Public Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Rev History Reason for Issue Revised By Issue Date Effective Date 0 Annual Review. Completed Andy 05/13/2016 05/13/2016 Compliance Review. Enhance Witmeier/ RTO-AOP-050 to meet new Tracy Toumi formatting and writing standards as part of PREP. RTO-OP-053 Geo-Magnetic Disturbance Communication Procedure has been retired and incorporated into this Plan. Operating Procedure Owner approval on file. RTO-AOP- Creation of new procedure. Andy 04/01/2016 04/01/2016 050-r0 Operating Procedure Owner Witmeier approval on file. This document is prepared for informational purposes only to support the application of the provisions of the MISO Tariff and the services provided thereunder. MISO may revise or terminate this document at any time at its discretion without notice. However, every effort will be made by MISO to update this document and inform its users of changes as soon as practicable. Nevertheless, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure you are using the most recent version of this document in conjunction with the MISO Tariff and other applicable procedures, including, but not limited to, the applicable NERC Reliability Standards as they may be revised from time to time. In the event of a conflict between this document and the MISO Tariff, the MISO Tariff will control, and nothing in this document shall be interpreted to contradict, amend or supersede the MISO Tariff. MISO is not responsible for any reliance on this document by others, or for any errors or omissions or misleading information contained herein. 1.0 Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2.0 Roles and Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3.0 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.2 Communicating a GMD Event. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3.3 Communicating a GMD Termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.4 MISO RC GMD Actions to Mitigate the Effects of GMD Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3.5 Functional Entities’ GMD Actions to Mitigate the Effects of GMD Events . . . . . . 6 3.6 Transmission Operator GMD Operating Procedures/Process Reviews . . . . . . . 8 3.6.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.6.2 GMD Plan Administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4.0 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.0 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.1 NERC References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.2 MISO References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Attachment 1 — MISO Communication System (MCS) Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Attachment 2 — MISO Reliability Coordinator Review Checklist for Transmission Operator/ Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process . . . . . . . . . 12 Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 1 of 14 1.0 Purpose Identifies the actions taken to mitigate the effects of geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) events, including a process to communicate forecasted and current space weather information received through the GMD Monitor to the appropriate personnel. Additionally, provides the process to submit and review Transmission Operators (TOPs) GMD Procedures and Processes. 2.0 Roles and Responsibilities 1. Balancing Authority (BA)/ Local Balancing Authority (LBA) • Receives GMD event information from MISO via the MISO Communication System (MCS). • Communicates frequently with the Reliability Coordinator (RC) regarding system conditions and steps taken to mitigate GMD impacts. 2. Balancing Authority Operator (BAO) • Receives GMD external notifications from the Shift Manager (SM) and communicates any abnormal system conditions to the SM. 3. Generator Operator (GOP) • Receives GMD event information from MISO via the MCS. • Communicates frequently with the RC regarding system conditions and steps to take to mitigate GMD impacts. 4. Reliability Coordinator (RC) • Communicates GMD events to functional entities via the MCS when notified of GMD activity by the GMD Monitor. • Coordinates GMD actions to mitigate GMD impacts with BAs, LBAs, TOPs, GOPs, and neighboring RCs. 5. Reliability Engineer (RE) • Reviews and evaluates the GMD Operating Procedures and Processes of TOPs in the MISO RC footprint by utilizing the GMD Checklist per Attachment 2 — MISO Reliability Coordinator Review Checklist for Transmission Operator/ Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process. 6. Shift Manager (SM) • Coordinates the dissemination of GMD events to functional entities via the MCS, and to MISO management via the *RTOpsNotification email exploder. • Coordinates the termination of GMD activity to functional entities via the MCS, and to MISO management via the *RTOpsNotification email exploder. Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 2 of 14 7. Transmission Operator (TOP) • Develops, maintains, and implements GMD Operating Procedures or Operation Processes to mitigate the effects of GMD events on the reliable operation of its respective system. • Completes and submits the GMD Checklist to MISO prior to implementation of any new or revised TOP GMD Operating Procedures or Operating Processes per Attachment 2 — MISO Reliability Coordinator Review Checklist for Transmission Operator/ Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process. • Receives GMD event information from MISO via the MCS and communicates frequently with the RC regarding system conditions and steps taken to mitigate GMD impacts. 8. Unit Dispatch System (UDS) Operator • Coordinates with the RC to ensure adequate reserves are available on the system. 3.0 Overview 3.1 General 1. MISO is responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing a GMD Operating Plan that coordinates the GMD Operating Procedures or Processes within the MISO Reliability Coordination Area. 2. GMD events have the potential to adversely impact the reliable operation of interconnected transmission systems. 3. During a GMD event, geomagnetically-induced currents (GICs) may cause transformer hot-spot heating or damage, loss of reactive power sources, increased reactive power demand, and protection system mis-operation; the combination of which may result in voltage collapse and potential blackouts. 3.2 Communicating a GMD Event 1. SM, or designee, receives a GMD Alert or Warning of K-7 or higher from the GMD Monitor, and then disseminates the information to the appropriate areas. 2. Prior to sending out external notifications, the SM, or designee, notifies the BAO of the GMD Alert or Warning. 3. SM, or designee, notifies TOPs, BAs/LBAs, and GOPs in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area of the GMD Alert or Warning by posting a GMD Communication on the MCS per Attachment 1 — MISO Communication System (MCS) Examples. 4. SM, or designee, sends an email to *RTOpsNotification with notification of the GMD Alert or Warning. Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 3 of 14 3.3 Communicating a GMD Termination 1. Approximately two to four hours after the last geomagnetic activity is observed, the SM, or designee, notifies the BAO of the termination of the GMD activity prior to sending out external notifications. 2. SM, or designee, then notifies the appropriate areas, including TOPs, BAs/ LBAs, and GOPs in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area of termination of the GMD activity via MCS and to resume normal operations per Attachment 1 — MISO Communication System (MCS) Examples. 3. SM, or designee, then sends an email to *RTOpsNotification with notification of the termination and to resume normal operations. 3.4 MISO RC GMD Actions to Mitigate the Effects of GMD Events 1. Table 1 provides a list of proposed actions during a GMD event. Table 1: MISO RC GMD Mitigation Actions When the GMD Monitor notifies MISO of Warnings or Alerts of K8 or higher, the MISO RC reviews the following mitigation steps and implements as necessary: Long-Lead Time Day-of-Event Role(s) Reviews current and scheduled transmission outages to determine if any should be returned to service or delayed from starting an outage, especially series capacitors. RC Verifies with TOPs that all available monitoring equipment is in service. RC TOPs Monitors voltages and reactive flows for unusual measurements, including depressed voltages, Megavar (MVAR) swings, or large MVAR loss in Extra Hight Voltage (EHV) transformers, including Generator Step-Up (GSU) transformers. RC Reviews imports and exports to determine if transfers can be reduced without loading up online generation. RC Ensures operating reserves and reactive reserves are widely dispersed. RC Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 4 of 14 Table 1: MISO RC GMD Mitigation Actions When the GMD Monitor notifies MISO of Warnings or Alerts of K8 or higher, the MISO RC reviews the following mitigation steps and implements as necessary: Real-Time Actions (based on results of dayof-event monitoring) Role(s) SM communicates conditions, as necessary, per RTO-OP-018 Conservative System Operations Procedure. SM Coordinates with TOPs and GOPs to keep generators near unity power factor by bringing on additional generation or synchronous condensers to support voltages in areas of known GICs, as necessary. RC TOPs GOPs Reduces loading on transformers through binding or unit commitments if TOPs/GOPs report high transformer neutral currents or unusual reactive flow in transformers. RC Coordinates with the UDS Operator to keep 10minute spinning reserves above 50% to provide reactive power. The UDS Operator may consider increasing the amount of online spinning reserves with reactive capabilities, as necessary. RC UDS The RC and UDS Operator may consider setting units to their economic minimum output to provide adequate room for reserves and reactive capability. RC UDS RC may consider reducing the load on tie-lines to 90% or less of security limits. RC Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 5 of 14 Table 1: MISO RC GMD Mitigation Actions When the GMD Monitor notifies MISO of Warnings or Alerts of K8 or higher, the MISO RC reviews the following mitigation