CROSS-POLARIZATIONOF MICROWAVE REMECTORANTENNAS to the raculty A thesis submitted Sciences of the University of Mathematical of Surrey for and Physical the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. HURDIN A. ADATIA 1974 / B", est,, *Co py Available Variable Print Quality \ ABSTRACT This thesis characteristics parabolic involving both with prime focus sources identified. mance are also discussed. Fina"y, double off-set suitable and off-set investigated, and the in each of these Methods of improving cassegrain arrangement their adjustment evaluated It numerically. of the off-set parameters, perfor- involving of the antenna components is described, properties a and its is shown that by the cross- from such an antenna can be reduced to an extremely polarization low order, a modified element. feed and the conventional of cross-polarization configurations radiation symmetrical feed systems are initially cassegrain principal as the main focussing surface Antenna configurations radiation antenna systems which employ the of reflector reflecting. reflectors, the cross-polarized examnes making it communications highly and tracking attractive applications. for both satellite ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I should like to thank Dr. S. Cormbleet of the microwave group for and the computer staff technical their for are also discussions of Defence for rinally, support typing and for members the for the text. MY of Birmingham valuable supplying-several data. I acknowledge with Ministry of Surrey of the University due to Dr. A. W. Rudge of the University many helpful experimental help and encouragement; and Mrs. S. N. G. Browne for services, thanks their all and the fellow I should gratitude the pursuit like the receipt of a grant from the of the study. to thank my wifes Ruth, for her continued and encouragement. 0 Page No. CONTENTS i-iv INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1 THE CROSS-POLARIZED SCATTERED FIELD Cross-polarization 1 Analysis 5 1.1 Definition 1.2 Reflector-antenna 1.3 Current 1.4 Edge Currents 1.5 The Physical-optics Fields of Distribution in Reflectors 11 Diffracted 13a REFERENCES CHAPTER 2 7 13b ANALYSIS OF AXIALLY SYMMETRIC PARABOLIC REFLECTOR ANTENNA CHAPTER3 Distribution 2.1 Current 16 2.2 Scattered Radiation 18 2.3 Simplified Model 19 2.4 Numerical Results 21 2.5 Practical Considerations 25 2.6 Feed Models 2.7 Typical 2.8 Circular 2.9 Conclusions 46 APPENDIX 48a REFERENCES 48c 29 Antenna Performance Aperture Conical Feedhorns 35 41 OFF-SET FED PARABOLICREFLECTORANTENNA 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Analysis; 3.3 The Induced Current 3.4 Aperture-field 49 Geometry 50 Method Technique 52 55 3.5 CHAPTER 4 ADerture Polarized Distribution Excitation for Linearly 57 3.6 Secondary Radiation 3.7 Numerical Examples 3.8 Experimental 3.9 The Effect of Cross-polarization Radiation the 3.10 The Longitudinal Currents 3.11 Radiation Reflector Excitation Properties of Circularly with the Off-set Polarized 3.12 Numerical Examples 3.13 Experimental 3.14 Conclusions 88 APPENDIX 89 REFERENCES 90 Patterns 61 64 Confirmatioý Effect of 69 Primary-feed on the Secondary 72 76 79 81 Confirmation 85 THE CROSS-POLARIZATION OF AXIALLY SYMMETRIC CASSEGRAIN AERIAL Introduction PART I: 91 The Depolarization Properties of Symmetric the Axially Hyperboloid 4.1 Analysis 4.2 Numerical 4.3 The Effect of the Cross-polarization 93 Results 97 Primary-feed 101 PART II: 4.4 The Diffraction Main Reflector 4.5 Numerical 4.6 Concluding 4.7 The Off-set Patterns from, the 106 Results REFERENCES 108 Remarks Cassegrain 112 Aerial 113 115a CHAPTER 5 CROSS-POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF DOUBLY OFF-SET CASSEGRAIN AERIALS 5.1 Antenna Geometry 5.2 Calculations of the Radiation the Sub-reflector 116 from 118 Geometry of the Feed System in the Elliotts-Antenna 124 5.4 Numerical Computation 127 5.5 Numerical Results 128 5.6 Radiation Reflector Patterns 5.3 from the Main 133 5.7 Discussion 143 5.8 Conclusions 145 REFERENCES 146 (i) Introduction The polarization characteristics by microwave aerials radiated considerations in a given depending coverage conditions) into free-space, and as a consequence, in the final are present the tolerance implies within an angular directive acceptable. distortions cases, condition However, there can be significant the radiated than the specified The presence aerial has several The radiation patterns levels of diverse or cross-polarized of energy into pattern. over a wide angular of the cross-polarized effects polarization suffer states component Most highly of the main is sufficiently is usually where polarization applications on the antenna axis undesirable normally of antenna polarization met, the performance of cross-polarization source polarization over a narrow region are several the antenna of the aerial. component on the axis is normally polarization (boundary the, fields of orthogonal function generally requirement from the primary of the antenna radiation the cross-polarized and this small, sector antennas beam and if an allowance A basic constraints fields to operate linear throughout elements, pattern radiation In antenna engineering essentially focusing via various depolarization, and ideally in transmission imposed on the fields astronomy from fixed of the desirable However, owing to several region. varies application. the purity of space, region a specified within on the particular is then to maintain of the aerial radio the antenna is required which typically mode of polarization to circular, in radar, application In general, and teleco=unications. in the design interest are of major of the antenna for fields of the electromagnetic sector and in these components rather are of importance. in the radiation patterns on the performance states other of an of the aerial. than the desired (ii) I implies polarization energy is that is insignificant illumination losses (in Admittedly, this parabolic This radiation. has received why cross-polarization input compared to the losses of the main aperture due to spill-over from the total is impaired. and thus the antenna efficiency in efficiency 'lost' energy loss due to non-uniform reflector-aerials) and is one of the principal little comparatively reasons in attention literature. In several indirectly. If. circular thus of for the available bandwidth. of major of a tracking effect aerial states locking" axis, errors which differ distortion. coverage for signal amounts fields communications two comunication in pointing - usually zone in order to present thus provides a foundation minimum interference. Is to be found in using monopulse facilities. generally contains from the polarization cross-polarization of the aerial to of cross-polarization polarization aerial fields and the in satellite depolarization from a complex target substantial the making a more efficient use of I it is of importance to In such applications echo returns generates and communication of to provide on which the system may be optimised the operation a band, thereby of antenna undesirable radar in aerial component interest over the entire A study A further leads This the operate in case handed) polarizations each frequency to depolarization weather, a topic years the is felt of cross-polarization desired often polarized. mýLintain orthogonality cross-talk. is (opposite orthogonal is the use of orthogonal channels it mode as is elliptically In recent instance, inclement during to generation are for polarization application the presence applications, accuracy itself, uncorreilated in which the aerial particularly can result The near the in "polarization onto the peaks of the cross-polar lobes. (iii) This has the effect of swerving hence the necessity for The depolarization in the aerials feed for using monopulse develops the a squint which cross-polarization radiation within the impairs directly with in the is the asymmetry [11 (boresight the main beam performance to attributable main beam and an axis or the receiver used, tracking of [2]9 a monopulse 'jitter' either the to previously conjunction polarization properties may be calculated, jitter in this work described of single the the of presence of antenna cross-polar was performed theoretical with and nulti-element as a function systems reflector aerials, of the geometrical of a doubly response assess the possible fed reflector off-set ways of minimising and bore- and to calculate parameters, Cassegrain the models on which the 2) to use these models to study the beam shift phenomena in off-set these effects thesis 1) to develop main objectives: depolarization sight circular are owing a tracking are reflectors pattern. The research following develop seriously These effects aerial. in be compensated If comparator. off-set has been reported reflectors cannot using counterparts, it application, which aerials symmetric off-set tracking fluctuation) their In particular geometry. that in away from the main target, in such applications. purity polarization effects in than more serious the bore-sight design cross-polarization 3) to evaluate and 4) to in reflector type aerials. The research to the classical work started problem of diffraction surfaces. Several available in literature. the physical chronologically optics techniques current for with by finite, analysing perfectly the scattering A commonly favoured, distribution a rigorous method. approximate In this approach conducting problems are method is the scattered (iv) fields by integrating are obtained the region of the surface directly assumptions in this The principal induced and 3) to facilitate field of the primary These assumptions current filaments current lines order practical over source. 1) the current 2) the effects current optics assumed that of the are neglected local the interaction between the adjacent bending and the peripheral curvature) in truncated at estimating the effects currents on the principal and cross-polar patterns and inferences of these of reflectors. were thus directed Results is the reflector studies antenna. on an radiator. thus neglect (finite by the primary of incidence, is often currents are the same as that surface due to edge discontinuities Initial higher it analysis optics are: on the physical of the reflector in the far technique plane at the point target truncation illuminated on the reflector at a point infinite the physical studies of of are given in Chapter 1. Estimates of practical physical obtained reflectors optics distribution from the above study of moderately is not only but provides the scatter large an excellent an effective indicated dimensions approximation means for that for numerical the current computation fields. by which the scattering problems, in efficient may be resolved programmes thus developed The dearth fed parabolic analysis Q 20 X) the The second phase was thus devoted to study of numerical surfaces for symmetric and asymmetric Computer manner possible. were then used to study the problem at hand. of information reflector involving techniques an cross-polarization prompted the study in Chapter in symmetrically 3. The intrinsic of (v) depolarization is shown that is that secondary as is often ratio feed itself the primary is the in such a system and a method of dominant source of cross-polarization predicting introduced 50 dB below the pattern dependent on the f/d The main conclusion and it studied cross-polarization can be typically curvature maxima and is not as critically assumed. belief, to popular contrary by the reflector are initially of the reflector property field from primary peak levels cross-polar measurements is described, A topic on the radiation errors studied importance of practical particular on the crOss-polar errors distortions are not affected by such distortion. however, considerable exhibit of profile that reveals of axially symmetric peak levels cross-polar The cross-polar is levels side-lobe degradation. significant cross- isolation. polar In Chapter 3 the depolarization properties parabolic reflector are investigated polarized radiation are numerically characteristic readily model. a simple for formula as functions linearly of the The method of stationary by which the beamshift may be predicted. Quantitative different calculated fed of the off-set cross-polarization of the reflector. parameters is used to obtain phase will emphasis on the effects shape is proposed which achieves A new reflector profile This problem For the types patterns. computation considered, of systematic of the aerial. characteristics with rigorously is the effect estimates modea of excitation The analysis be present of the boresight are initially shows that in off-set polarization fed reflectors, jitter phenomena for obtained on scalar diffraction sensitive boresight and depending on the errors (vi) polarization characteristics will either exhibit boresight of the target calculations of these errorsfor shift in both the planes. occurs Closed from expression axis for defocussed out to study axially defocused The study can he neutralized function. feed and the gain degradation that field distribution the depolarization by the appropriate The study could eliminate characteristics suggests that the depolarization an off-set effect. The on the antenna computation is then for of the aerial curves for are obtained. partially due to the reflector choice in the or shift are obtained. distribution Rigorous the aerial Numerical parameters the field the radiation of the aperture suggested typical for mull simultaneously. feed are obtained. carried dipole on the difference an increase or both these effect axis echo returns, of primary section tilted off-set illumination of a hyperboloid -1- CHAPTER 1 THE CROSS-POLARIZEDSCATTEREDrIELD 1,1 Of Cross-Polarization Definition The far-field field Cartesian co-ordinate definitions to nominally of these terms as applied leads to polarized' This has been brought who discusses study by Ludwig(') in a recent in terms of the distant 'principally of the terms sources. Is best described 'cross-polarizedlradiation. and (co-polarized) fully of the radiating the description system, sources, co-ordinate system based on the same origin in the definition ambiguities in terms of a spherical distribution or current in terms of a spherical fields of electromagnetic in the vicinity located the origin Since the source of a local from a distributicn radiation is commonly described or an antenna, system with I three out possible linearly polarized antennas. In this definition thesis we accept is that such a definition, probe initially antenna on boresight This alignment recorded. rotating in the co-ordinate Is then kept fixed a set of constant planes the polarization by 90* and repeating while cross-polar vector from Employing of either which the polarization patterns are obtained the probe, of of the test antenna is rotated radiation patterns the measurement procedure. as that system shown in rig. the test the associated while The corresponding the polarization with in a field obtained is defined antenna range with aligned (0 a0 of the tadiated field electric would be measured on a conventional the distant the most useful measurement techniques. standard the co-polar that distribution to the field directly using conclusion description which provides form which corresponds actual"measurements Ludwig's or the test 1.1). tbrough are being by axially antenna - x I (P) z V FIG 1-1 - the field If field components at an arbitrary procedure, can be related (1) the following : E (0,4) E (0 E(e, m Eo(0,0) (0 e) xE9 1, +E sin 4) cos -E essentially 4) at any point on the space-sphere vector respectively by is noted that It is, element, that of equal strength, Therefore,, according radiator' everywhere it a device with sin 1. b 9 the radiated field electric in terms of two spatially 9P, aC are given vectors c l. d vector unit radiated component aligned its P) by a Huygen with radiation pattern dipole the y-axis. a Huygens source to the above definition, in the sense that in fact and magnetic of an electric the electric (e is an is co-polariz*ed in space. source-currents contribution (0 reference consisting is necessary at this will lea of the electric-field the polarization represents $ideal the co-polar by E cos sin cos ec(e, (E., components + Cos sin e C) (09 specifies components whose unit (E as measured by this 0, ý), spherical This definition orthogonal 7bis (r, to the usual along the and the cross-polar p) point is polarized antenna (E then the co-polar on boresight, y-axis by the test transmitted stage to relate J to the polarization help isolate those sources to the far-field the polarization of the field of radiation cross-polar radiation. it E that of the radiates. which provide the major -4- Consider an idealised are the x, y and z directed radiation source taken as the reference The polarization is current in which the basic situation given by f= filaments, current polarization sources with of y-directed current. launched of the electric-field by the reference (1) (siný coso 0+ cosý ýb Ey p co-polar Ey. 2p = sin2o = Ey. e = siný -C ,x. pSimilarly, its into which can be resolved it components as Cose + COS20 cosý (cos 0 can be shown that components of the fields and cross-polarized the co-polar and the cross-polarized by the x and the z-direated launched current elements are (x) Ep= , sine cose (1-cos0) COS2e (1-COSO) =1- E(z) p =- siO E(z) c =- cosý sino sinO Comparision of the expressions shows that the major contribution from arises this component particular their the label contributions x-directed is defined is affixed to the for to the far-field current as the to terms in each case the cross-polar Following element. cross-polarized the y- cross-polarized cross-polarization and the current, z-directed ratiation. Ludwigg whereas currents therefore, no despite - 1.2 Analysis Reflector-Antenna The electromagnetic perfectly reflector-antenna, I distributibn of the current radiation determined at the surface scattering currents, be made exact. (i. e. incident involves plus and hence, of the reflector,, problems form by an application is known, the prediction can, in principle, by the total in a microwave Once the surface technique. in the reflector distribution in a precise can be formulated which in a majority current of the scattered However, the currents fields scattered) a fbrmal existing for equation must be solved of applications, are approach to the to an integral solution from scattering such as the reflectors surfaces, conducting problem involving radiation the numerically. Such techniques have been applied with somesuccess in solving certain (2 ) involving bodies of dimensional two problems problems and class of (3) A major revolutions it involves of this of the scatterer however, method, work and is only amount of numerical considerable when the dimensions limitation are small is that practicable in terms of operating wavelength. In dealing problem is currents, with is based on the assumption that on areas directly source, optically, the currents ) 11 optics are the same as they would whereas in the are zero. That is the are 2(n xH = the currents were reflected shadowed side of the reflector j= the induced of the physical fields currents approximation for the scattering that by the primary the incident antenna situations being the most common approximation illuminated postulated reflector by invoking commonly resolved This approximation be if practical illuminated the on on the shadow side side -6- This approximation of the incident and that reflector the radii that presupposes of the of curvature are large wavefront compared to a wavelength. Despite this provides approximation an accurate radiation, scattered the dimensions is now well it restriction, in