The inner rim of 51 HAeBe protoplanetary disks. A VLTI-Pionier survey Lazareff et al. ESO Large Program #090C-0963 Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. HAeBeLP_master May 11, 2016 c ESO 2016 Few puffed-up rims found in large interferometric survey of Herbig AeBe stars A survey of Herbig AeBe stars using PIONIER-VLTI B. Lazare↵1 , J.-P. Berger2, 1 , J. Kluska3 , J.-B. Le Bouquin1 , M. Benisty1 , F. Malbet1 , C. Koen4 , C. Pinte6 , W.-F. Thi7 , O. Absil5 , F. Baron8 , A. Delboulbé1 , G. Duvert1 , A. Isella10 , L. Jocou1 , A. Juhasz9 , S. Kraus3 , R. Lachaume11, 12 , F. Ménard1 , R. Millan-Gabet14, 15 , J. Monnier13 , K. Perraut1 , F. Soulez16, 17 , M. Tallon16 , E. Thiébaut16 , W. Traub18 , and G. Zins19 1 2 3 4 5 Univ. Grenoble Alpes, IPAG, F-38000 Grenoble, France CNRS, IPAG, F-38000 Grenoble, France ESO Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2 D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany University of Exeter Department of Physics and Astronomy Stocker Road, Exeter, Devon EX4 4QL UK Department of Statistics, University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, 7535 Bellville, South Africa Département d’Astrophysique, Géophysique et Océanographie, Université de Liège, 17 Allée du Six Août, 4000, Liège, Belgium The structure of a disk inner rim AA48CH07-Dullemond ARI 16 July 2010 20:8 Dullemond & Monnier 2010 Questions: ❖ ❖ Accretion shock Rounded off dust inner rim: a dust chemical reactor Dust-free inner gas disk Radial structure Vertical structure ❖ Dust temperature ❖ Dust composition ❖ Non axi-symmetry Optically thick gas (?) Annu. Rev. Astro. Astrophys. 2010.48:205-239. Downloaded from by European Southern Observatory on 07/16/14. For personal use only. ❖ Magnetospheric accretion Shadow cast by the gas (?); a possible “safe haven” for dust Near-IR-emitting surface of the dust inner rim Weak shadow cast by the dust rim (?) Figure 3 Pictographic representation of the inner disk region out to a few astronomical units. Shown are the magnetospheric accretion depicted near the star, the dust-free gas disk in the middle, and the dust rim on the right. Goldreich model and thus obtained a complete description of the SEDs of Herbig Ae/Be stars in terms of a simple irradiated disk model. So if this simple model of the NIR bump is basically correct, then one may wonder why mainly Herbig Ae/Be stars show such a huge bump while T Tauri stars are not known for displaying such a conspicuous feature. Dullemond, Dominik & Natta (2001) argue that because the stellar luminosity is at much longer wavelengths for T Tauri stars, a bump of this kind would be partly “swamped” by the flux from the star, though a close look at the spectrum should still reveal such a bump. On first sight, T Tauri star SEDs do not show such a strong bump. But through a careful subtraction of the stellar spectrum, Muzerolle et al. (2003) show that T Tauri stars consistently have such a NIR bump, though perhaps weaker in a relative sense than the Herbig stars. So in that sense, T Tauri stars are no different from Herbig stars. In spite of the early success of these models, there was no easy way of telling with just NIR photometric data whether it was indeed the true nature of these objects. Indeed, much simpler spherically symmetric envelope models, in which the dust was also removed inward of the dust evaporation radius, could also fit the NIR bump and even in a number of cases the entire SED (Pezzuto, Strafella & Lorenzetti 1997; Malfait, Bogaert & Waelkens 1998; Miroshnichenko et al. 1999; Bouwman et al. 2000; Vinković et al. 2006). In fact, such models appear to be more consistent with the lack of clear observed correlation between the NIR flux and the disk inclination. For a simple perfectly vertical wall model of the rim such a correlation is clearly expected, with little NIR flux observed at near face-on inclinations as illustrated in Figure 4a,b, and discussed in more detail in Section 3.1. Perhaps the most clear counter-example is AB Aurigae, which has a huge NIR bump (see Figure 2) but is known