/36. Cables for power circuits shall be red, yellow, and blue or otherwise. Proper coloured sleeving shall be provided at both ends of the cable. All wires shall have at both ends a numbered ferrule or such other means of permanent identification. Identification making shall be read from the terminals outwards on all wires. TERMINAL/TERMINATIONS Cables upto 150 Sq.mm alum. Shall be provided with clip-on type ( slide lock design) of rugged construction. All power terminals shall be colour coded withred, yellow and blue for phases and black for neutral. Every cable, either for control or power duty shall be provided with crimping type copper lugs of suitable size as specified. The lugs shall be fitted with contact grease and the crimping pressure shall be as follows : Copper lugs : Upto 30 Sq.mm. 1200 psi. Above 35 Sq.mm. 2000 psi. Signature & Seal of Bidder 19 Bi - metallic lugs : 1000 psi. Cable glands shall be Siemens type brass glands. These glands shall be provided for all the outgoing connections at both ends, for power as well as control circuits and also for the incoming cable or cables., Crimping type lugs only to be used. Earth busbars shall be of tinned copper/ alum. With holes, but the bolts and nuts and washers shall be cadmium plated. Earth busbars all be provided all around the cubicle at the bottom and it shall be of the same but the maximum size will be 50 x 6mm with doples external earth connection arrangement. Bi-metallic lugs shall be used wherever copper cables are being terminated on alum. Busbars or vice-versa. Auto Mains Failure Facility The following AMF LOGIC shall be incorporated in the AMF control panel : The DG Set shall start automatically when one of the following conditions are met. (a) Mains supply failure. (b) Mains voltage dips below 85% of nominal voltage (415V). After the DG set starts and builds up the rates RPM & voltage , the DG breaker/ contactor shall close & the mains breaker/contactor shall open. Upon restoration of Mains supply & normal voltage conditions, NECESSARY TIME DELAY SHALL BE ALLOWED TO TAKE CARE OF TRANSIENT CONDITIONS. Annunciator A solid state multi-window annunciator shall be provided on the panel board with engraved inscriptions on acrylic sheets and with visible & audible alarms. CDG RELAY has to be provided for Over Current and Earth Fault protection. TESTING & INSPECTION : The panel boards shall be factory tested/inspected before finishigng and dispatch. The following tests shall be carried out : a) Insulation resistance test Signature & Seal of Bidder 20 b) Panel boards shall be meggered phase to phase end. The following tests shall be carried out : INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST Panel boards shall be meggared phase to phase and phase to neutral, using a 1000 V meggar with all switchgear in closed position. The meggared value should not be less than 2.5 mega ohms between phase and 1.5 mega ohms between phase & neutral & earth. HIGH VOLTAGE TEST The test shall be carried out by applying 2.5 KV for one minute between Air three phase & earth Between phase and the board shall withstand the same. MODE OF MEASUREMENT The panel complete with various components as specified in the schedule of quantity shall be treated as one unit for the purpose of measurement & payment. THIRD PARTY INSPECTION The vendor should arrange for Third Party inspection and the cost for this shall be indicated separately in the offer. Inspection may be carried out by any of the following parties : Lloyds EIL Rites Bureau Veritas SCOPE OF INSPECTION : Routine tests as per IS: 1600 & 1601, BS 5514 & IS 4722 shall be carried out on bare engine and alternator in presence of Third Party inspection Agency (TPIA). GUARANTEES Vendor shall guarantee design, materials, workmanship and performance for a period of 12 months from the date of initial operation or 18 months after delivery at job site of all goods supplied under order, which ever date shall first occur. DRAWINGS