the forward of the scattering direction, polarized even when geometry do not comply with the (4) In fact, this technique of the physical-optics assumptions this of the principally prediction particularly that recognized answers that yielded such accurate replace a good deal of experimental has have begun to the computed patterns data in antenna development and analysis. However, the validity in computing the cross-polarized The main argument in this in the specification errors is that, of the surface of the edges where the postulated vicinity from the true current is that assumption adjacent current the scattering Therefore, characteristics filaments, in some cases, it by the particularly in the currents can deviate considerably the mutual it is, provided currents, source of error ignores that as that the predicted ignores in the physical-optics interaction the local between the curvature of body. before reflector can be made on the performance any observation of reflector of magnitude paraboloid Another currents. approximation (5), (6) been questioned has often radiation connection current component is of the same order cross-polarized order of the physical-optical antenna, of these errors it is of interest particularly which is of direct practical to examine the in the case of a finite interest. - 1.3 In Reflectors Distribution Current -currents field J proceeds E (r) =E free -Lk; L0fx - 41r s (r) (r) =Hi of the integral + H)ý + (n, (n, x H) 47r for equation of the total representation (1) S surrounding region f H(r) upon a perfectly from the Helmholtz (Ej H) in the source i incident S, the derivation smopth, surface conducting (E field For an electromagnetic iHi) x H) . Vjjds (1.2) ds V* s is the free-space *(El, El) where function Green's by defined ikRI R and the quantities for (1.2) the vector integrand with product n. to lie r However, there r by a small surface AS and taking This procedure extracted in the following results in the is a singularity is normally element and taking on the surface This singularity for it surrounding ( 6) process point from directly follows H(r) J=nx the currents the field by allowing (1.2). in Fig. shown are as and 2, EI. K, The equation rl by the limiting expression for the surface currents. J (r) (r) =J 1e (r) + n. 21r -ikR, fj xx ds S* where S* implies which excluded in (1.3) in fact 10= that the integration the singularity. represents 2(n is performed The frequency the physical optics over the surface independent current tem given by J (r) -8 p S qc-, FIG 1-2 ometyq Of' llne ýcaWo--rer. -9- writing ve-lkR, R, (1.3) ikRI 1+ R, -ikRI R13 in a simplified can be expressed form as (EI)(n j El) - El(n. 1+ik J(Z1» -ikR ds -e R3 (1. L1) It is observed an infinite (1.4) the induced conducting as it vanishes, case W. in this that therefore, optics for hand side of the right the fact that currents plane should, the second tem by the virtue n) = (n .R)=0. For this on of geometry by the physical- are given precisely currents. For an arbitrary the physical-optics the interaction tangent may be interpreted estimate between the currents Several methods of improving have been proposed in literature* ( 7) and Tandit on solutions , relies using the physical-optics By, means of high integrals, these authors the leading tem illuminated surface of revolution current frequency of (1.4) estimate planes with drawn mathematically for by a spherical the physical-optics approximation by Tartakovskii as the initial iterating approximation. of the resulting explicit the general wave. favoured by successive expansions were able to derive 01) k infinite is represented One method, asymptotic (or order in the error (1.4). term of equation possible therefore, as being associated on adjacent This error to the curved surface. by the integral surface, curved reflector expressions for case of a conducting For the special case of bodies with the primary source located on the axis of symmetry, - 10 have shown that the authors The surfaces zero. f the'ellipsoids, identically terms of 0(T') are k the correction include considered important are of which all hyperboloids the paraboloids, from the practical and of point view. The authors have also extended their analysis to evaluate the ] for the special case of paraboloid with terms of 0.1 of revolution k2 , its focus. in form Huygen located the at source of a element primary indicates Their estimate term AJ = (J - JO) in this that to the true of the correction case the ratio is J currents a of the order of V/2 sin2 (Kr)2 Where V is the polar (see Fig. focus from the measured Thus considering length. of 0,25 ratio maximum deviation is of the order 2.1) with their aperture), of the physical-optics particularly focal to diameter length estimate implies that f-rom the true having reflectors Clearly this order when one considers that only as focal- is the reflector F estimate of 0.2%, 0.05% and 0.02% for of 10k 20X, and 3OX respectively. negligible, and a paraboloid (focal-plane on the reflector of a point angle co-ordinate the currents diameters is of r-orrection the f0% factor has been examined. for the case of paraboloid that the phase of these Thus their expected net integrated A detailed reflector currents carried illuminated exhibit contribution to be even smaller. study highly out by Watson"' by a plane wave shows oscillatory to the scattered behaviour. radiation can be 11 - b 1&'4 Edge-currents Another finite-sized currents generated sources factor which requires caused by the presence in addition estimate for geometrically problem provides considering were a part where the incident of a semi-infinite to the linear principle distribution fields edge, for of superposition, to cross-polarized currents, into fields are either Sommerfeld which is customarily used. an obliquely be used to include the of the reflector by Sommerfeld incident edge and integrating plane, polarized the The classical around the periphery obtained current currents. of these of the surface an approximation currents every element of the curved reflector Sommerfeld induced currents The current order by the physical-optics shadowed areas of the reflector. This involves it The higher can be made of the magnitude the continuity with of the physical-optics can give rise to those generated which are necessary as if of edges; at such discontinuities No direct half-plane is the perturbation reflectors when dealing consideration (10) parallel plane for (9) the case to or perpendicular wave, can, by the the general case where the 12 - incident would feed can fields in occur are the illumination Following source. for be shown that. at angle a diffracting analysis given edge by a primary in (9), reference cos the This edge. wave a plane to the a curved reflector general (1.5a) cos -ikr (ýk xe H to an angle of the -ikr incident at polarized the edge, (1.5b) exact currents in the half-plane are i z (2,1 kx J=J0 7r 4(L. H )e Ei COS 2 2) -? V-2 rk ikx(l + cosa) + iff/4 x (1.6) where V2 ilT/4 tI fe2 IT T2 d-r e0 Aa. cos 7ta a sin a -1 . it 13 - that current distribution at Defining orthogonal 0 in (1,7) 7r ) (0 = 2 (1.3) for of incidence a. optics with either below - 40 dB relative currents. practical, large amplitudes tapering reflector towards It Also for a given when 1/4 occures with the case of is the distance 0 2-' w/4 seen that antenna situation, from the the cross-polarized currents polarized therefore, in a that particularly the edge, as in practical from and a selected apart to the principally was concluded (B = 0) or parallel edge. currents It currents no cross-polarized of the edge itself, in the vicinity are suppressed that are inclined of cross-polarized of the angle physical implies to the diffracting the edge is shown in Fig. region vector and the maximum depolarization of incidence, The variation value field sin2a)l when the fields perpendicularangle of the magnetic factor. The expression are generated the (1.7) the inclination is the normalizing can be shown that 2 (COS20 + sin2a tI= J0. value, 2 to the edge (i, e. z-axis), respect exact kx)l t(2v denotes the have the forn, cur: rents sin 20 sin 1Jol it currents, cross-polarized edge (x -0--), as the components of (1.6) current to the physical-optics IJ, I the the physical-optics approaches the crossý'-polarized edge-generated where away from distances large We note I with antenna, field the -29 -30 96 OT 0 -M 0-40 CN 0( =. A50 q=7,6* * 15 K= -5,0 36' ýA 0 F1ci 1.3 E bc;EGE NJEP, ff iEb LRo gs POLAP1Z Lb C0R Pr-- A) TS 13a - degree of field additional 1.5 in the first to be ignored currents reduction Diffracted The Physical-02tics would allow instance. Fields Under the assumption that the current can be adequately n if reduced it is further distance at large fields the total to obtain from In the far-field and provided estimate, (1.2) and can be evaluated is greatly However, the problem at any point. E(r) and H(r) are to be evaluated S. the scattered region field components, s (E '0 H3) the relation satisfy si", (P) H s2A where (1.1) of assumed that in the reflector distribution by the physical-optics are known, the integrals H1 and represented the edge generated n is given lilil -= RxE , -ikR E (P) KR defines the vector 0 26 + of the source currents potential J0, and by 4=-1, fj ds (1.9) p 13b T, I' rflflflnrVtYt, "The Definition LUDWIG A. C., Trans., 2) AP-21,1973, Arbitrary Vol. AP-12, No. 6 pp. 746-754, Antenna", (1969), . 7) (1970), and Acoustic Ant. Prop. "Analysis of Reflector of Scattered Fields", 1971. pp. "Current and TANDIT V. L., of a Reflector 7, No. 8, Antenna", Distribution on Radio Engng. and Electronic pp. 53,1960. WATSONW. H., "The Field No. 6, pp. 746-754, Ant. Prop. Vol. AP-12, Nov. 1964. by the POGORZELSKI S. s "Diffraction Elect., in the Focal Plane of a Distribution I. E. E. E. Trans. Reflector", gommcfmo, 10) Vol. 183-184. TARTAKOVSKII L. 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Opilcsl: Acaciemic Pyrsv,inc., New.voy)c, - -1 - 14 - CHAPTER 2 ANALYSIS or AXIALLY SYMMETRICPARABOLICRErIXCTOR ANTENNA The symnetrical parabolic source feed at its point to the high-gain. solutions of construction, microwave link provides for is well radiations known for polarized electric field parallel and perpendicular A study element. been carried for simplicity satisfactory type of antenna from small dishes. symmetric and the magnetic parabolic located at its has also who . focus,, the'reflected of the dipole of polarization of these investigated of the antenna due to illumination by a of components both consists patterns dipoles. is illuminated when the reflector to the direction of the radiation a the case of such analytically in the aperture out by Jones(') characteristics that dipole distribution this of the axially as the electric electric and generally radio-astronomy studied example, linearly Owing its of frequencies, characteristics having one of the simplest a number of applications antennas to large have been frequently primary 2.1) high efficiency choice The polarization It (Fig. antenna requirements. moderately has been a popular reflector or the paraboloid, over a wide spectrum performance simple focus reflector, components has the aperture by magnetic field dipoles and Huygen elements. However, while providing paraboloid an understanding have proved useful reflecting obtained in of the properties by the use of these sources to assess the performance of an antenna in a situation. A realistic assessment of the cross-polar under such conditions may arise of the basic the predictions surface, cannot be generalized practical devices these theoretical from all requires consideration performance of an antenna of the contributions the components which comprise which the antenna system. -15 - /I )o- FIG 2-1 Gt:0',, OF THE PARABOLOID IETVýY JLI 16 - These include such as the feed support feed and peripherals with associated 2.1 Consider a perfectly conducting In this source can be written, focus (Fig. fields source so that from the source radiated by the -iKp +E2. Cp 8P e, Ot -iKp P- 4) unit orthogonal e are two arbitrary -C sphere and E and E are components of pC vectors and directions, E =f (2.2) tangent to the along these respectively. e p and are selected e p (rig. 2.1). the cross-polar to be the directions sirg a+ cosC Z-C a cos; sin;. 2- defined by 2 then, for a primary feed having its y-axis The reflector as or equally If a linearly in the form + EC (ý 9oa)a cp radiation 2.1). of the distance case, the electric either with reflector of the primary region as the inverse varying are of interest. paraboloid at its source located primary the fields where and the hardware structure it. is assumed to be in the far-field only the primary distribution Current polarized by the reflector, those components created principal electric EP and EC correspond directly components of the feed radiation: vector aligned with to the co-polar and - 17 - Ep(*, (ý, E* sinc 0= C) + COSCE4(*, 0 (2.2) E (ý, C) the dimensions Assuming that the operating the incident wavelength, C) - sinC Ec (ý, of the reflector the current wave can be approximated IR j2x -0 ror co sC E (*, IP = (a z0 a paraboloid xE ff in terms of are large in the reflector distribution to the physical optics due to currents, )l (2.3) which is defined surface C) bY the equation 2f + co# it is readily reduces an incident for shown that wave in the form (2.1), (2.3) to 2(l + cosO K(* 0z0tp -ikp ýý (2.4a) where Kx(ýs 0 Y, 41 y (E 0E sinc COS* Ep The relationship cosi in (2.4b) currents the crqss-polarized demonstrates (K. ) in the reflector fields effects quito clearly that are excited (Ec(ý, C)) of the incident important but obvious, the cross-polarization o4b) E, *12 tan - t2 to one rather +Ec C(ý C) (2 Kz (Vo C) cross-polarized EE sinC cosC * the directly wave. by This leads conclusion that in order to minimize in symmetrical parabolic reflector antennas, - 18 - feed should be designed the primary 0 E COP. for does not radiate to be zero any constraints components E. 9 EC of the feed radiation, on the spherical that it imposes certain This condition energy. cross-polarized so that which requires I tanc One example of a source which satisfies is, that element, crossed electric impedance. free-space In this (1 t co#) (i satisfy 2.2 Scattered If rig. 'ideal' then, Es (010 pIy of practical feed condition which approximately nature, are provided in the following point is defined sections. A2) that '0 0, shown in y, by the co-ordinates of the vector the normalised field diffraction theory it can s) (E and the crossp co-polar radiated by the reflector can as COS2012 IIY (09o)(l+COS20 = (090) I tan2 6/2)*" Ix (ego) tan2 e/2 sin2ý 21 (0, o) tanO/2 z s ECOSO by the case (Es) components of the electric c be expressed related sinC by an application be shown (Appendix polar' dipoles is a Puygen radiation a far-field 2.1, and magnetic condition + CosO cosc Examples of sources, the this [1 e/2 cOs2 (0, o)(1-COS2o tan26/2) =Iy (010) x sinýl (2.5a) -I y (ego) tan2 6/2 sin2o +Mz(O, ý) tanO/2 COO] (2.5b) 19 - where ffE(*, (010= - sinO siný co# C)e-iKp[l+cosO the vector is seen from (2.5) It ror from all arises radiation p1y 2.3 for (2.6)) angles of diffraction, as arising the co-polar directly and from the y respectively. of the diffraction integrals by assuming that the spherical of the primary E(*) cOsO/2 Model circumstances EC(*, C) patterns small can be regarded fields The computations certain however, case components of the currents, _Simplified where of the boresight, ix(oso) y is seen that x in the reflector. (em Ec si(evo and to the cross-polar (0,ý) y (0,0) Esom the cross-polar the contribution the components of the currents and in this tanO/2 -1' 0, It that in the vicinity points K. of the source currents Potential (2.6) d* dý psin* defines cos(C+ý)] (*gC) = (V. 0 = cosC H(V) HM , sint can be performed Ev (*909 components in separable under form as E(*) correspond of the feed. can be expressed radiation can be made simple directly In these analyticallly to the E- and the H-plane cases the integration over 4 by the use of the formula radiation (in - 20 27r e i0cos(c+ý) The types sin cos(nýTý)dC such as the electric elements and, in general, physical circular radiated by these feeds is given by planes primary for the expressions to the following os 20 (balanced in (2,7) patterns feed radiation). type are being and the cross-polar considered, in to the integrals A cos24)II(8)+(tan2. 2 -itan 2 [tan2 c2y2z which possess and the phase of the radiation y sin24C0B2 (2.6) an reduces components in (2.5) j jt(O)+jxt(9)+i ý +cos2e)I i sin2eI 2 tan 11 Z 2-1l(0)1 , (2.8a) (2.8b) y, where the reduced il(0) I'M x0 integrals, jýMi (ß) = f Mi 22 II, if, xy (E+li) (E+2H' I Z' are psineeict dý (2.9a) psin*e dip (2.9b) fýMJj(O)E(*)02sin2*eic'd* 11(0) z in which = -1 4f (2.9c) 0 the Huygen form [(1+tan2 lit(0)1 dipoles, include the cross-polarization noting feeds of this the co-polar simple "i procedure and magnetic is worth are equalized of the relation application (2.7) cosC when the amplitude Assuming that P It symmetry. in the principal by this waveguide or horn radiators Ec (*, C) = sinC which vanishes (O)S"(n+l)ý n Cos of feeds which can be treated radiators elenentary T21r (jýnj = 21 - 1+ 47r (fix) 4ff (fl,, (f for which the square 'm Ot 7r/2)- in it the (i. e. terms of (2.8) Numerical were carried effects diagonal the the of in fields cross-polarized is identically essentially space. any crossThe remaining zero. the cross-polarization of geometrical feed does not radiate of the paraboloid terms illumination, feed planes produced as a result surface. Results of the integrals computations out to an accuracy for radiationpand Initial this purpose, and (2.9) places effects the primary using 103, Algorithm were directed calculations of the diffraction the contributions decimal Simpsons procedure, (2). in reference in (2.8) appearing than four of better of the adaptive which is described cross-polar functions primary the primary then describe an improved version at estimating are H) then Ix (0) E= of the diffraction Numerical the of is assumed that polarization 2.4 and the in The ý-independent which reflector in the principal vanishes occurs n=1,3,5,7. (2.8), distribution the If where brackets of cross-polarization The maximum radiation nv/4 parameters control ) sin* sinO 1+ eosý is seen from (28) that it planes coso cosip I+ COS* to the overall source was assumed to be a Huygen element. Typical plots of rig. radiation to diameter results obtained (2.2). The'diagrams in the diagonal ratio 33A, 84X and 20OX. from these computations (f/D) It planes illustrate of reflectors of 0.357 (* is seen that M= are shown in the the cross-polarized having the focal 720) and aperture the diffractive length diameters contributions of to the 16 -22-- r< cr) -'T -00 .-on. C:) C) CN z CL it 0 CL V) V) 0 w 3 0 0--l z < C \ i ci CL *% 04 Ln .00 Cý 04 UL - . 