not to be very far from face-on (e.g., Eisner et al. 2003; Corder, Eisner & Sargent 2005). Note, however, that AB Aurigae is an object that is still surrounded by a substantial amount of non-disk-related circumstellar material, which may contribute to the NIR flux. The key to distinguishing these models from each other is to spatially resolve the NIR disk A VLTI-PIONIER large program B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometric survey of Herbig AeBe stars Table 3: Photometric measurements used to determine the SED of our program objects. SAAO measurements are used by default. WISE measurements are used only for plots but not for the SED fits. The Key field is a pointer from Table 4. m H ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Reference Monet et al. (2003) (USNO) Zacharias et al. (2004) (NOMAD) et al. (2000) (TYCHO) 4 Telescopes, 6v2 and 6Høg closure phases Cutri et al. (2003) (2MASS) Cutri & et al. (2012) (WISE) Oudmaijer al. (2001) (EXPORT) H band: 1.65 m, peak 1500 K atet 2.2 mic, Malfait et al. (1998) dust sublimation Mendigutía et al. (2012) Tannirkulam et al. (2008a) SAAO 0.5m and 0.75m telescopes PIONIER: 100 m baseline, 3mas, 1 AU @ 300 pc Bands 20 R2 I B2 BVR 15V B JHK 3.3, 10 4.6, 12, 22 µm UBVRI UBVJHKLM J 5H K L M UBVRIJHK U0B V R I J H K B0 A0 Key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Epoch 1974 - 2000 unknown 1989 - 1993 1998 - 2001 2010 1998 - 1999 1989 - 1992 1992 - ? 2004-2006 2014 F0 G0 of program objects (top) and HD293782 mk )s are the intrinsic stellar colors derived from the Fig. 1: Statistics of H magnitudes published (SIMBAD) spectral type and an interpolation in spectral types (bottom). Usno Tycho the tables of Pecaut & Mamajek (2013); 2mass – rk is the extinction ratio AV /E(mk mV ) from the extinction Wise Exp −9 law of Cardelli et al. (1989) with R = 3. a spectral faintest objects 10 resolving power of R ⇡ 15, while theTanni – (mV 30 AT Nights SAMPLE: SaVis2 The fit(Hillenbrand.92, parameters are:Thé94, Malfait98) AeBe νFν (erg cm−2 s−1) SaIr2 were observed in broad H-band (R ⇡ 5). 51 H Data were reduced and calibrated with the pndrs package – F⌫sV , the absorption-free stellar flux in V band described in Le Bouquin et al. (2011). Each observation block – F⌫dH , the absorption-free dust flux in H band ❖ 45 Non binary – AV (OB) provides five consecutive files within a few minutes. Each – T dp , the blackbody temperature of the dust component file contains six squared visibilities V2 and four phase closures ❖ 26 High AQuality over the three spectral channels. Whenever possible, derived parameter of interest is fd , the fraction of the observed dispersed −10 10 flux at 1.63µm contributed by the dust component. the five files were averaged together to reduce the final amount of The procedure and its result are independent of the distance data to be analyzed and to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. The ❖ Additional Photometry of the object and of the star’s luminosity class (except for a pos- statistical uncertainties typically range from 0.5 to 10 deg for the sible small dependence of colors on luminosity class). phase closures and from 2.5% to 20% for the squared visibilities, ❖ Litterature The use of a standard(SAAO value for Sutherland) the extinction ratio R = 3 + UBVRIJHK 0.5 1 2 3 5 10 depending 0.3 on target brightness and atmospheric conditions. λ (µ) might be objected, for the (unknown) part of the extinction that Each observation sequence of one of our targets was immeis circumstellar. On the other hand, we are reluctant to derive by the observation of bands a calibraFig. 