steps and implements as necessary: Real-Time Actions (based on results of dayof-event monitoring) Role(s) RC may consider removing large shunt reactors and static VAR compensators from service. RC TOPs Communicates significant observations and forced equipment outages due to GMD activity to neighboring RCs via the NERC Reliability Coordinator Information System (RCIS). RC Records symptoms and forced outages due to GMD event and high GICs in Control Room Operations Window (CROW). RC TOPs Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 6 of 14 3.5 Functional Entities’ GMD Actions to Mitigate the Effects of GMD Events 1. Table 2 provides a list of proposed actions during a GMD event. Table 2: Functional Entities’ GMD Mitigation Actions When MISO notifies TOPs, BAs/LBAs, and GOPs in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area of Warning levels of K-8 or higher, they should conduct the following mitigation steps, as necessary: Long-Lead Time Day-Of-Event Role(s) Assess the readiness of black start generators and cranking paths. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Notify field personnel, as necessary, of the potential need to report to individual substations for on-site monitoring (if not available via SCADA/EMS). BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Review transmission outages and determine if any can be returned to service, especially series capacitors where installed. TOPs Review planned transmission outages to consider delaying or postponing during Warning or Alert period. TOPs Remove shunt reactors. TOPs Modify protective relay settings based on predetermined harmonic data corresponding to different levels of GIC (provided by transformer manufacturer). BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Monitor GMD data, either real-time data or calculated, such as transformer neutral currents, unusual voltages and reactive power, and abnormal temperatures rise/noise/ dissolved gas in transformers. Monitor GIC on banks so-equipped. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 7 of 14 Table 2: Functional Entities’ GMD Mitigation Actions When MISO notifies TOPs, BAs/LBAs, and GOPs in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area of Warning levels of K-8 or higher, they should conduct the following mitigation steps, as necessary: Day-Of-Event Role(s) Monitor MVAR losses of Extreme High Voltage (EHV) transformers as possible. BAs/ LBAs TOPs Prepare for unplanned capacitor bank/SVC/ HVDC tripping. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Prepare for possible false SCADA/EMS indications if telecommunications systems are disrupted, for example, communications over microwave paths. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Coordinate with MISO RC in keeping generators near unity power factor while maintaining system voltages and reactive flows in normal range. Start off-line generation and synchronous condensers. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs RC Enter conservative operations with possible reduced transfer limits. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 8 of 14 Table 2: Functional Entities’ GMD Mitigation Actions When MISO notifies TOPs, BAs/LBAs, and GOPs in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area of Warning levels of K-8 or higher, they should conduct the following mitigation steps, as necessary: Real-Time Actions (based on results of day-of-event monitoring) 3.6 Role(s) Follow internal procedures. BAs/ LBAs TOPs GOPs Report occurrences of abnormal conditions to the MISO RC; work with RC in determining additional steps to implement, depending upon system conditions. BAs/ LBAs TOPs GOPs RC Manually start fans/pumps on selected transformers to increase thermal margin. Check that oil temperature is above 50°C as forced oil flow at lower temperatures may cause static electrification. BAs/ LBAs GOPs TOPs Remove transformer(s) from service if imminent damage due to overheating (possibly automatic by relaying) is expected. BAs/ LBAs TOPs RC Remove transmission line(s) from service, as necessary. Pay special attention to lines most influenced by GMD. BAs/ LBAs TOPs RC Transmission Operator GMD Operating Procedures/Process Reviews 3.6.1 General 1. Each TOP in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area, whose TOP Area includes a power transformer with a high side wye-grounded winding with terminal voltage greater than 200kV, is responsible for developing, maintaining, and implementing a GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process to mitigate the effects of GMD events on the reliable operation of its respective system. Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 9 of 14 2. MISO provides guidance, as requested by TOPs, while developing a GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process to ensure that GMD events are mitigated consistently throughout the MISO Reliability Coordination Area. 3. The MISO RC reviews the GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process, as requested by TOPs, to ensure that GMD Operating Procedures or Operating Processes are maintained. 