1-1 LO ILO OIP) JO-/AOdOAOIIDI08 00 Ir"m i - 23 - cross-polar radiation to vanish in the limit that these levels It into is extremely as VD approaches currents (as demonstrated patterns shown. earlier), However, in considering that contributions a perfectly the higher order source edge currents deviation the slightest 'ideal' of the first 'ideal' the E- and the H-plane by a small amount such that of the feed radiation co-polar this are localised waveguide with this aperture of this which shows the cross-polar in section diffraction which may be To examine surface. in (2.9) of the diffraction were allowed solution, to differ in the diagonal plane by some 40 dB below the peak of the of 0.7 computation Whereas currents functions pattern A discussion 2.8. for t mode circular on the primary - are shown plotted patterns selected from a TE to those of radiation diameter is unlikely from that the peak cross-polarization type is provided The results it near the rim of the reflector, on the physical-optics was suppressed correspond may, in fact, feed illumination fucntions conditions in practice. can be realized must priority For example, crder. (The E- and the H-plane beam. computation feeds-of pattern the radiation and which, can produce cross-polarized of such perturbation to cross-polarized rise effects, order over the major area of the reflector the effect do not take of the assumed idealized of the primary feed condition distributed can give situation, reveal due to. the truncation which can modify to the perturbations tend increased. the above calculations these higher in a realistic which may arise provide that also is as the f/D ratio Edge discontinuities be given Calculations of the edge discontinuities the effect of the reflectors. clearly and as might be expected, zero. even further diminish must be remarked however, account small, in rig. (2.3), of the same reflectors -241< e< -4 00 e< CY) CV) z Lx Ld C) C) G5 r- (0 If) --T m Cý4 CY) C*-4 IT- CD (D LO C3 (D (OP) JDMOd (D t-OA41)Vsd CD 00 0 LL - 25 - when illuminated of the cross-polar diameter 'non-ideal' by this of the reflector, feed. primary in the variation is only of t4e diffraction in any case,, are some 70-80 dB down. 2.5 Practical blocking The construction direct for structure In this analysis situation into the eleciromagnetic the higher radiation. order by and large, and the secondary and the effect scattering the reflector of immersed in the a formidable in dealing with this defined cast well radiation of the shadowed areas surface. Under this by the feed and the supports which may be significant are generally radiators, upon the far-field the contributions of the full effect they are, the feed and the supports by detracting from the contribution of the supports A common practice resolved. is to assume that account which can modify due to these components presents of the scattering shadows on the reflector, taken dimensions of both the primary problem and not easily feed and the surface. and since of a wavelength require feed at or near the focus of the fields scattering generally both the primary situation,, Since the cross-sectional antennas the primary from the reflector radiation the near fields 0 reflector mounting cause additional the order which, effects of practical of th e paraboloid. supports levels* at wide considerations Aperture supporting from the apparent 'side-lobe' of the cross-polar in the contributions are now swamped by the contributions The effect the peaks to the variations the diffractive that suggesting to the cross-poiarization angles are now insensitive radiation is seen that It source. only assumption, is taken at wider as anle of - 26 - is clear It of their the the of additional shadowing the bore-sight, Fig. provides fields within (2.4) of diameter d. with In the computation is taken into , to the focus. Similarly, the optical tan-I about rectangular by changing found that characteristic the antenna here. of the of a selection which may arise a central cross-sections the blocking fields disc of width W, of the central effect the lower in limit in the * subtended by the disc at is given by (2f ) 'd . due to the radial (2.4) it struts is taken into those areas of the surface For the rectangular shadows of the struts. is r.eadily shown that, account affected by shadows of the the shadowed regions by tn 4(*) 'c 'aCB(*) where * varies strut, main be implemented is the semi-angle from the integrations type shown in Fig. are defined simply *B ýB' where the blocking by excluding having account angles to the conditions of the model, This angle *=2 B cone of has been the of since the of is assumed to include structure struts indication will concerned, it plane projections which approximate The support integration method shows the focal practice. is Nevertheless, a small as the predictions depolarization possible a fair and as such this shadowed surfaces disc the as far radiation scattering. method radiated inadequate cross-polarized ignores essentially this model is this upon the effect model due to that from *B to ý 'c Cn + ACIP) Cn denotes the angular position m" aud At B is the half-angular of the nth width of the shadow which is given by 2-ý / T-- CL 4---- Fig 4 EAoC-kt. Aýe--ftuce Aj C-oVIjLqLLVCCtLCIY'LS 28 - sin-1 B Thus considering, strut as an example, *M d* diffraction a typical 21r cl -Ac BM f F(ý, C, G, ý)dC +f r(*, c,m)d; "B (2.10) I+Al: B('P) 10r. where F4, CO90) (2.4), single is compuied in the form in (2.6) f located the case of an arbitrary in rig. type the shown of configuration integral ItW cOtV/2] 4f incorporating is the complex quantity the terms of the in (2.6). integrand Primary-feeds A variety paraboloid radiators. cross-polar It response in the literature mode conical interest of considerable can be expected with the and several types of feeds are the TE10 mode application horns and the TEll is therefore use in conjunction Two of the simple polarization-diversity aperture for suitable have been described have been reported. for rectangular types of primary reflector applications suitable sources or circular waveguide to know what typical from an antenna which employs these of feeds. The overall of the reflector patterns from the general relationships at the reflector are known. be defined the purpose as the far-field Approximate rectangular In the majority simple mathematical the radiated represent expressions and circular and (2-6) once the fields describing aperture homs fields expressions can be found incident and for are required of the feed-types the radiation computed these may of applications, components of the feed radiation, of computation, which adequately in (2.5) antenna can be readily involved. from both the in literature (3) - 29 - In each case, however, inconsistencies considerable between the cross-polar exist in literature.. data reported experimental from the reflector radiation feed illumination, dependent upon the primary feed model must be used if accurate In view of this, model for a suitable it is evident of horn aperture the primary that an are to be valid. at this considering cross-polar to be critically the predictions is worth made in the treatment assumptions establish it and the Since the overall has been demonstrated but components by each model and also between these predictions predicted 2.6 model is available, more than one theoretical stage some fundamental and thereby radiators, feed. Feed-models which is frequently One method of approximation from waveguides of radiation field principle equivalence that states, distribution if certain electric is known over a closed continuity Applying detemined principle equivalent radiated fields electric (E and/or surface provided tangential magnetic then the field the surface field at any exterior fields satisfy conditions. this mathematically to the problem of the and horns is based on an application (3) The principle to the radiating structure the tangential can be uniquely point applied to the horn radiator, expressions to be calculated ) or the tangential tan approximate, can be obtained which enable from a knowledge of either magnetic field (H but tan) the the tangential or a combination - 30 - distributions of these It across is noted that radiation known Chu's treatment I C't'), described by Silver(locas problem, the well example of an application In demonstrating we shall the different whereby the radiated flare as one fields and the magnetic can be obtained the case of radiation consider angle so that the aperture of TE10 mode in an infinite waveguide. In this that results in the dominant TE mode. 10 horn excited small can be regarded in the aperture. distributions procedures, of the principle, of the waveguide from an assumed knowledge of the electric are obtained field the mouth of the horn. case, two equivalent by these from a rectangular The horn is assumed to have a fields may be approximated to that models are commonly employed: Chu-model This model is based on the use of Chu's equation form a rectangular The aperture waveguide. to consist of the TE10 mode tangential tangential magnetic the transverse field component, E= ýM-t Z.;It y ct is assumed distribution to the electric impedance of the waveguide mode; that in the z-direction, propagating the radiation distribution electric-field related for the assumed aperture is, for fields and a component by the mode are Yx Et) = --x - 010 impedance is the freemode to with the normalized respect a= wnere K space impedance. - 31 - For a horn with by this model can be expressed [sin2C Ep 0"0 = Ec (*, c) = siný inthe (H-plane). xb fields components of the radiated and the cross-polar co-polar of a (E-plane) dimensions aperture the predicted form as normalized 1) (atcos*) F(*gt) t cos2ý(l+acosf (2.11a) F(*, c) cosc(l-a)(1-cos*) where sin(ir a sin* sinO wa sin* sin; (ii) E-field is that of this cosC)2 the radiated principle, field Assuming that the aperture electric-field TEIO waveguide modes the co-polar fields by the use obtained model can be shown to be given by (sin2c Ec4*0 = is seen that Chu equations dipole COSO knowledge of the electric components of the radiation E p It siný of the unperturbed and the cross-polar E-field from a in the aperture. distribution 1-(2b consequence of the equivalence may also be predicted distributions b sin* model As a direct fields cos(w vanishes model predicts having (i t - cos*) cos*) cos2c sinc that a directional component predicted as a -o-1 (plane horn behaves essentially pattern (2.12b) cosc F(*, 4) whereas the cross-polar in the limit (2.12a) F0,0 by the wave source), the as a short electric- FQ), C). 1.11 - 32 - In Figs. (2.5a& 2.5b) are shown superimposed dimension has an aperture It than 10". the E-field somewhat in its but differs that circular level reflector, for of magnitude in the diagonal hand, the peak It patterns (± 64") reasonable component distribution. spatial angle of On the other low. the cone of angles the cross-polar (with the cross-polar order This horn both models while radiation the measured co-polar although symmetry within that horn = 64*). X and a flare is significantly the right model predicts worth noting the co-polar results), by the Chu equations predicted level, for the experimental agreement with X, b=1.11 and (2.12) a rectangular of 0.4(*m is seen fxom these results predictions similar provide of a=0.92 for data F/D ratio with from (2.11) obtained on the experimental to feed a paraboloid designed less the predictions is also exhibit good subtended by the plane is relatively high. It must be remarked that Chu-equations inaccurate, does not necessarily but merely from the actual and this fields If, with model relies in the apertureq field example, only order only accurate as indicative in the aperture is differ modes exists, of the electromagnetic explain the low cross-polar hand, since On the other on the knowledge of electric-field the comparatively distribution from the use of over the aperture higher then the omission by the Chu-equations. obtained the Chu-analysis that these modes may well model may be interpreted electric for appears very likely, associated imply the assumed fields that fields. component predicted E-field the poor results result distribution obtained of the fact the that is substantially from this the tangential linearly C E-Plang -11 1 14 w M 1 0/. u w 1111 --- 13 H-planes -1 -20' -so -60 0 -30 30 so so DECREES radiation Fig-2-50LCo-polar flare-angle small 0.92X x 1.11X fields in rectangular F_.-FiCLD CVAU_ fyIODSL_ the principal-planes horn with aperture from a dimensions S4 C') -J w 0 a -so r -60 30 0 -30 so so p DECREES in the fields Fig. 2-5tRadiation 0.92X x 1.11X rectangular predicted diagonal horn. planes measured from (9, the UrjC%E) cý%umocleL i - 35 - polarized, and approximates reasonable to suggest transverse horns propagating H-field the about made solution for defined the rectangular In satisfying continuity at the aperture, the solution type which are in general evanescent to the radiated contribute This solution further fields, indicates the y components of the magnetic 2.7 Typical It antenna hom of the type feed for To provide Rudge. section described the TE mode contribution. 10 the aperture discussions in the previous to the overall both the x and contains cross-polar a practical feeds, that if the rectangular were used as primary section the feed itself an example of the typical for the guide and which may field. from an antenna which employs these in this to waves of mixed rise 2erformance the parabolic-reflector, significantly gives type 11, of the field the requirements but include from the foregoing is evident of the magnetic within that a more general the dominant mode can propagating potential can be This view is who has shown that jwu Vx11, by E=- assumptions in the horn aperture. waveguides vector from rectangular the radiation modes no simple ( 4) of Lewin from the Hertz be obtained with electric distribution by the analysis supported in dealing that is therefore It of TE10 mode. to that would contribute radiation from the antenna. performance that numerical results can be expected are presented antenna used in the experimental program of - 36 - The antenna under consideration of 0.4 and a diameter f/D ratio support structure struts, each of width of three consists in Fig. (2.6), account by the shadow diffraction The blocking The predicted diagonal (2.9) plane fields The slight model to predict cross-polarized in the secondary primary described The in Section and the cross-polar (2.5). of the horn and in the radiation fields. of the cross-polarized fields cross-polarized disagreement into (2.7)-(2.9). of Figs. are the measured between the predicted in part the precise to the inability distribution spatial the peak level to note that pattern is approximately feed cross-polarization in peak gain can be regarded and of t he of the incident 3 dB below the peak level intercepted as being of cross-polarization by the reflector. of This loss caused by the poor focusing of the paraboloid. efficiency Theoretical are reduced predictions to provide the peak level radiation also show that if the feed aperture a -10 dB edge illumination of cross-polar by approximately secondary of 2 1. energy. is interesting It rectangular diameter from the combination measured data can be attributed E-field with The feed of these components is taken the peak level which contains is the (2.6). placed with case is of the type illustrated technique shows the co-polar of Rudge. disc in this effect Superimposed upon the predicted results symmetrically are shown in the plots the reflector Fig. radiation reflector The primary-feed 1 X, and a central shadowing configuration aperture the of 40 X. a parabolic in our example of Section horn described rectangular comprises radiation 2 dB, and the level patterns incident in the principal at the reflector of cross-polarization show similar dimensions increase. planes increases in the This suggests that -11 - 0 -10 -20 -41 - UL1 F 19 1 :we -38- 0 '-I pJG 2-8: fields Radiation 40AparaboloId the by a supported I4 in tripod the with diagonal rectangular structure. from plane feed --20 13 -40 05 or=C3REES FICj7_-'(j Cross-polarised fields in the diagonal-plane radiation from the 40% paraboloid feed with the rectangular supported by a tripod structure. 0 predicted measured -40- co-polar -1 U) J w 0ý- Lq Q cros! ý-polar F. -GO -0-0 00i: SO 60 0 G R, ZEEs r Fig. ZlORadiation in the fields 1-57k x 2,1', 'i\ rectangular predicted diagonal-plane horn from the measured ( Qu D I - 41 - the overall of the paraboloid performance cross-polar feed by the radiation of measurement assessed general pattern rule, the peak level will be approximately the antenna design will for suitable introduced large F/D ratio, employs a reflector in the diagocal horn with rectangular 2-3 dB below the peak level be proportionately patterns radiation feeding the peak cross-polar aperture a paraboloid level with required to illuminate large. Fig. is now reduced flare angle X which is SCCVA It is/, that of 0.95. the overall significantly; feed will this the reflector of 1.57 Xx2.14 F/D ratio with then (2.10) shows the of a small plane dimensions from the antenna using radiation in the secondary of cross-polarization of the feed aperture the dimensions efficiently As a characteristics. feed. by the primary If can be antennas thus show similar improvement* 2.8 Circular The theoretical dominant conical aperture feedhorns for predictions mode circular aperture the far-field from the radiation horn or waveguide radiation conical are from the based upon the use of Chu-equations for the radiation (3) As mentioned earlier, this model is open end of a circular-pipe frequently based on the assumption in the horn aperture distribution related to the electric fundamental exists of a TEll field waveguide mode. between the predictions mode tangential and the tangential by the transverse Once again knowledge assumed of the tangential an on alone* (Theoretical expressions from these two models are provided for magnetic component, impedance of the howevers considerable from this obtained field electric disparity model and those based electric-field the far-field in Appendix A. 2), distribution radiation obtained - 43 - Fig. (2.11 a/b) diameter conical F/D ratio of 0.4. predicted fields horn which is suitable for planes data for whereas the E-field be almost (2.11b). symmetric has in fact is noteworthy, however, been achieved around the. outside recentlý%ý of a small walls from an assumed walls of the guide, in both the theoretical Similar the radiation patterns radiation reasonable interesting It for is agreement with feature be should dB below the peak of the co-polar -40 that the performance of this the use of peripheral aperture circular the contributions between the predicted comparisons of 2.3 X. should order chokes The waveguide. of current flow of which are neglected models. (2.12) in Fig. are shown diameter from considerably main purpose of the chokes appears to be the suppression in the outer it alone. tends to predict and the cross-polar by at least the radiation than the measured fields, of cross-polarization that are the in the diagonal radiation The Chu-equation model suggests suppressed It fields. the cross-polar level circularly consequently from both models deviate the predictions higher for distribution aperture with patterns guide and (b) those predicted as shown in Fig. significantly a reflector from (a) the Chu-equation obtained knowledge of TE mode electric-field 11 the experimental feeding from a 1.15 A Superimposed upon the experimental from a TE mode circular 11 is seen that fields shows the measured radiation and the measured- fields the case of a conical seen that in this the experimentally of the radiation, horn with aperture case both the models are in derived however, patterns. is that, An in comparison to -'-rl"- 0 L E-Plane J tn I .9-160 -7r LU 0 H-plane \I -60 a -30 60 30 0 DEGREES predicted mea su re d I fields Co-polar radiation for a linearly-polarised in the principal-planes conical-horn of diameter 1-15X c co-polar cn -i LU U. C:2i cross-polar -Ar 60 IN 00 -j 60 30 DEGREES --0- Fig. ()L) preclicted MOasurecl Cý-- ý' ---- F- M (R U Dc, C) fields Radiation linearly-polarised in the diagonalrplane for of diameter conical-horn the 1-15X- - 0 co-polar LU m- 20 z; w cross-polar -/l a -30 30 60 DEGREES -v. . pre dicted measured --- C6-'ý" "l (RUDCAE) in the dia-onai fields Fig., 2. (l Radiation linearly-polarised 2-3% diameter plane from conical-horn the - 46 - to the small high. consequently in fact, of the cross-polar feeds cannot be made unless however, characteristics, examples that assessment a realistic fed by small conical aperture fields can be measurement of the feed radiation A direct will of properties trend. feed radiation the primary confidence. with to the radiation a is of cross-polarization from paraboloid radiation feed produces circular shows the opposite from the foregoing is evident predicted aperture is in contrast This horn which, the rectangular It the large main beam apd the level elliptical markedly horn, aperture provide indication a fair of the expected performance. 