2:preceded Example and of a followed fit to photometric data. Only the more than four fit parameters with eight observed fluxes. To diately UBVRIJHK are used in the fit; the Wise data are for reference tion star in order to master the instrumental and atmospheric regauge the impact of that assumption, we have repeated the fits ❖ have been r typical calib 5% for the s tive wavelen the-sky orie and is consi 2.3. Photom Magnitudes listed in Ta objects, and dating back try of most land 0.5 m few norther or infrared measureme relative to two years) t vious meas error estima and was us VV Ser fro measureme The pho listed in Tab 3. Data Pr In this secti from reduce closures) to below deals maining su data. 3.1. Model For each ob An example of HQ Pionier data B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometric survey o –5– 1 0.9 Extended flux HD100453 0.8 0.7 Wagner et al. 2015 nd IFS images of HD 100453, verifying the detection of the spiral disk Results The spiral disk n of a ring surrounded by two spiral arms that is clearly scattered light, shown in Figures 1 & 2. Our observations the star with fractional luminosity (f = Ldisk /L? ) of fY = 0.049, and fK2 = 0.103. The apparent furthest extent of W and SE. Assuming a circular geometry, we calculate the face on. The NE spiral intersects the ring between PA=22o PA= 15o . The SW spiral intersects the inner ring between extends to PA=155o . The apparent opening angles of the ⇠ 30o , respectively. Resolved inner rim 0.5 fs ( 0 / )ks + Vc fc V= ( fs + fh ) ( 0 / )ks + 0.4 0.3 . v2 3. 0.6 c.d 1. e large distances from the gion of the grains’ therm component arises from spectral index. We verifi —same spectral index as cumstellar component— The complex visibility o fied form in Eq. 2) can b s where 0 is a referen sh Unresolvedcentral stellarPIONIER flux chann of the three components 0.1 stellar, and halo respect 0 displays several finer structures, illustrated in the azimuthal that in contrast with Eq 0 20 40 60 80 100 First, we identify sharp axisymmetric drops in brightness to g ⇠0. 03 outside of the inner working angle for more than Mλ length dependence conta the signature of a gap in the disk. It is important to note Chromatic dispersion: ity of the circumstellar c s is outside of the actual coronagraphic mask, whose radius 6 is a↵ected by scattering and residual light, and hence the Fig. 3: A plot of visibility squared versus B/ (inbetween units of 10star/hot ). as concerns Temperature difference dust both the fun s the radius at which significant contrast may be obtained. e are what would be expected of a gapped disk with a wall Data points from the three wavelength channels of Pionier are cal values of the parame nclination of ⇠34 . identified by the shape and shading of the symbols; diamonds: Several functional forms 00 o 0.2 Table 8: Parameters for ring fits. Redundant parameter fs is also included, see Table 6 kc fc fh fLor la lkr cos i ✓ A&A proofs: manuscript no. HAeBeLP_master ck , sk spectral index of circumstellar component fractional flux of circumstellar component fractional flux of halo component weighting for radial profile (log) half light semi major axis (log) ratio (kernel radius) / (ring radius) axis ratio of isophotes position angle of major axis, East from North cosine and sine amplitudes for mode k – our goal is not to fineit represents reality; a ments on some large-s Parametric fitting: the method HD 58647 5 1 0.8 10 0.8 0 0.6 0.4 −10 0.4 0.2 −20 0.2 0 −30 0 50 B (Mλ) 100 0 50 B (Mλ) 100 −5 Ring m=0 0 Ring m=1 −5 5 0 dAz (mas) 0 0 B (Mλ) ❖ 1 star ❖ 10 HD139614 RingM1 1 fully resolved component 1 −100 (k) 1 00 −20 100 −10 −5 10 0 0 5 −5 −20 −10 20 10 0 −10 −5 −20 5 20 5 0 0 0 0 −5 50 0 0.5 5 0 −10 −5 10 0.2 10 0.1 0.05 0.02 0 0 −5 −20 −10 20 50 B (Mλ) 0 −10 10 100 −5 −20 5 20 5 0 0 0 −5 5 0 0 −5 0 −10 −5 −20 5 5 0 0 50 −5 −10 −5 10 10 20 0 −5 0 dAz (mas) −5 −50 0 0 dAz (mas) −20 −10 20 5 0 −5 dAz (mas) −20 −10 20 0 −50 −5 B10 (Mλ) 0 −10 −20 5 dAz (mas) 4 RingM1 Power law with inner boundary In some, if not all, current2 models for inner disk rims, one expects the brightness distribution to have a sharper cuto↵ inwards 0 we tested models with a radial disthan outwards. Accordingly, tribution: −2 ( 0 if r < ar F0 (r) = ar 3 (9) r if r ar−40 50 2⇡ 100 50 100 1 ring of variable0 width (up to no ring at all) 0.6 v2 φC (o) v2 5 10 0 −5 dAz (mas) 5 HD142666 3.7. 0.8 0.6 0 Fig. 7: Examples of(l) model fits, showing four objects and fit results at four levels of complexity of the fit model. 