3.6.2 GMD Plan Administration 1. TOP submits the GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Plan and the completed worksheet to MISO’s dedicated compliance mailbox:, as indicated in Attachment 2 — MISO Reliability Coordinator Review Checklist for Transmission Operator/ Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process. 2. The MISO RC, or designee, evaluates the Operating Procedure or Operating Process content submitted to ensure it identifies the following key criteria: • Steps or tasks for the TOP to receive forecasted and current weather information through the MCS. • TOP’s system operator actions to be initiated based on predetermined conditions indicated in 3.5 Functional Entities’ GMD Actions to Mitigate the Effects of GMD Events, as applicable, following the implementation of the MISO RC’s GMD Operating Plan. • The conditions for terminating the TOP’s Operating Procedure or Operating Process once conditions return to normal. 3. The MISO RC, or designee, will document the result of the review and identify any issues to resolve in the TOP’s Operating Procedure or Operating Process. 4. Within 30 calendar days of receipt from the TOP, the MISO RC, or designee, will provide the results of the review to the TOP. New or revised versions of the TOP’s Operating Procedures or Operating Processes must be reviewed by the MISO RC prior to becoming effective. Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 10 of 14 4.0 Definitions 1. Functional Entities - as described in this plan, include the following roles in the MISO Reliability Coordination Area: BAs/LBAs, GOPs, and TOPs. 2. GMD Monitor - designated RC responsible to receive and disseminate notifications from The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of possible GMD Watches, Alerts, or Warnings. All K-7 or higher GMD warnings and alerts shall be routed by established procedures by the GMD Monitor to operating entities within the applicable Interconnection. 3. GIC - electrical currents generated in the Earth resulting in solar flares that cause abnormal disturbances in communication, pipeline, railroad signal, and power systems that are grounded to the earth at points remote from each other. 4. Solar flares - a brief eruption of intense high-energy radiation from the sun’s surface, associated with sunspots and causing electromagnetic disturbances on the earth. 5. SWPC - also referred to as the Space Weather Prediction Center, located in Boulder, Colorado, provides solar disturbance forecasting services to the GMD Monitor. 5.0 References 5.1 NERC References 1. EOP-010-1 Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations • • • • R1 [Section 1.0] R1.1 [Section 3.4], [Section 3.5] R1.2 [Section 3.6] R2 [Section 3.1] 2. IRO-005-3.1a Reliability Coordination--Current Day Operations • 5.2 R3 [Section 3.2] MISO References 1. RTO-OP-018 Conservative System Operations Procedure Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 11 of 14 Attachment 1 — MISO Communication System (MCS) Examples Figure 1: Geomagnetic Disturbance Warning Figure 2: Geomagnetic Disturbance Alert Figure 3: Geomagnetic Disturbance Termination Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 12 of 14 Attachment 2 — MISO Reliability Coordinator Review Checklist for Transmission Operator/ Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process 1. Transmission Operators in the MISO Reliability Coordinator Area submit this worksheet, along with their GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process, when their respective Geomagnetic Disturbance Operating Procedure or Operating Process is developed or revised. This worksheet must be submitted to MISO at least 30 calendar days prior to anticipated effective date of the GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process. 2. The white sections of the form should be completed in entirety by the TOP. Type your responses directly into the fields below. 3. Submit your GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Plan and the completed worksheet to MISO’s dedicated compliance mailbox: 4. The MISO RC, or designee, will review the TOP’s GMD Operating Procedure or Operating Process and provide details to identify inconsistencies or incompatibilities with the Operating Procedures and Operating Processes of neighboring TOPs or the MISO Geo-Magnetic Disturbance Operating Plan. 5. “Insufficient” information provided by the TOP will be documented by the MISO RC and sent to the TOP at the earliest convenience of the MISO RC. 6. Once the inconsistencies or incompatibilities are addressed in the TOP’s Operating Procedure or Operating Plan, the MISO RC will document it as “Sufficient” in the review worksheet and provide the MISO RC’s sign-off to the TOP. Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 13 of 14 Figure 4: Example of Form 1031: MISO-TOP GMD Operating Procedure/Process Review Worksheet, page 1 Geomagnetic Disturbance Operations Plan SO-P-AOP-01 Rev: 0 Public Page 14 of 14 Figure 5: Example of Form 1031: MISO-TOP GMD Operating Procedure/Process Review Worksheet, page 2