2.9 Conclusions The principal source reflector antenna reflector is the introduce higher particularly to antennas The dominant mode conical polarization which tend to Therefore, peak smaller employing itself. importance only with levels smaller of horn an increasing feeds, assuming in the which function reflectors that than the feeds other of parabolic of that sense apertures, on the levels cross-polar The F/D ratio primary feed, the a symmetrical the with the apertures. radiates cross- horn-aperture with large its smaller smaller applies rectangular hand, the consequently This cross-polarization. employing feeds, these with higher exhibit is feed feeds primary in cross-polarization primary of a parameter require ratios is of diameter. F/D ratios ratio edge illumination will counterpart remains the same. The cross-polar reaches planes. its peak value radiation from in planes The peak value corresponding the inclined of the dross-polar to approximaýely is a paraboloid DB points -12 at zero 450 to radiation on boresight I the principal occurs of the co-polar and at a point main beam. - 47 - The aperture shadowing by the feed and its effect upon the co-polar lobes can be significantly side-lobe designed model selected to represent its effect selected. far-field to meet low side-lobe the blocking caused by the currents upon the cross polar radiation However, the contribution cross-polarization become important to a low order. once the primary effect principal These especially when The crude specification. is unable to account induced in the struts, for and thus cannot be assessed by the model from the strut is expected has its of the antenna., by the shadowing, modified the antenna is the depolarization structures supports currents to be small, feed cross-polar to the but which can radiation is suppressed - 48a - APPENDIX A2 Derivation the paraboloid the far-zone for Expressions ir reflector with associated vector forthe can be derived ikp Jo . 'A to the co-ordinate, reflector fields by radiated from the Hertzian vector potential in the reflector: ds A2.1 geometry shown in Fig and the differential normal, paraboloid electromagnetic the currents 4, Ur.4, ; xf J la% -0 s Referring integrals of radiation surface element (2.1), the unit ds on the paraboloid are t cos*)a sin* p t _- da = p2 siný d* dC =t P'2 sin* dý dC (i t COS*) A2.2 (n^ p) Also, A2.3 sin* sinO cos(4+0) - cosO cos* Using equation (2.4a), together with f e-ikp[l sp A2.2 and A2.3, (A2.1) + cose cos* - sin* sin* reduces to sinO cos(ý+; )] d* dC A2.4 - 48b - The spherical are related components to the Cartesian E0= E., E of the radiated components of Kllrx cose cosý -wy electric-field w by the relation cose siný twz A2.5a sine] I[17jr E=-K, where x KI is a constant. and the cross-polarized Ep= siný twy siný Resolving expressions reduce to those E0+ the normalized given (A2.5) components according cosý E0- for A2.5b cosýl into its principally polarized to the definition cosý E siný E radiation in equations patterns of these components (2.5a) and (2.5b) respectively. 48c Drr, 1) 2) 3) kTnrc Reflector Antennas"s I. R*E* Trans. 9 AP-2,3, SILVER S., (1949), McGraw-Hill, pp. COLLIN R. E., LEWIN L., "Microwave Lens pp. 119,1954. Antenna Theory and Design", 334-347. and ZUCKERF. J. (1969). "Antenna Theory" "Advanced Theory of Waveguides", (1951), COWANJ. H., Part 596-S97. Iliffe and Company. "Dual-band Re-use Applications", pp. and Hyperboloid N. Y.. Sons Publishing 5) "Paraboloid JONES E. M. T., McGraw-Hill 4) rDr, Reflector-feed Element for I. E. E. Electronics Letters, Frequency 1973,9t I - 49 - rWAPTPR --l OFF-SET FED PARABOLIC REFLECTOR AERIAL 3.1 Introduction The circular paraboloid such that of the reflector point with collinear the feed is the paraboloid located from the intensely that reflectors use a feed at the focal the peak of the primary from the disadvantage suffer axis in the path of the reflected illuminated central portion rays that are loss in gain, increase in sidelobe The aperture blockage problem may be overcome by using technique (1]. at the paraboloid focus reflector with surface surface is feed or its radiated without an arrangement that reception in satellite The clear The problem only located of the a portion by the collimated from any part and increased has led to the development feeds and the open Cassegrain attractive the off-set the feed system, the enerey obstruction such as the hcrn-reflector application mismatch. power and significant to illuminate the result and results of the primary accessories. The low noise designs of the aperture In such a configuration is tilted This of the reflector. of the feed blocks out a portion that originate position feeding is pattern exit feature for of achieving mode of excitation [2], [4] using communication design and without impairinZ single feed, element for and radar. by the geometry split using aerial dual element of monopulse feeds desired cff-set (3], of such capabilities of several aerial aerial path afforded bandwidth sensitivity is a particularly for tracking with the officiency application the difference of the sum-mode - 50 - in the centre fed configuration four to the conventional horn cluster [5]. [6] arrangement of a multimode-multihorn by the centre-fed offered can be overcome by adding extra While the off-set geometry offers in distortion results several aperture are thus of direct of the aerial in satellite application interest communication for area. advantages of sy=etry'in one in the polarization The resultant of the main reflector. blockage practical the loss of the primary is the use degree of freedom not -a owing to increased reflector in terms of compactness and flexibility, plane An alternative horns radiation patterns dual polarization for and particularly tracking application. In this the radiation chapter properties set fed paraboloid reflector feed configuration and th e characteristic geometry. The analysis integration technique estimate 3.2 Analysis Fig. (3.1) are examined as a function carried radiation of the primary of the reflector parameters field method in order from the longitudinally directed patterns. : Geometry illustrates off- out using both the current and the aperture the contributions on the secondary is of the vertically the geometry of the aerial. to currents If Olt + plý5.1 -rvL. e oll-SCL - 51 - feed polar The primary to the paraboloid respect axis The rectangular ip, axis of the off-set at the cettre is tilted , zf (X yp, p, with directed S1. section reflector 00 the main beam is so that co-ordinates by an angle zp) (Xfs Yfs Zf) and by are related x Cos y Yf p The equation 0zf sin 00 xf ozf- system used to describe The co-ordinate is a spherical sin (3.1) Cos z p xf+ (r. system co-ordinate of the paraboloid 09 ý) with in this section feed pattern the off-set axis polar zf system of co-ordinates is given by 2f 2f r f where is the focal length The intersections surface The projection circles with the contours of these curves onto parent 0= paraboloid. constant with which are elliptical N, PP Cos y) plane,, the paraboloid in shape [2]. however, are at centres 2f sin x03.3a) c of of the curves reflector generate sin 0 s- 1+ cos a dose + (z.p (3.2) Cos 0 + Cos and radii 2f sin e CoseT Cos (3.3b) 52 - between The relationship projections (x onto xp= r-x yp= r- yp The co-ordinate is a spherical focus p, Fig. (3.1). 3.3 The Induced Current the expressed as far-field chosen to (R, system in axis cos ý+sine 0 (3.4a) cos a' sin e sin =r system polar and their reflector are 60 sine r(cos p= on the points plane co-ordinate and the Let yp) the the (3.4b) describe the 01ý) aa negative secondary with the at origin the as shown in direction zp patterns Method fields radiation of the primary source be ikr Ee (e induced The currents due to the incident 2 z n where is density for fields Ef illuminated (3.5) side can be obtained of the reflector from Ef xQx (3.6) 0 an outward (3.5) the transverse on the (e, [ý Substituting expression +E e r- unit direct unit into (3-6) normal vector, and normal to the vector to the surface. and using the (x P, the appropriate the com.ponents of yp) are given by plane current - 53 - 1ý 2e-: (2t)' ikr t+Kz z0 F PI where Ec sin ý E' + E, (b-a ýp x cos (3.7a) [(b-a cos ý) EO -c t [Ee KZP E Here, the following (sin e0 sin 0 sin 6 sin sin cos 0 cos abbreviations cos 0 cos a+ 0E sin t sin e dos 00) (3.7b) 0z 01have been used 0 60 cos e+ cose0 c (a-b cos 0) The differential surface ds element expressed , in the tilted is given by co-ordinate ds = (201 (a-b cos -ý-T r2 sin The Hertzian vector potential 00 do associated with the source currents is thus 7r = 127r f em - ýt+z e ikr(I-r^. 00p where reflector Om is the half-angle periphery, and subtended ) r sin 0 dO d$ P^,. (a-b cos at týe focus by a point (3.8) on the - 54 - (r^. R^) = sin 0a Cos ýa (Cos 0 - sin 0a sin t cos ea (sin 0 cos ý sin eo - cos e cos eo) The far-region ýa sin field scattered 0 Cos ý sin 6 sin sin eo Cos 0) (3.9) ý s "S E0 components i can be obtained from Tir 'OL T XP e-ik Es1 and Cos 0 Cos aaaa ity cos 0 sin (3.10a) t 7r sin zp 0 a] -ikR[ Es 0-2,1 Ra 7r 9 Ir . 7r yp XP ZP the 7r 7 xp the are sin 0+ components of Computer programmes were developed double integrals listing Es0, Es employed for this with typical The results primary in equation arising components technique yp Cos the (3.10b) a] potential corresponding K K and XP ,K yp ZP currents field 7r output obtained feed configuration an alternative approximate given to evaluate the three complex (3.8) and to yield the scattered in equation (3.10). The numerical calculation and the general programme elata are to be found in APPERDIX A(Pl). from the induced are compared with technique current method for the results which is described s,)ecific obtained below. from to - 55 - ý2erture-field 3.4 Technique Considerable fields knowledge of the tangential to consist of the projected conducting screen. the field Several alone. By applying integrals (7 ], on a finite data for small the boundary in the forward infinity knowledge of the electric This model effectly field extends being that is it fields and the magnetic reasonable typical aperture agreement with the fields and the radiation but are based on only region, scheme are of diffraction. on the screen conditions Kirchoff's objection model adopted here, In the particular over the aperture However, for angles on the screen, conditions the electric is known to give the theory experimental both of a surface. portion problems, the boundary the principle to prescribe not permissible bounded by a perfectly aperture to the original objections field which is assumed are reduced to the integrals by Jones discussed and the magnetic reflector In from an approximate of the reflector, plane can be formulation. are derived electric in the focal distributions problem diffraction aperture the radiation treatment this Kirchoff's by using achieved of the scattering simplification of validity satisfy at condition an approximate in the projected distribution the region exactly aperture. of the Kirchoff's [71. scheme The reflected is electric to the induced related [j, j2 where j Er = j0 (n-E is the direction field, current Er at the surface density j of the reflector by A '** E-r(n *S rd of propagation (3.11) of the reflected field. 56 - For a paraboloid reflector, (3.12a) sz -P and 6. z^ (n^. r^) Employing the above relationship, field electric (3.12h) in the projected Ea F E21b-a 2f -a to facilitate In order desirable direction. is the angular (x co-ordinates in the aperture plane co-ordinate p, x )l cos fields, of the aperture co-ordinates measured from the can be made by noting yp) of the projected are related to the aperture that x .P the (section circles co-ordinate (r c 3.1b) by Cos xp=x+r r where E0 (0, ý sin in terms of auxilliary (3.13) This transformation rectangular study qualitative to express ý1 where ý EO(O, ý) - (b -a sin - by (Fig. aperture, (6, Ee ý) ý) +c cos [c is in terms of the (0, ý) system is found to be given by co-ordinate it compon'ents of the the transverse xc, rc sin ýj =r are as defined The relationshps between systeMs as derived co-ordinate (3.14a) ýl 0 sin sin in equations the sinusoidal frcm (3.14b) ý equation (3.3al (3.3b). and functions (3.14). in the two 3.1) - 57 - c sin ý, 7-+ b cos sin b+a Cos (3.15a) cos a+b (3.15b) cos form simpler fields the aperture Using the above transformations, assume much by given E (0, Sin ar [Cos - lp EO(Oq cos E (09 + sin reflector expressed E6 (el where 2f(a +b cos C2 is the equation of the off-set and co-oranates 11 1 E012 + JE 2] ýl Q=I r The fom 'distorted' 3.5 (3.16) of eqn. in a symmetrical fields paraboloidg ror Distribution electric reference vector that fields unit A e^ p9ec, vector directions for the components are Excitation polarized, along the Xf with axis its or along of the horn may then be resolved which co-polar linearly either field geometry. Polarized is orientated The radiation the y-axis. the except Linearly the feedhorn Let us assume that along to the form of the aperture is identical due to asymmetry in the reflector Uorture principal in the transforved respectively fields define and the the cross-polar polarization fields - 58 - of the primer-I Ef where = El c E of the fields, A (09ý) Ept ýp Ecl + are the principal and the cross-polarized components and [ 2p ? Thus, radiation. [ sin Cos 0 s in c Cos in Cos Cos sin correSDond to the reference directions polarization y along or x. for the principal linear axis. I In terms of the spherical conponents components can be written as Cos ýj p sin 0 Cos (3.4.8) it can be readily shown that of the horn the main field of polarization and the cross-polarized (3.17b) sin Using the transformations plane (3.17a) Cos Cos either the orthogonal sin s in Et E, ,E component C in the aperture for component P of the reflector assume the form, m El[(b p +a cos ý, ) coo ýj +C ElUb c +a cos 01) sin sin2ý1] C sin cos ý, ] (3.18a) - 59 - +a cos ý, ) sin m Et[(b p c sin cos (3.18b) a cos ý, ) cos ý, 'c'[(b in the reflector The cross-polarization as a consequence of the depolarization Icomponent and the depolarization It of the feedhorn. of the horn, will is generated the overall through response of the aerial of the horn owing to the total geometry. The "cancellation" can therefore be regarded by considering The field feature the role Consequently vary with respect to this, of the symmetry of the aerial configuration as a consequence of the compensation is examined in subsequent of the aerial fields. sections examples. some specific components of the asymmetry of the incident asymfnetry by the polarization This particular fields. is independent in the off-set effect the cross- axis, in contrast aerial orientation cross-polarization polar will Note that of a centre-fed response one orientation of the principal be reversed. of the feedhorn. to the orientation polarized cancel 90* about its will cross-polarization the cross-polar and partially by the depolarization cross-polar for to note that arises components components of the primary the same horn is rotated of the primary therefore aperture of the cross-polarized main fields augment the aperture reflector 11 of the principally interesting the depolarized polarization If sin2ý ) f2f FC2r2j m where +c El 3, El pc of a linearly polarized horn can be expressed as H(e, EI(O, p 0= sin2ý + E(e. sin E(es ý cos (3.19a COS2ý H(eq (3.19b) i - 60 - For the special case of physically are independent ý) E(O, ý)s H(e, to the usual form the ý, function and correspond , of the horn. pattern and (3.19b) (3.19a) the amplitude of the co-ordinate distribution form of the aperture The explicit of H-plane E-plane homs circular with (3.15) through transformation after excitation is, and some manipulation, E(G$ P=m (b +a Cos +c cos (3.20a) sin H(eq E(Os E(Gl C=m ) ý, cos b+a sin H(e, C H(Ov 01) Cos E(Ol, (3.20b) The intrinsic depolarizatimpproperty by assuming ideal be studied of the off-set geometry will of the form feed excitations F(69 EI F(6, where = ý, ) is the scalar in the transformed P= C= It MF(es y :tm sin is seen that component vanishes regarded fields co-ordinate as arising [(b system. For this +a 00=0 everywhere direcly due to the off-set radiation cos ý1) ý1 F(Ot ý1) when of the horn expressed pattern cos [(b ta (b = 0. a= in the aperture, ý, +c c) ] (3.21a) ] ý, Cos (3.21b) sin2ý, ) ý, cos -c the cross-polarized and consequently from the depolarization geometry. case, can be of the primary - 61 - that diverge lines the field which consequently generates the cross-polarized aperture field with handed cartesian to a right respect As the plane of polarization field the electric vertical, in Fig (3.2b) when the plane for its sense of distribution, is distribution cross-polarized In each case the vector in the vertical cross-polarization secondary patterný is the plane 3.6 shown becomes horizontal. it component retains commuted through rotation. sum of the cross-polarized this plane will fields not exhibit The paak cross-polarization can be expected to occur in the horizon tal vanishes any in the plane which of maximum antenna asymmetry. The far-zone aperture in the aperture on radiation. SecondaýZ Radiation derived away from the the sense of the skew-symmetric and therefore plane system the distribution the main field polarization either co-ordinate point generates of polarization is seen that positive at a given and finally in the same sense, is taken in the positive of the hom is rotated vector rotates distribution as indicated. at the Centre of the aperture, situated is aligned vector the symmetry The sense of the distribution when the electric as positive direction of reflector for Note plane. away from the line diagram. shown in the adjacent (3.2a), in Fig. in the vertical is horn the plane polarized case where of the and the orientation is sketched in the aperture vector polarization lines field The form of the electric electric on the basis fields Ea Patterns field Er of of the aperture-field by the following the reflector method, expression antenna, is related as to the 612- F- 'VERTICA. +L L.-; Y POLAPýIZED COMPONEEINT I =---j ±i1_ CRCSB-_Po/zD(HorizoNTAL) C.OM RCN VERTICALLY POLLARIZEC) FEED FIG NT 3-2 a I+ HCRIZONT, al-l--Y COMPONENT I CROSs- -1 _;_ roi-ARq, H C-)P., IZCNT/%LLY PCL-AR, j! D -'l'7-. FIG 3,2b s rp 7(V. -FITICAL) - 60 ik R [t, r E is where and is p Kirchoffs a treatment is valid Lx-pressed in fiý21d apýýrture radiation transformis contraf, radiation icor all tha 01 +N y X, the above the of r "r -0Eof th,.. form the. asswrae sin to N y N, X- componcia-cs (3.22) t point, hýýT-isphere. trins-fo-r-mr-, spher-r-I from observation pro"!.,,lemý the forward the Fourieýr the of (3.23a) cos -ikR 1 Cos 0 the It (3,1). in points -ikR -7zlý givým In ap,-ýrture o.-)tained are the the are T: 'ij7. of of (3.22) cýjý, direction nlamý. COMDOnents, (0 the aperture Y, . ET shown in in the r1e E7 0 wberý! x in torms fields ik(p. .