0.8 0.4 0.4 −5 ❖ Ring m=2 5 0 0 5 5 ❖ 0 −5 −5 −100 100 −5 0 −50 10 1 dEl (mas) 0.1 0.05 0.02 dEl (mas) 0.2 B (Mλ) dEl (mas) 0 0 −10 dEl (mas) 5 5 10 50 −5 B (Mλ) 5 50 20 −10 −5 10 0 5 1 0.5 5 5 100 5 0 4.1.1. Temperatures from φC (o) 0 Ellipsoid dEl (mas) 0.6 20 φC (o) 20 v2 1 10 RingM1 dEl (mas) HD100546 B (Mλ) 30 RingM1 φC (o) v2 HD100453 4.1. Dust temperatures HD 98922 HD 45677 HD 100453 – we discuss our sampl ties, which makes the not implying that real 0.2 Azimuthal modulation allowed to reproduce radiative transfer effects 0 −10 0 0.2 0 50 B (Mλ) 100 0 50 B (Mλ) 100 0 B (Mλ) B (Mλ) and similar models with an exponent di↵erent from 3, or an ex- Figure 8 shows the histogr to fd > 0.1 to exclude obje meaningful. The histogram above 2200K or below 12 of such outliers, we make The median value o 3.22). The median of th 0.026, consistent with an ⇣ median log10 (T dp ) med dispersion being mostly fr The median value for sublimation temperatures regarding disks around HA (2010) and references ther Königl (2012). However, i exist over a range of tempe ature; furthermore, our fit bias. To address these tw diative transfer code to ge (SED) from a few simple two spectral types (for the The inner rim radius of ea imum grain temperature w tion temperature T sub for silicates, and 1800K for c discuss dust temperatures, subsection 4.2. The values K) are used as input to th for deriving T dp from the Fig. 9. The results are sum T d,fit are plotted on Fig. 8; to agree better⇣ with ⌘ the ob ence in log10 T dp betwee is 2.7 times larger than th We conclude that: Dust temperature B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometric sur 18 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 16 14 12 In reality spread of Temperature below T sub 10 8 −9 10 4 2 0 1000 Favours carbon grains (big?) Additional unresolved component not taken into account ? −8 10 6 Fit on synthetic SED shows peak temperature correspond to dust rim Temperature of ~1800 K Interferometric temperatures systematically lower 10 Models Tsub 1800K ν Fν (erg cm−2 s−1) ❖ Temperature extracted from single BB fit to SED: peak @ 1650 K log10(Tdi) ❖ −7 Models Tsub 1500K −10 Star StarS StarT DustT DustS DustT Tot ModS ModD ModT 10 A&A proofs:2600 manuscript no. HAeBeLP_master 2200 Fig. 9: Sample fit of FOST program. The the of sublimation the MCFOSTtem m Fig. 8: Histogram of T dp (log scale) derived from fits to photo- grains. sion (dash-dot); tota 3.4 metric data, restricted to non-binary objects having a fractional Our IN05-like m contribution of the dust to the H-band flux fd 0.1. Dashed ity between star and dius: 1.2µm o are used forwhile star an lines: values of T dp obtained when fitting, with same procedure, two grain radii: 0.35 flux values in the eig models with sublimation temperature 1500K (e.g., silicate) or distribution of H-ba star+dust model. A 3.3 1800K (e.g. carbon); see text and table 9 appears originals, to provideo THM07 trum, even though t Table 9: Properties of simple models and the respective fits to of dust and radiative tures. the dust temperature. Common properties as follows. Viewing with azimuthal sym 3.2 Variants of each angle cos i = 0.55(i ⇡ 56 ); distance 122 pc; Rout = 125AU; scale height 0.07 AU at r = 1AU; flaring exponent 1.10; dust types of central star mass 0.65 10 3 M ; grain size: amin = 0.1 µ m, amax = 1000 µ m, each bandmodel photometry) were adjf exponent 3.5. band interferometry imum grain temper 3.1 (see 2.1 above); adjusted ⇢ / ` 1(iv) to A total of 35 objects Model T e↵ Lb Rin Grains T d,max T d,fit ticipating the obser (K) L AU K K intercepted byranges the d First, the A1s 9250 36 0.50 silicate 1520 1370 expected grain sub relative thickness z/ 3 A1c 0.36 carbon 1880 1580 clear be A8 andcorrelation A0 variants B2s 20600 2280 4.5 silicate 1460 1330 ues of T dibased are predo variants, on F B2c 3 2.9 Remember that T dpA vided in Appendix 3.1 3.2 carbon 3.3 1800 3.41637 HAeBe object in to th log10(Tdp) Additionally, composition in the s 1400 1800 Tdp The radius luminosity relation B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometri 1 10 RadiusLuminosity RingM1.pdf HD45677 HD190073 HD95881 0 10 (au) HD37806 HD98922 MWC158 VV_SER a t HD58647 AB_AUR HD144668 HD100453 HD100546 HD163296 HD139614 HD144432 HD145718 HD97048 HD142527 HD150193 HD142666 HD158643 HD169142 HD259431 −1 10 HD85567 MWC297 HD143006 −2 10 • • • 0 1 2 log10(Lbol /L ) 3 4 One possible reference radius-luminosity relation: Tsub ~1800 K Luminosity-size plot for HQ objects. Filled symbols repFig. 