Vendor shall submit four prints of following : Signature & Seal of Bidder 21 General arrangement drawings Foundations details Electrical wiring and schematic diagrams. Fuel oil system with instrumentation and control details. Lube oil system with instrumentation and controls details. Governor system and voltage regulator details. D.G. Set instrumentation and control system details. The vendor shall also provide four sets of installation operating, maintenance and major overhauling instructions manual before inspection. One print of each drawing will be returned to vendor after making all necessary corrections, changes and required clarifications. Vendor shall incorporate these and send within fifteen (15) days six prints of each drawing. DELIVERY PERIOD The DG sets complete with diesel tanks, AMF panel and other accessories shall be supplied to sites as given in the SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. Signature & Seal of Bidder 22 LIST OF ACCEPTABLE MAKES OF MATERIALS/COMPONENTS. The following are the acceptable makes of materials a components to be used in the installation. 1. MEDIUM/LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHGEAR & PANEL BOARD ACCESSORIES. Moulded case circuit Breakers ( MCCBs) i) ii) GEC Alsthom L & T / Siemens Miniature Circuit i) ii) MDS Standard Koop Switch Fuse Units (Heavy Duty) i) ii) iii) L&T Siemens GEC Alsthom Isolators ( Heavy Duty) i) ii) iii) L&T Siemens GEC Alsthom Fuses & Fuse Bases i) ii) iii) GEC Alsthom Siemens L&T Changeover Switches i) ii) iii) Siemens Elcon Kaycee Contactors i) ii) iii) L&T Siemens Telemechanique Push Buttons i) ii) iii) Siemens L&T Vaishno Overload Elemensts i) ii) iii) L&T Siemens Bhartia Cutier Hammer Timers i) ii) iii) L&T Bhartia Cutler Hammer Siemens Control Fuses & Switches i) ii) Kaycee Thakur Signature & Seal of Bidder 23 Meters i) iii) iv) L&T GEC Alsthom IMP ii) iii) Automatic Electric Universal Electric Signal Lamps i) ii) Essen Any other make with prior approval Terminal i) ii) iii) Elmex Technoplast Any other make with prior approval Relays i) GEC Alsthom ACB i) ii) iii) L&T SIEMENS Crompton Greaves Signature & Seal of Bidder 24 SPECIFICATIONS FOR ACCOUSTIC ENCLOSURE / CANOPY The DG set shall be provided with acoustic enclosure / canopy to reduce the sound level and to house the entire DG set ( Engine & Alternator set) assembly in open condition. ACOUSTIC ENCLOSURE CONSTRUCTION : : The acoustic enclosure shall be free standing, floor mounting type, independent of DG set. The acoustic enclosure will be modular in construction consisting of acoustically treated panels from all the four sides and top. All the panels will be jacket filled with glass wool & covered with perforated sheet inside. The outside fabrication will be made out of 16 SWG MS CRCA sheet metal. A free distance of 1.5 m to be kept between DG set and the acoustic enclosure on all sides. The acoustic enclosure / canopy can be easily assembled at the site on the leveled surface capable of withstanding the DG weight without any civil works. The enclosure shall be designed for installation in open air conditions and should have aesthetic looks. Vendor shall submit the plan showing the position of the DG set and the acoustic enclosure. DOORS : Hinged lockable doors on either side. VENTILATING LOUVERS : Both at the Engine side and Alternator side for fresh air entry and for hot air ehuast. PERFORMANCE : The sound level shall be less than 75 dbA at a distance of 1 (one) meter from the acoustic enclosure/canopy under free-field conditions. Signature & Seal of Bidder 25 SECTION : III GAUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS (A) 500 KVA DG SET : Site Conditions : PROJECT Ambient Temp. ( Deg. Celsius) Altitude ( Mtr. above MSL) Relative Humidity TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DG SET GENERATOR RATING A) DIESEL ENGINE MAKE : ENGINE MODEL : * F 9 50 0C Less than 500 Mtrs. 30- 60% 500 KVA QTY : 1 Nos. BHP AT 1500 RPM NO. OF CYLINDER & ARRANGEMENT ACCESSORIES l ( TO BE PROVIDED BY THE VENDOR FLYWHEEL & FLYWHEEL HOUSING FLEXIBLE COUPLING AIR CLEANER CORROSION RESISTOR RADIATOR FUEL PUMP GOVERNOR LUBE OIL FILTER LUBE OIL BY PASS FILTER LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUM" COOLING WATER PUMP EXHAUST SILENCER EXHAUST GAS TURBO CHARGER CHARGE AFTER COOLER STATER & BATTERY CHARGING ALTERNATOR ( 24V DC) FUEL FILTER Signature & Seal of Bidder VENDOR' S CONFIRMATION WITH DETAILS 26 EXHAUST PIPE SAFETY CONTROLS : A) HIGH WATER TEMP. B) LOW LUB. OIL PRESSURE TACHO- HOUR METER (with rpm indicator) B) ENGINE INSTRUMENTAL PANEL : FLEXIBLE : MECHANICAL TYPE STARTING SWITCH ( WITH KEY) WATER TEMP GAUGE LUB OIL PR. GAUGE LUB OIL TEMP. GAUGE BATTERY CHARGING AMMETER C) ALTERNATOR : MAKE : CAPACITY : MOUNTING : INSULATION : ENCLOSURE : RATIGNG : VENDOR TO PROVIDE : 1. AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR (With manual voltage adjustment) 2. SPACE HEATER (With auto cut-off) 3. WINDING TEMP. & BEARING TEMP DETECTOR 4. TERMINAL BOX KEC/NGEF/AVK/STAMFORD 500 KVA CLASS H IP 21 D) BASE FRAME MATERIAL : ANTI VIBRATION MOUNTING PADS : E) FDUEL TANK CAPACITY : VENDOR TO PROVIDE AIR VENT : DRAIN PLUG : INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS : LEVEL INDICATOR : Signature & Seal of Bidder 27 F) BATTERY SET TYPE NO OF BATTERIES/VOLTAGE OF EACH : MAKE: NICKEL - CADMIUM BATTERY SAB NIFE ( CELL TYPE - KPH) G) AMF CONTROL PANEL : AMF LOGIC AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER (with Under voltage release, safety shutter & shunt trip) NEUTRAL CONTACTOR VOLTMETER (with selector switch) AMMETER (with selector switch) FREQUENCY METER : KW/HP METER : PF METER : KWH METER : MCCB FOR 500 KVA RANGE : RANGE : WINDOW ANNUNCIATION WITH VISIUAL INDICATION FOR FOLLOWING: LOW LUBE POIL PRESSURE HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE SET START/STOP LOW FUEL LEVEL OVER VOLTAGE RELAY EARTH FAULT RELAY SPARE PUSH BOTTON - hotter accept/fault clear INSTRUMENT FUSES : ON/OFF SWITCH (for manual DG control) AUTO CONTROL CIRCUIT(for lube oil priming control) SELECTOR SWITCH- (AUTO/MANUAL/OFF) INDICATING LAMP(for load on set/load on mains) ELECTRONIC HOOTER Signature & Seal of Bidder 28 NOTE : A) B) VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF SPARES TO BE SUPPLIED ( IF ANY). VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF TOOLS TO BE SUPPLIED WITH ENGINE FOR MINOR MAINTAINCE OF ENGINE : Signature & Seal of Bidder 29 (B) 125 KVA DG SET : TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DG SET GENERATOR RATING SUPPLY LOCATIONS AND QTY 125 KVA QTY : 1 Nos. HAZIRA LPG PROJECT -01 NO ANANTPUR LPG PROJECT -01 NO A) DIESEL ENGINE MAKE : ENGINE MODEL : BHP AT 1500 RPM NO. OF CYLINDER & ARRANGEMENT ACCESSORIES l ( TO BE PROVIDED BY THE VENDOR FLYWHEEL & FLYWHEEL HOUSING FLEXIBLE COUPLING AIR CLEANER CORROSION RESISTOR RADIATOR FUEL PUMP GOVERNOR LUBE OIL FILTER LUBE OIL BY PASS FILTER LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUM" COOLING WATER PUMP EXHAUST SILENCER EXHAUST GAS TURBO CHARGER CHARGE AFTER COOLER STATER & BATTERY CHARGING ALTERNATOR ( 24V DC) FUEL FILTER EXHAUST PIPE SAFETY CONTROLS : A) HIGH WATER TEMP. B) LOW LUB. OIL PRESSURE TACHO- HOUR METER (with rpm indicator) B) ENGINE INSTRUMENTAL PANEL : Signature & Seal of Bidder VENDOR' S CONFIRMATION WITH DETAILS FLEXIBLE : MECHANICAL TYPE 30 STARTING SWITCH ( WITH KEY) WATER TEMP GAUGE LUB OIL PR. GAUGE LUB OIL TEMP. GAUGE BATTERY CHARGING AMMETER C) ALTERNATOR : MAKE : CAPACITY : MOUNTING : INSULATION : ENCLOSURE : RATIGNG : VENDOR TO PROVIDE : 1. AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR (With manual voltage adjustment) 2. SPACE HEATER (With auto cut-off) 3. WINDING TEMP. & BEARING TEMP DETECTOR 4. TERMINAL BOX KEC/NGEF/AVK/STANFORD 125 KVA CLASS H IP 21 D) BASE FRAME MATERIAL : ANTI VIBRATION MOUNTING PADS : E) FDUEL TANK CAPACITY : VENDOR TO PROVIDE AIR VENT : DRAIN PLUG : INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS : LEVEL INDICATOR : F) BATTERY SET TYPE NO OF BATTERIES/VOLTAGE OF EACH : MAKE: Signature & Seal of Bidder NICKEL - CADMIUM BATTERY SAB NIFE ( CELL TYPE - KPH) 31 G) AMF CONTROL PANEL : AMF LOGIC AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER (with Under voltage release, safety shutter & shunt trip) NEUTRAL CONTACTOR VOLTMETER (with selector switch) AMMETER (with selector switch) FREQUENCY METER : KW/HP METER : PF METER : KWH METER : MCCB FOR 125 KVA RANGE : RANGE : WINDOW ANNUNCIATION WITH VISIUAL INDICATION FOR FOLLOWING: LOW LUBE POIL PRESSURE HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE SET START/STOP LOW FUEL LEVEL OVER VOLTAGE RELAY EARTH FAULT RELAY SPARE PUSH BOTTON - hotter accept/fault clear INSTRUMENT FUSES : ON/OFF SWITCH (for manual DG control) AUTO CONTROL CIRCUIT(for lube oil priming control) SELECTOR SWITCH- (AUTO/MANUAL/OFF) INDICATING LAMP(for load on set/load on mains) ELECTRONIC HOOTER NOTE : A) VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF SPARES TO BE SUPPLIED ( IF ANY). B) VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF TOOLS TO BE SUPPLIED WITH ENGINE FOR MINOR MAINTAINCE OF ENGINE : Signature & Seal of Bidder 32 (C) 500 KVA DG SET : Site Conditions : PROJECT Ambient Temp. ( Deg. Celsius) Altitude ( Mtr. above MSL) Relative Humidity TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DG SET GENERATOR RATING A) DIESEL ENGINE MAKE : ENGINE MODEL : BHP AT 1500 RPM NO. OF CYLINDER & ARRANGEMENT ACCESSORIES l ( TO BE PROVIDED BY THE VENDOR FLYWHEEL & FLYWHEEL HOUSING FLEXIBLE COUPLING AIR CLEANER CORROSION RESISTOR RADIATOR FUEL PUMP GOVERNOR LUBE OIL FILTER LUBE OIL BY PASS FILTER LUBE OIL CIRCULATING PUM" COOLING WATER PUMP EXHAUST SILENCER EXHAUST GAS TURBO CHARGER CHARGE AFTER COOLER STATER & BATTERY CHARGING ALTERNATOR ( 24V DC) FUEL FILTER EXHAUST PIPE SAFETY CONTROLS : A) HIGH WATER TEMP. B) LOW LUB. OIL PRESSURE Signature & Seal of Bidder G * F * F 9 9 50 0C Less than 100 Mtrs. 50- 80% 500 KVA QTY : 1 Nos. VENDOR' S CONFIRMATION WITH DETAILS FLEXIBLE : 33 TACHO- HOUR METER (with rpm indicator) B) ENGINE INSTRUMENTAL PANEL : MECHANICAL TYPE STARTING SWITCH ( WITH KEY) WATER TEMP GAUGE LUB OIL PR. GAUGE LUB OIL TEMP. GAUGE BATTERY CHARGING AMMETER C) ALTERNATOR : MAKE : CAPACITY : MOUNTING : INSULATION : ENCLOSURE : RATIGNG : VENDOR TO PROVIDE : 1. AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR (With manual voltage adjustment) 2. SPACE HEATER (With auto cut-off) 3. WINDING TEMP. & BEARING TEMP DETECTOR 4. TERMINAL BOX KEC/NGEF/AVK/STAMFORD 500 KVA CLASS H IP 21 D) BASE FRAME MATERIAL : ANTI VIBRATION MOUNTING PADS : E) FDUEL TANK CAPACITY : VENDOR TO PROVIDE AIR VENT : DRAIN PLUG : INLET & OUTLET CONNECTIONS : LEVEL INDICATOR : F) BATTERY SET TYPE NO OF BATTERIES/VOLTAGE OF EACH : Signature & Seal of Bidder NICKEL - CADMIUM BATTERY 34 MAKE: SAB NIFE ( CELL TYPE - KPH) G) AMF CONTROL PANEL : AMF LOGIC AIR CIRCUIT BREAKER (with Under voltage release, safety shutter & shunt trip) NEUTRAL CONTACTOR VOLTMETER (with selector switch) AMMETER (with selector switch) FREQUENCY METER : KW/HP METER : PF METER : KWH METER : MCCB FOR 500 KVA RANGE : RANGE : WINDOW ANNUNCIATION WITH VISIUAL INDICATION FOR FOLLOWING: LOW LUBE POIL PRESSURE HIGH WATER TEMPERATURE SET START/STOP LOW FUEL LEVEL OVER VOLTAGE RELAY EARTH FAULT RELAY SPARE PUSH BOTTON - hotter accept/fault clear INSTRUMENT FUSES : ON/OFF SWITCH (for manual DG control) AUTO CONTROL CIRCUIT(for lube oil priming control) SELECTOR SWITCH- (AUTO/MANUAL/OFF) INDICATING LAMP(for load on set/load on mains) ELECTRONIC HOOTER NOTE : A) VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF SPARES TO BE SUPPLIED ( IF ANY) B) VENDOR TO GIVE LIST OF TOOLS TO BE SUPPLIED WITH ENGINE FOR MINOR MAINTAINCE OF ENGINE : Signature & Seal of Bidder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ignature & Seal of Bidder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ignature & Seal of Bidder 37