-a vector unit a v--ýctor expression " xfz, T _k, h ayax abservation -Far-field is shown in (3.23h 14 sin COS ýmgles measurcd (3.1), that Oaryc cos Lc +r Appendix cl the as Fourior lijy sin -ik 00x -sin ccs 8dOdlýj (3.24) M xyy where ai)erture Th,- rofers. fieldq fi, thýý., polar, is z2tion for patterns radiEtion instancu, thý, either x thý? or compommt of tho resp-ctively. thý. ' cross-polar for to ld _, component obtainiýd reference by tho -P s in 6ý + Cos F -a 11 ?c Cos aaa for Ec, of 12 _ID a 'a the the of fields c.efined -C Ep, component v-polarizetion resolution dircýctions sin fiold tl-, e copolar (3.23) bv and horn 64 - TIhe resolution yields ý'! Fsin2 Ep 2a COS ýa+ COS a +Nx sln cos sin cos (1--cos a cl T (cos2 e; + sin 2 cos e+-(1- 0 2- 0 cc,'3 . (3.25) We note Cos 0 ',ý 1) , the a2 '.,)e --Iirz2ctl, for that small co-polar ss(-)c-iatýA .1-. anglas with . c. in thýý ,apD-rcxim, )tJ on and tl,,.e crccss-polar compon-mt tia (i of f --axis field aperture corresponding comPOnent car, cc! 'Monerits i. f-:. :: 14 EN CX Tho computer facilitate modified to iw_ýn in -, , ellUatiOn (3.24) petterns gi-ven radiation programmes are not edl i-TI the drýscri', Drogrammc. nu:-ierical and in evaluations to of th2 yielO since was intezrals cro3s-polar For tho (APl) th, 3 fl*eld copolar, (3.25) equation liere, do-scrib2d lT-)pciT-idix sake JDrevity of is :-,olification -the Straight-- forward. An o'-)v-i.,:)us advanta; -.- of computer evaluated to 3.7 the efficiency for thrEýc, Numerical of a cr)rrTI-otý. int(2, Trals In view, cjýjscription t'i, -ý induced is field th, ý-t c;nly tochnique, two intograls th-: -radi;:: tion curren c metho'll. of from the need bi2 fi. ýlds, in contrast Examples The diffrýýction the print th.:! aperture induce, d--current integrals lwý mo(lol arisin Z, from wereý, numericaliv 3perture-ficid evn. luated over mcde.1 anc! a wide ra. nge - 65 - of antenna Prý--liminprv in -t,----r-,s,t I stu, 'ios de,,-)o1ariz, --;tic)-i this initial purpose Or ct sin 7T a sin e w1jere a taDcr for ILs a parýlmetar feed the and for the case when diam2tar aDerture for tapýýr to Since of th-ý +1 the Howevar it th(-. path will exist given to M, iq 'T/2 planes in (3.3)ý Fi7- has a projected was a is r, ýfiector that frcm in the tile this ý,. consequenc, as focus asy-inmetry in thOo'r(! ticFzlIv patterns noting maximum lOdB - 7rovide will ')(ý henceforth z,:,ro in the to in vertical the refl,: plana ý- of ýctor are planýý, shown. not there periphery ril, cxpressed pý, ran,--, d-,.'fe-rence the apcrtijzný-dist ind the ution. in this decibels by (dB) or worth lengths is and radiation an amplitudo asymmetrv is 20X for 45c' --rp-f lector) the is in ýD 0=6 the shn,,,7n superimpos-d The reflector = 450. 1-1 cross-pclarization off-set. desired th2 tc, achieve fi-, Icýs in ire illumination. as the and f-or tlrikz! r-, (Iiat. i. on natterns calculýqTions, t7,io models, of the roferrurll Was -idjus--DO th(-- cross-polar r the = 7T/4 , i:,.,, D, ý geometry, 0) whicri these fil, ýlds c,,---polar the' Dattern. As an exa.T.,ple. of the cxalmini-nz 41 -he form of excitation practical ý,ut by -assuminw ciircularl-ý, was carried s in F(e) at -.f th, ý off-set proT; er. ty of configur-ýtlcns wýýr,ý dir"-cted. computatýon bal, 7nced feed symmetric feed and primary parameters WE in this plane thu antenna the = 20 loclo case of can therefore axis. + ccý3(em 5-0) the y+ Cis 40-reflector. le m The radiation Qx-Pectod to he sliLhtly patterns asymm"trical in ahout - 6-(, 0 (CLI ( -10 -20 -30 m 0 -40 -50 -6c 3 ANC%LC OFF-AXIS , DEG 0 - 67 - 7he worst in this cross-polarization of the off-set to the plane orthogonal in the far-field for plane in the whereas 7r4-plane the peak occurs cross-polarized fields fields at a level of -20dB in phase quadrature are nearly The of -23dB. with polarized the principal the outside of symetry. plane A characteristic is aerial feature the amplitude of the cross-polar -6dB power points and reached of the principally imposes stringent consequently off-set increases fields peak at approximately This gives pattern. near the axis requirement the in centre-feed its polarized isolation to poor cross-polar in cross-polarization to cross-polarization away from the boresight rapidly the of in contrast that, configuration, rise at a level the bean. is elliptically and therefore The peak level as expected. the above geometry occurs in the Dlane occurs of the aerial on the pointing and accuracy of the antenna. The depolarization, parameters and the aperture polarization also for (3.4 a). shows that Om # values of the parameter 00 maximum cross- 0M of is shown in a' was adjusted the edge illumination. the taper angle Computation to 20dB reduces the maximum by about IdB. level For a fixed rapidly with valua increase of sources flowing e01 it is seen that in the pattern increased the of consequence current The variation some typical for increasing the feed tilt viz: For each plot a lOdB taper by the two angle characterized geometry, angle 00 with curves of Fig. to provide property of the off-set half is over angle contribution the now larger the peak level This is 0m- rises a direct from the cross-polarized area of the paraboloid the -6s-- -10 ()C= 50 11C =3 m c 0 `Gý=: 20 - 20 0 CL 0 FIG 3-4a: 15 30 0 45 /'5 Dependence of the peak cross-polar e, and the illumination angle angle radiation go on the dog off-set I, -- 0 FIG - 3-4b: Variation radiation of the peak reflector with cross-polar F/D ratio. so I 0. - 0. ý o FI -D - 69 in contrast surface. Note that the centre fed paraboloid independent of the pattern is kept illumination It full for values with reflector of 00=0M, the plot the reflector F/D ratio results geometry suppressed below -30dB for this values an off-set section -23dB. is the secondary 3.8 which results lost through for D is the diameter ). 2(e For em 0+ versus For this can be cross-polarization In practice than 0.6. of greater angle is and its of usually required For instance, hardware. Although the Cassegrain (See length, from the sub- to avoid blockage of the clear the presence of high about path achieved through lobes cross-polar in Confirmation Towards the conclusion notice were conducting +6m) radiation. Experimental the author's (0 in peak cross-polarization'of In such a case the advantage the off-set to a long focal angle required the off-set 47.5*, for which of a paraboloid. Chapter is e little employs horn and a sub-reflector provides reflector introduce of off-set feed system effectively 4), will in curve of Fig. (3.4b). from the feed elements the open-Cassegrain to illuminate of the edge provided of maximum cross-polarization F/D ratios large a relatively to avoid blockage is where equal is seen that particular however, feed excitation and cone angle example when it 6 F/D ratios, large paraboloid response (or F/D ratio) angle the off-set for i. e. is small; unbalanced the cross-polar constant. is seen that cross-polarization the with to this, that similar use as an objective of the present Rudge et. studies for research, al of the University of the off-set multibeam sattelite it was brought of Birmingham paraboloids particularly communication aerial. to - 70 - In order results to obtain were of the author's verification the with compared results of theoretical predictions, 30GHZ experimental their programme. . has the The reflector One type a TEj, in used of horn (E-plane) = 2.14 bl and approximated are closely conjunction horn with mode rectangular (sin f= parameters the with aperture X (H-plane). 30.5X 60= 0m 30% Birmingham dimensions is aerial a' = 1.5 X fields The radiation 350. of the horn by + cos ý cos ee) F(e, I- where 0 sin sin(7ral sin 0 sin wiil sin F(O, With these aperture dimensions symmetric main beam with Theoretical calculations The diffraction field r2b' C -. 7r the feed produces a l2dB taper indicate sin an almost ý) __ 2 0 cos circularly at the edges of the reflector. an approximately patterns of the aerial for the CO-polar -33dB peak cross- as predicted fields (3.5). the experimental the performance antenna radiation experimental The agreement between the theoretical result is seen to be very good. of a practical (as predicted) off-set and the cross- frr,, m the "induced-current" programme are shown super imposed on the provided in Fig. 8 cos sin in the horn radiation. polarization polar cos(vbl aerial, prediction and As a way of illustrating the main features are given helow: data of the 0 ei i R decjFiý 'k xpov ovi IIc,-r,iý:c -rI - 72 - Polarization : Horizontal co-polar ist co-polar 2nd Cross-polar isolation isolation isolation 3.9 Peak Level _( _dýT kýni, ý of f-axis -27 2.9" -30.8 4.50 -26 1.3" side-lohe it main-lobe 24 0.951, -6dB 19.7 1.3 6 -lOdB 16.7 1.6" -3dB points The, Effect. of the Primary Feed Cross-polarization on the Secondary RadiAtign It in the previous shown was that section from the feed system can, to some extent, depolarization this effects of the reflector the cross-polar we consider when fed by a to the rectangular horns, markedly for elliptical aperture principal plane approximation TE 11 patterns (the In contrast feedhorn. conical feeds generates circular high cross-polarization than about 0.9X (theoretically). of the horn are to a sufficient The degree of given by 10,11 [Cos 0+M- J, (ka, sin 0) (ka, sin 0) J, (al H(O) The quantities of the 30*-reflector the dominant-mode greater to illustrate In order off-set. main beam and correspondingly diameters or enhance the neutralize response Birmingham aerial) the cross-polarization Cos e+ arising sin rpil rk a-, sin above have been previously 2 0 defined in Chapter 2., - 73 - (2.1.1). are shown in Fig. 2a, = 2.3X in the feed patterns fields of the horn for fields The radiation of -19dB and the principal in E-plane 24dB and to lOdB in the H-plane are tapered of The peak cross-polarizations in the level occur diameter an aperture at an of 30% angle diffraction The predicted (3.6). are shown in Fig. data obtained with (curve x-axis about its The two patterns the feed orientated a) and that polar axis of the aerial patterns for obtained horizontal with this the numerical represent to be polarized along the the horn through by rotating (curve polarization feed 90* b) of the feed. i It is seen that the aerial performances cross-polar particularly is feed the polarized when however, and higher to interpret the main fields points the horizontal this Assuming that in the azimuth plane the two orientations vertical of radiation In this by narrower are characterized result let configuration beam width us examine the distribution fields and the cross-polarized of the reflector. field plane. in the side-lobes. In order for at wide angles in the vertical fields the co-polar marked improvement exhibits the dominant plane arise of reflector, in the aperture from the source the source fields of the horn are.: polarization P=- mc a2 C= mb a2 [(b; E + C2H) - b2(E -H= mcH(O) [(1)21; + C2H) _ C2(H - E)] to the far- contribution = mbE(O) distribution in this plane in for 4L -t -7 -10 l's. -20 -30 ao a --40 -50 0 ANG, LG C>FF-A)(15, Ft9 3. Cleg 746- ATioN r-r-GFD PoLJ44Ri-e. -10- PEGI) Pc>LAR(zA-fjot4 AL C) W Ct OqLoNrA -T': -TWC- 4)a =% -20- CO-POLAR I -3 Co (3 -40 -501 a 0 2 -j OcF-PII Pig ctq9 C- )OP- AA' -J If - 75 - horizontal ]2olarization [(b2H ME P + C2E) - b2(E mcE(e) -H a2 (3.2b) II (b2H + C2E) + C2(H -E 21 C mbH(G) az Note that in has the quadrantal a maximum which These cancel (or enhance) the depolarized amplitude amplitudes horn belongs to that the reflector of the reflector major axis generate field periphery) the beam with distribution its tapered the geometry of the aerial, is, tapered asymmetry will in the previous i. e. field in in the gain as a consequence of its with reflector, the shape the the horn is orientated in the horizontal plane), plane (that to is, the "orthogonality" the overall asymmetry in When the shapes are aligned to be "parallel" as restoring distribution be augmented, resulting case. If in the vertical of the two shapes can be regarded (that The circular at the focus of the off-set plane. major axis by the from the difference are also. elliptical, in the vertical lying the plane. shapes as seen by the feed (i. e. profile of the horm. polarization, is determined planes, When placed beam-shape ellipticity. aperture. which the cross-polarization as arising in the principal main fields either interpretation. of feeds for can be regarded radiation of its class for in the vertical to an interesting Itself lends This its fields of the primary fields principal distribution cross-polarized after plane of the reflector Also note that ofIthe ((E - H) term) of the feedhorn, plane appears in the horizontal depolarization, fields in primary the cross-polarization in the horizontal in higher plane) the cross-polarization than 76 - Note, that (E(O) since will main lobe, but will The above conclusion, the primary even when the reflector in the horizontal plane that symmetrical Cassegrain analysed in Chapter by modifying ellipticity is also response of the aerial. 3.10 The Effect The aperture essentially response of a given An alternative total almost feed geometry. or the cannot be 4). by the two angle characterised seen to have a critical Cassegrain cancellation In this effect arrangement can be achieved case the beam-shape on the cross-polar ' Of Longitudinal field determines radiation. (Chapter dominantly of the distribution which essentially feed configurations the Cassegrain illumination of the front-feed particularly 5 shows that remain valid plane, not affect clearly the cross-polar of the geometry. parameters side-lobes can be reduced uniform in the secondary and is reduced significantly,, will of the aperture; aerial; reflector cross-polar the co-polar in vertical is shaped to achieve As noted aboves however, cross- The energy the cross-polarization illuminations the peak cross-polarization off-set into near peak levels. This expedient the aperture. only peak levels. distributed show higher which consequently by tapering the radiated reduce the wide-angle is value by the primary affect not significantly from these lobes extracted has significant the cancellation the edges of the reflector, polarization H(e)) - Currents method differs in two respects: a) it from the induced neglects current the contribution method from the - 77 - longitudinal components of the radiation current source fields assumes the transverse (i. e. reflector to be distributed of integrations the surface and b) it over a planar than on the curved surface rather equi-phWo-surface, sources of the paraboloid are different in the two models). of (b) The effect of integration it regioni for is apparent a given andimprove identical the path-lengths observation from the axis the differences plane, of the be larger will based on the two models can only at wide angles (On the axis reflectors. from the longitudinal radiation the feedhorn. For example, fields Ep(e IYZ )= 7r y 7V2) (0 cax , (or (0 for in the plane a9 vertical vary with will cross-polarized p in the two cases. differ angle in the far-field of obliquity, the two techniques fields). The contribution and for plane will increasing with to disagree Oflatter' for cross-polar rays are drawn from the surfaces The predictions F/D ratios. be expected therefore yield that increase will and for small in terms of rays of in the two models to an observation This difference aerial, understood if For example, optics. geometrical can be readily respect -xf) ý to the polarization of asymmetry assume the form, 6a- it z sin 0a polarization, 7rxl as component to the the principal y-polarization, ir' 7r/. )ý 72) Cos current Or' Cos eyaza irl sin 0) of and the - 78- It is seen that do not contribute It currents, in certain actually and this currents, the integrals(assuming for difference for that to conclude minor role in the determination of the primary between the numerical it peak level; data, lobes secondary is therefore current of cross-polarized source. components play a of the radiation reflector. off-set The secondary current components is best the induced-current technique all of the reflector effect between the co-polar predicts angles fields illustrated that diameter fields as predicted techniques. The latter In the case of the 450-reflector and the F/D ratios phase difference the peak of the main cross-polar lobe is are small), (6.9* by off-axis). (note it is between the two components at 90.1 (electrical) degrees and 89.4 degrees at the peak of the first'cross-polar off-axis), 'side-lobe' the phase relationship the two components remain in phase quadrature of radiation. the absolute by comparing field and the longitudinal curvature and the cross-polar and the aperture both the reflector found that (2.3 balanced symmetric the longitudinal reasonable was chocked by which the cross-polar were some -50dB below the co-polar from found in the The effect orientations the of radiation the contribution was certainly circularly the two polarization regions cancel integrals. was found to occur at angles that to the that However, the only perceptible for however the contribution is also possible of the radiation excitation) sources. current from the y- and the z-directed the cross-polarized computation case the both from the z-currents contributions plane, arise radiation cross-polarized evaluating of the horn, polarization In this radiation. from the x-directed purely components in the azimuth radiation of the co-polar arise cross-polarizations vertical the longitudinal polarization, to the cross-polarized the fields but modify ror horizontal for - 79 - It is therefore and the cross-polar the co-polar The technique Radiation Properties Polarized Excitation In order to study it excitation, the properties be assumed that will by the reflector for time a complete and horizontally vector Circularly for this mode of the feedhorn the cone within of angles subtend from the horn The radiation from a balanced as arising The resultant time quadrature. For on transmission at the focus. periphery polarized of vertically Reflector of the aerial polarization can then be regarded aperture aerials. of computation need be evaluated Of The Off-Set pure circular generates prediction of the off-set saving the of the fields. description 3.11 an accurate radiation integrals interest, of practical some significant also provides only two diffraction since regions method may be used to provide aperture-field for for that concluded distribution Huygen elements polarized of the horn fields radiation in then assume the form, ýf U where polarized defined =0 r(e. o) V2 unit are the right- -P -c vector, [Right respectively. here as clockwise rotation or the left-circularly hand of polarization of the electric vector is of a receding wave]. The resultant this distribution mode of excitation aperture distributions with due regard in the aperture can be O)tained generated by its to the phase quadrature of the reflector by vectorially orthogonal relationship. for adding the linear components If this - 80 - is followed procedure (P where Cy) x, then the aperture A-); (P x+cyypy j (P I-c^) xxp -P and (P ysC) denote the amplitudes fields and the cross-polarized feed of the main fields linear principal respectively. x- and y-axis assumed balanced For the for of the aperture of the horn along polarization are given by fields condition, =P C :C yx from which jy (P + ic) ýA p (3.27) w'2 P where and C are as given With respect (x -Y p, p. z) denotes the direction z and the left wave, the right- reflected be defined (3.26) handed Cartesian to a right , where in eqn. circular co-ordinate system of propagation unit vectors of the will now by + jy j ýD -P It is seen from () aerial, the fields but will excitation that will for circularly remain circularly have opposite sense of rotation; there is no cross-polarized of the polarized excitation polarized in the aperture also for balanced feed circular component in the aperture. - 81 - (JE The amplitude can be fields ) and the phase (ip) of the aperture Al as written 12 EA =1 (pi r t C2)1 and t (b+a cos ý, ) c cos tan" + cos ýI(b+a