21: resent efficiency: objects that1 meet following criteria: (1) fc > 0.1, (2) specHigh cooling (big grains) tral type A9 or earlier; (3) luminosity class V or IV. Dashed Backwarming coefficient: Cbw ~1 line represents the sublimation radius asub,1800 for T sub = 1800K, RingM1 HD2594 40 1 0.8 20 0.8 The width of inner rim 0.6 0.4 0 v2 1 φC (o) v2 HD45677 −20 0.2 −40 0 −60 0 50 B (Mλ) 100 0.6 0.4 w = ring radius / half light A&A radius 0.2 manuscript proofs: w = 1 -> nor ring or ring not resolved 0 50 B (Mλ) 1 0 100 0.9 20 0 5 0.8 1 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.02 dEl (mas) 0 0.6 w 0.5 B (Mλ) dEl (mas) 0.7 50 0.5 0 0.4 0 −50 0.3 0.2 −20 20 0 dAz (mas) −20 0.1 0 50 0 −50 B (Mλ) 0 10 −5 5 1 10 a (mas) Some objects do want rings(c) (w <1.0) preferfitfat ones Fig. 13:but Parametric results for(w the>0.5) 26 HQ objects. Normalized ring fitting width wprocess? versus half flux radius a. See text. is it a result of the Article number, page 34 of 43page.43 0.3 1.2 0.2 1 0 The width of the inner rim 0 χ2r Ratio 0.1 χ2r(m=2) / χ2r(m=0) 1 10 10 a (mas) 0.8 0.6 0.4 Fig. 13: Parametric fit results for the 26 HQ objects. Normalized ring width w versus flux radius of a. MCFOST See text. models at Method: fitting ofhalf a population in model; inspired by Isella + Natta 2005 0.2 B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometric survey of Herbig A different distances and inclinations (Pinte 2006) w 0.6 0.5 0.4 1000 0.03 0 800 600 Fig. 15: Improvement of 2 (or lack of-) when increas 400 number of azimuthal modes in the fit model, the 2 c −5 0.01 200 ing both the terms from v2 and cp. Note that, in contra 0 20.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 5 0ring model −5 Fig.r 12, the for the un-modulated includes (au) α off (mas) sure residuals, to be comparable45° toinc; the other two fit mode 1.65µm 0.06 1800 max T,azimuthal smallest to largest grains modulation. . 1600 0.05 0.3 0.2 1200 0.02 0.7 5 1400 0.04 z (au) 0.8 45° inc; 1.65µm 1800 1600 0.05 Pure ellipsoids 0.9 0 0.04 1768 1828 5 1400 1200 δ off (mas) 1 max T : 1824 HD259431 HD143006 HD85567 HD169142 HD158643 HD97048 HD95881 HD142666 δ off (mas) VV_SER HD142527 HD144432 HD139614 HD145718 HD37806 HD58647 HD190073 HD150193 HD98922 HD144668 AB_AUR MWC158 HD163296 MWC297 HD100546 HD100453 HD45677 0.06 z (AU) 1000to first order; (b) a↵ects the phase c impact visibilities 0 Fig. 11. G 800 Conversely, an m=2 modulation (alone) a↵ects (above) visibili 0.1 and t 0.02 600 files; in the c not closures, to first order. ature distribu 400 0 −5 0 1 onto 10 that for 0.01 The values of the three models listed in Table ar 10 10 200 = 1.65µm a (mas) low brightnea pared in Fig. 15, 0with the un-modulated model serving 0 5 0 −5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 root s erence. ordered by square increas off (mas) r (AU) As in Fig. 12, the objects αare object locate Fig. 14: Similar to Fig. 13, but with fits of Mcfost models in, thm (value of a). One can see that most, but not all, of the 2 compare one-to and ell added. we resolved objects show an improvement ofcannot when mod 1.1 model; thm inspired by Tannirkulam Harriesthough Monnier 2007 the "real" width (if only because is introduced; m = 1 modulationtion seems to make di↵ for the latter), this plotamake 1 of the LP objects are wider than t more than m = 2. LP (HQ) in thm ell 0.03 The vertical structure Results : vertical structure First approach : fraction of stellar flux reprocessed to NIR imax = π 2 −θ f NIR fbol = Ω = sin θ 4π B. Lazare↵ et al.: Few pu↵ed-up rims found in large interferometric survey of Herbig AeBe starsA&A proofs: manuscript no. HAeBeLP_master Statistics of inclination Statistics of reprocesses flux frep = LNIR,d / Lbol,∗ We can, however, compare the median value of the observed 11 0.4 8 sample with the similar metric for a model disk to derive a typinon−Bin non−Bin non−Bin (Ellipsoid) cal10value. The median values of frep are: for the 45 LP non-binary0.35 HQ (Ring) 7 objects: 0.18; for the in_A0 Mcfost models: 0.19; for the thm_A0 9 models: 0.18. median--for Mcfoststatus models is restricted to in- 0.3 23 Gravity GTO -- The 26-JAN-1016 HAeBeLP report 6 8 clinations for which the extinction of the central star AV < 3. Remember (section 4.2) that the thickness of the in and thm0.25 7 5 models was adjust to achieve such an agreement. Just because 6 we base our discussion on the median value does not mean there 0.2 4 is a 5unique value; indeed the scatter of frep as shown on Fig. 20 might 3 4 be real, reflecting the diversity of the objects include in0.15 our sample. Figure 19 (right-hand panel) provides a hint that one 3 2 of the "explanatory variables" might be the spectral type: there 0.1 seems 2 to be a transition in the frep around spectral type A0. 1 There is in principle a flaw in this procedure. In the previous0.05 1 subsection we argued that the flaring of the outer disk restricts 0 0 the 0observed HAeBe0.2disks to the inclination range 10.6 cos(i) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 B0 B5 A0 A5 F0 F5 cos(i) 0.45, while we are now the observed statistics of frep frepcalibrating = LNIR,d / Lbol,∗ Spectral type against models without any outer flaring, that remain observable Fig. 18: Histogram of fit values for cos(i). The histogram for theFig.over widerHistogram range of inclinations, typically cos(i) 0.8. luminosity reprocessed to near infrared for non-binary objects. 19:aLeft: of the fraction frep of 1stellar bolometric Observed corresponds z /model r ~ 0.2 @ τ =the 1 model Observed statistics corresponds to type. z / r ~ 0.44 26 objects ofstatistics the HQ sub-sample, fitted with thetoRing isFour However, the strongest dependence of frepplot veroutliers are outsidewith the limits of the plot. Right: Scatter of frep versus spectral superimposed over the histogram for the 45 non-binary objects, sus inclination —a vertical-wall rim— is known, even before fitted with the Ellipsoid model. Parameter cos(i) is in fact robust: the present work, to be incompatible with the visibility curve, its value is not sensitive to the particular fit model used. and even the less extreme in model is excluded on the same where ✏ = Qabs (T sub )/Qabs (T ⇤ ), the cooling efficiency, is the ratio 0.5 see Fig. 14. Models such as thm that have a radially ex- of Planck-averaged absorption cross-section for the considered basis; LP non−binary tended emission also have a comparatively weaker dependence grain species. Table 11: List of three outlier objects excluded fom the his0.45 linear fit inclination; see Fig.20. This means that selection The line drawn on Fig. 21 expresses Eq. 12 with T sub = togram on the left panel of Fig. 19, and additional object is out- of frep versusmodel in_A0 0.4 on cos(i) e↵ects dothm_A0 not a↵ect significantly our determination of 1800K, ✏ = 1 and Cbw = 1. The sublimation temperature is model side the bounds of the scatter plot in the right panel. the thickness z/r of the inner disk. Species Astron. silicate Olivine Forsterite Iron Iron⋆ Corundum Orthopyroxene⋆ Quartz⋆ Water ice⋆ Troilite⋆ Chemical formula MgFeSiO4 MgFeSiO4 Mg2 SiO4 Fe Fe Al2 O3 MgSiO3 SiO2 H2 O FeS T subl [K] 1300 1300 1150 1400 1150 1500 ... ... 150 680 A (Eq. 1) 28030. 28030. 26091. 21542. 20686. 40720. 30478. 26335. 2827.7 155.91 B (Eq. 1) 12.471 12.471 13.418 6.6715 9.1134 18.479 14.898 11.184 7.7205 –4.9516 Reference for A and B Reference for opacity Pollack et al. (1994, P94) P94 Cameron & Fegley (1982, CF82) P94 CF82 CF82 P94 Schick (1960); Lamy (1974) P94 P94 (note: T subl = const.) Draine & Lee (1984) Dorschner et al. (1995) Servoin & Piriou (1973) P94 Wrap up: scientific results ⋆ ❖ ❖ Not used in the present work, given for completeness. Sublimation curves of the main species used in this work are shown in Fig. 2. At vapour densities of 10−12...−10 g/cm3 , olivine sublimates around K, iron 1400 K and corundum at Dust @inner edge has atsub ~ 1300 1800 K large 1500 K. Corundum must have an abundance <1% of the total carbon grains dust mass and thus will necessarily have a much lower partial density than olivine or iron. Koike et al. (1995) Kama et al. 2009 Few objects fully resolved 3.3. Backwarming ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Radius-luminosity correlation confirmed If a dust grain cannot cool into empty space in every direction, its temperature increases due to backwarming. Geometrically, the backwarming factor Cbw can be defined as the ratio of a full Ring structure is4πfound into50% ofangle object solid angle the solid subtended by the empty sky seen by the grain. For each photon emitted into the sky area obwhen resolved scured by nearby matter, a similar photon returns, hence the term “backwarming”. An estimate of the temperature of a dust grain Fig. 1. A schematic of the inner few AU of a disc. The colour map indion the rim surface is obtained from the equation The Astrophysical Journal, 780:42 2014 January 1 from <300 K (dark) to >2000 K (white). At the cates the(9pp), temperature, Wide rings are favoured (consistent with latest physical models Tannirkulam 07, Kama L⋆ 4π π = ϵσT d4 , 2 Cbw 4πRrim16) 09, Turner 14 Flock where the energy absorbed by a grain at a distance R (2) from a rim Thickness z/r ~0.2 rim than star ofnear luminosity L⋆ larger is equated with that~0.1 emitted by it, assuming a cooling efficiency ϵ. Rigorously, Cbw is wavelength-dependent expected (Vinkovic and its 2014) value can be obtained by solving a complex radiative Turner et al. optically thin radius, Cbw = 1, dust can begin to condense. The classical rim, at Cbw = 4, is a maximally backwarmed dust wall. The actual rim, i.e. τ = 1 surface, is between these limits and preceded by an optically thin zone. On the rim, Cbw > 4 may also be true for special locations. One can imagine this for a dust grain sitting at the far end of a tunnel which extends into the rim (see also Appendix C). transfer and dust sublimation and condensation problem, which is done in the Monte Carlo code we employ. However, as we Evidence for substantial flaring 3.4. Monte Carlo radiative transfer with MCMax show later, the description in Eq. (2), while simple, is useful in interpreting the results of our more rigorous models, as well as Radiative transfer through the complex dust geometries we wish other work on the subject. Other things being constant, the rim to consider requires a flexible method in terms of density strucHalo component correlates with1/2 Herbig class Figure 5. Synthetic images of the central region of the dusty Herbig disk with (left to right) no magnetic support, magnetic support throughout, and a magnetically location scales as Rrim ∝ Cbw . tures and dust composition. In addition, the coupled nature of supported bump. The field of view is 2.5 AU wide, and the system is inclined 60◦ from face-on. The star is shown to scale at the center of each panel’s left edge. The blue, green, and red channels in each image correspond to wavelengths 1.25, 1.6, and 2.2 µm, i.e.,structure J, H, and K bands, respectively. The same logarithmic intensity the dust temperature and the hydrostatic also calls for Cbw = 1 yields the temperature of a grain in an optically thin scale is used in all three panels. anis available iterative solution. environment, and when T subl is considered it gives theversion small(A color of this figure in the online journal.) The required flexibility and speed can be est possible distance from the star a passive grain may orbit obtained by using Monte Carlo radiative transfer. regime, where the gas code molecules’ mean free path exceeds the On has the near-infrared from 2 µm shortward, Weother useside, here the Monte Carlo radiative transfer MCMax for longer than its sublimation timescale. This limit been bump’s Turner et al. 2014