c sln2 sin cos ý, ) (3,28) is The phase-shift circular polarization. across the aperture, one or the other in the opposite of the geometrical of the incident in this the phase variation Maximum displacement the phase deviation The displaced two hands the the main beam in the far-field of the radiation displacement for As a consequence of the variation side hand of polarization sense patterns is plane is expected fields; circular incident the of the phase be displaced will of aerial axis of depending there on on the is no in the plane of the off-set since zero. in the horizontal to occur plane where is maximum. radiation pattern for points near the antenna axis Ik sin 0a [r is given by fo2jr f0Om I(o a' ýa) = F(O, ý, )e x c eWos cos(ý, 0rc -ýa)+xc cosýal dýj do sin-0 (3.29) 3.12 Numerical Examples The predicted by two opposite The aerial radiation from the off-set handed circularly has the same geometrical polarized reflector fields parameters due to excitation are shown in Fig'* (3.7). as considered in the case D u Cr u -J U U LA C) 0 -0 Lr) Q) CD LL C Lli _0 I r LO 00 -It z ui z 0 a- cl-I 0 L) CD 0 LU N b--4 c'J cr- U C-0 -82- - 83 - of 450-reflector. the component has -3dB beamwidth at 3.8*; Each circular are displaced the two patterns Ae = 0.35* the beamwidth of the circularly Note that . is equal to that pattern of the principally polarization is used; displacement of the principal direction i. e. the of can be obtained aerial 0m, the approximation of the pattern degree of beam-shift by noticing term errors phase when linear is obtained by physical by an amount 60 in the to the plane of the off-set. perpendicular An estimate linear pattern polarized pattern polarized the circular by an amount of the axis side on either the peaks of for for that in (3.2 9) will any parameters typical values of This allows be small. the of e0 and the form ýd tan-lg((). where g(e. + (b +a c Cos 01) Cos g(o) sin + COS c sin2 In the plane of asymmetry, for +a Cos example, where maximum phase deviation is expected Simple the calculation maximum phase An upper limit approximating b/C= 7ý2 900 sin 0 sin 0 Cos shows that error is for less + Cos 00< than 0 4509 0m< 0.35 ,P(O, 01) =±k c sin across . for instance, radians. to the beam displacement the phase variation 450 can therefore the full aperture be obtained by (3.30) by - 84 - The validity of this compares the exact ý, for = n/40M , is justified approximation expression some typical Under this plane can be obtained the approximation, from (3.30) in the planes with range of values radiation integral the (3.8). by rig. 0 of ý, = TV2 and 0. and patterns for (3.29), which which ýa=2 IV the now assumes the form 2Tr Om 0aff I(sin Irc, F(6, -i ý, ) eI sin 0 0±b a sin r ck 6d ed ý, sin (3.31) However, sinceg 2f Cos 6t the integral 2f b 0 sin Cos ec 00 can be expressed sin 0 as, sin 27r em I(sin By replacing sin [sin sin 00 0a-2fk integral will NO, 0aIf in a , ocýur it is at points I sin- or expressed in terms the of sin-I ý) argýment of for sin sin eca2 the shown that readily left-hand the peak side of the by radiation which sin 0 I the diameter aperture sin 0 Ga r 00 sin 0m at 0 OM+ Coseo) W(Cos iI 85 - For small off-axisq angles The displacement (3.9) of computation computation the primary integrals illumination given larger in plotted of the geometry. from the rigorous (ror in (3.29). was assumed to circularly the displacement as predicted 10% of the value but within than, is this symmetric, at the edges of the reflector). a lOdB taper is found that (3-32) parameters The agreement between the two predictions It from data obtained are numerical of the diffraction (3.32) (radians) of the two angle as a function Superimposed on the curves with normalised beam as predicted the is, beam-shift sin 00 sin 6m ff(cos 0mt Cos 00) AG "/d Fig* the is seen to be very good, is always by the formula by computation predicted of the integral. 3.13 Confirmation Experimental The beam-shift observed originally The experimental of theoretical to provide procedure confirmation and Compton [8] was in 1954. presented by these authors are illustratives in nature, and consequently direct patterns data with radiation polarized by Clare and reported than quantitative rather circularly with effect their cannot be made. results of the theoretical used by the authors, predictions, and the results of this comparison However, the experimental work are briefly described. The reflector of 57A 0m .= the and , 30.40. used in the test angle The feed parameters (the details had a projected of the of had the aerial which are diameter aperture values not. given) 00= was fitted 42.2% - 86 - with left-eircularlY polarized to be separated into The radiation it two channels radiation from a distant in each of the two channels. as having components, by reciprocity, should, of this are shown in the plots radiation Since two equal and opposite the patterns in the received the radiation represent is transmitting experiment, patterns in the respective of circularly for a) in the vertical The diagrams the cases when the incident b) in the horizontal plane, the displacement is of the axis polarization c) inclined plane and of the circular of the incident the peaks of the patterns, as quoted displacement as 7.5 minutes, displacement of about 8 min. the expression However, the authors the turn-table mechanism available the theoretical figures between is about 6 minutes. feed excitation of the peaks of the patterns positions with while of the displacement by the authors (assuming balanced for fieldsý The magnitude computation components on either in the same sense and has the same magnitude any plane of polarization comparison the represent of 450 to the horizontal. Note that Numerical from reference as reproduced (3.10- of rig. obtained patterns at an angle with by the horn were checked in the usual plane polarized may be regarded polarized The results precise and the modes. polarized side with when the aerial the aerial is of the aerial the signals fields handed circularly the right the energy received components'of properties and plotting the incident which enabled two receivers. manner by illuminating source, duplexer and a polarizer a polarizer predicts (3,22) predicts remark that were difficult the the the to measure to them and consequently quoted here is not strictly valid, OF A. CHANNEL P Z, AR I"'ý'%TI-' vEr., -riCALL)' A HD PL tNcNT r LL_r . 40. 0 0E FFE0 Cý77ýý=7`0 r, 5 C5RE-E-Sp T; -ý'H CF 7P, 77 F'E! -Lf--C-rCR L5-- -510 TALhAAV A PERI (A CA-\ A, 17) A, % , k.. kc) IA !7 7- -D LLAR F- A ra b C-0 MP 1-0 Cl - 88 - [Recently Chu and Turrin. (9) experimental data which confirm For example, their practical show displacement section. (60 = em = 450), a 19X dish between the peaks. in (3.29) predicts disadvantage The principal its its of the reflector performance sufficient radiate For the same the displacements as 0.69", results]. exhibit of generating Cassegrain off-set with linearly field example, feed system. feeds. shows, however, polarization illumination This technique polarized primary illuminates squint and the focal-length This order the can be achieved wave-guide properties. modes Another method is by the use of an off-set is fully feeds, the reflector. which depends chiefly of the parent which to compensate for reflector. the antenna does not have any cross-polarized a small polarized distribution by the use of higher the required With circularly develops configuration can be improved by the use of primary-feeds the desired cross-polarization reflector amount of cross-polarization for in practice, the aperture caused by the off-set depolarization which of performance poor cross-polar Examination angle in this and Conclusions 3.14. that some theoretical presented measurements with by about 8% of their which is smaller is the results 2A6 = 0.75* of the formula geometry, have published described the overall in Chapter The radiated no beam however, upon the feed off-set paraboloid, from radiation components provided S. - 89 - APPE14DIX 3.2 integral A typical field radiation in the calculation which arises components from the projected of the aperture-field method is N(O aaf e ý1) dA(el A. 3.2.1 A The differential Jacobian the ý1) iik(p. is the area of integration. A where Wel fi) of surface the dA(Gj ý1) (f2f LCI vector aperture co-ordinates R, r sin in expressed (x 0 sin (a +b p, yP, cos ýx+ aa from can be obtained and (3.4.8), and is given by 1 av ax 2 301 Del (2f 12, P. The unit (3.4.7) transformation ý, ) dA(01 element dOdol 0 d0#1 sIin cos e de dýj terms A. 3.2.2 the of limit vector the of is, zp) sin -p 0 a sin cos 0z a -p y-P and A (x The phase factor COs 01) tr ccpc in (A. 3.2.1) in f (A. 3.2.2) and (A. 3.3.3) 3.24 ]., are readýiy. sin 0 sin .p is, thus 6 [x cos ý+x acaca sin Substituting x^ tr obtained. in cos(ý, (A. 3.3.1), -ý )] the integrals A. 3.3.3 given 90 REFERENCES 1) (1949) SILVER S., A. B., 'HOGG D. C., CRAWFORD J., 3) 1963, 5) HANNAN P. W., Sept. 6) ELAM E. M., ibid, I. Antenna; "Optim= pp. "The Open Cassegrain pp. 1255-1300. Feeds for All Three Technical pp. Modes of a Monopulse on Antenna and Prop. ", Publication on Aerial Feeds", Aerospace Antennas,, No. 27, "The Theory of Electromagnetism", with Off-set Note 108, January S. and TURRIN R. H., Reflector 339-345. The Macmillan 1964. J. W., "Beam Shift CLARE J. D. and CROMPTON Off-set 429 200-205. JONES D. S., CHU T. ibid, Characte- and ZUCKER H., "Dual Plane Monopulse Multimode Microwave Aerials 9) "The Electrical Antenna", I. R. E. Trans. Theory", Company, New York, 8) System Horn-Reflector 44,1965, I. E. E. Conference 7) Bell 1961, pp. 444-454. BOWESK. G., 1971, Echo", 1187-1212. COOK J. S., Antenna" Proj. and TURRIN R. H., LI T. N., pp. and Design", 1095-1116. pp. of the Conical ristics 4) 40,1961, HINES J. Theor-I and HUNT L. E. 0 "A Horn-Reflector Space Communication. Antenna for Tech. Antenna pp. 454. McGraw-Hill 2) "Microwave Antenna", Parabolic Phenomena in Reflectors", R. R. D. E. 1954. I'Depolarization Properties I. E. E. E. Trans. AP-21,1973,39 of - 91 - CIHAPTER 4 SYMMETRIC CASSEGP-kIN AERIAL THE CROSS-POLAIRIZATION OF AXIALLY Introduction: The feed system of a CasseZrain or a feedhorn, radiator their positioned so that reflector, as shown in Fig. The design of components are main of a parabolic into a spherical plane ba3ed on the principles of the components is such that This wave is in turn an.1 tranuformed of the primary wava emerging source is from the by the reflected waves to form a well defined beam. However, since system are usually the dimensions appreciable. who also calculated as the diffractive of this in axial in subreflector of diffraction An indication the loss of the to the operating comparable 1OX-40X , the effects of effects into by the subreflector radiated quite is system reflector The arrangement focia3 of the paraLoloid. order the axis with wave emerging from the phase centre a spherical paraboloid system these a hyperboloid (4.1a). dual the coincide axis optics. of geometrical converted Cassegrain source a point comprises which is usually and a subreflector In the standard of revolution. aerial wavelength, at this of the can be given by Ruschl'ý,. was originally in the aperture usually surface gain of the aerial phase errors a practical due to such distribution of the main reflector. The diffraction C process significant cross-polarized cross-polar performance at the subreflector energy, can also generate which principally of the overall system. This determines follows the directly -92- FIG FIG 4.1b: 4-1a: The Co-ord. 1nate Cassegraln geometry antenna of the configuration. hyperbolic subreflector. - 93 - of the axially polarization by that produced In this by its In Part feeding properties to the polarization II, front with of the simple Part I: The Depolarization is mainly carried of the hyperboloid are used to compute the diffraction that is analysis determined In Part out. I, examined in are first of the fields data obtained performance the cross- system. property the numerical The cross-polar was shown that SYMMetriC Daraboloid a twro part chapter, the de-polarization relation 2, where it of Chapter from the conclusion incident from the calculations on it. of Part of the main reflector. patterns of the Cassegrain aerial is then compared fed aerial. Properties Of The Axially Symmetric Hyperboloid. Analysis 4.1 The geometry of the Cassegrain It of a hyperboloid consists phase centre coincides In terms of the polar of the reflector with of revolution c and a primary one of the two foci can be written the equation 02) ('1.1) where e= source whose as Cos *t the (4.1b) of the hyperboloid. shown in the diagram, co-ordinates surface feed system is shown in Fig. distance eccentricity between of the the foci hyperboloid. I - 94 - An outward directed normal to the surface vector unit ;pa) + (Cos n= is given by ý a^lp sin (4.2) MM where m(*) The differential (1 t $2 t 20 cos : element Let the radiated electric (E (4-2) 1ý be written (4.5) side optics of the reflector, currents, is (4.5) assumes the form ikp -, L' (4.6) -p components of K are K x + 0 Cos Cos E+ (C-Cs + sin K y + 0 cos sin E (Cos + Cos E sin as (4.4) xE fý x (a -P - 2K z0 M(V) K (4.3) -ikp 2ý of the Physical and (4.4), where the Cartesian of the feedhorn on the illuminated assumption 2 ;:;.j0 p2 sin 0 m(o) dý dC tcos V+ 0) Ef +E^) 4c%p density current under the usual Using IP field is surface reflector d* dC P2 sin (A. ý ds The surface on the * E (4.7) - 95 - when the incident Note that the induced of a Huygen source, The far-zone the (4.3) vector and (4.6), Tr the is this 2' in this fields _r the of focus phase centre co-ordinates (r, (4.8) Cassegrain F1 fields point. used to system, of the observation the virtual optics ip d* dt + are subsequently complete to choose the origin with Using currents. of the observation manner the phase of the scatter In terms of the polar it co-ordinate of the hyperboloid. is referred of the reflected to F1 fields. measured as shown in e, ý), (4.1: ), aa Hence, the Cartesian written p sin (Cos of the reflector patterns which is the geonetrical Fig. ep in the direction vector system to be co-incident Also, source 0 diffraction found convenient the by given *m can now be derived reflector with f 2-7ry ý'DPU fr Since the scattered is of the the eccentricity the of associated potential is a unit a r compute have a non-zero because of the constraints occurs field scattered o where properties surface. reflector from in the reflector by the shape or imposed upon the currents the polarization exhibit currents This component. cross-polarized fields sin 0 sin ý cos components (i 'Ti + cos 0 cos = x, Y, z) (4.8) of can be as Ir ps in ( a 4, o) ta tTer (044004 (4JO) where Fi f21r 0 inb(ý16) Ki (ý, C) e COS(C d4 (4.11) 0 - 96 - (I - Cos ý Cos Cos yl t n=y a sin ý sin 0 (Cos lp + X) . now be obtained fields components of the scatter and the cross-polar The co-polar can froir Es sin Es cos c0 where tha spherical Es= 0xz Es cos (4.12) Es + sin Es, components 7r Es=0x-. cos ý+, cos fields of the scattered Osiný-7r nycos are sine ce ýý F cos ý 7ry w+ sin Es -ik(r-cos j (4.13) The factor c cos as consequence system co-ordinate It of 0 in appearing the can be readily 01 to F1 shown that dependence of the cross-polarized from these components vanish at 45*. to the Fig. planes. the origin sources. to occur arises of the 4.1). sin the contribution (ý = 0, ý= in the principal can be expected principal of owing to the explicit system is rotationally Since the scattering cross-polarization exponential (see (4.13) term'of transformation geometrical from the symmetric, in the c cos ý (4.11) lr/)planes. the maximum planes inclined e) - 97 - Under certain (4-11) in integrals function class of primary technique point ; demands that the of however, half over the the azimuth this and therefore rrom the computational here. Bessel a more general the symmetry of the svstem may be utilized of view, efficiency to reduce the range. ýqsults Numerical to examine the intrinsic In order the hyperboloid ideal an essentially interest of are patterms is not implemented integration 4.2 feed expressions analysis, the to evaluate involving be independ3nt In the present C- co-ordinate This E(ý, C) and function pattern (Rusch). nb argument of to yield analytically is possible it symmetry conditions, surface, feed having the primary depolarization feed was initially assumed to be pattern radiation symmetric a circularly of properties of the fon"i sin (Tra sin (jcL <ý< IT m 0ý< The double for integrals illumination e= having a reflector 1-5; diameters angle, the following Vm= 166-50; extremum reflected of as to illuminate in appearing 16.2X . were then geometrical numerically evaluated parameters: maximum of the hyperboloid eccentricity ray angle, and 48.6X a paraboloid (4.9) 0m= 60"s and reflector The geometry of semiangular of the diameter reflector-is of 60*. such - 98 - For a 9dB illumination diffraction in the 7r The co-polar diffraction and in the region diffractive field not Beyond this decay. to owing significant increasing seen that in the forward fall the fields This merely effects tend to be less by the angular -60" patterns Although region. depolarization the interference high peak close sharply pattern region of the fields angle. which also fields the scattered as defined region on the axis increases These oscillations corresponds It feed). a relatively practiceBeyond this in an oscillatory manner with are more pronounced to the "decay" is seen that creates (In optics of the reflector, contributions of the reflector. by the primary diffraction in the geometrical away from the axis. between the diffractive lobe would be blocked amplitude behaviour have a null the fields to the axis the diffractive the cross-polar pattern, oscillatory increases of the smaller 0 -* s optics" of to +60". to the co-polar show a highly x /D of the amplitudes and consequently "geometrical the is It of the oscillations the amplitude in the limit are has the effect of the reflector significant within sector In contrast that suggests to be confined illumination. edZe as compared to the fields more rapidly which appear sidelobes in the "Olecay" region Also, dish. the and decreasing reZion. monotomic of an approximately minor of the diameter the frequency increasing tend tapering This region from the reflector. (450-700) region, by Rusch [1]. are caused by the interference 0-45* contributions by a region then followed of the characteristic as described of the hyperboloid effects among various shows the familiar pattern The minor oscillation this (4.2) of Fig. (4.3). rig. is fields and the cross-polar appear as shown in the plots X+ plane ý= fields of the co-polar pattern the at the edges of the reflector, taper regions peak the increasing near the 450-600 fit. the of CO-Dolar -Ids. 1ý 0 -10 un u -30 -40 -60 --I----II I' WCJQ '- (d2) &c(-')(lý II ------ - . -- -------- "1 100 I ci -- 000 T i1 --- -- - --0 1 II - 101 - Notze that than its polarization (at 'Although the of computation cross-polar level The Effect It primary significant 'ideal' the by the reflector be some -40dB down. of the reflector from that of an ideal realistic large aperture 5X of geometries A sample that reveals the previous peak that section the solid energy within of the hyperboloid. the angle In order with feed condition this the "worst by case" (or a dipole feed feed), that can be is calculated geometry the cross-polarization to in the diffracted feed cannot vary si6mificantly the same edge illumination. generally the must be can be satisfied considering of the previous feed providing horns It cross-polarization. of the feed radiation Consequently, of the reflector, in practice. feeds. of 5X -. 10X. TE10 rectangular the maximum cross-polarization illumination of For example, of an open ended intercepted in us examine the case in which the primary let result feedhorns. most standard situation calculation at the focus by the periphery that role Cross -Pclarization no cross-polarized remarked however, an important as -28dB. fields generates the of diameter the source itself that may not he true this a dish Of The Primary this to demonstrates of the Cassegrain of the order can be as high contain The peak levels quoted in the above examples may be considered out for to generalize realized play in assumed was substended fields clearly cross -polarization reflector'diameters carried more cross- are -33dB and -39dB relative This under most circumstances, involving significantly counterpart. at the subreflector the peak levels acceptable 4.3 fields. effects determination diameter large co-polar diffraction generates in the two patterns 60" off-axis) the on axis dish the smaller 'ideal' required for condition efficient is even better With - 102 - However, the same cannot be said in the dominant feedhorn. operating lines, TI compensatory mode radiates the level of the higher for mode; order a of cross- This expedient owing to the opposite cross-polarization owing a used, as in the dual mode conical mode is also 11 that (In practice, to equate the E- and 11-plane beamwidths. lines this is high. polarization aperture We recall mode. main beam and consequently elliptical markedly TE 11 field of the apertura to the curvature of horns such as the conical horn the eliminates of the field curvature a discussion 3 of this see point reference Another example, similar qualitatively diagonal 4. horn The aperture of the lobes cross-polarized communication used where suppression is of interest Fig. illuminated is tapered polarization frequently to modes. is a horn the an ip- The resultant of -16dB occurring Owing to its ofýthis feed in such feeds must not be is of primary importance, of the hyperboloid properties type. close broadband used as the primary of cross-polarization shows the horn the edges the at feed diffraction predicted a diagonal -15dB of such is horn The expressions for the in be found horn the reference can of radiation with which exhibits conical Although systems feedhorns with (4.4) TE 01 of the order to examine the diffraction when illuminated far-field horn is the diagonal the sattelite of of the main beam. to the -15dB power points performance, and TE the distribution TE 10 variety, Ehom have the and H-Plane beamwidths equal of fields but contain to characteristics phase superposition radiation of the square aperture radiation as described. of the reflector intercepted fields of a The primary and the by the 25X dish illumination maximum cross reflector is it 103- 111-1ý, -1: -1 10 %x'> -)- I 43 - H ) i 0 C) Q tit) OP - (Z) 0 IT - 104 - approximately fields -16dB. horn were selected of this (in same edge illumination is seen that It localized observed in the case of the ideal co-polar fields. patterns is -14.3dB (diagonal between the two values and -18.4dB in the two (conical feedhorn). by the fact can be explained that is of the two feeds, and the cross-polarization the illumination, as also below the on axis of cross-polarization feedhorn) The of the hyperboloid. is some -2ldB feed, The maximum level of both the feeds are of the reflector, to the axis close horn. of the diagonal patterns effects the approximately as that the 45*- plane) the cross-polarized peak appearing The difference The aperture to provide by the diffraction distorted severely mode feed. TE1, a conical with dimensions Also shown in the diagram are the predicted different. Thus it is seen that the cross-polarization of the Cassegrain is also system dependent upon the amount of cross-polarization by the primary feed ite-elf. of the last The results two sections feed introduced may now be summarized as follows. 1. With an ideal radiation increases 2. fields role in determination rapidly in the limit When the incident are scattered in the far-field. in the scattered the cross-polarization radiation of the The diffraction by the hyperboloid. fields imoortant feed, as a consequence of the depolrization arises incident primary effects play of the degree of depolarization, as Ds/. Me maximum level which thus _* 0. contains by the reflector an fields, cross-polarized to form well defined in these patterns these diffraction is nearly equal peaks - 105 - incident to maximum level must not be used in applications is a principal 3. design The presence of the reflector of the feed symmetric the the paraboloid reflector. examples can focus This aerial. systems employing in cases such stringent particularly which the high relatively imposes for whom suppression feeds of cross-polarization requirement. system, subdishq aperture of Thus such primary on the reflector. remark the is energy particularly primary an axially positioning areas of of the the boresight to the Cassegrain such axis accuracy as the main of diagonal due to misalignment cross-polarization the on to relevant sources the into lobes these undesirable in tilt near alignment illuminate when used to A slight peaks on the requirement can deflect unbalanced on axis cross-polarized horn; can be serious. In the following antenna are predicted source. realized As pointed in practice section, the radiation patterns by assuming that the primary out in the previous section, with most standard feedhorns. from the Cassegrain horn is an ideal this condition is easily - 106 - Part II: fields The far-zone integrating section 1) From The Main of the complete on the surface the currents by the fields Patterns The Diffraction 4.4- under the following induced of the main reflector is carried by out in this assumptions: is located the main reflector can be predicted aerial The analysis to the sub -reflector. Reflector. in the far-field of the region sub-reflector, the fields scattered sr Because of the axial holds relationship true of the assumption computing the double integrals from using incident checked for and comparing 3). plane (The case by a specific w/4 at the directly the data with from that obtained the formula (6, c ý) = sin ý cos ý (EI(O) - HI(O)). were found to be in very good agreement). The results The expressions paraboloid (4.13) in patterns (Rusch, ref. in the the cross-polarization (4.14) radiation the fields representation was also -ikr symmetry of the feed-geometry that provided also have a similar reflector validity are the E- and H-plane HIM and of the reflector. this ý El (0). j + cos ý Ht (0)_D a [sin EI(O) in can be expressed form as a separable where from the sub-reflector reflector the analysis shown in Fig. of that (4.1), for the diffraction have already chapter been derived and referring the far-zone fields electric of an axially in Chapter 2. to the co-ordinate field Em(0 aa) symmetric Following geometry scattered - 107 - can be expressed from the main reflector -ikR eaM^ ia Em(()a* ýa) where Caitesian the q M wI components 0,2'r 'Ba) the of (1-cos ikr Maaa K. e ItM(O iaafJI as vector sin 0 sin 0 cos 6 OBO xrs are potential in 0 dO dý (1 t Cos 6) 0 cos(ý-ý (4.15) where in x = ý cos ý (EIM sin e= y sin2 e= Z sin Ht(6)) - + COS2 0 e sin El(0) and 2f =+ Cos 0 (R ýa ) a9e a' refer Note that, fields, to the because of the diffraction in phase; also, since components of the surface the E- and H-plane EIM, currents into account of the aperture by choosing can result the lower limit of the incident from the differences as the familiar e in cross-polarized amplitude by the subreflector in the constant the cross-polarized in the E- and H-plane blockage far-field. is not completely are phasors, as well phase patterns, difference from the component The effect HIM the phase ripples from the paraboloid the wave reflected in co-ordinates observation patterns. is taken integrations to be - 108 - OB' the angle subtended, by the blocked OZ defines where of the new co-ordinate at the origin the aperture from any struts of the blockage portion of The effects system. the subdish is ignored in were numerically evaluated for supporting the analysis. 4.5. Results Numerical The integrals appearing in (4.15) an antenna geometry whose dimensions Rusc were taken from the paper by ese are, Main reflector D m diameter 201.2X f= length focal 87X diameter, semi-angular 0m= 60" subreflector diameter D s 19.6x E=1.5 eccentricity diameter, semi-angular radiation The results in Fig. 4.5 Fig. plane patterns of this andFig. (4.5) described computation by eqn. feed having (4.2) a -circularly of section I. in graphical form in the elevation (H-) are presented 4.6. shows the diffraction of the-antenna. at a level 13.50. feed was assumed to be an ideal The primary symmetric ým= patterns The peak side-lobe level In this phase occurs of -20dB relative to the field intensity on the boresight In practice the co-polar side-lobe power can be expected of the. aerial. -loq -I( - -31 q -, A,vi91t;,0f(-ü, 'Ký5 Flý 4.5, ) t--pj -110- (T J'voý(s e-Y-Y-0vs -5 LI-I'D Fu I Fiq (-5 2 lir)CILýAcet e--KcI Li cI c4i - ill higher to be slightly blockage than the predicted of the struts, effects The cross-polarized inclined of the axially symmetric obtained (i. e. values this phase 1EIMI computation ripples radiation the is principally integrals of was to ascertain the incident fields fields Thus it the main only the modulus purpose diffractive structure, secondary pattern and radiation. is relatively on the cross-polarized level pattern in the antenna as compared to -40dB in presence can be concluded cannot be ignored performance the of the patterns The main side-lobe of the effect of -5ldB using effects on the at fields. the the main field at a level of the sub-reflector in the which, incident The maximum cross-polar ncw occurs determined of -35dB. fields and significant. of the cross-Polar of 1HIMI) while the with the peak cross-polarization the reflector, diffraction by the phase-errors, of the phase errors. effect phase cross-polarized is seen that, unaffected is quite the on the particularly It of of -40dB relative in the diagram are the predicted the and evaluating reflector of the at a level is consistent at a level occurs Also shown superimposed I by ignoring 4.6). reflector illuminating 4.2) (Fig. in am shown was shown that paraboloid by the cross-polarization (Fig. case fields The prediction 2. where it of Chapter and both the co-polar for lobe occurs main field. and reaches at 450 to the elevation patterns The peak of the cross-polarized to the on axis zero on the boresight in such a plane fields and the cross-polar is radiation The diffraction the azimuth. present in such a which are always present in the planes maximum level analysis the aperture since value have not been included. configuration, its - of the aerial. that the diffraction in realistic predictions - 112 - 4.6. Concluding Remarks Comparison of A useful consideration the example, an ideal given application, Cassegrain system diffraction from for since in the the front the polarization subreflector for the are -50dB TEiO horn4 that, Taking consequence, for designed in its Cassegrain cross-Polar to provide in the overall -40dB), a version level since illumination of the depolarization the Cassegrain due to the former geometry. the two configurations, to antennas employing or the pyramidal designed for 2 front-feed of some 15-200 depending down. In on the illumination On the other large aperture source configuration is are used The depolarization of cross-polarization comparatively would exhibit improvement dimensions the cross-polarization effect hand, a version substantial of the subdish. then becomes the major since the (Cassegrain-fed). would exhibit application system# to from the antenna would have maximum of the reflector. performance efficient by the hyperboloid result aperture, and the was shown in Chapter as an exampleo it radiation (or the f/D ratio) in such as the dipole of some -20dB to -25dB, cross-polarization the and -40dB would have peak cross-polar the overall in avoided that be superior would does not apply of feeds, small front the distortion (front-fed) the later because of its application angle types both for For indicated section cross-polarization peak feedhorn. primary system is be made if can be only the the of performance previous fed However,, the same conclusion the more standard of suitable the feed, an ideal nature source, primary figures the Antenna: paraboloid cross-polar paraboloids presented Cassegrain (Typical to given results the front-fed and the is and Cassegrain-fed between comparison fed Cassegrain Front-fed the produced small far as a (-30dB - superior - 113 - performance of its to that front-fed Howevers a major difficulty prime focus applications to have theoretically, have been recognized data on their experimental in literature. appeared the design in modifying patterns as required, cross-polar - unless Off-set Cassegrain The principal geometry is that the subdish illuminated In order Cassegrain mode ' to have the low feed systems to the problem of improving reflector the antenna. Aerial centrally of the axially and its radiated symmetric supports are placed from the main aperture. placed it blocks aperture. power and reduction to overcome this aerial can be expected can be designed a solution area of the secondary in the side-lobe have not knowledge, difficulties of the symmetric-paraboloid the subdish is coaxial quoted above, the Cassegrain disadvantage the path of the fields since a feedhorn as providing performance feed Q sum and difference I in monopulse tracking application. example, of cross-polarization can be regarded conical of such feeds to provide for In conclusion, further Moreover, of zero cross-polarizations, to author's performance, bandwidth as the dual-mode (5 ) and the multimode horn of cross- over the required such feeds Although (3 ), the scalar horn of -40dB) for a primary-feed a low level which would maintain frequency. operational in designing arises (say of the order polarization 4.7. a similar. employing feedhorn. primary level counterpart in axial disadvantage, Cassegrain in directly Moreovers out the most intensely The results increse an are gain of the antenna. the off-set or the open- (6) has been proposed In such a configuration . the axis - 114 - of the is subreflector illuminate a portion only from tilted of the the main of axis the so as to paraboloid as illustrated reflectors in (4.7). Fig. Although such an arrangement of a plane of symmetry has the effect the loss problems of the fields the polarization blockage the aperture eliminates of distorting produced by the combination of the horn and the subreflector. The polarization been investigated have already front-feed the reflector off-set off-set axially j aerial feed system; be expected for of some -20 to -30dB, Cassegrain will not be affected the front-feed the same level case using an ideal of the crossfor a vertically on the parameters produced by the typically at a level radiation primary of its from the aerial of cross-polarization source. of of the off-set by the cross-polarization in consequence the overall to exhibit depending the performance that of to the plane of the feed system occurs is evident effect the peak cross- Since the cross-polarization geometry. it to some -35 -40dB9 Cassegrain source, in the plane perpendicular and at a level symmetric In particular, primary antenna the case. of the simple in determination antenna. fed by an ideal occurs of the off-set role 3 for the depolarization was shown that of the overall reflector, polarization in Chapter the dominant plays radiation polar It system. fed parabcloid of the off-set properties can as evaluated -119, - N F on-A C-ONFIGOP-wr(nm 115a RUERENCES 1) Feed SYstem", Cassegrain No. 4, 2) "Scattering RUSCHW. V. T., July effects I. E. E. E. Trans. Ant. in a Reflector Prop. Vol. AP-11, pp. 414-421. 1963, RUSCHW. V. T., from a Hyperboloid "Phase Errors in Cassegrain-fed and Associated Cross- Microwave Antenna", ibid, Polarization AP-14, May 1966, pp. 266-275. 3) POTTERP. D., Beamwidths", 4) LOVE A. W., 5) SIMMONA. J., Feed for "A New Horn with Microwave Journal, Suppressed 6,1963, Horm Antenna", "The Diagonal and KAY A. r., "The Scalar Large Paraboloid Reflectors" Construction Design and on Side-lobes and Equal pp. 71-78. ibid, L, reed -a 1962 pp. High Performance I. E. E. Conference of Large Steerable 117-120. Aerials", Publication 21,19660 pp. 213. 6) KOCHG. F., "A New Feed for Low Noise Paraboloid Antennas", ibid, pp. 163-167. 7) JACOBSE. 9 KING H. E., with High Pointing "Large-Aperture Accuracy". ibid, Millimeter pp. 218-222. Wave Antenna - 116 - CHAPTER 5 CROSS-POLARIZATION CHARACTERISTICS OF DOUBLY OFF-SET CASSEGRAIN AERIALS Introduction A second for method performance the adjustment of the geometry depolarization problems type (developed application. ' Measurements carried the theoretical free of cross-polarizationi 5.1 Antenna (in with of a hyperboloid The focus primary 0 radiator, the axis improve demonstrates how of a co=ercial of this aerial monopulse tracking out by the company on an experimental thatthe aerial doubly off-set Is substantially the Cassegrain (5.1a). comprises the location the beam axis a primary which has its reflector determines radiator principal foci of the phase-centre of which is directed and a at 0 and of the to make an angle *0 of the hyperboloid. The main reflector the z' axis p use of system. Company) for of The feed system of the aerial F. off-set conclusions cross-section) is shown in Fig. portion the Geometry The geometry aerial for case can be used to overcome the is presented by the Marconi-Elliot confirm aerial in this of the ordinarily analysis This chapter of the aerial. the Polarization In particular, allows which can be shown to significantly hyperboloid an asymmetrical Cassegrain the off-setting is a section and focal-length f of a paraboloid of revolution about 17a-i SI DE VI EW 1Z ZC)", r- V Clt! 0, 'ý )i din ' -ýt (7ý t c-m r Xp V O'd FIG 5-1cl GE0 E-TRY 17b-1 FROINT -------- VI EVI -------- .1 I I I I /I / 1 I main reflector ile pro-I I subreflector FIG 5-lb XP profile 0 - 118 - The feed system is positioned can be rotated together The off-set (r) centre between angle Two effects mode, the fields the are operative undergo further fields aperture fields the principally radiated polarized hyperboloid. of this kind. are initially In transmit depolarized by the the main surface, so that the eventual from the depolarization of both components of the fields and the cross-polarized sections, out in two stages. is used to evaluate In the first the scatter In the second stage, the aperture-field distribution integrated to yield Calculations the final stage, fields of the subreflector data this polar diagrams and is used to determine and the fields of the aerial. From 7he Subreflector forms a portion of a hyperboloid, a spherical wave emerging from the phase centre a spherical from the virtual wave emerging 5.2). the method of the induced in the main reflector., Of The Radiation Since the subreflector of the antenna geometr-1 is the analysis the data stored. (Fig. is where V oc by the subreflectori currents 5.2 -*) d oc by an from the the of transformation polarization is defined from the off-set have components arising In the following carried axis in an arrangment Upon reflection subreflector. off-set and the angle of the ray reflected by (* is given by the feedhorn radiated The angle ýd the off-set by the principal ray central fee. d and the subdish of the paraboloid-. defines This angle of the subdish. the primary angle of the main reflector subtended at the focus angle the about the axis of the two reflectors between the axis subreflectbr. so that focus it transforms (0) of the feed-horn (F) of the hyperboloid into Ln cr: C) LLJ C-e CT) D LI) Lii UL- 0 Ld "5, 0 Lb 0 'I - 120 - system used to describe The co-ordinate systen, (p, ý, C) with a spherical to make an angle V0 with equation in this c 7 0 at and polar (z axis of the hyperboloid. the axis of the hyperboloid cosý Cos* origin The f) ' (1 - 0-0- sinp by (5.2) Cos; 0 directed is given system of co-ordinates sin* is feed radiation the off-set where distance c= 0=I, e (sin* siný denotes sin* 0 = cos*o -6Osiný 0+ 0 siq sin* 0 is given by cosc) a --p Cos* Cos; ) : sinC aý] dC p2 siný .a p = of the square brackets. of the quantity ds element, surface (n of the hyperboloid. normal to the surface vector the modulus'value The differential ds unit [(co4 T-nT A=1 a of the reflector is the eccentricity e where An outward directed Inj where between the foci p2siný (a the on reflector , dj_dC is Inj bcosC) - where a= coal cos* siný The currents can be obtained 0-a sinýo o in the reflector under the usual due to an incident approximations field of physical from the feed optics. Thus, - 121 - for an incident field electric [E*(*, Ef it ýtE 0 2ýp :-- can be readily E of the form =f Z Ini (5.4) AdT is given distribution the current shown that K -r c e-'kp (*, C) by jikr, X, the of components where (5.5a) along the xf, resolved yf, and zf direction, are [a sinC E; - COSCE* (Cosý 0- x= 1( Ky= ) E; acos; b- -E* [sin; siný z= The fields from the subdish radiated from the expressions evaluated with w associated far-field region the source relating currents of the reflector ocosý Ocosý) - (Osiný E4-E cos* 0 (co#0 I + siný due to these the fields given the general sinC] 0 Cos; )l (5.5b) can be currents to the vector in (5.5a). relationship-is (5,6a) r where as measured'from 7r the origin je 0 ik(p. to express the diffraction the scatter of the co-ordinate r) fields Since the scattered to evaluate in the direction vector fields of the observation system, point and ds (5.6b) of the subreflector effects in the For points -ikr is the radial potential are subsequently of the main reflectors in terms of a spherical it used is preferable co-ordinate system - 122 - (aligned rq 0,0 r, the with with from the centre axis (z axis polar directed (ý principal ray ) between this focus virtual reflected ray and the angle ý0 by -U =$2 - 20cosV 0 1+ & (5.5) Using (5.1), (5.3) system to F, it of the vector the the at oc to the feed off-set is related co#0 situated along The angle of the dish. (1 + 02) co-ordinate rig. 5.2 S) hyperboloid the of Cos voc in xs9 YS9 zs) can be shown that of the observation the origin the componopnts ir i (i = X, Y, Z) assume the form potential BI ir i and transforming ikL(e eKi ff SO ý) ikp(l-". (*, C) ep-- sinýb d* dý (a - bcost)2 (5.7) where I sinO cosý Siný + co# sin(* +ý cosý cos(* +ý 0 oc 0 OC [sin* sin6 - siný sinC sin* - cosO cosC sin(* 0 +ý ) oc ) +ý - Cos* Cos(* 0 ocý and BI = c(l a2) - . The phase factor integral centre sign arises from 0 to F. L(8, ý) apperring from the geometircal It is given A^ c, r The spherical term outside transformation of the phase = c[cosO cos*oc - sin%c by the by components E0, E the dish are then given in the exponential of the electric sinO coso] field radiated from - 123 - (, TI cose xzr (7r I cosý cosý - yr tw cose e-ikr ) - wt sine siný (5.8b) 7rxl siný )e Is I denote the components of the potential Irl Ir ir 9 xyz where xS, ys and zs axis Irl x0 tw+ 7r I- I ITz0 oc wx0 cos(ý the required field + lpoc sin(* the scatter radiation radiation incident field +) (5.9a) z due to linearly oc (5.9c) 7r z equations, it from the reflector from the feedhorn. illumination consider along (5.9b) Having formulated prescribed x0 +)w Ir yy to calculate oc sin(ý resolved is The transformation respectively. cosOp (5.8a) polarized is now possible due to any In the following illumination we shall so that the components have the form siný E(ý, O cosý cosý -sinC corresponding respectively. to principal Here E linear and H polarization along denote the pattern the y. and xf axis functions of the feed. - 124 - 5.3 Geometry Of The Feed System In The Elliotts-Antenna (j) Primary Feed One type of feed used in conjunction horn with pyramidal multimode 12.5 X (H plane). signals antenna is a of 11.36 X (E-plane) dimensions aperture The sum-channel the Elliotts with are propagated x in the H 019 1103 and the EH12 mode. The aperture phase errors propagating and varying Ef :,- In the by the horn at the position radiated of by are closely-approximated (siný of the horn of the modes is compensated by means velocities the fields condition the subdish size lens mounted at the mouth of the horn. of a bi-cylindYical focussed from the large arising e-1 p + cosý a --c where cosu ) (12. U2 3a cosu sinv v (3 7 Y27r)2_u +a cosu (IL 2)2-u2 vsinv R2 _ v2 where cL(= 0.35), fi,, ir . (12.5) -,, siný cosC Tr . (11.5) . sin* sint 0(=0.608) are the modal amplitudes to the dominant mode. The E- and the H-plane rig. relative (5.3). radiation patterns of the feed are shown in -125- PRT"'o'ATRYRADIA'FICINIIPATTEPN AJ li -- PLAm iF, ---- E PLA 24b 10 FIG 5-3 12 Cýngt. - . 11, d c,gr - 126 - of interest is also It aerial for polar axis polarized to consider the radiation is rotated the case where the feedhorn so that the principal (this in the Xf-direction beam through from (5.10) operation through 90* about the in the aperture vector function The pattern 90*). can be obtained electric of the properties also rotates is the radiated of the horn in this polarization by the transformation Ir i (ii) Antenna Dimensions of both the sub- and the main reflector The peripheries design Elliotts (20 dB taper) level 'shaped' ao as to maintain at the boundaries as viewed down'the the reflectors Fig. are the same illumination of the reflectors. beam-axis in the of the aerial The shape of is shown in (5.1b). The dimensions of the feed system are as to the parameters given follows: feed off-set angle, semi-angular width of the subreflector: 9* H-plane'illumination: E-plane illumination: eccentricity distance 18* V0= 7" of the hyperboloid, between the With these parameters, focal points c=1.8 c= the projected the maximum and the minimum dimensions (S = 0.5545) 127 X. shape of the subreflector of 40 A and 30.5 X respectively. has - 127 - of the diffraction In calculations to assume that found convenient in 9* V for an angle of leads to an increased but it dish, 5.4 Numerical integrations into discrete enough elements are small. ý are chosen so that for each field time, output storage size data. apprximately Note, Thus it must also since point, be given a-large is essential to the computation number of points in the computation errors of thG in phase and amplitude variations however, it given to the subreflector, (37 x 37) elements of the grid of must of the diffraction from the main reflector. For the dimensions grid of the on the reflector relies equations over each element. be computed to ensure minimal patterns illumination the phase and amplitude elements, However, consideration time required This assumption the prediction not affect of the field being assumed constant fields power over of the feedhorn. will was from the aerial. Computations that this that Numerical being divided intercepts (> 30 dB) in the E-plane taper it of the subsish the subreflector both orientations is expected radiation overall fields was optimal space and accuracy from the view point A further requirements. showed no change in the fourth The time required was found that to yield each field of computation increase figure significant point a in of the (E09 E) was 22 seconds and the program used about 14K words of store. that these figures computer on which the calculations are only typical were made. of the ICL 1905F 128 - 5.5 Results Nwnerical field The e and ý components of the electric due to the subdish fields incident in rig. (S. 4)shOws the radiation The plot the 0=I planes 2 for as predicted oriented to be polarized relative to the field increases its in the plane perpendicular containing in this rig. (5.5)shows value to that'in Note that the E-plane, illuminated of this since the primary can be seen by canparing patterns reaching of the off-set and The maximum value in the vertical the case where higher by the fact illumination due to this that is in the y-direction. has a stronger in the elevation The peak plane. can be explained illumination for at a slightly which the feed is polarized is feed the polarized when of the feedhorn. to the plane now occurs level the edges of the dish of the radiation of the symmetry plane, in the reflector distribution the current different fields The change in this dB. of -23 do not However, plane. in the two planes to be polarized of the cross-polarized fields of -28 dB. the distributions the feed is orientated are = 0. the radiated from the dish. ray reflected at a level plane occurs outside and feed is values 0=0,0 components in the 0=0 depolarization the central The decibel by sy=etr)r, rapidly in the ý=0 the case where the primary in the direction intensity any cross-polarized peak value and the data patterns in the y-direction. Owing to the cancellation exhibit of (52 x 74) elements tapes. on magnetic stored in the x and y directions polarized grid ware computed over an output from the radiated plane in the y-direction. taper in are krightly The effect Figs -(S. 6) & (S. 7) which show the phase in the plane of symmetry for the two orientations 6 0 N 0 -0 aj c in- V- Oj -iC3 c (.) 0 U) Lb (D 1-4 LL I- I- '. .01 0 CL i 0 10! U) 0 ki (D (D LO -130C*ý4 -Q 0 (Y) 0 0 C C" cl) > C r a, C S.- C -9--0 ci ILI-0 C c cl, I ai N. r..J LJC) (D LL L-(114 C) 04 (x 0 CL Lr) Lf) 0 C) C) T- %L 00 C4 LO C) e -131- 61 Q) 0 a) 11 cn 0 0- 40 -C 73 ID Qj (D Mp 0 0 (J) Co (_O Lb, C) lkz, (5; z-)P) Or-] 0 U Q -0 C) 0., ý. (D .ý ýý-qb @GiDL4d LL -132 - 0) Q) -v ui 4.0 CL CD (Y) ' ": C) > D 1) CZ) C'4 (3) 0 L) ýD C) Oo C) LL Q) 0 () - C? ) - 133 - 5.6 Radiation In dealing with from the main reflector, In this axis of the aerial. 'ongitudinal the field the reflector Under this close in the aperture in the aperture distribtuion. in the far-field the phase centre to the focal constant phase spherical incident field is mainly (i. e. the r, wave is incident it is assumed origin of the subdish. fields scattered of*the point so that-an from the approximately This on the paraboloid. is given by I (0,0 where E., region, electric-field is located assumption, dish is placed the radiation can be neglected). currents To evaluate we are primarily a small cone of angles about the contained within determined by the reflected that The Main Reflector radiation in the fields interested optical rrom Patterms E0 are the spherical il -Lkr er fields components of the subreflector as computed. Referring it to Fig. (S. la) which 0 is measured is is inclined seen that the plar axis zsj, from at an angle ePýa- to the axis r, The equation of the paraboloid. 0, ý co-ordinate'system of the paraboloid is then given by 2f + cose cose pp sinO sinO goc; in the - 134 - between the points The relationship and their is onto the xp. y plane pi-ojection on the reflector [Cose 01 r + Cos cosý sinO =. sinO XP p p sinO siný =r yp For an incident field . in the form (5.13), laws at the paraboloid reflection in the projected surface of the an application gives the field distribution aperture J(bl XA 2f - a' cosý) Et at cosý) E cl sinO E cl sino El) 5*14 where 1+ cosO cosO p bl = cl = coso + cose p0- sinO sinO The expression subdish in(5.14)indicates have undergone further from the off-set cross-polarized in the contour polarization plots for of Figs. (S. a) of *d equal to 4.9*(i. illumination angle is evident polarization distribtuion on reflection of the of the feedhorn and (5.9). e. 0P= by the radiated transformation the two orientations to the value It the fields The aperture main reflector. fields that These plots 55.3") is shown correspond and aperture (20m) of 54". from this of the incident that fields the main reflector has rotated in such a manner that the the aperture 135- CROSS POLAR CONTOURS APE..RTURE MAIN FEED IN THE HORZ. POLARIZED xp // CL Pi Is e 6 *FI 5-9 5 dB a =-42b=-45 47.5 -cz 50 d= 52-5 e= -136- CROSS POLAP CONTOURS IN THE MAIN APERTURE: FEED VERT. POLARIZED xp Yp Fl G 5-9 az: --47.5 dB b=- 50 c= -52.5 d:: - 55 e-- - 57.5 - 137 - fields have very small energy is distributed expected, the symmetrically The radiation points lying at small diffraction In the far-field fields ff E (e 10 )x =iN raaXR E, (O, O) eik sinoa cosý pap (shown in Fig. Numerical calculations dimensions, as provided, (5.1b)). at points have been carried 1381 minor dimension of the apeture = 105X .0 of the subreflector, angle of the main reflector, out for reflector ýd=4.90 0p= fields fields. f- = 127A = the upper where the subdish are as follows: of the apeture point over the actual In principle, major dimension off-set a) has been written to be performed are some 20 dB below the maximum of the radiated angle siný of the field (5.15) to evaluate is truncated in the 0 integration off-set +y (5.15) the integrations in a form which permits length, of the aerial. dO dý The computer program developed focal by are ) (R, denote the spherical 0 ýa co-ordinates where at as measured from the centre of the aperture. limit of the aperture. A r2 sine shape of the aperture in the anti- which is valid'for from the axis the radiated region, as can now be obtained theory distance angular contained of the two halves from the reflector of the scalar an application about the plane of the off-set, near the centres patterns The cross-polarized component. of the energy being portion mjor localized phase lobes cross-polarized 55.30'. whose - 138 - diffraction The predicted components in the elevation imposed on the provided The results of the principally patterns and the azimuth results experimental planes are shown super(5.10a) in Figs. to the case where the feedhorn correspond polarized and (5.10b). is polarized in the y-direction. is made between the predicted In rigs - (S. 11a) & (s. 111) comparison The diagrams feed polarization. in the azimuth plane respectively. of the feedhorn are 45 It the of partially -52 dB figures vector The improvement restoring the two polarizations dB -49 plane: electric in the elevation for xedirection - plane: the radiation position taper in that of up to 7 dB can be achieved the principal of symmetry. at 45" to the elevation -46 dB can be seen from these polarization that 0 radiation -42 dB plane: 1 reed polarized azimuth the two cases of to the cross-polar in these two planes 454' - plane: (2) for in the y-direction reed polarized azimuth correspond inclined and a plane The peak levels (1) fields of the cross-polarized patterns radiation by rotating than in the azimuth. the overall by the fact the main reflector in cross- the feedhorn of the horn is polarized can be explained illuminating plane an improvement so in the plane that in this has a sharper This has the effect symmetry of the aerial. -139IG 5-1Oci LE: VAT 10, N .I SE:COND/Ry CA C) -0 CC. E?,dccrees 2 ab ov re I? .. /I 5 -140IG 5-10b PATTERN - -- - -co rn r, ut c-cl -) F. C., r L! cl - (by ElLiotis) 0 I' S%- 4 -. 3 -. -2 cl ces 2 _141-- 7IJ x LLJ P-1 0 0 L- 0 < -j 0 0Lr) Lf) 0 Z 0 -C 4ý 0 > -0 c cr u - -D N Cl) T-0- CýA LL 0 CD 00 LO 9P 0 N -142 ul 0 ao N 0 C! ) C 4. -. o £> 0 Z crLLJ ---t D 0) 0) - 1J 0) 0) 4--4 (1-) LU 0- C-'j LO -T C) CY) ( C) Lo C) 00 I f CD op T7 Lf) (.D 6ý LL c) - 143 - 5.7 Discussion is seen from these results It maintains aerial involved in the geometry, a high level of polarization reflectors off-set can be attributed performance the two reflect. subreflectors the plane in one sense; upon reflection is rotated depolarizes successive the incident and main reflector, the plane of polarization In other fields words, so that the main in such a manner that produced by the subreflector cross-polarization is rotated fields produced by the subdish to that from at the off-set of the incident curvature, the reflection of the depolarization is restored. polarization depolarization by considering from the parabolic in a sense opposite the original after of polarization has opposite because the surface Such a favourable purity. to the opposing vector As a result Drs. from the the radiation elements. of the polarization orientations from the two scattering of mechanism can be explained The principle reflector directly of the reflecting properties despite that is essentially the cancelled out. The degree of correction clearly and thus the amount of cancellation, depend upon the curvature feed system illuminates, of the is on the off-set that the feed system about the paraboloid to select those portions paraboloid axis of the reflector angle (varying *d will surface which the d* By rotating it is thus possible at which maximum cancellation occurso Numerical computations of the peak cross-polar Results illustrates of these were carried radiation computations how the peak level out to determine on the off-set are shown graphically varies as the axis the dependence angle of the subdish. in Fig. (5.13), of the hyperboloid which is -144-- 0ý m 0Lf) (f) 0 sub reftector 'V- po dominant ci I 67 0125 OF THE %'ArliVi'lON 5.12 IIJG F PEAK LEVEL WITH CROSS POLAR THE SU13RIEFLECTOR OFF-SET C UcP-'cs!; -j ion Of sub. rcflcCtor Mil-: Aý, URED I clxis. tj degrees ["ORESIGHT JITTER ANGLE -Td, deg -144a- (>Eb-lZrz t-Er-«r 0R 0 o L-oioA, 4- ý-x /.§--ý- 4Ls FIG513 MODIFIED ARRANGEMENT - 145 - depressed gradually for the parameter from the axis reached when *d=4.9* The validity - of the above conclusions by the E12iotts the axis about the theoretical optim= at the successive shift the baresight in this 5.8 error is less experimentally through and measuring value, diagram in Fig. is indeed minimized the error position the of their results (5.14). It when *d=4.9", is seen and that 1 than yC)6-oth of the beam-width. Conclusions It has been shown in this of the off-set fed parabolic been obtained for a method described can be varied off-set surface. In doubly been demonstrated depolarization polarization that at this how the parameters to illuminate furface is essentially produced by the feed system itself. cancellation antenna, cannot be achieved in this and of the geometry aerial, use is geometries a single asymmetrical it has produced as a result of antenna the cross-polarization have from the aerial. because in these off-set by results such as the open Cassegrain properti4s feed radiation Numerical geometry of the Elliotts aerialss performance can be improved significantly the best performance made of near ideal reflecting the cross-polar feed systems. which illustrated poor polarization exhibit reflectors the particular to achieve Conventional chapter that Cassegrain the use of asymmetrical total position of the subreflector Cl)The positions. inset shown as an are measurements that in this radiation was evaluated company by depressing a range of angles boresight The peak cross-polar is condition of -49 dB. at a level occurs the balanced of the geometry, values is seen that, It of the paraboloid. configuration, cancelled Note, out by the crosshowever, geometry since that the axis of - 146 - the feedhom equivalent is effectively surface tilted This suggests of the aerial. may be achieved in the antenna cross-polarization in such a manner that system. axis of the main reflector. Fig. (5.16). It is seen that at an angle to the axis the axis of the further that improvement the feed by rearranging of the horn remains parallel An arrangement of this such an arrangement kind is also allows to the depicted in the geometry to be more compact. REFERENCES 1) Fraham, Aerials" Future. R., : "The Polarization I. E. E. Conference pp. 134-136. Characteristics Publication No. 105. of off set Cassegrain Radar-Pres6nt and